Games eggs on a plate for Easter. Easter games with eggs. Rolling eggs towards

Easter is a holiday that is usually spent with family and friends at a set table. If there are children among those celebrating, conduct various Easter games and entertainment, do not sit at the table all the time.

The most exciting game Easter is a search for Easter eggs.

Search for Easter eggs and surprises.

You will need colored eggs and small surprise prizes: candy, stickers, small toys, etc. An adult hides Easter eggs and prizes indoors or at a summer cottage in advance, and a child or group of children will have to find them. If there are a lot of children, you can divide them into two teams. Children take the surprises they find for themselves.

The simplest version of the game:

- just hide the gifts in different places. Unusual options for hiding places: stick it with tape under the seat of a chair or put it in the paws of a soft toy.

More complex options games:

Before putting the prize in the cache, tie a thick thread to it, then walk around the apartment with this thread, entangling it with various objects on your way. The child finds the end of the thread and, winding it into a ball, reaches the prize. Use threads of different colors.

You can borrow an idea from the game “Cossacks-Robbers” by marking the path to the surprise with arrows.

The most interesting option is when a child finds a surprise from a series of notes. Moreover, the first note indicates where the second is hidden, the second - where the third, etc. From the last note, the child learns where the cache with the prize is.

Egg rolling game

A traditional Easter game in Rus' is egg rolling. For these purposes, adults made a slide for children with sides on which eggs could be rolled. Small souvenirs and colored eggs were laid out around her on a flat surface. The playing children approached the slide one by one and each rolled their own egg. The winning item was the one the egg touched. The trajectory of the eggs is set by turning the slide.

Game "Spin the Egg"

Two players play. Everyone has their own egg. At the same time, players untwist their Easter eggs on the table. Whoever's egg spins the longest wins. The winner takes the losing player's egg.

You can play not only with two people, but also with three or four people, then the winner takes not just one testicle, but all the eggs of the losers.

Game "Rolling eggs towards"

Another game with Easter eggs. Play on a smooth floor or table. Two players stand opposite each other and roll eggs towards each other. One says: “Christ is risen!”, the other answers him: “Truly he is risen!” The players' task is to push the eggs against each other. Whoever breaks the egg loses and gives it to the winner.

Game "Bowling with Easter Eggs"

Players place their Easter eggs on the line (5-7 pieces). They play in turns. You need to launch your egg and knock some egg out of the line. If a player knocks out an egg, he takes it for himself; if not, then he places his egg in a line. Calculating the trajectory of an egg is not easy, because it does not roll like a ball, so you have to try!

Variations: You can play differently. For example, calculate how many hits it will take for a player to knock all the eggs off the line. The fewer attempts, the better, he wins!

Game "Stop, don't take it"

10-15 children gather and each brings their own colored egg. They are put in one place. One player goes out the door. At this time, the rest wish for one egg. The player enters and begins to take eggs one by one. If he touches the hidden egg, then the whole company shouts: “Stop, don’t take it!” He does not take this egg, the game stops. Now they count how many eggs the player has collected.

The player puts the eggs back and the game continues. Now another player goes out the door and so on, one after another. Whoever collects the most eggs wins.

Note: It is necessary that the eggs are all different so as not to make a mistake.

Club of Passionate Mothers

The brightest holiday has arrived - Easter - the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Undoubtedly, this day is the most important for all Christians in the world and I want to meet it on a positive wave.

How to spend this spring day is interesting not only for children, but also for adults, joint games and fun?

It often happens that mom is busy preparing for the celebration all holiday week: traditional cleaning, baking and preparing Easter cakes leave little time and energy for preparing any special ones.

As a rule, many people try to celebrate Easter Day by organizing barbecues or picnics; our family is no exception. We try to go away from home, breathe in the spring air, admire the blossoming nature and spend the day on the move.

Finding gifts for Easter

Our “Resurrection of Christ” begins with the traditional search for chocolate eggs and a small gift that the Easter bunny “brought.” Ahead of time, dad sketches out a search plan and marks the places where the bunny left a “surprise”. In the morning, Misha “receives” a letter and uses the “map” to look for the hidden thing, there is no limit to his delight and joy!

