Intellectual game for preschoolers on ecology. Ecological educational travel game. "The postman brought a letter"

Tatyana Ivanishcheva
Intellectual-ecological game “Nature Experts”

Intellectual-ecological game

« Nature connoisseurs»


Educational area "Cognition"

Systematize and generalize ideas about living things nature;

Form cognitive interest to the life of plants and animals;

Educational area "Communication"

Form coherent speech, correctly use grammatical forms in speech;

Improve memory, attention, verbal and logical thinking;

Educational area "Socialization"

Develop the ability to listen to other children;

Develop interest to various representatives of the animal and plant world living on planet Earth;

Educational area "Physical Culture"

Form the need for physical activity;

Educational area "Safety"

To cultivate kindness, feelings of empathy and involvement in everything living and beautiful that surrounds us, the ability to behave in nature;

Educational area "Health"

Ensure optimal motor activity for children.

Educational area "Music"

Develop skills in dance movements, the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music, conveying emotional and figurative content in dance;

Develop sound perception skills.

Material: Green helium balloon, telegram text, spinning top with arrow, 2 tables, chairs for team members, envelopes with tasks, environmental signs, 2 balls (red and yellow, 2 chips, scoreboard, CD player, voice recording birds: owls, magpies, cuckoos, woodpeckers. Sound recordings insects: bee, mosquito, grasshopper, bumblebee, cheerful music at the discretion of the teacher, ice, slides.

Preliminary work: GCD for introducing children to nature; reading fiction natural history orientation; getting acquainted with the encyclopedia about animals and plants, looking at illustrations about nature; inventing riddles about animals and plants; talking to kids about a TV quiz "What? Where? When?", about its rules. Separate the children the day before (subject to their wishes) into two teams, choose captains, come up with team names.

Rules of the game. On the central table, divided into sectors, there is a top with an arrow. Envelopes with tasks are laid out around the table. Participants in the game take turns spinning the top, the arrow of which will point to the envelope with the question. One minute is allotted to solve the task. The signal to start thinking is given by a gong. For every correct answer experts receive a certain number of points from 1 to 3. (Depending on the complexity of the question.)

Progress of the game:

In front of the hall there are animal tracks on the floor (yellow and red, a ball with a telegram appears.

Telegram text:

Hello, dear guys! Lesovichok is addressing you. I decided to publish “Book-encyclopedia of knowledge of the animal and plant world” our Earth. My friends, the forest dwellers, wanted to send me letters with questions, but suddenly a wind came and blew them away in an unknown direction. Help me find them and answer the questions. Your knowledge will help me in compiling it.

Leading: Shall we help Lesovich and his friends?

Children: Yes, we will help.

Leading: Then listen riddle:

He's following you,

At least it stays in place. (track)

Leading: Oh, guys, look, there are some tracks leading into the hall. Maybe this is Lesovichka’s hint. (song starts "In the footsteps of anyone" from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear").

(Children sit at tables).

Leading: There are some letters on the table, let’s take a look, what kind of letters are they? (Children are invited to turn over the envelopes and see from whom and to whom they were written).

Leading: So, we found these letters, and all we have to do is fulfill Lesovichok’s second request - to answer the questions of the forest inhabitants.

Well, guys, can we help?

Children: We'll help.

Leading: Please note, there is some kind of sign in front of us. (Children are asked to read signboard: "Club nature experts"What? Where? When?")

Assistant presenter: Yes, indeed, you got into the club experts.

In our club experts have their own rules. Teams take turns spinning the top, the arrow of which will point to the letter with the question. You are given a certain time to think about it, and after the gong hits you give your answer.

Each team has its own captain. Do you have captains? Turn around and look at the backs of the chairs. If there is a picture, then the captain is sitting here.

You can become the winners of the game "WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?" To do this, we invite you to remember everything you know about the life of plants, birds, insects and animals. Hurry up win!

Leading: And now we invite the captains to draw lots for who will start the game first (they draw chips, one with a number and the other without a number.

Leading: And now we are doing a warm-up, which is a blitz poll. In one minute you need to answer as many questions as possible. A sound signal will notify you of the start and end of the competition.

Questions for the team "Sun".

What is the word for the birds that spend the winter with us? (Wintering.)

What is one word for animals that live next to humans? (Domestic.)

Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who is it? (Insects.)

Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (Birds.)

Which tree has a white trunk? (At the birch tree.)

What is the name of the ants' house? (Anthill.)

What do you name a baby cow? (Calf.)

How many legs does a beetle have? (Six.)

What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (Cuckoo.)

Who carries their house on their back? (Snail.)

What animal has spines? (at the hedgehog.)

Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (Hedgehog, bear, badger.)

Is a lion a wild or domestic animal? (Wild.)

What animal can be called long-eared? (Hare.) ^

What do you name a baby horse? (Foal.)

Questions for the team "Rainbow".

What tree do acorns grow on? (On an oak tree.)

What do migratory birds mainly eat? (Insects.)

Crucian carp, pike, catfish, perch. (fish

Which animal has a red coat? (At the squirrel, fox.)

What do you name a baby pig? (Pig.)

What bird heals trees? (Woodpecker.)

What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (Birdhouse.)

Which plant helps heal a wound? (Plantain.)

What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill.)

Which bird has a red breast? (At the bullfinch.)

Who weaves a web in the forest? (Spider.)

Which insect has red wings with black dots? (At the ladybug.)

What in one word are the animals that live in the forest called? (Wild.)

What does a butterfly eat? (Nectar.)

Is a dog a wild animal or a domestic animal? (Homemade.)

What is the green cover of the Earth? (Grass.)

So, let's spin the top. (envelopes fall out in any order depending on where the top arrow stops)

We spin the top.

Leading: We got a question from the Wise Owl.

