Intellectual game auction of knowledge. Auction. Intellectual game

(for conducting parallels in classes 5-6 within the framework of the week of humanities)

history teacher Khusainov P.P. (MOU Shchelkovo gymnasium)

“Now children do not play, but study. They all study and study and will never begin to live.”
(A.S. Green. “Scarlet Sails”)

The abundance of methods and forms of teaching, tested by teachers and substantiated by psychologists, exist not to show the immense possibilities of education, but to expand the world of children's perception. And the gaming method of teaching is not so much a way to introduce interactivity into the educational process, but rather an opportunity to simulate life for a child in different conditions of this world.

Psychologists and educators are convinced that what smaller child plays, the more limited he is in the game, the less he develops. The game allows him to learn to interact in a small group, model behavior in various situations, and develop a narrow but clear skill through specific exercises. In addition, the game allows the teacher to protect the child from the routine and monotony of the educational process, create conditions for his self-realization, and show that learning can be fun.

The game helps motivate behavior and activates students' imagination. The principles of the game allow you to create conditions for a surge in temperament, emotions and other psychophysical qualities.

The game method, more used in the junior and middle levels of high school, allows you to use a whole tangle of interactions (student - student, teacher - student, teacher - student - group). Particularly productive for this age group(middle management) is simulation modeling and training. And it is the game and its rules, within the framework of a world understandable to a teenager, that make it possible to simulate for him new conditions that require new behavior (unless, of course, for a teenager with his fantasy, fueled by the resources of the media, any behavior can be completely new).

The choice of game is based on the tasks of students’ social adaptation to post-school life. Considering that play is an activity preceding work, its model should develop in students those skills that will be involved in almost any area of ​​professional activity (an objective assessment of one’s capabilities at a given stage, conscious risk, responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions, awareness of ability with additional preparation to cope with any work, etc.). That is why during any game it is necessary to create an atmosphere of priority of the process over the result. The initial level (preliminary stages) in the game should be achievable for a student with any level of training, so that during the process each student realizes himself as an equal participant, and a loss is regarded not as a result of lower abilities compared to others, but as a local miscalculation in actions in during the game, which he saw, realized and from which he gained experience for the future.



Identification and consolidation of knowledge acquired in and outside the gymnasium in history, literature, culture, sports, cooking, cinema and other spiritual spheres;

Expanding students' horizons.


Formation of skills of interaction with other participants in the situation (both intraclass and interclass);

Facilitating the acclimatization of new students (depending on the specific situation);

Stimulating interest in science and books.


Development of attention, logical thinking and skills of using acquired knowledge in extracurricular situations.

Organizational and pedagogical:

Through simulation and training, creating conditions for students’ self-realization.


To help students master the skills of conducting polemics, reasoned expression of their thoughts, and anticipating the actions of opponents and colleagues, which are necessary in further practical and professional activities.

Develop skills to act within the rules of the game;

Create conditions for the need for students to quickly respond to a changing situation;

Through small comments on answers to questions, to form in students an understanding of the significance of knowledge from various fields and the possibility of their application in various life situations;

Develop a sense of teamwork through support groups in the semi-finals and finals;

Identify urgent or imminent conflict situations and create psychological conditions for their elimination.


The game “Knowledge Auction” is a long-known educational game model adapted for high school. The most optimal, taking into account age and psychophysical characteristics, is to conduct it in classes of 5-6 parallels. The rules of the game involve playing the game in several stages (days), which makes it most suitable for the week of the humanities.

Stage I: bringing information about the game and its rules to all students in the class (with simulation examples from the game)..

Local tasks of the first stage:

  • to interest (intrigue) students with the opportunity to diversify educational activities;
  • consolidate understanding of the need to study the rules of the game.

Little tips: Plastic containers from Kinder-Surprise can be used as toss barrels, which are easy to assemble with the help of the students themselves.

Stage II: qualifying games for parallel classes..

Local tasks of the 2nd stage:

  • developing the ability to navigate and act in new conditions;
  • activating students’ attention and developing the ability to manage their attention;
  • awareness of responsibility for the consequences of conscious and unconscious risks;
  • relieving possible stress from school stress.

By drawing lots, students in the class are divided into 6 qualifying groups of 4-5 people. Each participant receives an auction card with a number and an initial game capital of 30 conventional units (in our case, “gymnasium”).

Each selection group is asked 7-10 questions from various spiritual spheres. The right to answer a question is played out according to the rules of the auction (the starting price of the question is 10 gymnasiums), which is what auction cards with numbers are used for.

The winner of the auction receives the right to answer: for the correct answer, regardless of the size of the bet, the participant receives the cost of the question (10 gymnasiums); for the wrong answer, he loses the amount that he put in during the auction. From each qualifying group, one player who earned the most in the gymnasium advances to the semifinals. Based on the results of the qualifying games, 6 students from each parallel class advance to the semifinals.

Stage III: lottery..

Local tasks of the 3rd stage:

  • maintain the interest and activity of students who did not make it to the semi-finals;
  • get additional material to compile psychological characteristics of classes and individual students.

At the end of the qualifying games, in the presence of all the winners, a draw for the semi-final groups is held, during which 6 semi-final groups are formed, each of which includes one person from each parallel class. The lists of semi-final groups are posted in the classroom.

All students who did not qualify for the semi-finals are invited to take part in the Knowledge Auction lottery. Using a special form, students must try to predict the winners of each semi-final group and final. One half of the form is given to the teacher, the other remains with the student.

Analysis of the results will provide material for determining the level of interclass relations, identifying recognized leaders, identifying the preconditions for conflict situations, etc.

Stage IV: semi-final and final..

Local tasks of the 4th stage:

  • develop a sense of collectivism and respect for the opponent;
  • teach to positively perceive other people's successes;
  • create conditions for players to understand responsibility for their class.

Semifinal and final game are carried out in one go.

In order to introduce an element of novelty into the game at the new stage, the following are introduced:

♦ firstly, the “all-in” principle. During auction bidding, priority is now given to the participant who is the first to offer “all-in” (playing for the entire amount he has, but provided that this amount is not less than the last bet);

♦ secondly, the addition of “risk questions”, for the right to answer which students bargain without knowing the question itself (i.e. blindly).

To maintain activity, support groups are created from classmates who come up with chants and banners. Interest is fueled not only by sports rivalry between classes, but also by the direct relationship between the results of the game and the lottery.

Based on the results of the semi-final games, 6 people advance to the final (one winner from each semi-final group).

The finals are conducted similarly to the semi-finals.

Little tips: answers to “risk questions” can be accompanied by additional prizes (pens, pencils, sharpeners, notebooks, badges, etc.). If the answer is correct, the student gets the right to choose and burst anyone in the room balloons, inside of which there are notes with the names of the prizes (you can come up with a sports element for popping balloons). To preserve the festive atmosphere during the lottery, it is advisable to reward not only the one who most accurately predicted the winner and the composition of the finalists, but also the owner of the form number (or place), which will be drawn according to the Sportloto principle. To improve the status of the game, it is advisable to invite the parents of students to the semi-final games and finals.

Stage V: awarding..

Any game should have multiple results (moral and material rewards). Students receive moral rewards during the game through recognition of their real or potential successes. Material rewards should stimulate and encourage further movement, show the significance of success, but not incite commercialism in the student. Therefore, it is better to use books as prizes for semi-finalists and finalists in the Knowledge Auction game.

Questions for the game “Knowledge Auction” in the 5th parallel

The Ancient East.

