Infinity blade 2 walkthrough. Tips and tricks. Game Plague inc. Kill all people by developing your own virus or terrible disease

Infinity Blade 2 is an action role-playing game, a sequel to the game Infinity Blade, published by Chair Entertainment in collaboration with Epic Games. This game was created as an exclusive for iOS platforms, and not on all Apple devices. This is due to the fact that the game was created on the Unreal Engine 3, which is not supported on outdated gadgets. The first update to version 1.0.1 was on December 4, 2011. The game was first presented at the presentation of the new iPhone 4S as an exclusive, showing all the possibilities of this product. It was released on December 1, 2011.


The plot of Infinity Blade 2 is a sequel to Infinity Blade. The young warrior Siris travels with the Infinity Blade, taken from the God-King, seeking answers to his questions, namely, he wants to know his origin and the location of the Keeper of Secrets. His girlfriend also travels with him, about whom little is known (her name is Isa). Siris wanted to find out from the information dealer about the location of the Keeper of Secrets. After killing all her warriors, he seeks an answer to the question, but Saidhi (information dealer) tries to kill him, but he manages to defeat her. Then, having found a hole for the Infinity Blade, Siris inserts it there. Suddenly the God-Tsar appears, once killed by Siris. But the enemy returned to life because he is immortal. And, taking his sword from Siris, he tried to kill him, but Isa, appearing on the roof of a nearby house, killed him herself with a crossbow shot. Over the course of several times, the hero comes to life in an unknown place. After his resurrection, Siris goes to the former castle of the God King, on the advice of Saydha, whom he killed. The castle changed a lot after his death (even the owner changed). He knows that in the castle, in prison, a certain Keeper of Secrets is imprisoned, who can help him get rid of the tyranny of the Immortals. To do this, the player needs to destroy three guardians and one more - the supreme governor. Next, the player finds himself in a prison under the tower and sees the Guardian. After talking with him, Siris learns from the conversation that in a past life he knew the Guardian. After a long conversation, main character understands that in order to free the Guardian, it is necessary for Raidriar (the real name of the God King) to take his place. The main character goes to the place where at the beginning of the game he met the God King. There he knocks on the bell. Raidriar appears in front of the hero and a battle begins, as a result of which the God King lost and Siris hit him with his own blade, after which Raidriar lost consciousness. Siris delivers the opponent to the castle, to the Guardian, but the Guardian deceives him and takes possession of the Infinity Blade. Afterwards, the Guardian says that it was Siris who put him in this prison, locks the hero and the God-Tsar in the prison where he himself once sat and leaves... In the next frame, the same companion of Siris appears at the approach to the castle.

IN latest update a new storyline was added. A laser weapon became available to the hero, and several new bosses were added.

Game process

The gameplay is not much different from the first part, but nevertheless, the ability to fight in two new ways was added to the game (two swords and heavy weapons). If desired, you can leave the classic weapons (sword and shield). This is one of the main innovations. Also added to the game is the ability to use gems that give different effects.

  • All game process straightforward and goes in circles - rebirths (Rebirth). Upon completion of the revival (the hero dies or passes storyline) the game starts again, but taking into account the preservation of weapons, money and experience.
  • The game is controlled using swipes and buttons.
  • Swipe - moving your finger across the screen. Each swipe does a different strike: (Top, Bottom, Right, Left and Diagonal)
  • The game provides three types of protection from enemies. The first is moving to the side, the second is protecting with a shield, the third is reflecting a blow from the hero’s weapon using a swipe.
  • There are also five types of enemies in the game. The first type is a knight. This is an enemy with one sword and shield. The second type is a giant. The giant has only one weapon (for example, a two-handed staff). As a rule, giants reach enormous sizes. The third type is a knight with two swords. They are very flexible and their blow is the most difficult to parry. They perform many acrobatic techniques. The fourth type is a Knight with a two-handed sword. A serious opponent, but any of his blows can be blocked. Fifth - various creatures that reach enormous sizes. They are found in the arena and also as one of the titans. Their blows can be reflected, but only with dual weapons with a special gem.