Musical and didactic training is conducted a game“Recognize a bird by its voice”.

(two questions for each teams: voices birds: magpies, cuckoos, woodpeckers and

On the screen are slides of birds.

Envelope No. 2 from Uncle – Aw: "Mysterious Forest"

Question for the team "Sun".

1. Who can drink with their feet? (frog)

Question for the team "Rainbow".

1. Who runs with their hind legs forward? (hare)

(The assistant presenter announces the results of 2 rounds)

The presenter's assistant holds a captain competition.

Assistant presenter: I will name my actions, and you will draw up diagrams. If I do well, you put a green chip, and if I do bad, then a red chip. Listen attentively:

What if I go to the woods and pick a daisy? (No)

What if I eat the pie and throw away the paper? (No)

If I don’t leave a piece of bread for the hemp? (Yes)

If I tie the branch. Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

What if I make a fire and don’t put it out? (No)

What if I make a big mess and forget to clean it up? (No)

If I pick up the trash, will I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love my nature, am I helping her? (Yes)

Assistant presenter: Well done. You all know that the forest is not just for our amusement. He is the wealth of our country. All the trees, berries, bushes have grown for our benefit. Take care of the Forest guys, it is our joy.

Envelope No. 3 from the bee May and: "Plants are our friends"

Question for the team "Sun".

1. A herb that even a blind person knows. (nettle)

Question for the team "Rainbow".

1. What is needed for plants to grow beautiful, fragrant, aromatic? (earth, water, air, warmth, people’s care)

Musical warm-up: "Radiant sunshine!"

Envelope No. 4 from the grasshopper Kuzi: "Familiar and Unfamiliar Insects".

A game"Guess by the sound".

(Pictures appear on the monitor insects: bees, mosquito, grasshopper, bumblebee)

Well done, you did a good job with this task too. We spin the top.

Envelope No. 5 "Black box"

Attention black box!

Mystery: “It does not burn in fire and does not drown in water. (answer: ice) or Pure and clear, like a diamond, there are no roads, he was born from his mother, he himself gives birth to her. (answer: ice)»

1 minute for discussion.

Attention, correct answer: "There is ice in the black box".

Envelope No. 6 “Video question – situations”(videos appear on the screen one by one, where animals: fox, hare, ask a question - a situation)

(Children dressed in animal costumes).

Contest "How to behave in nature» .

Team situation "Sun"

Fox: Yesterday I saw this one situation:

“The girls were walking in the forest on an early spring morning.

Oh look what I found. Nest!

And there is an egg in it.

Maybe we can take him home and have a baby bird.

We will take care of him!

The girls took the egg with them.”

Leading: Did the girls do the right thing?

Children: Wrong. The chick will die because it needs its mother's warmth.

Team situation "Rainbow"

Hare: I watched this situation:

“After the rain, the children went for a walk in the yard.

Look how many worms there are!

Let's gather them and scare the girls!

Let's go see where the girls are!

They leave the can of worms closed.”

Leading: Did the guys do the right thing?

Children: Worms cannot be collected, they have their own role in nature. They loosen the ground so that plant roots can breathe, and some animals feed on them.

(The presenter's assistant announces the total)

Video from Lesovichka: What great fellows you are, how much you know about nature of our planet Earth. Today you helped expand my encyclopedia with your knowledge, and now I am sure that you will love, cherish and protect our nature.

Leading: And also, Lesovichok, we want to give you a dance.

Musical pause.

Dance: “Beauty lives everywhere!”

(Medal presentation).

List of used literature:

1. Magazine "Pre-school education" No. 2 2012

2. Magazine "Pre-school education" No. 3 2011

3. O. A. Voronkevich "Welcome to ecology" publishing house Childhood Press 2008

Olga Bondareva

Program content:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the forest as a community of plants and animals living in the same territory; about the peculiarities of life of forest inhabitants in winter conditions.

Activate vocabulary on the topic "Wild animals» , their homes.

To practice the ability to distinguish the trees of our region by branches, bark, fruits, to recognize animals by their appearance (image)

Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables and form possessive adjectives.

Develop memory, reaction speed, intelligence, logical thinking.

Develop speech-auditory attention, manual and general motor skills, coordination of movements, imitation, continue to learn how to perform actions according to verbal instructions;

Develop the emotional sphere of children, empathy, facial expressiveness

Bring up cognitive interest, a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game.

Cultivate love for native nature.

Material and equipment:

A set of branches and pieces of tree bark; spruce, pine, cedar cones; syllabic houses, pictures with images animals for syllabic analysis; cards-schemes "Food Chains", pictures for drawing up power circuits; pictures of forest inhabitants for making sentences on the topic "Who needs trees in the forest"; hats animals for outdoor play, easels, chips.

Preliminary work:

Conversation “How wild animals winter”; reading by G. Sladkov "December's Trial", "Resort "Icicle" and etc. ; Di "Wonderful houses"; node "Whatever you like".

1) Presenter: Children, you love play? Then I offer you a game - a competition - this is KVN. What is this a game? Of course, KVN is a competition between teams where the smartest, bravest and most resourceful win. Today we will find out how well you know the nature of your native land and its inhabitants, because you are true friends of nature. But to find out the winners, we need someone to judge us. I thought about it and decided to let Dr. Aibolit judge us. Do you know why? (Answers) Of course, he is kind, knows a lot of birds and animals, he treats them, and therefore he will not simply award points to anyone. Let's call him. What number should I dial? The presenter calls and plays.

Doctor: Hello children, what happened? I will be happy to participate in your wonderful competition and hope that you guys will show excellent knowledge and win.

Children: We are funny guys

And we don't like to be bored

With pleasure today

We'll be in KVN play.