What was the name of the ancient Egyptian god, to whom you don’t need to say anything, because he knows everything and will always find a way out?

(Thoth is the god of knowledge, writing and the patron of scribes)

Where did the ancient Egyptians think people came from?

(From the tears of the sun god Amon-Ra)

What monster did the gods fight against as they sailed along the underground Nile?


What happened in the country of Ta-Kemet when the goddess Tefnut became angry, and why?

(Drought: Tefnut - goddess of rain and moisture)

In what form did the goddess of death Sukhnet most often appear?


We know that a person simply cannot live without pets. But it was not always so. Once upon a time, man lived alone, and animals were either enemies or prey. But then man began to tame them. What animal did he domesticate first?


When people populated the Earth, they gave new places names to distinguish them from each other. In which country is there a mountain that is translated into Russian as “the home of the gods,” and what does it sound like in the local language?

(India, Mount Jamolungma - Everest)

Everything in our world obeys the laws of nature: in summer the grass turns green, in winter it disappears; rivers flow in their own direction; the sun moves across the sky. But man began to argue with nature. He makes the grass grow in winter, the rivers turn back. But already in ancient times The Phoenicians made the sun move reverse side. How did they do it?

(We crossed the equator)

The alphabet is a good thing, without it you can’t convey knowledge, you can’t read, you can’t write a love note. But not all alphabets are so perfect that they can be understood. For example, we will not understand Egyptian hieroglyphs or primitive cuneiform. What shortcoming did the ancient Phoenician alphabet have?

(no vowels)

Why did Thutmose III fail to quickly storm the fortress of Megiddo?

(The warriors, having forgotten about the battle, rushed to rob the dead)

Every state has an army, and every army has the best units. For us it is landing forces or special forces. And which unit was the best in the ancient Persian army and occupied the position of bodyguards?

(10 thousand “immortals”)

What frightened a man entering the palace of the Assyrian kings?

(Statues of bulls with five legs
⇒ feeling that the bulls are making a move)

Many people now say about a very rich person: “Rich as...”. Like who? Which Lydian king is he compared to?


What is the 3rd mystery of the Cheops pyramid?

(Where did the coffin lid go)

Which pharaoh's tomb was found unlooted?


When the Egyptians first saw the Euphrates River, they were surprised and gave it a very strange name. How and why?

(“Inverted river” - it did not flow from south to north, like the Nile, but vice versa)

Who was called the son of god?


Ancient Greece.

Whom did Phidias strip to prove that he was not a thief?

(Athena - removed all the gold and weighed it)

What did the Greek Theagenes do when he really liked one of the city’s statues?

(Put her on his shoulder and take her home)

What is depicted on the pediments of the Parthenon?

(1. Birth of Athena.
2. Dispute between Athena and the Parthenon.)

Name the 3 main battles of the Greco-Persian wars.

(1. In Marathon Bay.
2. In the Thermopylae Gorge.
3. In Salamis Bay)

What did Darius I demand from the Greeks?

("Lands and Waters")

Find the mistake in a passage from a story about ancient Greece.
“And the Athenians entered the battlefield. And the king himself led them. With a sharp spear and a bronze shield he walked in front of the phalanx.”

(Noble people fought in chariots)

If slaves were sold in our stores, what would the counter be made of and what would it be called?

(Sale Stone)

What happens in the world when Persephone meets her husband?

(Autumn and winter are coming)

Name the three most powerful brothers of Ancient Greece.

(Zeus, Hades, Poseidon)

How did the ancient Greeks think dolphins appeared?

(Angering the god Dionysus, the pirates jumped overboard and turned into dolphins)

Why is Hephaestus limping?

(He tried to stand up for his mother, for which Zeus threw him from Olympus, and he injured his leg)

Who is called the “father of medicine”?


Who is called the “father of history” and why?

(Herodotus - wrote about the Greco-Persian Wars)

Where was the presentation of Herodotus’s book “History” held?

(Olympic Games)

Which Greek was elected to the post of first strategist 15 times in a row?


What did the Aristocrats mockingly call Pericles?


What was the name of the spirit that, according to the ancient Greeks, inhabited the pillar at the hippodrome in Olympia?

(Horse Horror)

Which country's athlete was the first marathon winner?

(Greek warrior who brought news of victory in Marathon Bay to Athens)

What is “laconic speech” and where did this concept come from?

(A brief and clear expression of thought.
This distinguished the inhabitants of Sparta, located in the region of Lakonika)

Who got the “apple of discord”?

(Aphrodite – goddess of beauty)

What words did Spartan mothers use to escort their sons into battle?

(“With a shield or on a shield”)

What is the connection between the slave who accompanied the ancient Greek boy to school and me?

(Such a slave was called a teacher)


Tell me two differences between the Macedonian phalanx and the Greek?

(1. Number of rows - 16.
2. The first six rows have spears of different lengths.)

We know that the Macedonian phalanx from the front looks like a bristling hedgehog. How many needles could we count?

(First 6 rows of 1000 people = 6000 tips)

Who unraveled the “Gordian knot”?

(Alexander the Great)

Which city did Alexander the Great proclaim as the capital of his empire?


What did Alexander the Great remind the Greeks to force them to go with him on a campaign against the Persians?

(Burning of Athens by Xerxes in the 2nd Greco-Persian War)

Ancient Rome.

We all know what pets are. We know and love. Sometimes they even save someone’s life. What animals saved Rome in ancient times?


What does the expression "Achilles' heel" mean?

(the only weak point)

What does the expression "Trojan horse" mean?

(a gift that brings misfortune)

What does the expression "Pyrrhic victory" mean?

(victory is like defeat)

You all know the story of Mowgli, who was fed and raised by a wolf family. And who will remember a similar case, widely known and studied in history.

(Romulus and Remus)

In what city were Romulus and Remus born?

(Alba Longa)

Who was the father of Romulus and Rem?

(God of War - Mars)

Who was the mother of Romulus and Remus, and why should she not have children?

(Vestal - priestess of the goddess of fire and hearth Vesta;
they were forbidden to marry)

Pirates are a formidable army of robbery! They arose in ancient times and dominated the entire Mediterranean. But soon the Roman Republic decided to deal a crushing blow to the pirates. Which Roman commander defeated the pirate flotilla and freed the Mediterranean Sea from them?


How in Ancient Rome was the holiday called in honor of the commander's victory?


In 455, a wave of barbarians broke into the eternal City Rome and crushed it, destroying everything in its path, destroying and burning the priceless achievements of mankind. And the name of these tribes became a household word, denoting the senseless destruction of cultural monuments. What were the names of these tribes?


What did the Romans call the conquered country?


Any ancient Roman senator, when asked how it is easier to conquer the people and rule them, will point to the wall where this phrase is carved. What is carved in the Senate building and how is it translated into Russian?

(“Divide et impera” - divide and conquer)

The Roman Emperor Nero considered himself a great poet and decided to describe the fall of Troy, but inspiration did not come. And then he decided to inspire himself to write in a very cruel and barbaric way. What did he do?

(ordered to set fire to Rome)

With what phrase did the Roman senator Cato end each of his speeches, wanting to force the Romans to start a war with Carthage?

("Carthage must be destroyed")


Name the peninsula on which Greece was located.

(Balkan Peninsula)

Name the peninsula on which Rome was located.

(Apennine Peninsula)

Name the peninsula on which gold-rich Lydia was located.