The plot of Infinity Blade 2 is a continuation of Infinity Blade. The young warrior Siris travels with the Infinity Blade (actually, the Infinity Blade) - the only weapon in the world capable of killing immortals, which he took from the God King in the first part of the game. Siris wants to overthrow the tyranny of the immortals, for which he needs to find out the location of the Keeper of Secrets, the creator of the Infinity Blade and the ancient enemy of the immortals. Also traveling with him is his girlfriend, about whom little is said in the game, named Isa. The road leads them to an information dealer, Saidhi, who loves fights. If Siris defeats her champions, then she will answer any of his questions. Siris wins the duels, but, having answered the question about the whereabouts of the Keeper of Secrets, Saidhi tries to kill him, since she herself is immortal, and the Keeper is their enemy, but Siris manages to defeat her too. Then, having found a pedestal with a niche that follows the shape of the Infinity Blade, Siris inserts it there. The pedestal goes underground, and suddenly the God-Tsar appears, once killed by Siris. The enemy returned to life because he is immortal. Having taken his sword from Siris, the God King tried to kill him, but Isa, appearing on the roof of a nearby house, kills Siris herself with a crossbow shot. Unexpectedly, the hero comes to life in an unknown place and realizes that he himself is immortal (all this is described in more detail in the book Infinity Blade: Awakening, in the game it is just a prologue).

After his resurrection, Siris goes to the Crypt of Tears in Sarantia - a stronghold that Saidhi pointed him to. He knows that in the castle, in prison, a certain Keeper of Secrets is imprisoned, who can help him get rid of the tyranny of the Immortals. Rising to the top of the crypt tower, Siris meets Thane there, the owner of the fortress and the head of one of the houses of the immortals. Siris wins, but the defeated Thane says that a mortal cannot open the dungeon. Siris touches the seal and dies, but is reborn again. Now he will have to fight with three blood sentinels, each of whom guards the seal that locks the dungeon. During the battle with the first bloodguard, the Archivist, a dialogue occurs in which the Archivist says that he recognized a certain Osar in Siris. Having defeated the bloodguards, Siris returns to the top of the tower and meets Thane there again. Siris exclaims that he has already killed Thane, to which he notices that Siris also died before his eyes. Thane also says that if Siris wants to free the Guardian in order to learn its secrets, then he is an even bigger fool than Thane thought. Having defeated him again, Siris goes down to the prison under the tower and sees the Guardian. The wounded Thane jumps into the dungeon after the player, they begin to fight again, but the Guardian intervenes in the fight and kills Thane forever, showing his power to destroy immortals. The Guardian tells Siris that he was once his friend, the immortal Osar, but apparently lost his memory. The Guardian also explains that in order to free him, it is necessary for another immortal to take his place, and offers to bring Raidriar (the real name of the God-King) to the dungeon, but it is necessary that he be alive.

Siris returns to Saydhi's estate, where he met the God King at the beginning of the game. There he knocks on the bell, calling Reidriar to show himself. He appears along with his servants in front of the hero and a battle begins, as a result of which the God King lost, and Siris, snatching the Infinity Blade from him, stunned him with a blow from the hilt. The hero delivers the enemy to the castle, to the Guardian, but the Guardian deceives him and takes possession of the Infinity Blade. Afterwards, the Guardian says that it was Osar (Siris) who put him in this prison, locks the hero and the God-King in the prison where he himself once sat and leaves...

In the last frame, Isa appears on the approaches to the castle.


Cyris(eng. Siris) - main character series. In the first part, he considers himself a descendant of a dynasty called to fight the God-Tsar. His father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc., having reached a certain age, went on a journey with the goal of getting to the King God and challenging him, in the hope of defeating him in a duel. It is Siris, after many generations of his ancestors, who defeats the God-King. As the plot develops, he learns that he was once an immortal tyrant named Osar the Vile(English: Ausar The Vile), but was defeated by Reidriar and lost his memory, and everyone he considered his ancestors was himself, it’s just that every time after defeat he was reborn as a baby with an erased memory, and his supposed “mother”’s memory changed, so the girl began to think that the baby in her arms was her son from previous hero. He constantly went to fight with Reidriar, because he hated him for his defeat, and even erasing his memory after rebirth could not overcome this hatred.