Presenter: So here we go. Our teams are already ready. Please take your seats. What are the names of your teams? Introduce yourself. Greet each other.

a) introduction - greeting: HARNIES

b) introduction - greeting: Squirrel

2) Presenter: Now we know that the teams are called Rabbits and Squirrels! In order for the members of both teams to show their knowledge and skills adequately, they need to warm up.

Game of Suggestions

3) Presenter: I see that the teams have warmed up, everyone is in a wonderful mood, and I think that now we can begin to complete the first task, which called: “Make a riddle - tell me the answer”.

1st competition: Riddles (teams tell each other riddles, having previously established the order using lots).

The jury's word: I really liked both teams and that’s why both Rabbits and Squirrels receive their first award (1 mushroom and 1 cone each)

4) Presenter: Before moving on to the next task, I ask all the guys to answer question: Without what is there no forest? (no trees).Do we know how to recognize trees in a winter forest?

Each team will now receive a black box, inside of which there is a piece of bark of some tree; they need to find out what kind of tree it is and tell about it.

2nd competition: "Recognize a tree by its bark". Children name the tree and take turns saying the attribute words.

5) Presenter: Now let’s look at this clearing, trees have grown on it. Did you recognize them? (cedar, pine, spruce, larch). How are they similar? But they also have differences, for example, seeds - cones, they are all different. Question teams: What branch did these kids grow up on? You must give each tree its own cone.

3rd competition: “Whose children?”- children, 2 participants per team, at a signal, take a pine cone and place it near their tree.

6) Presenter: While the jury is summing up the results of the last 2 competitions, we are with you let's play(and the audience too) and find out how well you know the trees growing in our region.

A game"Stomp - clap". The presenter names different trees, the children clap if the tree grows in the Trans-Baikal Territory, and stomp if it doesn’t.

The jury sums up the results for the 2nd and 3rd competitions.

7) Presenter: Children, you and I named many trees that grow in our forest. These are its main inhabitants. If there were no trees, there would be no forest. Does anyone else live in the forest? Of course, the forest is a home for animals. Now we will find out why these people settled in the forest. animals(points to easels).

Our next competition is called: “Who needs trees in the forest?”

4th competition: "Who needs trees in the forest" (For what animals need trees in the forest). Children take turns approaching the easels, take pictures, call animals and make proposals.

A squirrel builds a nest in a hollow tree.

A woodpecker gets insects from under the bark.

Birds build nests in trees and find food.

The wild boar eats acorns from the oak tree and makes a house under the tree.

The bear eats fruits and berries and makes a den under a tree.

The hare eats tree bark in winter.

Moose eat leaves and scratch their antlers.

Insects eat leaves and wood.

Ants build anthills.

8) Presenter: Well done! A lot of the animals were named, can you show me?

Physical education minute: Children imitate movements animals.

The animals took a walk and returned to their house, and the houses were not ordinary, but syllabic. 5th contest: "Settled down animals» .

So listen to the task: Need to settle animal in the house, corresponding to the number of syllables in the name. We will need 3 participants from each team. Be careful in this clearing (table, hoop) many different animals. We will populate the house from top to bottom (explain the rules).

Children perform tasks like a relay race.

After completing the task, we check that it was completed correctly.

Presenter: Let the jury count the points for the last 2 competitions, and we will let's play, and at the same time we will repeat the names of different animals.

Finger a game: "Whose house?"

The jury's word

9) Presenter: Rested animals in their houses and went to get food. Do you know who eats what? Now let's check it. I have these signs that look like chains. You need to put a picture of food in the ring or animal like that to form a food chain. (Alone animals They eat plant foods - herbivores, others - get their food by hunting - predators).

I invite 2 participants from each group.

6th competition "Food Chains" (after completing the task, children comment on the result).

We learned that animals eat different foods.

Presenter: Guys, there is animals Those who eat their plants are called herbivores. And there are those who hunt other animals - these are predators.

While the jury is counting the points, we let's play a game"Predators and Herbivores".

Movable a game: Children wear different hats animals(wolf, hare, fox, squirrel, tiger, moose, marten, hedgehog). By signal from the leader "herbivores" children wearing hats of the same group come out animals and move freely around the hall. By signal from the leader "Predators" children of the second group come out animals(hunt, children of the first group crouch (hiding). Presenter: Guys, do you think there are predators needed in the forest? After all, they offend small animals. Of course, everyone is needed in the forest.

The jury's word.

10) Presenter: We have already seen how the teams worked, and now it’s time for the captains’ competition.

7th competition "Captains Competition"

Task one: "Answer the question"

a) Why can’t the hare walk?

b) Why is the hare called oblique?

c) Where did the name bear come from?

d) How does a fox hunt for mice?

Task two: "Name the Cubs"

Task three: The captains did an excellent job with their task, but their trials did not end there. After all, you know that a lot depends on the captain, especially if he and his crew go into the forest. First of all, the captain must know the rules of conduct in the forest. Let them name them. And the teams will help them.

11) Presenter: While the jury is counting the number of points for the captains’ competition, and the total points for the competition, we are with you let's play.

"Whose team knows more tongue twisters"

12) Word of the jury: Guys, you are smart and clever today, you know so much about nature and animals of our region, you know how to speak beautifully, make sentences, but let's see who won our game. You need to count the number of points and name the winner.

We present diplomas.

Doctor: But this is not the main thing, the main thing is that you are very kind, love nature, take care of it and never harm it, do not offend animals or even small insects. Raise your children big and kind, love and take care of nature, the Earth on which we live, and it will return you to taking care of yourself with good health, a generous harvest, cheerful birdsong, and the beauty of the kingdom of nature.

KVN is over, goodbye,

I want to say goodbye to everyone

There are so many of us living on Earth

And we can take care of nature alone!

Goodbye old forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles.

We walked along the path

AND met animals

We made friends with them

Krasnoyarsk Territory MCOU-secondary school No. 2 ZATO village Solnechny named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Krylov N.I.