After the festive breakfast, we head out into the countryside, taking with us only the essentials:

  • supply of food, drinks,
  • minimum sports equipment - toys.

Since, sometimes, it is necessary to walk quite a distance from the parking lot to the playground or picnic site, none of us has any special desire to carry a lot of heavy bags.

Therefore, our games are quite simple and do not require special training or special equipment.

While our son explores the surroundings, we quickly hide the plastic eggs not far from the “camp”.

Game "Search for Eggs"

This game can be played both at home and outside. You first need to stock up on a certain amount of plastic eggs (chocolate eggs, or Kinder Surprise), which need to be hidden in the house or garden (forest, clearing, playground) and a basket (plastic bucket) in which the eggs are collected. The one who collects the most eggs wins.

Game "Jumping in bags"

A very popular and easy to play game. To carry it out, we will need any bags (or pillowcases), before starting the game we need to mark the “start/finish” line and the “turn point”. Players go the distance: “start” - “turn” - “finish”, jumping in bags like a bunny. The first one to jump to the finish line wins.

Game "The Most Accurate Egg Thrower"

To play this game, we need plastic eggs (can be replaced with any small balls, or pebbles, cones), a shallow wide container - a basin, or simply mark the target with improvised materials: lay out stones, twigs, napkins in a circle.

The players' task is to throw as many eggs as possible into a container or hole. The distance from the target to the “start” line is adjusted depending on the age of the player; the younger the player, the closer to the target he can stand when throwing.

Game "Egg Run"

It is also one of our most popular games; to play it you need spoons (wooden or plastic, we have plastic spoons for mixing salads), according to the number of players, and plastic eggs. We also need to mark, as with “jumping in bags,” the “start” line and the “turn” point.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Competitors walk the entire distance with the spoon in which the egg lies on their arm extended forward, without holding the egg with their free hand. The one who dropped the egg begins to “run” from “Start”. The fastest and most agile wins. The smallest children are allowed to hold the egg in the spoon with their hand.

Game "Sorting"

Plastic eggs of different colors are mixed in a basin equal to the number of players. Participants in the game need to select (by hand or spoon) all the eggs of “their” color as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who completes the task first without errors. You can make the task more difficult:

  1. add “extra colors” or objects;
  2. the one who takes out “someone else’s” egg is “punished” - he returns one of his eggs to the basin.

Game "Fishermen-Eggers"

A very calm and interesting game, built on the principle of a fishing game. We will need sticks, at the ends of which wire hooks are attached like a fishing rod. This can be easily done from scrap materials by grabbing a coil of wire from home. Place plastic eggs in a wide container, to which loops of fishing line or thick thread are tied. Players “catch” eggs with a fishing rod, and the luckiest “fisherman” wins.

Game "Rope Walker-Rescue"

The game does not require special preparation; you can easily make do with available materials on the playground: a log or a narrow bench, or just a rope laid out on the floor, or just a line drawn with a stick on the ground or drawn on the asphalt with chalk (at home - wide paper tape , pasted on the floor). This will be our bridge. And several plastic eggs lying in the “nest”.

The essence of the game is “rescue” - transferring eggs from one “shore” to another. We imagine that there is a flood on one side of the bridge, and there are eggs in a nest that we must save. The player’s task is to walk across the bridge, holding the egg on his palms open upward, with his arms spread to the sides. Eggs should not be squeezed into a fist (babies, of course, are an exception). The winner is the one who passes the obstacle without dropping the eggs or falling off the bridge.

Games with paints

As children, we played games related to paints on Bright Resurrection, we beat eggs against each other, and the one whose egg remained intact won. One of my relatives took a spoon instead of an egg and hid it in his hand as if he had an egg painted in a metallic color in his hands, oh, how often we fell for his trick!

Another game was “egg spinning”, at the same time they spun eggs on the table, the one whose egg stopped last won.

More ideas for Easter games with eggs in this video:

What our everyday life and celebrations will be like depends only on ourselves; as a rule, the most memorable and bright moments in our lives do not require enormous effort, special preparation or investment:

  • good mood,
  • willingness to try something new or unusual,
  • a little imagination

Here is a recipe for an unforgettable holiday mood.

I hope that our games will help you spend Christ's Day joyfully and happily, and perhaps some of them will become traditional games for Easter! Happy gaming!