King God or Radriar(eng. Raidriar, The God King) - the antagonist of the first two parts of the game. Reidriar is the head of the Pantheon: a conglomerate of the seven strongest immortals, due to which he received the name King God. He is the ruler of vast territories and the owner of the Infinity Blade, one of the pillars of his power. In the first part of the game, he sat in his fortress and waited until the next hero from the Siris family reached him (he also did not know that Siris was Osar, believing that this entire family were the descendants of some immortal who violated taboo and fathered a child with a mortal). Each death of representatives of this kind charged the Infinity Blade with power, thanks to which it could kill immortals. But for this power to work, one more, final, victim was needed - Siris. This is why Reidriar did not die in the first part: the Blade was not yet charged. But Siris, without knowing it, nevertheless loaded it in the dungeons of the castle of the God-Tsar, killing with it one of his ancestors, who went over to the side of Reidriar. Watching Siris on his journey, Reidriar realized that he was Osar, and the Saydhi estate was a trap to capture Osar and finally kill him with the help of the Blade, but his plans were thwarted by Isa.

Isa(eng. Isa) - Siris’s companion at the very beginning of the game. In the book Infinity Blade: Awakening, it is revealed that she tried to steal the Infinity Blade from Siris, but when she failed, she began traveling with him in order to take the Blade from his corpse when he was killed. Until then, she promised to help Siris on his journey. It was Isa who suggested that information about the Keeper of Secrets could be obtained from Saidhi. She realized during their journey that Siris was immortal, which is why she killed him at the beginning of the game so that Raidriar would not kill him with the activated Infinity Blade forever. She also dragged Siris’s body to the “Temple of Rebirth”, in which he is reborn every time during the game (in the game this moment is omitted - Siris always appears alone and he himself realizes that he is immortal, whereas in the book Isa told him all this when his first revival).

Thane(eng. Thane) - guardian of the Crypt of Tears, in which the Keeper of Secrets, one of the seven members of the Pantheon, is imprisoned. Introduces himself as "the first blood of the Immortals, the High Lord of House IX, and the shield of the Great Pact." "first blood of the Deathless, high lord of House Ix, and shield of the Great Pact"). Killed by the Keeper of Secrets at the end of the game.

Archivist(eng. Archivist) - the first bloodguard, guard of the triangular seal. He is an eternal man - he is not reborn like immortals, but lives unusually long for a mortal (in English he was called immortal, while immortals are deathless). The archivist reveals that this was once the home of the most vile evil that the world bore. Many centuries ago, Raidriar defeated it on the plains of Koroth and it disappeared. Many believed that evil had been defeated, but the Archivist questioned whether this was so. It was about Osar the Vile, whom he identified as Siris during the battle. Killed by Siris.

Stone Demon(eng. Stone Demon) - the second bloodguard, guard of the round seal. The only plot character without dialogue. Killed by Siris.

Goliath M-Ex(eng. MX-Goliath) - the third bloodguard, guard of the square seal. In fact, the Bloodguard is an exo-pilot sitting inside a Goliath robot. Meeting him, Siris invites the exo-pilot to take his side and fight against the immortals. But the pilot refuses, saying that he is not interested in their feuds, and his highest goal is to protect the Great Pact and this tower from anyone who encroaches on them. After this the battle begins. At the end of the fight, Siris jumped on Goliath and impaled him with a weapon in front of the cockpit, so that the exo-pilot was killed.

Saidhi(eng. Saydhi) - information dealer, one of the immortals. She loves fights, which is why she has made a rule that she will answer the question of anyone who defeats her champion. Killed by Siris in the prologue.

TEL(eng. TEL) - transgolem, servant of Osar, and later Siris. In the game it flashes in some locations, following Siris in the distance. Comes out to talk once when the player collects a set of armor and weapons from Osar the Vile and tries to get into the secret room hidden under the tomb. TEL advises Siris not to go there, as it may bring back unpleasant memories (in the room there is a statue of Osar and his wife, whom he killed). It is TEL who drags Siris’ body after his death to the rebirth chamber, and it was he who erased his memory and changed the memory of his “mothers” in the first part of the game.