Ecological intellectual game “Everything about everything.”

Goals and objectives:
development of creative abilities and logical thinking of children;
increasing the intellectual and cultural level, expanding the horizons of students;
increasing interest in educational and cognitive activities, incentives;
fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect; tolerant attitude towards each other.
developing the ability to work in a group, in a team, to collaborate;
formation and development of the ability to clearly and correctly formulate answers, quickly find the right solution;
to develop in the child the ability to organize the interconnection of his knowledge and organize it.
show the importance of environmental problems in nature, the impact on the environmental situation of each person; teach students how to properly use household chemicals; behave correctly in nature; provide all possible assistance in the improvement of the village; promote deepening of knowledge in chemistry, biology, geography and ecology; foster a sense of collectivism.

2 presenters;
Tourist boy;
Jury (5 people);
Two teams (6 people each).

Equipment: Cards with proverbs, trash can, paper.

First presenter. I don’t think anyone needs to explain what “ecology” is and why this word is so relevant in our time. We all owe our lives to our planet - the beautiful Earth, groaning today in pain, crying out for help and, alas, remaining childishly defenseless in front of us.

Ecological boundaries do not know state borders or natural boundaries - they are global.

Second presenter. The remarkable French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery once remarked: “We are all passengers of one ship called “Earth”, and there is simply nowhere to transfer from it. Man today is not the ruler or king of nature. While admiring his intelligence, we must learn to doubly admire the harmony of nature.

First presenter. Now we propose to hold a competitive environmental game, which, we hope, will make you look at the world around you with different eyes.

Second presenter. Let's welcome our esteemed jury, the 8th grade team,
Team 8 "B" class. ( teams introduce themselves)

First presenter. The first task for the participants is a warm-up task.
For each correct answer you will receive one point.

1. What were the Ural Mountains called in the old days? (Stone belt).
2. What table salt is recommended for use in food? (Iodized).
3. What gases contribute to the formation of “acid rain”? (Phosphorus oxide (5); nitrogen oxide (4); sulfur oxide (4)
4. What year did the Red Book begin to be published? (1963).
5. Tallest grass? (Bamboo)
6. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (On the foot).
7. Which layer protects the Earth from ultraviolet radiation? (ozone)
8. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run, uphill or downhill? (uphill).

First round: “Intellectual”.

Second presenter. Now let's move on to the main competitions. Let's start with the intellectual. Teams must answer yes or no questions quickly. For each correct answer - 1 point.

Is it true that...

(Questions to the first team).
...can crocodiles climb trees? (Yes).
...small cucumbers contain more nitrates than large ones? (No).
... in the lower layers of the atmosphere does the temperature rise with increasing altitude? (No).
...lichens – indicators of environmental quality? (Yes).
... is industry the main culprit of air pollution? (Yes).
... do butterflies live only one day? (No).
...are green potatoes so poisonous they can kill a child? (Yes).
8. . ... pollution control doesn't improve air quality?

Questions for the second team.
1. ... if a cucumber is picked in the morning, does it contain more nitrates? (No).
2. air pollution mainly caused by human activities related to the burning of combustible materials? (Yes).
3. ... iodine - an antiseptic - an oxidizing agent that accumulates in seaweed? (Yes).

4. ...not a single human death is directly related to air pollution? (No).
5. ...are orchids used to make ice cream? (Yes).
6. ... does the nitrate content decrease during fermentation and salting? (Yes).
7. ... natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions or forest fires can also lead to serious pollution? (Yes).
8. air weightless? (No).

Second round: environmental.

First presenter: Another guest came to us - a junior class student. On Sunday he and his classmates went to the forest. Now you will listen to a story about how he spent his day off in the forest, and note the violations and mistakes that the schoolchildren, in your opinion, made. For each correctly noted error - 1 point.

The student comes out and reads the story.

Student's story.

With cheerful music we notified the forest - we have arrived. (Loud music will scare away animals and birds). The days were hot and dry, but in the forest the heat was not felt so much. A familiar path led us to a birch grove. Along the way we often came across mushrooms - porcini, boletus, russula. Some cut off the elastic legs of the mushrooms, some twisted them, and some pulled them out. All the mushrooms that we didn’t know were knocked down with sticks. (You should not pull out and knock down mushrooms - the mycelium is destroyed).

Halt. They quickly broke branches and lit a fire. (Dry wood is collected for the fire. Fires should not be lit in hot and dry weather). We brewed tea in a pot, had a snack and moved on. Before leaving, Petya threw away the cans and plastic bags, saying: “The microbes will destroy them anyway.” (These substances take 100-200 years to break down). The burning coals of the fire winked at us goodbye. (The coals should be covered with earth or filled with water). In the bushes we found the nest of some bird. They held the warm bluish eggs and put them back. (Bird eggs should not be touched.) The sun rose higher and higher above the horizon. It was getting hotter. At the edge of the forest we found a small hedgehog. Deciding that his mother had abandoned him, they took him with them - he would come in handy at school. (There is no need to take animals and chicks from the forest). We are already pretty tired. There are quite a lot of anthills in the forest. Petya decided to show us how formic acid is produced. He cut out sticks and began to pierce the entire anthill with them. A few minutes later we were happily sucking on ant sticks. (You should not push anything into the anthill.)

Gradually, clouds began to roll in, it began to get dark, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. But we were no longer afraid - we managed to run to a lonely tree and hide under it. (It is dangerous to hide under a lonely tree during a thunderstorm.)

We walked to the station with armfuls of meadow and forest flowers. (Meadow and forest flowers should not be picked). An hour later the train was already approaching the outskirts of the city. It was a fun day!

Teams call mistakes and earn points.

Third round: Trashball.

