Intellectual game "What? Where? When?" based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. Intellectual game. Experts in fairy tales “What, where, when?”, for the preparatory group Game of what where when according to fairy tales

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Target: Generate interest in fairy tales
-To form the personal qualities of children: a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team.
-Develop curiosity, communicative, coherent speech in children;
-Learn to answer questions;
-Cultivate interest in different types activity, creativity.
Equipment: game table, top, questions in envelopes, black box, badges, stand with numbers, tablecloth.

Croupier: Hello dear guests, fans and participants of the game!
We are pleased to welcome you to our elite club “What? Where? When? "!
Today Fairytale Heroes are playing against the “Experts” team.
Let me introduce you to the “Connoisseurs” team. I will call the name and surname of the expert, and he will take a seat at the gaming table. …………….
(Children take their seats behind the music playing field- The team captain is the last to introduce himself.)
Now listen rules of the game:
Dear experts, you see, on the gaming table there is a top with an arrow, and there are envelopes with questions. Each envelope contains a photo of the person who sent the question to the experts. The team captain spins the top. Which envelope the top arrow points to, we open that envelope and read the question. The expert next to whom this envelope lies answers the question. If the top arrow points to a sector where there is no envelope with a question, take the nearest envelope with a question clockwise. Experts must answer all the questions that are in 10 envelopes. For each correct answer, experts are given 1 point. The team that scores the most points wins. The results after each round will be posted on the scoreboard.
Dear experts, you have listened to the rules and now it’s time to start the game.
1 Round
Let's start the top. The team captain spins the top. ( Music).
Plays against you….. Answers the question……
Attention question: Who came to the house of the three bears, and what is the name of this fairy tale?
children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. In the fairy tale “Three Bears,” a girl (Masha) came to the house of the three bears. The score is 1:0 in favor of the experts (fairy-tale heroes). ( ).
2 Round

Attention black box (taking out the black box to the music).
I'm going to the Tauride Garden
Jumped over the fence
And she rushes after me,
And she bites like a wolf.
Attention question: Who bit the fairy-tale hero like a she-wolf in the fairy tale “MOIDODYR”? What's in the black box?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer ( opens the drawer and takes out a washcloth).
Score…………(Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard)
3 Round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Musical question. (A fragment of the song is played).
Attention question: Who sings this song?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
Listen to the song fragment again. ( A fragment of the song is played).
I repeat the question: Who sings this song?
Expert's answer: ………..
Croupier: And now the correct answer. This song is sung by Winnie the Pooh.
Check ………..…………..( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard)
4 Round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Dear experts, of course you all know the fairy tale “Cinderella, or the Glass Slipper”. Do you know what Cinderella's carriage turned into at midnight?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question: What did Cinderella's carriage turn into at midnight?
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Cinderella's carriage turned into a pumpkin at midnight.
Check ………..…………..( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
5 Round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Your home in winter, in the cold
She made it out of ice
But the house stood fine in the cold,
In the spring it turned into a puddle.
The bast house was built by a bunny.
Now, experts, remember
Who deceived the hare?
And kicked him out of the hut?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Fox
Check ………..…………..( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
Musical pause.Physical education is performed.
6 Round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Dear experts, remember the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”. Answer the question: How did the mouse break the egg?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question: How did the mouse break the egg?
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke.
Check ………..………….. (
Round 7
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Dear experts, listen to “Mix of Fairy Tales” i.e. an invented fairy tale, where there are characters from different fairy tales, and you need to guess which fairy tales these characters are from?
“...Kolobok rolled along the path and saw a hut standing in front of him. Kolobok knocked and asked: “Knock, knock, knock!” Who lives in the mansion? “I am a little mouse, I am a frog, a frog. And who are you?"
So the question is: What fairy tales are these characters from?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Fairy tales "Kolobok", "Teremok".
Check ………..………….. ( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
Round 8
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Dear experts, name the heroine of a Russian folk tale who grew up in her grandfather’s garden?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. The heroine of a Russian folk tale, who grew up in her grandfather's garden, is a turnip.
Check ………..………….. ( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
9 Round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Dear experts, in which fairy tale a girl, looking for her brother, turns to a stove, an apple tree, and a river with jelly banks for help.
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. In the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”, a girl, looking for her brother, turns for help to a stove, an apple tree, and a river with jelly banks.
Check ………..………….. ( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
Round 10 - BLITZ
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Question No. 1. Dear experts, name the fairy-tale character who said the following words in the fairy tale:
I'll sit on a tree stump
I'll eat the pie
children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Expert's answer: ……….
Question No. 2. Dear experts, name the fairy-tale hero who dipped his tail into the hole and sang: “Catch, big and small fish.”
You have 20 seconds to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Wolf.
Question No. 3. Dear experts, name the fairy-tale hero who flew on a mortar, lived in a dark fairy-tale wilderness, in a hut on chicken legs.
You have 20 seconds to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Bear.
Check ………..………….. ( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).