Rit(eng. Ryth) - immortal blade master (eng. Deathless Blademaster). He is looking for a meeting with Siris out of sport, since he is the strongest swordsman in the world, and there are rumors that a nameless immortal with legendary fighting skills is wandering around the Crypt of Tears. The Great Pact and the goals of Siris do not interest him. Appears under two conditions: the bloodguard Goliath M-Ex must be defeated and at the beginning of the revival Siris must have lightsabers in his hands (lightsaber) or kill Goliath M-Ex after the Archivist and before the Stone Demon (the method was recently discovered). If the conditions are met, then at the beginning of the revival his ship flies by and lands in the Goliath M-Ex hangar, where he can be found.

Game process

The gameplay is not much different from the first part, but two new types of weapons have been added to the game, changing the style of combat - a two-handed weapon (with it you cannot dodge attacks, and instead of one block, three different ones appear, which are used depending on the direction of the enemy’s strike) and dual weapons (with dual weapons, the ability to block attacks disappears, but a third direction for evasion appears). If desired, you can leave the classic weapons (sword and shield). The game has also added the ability to use gems, which, when inserted into equipment, give various effects.

  • The entire gameplay is straightforward and goes in circles - rebirths (Rebirth). Upon completion of the revival (the hero dies or completes the storyline), the game begins again, but with the preservation of items, money and experience.
  • Any battle can be replayed, except for battles with bosses: if the player dies while fighting the bloodguard, then he is reborn and begins his journey again.
  • The game is controlled using swipes and buttons.
  • Swipe - moving your finger across the screen. Each swipe does a different strike: (Top, Bottom, Right, Left and Diagonal)
  • The game provides three types of protection from enemies. The first is dodging a blow, the second is blocking a blow, the third is reflecting a blow with the hero’s weapon using a swipe.

There are also four types of enemies in the game.

  • The first type is regular, and the second is large opponents. They differ in size, and also in the fact that larger enemies have more block-piercing blows. Both are divided into four subtypes:
    • with a sword and shield - the most common and balanced opponents, but do not underestimate them: these include Thane and Raidriar;
    • with two swords - they deliver many weak blows, which quickly breaks the shield; also, due to the abundance of acrobatic techniques, it is more difficult to predict the direction of the blow and, accordingly, dodge or parry it, these include the Archivist and Rit;
    • with a two-handed sword - they often use all kinds of kicks that cannot be parried and are difficult to dodge;
    • with a staff - a combination of acrobatics and heavy blows with weapons, these include Saidhi.
  • The third type is giants. Giants have one two-handed weapon, which they use to hit slower than others, but inflict a lot of damage. These include the Stone Demon.
  • The fourth is monsters (monstrosity), which reach enormous sizes. Their blows cannot be repelled without special weapons. Also, they can try to swallow the hero, in this case you need to quickly tap on the screen (tap - quickly touch the screen), trying to unclench his jaws, otherwise death is inevitable. The monsters include Goliath M-Ex, but it does not use swallow. Also, in the arena, a monster always comes out of the cage.

The game is a continuation of the first part of the Blade series, which is incredibly popular in Asia. In 2014, it broke a sales record, exceeding 125 million copies sold.


The second part of the series differs significantly from the first, as it received a huge number of innovations. First of all, it is worth noting that the developers have improved the isometric gameplay. In addition, they made a huge number of small changes and fixes.

As for the graphical component, it also promises to be more beautiful and realistic. Combat clashes will undoubtedly become even more spectacular.

The game was originally supposed to be released in 2016, but this did not happen because the developers failed to meet the deadline. As a result, the release was postponed to 2017.

According to rumors, this happened because the developers were quite rightly afraid of financial losses, since games on the Android OS are quickly hacked and distributed for free.


The game is a sequel to the incredibly popular MMORPG, so a lot is expected from it. It combines several genres at once, such as slasher, RPG and action. Here players can expect even more content in the form of powerful weapons and mystical objects. Of course, users will finally be able to enjoy new plot twists.

On our website you can download the game Infinity Blade 2 for Android.

My relationship with the iPad is extremely simple. The Apple tablet is a very convenient thing, but I use it mostly for surfing the Internet. Fast, convenient, affordable. Games have always been somewhere in the background, and most of them are free products or cut-down “free” copies. Well, what’s the point in buying paid and sometimes expensive projects if App Store offers lots of free goodies? Killing time on a long trip is just the thing. Zombie GS, FLCommando, Angry Birds Free, Mafia Rush, Snuggle Truck - the list goes on and on. But still, sometimes you want to treat yourself to something interesting and exciting for about $6.99. This was exactly the price for the Infinity Blade II toy, listed in the “Action” category.