(Asia Minor Peninsula)

What is the name of the person after whom the entire peninsula was named?

(Pelops – Peloponnese Peninsula)

You all probably love meat pies, especially hot ones and in cold weather. But what is the name of the meat filling for such pies?

(Ground meat)

What was any white bread called in Russia?


What kind of fish and in what environment are people compared to on a crowded bus?

(“Like sprat in tomato sauce”)

We all love to meet New Year, whose main owner is Santa Claus. Where is the homeland of Santa Claus?

(Lapland, northern Finland)

You all know the heroes of Nikolai Nosov and his fairy tales about Dunno. In one of them, Znayka completely accidentally created weightlessness. How did this happen?

(Put Moonstone in the mineral cabinet)

What planet did Dunno and Donut fly to?


In Nikolai Nosov’s book “Dunno on the Moon,” Ponchik became a millionaire through trading. What did Donut sell?


Peter I became the most famous among the Russian emperors. He introduced many useful innovations - he built a fleet, introduced new customs and holidays, built schools, and brought coffee and potatoes to Russia. What innovation of Peter I turned out to be harmful to people’s health?


Questions for the game “Knowledge Auction” in the 6th parallel

The Kremlin is the heart not only of Moscow, but of all of Russia. In his churches there is a Russian soul. Which Kremlin cathedral was the most important in Rus' and where all the Russian tsars were married?

(Assumption Cathedral)

Our capital Moscow will soon turn 850 years old. We first learned about her from a letter to Prince Svyatoslav of Chernigov, which said: “Come to me, brother, in Moscow.” Who is the author of this letter?

(Yury Dolgoruky)

Rus' has always been famous for its temples, through which you can study its history. Tell me, who built St. Basil's Cathedral and in honor of what event?

(Ivan the Terrible - in honor of the capture of Kazan)

Princess Olga was famous for her cunning and intelligence, which allowed her to get out of any situation. How did she get rid of the noble Byzantine groom?

(Baptism - Godfather)

Chroniclers wrote about him: “He went at the enemy with the speed of a leopard... but if he went at the enemy, he never attacked him by surprise, but always warned in advance: “I’m coming at you.”


John IV - Terrible;
John III - the Great;
John II - Meek;
John I - ?


About which Russian prince did the chronicler write: “He was lame, but he had a kind mind, and he was brave in battle”?

(Yaroslav the Wise)

He took the city and built a temple. He fled the city to allow blood to be shed. He dreamed of the sea and started a war. He adored his son and killed him. Who is he?

(Ioann the Terrible)

Question about Moscow. It is already 850 years old and belongs to everyone and belongs to no one. Who owned Moscow 850 years ago?

(Kuchka boyars)

This Grand Duke of the era of feudal fragmentation and the Mongol-Tatar invasion became famous more than others for his victories, for which he was canonized as a Saint. And the Metropolitan of All Rus' at his funeral said: “The sun of the Russian land has set.”

(Alexander Nevskiy)

“Az, beeches, lead, verb...”. Continue this list with at least one more word.

(“...good, eat, live.....")

In Rus', after the death of their father, his children first of all thought about their ass. What it is?


In one of the ancient chronicles the following words are recorded: “I will reach the last sea, and then the whole universe will be under my hand.” Who owns these words?

(Genghis Khan)

Which of the Russian monarchs bore the name Great?

(John III, Peter I, Catherine II)


Tell me the most terrible and hated three-digit number for all Christians.

(three sixes are the sign of the Devil)

In science there is such a concept as “world religions”, i.e. religions common among most of the world's population. There are only three of them. Who can name these three “world religions”?

(Buddhism, Christianity, Islam)

I hope you know that Andrei Rublev's most famous icon is the Trinity, which depicts three angels. What do these three angels represent?

(God the father, God the son, holy spirit)

In the New World it lasted 60 days, and in the Old World it lasted 40 days. What it is?

(Global flood)

Legend has it that when he was little, the Archangel Gabriel descended from heaven while he was playing with the boys. All the children ran away, but he remained, and the archangel ripped open his chest and took out something black from there and threw it away, thereby cleansing the boy’s soul for a holy future. Who is that boy?


Which city did the Mongols call the “evil city”?


The question is a little musical. Everyone knows that the symbols of any state are: the coat of arms, the flag and the anthem. Few people know the modern anthem of Russia, but almost everyone has heard the tsarist anthem of Russia. I want one of you to sing to me at least one line from the royal hymn.

(“God save the king
Strong, sovereign.
Reign for glory, for our glory.”
Words by Zhukovsky, music by Lvov)

To whom does this teaching belong: “What you know is good, do not forget, and what you do not know, learn... laziness is the mother of every vice, with it a person will forget even what he knows...”.

(“Teachings” by Vladimir Monomakh)

Imagine that you find yourself in the court of the Inquisition as an accused, and the judge reads out the verdict: “In connection with the mercy that our faith dictates to us, and the love that, based on the commandments of our merciful Lord, we have for all sinners, we command that they be executed without shedding blood." What would await you in this case?

(Inquisition sentence meaning death at the stake)

He was considered a white god and was depicted as a feathered serpent. He was revered as a teacher, and they waited for him to return. Who is he?

(Topeltsin Quetzalcoatl)

This beautiful square in Rome has an equally beautiful and romantic name. But the Inquisition turned it into a place for auto-da-fe, which did not fit in with the name of the square. Giordano Bruno was burned here in 1600. What was the name of that square?

(Flowers Square)

His talents were recognized by his descendants, but his contemporaries recognized him only as an artist, but otherwise considered him a visionary. And he dreamed up the first design of an aircraft, a propeller, a parachute, etc. Who is this visionary artist?

(Leonardo da Vinci)

He belonged to the family of rulers of Wallachia. His father, while in Germany, joined the “Order of the Dragon”. When his son was born in 1431, he called him “the son of the Dragon,” but the people called him “the impalement” and came up with a lot of bloody legends about him. Who are we talking about?

(Vlad III Dracula)

Tell me a famous navigator in history who never went on a sea expedition?

(Henry the Navigator - Prince of Portugal)

Greedy and brave, cruel and brave hero of England and a thunderstorm for Spain, he was called “Her Majesty’s corsair.” Who is he?

(Francis Drake)

Think about who could say the following words about themselves: “I was born high, but lived low; I was supposed to wear a crown, but I was forced to put it on someone else's head; I was burned and later married off.”

(Joan of Arc)

He was a Saxon who fought against the Normans. He should rightfully have the title of Earl of Huntington. But deprived of it, he was called the “king of robbers.” He had to wear silks and satins, but was proud of his green robes. He was supposed to live among the nobility, but he loved his “forest brothers,” terrifying the aristocrats with his bow and well-aimed shot. Who is he?

(Robin Hood from Sherwood Forest)

What do William I of Normandy, who conquered England, and Mehmed II Fatih, who conquered the Byzantine Empire, have in common?

(both were nicknamed "The Conqueror")

This man traveled through Asia for 24 years and brought noodles to Italy from China. And now Italians call it spaghetti and consider it their national invention. Who is this man who stole the pride of the Chinese and gave it to his home country?

(Marco Polo)

At the site of the founding of Constantinople, according to legend, there was a battle between two animals, personifying the future of Rome II. Tell me what kind of animals are these and what did they represent?

(eagle - Christianity, snake - Islam)

In 455, a wave of barbarians rushed into the eternal city of Rome and crushed it, destroying everything in its path, destroying and burning the priceless achievements of mankind. And the name of these tribes became a household word, denoting the senseless destruction of cultural monuments. What were the names of these tribes?


