Intellectual game for primary school students. Intellectual game "Knowledge Cartoon games

Topic: "Knowledge"

Form: Intellectual game

Goal: Expanding the zone of active knowledge of primary and secondary schoolchildren, developing creative and organizational abilities.

Design: playing field with columns, scoreboard, prizes.

Progress of the game:

The team that was chosen by lot to start the game chooses where and what letter to write on the field. There is only one rule: add a letter to an existing word to create a new word. The words can be read any way you want, just not diagonally. Each vertical column on the field is an area of ​​some kind of question: literary, historical, musical, sports, mathematical or others.

If a team wants to put a letter, then it is offered questions from the area in which the team puts the letter in the column. There are as many questions asked as there are letters in the word formed after the team’s move. If the result is a five-letter word, then the team must answer 4 questions out of five asked. If the team answered correctly, then it receives 10 points for each letter in the formed word (in this example - 50 points), but if the team does not answer, then the opposite team receives all the points for the new word. The next letter is placed by the team that did not receive points.

Exclamation marks on the field symbolize additional prizes that are awarded to those who can put their letter on this cell. The team that scores the most points wins.

Questions for the game


1. A fairy tale about the benefits of collective work. ("Turnip").

2. The blind wandering singer is one of the Aeds. (Homer).

3. Answer these questions. (Word).

5. A poem that can compete with a novel. (Poem).

6. Oral or written speech, without division into commensurate segments, is primarily epic or intellectual. (Prose).

7. The neighbor who fought for brotherly love.

8. Father of the "horse" country.

9. Revolutionary tightrope walker. (Tibul).

10. Bound sheets of printed material. (Book).

11. Gateway tongue. (Slang).

12. Poetic consonances that mark their boundaries. (Rhyme).

13. Horse for the poet. (Pegasus).

14. Repeated combination of strong and weak point in poetic meter. (Foot).

15. Solid form of versification: a verse of 14 lines, forming two quatrain quatrains and two terzen tercet. (Sonnet).

16. The sound part of the book. (Meaning).

17. German writer, director, (1898-1956), plays “Mother Courage and Her Children”, “The Threepenny Opera”. (Brecht).

18. Book twist. (Plot).


1. Finger dance. (Ballet).

2. French actor who starred in the films "Tehran-43"

"Swimming pool" and many others. (A. Delon).