Dear experts, all tasks have been completed. All questions have been answered and it’s time to take stock. .......
The dealer announces the winners to the music
The dealer congratulates the winners.
Dear experts, I wish you to always be friends with fairy tales.


The proposed literary game, based on the scenario of the popular TV show “What? Where? When?”, is intended for 5th grade students of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. This event will be interesting for both participants and spectators. Game The game's questions are designed in such a way that students can answer them not only based on previously studied material, but also by thinking logically.

The teacher can use the game materials both during extracurricular activities and during literature lessons.


1) educational:

To consolidate and deepen students’ knowledge about Russians folk tales;

2) developing:

Contribute to broadening the horizons of students,

Develop abstract and figurative thinking, logic, and intelligence of students;

Develop students’ speech and imagination;

3) educational:

Foster a love for your native word;

- to instill in students morality and positive emotions aimed at creating lasting reading interest.

Design and equipment:




black box,

playing field, spinning top.

12 envelopes with questions.

Description of the game. Two teams of experts take part in the literary game. There are spectators in the audience.

Progress of the game

Teacher's opening speech.

So, we begin our literary game WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?

Team presentation.


Fairy tale heroes often solve riddles. Here are some fabulous riddles for your quick poll:

    What's the fastest thing in the world?

    What is the cutest thing in the world?

    What's the fattest thing in the world?

ANSWER: 1. thought 2. dream 3. earth.


The black box contains a fabulous miracle. It is one and the same and two different.

ANSWER: Living and dead water.


This animal in a fairy tale about animals is stupid and evil, but in a fairy tale it is wise and strong. However, this animal began to help the hero in a fairy tale by committing an evil act. Name the animal, the fairy tale, and the evil deed of the animal in that fairy tale.

ANSWER: Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf. He ate Ivan Tsarevich's horse.

Many scientists still cannot solve the riddle of the name of the hero of the fairy tale “Finist - the Clear Falcon”. However, they all agree on one assumption. Tell me, what Greek word can the word “Finist” be related to and why?

ANSWER: PHOENIX is a bird that has the magical ability to be reborn from the ashes.

5. QUESTION WITH THE HINT OF THE HOST: (with a hint, the sum of points for the question is divided in half)

The Poles call this fairy-tale heroine Edzina, the Czechs - Ezinka. What is it called in a Russian fairy tale?

HINT: Slovaks call her Jezhe Baba.

ANSWER: Baba Yaga.


When did the frog in the fairy tale begin to be called Vasilisa the Wise?

ANSWER: Before the first test, when she shed her frog skin.


What connects the words “fairy tale” and “charm”?

ANSWER: At first, fairy tales were called “tales”; telling fairy tales was “bayat”. “Charm” - to bewitch with a fairy tale.


What color is the Sivka-burka of the prophetic kaurka?

ANSWER: Gray is white, brown is dark, brown, brown is red. There is a version that the father was supposed to leave a horse as an inheritance to all his sons: the eldest - a gray one, the middle - a brown one, and the youngest - a brown one. But since only the youngest son fulfilled his father’s order, he received a magic horse with the power of three horses.


Something magical happened to the book of fairy tales. For some reason, the contents contain the following names of fairy tales: “The Heron Maid,” “The Awake Freak,” “The Square,” “The Laughing King.” Tell me what happened? And bring back the correct names of fairy tales!

ANSWER: “The Frog Princess”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Kolobok”, “Princess Nesmeyana”.


You all know the magic self-assembled tablecloth. It turns out that there are two etymological explanations for the word “self-assembly”. For both versions of the origin of the word you can get twice as many points.

ANSWER: 1. The root “br” means to take, collect. She collects it for the table herself. (Sad word “imposter”)

2. Tablecloth made of broken fabric. Branaya - from the word “to take”, the fabric was woven not on a loom, but by hand recruited threads for the pattern. Framed fabric is a very expensive handmade item. "They sat down at the tablecloths..."