What games do you play with your children at Easter? Tell us in the comments!

Did you like games with children for Easter? Save it to your wall so you don’t forget to play with your kids!

Traditional folk Easter games for children– we develop by playing! Games for children and adults, at home and on the go. Developmental significance of folk Easter games, traditions and symbolism.

Easter is one of the main holidays in our calendar, a day of great joy. Easter is a holiday of renewal and rebirth of life. It opens the door to a new revived life of nature and people.

Easter traditions

Easter traditions in Rus' very rich and interesting. The celebration of Easter in Russia has always included not only a solemn service in church, evoking a feeling of involvement in a miracle, but also many folk games and round dances, customs and beliefs. They include the popular congratulation that has survived to this day - the christening: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly he is risen” (pronounced three times and people kissed three times, congratulating each other), as well as games for children and youth, which, unfortunately, are very rare in modern families. But in vain, since these games are not just interesting, but also truly educational. But not everyone will see this developmental beginning, because to do this you need to look deep into the games, think, watch the children playing! And in this article I will share with you, dear friends, my findings and discoveries :), my experience in using these games in communicating with children and teenagers.

Previously, not only the Easter holiday, but also the entire Easter week that followed it, was filled with entertainment: they danced in circles, swung on swings, walked through the streets singing songs, and went around houses with congratulations. The main entertainment of Easter week was games with colored eggs: rolling from a tray, beating, hiding and guessing eggs. These are unique games, truly educational, entertaining, training ingenuity, sensorimotor coordination, spatial orientation and many other vital qualities and skills. Shall we play together?

Why are Easter children's games games with eggs and where are their origins? The egg is a symbol of Easter, but not only Easter. Some of the blessed eggs were kept throughout the year and used as a talisman against fire or as a talisman for crops against hail. And this is no coincidence - after all, for many peoples, the egg is a symbol of life, the awakening of nature, the earth, the sun. Therefore, all the children's Easter games that have come down to us with an egg, with its rolling on the ground, are a reflection of ancient beliefs and rituals associated with the challenge of the Earth's fertility. Therefore, do not be surprised that in the descriptions of many games you will find actions related to land. Play these games on your walk! But in many games it is quite possible to replace the ground with both the table and the floor (especially if the game is played in kindergarten or at a children's center).

Boys (teenage boys) and girls (girls) had different Easter games. And when playing these games with children now, their gender should also be taken into account. Girls will enjoy watching the boys play, and boys will enjoy watching the girls play, because traditional Easter games are so exciting that the fans will be happy too! You will see this for yourself!>

Easter games: children's folk games for boys.

A traditional Easter game for boys is rolling eggs from a wooden tray. How we play:

  1. We take the gutter. Previously, such a gutter was made of wood. Its length should be 1 meter or more, width approximately 20 cm, edges 3-5 cm high. One end of the gutter is raised above the ground / above the floor by 20 cm. The stand for the gutter can be a stump, log, brick, overturned basin or bucket. Now we can easily replace the wooden gutter with thick cardboard by cutting out a long strip of the required size and folding it in the letter p to form a “pipe-slide”.
  2. We place the eggs of all participants in the game on the table next to our slide (each player places 1 egg). We arrange the eggs so that, rolling down the slide and rolling across the table, the player’s egg could knock down the eggs of the game participants or roll past them (remember modern game in skittles). In the first game, the boys usually place their eggs at random. And later, watching the trajectory of the eggs, they begin to notice where it is better to place their egg.
  3. Each boy sends his egg down our slide (this is done in turns). The player sending the egg must use the egg to knock down one of the eggs of other players in the game placed on the table.
  4. If the boy managed to knock down the egg, he takes the knocked egg for himself and continues the game - he launches his egg down the slide again. If he failed to knock down the egg, then he gives way to the next player. An egg that has rolled down and not knocked down other eggs remains in the game.
  5. The one who collects the most eggs in this game wins.

The game is very exciting and requires observation and skill. Develops sensorimotor coordination. Teaches to experiment, invent, encourages boys to invent new ways of rolling eggs. Our little player tries to win and always successfully rolls his egg down the slide. And for this you need to understand:

- how best to hold your hand,

— from what angle should you throw the egg so that it moves along the desired trajectory,

— at what speed is it better to throw it in order to knock down more eggs of other participants in the game.