3. Arious chant. (Opera).

4. Polish composer and pianist (1810-1849). (Chopin).

5. A sheet that people pay money to view. (Screen).

6. A reed wind instrument, invented in France in the 17th century. (Oboe).

7. House person. (Facade).

8. Russian city in the Ivanovo region, famous throughout the world for its paintings. (Palekh).

9. High-speed viewing of slides. (Movie).

10. Austrian composer (1732-1809). (Haydn).

11. What comes right after the hanger. (Theater).

12. A short musical and poetic work. (Song).

14. Brass keyboard musical instrument ancient origin. (Organ).

15. Theatrical "luminary". (Soffit, ramp).

16. Large Christian temple. (Cathedral).

17. Wooden Galvary (actor's scaffold). (Scene).

18. Musical style with a tempo of 120 beats per minute. (Disco).

19. The gap between comedy and tragedy. (Drama).

20. Ensemble of nine people. (But no).

1. Running around in nature. (Cross).

2. General name for horse movements. (Gait).

3. Teasing a fencing opponent. (Lunge).

4. Black rubber flat disc. (Washer).

5. Skiff, cranks, paragraph. (Finish).

6. A sharp increase in pace. (Jerk).

7. Stretched string bag. (Trampoline).

8. Panel or flexible plate for converting wind energy. (Sail).

9. Male queen. (Queen).

10. Sports competitions in specially prepared cars. (Rally).

11. Knocking out the carpet using spatulas. (Sambo).

12. Hockey penalties. (Bullitt).

13. Scooping stick. (Paddle).

14. The beginning, the starting point of any speed competition.

15. Place for cow dance. (Ice rink).

16. Athletics projectile for throwing (0.6 - 0.8 kg). (A spear).

17. Fight for three minutes. (Round).

18. A boat made of a solid tree trunk or a frame covered with leather.

19. Thumbelina in a cage. (Pawn).

20. Sports challenge prize. (Cup).


2. Black gold. (Coal).

3. What's under the hat. (Pole).

4. The largest city in the eastern hemisphere. (Tokyo).

5. General menagerie. (Fauna).

7. Wild place. (West).

8. Descendant of Spanish and Portuguese conquerors in Latin America. (Creole).

9. Beach deposits. (Sand).

10. A river flowing through eight countries. (Danube).

11. Ship's cry. (Earth).

12. Liquid common in the sedimentary shell of the Earth.

13. Land as a carbon copy. (Map).

14. The largest lake in the CIS. (Caspian Sea)

16. Vegetation type with closed grass stand. (Steppe).

17. Ocean retreat. (Low tide).

18. Point of intersection of the mathematical horizon. (North).

19. Mountain Square. (Plateau).

20. Locality, having reached a certain population. (City).

1. Flowers in the sky. (Firework).

2. Social phenomenon. Continuation of politics by violent means. (War).

3. Gun parody. (Sawed-off shotgun).

4. Representative of the largest Indian nation in Mexico. (Aztec).

5. Guillotine prototype. (Axe).

6. The upper house of parliament in a number of modern states.

7. Ivanushka the fool who became a king. (Ivan).

8. A religious group, a community that has broken away from the dominant church. (Sect, community).

9. Contributions to the President. (Tax).

10. A normative act adopted by the highest government body. Has the highest legal force. (Law).

11. Don Juan with a shako. (Hussar).

12. The middle name of the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. (Cheops).

13. A migrant to a foreign country. (Ambassador).

14. Holy book Muslims (Koran).

16. The ship from which America was discovered. ("Nino").

17. Warehouse of government papers. (Archive).

18. An exile from a clan among the people of the North Caucasus. (Abrek).

20. The daughter of Zeus is the companion of Artemis or Dionysus. (Nymph).

Korelina Zhanna
Intellectual game "Knowledge"

Abstract intellectual game for children - Znayka

Target: Determining the winner of the competition based on identifying the level of erudition and logical thinking, increasing interest and desire to participate in intellectual games directions for children 6-10 years of age.


To identify children’s knowledge and ability to use it in solving the tasks determined by the competition.

Educate children interest to knowledge and the desire to compete with peers.

Determine the winner of the competition.

Rules of the game.

In the qualifying round, Riddles and guesses, children give answers using signal cards with numbers 1,2, 3.

In the second round, a number is drawn by lot according to which the child will have to answer and choose a topic for the answer.

Second round topics: ,Mathematics,Literacy,Plants,Animals,Fairy Tale,Secret.

At the end, one question is asked for everyone.

Task: answer quickly and correctly. The winner is the child who answers the most questions.



1. They kick him - he doesn’t cry,

They throw him - he jumps back.

B – drum

2. Who gets dressed up once a year?

B – aspen

B – birch

3. Small sprout,

Born in a flower.

A – Cinderella

B – Mashenka

B – Thumbelina

4. The house is walking down the street,

It takes everyone to work.

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline.

A – bus

B – tram

In a taxi

5. He's tall, he's huge

It looks like a crane.

A - hippopotamus

B – giraffe

6. All their lives they have been racing,

But they can’t overtake each other

In the eyes

7. Lives in the north

Swimming in the sea

And eats fish

A – arctic fox

B – polar bear

B – deer

8. The white pebble melted,

He left marks on the board.

9. Talk to her more often

You'll be four times smarter.

B – book

B – girlfriend

10. Turned red, turned black,

Then she started crying

I watered the gardens.

B – watering can

B – cloud

11. Slipping away like something alive

But I won't let him out.

foaming with white foam,

Don't be lazy about washing your hands.

A – shampoo

12. Pinches the heels -

Run without looking back.

B – rooster

B – turkey

13. Drinks milk and sings songs.

He washes his face often, but doesn’t know how to use water.

A – dog

B – cat

B - cow

14. The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring.

A - bear

15. Golden Apple

Rolls across the sky.

Smiles in the morning

And at night he hides

B – star

B – sun

General knowledge.