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II Review

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II review

I somehow missed the first part of Infinity Blade, and, to be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to the second. But they said a lot of good things about this project, so I decided to use the capabilities of my iPad to the fullest and turned it into a full-fledged gaming platform for a while. What came of it? The joint project from Chair Entertainment and Epic Games surprised me literally right away. Amazement No. 1 – gorgeous graphics with careful design of the game world and amazing special effects. Surprise #2 - I understood absolutely nothing in terms of the plot narrative. This is probably natural, since the first part flew past me with a whistle. A man clad in armor from head to toe communicates with his faceless partner, who persistently motivates him to achieve some accomplishments. Well, okay, let’s trust the principle “go there - I don’t know where, find that - I don’t know what.” Having punished several assorted opponents of varying degrees of horror, we get to either a man or an aunt with a man’s voice, after which some gentlemen appear who take away the sword from the medieval Iron Man, and the main character is eventually killed by his partner with a shot from a crossbow straight into a lobeshnik. Finita la comedy! What was that now? Further more. The main character, who had died by this time, suddenly returns to life in the middle of a room filled with strange mechanisms. Then there is a sharp transition to a bright and sunny world, where some kind of tower or castle looms on the horizon. You can't figure it out without half a liter.

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II Review

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II review

Only later did I find out that there was a certain great and terrible King of the Gods, whom the protagonist’s father tried to kill, but unsuccessfully. Inflamed with righteous hatred, Cyris (that’s what GG is called) decided to avenge his father’s death. Gathering all his will into a fist, he went and destroyed the enemy, taking away the very Infinity Blade, or Infinity Blade, from the defeated adversary. In the second part, Tsarek Bozhkov decided to be revived (they all have saves, or something) and punish the impudent man, which he, in fact, did. The sword migrated into the unreliable hands of the enemy of all humanity, and Cyris’s partner personally shot the only hope of this humanity. As it turned out later, it was just make-believe. Taking control of a warrior clad in steel, the player must return to the villain’s castle, take away the sword and destroy everyone and everything, learning at the same time the secret of his origin from a certain Keeper of Secrets. Brrr.

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II Review

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II review

Getting to the main enemy's castle is quite simple. The location is a creature, the location is a creature, here we are at the gate. And not the location is a creature, but at the location there is a creature. Having killed opponents that are unimaginable in their design, you can move forward. In fact, the entire gameplay consists of this. We point at the flickering blue circle, move on and see the enemy. If everything is in order with your health, we make another measured push and begin a mortal battle. Frantically flailing my fingers across the screen, I dealt blow after blow to some cuckold who just didn’t want to die. Blocking with a shield, avoiding a strike using a special icon, a combo strike of three consecutive finger movements - the enemy is defeated and lies in a smoking heap at his feet. Victory, you know.

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II Review

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II review

Every new enemy has a certain level and unique combat skill, so it is not always possible to calculate the enemy’s actions several steps ahead. Sometimes you come across such ugly teeth and fangs that you don’t know how to behave with them. They pierce the shield, wipe out the entire health bar, and then voluptuously savor the body of poor Cyris in their mouths. Some crazy lvls - 75, 80, 100, although the character has just reached the top ten. The only salvation is the use of magic and a special series of blows. By furiously drumming on the screen, we gradually fill the circle with the ability to the limit, then use the skill on the enemy. Not only is the damage dealt quite strong, but also a few precious seconds appear when you can hit your opponent in the face with impunity.