And this is the developmental significance of this game. This is a truly educational game - experimentation, a game - an invention for our modern children. In this game they are not asked ready-made method how to do it. They themselves discover from their own experience the most effective method actions, try, search and find it. And this is the main point! Indeed, in life you will often have to look for your own effective way to solve problems and not despair, but strive for victory! Encourage the boys to try different ways of throwing and rolling an egg, test them, observe the successful moves of other players and look for the most effective method! Try to act differently with the egg yourself and find your own successful way. This is also a very exciting activity - a real discovery!

Children's folk Easter games for girls

On Easter, girls and young women enjoyed watching the boys' game of skating from a tray, but they themselves played completely different games.

The first game for girls is beating eggs.

How to play:

  1. Two girls (or a girl and her mother in the modern version of the family) stand facing each other. Each one holds an egg in her fist so that either its “toe” or “heel” is visible. The toe is the sharp end of the egg, and the heel is the blunt end.
  2. They hit the eggs and see whose egg remains intact. The winner whose egg remains intact takes the broken egg for herself.

A version of this game for a group of girls (5-8 people).

  1. The girls choose a “slaughterer” according to a rhyme, who will have her egg in her hands - “slaughtered”.
  2. The slaughterer with her egg - the slaughterer goes around all the participants in the game and knocks her egg on the player’s egg (the players also hold the egg in their fist so that either the heel or the toe of the egg is visible).
  3. The slaughterer goes around everyone until her slaughterer breaks on both sides. Then everyone opens their hands and shows their balls. Place all the broken eggs in a basket. And those girls whose eggs remain intact will win. They take the broken eggs for themselves.

The second game for girls is hiding eggs.

The game requires ingenuity and the ability to navigate in space. The game is similar to blind man's buff.

How to play:

1. An egg is placed on the ground (or in the modern version, on the floor, on a table, on a chair).

2. One girl is blindfolded and taken away from the place where the egg lies. The first time, girls rarely remember the “road”, later they themselves figure out that they need to count steps and remember turns in order to understand where they took you and where the egg is from you.

3. A girl blindfolded goes to the egg. She walks until she decides that she has already approached the egg (no one tells her and no one stops her).

4. Having reached the right place (as she believes), she stops and removes the bandage.

5. Now she needs to get this egg and take it in her hands. If a girl came up to to the right place, then this problem can be solved simply. What if it’s far away? You'll have to be creative to get the egg!

If the girl managed to get the egg, she takes it for herself.

It was believed that winning an egg brings happiness to the home, health and wealth!

And now I’ll tell you about several more very interesting Russian folk Easter games.

More Easter games for children

Egg rolling game.

How to play:

  1. Place the colored eggs in a row at a distance of approximately 8-10 cm from each other.
  2. Move 10, or better yet 20 steps away from them.
  3. Take a small soft ball (patchwork, felt, leather) and roll or throw it. If the ball hits the egg, you win and take this egg for yourself, and your egg remains with you. Then you make the next move.
  4. If your ball does not hit a single egg, then you pass the move to another player. And your egg remains in the general game.
  5. The goal is to collect as many eggs as possible.

This active game develops accuracy, vigilance, ingenuity, sensorimotor coordination, the ability to obey the rules of the game, not to despair in case of failure, the ability to rejoice and empathize with other players. It also requires ingenuity - after all, you need to invent the most deft way of throwing or rolling a ball to hit the target.

Egg twisting.

This game can be played either alone or in a large group. All players spin their eggs at the same time. Whose egg spins the longest is the winner. He takes the loser's egg.

But in order for your egg to spin for a long time, you also need to figure out how best to spin it - place the egg horizontally or vertically, how to hold your hand, etc. Invent! This method is found through trial and error, but it exists! J. I wish you success!

"On the butt."

The game is similar to the previous one, but the task in it is completely different. You need to spin your egg so that it stands “on its butt,” that is, vertically! Whoever succeeds wins and takes the eggs of the losers. Here's another way to develop your ingenuity in the game. Have you figured out how to twist an egg so that it rests on its “butt”? No? Then let's get to work! Start trying! And you will definitely find this way.