1. How many days are there in a week? (seven)

2. What is the name of our country? (Russia)

3. The name of our president? (V.V. Putin)

4. City where you live? (Uray)

5. Model of the globe? (globe)

6. When do children go to school? (September 7 years)

7. Favorite winter holiday? (New Year)

8. What are the classes called at school? (lessons)

9. What river is our city located on? (conda)

10. Where do the best athletes in the world compete? (Olympic Games, Olympics)

11. A bunny that can only appear on a clear, sunny day? (solar).

12. What is the name of the book in which rare species of plants and animals are listed? (red)

13. Which animal was the first to be tamed by man? (dog)


1. Who sang the song, I’ll sit, sit on a tree stump, eat, eat a pie, (bear)

2. Great friend of the crocodile Gena? (Cheburashka)

3. Doll with blue hair? (Malvina)

4. Name Uncle Fyodor’s friends? (Matroskin, Sharik)

5. Which fairy-tale hero really loved honey? (Winnie the Pooh)

6. The princess who cried all the time? (Nesmeyana)

7. What did Cinderella lose? (glass slipper)

8. The unit on which Baba Yaga made her flights? (mortar)

9. Who left grandma, who left grandfather? (gingerbread man)

10. Who did the fox teach to catch fish with its tail? (wolf)

11. About whom Shapoklyak spoke, It’s good that you are green and flat, (crocodile)

12. What medicine did Malvina want to give Buratino? (castor oil)

13. Who found the money on the field? (fly Tsokotukha)

14. Who liked to repeat, Guys, let's live together, (Leopold)


1. Where do vegetables grow? (on the ground)

2. Queen of flowers? (rose)

3. Name the largest berry? (watermelon)

4. Which plant has thorns instead of leaves? (cactus)

5. What kind of grass is that even a blind person can recognize? (nettle)

6. What part of the plant is underground? (root)

7. Which tree cries in the spring? (birch)

9. What do dandelion seeds look like? (to parachute)

10. What is the name of the first spring flower? (snowdrop)

11. Where do fruits grow? (on the tree)

12. Which vegetable always makes people cry? (onion)

14. Name any coniferous tree? (Christmas tree)

15. What vegetables should you eat to avoid getting sick? (onion garlic)

1. First letter in the alphabet? (A)

2. What does the proposal consist of? (from words)

3. What's the extra apple, pear, onion, orange? (onion)

4. What can the ball do? (jump, ride)

5. What kind of sun is there? (varnish, hot)

6. What is the last letter in the alphabet? (I)

7. Tell me, on the contrary, is it huge? (small)

8. Come up with a rhyme: cat-

9. What should you put at the end of a sentence? (dot)

10. To the question who? Or what? Does the word mom answer? (Who)

11. Correct the mistake: Is our Masha crying loudly? (Tanya)

12. What is a kettle for? (for tea)

13. Who works on the crane? (crane operator)

14. Mommy cow, daddy bull, baby? (calf)

15. How to say five pencils or five pencils correctly? (five pensils)


1. Name the neighbors of the number 7? (6 and 8)

2. What is greater than 8 or 9? (9)

3. What makes up 12 months? (year)

4. What comes after Wednesday? (Thursday)

5. What is the very last month of the year? (December)

6. Name a fairy tale where there is the number 3? (three little pigs, three bears)

7. Continue counting 2, 4,6? (8,10,12)

9. Century. How many years is this? (100)

11. What are the days of the week when everyone rests? (Saturday Sunday)

13. How many days are there in a week? (seven)

14. How many geese if there are 8 legs? (four)


1. Which animal is the most timid? (hare)

2. What is the difference between a lynx and a cat? (tassels on ears)

3. What does a polar bear eat? (fish)

4. Where do penguins live? (in Antarctica)

5. Why does a kangaroo need a pouch? (carry a baby)

6. Can elephants swim? (Yes)

7. Who is the most faithful of pets? (dog)

8. Which animals build dams? (beavers)

9. Fastest animal? (cheetah)

10. Who treats animals? (vet)

11. A house for piglets? (pigsty)

12. Where does a turtle lay eggs? (in the sand)

13. Tallest animal on earth? (giraffe)

14. Which animal was the first to be domesticated by man? (dog)

15. In which book can you find scientific facts from the life of animals? (encyclopedia)

Logic problems.

1. Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok and a daughter Lyuba. How many children does mom have?

2. What happens if you remove one wheel from a tricycle?

3. What do crocodiles eat at the North Pole?

4. Who moos louder, a rooster or a cow?

5. What color is the bun's hair?

6. What kind of dishes can’t you eat from?

7. There are three branches on the oak tree. There are three apples on each branch. How many apples are there in an oak tree?

8. There are two oranges and four bananas on the table. How many vegetables are on the table?

9. How are icicles and ice cream similar?

10. What are fruits boiled in water called?

11. Maxi - cake. What is this?

12. What is the favorite food of the people of the island of Chunga - Changa?

13. What fruit does a boxer love?

14. The product that the crow was going to have for breakfast?

15. Horse dormitory?

Decor. At the back of the stage there are depictions of a boy and a girl, each holding a notebook and a pencil. They try to catch up with the Question Mark running away from them, which takes with it the answers to the questions.

On the stage. Cubes, chairs (seats for participants). On the cubes are the necessary props for the game: paper, pen, bell.

(Music plays. Znayka comes out on stage, greeting the audience, wearing glasses and a black suit. He looks like a professor. It’s not for nothing that the shorties in the flower city call him that.)


Good afternoon dear friends!

In front of you on the stage, as you can see, is me.

My shorty's name is Znajka

For my knowledge and intelligence,

Which are right here!

(Points to his head.)

Therefore, they did not have a question

Who will lead the intellectual cross-country.

At first I was very surprised

And then he took it and agreed!

Well, as the presenter I introduced myself to you,

So I ask you to meet me,

As expected!

(Applause from the audience.)


I think it's time to start the game.

We won't waste time!

All for the cross, all for the cross! Let's start the cross-question.

Taking part in today's intellectual cross-country race are the Soobrazhalki team and the Umniki team. Fans, I ask you to support your participants with applause.

(Music sounds. The teams take their places on the stage to the applause of the audience.)

Znayka. Let me introduce you to the jury that will evaluate the knowledge and abilities of our players.

(Music. Presentation by the jury.)

Znayka. The winning team will receive a prize established... - trips to a sports camp.



Young intellectuals!

I invite you to the start.

During the cross

There will be different questions.

Whoever answers everything is the one

Let it reach the finish line.

Don't be afraid of questions

Solve problems.

Cross-country participants,

Good luck!

(Applause from the audience.)

Znayka. So, go ahead, friends! I have envelopes with addresses in my hands. You need to determine in 30 seconds whose address is written on the envelope.

Competition "Addresses on an envelope"

(Teams receive envelopes and begin to complete the task. The time is counting down.)

Addresses on the envelope:

1. Hut on chicken legs.

2. Palace.

3. Flower city.

4. Jug.

5. Jungle.

6. Swamp.

7. Prostokvashino.

9. Walnut shell. Possible answers:

1. Baba Yaga.

2. Princess, king, queen...

3. Dunno, Doctor Pilyulkin, poet Svetik...

5. Mowgli, Bagheera, Baloo...

6. Water.

7. Uncle Fyodor, Sharik, Matroskin the cat...

8. Carlson.

9. Thumbelina.

(After the time has elapsed, check the task. Summing up.)

Znayka. Dear players! Now don’t let us down, answer the questions!

The bell that is located on the cube for each team will notify me that you are ready to answer the question. Are the terms clear? Let's start!

Competition "Who Said?"

Exercise . Determine which cartoon character the following words belong to.

1. “I don’t want anything!” (Princess from the film “The Town of Bremen”)

2. “Have you been to Tahiti?” (Parrot Kesha)

3. “I live like a toadstool, but I want to fly.” (Water)

4. “You and I are of the same blood!” (Mowgli)

5. “Well, crazy guy, wait a minute!” (Wolf from the film “Well, wait a minute!”)