In ancient Greek myths there is the river Styx. She divides the world of the dead and the living. Charon transports souls to the kingdom of the dead on his boat. And in Russian fairy tales there is also a similar river, and a bridge connects the world of the dead and the living. The river and the bridge have names that seem to modern people to be associated with berries. However, this is not quite true. Name the river and the bridge. For the correct version of the interpretation of the origin of the names of the river and bridge, you can get twice as many points.

ANSWER: 1. Smorodina River. Kalinov Bridge.

2. Currant - “stench”, stinking river, Kalinov Bridge - “red-hot”, made of red-hot iron.


    Name magical objects that make wishes come true.

(magic wand, petal, ring, hair...)

    Name objects that tell the truth or tell what is happening. (mirror, book, golden saucer)

    Name the objects that do the work for the hero.

(self-assembled tablecloth, needle, doll, treasure sword, baton...)

    Name the objects that show the way.

(ball, stone, feather, arrow)

    Name the objects that help the hero overcome difficulties.

(invisibility hat, walking boots, flying carpet).

Elena Lobuntsova
Intellectual game. Experts in fairy tales “What, where, when?”, for preparatory group.

Intellectual game

"What do you mean where, When

Experts in fairy tales.

(for children preparatory group)

Target: continue to cultivate love for fairy tales

Consolidate knowledge of the saying

zok through the game. Form a mixture

skill, intelligence, skill

find the right one in a short time

ny answer.

Game tasks: spin the top and answer

talk about the questions chosen by the wolf-

Material. Spinning top with arrow, questions

on cards, TV frame,

wise Owl (toy).

Progress of the game.

A team of 6 people sits at the table. Cards with questions are laid out in a circle. If a team does not answer 3 questions in a row, then another team replaces it.

Suggested questions for the game.

1. Name 3 fairy tales, where the heroes are cats.

("Puss in Boots", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Golden Key", "The Bremen Town Musicians", "Cat house", « The Tale of a Stupid Mouse» , "Who said meow).

2. Name 3 fairy tales where they meet fairy birds?

("Swan geese", Firebird in fairy tale"Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", the swan princess fairy tale A. Pushkin « The Tale of Tsar Saltan» , duck in fairy tale B. Garshina "Frog traveler", duck in fairy tale D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Gray Neck", fairy tale"The Fox and the Crane", sparrow in fairy tale by M Gorky"Sparrow", swan in fairy tale G. H. Andersen "Ugly duck").

3. Name 5 types fabulous transport.

(Baba Yaga's stupa, Carpet - airplane, Little hunchbacked horse, stove, boots - walkers, Geese - swans, wolf - in fairy tale"Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", pumpkin is a carriage, and mice are horses in fairy tale"Cinderella", bear with a box in fairy tale"Masha and the Bear", deer - in fairy tale"The Snow Queen").

4. Remember 3 fairy tales, in the title of which are the names of the heroes of this fairy tales.

("Masha and the Bear", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Moroz Ivanovich", "Pinocchio", "Baby and Carlson", "Chippolino")

5. Name the flowers that are found in fairy tales(3 flowers)

("The Scarlet Flower"- S. Aksakov, "Seven-flowered flower"- V. Kataev, "Thumbelina" tulip - Andersen, "Twelve months" snowdrops – Marshak, "Swineherd" rose - Andersen.

6. Name 3 fairy tales, in the name of which there are numbers - numeral names.

("Three piglets", "Seven Semyons", "Three Kingdoms", "Two Frosts", "Three Fat Men", « Fairy tale about the dead princess and the seven heroes", "Twelve months", "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves").

7. Which one the fairy tale says that the better the snow cover, the better the grass will be preserved. ( "Moroz Ivanovich"- Odoevsky).

8. Which one fairy tale The mischievous boy made blots with his nose. ( "Pinocchio"- A. Tolstoy).

9. Show any physical. a minute using fairy-tale characters or fairy-tale text.

Turnip, turnip - sits firmly

We pull again, again,

Here we have a turnip.

Pinocchio stretched,

Bend once, bend twice

He put his hands behind his back,

Stretched, stretched

I sat at the table.

The cubs lived in the thicket

They turned their heads.

10. Pantomime anyone fairy tale hero. (If the audience guesses correctly, get a point).

Note. If there is a musical break - treble clef, use any solo numbers learned in music. classes.

At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up and gifts are presented.