Mexico is the birthplace of ancient advanced civilizations. Mexico City is the capital of modern Mexico. What did the Aztecs call this city?


Legend has it that the gods punished the Inca people and sent death upon them. And the frightened Incas asked the priests to find out from the gods how they could earn forgiveness. And the gods demanded... What did the gods demand?

(cancel email)

In the meeting room of the English Parliament, in a place of honor there is a bag filled with what made England a prosperous country. What's in this bag?

(sheep's wool)

“The king is dead...” Continue this sentence.

("…long live the king!")

You all know the story of Mowgli, who was fed and raised by a wolf family. And who will remember a similar case, widely known and studied in history.

(Romulus and Remus)

Complete the catchphrase: “All roads lead...”

(“ Rome”)

What does the word "jihad" mean?

(Muslim holy war)

What kind of air made a person free in the Middle Ages?

(“City air makes a person free”)

And the poet wrote at that hour: “And darkness surrounded me.” And the writer asked the historian a question: “Was the poet there alone?” What should the historian answer?

(darkness - 10 thousand people)

To this day, one of my favorite characters is Tom Sawyer. Tell me, what city did he live in?

(Saint Petersburg)

One day, Huck Fin and slave Jim started talking about the French and the French language. Huck decided to demonstrate his knowledge. “Imagine,” he said to Jim, “a man comes up to you and says: “Parle vous France,” what will you answer to that? What was Jim's answer?

(“I will not say anything, but I will take it and crack on the head ... Of course, if it is not white. I will never let me call me like that”)

In the novel by J. Verne “ Mysterious Island“Several brave heroes end up on a desert island. How did they, without matches, start a fire using two wristwatches?

(Two glasses filled with water made a magnifying glass)

I hope you all know the brave knight Ivanhoe, glorified by the English writer Walter Scott. Who knows whose squire Ivanhoe was?

(Richard the Lionheart)

You all know that Sherlock Holmes had one bad habit that spoiled his health - he loved to smoke tobacco. What even more harmful habit did the great detective have?


Every person has a hobby - a passion that he does in his free time, for the soul. What hobby did the great Sherlock Holmes have?

(playing the violin, chemical experiments)

In which country do they not serve forks or spoons at the table?

(China, Japan)

Once upon a time I watched a children's film in which the children wanted to grow Jerusalem artichokes. And then I wanted to know what it was. Do you know?

(ground pear - vegetable)

There are a lot of seas on earth and they sometimes have not only original name, but also forms. And any sea that has no shores is covered with algae, which has led to the creation of legends about the sinking of ships. What is the name of this sea?

(Sargasso Sea)

Is our Moscow alone? Is there any other city with the same name? And if so, where?

(USA, Arizona)

The kitchen is a workshop of invention. True, we do not know many of the inventors by name, but we know the countries where certain dishes were invented. In what country were pancakes invented?


What is the name of porridge made from corn flour?


You have all heard the name of Alfred Brehm, author of the book: “Animal Life”. Listen to an excerpt from this book: “Their head and chest are very small, but the back of the body is large; The hind legs are distinguished by strong muscles, while the front legs are poorly developed and serve only for grasping... The animal’s usual gait is an awkward hobble, the animal rests on the palms of its front legs and moves its hind legs forward, leaning on its tail. From the mental side, this is an extremely stupid animal, stupider than a sheep: every unfamiliar object arouses its fear, it beats and pounds, shaking its head and emitting saliva, inflicting wounds on itself. Many even die from fear...” What kind of animal is this and where does it live?

(Kangaroo, Australia)

Alfred Brehm "The Life of Animals". In Central Africa there is one very strange animal, which the Arabs call “sweetheart”, and scientists call the “camel-panther”. He has a slender body and an elongated head like a horse, wide shoulders and a long neck as if taken from a camel, large mobile ears from a bull, light legs from an antelope, and, finally, yellowish skin with brown spots is extremely similar to the fur of a panther. What kind of animal is that?


Another question about Brem. This is a small animal up to 18 cm in length, 9 of which are occupied by the tail. Its color is monochromatic, most often grayish-black and very rarely white. Long ears reaching half the length of the head. We meet this animal often, but most of you treat it poorly, although this animal is easily tamed. According to their own mental abilities, due to the good nature and liveliness of his character, he presents a lot of pleasant things to observers. It is curious that among them there are songbirds, whose singing some put along with the singing of a canary and even a nightingale.

(house mice)

What do you call birds that can imitate other animals and even pronounce human words?


And again Brem. There is a belief among superstitious Muslims that this is not a creature created by Allah, but a fiend of hell created by the Devil on the mountain of the faithful. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a more uglier and clumsier animal. A huge quadrangular head, similar to a boiled calf's head of gigantic size, a massive body, short columnar legs and a wide fanged mouth. The Greeks called it “water horse”, the Arabs called it “river buffalo”. At first glance, his figure indicates extreme stupidity, but in fact he is not devoid of intelligence. He has a highly developed love for his offspring, reaching the point of self-sacrifice. He has an excellent memory and even quick wits. Now this animal has been preserved in the rivers and lakes of Central Africa, where not a single African animal would risk attacking it.

(hippopotamus or hippopotamus)

This animal has a flexible and prehensile tail, like a monkey. His eyes prefer to move on their own - one can look forward and the other back. The color of this animal changes depending on its mood, well-being and external environment. And on top of all this, he also has a magnificent tongue-gun. What kind of animal is that?


Man evolved from a monkey - I do not insist on this. But this is what one world-famous scientist argued and most agree with him. Who is this scientist?

(Charles Darwin)

And now the question is both simple and complex. How many steps do you need to go through to get from the hall of our gymnasium to the teachers' room?


If you and I were in a cave, we would see such stone icicles growing from the ceiling down and from the floor up. What are their names?

(stalactite, stalagmite)

Tell me three states of water?

(liquid, steam, ice)

Pirates are gentlemen of fortune. How many of them roamed the seas and oceans. A distinctive feature of their ships was a black flag with a skull and crossbones. Who knows what the pirates called this flag?

(Jolly Roger)

Fashion is a scary thing. Not only women, but also men will do anything for her. Tell me, in which country do the stronger sex still flaunt skirts with their heads held high?


What do Italians call "vendetta"?

(blood feud)

I think all girls love jewelry and look with envy at the jewelry of their older relatives. Who knows which stone is the most precious?

(diamond - rough diamond)

For a swaggering foreigner, any Russian is Ivan, a German is Hans, an American is Sam, and a Frenchman is ?

(Jacques is a simpleton ⇒ “Jacquerie”)

How is a shirt different from a shirt?

(a shirt is a sleeveless shirt)

You all know the Barbie doll. This eternally young and charming lady is the object of desire for most girls, and even some boys. How old is this enchantress?

(Born in 1959 - …… years)

A person's nationality can often be determined by the characteristic ending of his last name.
For example: -s- Russian;
-berg or -burg- German;
-dze or -shvili- Georgian.
What people's surnames end in -akos?


Tell me, what was the name of the first woman to fly into space?

(Valentina Tereshkova)

In the television play “Tobacco Captain,” Peter I questioned a serf who had visited Holland.
- Did you like the Dutch? - asked the king.
- Very much, Sovereign! - answered the slave.
- Why? - the king is interested.
- They know a lot! - answered the slave.
- Did you like the Dutch girls?
- Not very much, sir.
- Why? - the king is surprised.
What did the slave answer?