Second presenter. We move on to the sports competition. It's no secret that when walking, for example, in the park, we often leave behind a wide variety of heaps of garbage, pieces of paper, etc. This happens even when the ballot boxes are nearby. We just can’t even get into them. So let’s conduct such an experiment now. You need to throw the crumpled sheets of paper exactly into the trash bin. For each hit - a point.

There is a competition going on.

Fourth round: Intellectual.

First presenter: You have cards on your table, these are two proverbs about nature. Your task is to collect them in 1 minute. The competition is worth 2 points.
Time has passed.
First team.
1. New Year - a turn towards spring.
2. January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

Second team.
1. In winter, everyone loves a sheepskin coat.
2. Spring is red with flowers, autumn with sheaves.
Second presenter.
It's time to take stock. We ask the jury to count the teams' points and determine the winner.
First presenter: We ask the jury to name the winner.
We say in front of all the people:

To prolong nature's centuries,

Must help nature

Nature's friend is man.

So that the years rush by peacefully.

Century after century blossomed,

Be a friend to all nature

Every person should!

Goal: to intensify the cognitive activity of students in the field of ecology and nature conservation, to attract children’s attention to environmental problems of the environment, to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, and to develop the ability to work in a team.

Actors: presenter - 1 person, assistant presenter - 1 person, competition jury - 3 people.

Equipment: projector, screen, signal cards with numbers (1, 2, 3), registration and final sheets, illustrations depicting plants and animals: capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse, nutcracker, crossbill, nuthatch, chipmunk, squirrel, elk, sable, bear, lynx, pine, spruce, larch, aspen, birch, cedar, bird cherry, wild rosemary, wormwood, lumbago (sleep grass), white water lily, Daurian rhododendron, wormwood, Amur tiger, sea otter. (For illustrations, see Presentation ( Application)

Progress of the game

Host: Hello, guys! We are pleased to welcome you to an environmental game for students in grades 5-6. The game is dedicated to the nature of the native land, and is held in order to identify the best experts in the field of ecology and biology. Teams from schools No. __________ are taking part in today’s game. The team with the most points will be the winner. The game consists of 6 stages. Each has its own rules, which will be communicated before it takes place.

Your answers will be assessed by a competent jury. (Introduction of the jury members)

So, let's start the first round of our game. I wish everyone good luck!

First round “Our birds”

Presenter: The first round of our game is dedicated to the birds that live in our Siberian forests. Each team has to answer one question. Thinking time – 1 minute. For each correct answer, the team receives one point. If the team to which the question was asked did not give the correct answer, the team that first raised the signal card has the right to answer.

Questions and answers of the first round

A large, strong bird, it stays in remote places and marshy areas, feeding on berries, plant seeds, buds, catkins, and pine needles. Spends harsh winter nights under the snow. (Caercaillie) The photo or drawing is displayed on the screen after the answer.

A beautiful gray bird, reminiscent of a small chicken, found in the dense thickets of the forest. It feeds on berries, plant seeds, buds and catkins of trees. Hidden bird. It takes off with noise and flies into the thick of the forest. (Grouse)

A gray bird that lives in forests and along the outskirts of birch groves. It feeds on berries, tree buds, and flies to fields for grain crops. In the spring it gathers for a lek, which is an amazing sight. . (Grouse)

A bird about the size of a jackdaw, noisy and easily visible, inhabitant of coniferous forests. The color is dark, chestnut-brown, with frequent white spots. It feeds on seeds and nuts of coniferous trees. (Kedrovka)

Birds live in flocks in coniferous forests. During feeding, they are suspended from the cones. The color of the male is orange-red. Females are greenish-yellow. The upper and lower halves of the beak intersect at the end . (Crossbill)

A small, agile, short-tailed bird. The beak is straight, rather long. The upper half of the body is bluish-gray. A black stripe runs from the beak through the eye. The underside of the body is white. Often moves upside down . (Nuthatch)

Second round “Animals”

Presenter: We are starting the second round of our game, which is dedicated to the animals of our region. Each team will have to take turns answering the question. Thinking time – 1 minute. For each correct answer, the team receives one point. If the team to which the question was asked did not give the correct answer, the team that first raised the signal card has the right to answer.

Second round questions and answers

1. An animal, almost two times smaller than a squirrel. Gray or red. Five dark stripes run along the back. The animal lives in a hole, which it usually builds under fallen tree trunks or stumps. In summer and autumn, he stocks up pine nuts, cereal grains and tree seeds. He stuffs food into his cheek pouches and thus carries it to his house. The animal eats the prepared reserves after hibernation. What is the name of this animal? (This is a chipmunk.)

3. This is a beautiful forest giant with large horns on the male’s hook-nosed head. Its weight reaches 300–400 kg or more, its height is about two meters. This is a typical inhabitant of the taiga and swamps. It feeds on herbs, shoots of trees, shrubs, berries, and mushrooms. (Elk.)

4. A beautiful, active animal, with valuable fur, which brought him world fame. Lives in dense forests, feeds on mice, birds, and pine nuts. Now it is widespread in our region and is the subject of hunting. Of particular value is the Barguzin subspecies of the animal, with a higher quality skin, dark fur color with graying. (Sable.)

5. What kind of animal is this that has lost so much weight over the winter that it chews and gnaws everything that is green, that is alive, scurries around in the spring, and even finds carrion and feasts? The anthill is a particularly pleasant find. It will all be torn apart and scattered far around. When the snow melts from the moss swamps, he collects cranberries. Pike will go to the floods to spawn - and he will go there too. Who are we talking about? (We are talking about a bear.)

6. A wild cat the size of a dog, thick hair hangs on the sides of its head, and tassels adorn the tips of its ears. The animal's tail is short, as if cut off at the end. Hunts for hares, moose and deer, various rodents and birds. (Lynx.)