6. “I myself was like this three hundred years ago...” (Turtle Tortilla)

7. “Guys, let’s live together!” (Leopold the Cat)

8. “Our carpet is a flower meadow...” (Bremen Town Musicians)

9. “This is the wrong sandwich!” (Cat Matroskin)



It was on Sunday

The elephant has a birthday party,

The guests sang and had fun.

They were spinning around in a round dance,

They were spinning like that, they were spinning like that,

That they fell into pieces.

One two three four five,

Help gather guests!

As you can see, this task is more difficult. The syllables in the words are mixed up. So to speak, syllabic confusion.

Putting them together won't be that easy. But we will try!

Competition "Confusion"

Here are cards with syllable confusions. In 1 minute, having unraveled and put the syllables correctly, you will find out what animals were at the elephant’s birthday party.

Cards with syllable confusion:

An - lo - ti - pa - di - ko - dil - ko - kro - shim - ze - pan - ko - ril - ena - mat - ge - be - raf - gi - mur - go - la - le - bra - braz - live!

Correct answer:






Znayka. Dear participants! Today in our "Cross"

While playing, we check

What we can do and what we know!

Once again there is a task for you. One day, all the heroes of A. Milne’s fairy tale “Winnie the Pooh and Everything, Everything, Everything” wanted to have hats. Draw what kind of headdress you could wear:

- Winnie the Pooh,

— Piglet,

- Eeyore,

(Competition “Headdress”. Teams complete the task. Znayka addresses the guys in the hall.)

Znayka. I offer you guys one interesting game. It's called "The Letter Got Lost."

It is unknown how it happened

Only the letter got lost:

Dropped into someone's house

And he rules it.

But I barely got there

Naughty letter

Stranger Things

Things started to happen!

The rules of the game are simple: correct the absurdity of the situation, see the humor and choose the appropriate word. I hope you find it fun and interesting!

My uncle was driving without a vest,

He paid a fine for this.

Children. Without a ticket!


A hurricane hit the island,

The last ram remained on the palm tree.

Children. Banana!


The hunter shouted: “Oh!

The doors are chasing me!”

Children. Animals!


In front of the children

The rat is being painted by painters.

Children. Roof!


There are no roads in the swamp -

I jump and jump for cats.

Children. Bumps!


Snow is melting. A stream flows.

The branches are full of doctors.

Children. Rooks!


The bear didn’t cut the wood,

He lit the stove with caps.

Children. With slivers!


Thanks for the game, kids!

I tell you this from the heart!


Znayka. The time has come to check how our players coped with the task, or rather, to admire their art.

Znayka. Attention, participants! If, like me, you love to read poetry and fairy tales, then you will be able to name any author. And not only the author, but also the title of the work.

Have a pen and paper ready and write down your answers.

Competition "Guess it"

Marshak wrote the novel,

Like brave Robinson

Got into the uncoupled carriage

And I went to the Lilliputians,

But he was saved from death

Dear Papa Karabas...

Right answers:

— D. Defoe “The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”;

— J. Swift “Gulliver’s Travels”;

— S. Marshak “He’s so absent-minded”;

— A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”

(Checking the task. Summing up.)

Znayka (addressing the players). You know, guys, in our Flower City, short little kids love to draw, sing, and write poetry, and I, unlike them, read a lot and am fond of crossword puzzles. I hope you sometimes don’t mind sitting down to this activity. I suggest you solve one crossword puzzle. I am sure that you can easily cope with this task.

(Hands out crossword puzzle cards to participants.)

Write the names of cartoon characters in the boxes. Time to complete the task is 1 minute.


Questions for the crossword:

1. Friend of the crocodile Gena.

2. He says: “Guys, let’s live together!”

3. She composes and sings songs.

4. The kindest crocodile.

5. Touchy parrot.

6. He is not afraid when they say to him: “Well, just wait!”

Right answers:

1. Cheburashka.

2. Leopold.

3. Turtle.

(The teams complete the task, and meanwhile Znayka plays a game with the audience.)

Znayka(addressing the audience). Guys, I ask you all to count to five on my command. Children. One, two, three, four, five... Know. We will play with you! I will name you the heroes, and you will find the odd one out on this list.