(“They know a lot”)

One is brave, another is experienced, the third is strong, the fourth is smart. Who are they and what is their motto?

(4 Musketeers: "One for all, all for one")

A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers". How many pendants were there that D'Artagnan had to bring from England, and how many of them did my lady cut?

(12 - 2)

A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers". You all know that the adventures of the musketeers took place in France during the era of the great Cardinal Richelieu. Which king ruled then?

(Louis XIV)

Sing me an excerpt from D'Artagnan's song, from which it would be clear where he comes from.

(“Burgundy, Normandy, Champagne or Provence.
And there is fire in your veins too,
But good fortune, God knows, has no time for you,
While there is Gascony in this world")

I will be very surprised if suddenly one of you tells me that you know nothing about the Nautilus submarine and its captain Nemo. I won't ask what this name means (no one), but what country is this captain from?


We all love comedies. Perhaps the most famous heroes of our comedies are Experienced, Dunce and Coward. And who can name the actors playing this cheerful trio?

(Morgunov, Nikulin, Vitsyn)

You have all watched the film “Guest from the Future”, in which the brave Alisa Seleznyova and the children from the 6th grade fight with 2 space pirates. What were the names of these pirates?

(Veselchak U and Rats from the planet Cro-Rats)

You've all watched American westerns - Indians, cowboys, shootouts. What is the name of a Russian cowboy?


Terminator, teacher in kindergarten, a twin is not a twin, a pregnant woman is all one person. Who?

(Arnold Schwarzenegger)

Danka, Valerka, Yashka and Ksyusha. What was the name of this team?

(Elusive Avengers)

In the popular Soviet comedy “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession,” Tsar Ivan the Terrible found himself walled up, as he believed, in an elevator. He thought it was all over, but the elevator opened. What did John think caused the doors to open?

(“This is what the life-giving cross does” - crossed the door)

One of the most popular sports in the USA is basketball, which was invented by an American. I won’t ask his name, but I want you to try to guess what his profession was?

(1891 - physical education teacher)

What sport is called the “queen of sports”?


In which country is football different from everyone else?


Duels, seconds - all these seem to be words of bygone times. But not all. We can meet with the seconds now. Where?


U Olympic Games there are many traditions. For example, the fire must come from the homeland of games - Greece. But there is another tradition that I want to ask about. At the opening of the Olympic Games, which country's team is always the first to enter the stadium, and which is the last?

(the first - Greece; the last - the hostess of the games)

You probably know that the most fast cars belong to the Formula 1 class, and every year world championships are held in this class. Who can tell me the name of the driver who became the world champion the most times?

(Michal Schumacher - Ferrari)

Risk issues

An example and 4 answer options are printed on a piece of paper, from which the player must choose the correct one in 30 seconds.

671: 11 (options - 62; 60; 61; 67)

52 × 3 (options - 165; 166; 153; 156)

18306 + 2215 (options - 20430; 21601; 20521; 21521)

8168 - 1259 (options - 6909; 5329; 6908; 7402)

18115: 5 (options - 4211; 3514; 3719; 3623)

On a piece of paper is written: LXIV.
Tell me, what number is shown here?

This number is divisible by 2 and 3, it is greater than 1, but less than 12. What number is this?

Show me where north is.

(Check with compass)


Development of an extracurricular activity

Completed by: Skvortsova Tatyana Vladimirovna,
general technical disciplines,
Pavlovo-Posad Technical School

Explanatory note

To develop interest in disciplines, it is necessary to create conditions in which the student would feel successful and confident. It is not always possible to achieve this state in the classroom, so individual students cannot express themselves fully and have no interest in acquiring new knowledge and skills.
These problems can sometimes be solved by extracurricular activities in the form of games, including team games. The content of such events and the methodology for conducting them give teachers the opportunity to use a wide variety of working methods. This is also feasible because “game”, as an action or process, has been familiar to students since childhood. During the game, children are immersed in situations proposed by the teacher on an unconscious, subconscious level. They no longer have the fear of not knowing something, or the embarrassment of lack of confidence in their abilities, since students themselves sometimes do not notice how much these activities captivate them.
It was for this purpose that, within the framework of the subject week of special disciplines, it was planned extracurricular activity in general technical disciplines “Knowledge Auction” for 2nd and 3rd year students.
This event included questions and tasks on special subjects, labor protection and materials science, physics, as well as interesting and entertaining competitions that are designed to attract attention and interest in the subjects being studied.
The relevance of the development lies in the fact that the use of various technologies, in particular gaming technology, makes the educational process more diverse and interesting for students. Students learn to organize their own activities, work in teams and teams, and communicate effectively with colleagues.

Form of the event: game

Knowledge Auction
Purpose of the event:
To form the cognitive interest of students, develop logic and creative thinking.
Consolidate acquired knowledge.
Develop respect for classmates and interest in your chosen profession. To promote a sense of responsibility, a culture of communication, and respect for the individual.
Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues.
Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks
Preliminary preparation:
work with presenters;
selection of jury members;
correction of the work of team curators;
coordination of types of competitions and tasks;
formation of teams, selection of captains;
creation of an initiative group;
organizing the work of fans, providing performances in support of teams;
preparation of emblems, greetings, homework, music competitions;
development of a meeting script;
decoration of the premises, preparation of working material for jury members;
preparing props, conducting rehearsals.
Teams are divided in advance. The task is given: come up with a team name, choose a captain. During the game there will be musical breaks, which will be filled in by fans of the teams, having previously prepared their performances.
The game involves 2nd and 3rd year students majoring in Automotive Mechanics. 2 teams of 6 people are formed. Each team takes its own table. Installed big screen, computer and projector. The entire game is accompanied by a presentation. The game is played by two presenters. A jury is elected from among subject teachers and two extras (teacher and student).
The game involves purchasing prizes for an auction of prizes: 6 apples, 6 boxes of juice, 6 fountain pens, 6 bags, 6 packs of chewing gum, 6 lollipops, 6 chocolate medals in the form of coins, 6 erasers, 6 chocolates, sponge roll or cake, 6 rulers, 6 bars of soap, 6 calendars, corn sticks, 6 coffee bags, 6 student triangles. To play the game, special money must be made - quants, in denominations of 10 quants, 50 quants and 100 quants.