Third round “What do you know about them?”

Presenter: The world of plants is full of secrets and mysteries. Let's try to penetrate these mysteries and try to unravel some of them. The task of the third round, which you now have to complete, is related to the coniferous trees of our region. Each team has one minute to answer one question. If you answer correctly, you earn 1 point. If the team that was asked the question did not give the correct answer, the team that first raised the signal card has the right to answer.

Questions and answers for the third round

1. Pines growing in the forest lose their lower branches, while spruce branches remain until they are very old. Why? (Pine is a light-loving tree, and therefore its branches are drawn to the light. The lower branches, which lack light, die. Spruce is a shade-tolerant tree, so it also retains the lower branches.)

2. The storm upends spruce trees and breaks pine trees. Why? (The root system of pine trees goes to a considerable depth, so no wind can cope with it; it is easier to break the trunk. Spruce trees have a shallow root system, so a storm can easily uproot these plants.)

3. Which tree cannot be floated down the river and why? (Larch cannot be floated down the river, because it sinks, since its wood is heavy.)

4. Why don’t spruce branches break off in winter under the weight of snow? (The spruce branches have an inclined position, spring easily, the needles are arranged in tiles. At the slightest touch of a bird or animal, the snow slides off easily.)

5. Coniferous trees are called evergreens. Do their needles change? If yes, how does this happen? (Only larch sheds its needles for the winter. The remaining coniferous trees shed or renew their needles gradually; they change approximately 1/7 of their needles annually. Thus, it turns out that coniferous trees renew their needles once every seven years. In the city, due to polluted air this happens more often - once every 3-4 years.)

6. Why do spruce cones appear only at the top of the crown? (For cones to form, you need good lighting. This is also due to the fact that spruce seeds are spread by the wind.)

Fourth round “Green Friends”

Presenter: We devote the fifth round of our game to trees, shrubs and herbs. In this round, each team has the opportunity to score the maximum number of points - 6. Now you will work with cards with numbers: 1,2,3, which are on your table. I will read out the question and give three answer options; the teams’ task is to choose one of the options and raise the card with the corresponding number. 30 seconds are given to discuss the issue. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

Fourth round questions

1. The leaves of this tree are very mobile, they constantly fluctuate at the slightest gust of wind. This tree is considered the most restless, the most noisy.

  1. Aspen.
  2. Alder.

2. The buds, leaves, and shoots of this tree have long helped fight diseases and improve health; the bark and wood served as raw materials for making household items and warmed the home in winter.

  1. Maple.
  2. Birch.
  3. Rowan.

3. This coniferous tree is the pride of the Siberian taiga. It looks like a pine tree, only in a bunch it has not two needles, like a pine tree, but five.

  1. Promotion.
  2. Larch.
  3. Cedar

4. This is a very cheerful tree. It always smiles, and in the spring, when it is covered with fluffy white flowers, it even laughs. If its green buds have opened, it means that the earth has finally woken up and warmed up, and spring has entered into full force.

  1. Bird cherry.
  2. Linden.
  3. Kalina.

5. This strong-smelling shrub is widespread in swamps and swampy coniferous forests. Often forms extensive thickets. Twigs or leaves of this plant are used to cover clothes to protect against moths. Has medicinal properties.

  1. Currant.
  2. Ledum.
  3. Rose hip.

6. The medicinal properties of this plant have been known for a long time. If you chew its leaf, you will feel in your mouth for a long time, as if something had scorched it. Insects do not like the smell of this plant, so they put it in dog kennels to fight fleas, and old women in villages use brooms to sweep the floor.

  1. Sagebrush.
  2. Nettle.
  3. Tansy.

Fifth round “Ecological”

Each team is asked one question for which it can earn 2 points. 1 minute to think.

1 team. The existence of a hare on Earth is not cloudless. Every now and then you hear bitter sighs about the fact that in our region there are 10 hunters for every hare. Unfortunately, this ratio is not that exaggerated. How do hares manage to survive? (They are saved by their fertility: there are up to 3–4 litters per year, and each has up to eight cubs.)

2nd team. Why is it that in those countries where there are few wolves left, they are taken under protection and even imported. (A decrease in the number of wolves leads to lack of food and diseases of herbivores, since wolves are orderlies in nature and regulate the number of herbivores.)

Team 3 Do hares bring benefit or harm to nature? (Benefit. Hares are a link in the food chain. The harm they cause by gnawing the bark of fruit trees is minimal compared to the benefits they bring to nature.)

Team 4 What adaptive traits help animals survive in the Far North. Warm-blooded animals have thick fur and a thick layer of subcutaneous fat.

5 team. How plants adapted to live in the desert . (The leaves have a small leaf surface, are covered with a waxy coating, and in some of them the leaves have turned into needles, like those of cacti.)

6th team. Name the habitats of the following animals: Arctic fox, snowy owl, lemming, reindeer. (Tundra.)

Sixth round “Through the pages of the Red Book”

Host: This tour is dedicated to rare animals and plants. Now I will read out the description, and in a minute of discussion you must determine what plant or animal we are talking about. You can earn extra points in this round. If the team that was asked the question answered incorrectly, then the right to answer goes to the team that first raised the signal card. For a correct answer, the team receives one point.

Description of animals and plants, answers:

1. At the beginning of flowering in May, this plant has neither leaves nor stem, but only a shaggy purple corolla. There is a belief that this plant has a soporific effect. (lumbago, sleep-grass.)

2. This plant was credited with miraculous powers; it was called overpowering grass. The plant got its name in honor of mythological nymphs. It grows in stagnant bodies of water, and when a flower is picked, it quickly closes and withers. (White water lily.)

3. Strong-smelling shrub up to 2 meters in height. Blooms before the leaves bloom. The flowers are pink. A highly decorative plant, it breaks off en masse into bouquets. (Rhododendron Daurian, Ledum.)