Since at the webinar on invention V.A. Kaye, at our Workshop of educational games, I sat next to the author, I saw this method and will give you a little hint. The whole secret is in how you launch the egg (how you hold the egg and what is the position of your hand when launching).

It turns out that not only modern inventors offer this game to children, but the Russian people also invented it a long time ago!


How to play Kono?

  1. Make small depressions (maidans) in the ground. There should be a lot of them. They are located in a semicircle. If there are many participants in the game, then you can make two semicircles (and arrange the recesses in a checkerboard pattern).
  2. Place the eggs on the ground vertically in a semicircle into the resulting depressions
  3. You need to try to knock the egg out of the groove (by rolling your egg or your ball along the groove). If we manage to knock it out, we take the egg for ourselves. If you haven’t knocked out a single egg, then you don’t take anything for yourself, but leave your egg “on the Maidan.”

Stop, don't take it!

Game for a large group - at least 10 people. Very fun game, developing observation skills. You can play with both children and adults.

How to play:

  1. You need eggs, but they must be different for different players (in color, design, etc., so that it is clear where whose egg is).
  2. The driver is selected. He turns away, and the players wish for one egg.
  3. Then the driver comes up and begins to take eggs for himself one by one. When he touches the hidden egg, everyone shouts to him: “Stop, don’t take it!” The driver gives all the eggs back. And another driver is chosen. The game repeats itself.
  4. The winner is the one who collects the most eggs before the words “Stop, don’t take it!”

It is very interesting to play this game with teenagers - in the game they do not just grab the first eggs that come to hand, but carefully observe the players’ reactions - they raise their hand and suddenly remove it, make deceptive moves to catch the players and guess which egg is hidden. And don’t touch this mysterious egg until the last moment.

You can play this game with other objects, for example, in the summer at camp. Everyone will like it. For example, we played this game in the summer even... with the slippers and Panama hats of all the players on the beach :). And everyone was interested!

If you are playing with a small number of players (2-4), then take 3-4 items from each of them, and the game will take place and will be just as entertaining!


  1. Make a gate. To do this, place two twigs (sticks, skittles, glasses or other objects) at a distance of approximately 8 cm. The younger the children are, the wider the collar needs to be made. The older the children, the narrower the collar - slightly wider than an egg.
  2. Install a gutter not far from our gate (the approximate distance from the end of the gutter to the gate is one step).
  3. All players place an egg in a common pile behind the goals at a distance of approximately 30-50 cm.
  4. The player takes his egg from the pile and rolls it along the groove. The task is that the egg must pass through the gate and get into one egg from the pile. Whose egg you hit, you christen/hug and congratulate.

For small children, you can simplify the task and not put the eggs in a pile. For kids, the goal of the game will be to roll the egg so that it ends up in the goal.

Rolling eggs towards you.

Playing in pairs. Each player stands against the wall of the room. One says: “Christ is Risen!” The second one answers him: “Truly he is risen!” After this, the players roll the eggs along the floor towards each other. The goal is for the eggs to meet and collide. Whoever's egg breaks in this case gives it to the winner.

You can play this game with a large group. Then one team stands at one wall, and the other at the other wall. Each pair rolls their eggs towards each other. The task is to roll so that the eggs meet. If this happens, then the couple hugs (christens).

It used to be believed that a person who wins a colored egg in a game ensures health and wealth for the whole year ahead! Play Easter games for children after the holiday in the family, in kindergarten, at school, in the children's center, and you will see how wise and interesting, educational and fun these ancient games were! Let's revive Easter traditions in our families! And let's play with each other, with guests, acquaintances, and children's friends!

In the next article I will talk about another Russian folk game - also a spring, Easter game, associated with the traditions of Krasnaya Gorka. This is a swing game. Also a very educational game! And I’m sure that many of you will like it and will be very useful when walking with your children. I look forward to visiting you again on the “Native Path”!

You can read more about Russian traditions and games for children:


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

In Rus' on Easter they loved to play with Easter eggs. These were very popular entertainments. And some fun things have come down to us. And today children love, for example, to fight with the sharp ends of eggs - who has the stronger egg? We offer several games with Easter eggs.