Progress of the game
Host: Hello, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome to our school the intellectual elite of the 2nd and 3rd year groups majoring in Automotive Mechanics! We welcome those who, with their intelligence and erudition, have won the honor of representing the team of their native group. Let's get acquainted first. Each team introduces itself: team name, motto, greeting to opponents.
- Introducing our jury: ……
Well, let's cast lots to see what number each team gets (team numbers are drawn: No. 1, No. 2). Team No. 1 is the first to start the competition in the first stage. Team No. 2 starts the second stage first.
We call the first round of our marathon “Knowledge Auction”. Listen to our auction rules. Each team has 50 quants available. This is the initial capital. Tasks are put up for auction. The starting price for each task is 10 quants. After the presenter announces the field of science from which the question will come (materials science, physics, labor protection, special technology), the teams begin bidding (who will submit the most quants). The team that bids the highest price gets the right to respond. If the answer is correct, then the declared amount is given to the team in the form of quants; if the answer is incorrect, then the team loses the declared amount (it is withdrawn from the team’s capital). If a team buys an issue for the entire amount available and makes a mistake, then, alas, it is bankrupt. She cannot continue to participate in the first round. Keep in mind that the auction hosts and the jury have the right from their own funds to reward players of any team once, as well as to fine participants who violated the rules.
So, let's start the 1st round - “Knowledge Auction”
Each lot is accompanied by a presentation slide, on which at first only the name of the field of knowledge from which the question will be drawn appears. The question itself appears only after the teams have finished trading.
Lot No. 1: Question from the field of materials science. Starting price – 10 quants. Who is bigger? (teams are bidding).
Question: The process of transition of a substance from liquid to solid state
A) crystallization, B) heating, C) compression)
Answer: Crystallization
Lot No. 2: Question from the field of labor protection. Starting price – 10 quants. Who is bigger? (teams are bidding).
Question: What type of responsibility includes the following types of penalties: reprimand, reprimand, severe reprimand, transfer to a lower-paid job?
A) disciplinary b) administrative c) material d) criminal
Answer: disciplinary.
Lot No. 3 Question from the field of automobile history. Starting price – 10 quants Who has more? (teams are bidding).
Question: The first steam carriage suitable for practical use was built in 1769 by the French military engineer Joseph Cugnot (1715 - 1804). For what purpose was this cart built?
Answer: For transporting artillery shells
Lot No. 4: Question from the field of materials science. Starting price – 10 quants Who has more? (teams are bidding).
Question: A component of solder, a metal that is safe for human health (harmless to the human stomach, is a “jacket” for cans)
a) lead, b) copper,
b) tin, d) zinc.
Answer: tin
Lot No. 5: Question from the field of labor protection: Starting price – 10 quants Who has more? (teams are bidding).
Question: Which zone do they come out of: in small steps; jumping on one leg; rolling? (teams are bidding).
Answer: Step Voltage Zones
Lot No. 6: Question from the field of physics. Starting price – 10 quants. Who is bigger? (teams are bidding).
Question: There are no poor students among birds. They learned well the lesson about proper behavior on high-voltage lines. Why does the current passing through the body of a bird sitting on a bare wire of a high-voltage power line not harm the bird?
Answer: A bird sitting on a wire is connected parallel to a small section of wire (between its legs). The resistance of the bird's body is much greater than the resistance of this area. Since current flows along the path of least resistance, the current through the bird is very small.

Lot No. 7: Question from the field of physics. Starting price – 10 quants Who has more? (teams are bidding).
Question: Which water will boil first: raw or boiled?
Answer: Raw, because it contains more dissolved air.

Lot No. 8: Question from the field of car design. Starting price – 10 quants Who has more? (teams are bidding).
Question: Which cooling system device regulates the movement of coolant through the small and large circles of circulation?
Answer: thermostat

Host: This concludes the first round of the marathon. Teams, count your quants. We ask the jury to record and announce the capital of our teams based on the results of the first round.
Round 2: Erudite Sprint
Teams have 1 minute at their disposal, during which the team must correctly answer the maximum number of questions as quickly as possible. For each correct answer, the team receives 10 quants. The question appears on the screen and the team immediately gives an answer as quickly as possible. If the team does not have an answer, they say the word “next”. You must answer as many questions as possible in a minute. So, are the teams ready? Time!!!
Questions for the first team:
1. A bench vise is a tool or equipment (equipment).
2. What cannot be divided by? (zero)
3. For what plumbing operation is a tap used (cutting internal threads).
4. The line drawn when marking the workpiece is called ... (risk)
5. The transition from liquid metal to solid is called (crystallization)
6. A drilling machine is a piece of equipment or fixture (equipment).
7. Types of thread (external, internal).
8. Physical quantity measured in Ohms (resistance)
9. "Eureka!" - he exclaimed and discovered the law. Who is he? (Archimedes)
10. For what metalworking operation is a mallet (editing) used?
11. Chemical element, the deficiency of which leads to dental caries (fluoride)
12. Litmus color in acidic medium (red)
13. Main characteristics of the hammer (weight)
14. Opponent of the “toe” (cross)
15. Constant value (constant)
16. The reciprocal of five (1/5)
Questions for the second team:
1. Kreuzmeisel is equipment or instrument (instrument)
2. Why a cube and a person have exactly a dozen (ribs)
3. What is a dozen (12)
4. Author of the theory of relativity (A. Einstein)
5. A tool for impact work, consisting of a handle and a striking part (hammer)
6. A disease in which color vision is impaired (Color blindness)
7. The rarest blood type (fourth)
8. Device for measuring blood pressure to a person (monometer)
9. How many years did Ilya Muromets sleep? (33 years)
10. What do bees use to build honeycombs (wax)
11. When marking, which lines are drawn first: vertical or horizontal (horizontal).
12. How many kids did a goat with many children have? (seven)
13. The plant and the equation have (a root)
14. A bending mandrel is equipment or a device (device)
15. When the temperature in the vehicle’s cooling system increases while the engine is running, the thermostat valve opens or closes (opens)
16. What is the number “Pi” approximately equal to? (3.14)
Presenter: Thank you to all the teams, we invite the jury to sum up the results of the 2nd round and assign quants to the teams.
Questions for the audience:
1) Yeralash: The lines of this poem are divided into two parts. The first words of each line are written on the left, and the continuations are written on the right. The words are all mixed up. The task is to compose a poem:
Angry boar sat on a branch sharpening his fangs
The steamboat was languishing in a cage, sounding its whistle
The nightingale sharpened his fangs and sat on a branch.
The porcupine was honking, languishing in a cage
The cat taught Physics, caught her tail
Masha caught her tail, taught physics
Pinocchio Sewed his pants Ate all the pancakes
The tailor ate all the pancakes and sewed his pants
The hedgehog was set for dinner, chasing mice
Usami the siskin moved, flew under the clouds
Cancer flew under the clouds and moved his mustache
The table was chasing mice, dinner was set
The teapot was jumping in the yard, gurgling on the fire
Boy Gurgling on the fire Jumping in the yard

2) How many colors can be identified in a rainbow? (7 colors)
3) Name the fruit bird. (Kiwi)
4) Which animal's eyes rotate 360 ​​degrees?
Crocodile, snake, chameleon, turtle (answer: chameleon)
5) Who discovered the law of universal gravitation? (Newton)
6) What noble metal is made from marsh algae? (Platinum)
7) Name a scientist whose last name also sounds like a woman’s jewelry (Pendant)

3rd round: Prize auction
The team that correctly guesses the lot receives the guessed prize.
LOT No. 1: Symbol of the Garden of Eden, which we hope did not cause discord in your team. (6 apples)
LOT No. 2: Prevents a person from drying out. These are vitamins necessary for life. (6 boxes of juice)
LOT No. 3: This item is necessary for very popular, stellar personalities who are at the zenith of fame. And today - especially to the winning team. (6 fountain pens).
LOT No. 4 – For those who have accumulated too much currency. We offer a case for millions. Enough for the whole team. (6 plastic bags).
LOT No. 5 – Source of “winter freshness”, ultra-modern dental instrument. (6 packs of chewing gum).
LOT No. 6 – claims that silence is not only golden, but also a lot of sweet pleasure. (6 lollipops)
LOT No. 7 – contribution from sponsors in gold who decided to stimulate your intellectual abilities (6 chocolate medals in the form of coins).
LOT No. 8 – a must-have for those who sometimes have to “cover their tracks” (6 erasers).
LOT No. 9 – We called this auction lot “Taste of Victory” (6 chocolates).
LOT No. 10 is a reason for the team to meet in a closer, friendly atmosphere over a cup of tea (biscuit roll).
LOT No. 11 – Talisman of pedantic people who adore precision in everything (6 rulers).
LOT No. 12 – a piece of the jury as a souvenir. (6 pieces of soap)
LOT No. 13 – Step into the future. Who wants to do it? (6 calendars).
LOT No. 14 - “don’t be sad - crunch” (corn sticks).
LOT No. 15 - stress reliever. (6 coffee bags)
LOT No. 16 - an ominous place in Bermuda, a famous figure in love affairs. (6 student triangles).