4. Unlike other predators, it is a real sea animal that rarely goes onto land. He spends his entire life in the ice of the Arctic seas, wandering in search of seals and other food. This is the largest of the land predators. (Polar bear.)

5. Wild cat. Lives in the Far East. The number of animals is approaching 150. (Amur tiger.)

6. Weighs up to 40 kg, and its length, including its tail, can be up to 1.5 meters. It feeds on sea urchins, mollusks, and crabs, getting them from the bottom, and therefore stays close to the shores. One of the few animals that can use tools. Having retrieved a sea urchin from the bottom, it lies on its back in the water and, deftly using its front paws, removes it from its shell with the help of a stone. (Kalan.)

Seventh round “Race for the leader”

(This is carried out if several teams have scored the same number of points.)

Leading. Each team answers five blitz questions. In this round, teams will be able to earn 5 additional points.

Questions for the 1st team

  1. Bird's nose. ( Beak.)
  2. Bird house. ( Nest.)
  3. Night-bird. ( Owl.)
  4. Insect that produces honey. ( Bee.)
  5. Wild animal with a fluffy red tail. ( Fox.)

Questions for the 2nd team

  1. Small wintering bird. ( Sparrow)
  2. Chicken baby. ( Chick)
  3. Which bird breeds chicks in winter. ( Crossbill.)
  4. Home watchman. ( Dog.)
  5. Oak fruit. ( Acorn.)

Questions for the 3rd team

  1. Winter bear's lair. ( Den.)
  2. The longest legged animal. ( Giraffe.)
  3. Which word has 40 “A”. ( Magpie.)
  4. What kind of wood are matches made from? ( Aspen.)
  5. An amphibian that lives in water. ( Frog.)

Questions for the 4th team

  1. The largest animal. ( Whale.)
  2. A bird that is not afraid of frost. ( Penguin.)
  3. Cat with tassels on ears. ( Lynx.)
  4. What berries are not eaten? ( Wolf.)
  5. Starling's house. ( Birdhouse.)

Questions for the 5th team

  1. A bun overgrown with needles. ( Hedgehog.)
  2. The tallest beast. ( Giraffe.)
  3. The most terrible fish. ( Shark.)
  4. What color is lily of the valley? ( White.)
  5. What bird is called the forest doctor. ( Woodpecker.)

Questions for the 6th team

  1. Where do penguins live? ( At the South Pole.)
  2. Home watchman. ( Dog.)
  3. Cow as a child. ( Calf.)
  4. What did the chicken lay? ( Egg.)
  5. Where do zebras live? ( In Africa.)

Host: Our game has come to an end. Now the jury will sum up the results and report the results of each team. The team with the most points will be the winner. We give the floor to our jury.

Awards: teams that take prizes are awarded certificates, the rest - thanks.

Practical part of the material

As a result of the “Nature Experts” game, schoolchildren expand their knowledge about the flora and fauna of their native land, develop a desire to learn more about it, and develop the ability to work in a group.

The ecological game “Nature Experts” can be held as a mass event for students in grades 5-6 in secondary schools and additional education institutions. The composition of animals and plants can be selected taking into account the regional characteristics of the region.


  1. Aksenova M., Ismailova S. Encyclopedia for children, volume 2 Biology, “Avanta +”, 1995. – 673 p.
  2. Boyarkin V.M. Geography of the Irkutsk region: Textbook for secondary schools. – Irkutsk: East Siberian Book Publishing House. 1885. – 176 p.
  3. Kelbas R.V., Emelyanova T.V. Cultivating the ecological consciousness of students by including them in intellectual environmental games // Additional education, 2004. No. 5. from 48–53.

Final statement

Intellectual ecological game “Nature Experts”

Jury members:1.Full name Signature Date, year.

. Educational games for the year of ecology.

Bluff – “Yes – No” quiz.

Do you believe that...(Yes or no)

    Butterflies have the most sensitive nose(Yes).

    Are there any claws on lynx tracks?(Yes).

    Does the wolf run with its hind legs forward?(No).

    Does a fly have six legs?(No).

    The hare sleeps with his eyes closed(No).

    Do you make jam from chamomile?(No).

    Lizards can drink with their feet(Yes).

    Does the squirrel eat fresh mushrooms?(No).

    Are birds more afraid of hunger than cold?(Yes).

    Does the swift fly the fastest?(Yes).

    Do ants swim?(Yes).

    Is a black leopard called a panther?(Yes).

    Is the ostrich the largest bird on earth?(Yes).

    Does a dragonfly live in the forest?(No).

    Does the tree grow in winter?(No).

    Did the grasshopper leave on his feet?(Yes).

    Is the penguin a bird or not?(Yes).

    Do birds winter in birdhouses?(No).

    Is the turkey originally from India?(No, from South America).

    Do jackdaws mate for life?(Yes).

    Do snakes have ribs instead of legs?(Yes).

    Spider web is twice as strong as steel(Yes).

    Are sharks older than dinosaurs?(Yes).

    Crocodile has green fat(Yes).

    Bats can't walk?(Yes).

Game “Blitz tournament”.

    Does his tail help this wonderful jumper keep his balance?(Kangaroo).

    Some species of these animals can be ground into powder and passed through a sieve, but they will still survive. Who is this?(Sponges).

    The fur of this animal covers the famous Monomakh hat(Sable).

    Member of the nature study association.(Yunnat).

    What animal sleeps upside down all winter?(Bat).

    What do fish scales and a tree trunk have in common?(There are annual rings).

    What marine animals clean water from pollutants?(Mussels).

    Which one has both eyes on the same side?(At flounder).

    Translate the usual “herb, plant” into Greek and get a whole science(Botany).