1. Cat Matroskin, Uncle Fyodor, Gray wolf.

2. Mowgli, Cipollino, Cherry, Senor Tomato.

3. Baby, Carlson, Huckleberry Finn.

4. Ellie, Toto, Scarecrow, Baron Munchausen.

5. Ali Baba, 33 heroes, 40 robbers.

6. Suok, Tutti, Pippi.

7. Dunno, Tube, Little Red Riding Hood.

Znayka. Well done! (addressing the players) Well, guys, are you ready? Then we look and check whether you guessed the crossword puzzle correctly.

(Checking the task. Summing up.)

Znayka. So, as expected in cross-country, the teams reached the finish line.

Though the ways of knowledge are difficult,

They passed all the tests!

And now it’s time to find out who the winner is. Dear jury, the floor is yours!

(Summing up the game. Awarding the winners.)

Znayka. I don't know whether you will remember this game or not, but I would really like you to remember it. Therefore, if you don’t mind, now I’ll say: “See you!”, and you clap goodbye, as you did at the beginning of the game. And if you do this from the heart, then we will definitely meet again, and I will say: “Hello everyone!” In the meantime, goodbye! Znayka from Flower City was with you!

(Music. Spectators leave the hall.)


1. Paper.

2. Pens, pencils.

3. Bells.

4. Envelopes with addresses.

5. Cards with syllabic confusion.

6. Cards with a crossword puzzle.


Volina V. Game is a serious matter. St. Petersburg: Didactics Plus; Zenit LLC, 1999.


Competition motto: “Even though we are small in stature, we want to learn so much! Being a Know-It-Yourself is far from easy, but it’s so nice to learn!”

TARGET: To develop the cognitive abilities of students, the development of visual perception, attention, interest in understanding the world around them.


1.Create conditions for each student to demonstrate their abilities and intellectual skills.

2.Develop qualities such as the ability to listen to another person and work in a group.

Z.Give students the opportunity to realize their creative abilities.




Good afternoon guys, guests and everyone present. Today we are holding an intellectual game Znayka, in which two teams participate. Captains are invited to represent their teams “Why”, the motto is “We want to know everything” and “Erudites”, the motto is “Knowledge is power”)

The presenter introduces the jury members.

Today we are holding a marathon,

He will test our knowledge

How interesting it is to know a lot!

Show all your friends your skills!

We to interesting competitions ready!

Go ahead, friends! To new victories!


The first competition of our game is “Warm-up", for each correct answer 1 point

  1. Marina tore into the mug

10 raspberries,

I gave 5 to my girlfriend.

How many berries are there in the mug?

  1. Grandma put it in the oven

Bake pies with cabbage.

For Natasha, Kolya, Vova

The pies are already ready

Yes, one more pie

The cat was dragged under the bench,

Yes, there are 4 pieces in the oven.

The grandchildren are counting the pies.

If you can, help

  1. The fishermen are sitting

Guard the floats.

Fisherman Korney

Caught 3 perches

Fisherman Evsey –

4 crucian carp,

And the fisherman Mikhail

I caught 2 catfish.

How many fish are the fishermen

Dragged from the river?

  1. 7 geese are flying above us,

7 others are behind the clouds,

2 went down to the stream.

How many geese were there?

Second proverb competition.Fill in the missing words in the proverbs:

(Teams are given envelopes containing proverbs with missing numerals; children must insert them and read them)

For all, and all for one.

Don't have...... rubles, but have...... friends.

Try it on once, cut it off once.

If you chase ......... hares, you won't catch .....................

The mind is good, but................... better.

Not a warrior in the field.

HOST: Well done team!

Competition 3 “Find all the hidden letters”

Conditions: Guys, you must carefully look at the poster (1st row - for the 1st team)

2nd row - for team II) and write down all the letters that you see there on your sheet of paper, and then name them.

The next competition is very interesting,

It is very useful for convolutions in the head

Can you guess the words?

You'll recognize the names right away.

Competition 4 LOGICAL:

Task No. 1

Collect the name of a fairy-tale character from the letters, using all the letters, for the correct answer 4 points.