The jury's word: ...
Prizes have been drawn, awards have found their heroes. Thanks to the teams for decent game.


The set goals have been achieved. The students were interested in the event. The positive side of the “Knowledge Auction” game is the cultural and professional development of students, as well as the development of communication skills (for both the teacher and students). There were some shortcomings: perhaps a better option would have been to create 3 teams so that everyone could take part in the game (maybe it would increase the level of competition to some extent). There were some violations of the rules of the game (the spectators were sometimes more active than the teams and tried to answer before the teams).
Preliminary preparation of the event is of utmost importance. As well as motivating students. When preparing for games of this kind, you should have additional questions “in reserve” in case there is free time left. Be prepared for additional questions and clarifications. Activities in the form of games, in addition to cultivating certain qualities, form friendly relationships and contribute to group cohesion.

An auction consists of putting up certain values ​​(both material and non-material) “for sale.” These can be a variety of items that are valuable and significant for the children of the group or the entire team. Each item put up for auction is called a “lot.”

At the auction, as “money” - a quantitative measure of the conditional value of the lot - a variety of knowledge and skills are used, practically demonstrated by children during the auction and assessed by a certain number of conditional points. For example:

    proverbs and sayings – 3 points;

    folk signs - 4 points;

    song verse – 3 points;

    dance, poem - 2 baals, etc.

A characteristic attribute of the auction is a gong (a metal plate and a hammer).

The auction is led by a presenter who announces the rules and presents the value offered “for sale.” A jury is appointed to calculate the number of points. The jury informs the presenter about who has acquired the right to “own” a particular lot for public notification of participants and spectators.

"Auction" of knowledge

The “auction” of knowledge is a creative activity that helps to instill interest in knowledge, broaden children’s horizons, and increase their creative activity. The knowledge “auction” is a type of quiz tournament.

In the literal sense of the word auction means a sale by public auction in which property is transferred to the highest bidder. How does this relate to knowledge? How can knowledge be sold or resold? Most likely, we are talking about the acquisition of knowledge by everyone involved in this matter.

Essentially, this is an open competition for the best knowledge of a topic, for example: “All about water”, “All about watches”, etc. The auction is conducted by the person most competent in this topic. He is assisted by a board of consultants or a jury, which is called an “auction society.” Usually the presenter has a hammer in his hands, and after each answer he asks: “Who is bigger?”, i.e. who knows more and can still tell you something important and interesting. When all is said, the facilitator knocks the gavel three times, closing the discussion. Consultants are getting involved.

The purpose of the knowledge “auction” is to expand children’s understanding of a certain area of ​​knowledge through a comprehensive disclosure of the properties, qualities, characteristics of substances or objects.

The Evening-Gathering Journey

Participants share with each other knowledge, impressions, and suggestions about one or another aspect of life around them. You can organize not just one travel evening, but a series of similar evenings on the same topic.

Topics of the evenings:

    “Our City” is a journey through the streets, squares, and memorable places of your hometown.

    “Around the native country” - a journey through cities, rivers, etc.

    "Around the World" - a journey through different countries, by capitals, etc.

    “The amazing is nearby” - a journey into the natural world, etc.

    "Journey into the world of art."

    “Travel in a Time Machine”, etc.

During the evening, all teams represent different expedition groups.

An evening of solved and unsolved mysteries

This is an educational review. Conducted with the aim of attracting participants to scientific discoveries, to unsolved problems of life, to various aspects and phenomena of the surrounding world, to the prospects for its development. An evening of solved and unsolved mysteries allows children and adults to exchange their opinions, knowledge, raise questions, prove and disprove, conduct a collective search for truth, etc.

Evening options:

    The Council of the Evening (“Council of the Wise”), which includes representatives of all mini-groups, draws up a list of secrets and informs all participants in advance. Everyone thinks about these mysteries and reads literature. At the evening itself, each mini-group receives 1-2 secrets (at the suggestion of the presenters or by lot) for a detailed message. Other teams express their thoughts, developing their point of view.

    Each mini-group finds secrets for other mini-groups and, as the evening progresses, offers secrets to each of the other groups in turn.

    Each mini-group transfers its secrets to the “council of the wisest”. During the evening itself, secret after secret is discussed. The presenters conclude the evening by expressing their opinions on the results.

Examples of secrets:

    If on other planets solar system life?

    The mystery of heredity?

    What is the Universe?

    Is it possible to extend human life to 200 years in the distant future?

    What will the cities of the future be like?

    Is it possible to transmit thoughts over a distance?

Goals and objectives:

Development of intellectual abilities of younger schoolchildren;

Nurturing the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual and uniting the children's team.

Equipment. Tokens, a table for placing tokens, a drum with team numbers, prizes for awarding winning teams.

Several microgroups are formed in the class (from 3 to 6 people in each). The class teacher explains the conditions of the game, but does not reveal the content of the competitions. Each team gets acquainted with additional literature and prepares an amateur performance.

The game is led by the teacher and presenter. You can invite high school students, teachers or parents to the jury.

Description of the class hour

Teacher: Good afternoon guys. Today we will try to identify a team that will show more resourcefulness, ingenuity, and most importantly - their knowledge in many branches of science, which will be useful to you in the future, but for now you must show how you read books, watch educational programs on TV and, of course, study At school.

Before the start of the auction, each team receives initial capital - a certain number of tokens (10-15).

Each team has its own number.

The host plays the team that bets on the question (1 or more tokens):

1 token – easy question;

2 tokens - more difficult;

3 or more are the most difficult questions.

The presenters place the same number of tokens against the team and ask a question of the difficulty on which the bet was made.

The team is given 15 seconds to discuss.

If the answer is correct, the team takes all the placed tokens.

If the answer is incorrect, the tokens are taken by the presenters, and the right to move passes to the next team.

After the correct answer, the presenter plays the next team to play.

After all teams have played, the numbers are placed in the drum and the game continues.

During the game, teams choose questions 3-5 times.

At the end of the game, the team with the most tokens wins a prize.

The auction takes place in 4 rounds of 10 minutes each. The jury keeps track of time. After each round, the amateur performance numbers prepared by each team are reviewed, and the jury announces the preliminary results - the number of tokens earned by each team.

Questions for one token

Whatever this eye looks at, it will convey everything in the pictures. (Camera)

Not a rider, but with spurs. Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up. (Rooster)

The living castle fell silent

He lay down across the door. (Dog)

The land where near the Nile

A gorilla chews a drum

Where is the birthplace of the giraffe?

The land is called... (Africa)

Who teaches silently? (Book)

It runs on the ground without legs. (Water)

Matryona stands in the corner,

Healthy, vigorous,

The mouth opens

What they give, they swallow. (Bake)

The roll is hanging, but you can’t bite it. (Lock)

Long, not a thread.

Evil, not a witch.