    The flower from which heart drops are made(Lily of the valley).

    What animal, hero of literary works is a symbol of freedom?(Eagle).

    Flora is...(Vegetable world).

    Fauna is... (Animal world).

    An insect that causes applause just by its appearance.(Mole).

    City animal facility?(Zoo).

    Name the most famous reserve where bison live?(Belovezhskaya Pushcha).

    Name the smallest but most dangerous representative of the animal world for humans.(Microbe).

    Which plants can only be pollinated by bumblebees?(Clover).

    What bird can climb a tree trunk with its head down?(Nuthatch).

    The tail of this bird is forked at the end, like a tailcoat.(Swallow or killer whale - tree Swallow).

Game “Nature Experts”.

1. What is the name of the thorny desert plant?

    Rose b.Cactus v.Tern, Saksaul.

2. What is the name of the popular animal that runs on a wheel?

    Hamster b.Squirrel c.Mouse, Chipmunk.

3. What do you call a bright talking bird?

    The bird is a talker b.Parrot c.Raven, Hummingbird.

4. What is the name of a scientist who studies insects?

    Ichthyologist. b.Ornithologist c.Ecologist. Entomologist

5. What is the name of the most dangerous tropical fish?

    Crucian carp. b. Roach. Mr. Crocodile. d. Piranha.

6. What is the name of the strongest bird?

    Heron b. Bittern. V. Condor g. Merlin.

7. For what purpose do fish go to the upper reaches of rivers?

    To sunbathe. b. To spawn. V. Catch prey.g. Have some fun.

8. What is the name of the most voracious insect?

    Butterfly b.Stag beetle. V. Bug. G. Locust.

9. Who became the very first pet?

    Cow. b. Dog. V. Cat Mr. Mouse.

10. What is the name of the baked night singer in a Russian hut?

    Parrot. b. Tarantula spider. V. Cricket. G. Country toad.

11. Why does a grasshopper need a saber?

    For battle. b. Only the female is used to lay eggs.

c.For beauty. d. For food preparation.

12. Why does a woodpecker drum on a tree?

    Cleans beak. b. Tells someone something.

c. He is interested in music. G. Summons females.

13. Who has the strongest claws?

    At the bear's. b. At the ant.

c. At the lion. G. The giant armadillo (they are as long and wide as the palm of your hand, lives in South America).

14. Why does the baby seal grow by leaps and bounds?

    Sleeps a lot b. Eats a lot in. Moves little. Sweats little.

    Eagle. B. Crane. V. Berkut city Ostrich.

    Ungulates (record holder common horse 2m. 47 cm. H – 22 m. 16 cm. Length).

b.Feline. c.Dog. Volchi.

17. Which snake is the most poisonous?

    Viper. b. Cobra. V. Rattlesnake. Anaconda.

18. Who has lunch most often?

    Swallow chicks. b. Pied chicks (up to 500 times a day).

c. Redstart chicks. d. Jackdaw chicks.

19. When do kangaroos sleep?

    In the evening. b.During the day. c.At night d.In the morning.

20. The most powerful beast of prey?

Tiger. b.Lev. c. Polar bear. Volk.

4.. Game “Bad - good”.

break a branch (bad);

plant a new tree (good);

pulling the school cat's tail (bad);

treat her to something tasty (good);

drive the dog out of the house (bad);

make friends with a stray dog ​​(good);

remove garbage from a forest clearing (good);

Leaving bottles and plastic bags behind in the forest (bad);

do not step on a crawling beetle (good);

not to be interested in anything, to be indifferent (bad);

learn something new every day, make acquaintances, make friends (good).

5. Game “Guess!”

    1. 1. People are waiting for me, calling me,

      And when I come to them, they run away! (rain)

      2.Winter glass

      Spring has flowed! (ice)

      3.Fluffy cotton wool

      Floating somewhere.

      The lower the wool,

      The rain is getting closer! (cloud)

      4. We say: it flows;
      We say: she plays;
      She always runs forward
      But he doesn't run away. (river).

      5. He walks and walks along the sea,
      And it will reach the shore -
      This is where it will disappear. (wave)

      6. It flows, it flows - it won’t leak,
      He runs, he runs, but he won’t run out. (river)

      7.In Tanya’s hands
      Winter in a glass. (ice)

      8. Lives in seas and rivers,
      But it often flies across the sky.
      How will she get bored of flying?
      It falls to the ground again. (water)

      9.In calm weather
      We are nowhere
      How the wind blows -
      We run on water. (waves)

      10.Under sedge on sand
      They dropped the belt.
      And he lies - but cannot be lifted,
      And he runs but can’t be caught. (Creek)

      11.I live under the very roof,
      It's even scary to look down.
      I could live higher
      If only there were roofs there. (icicle)

      12. Sits on everyone,
      Not afraid of anyone. (snow)

      13. Peas fell apart
      On seventy roads:
      No one will pick him up. (hail)

      14. He has no arms, he has no legs.
      I was able to break out of the ground,
      He us in the summer, in the heat of the moment,
      Ice water gives you water. (spring)

      15. It grows upside down,
      It grows not in summer, but in winter.
      And the sun will bake her -
      She will cry and die. (icicle)

      16. Doesn’t burn in fire,
      Doesn't sink in water. (ice)

6.Game “Who Lives How Long?”

The lifespan of animals and birds varies greatly. Have you ever thought about who lives how long?

The presenter names the animal, plant, etc. Participants name the approximate life expectancy of it. The one who guesses the number that is close in value to the exact one wins. The correct answer is worth one point.

Spiders – 1-2 years

Tree frog – 10 years

Crocodile - 60 years old

Turtle – 300 years

Quinoa – 1 summer

Carp – 9-12 years

Pike – 10-12 years

Rat – 3 years

Guinea pigs – 7 years