Egg rolling is an old Easter pastime. This game has always been popular in Rus'. A low slide is built and a groove is placed (see photo). Children take turns releasing their Easter eggs. Whose egg rolls the farthest wins. The winner can take all the “losing” eggs for himself.

Another version of the game. Small prizes are placed near the slide: toys, sweets or Easter eggs. The eggs are launched down the slide one by one. If an egg rolls down a slide and touches a prize, then the owner of the egg takes this prize for himself.

Spin the egg
Two players play. Everyone has their own egg. At the same time, players untwist their Easter eggs on the table. Whoever's egg spins the longest wins. The winner takes the losing player's egg.

You can play not only with two people, but also with three or four people, then the winner takes not just one testicle, but all the eggs of the losers.

Rolling eggs towards each other
. Play on a smooth floor or table. Two players stand opposite each other and roll eggs towards each other. One says: “Christ is risen!”, the other answers him: “Truly he is risen!” The players' task is to push the eggs against each other. Whoever breaks the egg loses and gives it to the winner

Hide eggs in the garden
One of the adults hides painted Easter eggs in the garden (or in the house), and the children look for them. What you find is yours. You can also give a prize to the person who finds the most eggs. Or, if there are a lot of children, divide them into teams. The main thing in this game is hide and seek itself, because children really love to play hide and seek and look for something.

“Bowling” with Easter eggs Players place their Easter eggs on the line (5-7 pieces). They play in turns. You need to launch your egg and knock some egg out of the line. If a player knocks out an egg, he takes it for himself; if not, then he places his egg in a line. Calculating the trajectory of an egg is not easy, because it does not roll like a ball, so you have to try!

Variations: You can play differently. For example, calculate how many hits it will take for a player to knock all the eggs off the line. The fewer attempts, the better, he wins!

Stop, don’t take it! The guys (10-15 people) gather and each bring their own colored egg. They are put in one place. One player goes out the door. At this time, the rest wish for one egg. The player enters and begins to take eggs one by one. If he touches the hidden egg, then the whole company shouts: “Stop, don’t take it!” He does not take this egg, the game stops. Now they count how many eggs the player has collected.
The player puts the eggs back and the game continues. Now another player goes out the door and so on, one after another. Whoever collects the most eggs wins.

Note: It is necessary that the eggs are all different so as not to make a mistake.

Ainura Akmatova

The most important holiday in our calendar has arrived, a day of great joy - Easter. A holiday for adults and children! Unfortunately, lately, the traditions of the great celebration of this wonderful event have been forgotten, although it is a great pity. For today's children, first of all, Easter means Easter cakes and colored eggs. I believe that everyone living in this country should know folk traditions from an early age and skillfully celebrate them as required by customs. After all, not every child knows that the main attribute for many games and fun in Rus' has long been the Easter egg. To expand and enrich the children's knowledge, I conducted a number of events - in an accessible and interesting form, I told and showed how Easter was celebrated in Rus', how throughout the holiday the children played Russian folk games, sang songs, and rolled Easter eggs. The children were very interested and wanted us to play such games. And we played.

Game "Spin the Egg"

We sat in a circle. Each child has his own egg. At the same time, everyone untwisted their Easter eggs. The principle of the game is that the one whose egg spins the longest wins.

Game "Rolling eggs towards"

Two players sit opposite each other and roll eggs towards each other. One says: “Christ is risen!”, the other answers him: “Truly he is risen!” The players' task is to push the eggs against each other. Whoever breaks the egg loses and gives it to the winner.

Game "Hit the Target"

Children place their Easter eggs on one line. They play in turns. You need to launch your egg and knock some egg out of the line. If a player knocks out an egg, he takes it for himself; if not, then he places his egg in a line. Calculating the trajectory of an egg is not easy, because it does not roll like a ball, so you have to try!

Game "Fastest Easter Egg"

The point of the game is to “push” as close as possible and bring your Easter egg closer to the prize. In our case, everyone was a winner!

And finally everyone famous game "The Strongest Easter Egg" Essentially, this is a battle of eggs. The main rule is that each participant can only use one Easter egg. This is a game for the winner.

The winner of all the games was the clever owner of the red Easter egg - Nikolai!

And these are the “Easter ladies in hats” - the main judges of children's games.