Black, not raven. (Snake)

I grow thin mustaches,

In the swamps of the swampiest,

And for the sour vitamin

Crowds climb through the swamps. (Cranberry)

White flies landed on the field. (Snow)

A swampy place with standing water. (Swamp)

The golden sieve of black houses is full.

How many little black houses,

So many little white residents. (Sunflower)

A new vessel, but it’s all full of holes. (Sieve)

He stood on a strong leg,

Now it's in a basket. (Mushroom)

What kind of stars are there on the coat and on the scarf?

Everything is through, cut out, and if you take it, it’s water in your hand. (Snowflakes)

Barmaley's place of residence. (Africa)

Everywhere he goes, he warms you with his gaze. (Sun)

It is unknown where he lives. If it flies, it bends the trees. (Wind)

Silver threads stitch together the earth and sky. (Rain)

Who plows the land first? (Worm)

Questions for two tokens

Two friends live, looking in two circles. (Eyes, glasses)

What clings to all sorts of things? (Name)

Born at dawn.

The more I grew, the smaller I became. (Day)

I'll throw my riddle on the garden bed.

A year will pass and it will sprout like a ball. (Sowing)

What is between the "mountain" and the "valley"? (Letter "I")

Where do swallows winter? (In Africa)

Is it possible to photograph a mirage? (Yes)

Tell me what kind of weirdo

Does he wear a tailcoat day and night? (Penguin)

Yashka came - a white shirt,

Wherever he goes, he lays carpets. (Snow)

Paper carrier pigeon. (Envelope)

How many kilograms are in a hundredweight? (100)

Every year they come to visit us: One is gray-haired, the other is young,

The third is jumping, and the fourth is crying. (Seasons)

Peas are scattered at our gates.

You can’t rake it with a shovel, you can’t sweep it away with a broom. (Stars on the sky)

He dives and dives, but loses his tail. (Needle and thread)

Round, rich, almost shaggy. When trouble comes, water will flow. (Eye)

A tree growing in the deserts of Asia. (Saxaul)

A substance produced by bees. (Wax)

The smallest bird in the world. (Hummingbird)

They put the man in prison and gave him only dry bread, and when he was released, there were bones left in the corner. From what? (From fish)

I am black, red, white.

And I blush near the stump.

That's why they call it

People are kind to me. (Strawberry)

I burn without fire,

I save bullfinches.

And often about me

They remember in songs. (Rowan)

Before you lie down against the wall,

He climbed into the oven and burned the sides. (Brick)

Questions for three tokens

He hops across the floor and hops across the benches, sits in the corner and doesn’t move. (Broom)

She dresses the whole world, but she herself is naked. (Needle)

Black in autumn, white in winter,

Green in spring, yellow in summer. (Niva)

In a new wall, in a round window.

The glass was broken during the day and replaced during the night. (Ice hole)

Jackdaws flew and sat on sticks.

They sat down one at a time - there was an extra jackdaw.

They sat down two at a time - there was an extra stick.

How many jackdaws were there and how many sticks were there? (4 jackdaws, 3 sticks)

Not living, but breathing,

No arms, no legs, but going uphill. (Dough)

What ghost are sailors afraid of? (The Flying Dutchman)

Name the fourth dimension of space. (Time)

Dries as if after washing

And it's full of holes. (Net)

Name the three dimensions of space. (Length Width Height)

c Brother chases brother, but never catches up. (Wheels)

Kirill lived, fed many people,

But he crashed and found himself under a fence. (Pot)

The lake is milky, the shores are rough. (Cheesecake)

Not the sun, but shining. (Firefly)

. "The center of the world. (Pole)

A place in the house where it is not customary to say hello and goodbye. (Threshold)

There is a shell, not a turtle,

Lives on a branch, not a bird. (Nut)

Who changes their clothes three times a year? (Earth)

What kind of miracle cages are there, where the mouse is cramped, but the elephant is free? (Chess board)

I walk, but he stays. (Track)

Which has the most hoops? (On a ball)

Questions for four tokens

A dark chamber, four brothers live in it,

There is a closet nearby, where Egorka lives. (Mittens)

What is botulism? (Food poisoning)

An ancient ancestor of birds. (Atheopteryx)

What fish in our area can move overland from one body of water to another? (Loach)

Who said and to whom: “We are responsible for those we have tamed”? (Little Fox to the Little Prince)

What berry replaces lemon? (Cranberry)

In America they play baseball, but what is it called? similar game in Russia? (Lapta)

What mammals lay eggs? (Ostrich, echidna, platypus)

Who was the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes? (Conan Doyle)

What goes bad the fastest? (Mood)

The largest holiday in Japan. (Cherry blossom festival)

Eight legs, nine kopecks. (Two pigs)

Which berry is the largest? (Watermelon)

Which country has the coldest winter? (In Russia)

What wood are matches made from? (Aspen)

Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins)

She doesn’t offend anyone, but everyone pushes her. (Door)

It neither burns in fire nor sinks in water. (Ice)

Monetary unit of Hungary. (Forint)

Who is the most voracious predator on the planet? (Dragonfly)

What city consists of a planet and a tree? (Marseilles)

Legless lizard. (Copper)

Big lizard with five letters. (Varan)

Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar? (Bear)

The year of the discovery of America. (1492)

What kind of wood is used to make skis? (Birch)

When does the watchdog become a forget-me-not? (When he is not standing behind the booth)

The jury counts the tokens and sums up the preliminary results.

Teacher: Well, are you tired? Let's take a game break.

Joke game "Tush"

If there are no musicians at a solemn moment, the entire audience can perform the tune, having previously learned the words: “Elephants live in Africa, they reach the sky without raising their trunks.” (The game is played three times)

Game situation of the “All-in” auction

Teacher: Guys, this tour is the most unusual. You have probably observed in some television games when, before a question or task, players, not yet knowing the question, “bet” at random. If they answer the question, the “bet” is added to them; if not, it is deducted. In a word, players go all-in.

In this round, you also have to place bets at random.

Before I ask the question, you will need to “place bets” as you wish: offer several (or one) tokens of any nomination for answering the question.

If you answer within 1 minute, you will be given additional tokens for the nomination you proposed.

If not, or use a hint, the “bet made” is subtracted from the total number of tokens of your team.

Get ready... All-in!

What cities are named after rivers? (Moscow, Voronezh, Pechora)

What colored seas do you know? (Black, Red, Yellow, Marble)

Which lake is the deepest? (Baikal - 1620 m)

Can elephants swim? (They know how, and at the same time, immersed in water, they put their trunk above the surface)

Are cats' eyes the same during the day and at night? (During the day the pupils are small, and at night they are too dilated)

Does a tree grow in winter? (No, it freezes)

Which trees' leaves turn red in autumn? (Rowan, aspen and maple)

What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill)

What insect “bears the rank” of a naval officer? (Butterfly Admiral)

Which animal is the smallest? (Shrew)

What substance exists on our planet in three states? (Water)

Born in water, but lives on land. (Frog)

What is the name of the month of spring primroses? (April)

Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker)

What wood is a piano made from? (From spruce)

Which plant tells you where it lives? (Plantain)

What bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird)

What berries are white, black and red? (Currant)

Who sleeps with their head down? (Bat)

Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle)

The jury counts the total number of tokens for each team and announces the overall result of the auction.

The teacher thanks all participants for gambling and sums up, recalling that the “auction of jokes and riddles” was an “auction of knowledge” for third-graders (fourth-graders). It is advisable to reward the most distinguished children with symbolic gifts.