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II Review

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II review

If the use of special talents is impossible at some point, you should cope on your own. There is one thing to consider here important point, which significantly affects the gameplay. By default, the player wields a sword and shield, so the fighting style is based on containing and further wearing down the enemy, followed by a lightning-fast counterattack. But blocking with a shield does not always save you, and if you run out of action points, then Cyris can be written off as scrap. It is quite rare to fend off enemy blows with your blade, and dodging, in my opinion, is useless. No matter how much I tried to avoid the blows, nothing meaningful came of it. If you have already reached the end of the particularly strong creations of the developers’ peculiar imagination, you can pick up a two-handed weapon. Slow and sweeping blows cause enormous damage to the enemy, but this is a double-edged sword - there is no protection, there is not enough speed, and the damned mutants still do not calm down. The most effective method fighting, in my opinion, is using two swords at the same time. Then Cyris turns into a chopping machine and chops everything that moves into pate. It becomes much easier to parry blows, fortunately you have two blades in your hands. As a last resort, you can change weapon sets by tinkering with your inventory before the battle. There, by the way, you can purchase new equipment for money that is earned in the process of Cyris’s valiant adventures. A cancer has power in its claw, a rich man has power in his purse, so you need to greedily eliminate all enemies within your reach, and do it as harshly and angrily as possible - they will give you more money. For currency, you can pick up new sets of armor, helmets, shields, swords, and so on. Bottles for replenishing health are also purchased here.

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II Review

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II review

The most interesting items– rings and bracelets with magical properties. By putting on a more expensive ring, the player can get a new spell, or even all three, and not only combat ones. Constantly spending money on healing potions takes a significant toll on your wallet, so magic in the form of self-medication is very useful.

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II Review

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II review

It is necessary to mention that during the passage you can find various chests, which contain not only keys of different colors (needed to open more useful boxes), but also all kinds of pebbles of different shapes. They provide a small, but still quite useful increase in stats. If there are a lot of stones, you don’t mind spoiling them, but you have a lot of money - you are welcome to make your own “stone”, using the crafting menu available here. The process of smelting a new artifact takes some time, but it can be completed for a certain amount of money.

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II Review

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II review

There is another important point related to the development of the character's level. In Infinity Blade II, it is not the character itself that is upgraded, but equipment and weapons. After several hours spent in the game, I collected a fairly large amount of experience for as many as two lvl ups, but Cyris’ level did not increase. Connecting this with a complete study of all the components of the ammunition, I changed the set, and a miracle happened - the experience, my dear, began to be used for its intended purpose. As a piece of advice, you shouldn’t immediately buy all the most powerful and expensive things. Having pumped up the papal gear, there is simply nowhere to develop further. All that remains is regression and the transition to cheaper things.

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II Review

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II review

When I reached the angry leader of some floor there, I was surprised to find that after killing him, the game was over. "And it's all?" – I asked myself with annoyance. Information from the category “six months later” appeared on the screen, and my hero stood in the same place where the game began. Only the enemy has changed. Instead of a horned brute, there is a three-meter robot-like giant with a hammer in his hands. Having overpowered himself, he set out along the already traveled path, meeting completely different opponents. In the castle, in addition to the already explored passages and doors, completely new paths opened up, previously unmarked. To get to new locations you need to follow beaten paths, and believe me, you have to do this very often. If you are attacked by some average enemy, you will be offered to respawn from the last autosave, but as soon as you kill a story character (or, conversely, die at his hands), you are again transferred to the ill-fated path. And so on ad infinitum, until you explore the entire castle.

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II Review

I will die a hundred times, but I will achieve my goal. Infinity Blade II review

Instead of the result: Infinity Blade II, I'm glad you appeared on my tablet. You are beautiful, you are stylish, although sometimes boring. There is some secret hidden in you that will live even under a pile of all kinds of spoilers. I would have met you earlier, but I was too biased towards iOS games. Now we will go on all sorts of trips with you. I'm sure we'll become friends.

Infinity Blade III was first presented to the public on September 10 at an Apple presentation as a game that reveals the full power of the new 64-bit A7 processor, which is equipped with the company's new flagship iPhone 5S, and appeared in the App Store on September 18, half a day before the official release of iOS 7.

The final part of the trilogy remained exclusive to iOS, but, fortunately, did not become a game only for the lucky owners of the latest smartphone - owners of simpler devices, up to the iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPad mini and iPod touch 4, will be able to enjoy it. Of course, on In them, it will not look so impressive and will most likely slow down, but the developers have tried to ensure that as many fans of the series as possible can become familiar with the end of this epic story.

In our review you will find a detailed story about the differences and innovations of the just released game.

Let’s dot all the i’s right away: Infinity Blade III – the final part of the trilogy, which received the name “Infinity Blade III” in the Russian App Store – is still the same Infinity Blade that we saw in the first and second parts.

The third part differs from the second, just as much as the second at one time differed from the first, and no more. Yes, the plot has become larger and more intricate, the world is larger and more diverse, the graphics are even cooler, new locations, characters, opponents and weapons have appeared, but the basic gameplay remains exactly the same. Fortunately, no foreign elements inspired by the buried Infinity Blade: Dungeons appeared. It's still the same Infinity Blade we love, only bigger and better than before.

Two heroes

The main innovation of the third part is 2 main characters. But there is no control of two fighters at once in the game - on any journey the player controls only one character, while the second one goes about his business at this time. Some missions are available only for a certain hero, and before starting others you can choose which of your charges will go on the mission.

Under the command of the player are two Immortals: the warrior Siris - the end-to-end protagonist of the trilogy - and his fighting friend Isa, who first appeared in the second part, in which she was a purely plot, non-playable character.

Unlike Siris, who traditionally plays the role of a warrior-knight, Isa is a typical fantasy thief: she sneaks more often than she walks, chooses unobvious paths, is able to open chests without keys, is armed with twin blades by default, and actively uses kicks and acrobatic tricks in battle. , carries a crossbow with him and is not shy about putting a bolt into an unsuspecting enemy before every fight.


In the third part, the plot became even more confusing and in some places resembles the signature “Santa Barbara”. Judge for yourself. Warrior Siris is the reincarnation of his distant ancestor, the Immortal Osar (Auzar), who became famous in his time for first betraying the other Immortals by teaming up with the Worker of Secrets, who forged the Infinity Blade - a weapon capable of killing the unkillable, and then betrayed the Guardian secrets, imprisoning him in the Crypt of Tears and taking possession of the Infinity Blade. Subsequently, Osar was defeated by the God-King Reidriar, who was then (in the first part of the game) killed by Siris himself.

The main villain of Infinity Blade III is the Keeper of Secrets, whom Siris diligently searched for in the second part of the game. Let me remind you that his release from the Crypt of Tears did not bring anything good to our hero - first, the saved one sent Siris for the resurrected King God, and when he defeated him and brought him to him, the Keeper of Secrets imprisoned both in the Crypt of Tears in order to take revenge on Osar, who imprisoned him, the new the embodiment of which, as mentioned above, is Siris.

Siris and Reidriar spent 10 years in joint imprisonment until they were freed by the protagonist’s associate Isa, the second protagonist of Infinity Blade III. Siris and Reidriar forgot about their previous feuds and united against a common enemy. The third part begins with the fact that the same God-King, whom we defeated twice in the previous parts, sacrifices himself to help Siris defeat the Keeper of Secrets, who created many new Infinity Blades to arm his minions, and seeks to destroy all life on the planet to start all over again.

Siris and Isa will have to go through many battles, collect all the Infinity Blades, reveal all the secrets, defeat the Keeper of Secrets and save their home world.


The gameplay has not undergone any significant changes. We still admire the surroundings and the fantastic light while the character walks from point to point, simultaneously turning the camera, looking for bags of gold and other useful things. We decide where to go at the forks, open locked chests and doors if we have the appropriate keys, and fight various types of enemies. If the hero dies, then we are reborn (both Siris and Isa are Immortals) and try again until we defeat all opponents and advance further.

Infinity Blade III has retained the same scope and epicness - travel and battles, as usual in games in the series, take place among majestic landscapes and inside gigantic buildings with cyclopean proportions, the heroes are confronted by huge enemies, and nothing less than the fate of the whole world is at stake.

Unlike previous parts, heroes are now reborn in the Vault. There is a map here, which is a kind of menu in which you can choose the next action - go to perform story mission, pass the test, take part in the next clash mob or aegis tournament.

Tests are a mode in which you need to complete a certain task in battle, for example, make an nth number of repulses of a blow. Depending on your results, you will receive a set reward.

Clashmob is an asynchronous multiplayer mode, well known to fans of the second part. The results of the players’ individual actions (except for battles with different conditions, this may include collecting bags of gold) are summed up, and if the number of points accumulated in this way reaches the established level, then all participants receive a reward.

The Aegis Tournament is new mode, which is a test in several stages, with only those players who score the required number of points moving to the next stage. Only the most skillful and persistent, who successfully complete all stages, receive a reward.

In addition to the map, the Vault also has other “infrastructure”. The tower houses the Potions Master's laboratory, where the heroes are revived. The tower's resident also creates potions from ingredients collected by the heroes during their travels. In Infinity Blade III, in addition to gold, the player can also collect boxes with ingredients. Red ingredients restore health, green ones restore magic, blue ones increase strength, yellow ones increase defense, and rare ones are used to enhance the effect of the potion being created. The tooltip in Items gives incorrect information: the effects of blue and red ingredients are somehow swapped.

To make a potion, you need to throw the ingredients into the “flask” and start the transmutation process. The creation of potions occurs in real time (minimum 5 minutes). You can speed up the process by paying with the new game currency - chips (minimum 1 piece).

Sometimes between missions a ship with a merchant arrives. From her (yes, the merchant here is a languid, sultry woman) you can buy things at discounts or sell weapons and armor that the heroes have mastered. You can no longer simply sell them at any time in the game - this is another innovation.

Later, a blacksmith who helps improve weapons and a jeweler who deals with stones will appear in the Vault - characters that contrast very strongly with each other.


The combat system remains exactly the same. We still cover ourselves with a shield until it breaks, dodge or parry the enemy's blows until he "opens up", then hit him with swipes, then this cycle repeats. When the magic or special strike scale is filled, we use them.

Now, in order to make a successful combo, you need to not only tap on the designated places on the enemy’s body, but also swipe every other time in the indicated direction. At the same time, for variety, there can be combos only on taps or only on swipes.

There may be some small surprises during the battle. For example, the enemy may break his battle scythe, and he will exchange it for paired blades, which will change the blows he inflicts, and he will need to rebuild to a new way of action.


The top menu button with the game logo brings up the character micromanagement menu. Items contain weapons (light, heavy, dual) and protective equipment (shields, helmets, armor), as well as magic rings and stones; Items contain potions, keys, ingredients, cards and prize wheels. In Skills you can distribute skill points and view stats, and in Goals you can see completed and current tasks received, as well as their progress.

Things are bought, as before, for money, but to purchase items the already mentioned chips are required. Moreover, the latter are issued only for achieving goals.

It is important that the heroes have separate things and skills, but common objects and goals.

All weapons and armor presented in the game were divided between two characters. Perhaps there are more things in total, but there are clearly fewer of them for each character. And the bias towards Isa is clearly visible - she got more new things that were not in the previous parts, and she also has more hidden things. It is noteworthy that Isa has bracers instead of most of her shields.

Perhaps the developers will, like in previous games, add new things with updates.

All items have now received a level, which indicates whether the character has “grown up” to use a particular sword, shield or helmet.

Hero Development

The simple role-playing system has become a little more complicated, but remains just as transparent and intuitive. Skills have been added to the main stats (Health, Attack, Shield, Magic), which now need to be pumped up instead of stats - the latter grow along with the pumping of skills.

After the battle, the experience scale is replenished, and the experience points received are distributed among things. Sometimes after a fight various objects may fall out.

Upon reaching a new level or complete mastery of a weapon, skill points are issued, which are distributed among skill lines, increasing stats and unlocking new skills upon reaching the required number of invested points.

Important Details

Thanks to various little things, the game has become more convenient. For example, there are reminders that new items have been received and a goal has been completed.

The game also has in-app purchases, which are now fashionable - you can buy gold coins and chips for real money, which allows you to speed up your leveling and get cool things much faster.

The game is only partially localized - there is no Russian voice acting, but there are subtitles and all the texts have been translated. The quality of the translation, as usual, is poor in places, but it is an order of magnitude better than in the first and second parts.

End of story

Infinity Blade III is a worthy conclusion to the famous trilogy, which made a great contribution to the establishment of iOS as a serious gaming platform with games armed with large budgets, high-quality, “console” graphics, serious plots, polished gameplay and controls adequate to the platform.

We deliberately left some moments behind the scenes - new types of enemies, unusual helpers, unexpected plot twists, treasure hunting and many initially inaccessible places. We don’t want to deprive you of the pleasure of returning to the harsh, but beautiful world Infinity Blade and take part in epic adventures and saving the world together with the brave Siris and the deadly Isa.

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