(Teams receive envelopes with a task. You need to collect the name of a fairy-tale character using all the letters)


Task No. 2 “Unenchant the word”

You need to “disenchant” the word by arranging the letters in alphabetical order.

Help, smtoy, ugshl, nybti

Task No. 3 “READ IT”

Exercise. Read the words. Find the odd one out.


Task No. 4 “Anograms”:

Atlas - salad

Bank - boar
gate - grass

Carriage - rocket
giant - felt boots

address - Wednesday

Task No. 5 “Make a word from a word”:

Task for all participants

Do you love toys?

Who can make up the most words? (game, hand, pear, circle, ball, ears, skin, stew, cancer)


- Guess what it says here. Complete the letters


We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there's nothing more interesting

What are our favorite fairy tales?

So next 5th competition "FAIRY TALES".For each correct answer 4 points.

TASK No. 1 “Who is faster.”

Continue with the names of fairy tale objects.

Flower... (seven flowers) Hat... (invisible)

Sword... (treasury) My light... (mirror)

Carpet... (airplane) Princess... (frog)

Boots... (fast walkers) Scarlet... (flower)

Stick... (lifesaver) Tablecloth... (self-assembly)

For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded.


  • An arrow flew and hit the swamp.
    And in that swamp someone caught her.
    Who, having said goodbye to green skin
    She became sweet, beautiful, and pretty.
    (Princess Frog)
  • There is no river or pond.
    Where can I get some water?
    Very tasty water
    In the hole from the hoof.
    (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
  • The little goats opened the door
    And everyone disappeared somewhere.
    (Wolf and kids)
  • He was chilling at the window
    Then he took it and drove away
    To be eaten by a fox.
  • What a miracle, what a miracle
    Do sleighs go without horses?
    (By magic)
  • My sister started playing.
    The birds took my brother away. (Swan geese)

Physical exercise “The most attentive”

Children are given Balloons(yellow, green, orange, purple, blue, red) and explains the rules of the game.

Having heard in a short phrase the name of an object whose color matches the ball, the child raises the ball up, takes a step forward and waves the ball.

Ready? Be careful.

  1. On an old tub
    Frogs danced. (
    Green )

  2. The sun dropped
    Golden ray. (
    yellow )
    – The child must pick up the ball.
  3. Oh beautiful flower
    My favorite cornflower.(
    blue )
    – The child must pick up the ball.
  4. At the edge of the forest
    Strawberry under the leaves. (
    red )
    – The child must pick up the ball.
  5. The wind blows across the sea
    And the boat speeds up. (
    blue )
    – The child must pick up the ball.
  6. And blossomed in the sky
    Rainbow is an arc. (all balls)
    - All children must pick up the balloons.


The fairy tale competition is over, let's move on to the next one№ 6 "FROZEN FROM A BARREL."For the correct answer 5 points

(Each of the team members comes to the table and takes out the question number from the barrel, says the question number, reads it on a piece of paper and answers (one from one team, the other from the second team, etc.) Questions on the pieces of paper in front of the participants)

  1. Name the symbol tree of Russia? (Birch)
  2. What animal living in water builds dams? (Beaver)
  3. What are the colors of the rainbow? (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)
  4. What is the name of the brownie from the cartoon? (Kuzya)
  5. What is the name of a bear's winter lair? (Den)
  6. Name your favorite animal Freken Bock (Matilda the cat)
  7. Name a device for determining the sides of the horizon? (Compass
  8. What is a wing without feathers? (of an airplane)
  9. Slowest animal? (Turtle)
  10. Mown, dried grass? (Hay)
  11. How many hours are there in a day?(24)
  12. Device for measuring temperature? (Thermometer)
  13. White drink, healthy for children and adults? (Milk)
  14. April Fool's Day? (April 1st)


Marathon runners go forward

They take the math with them.

It’s impossible without her!

Listen to the tasks, friends!


1. Grandmother lived with her grandson Fyodor, the dog Sharik and the cat Vaska. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (1)

  1. Grandfather Micah has 10 sheep. All but 9 escaped. How many sheep are left?(9)
  2. You, me and you and me. How many of us are there in total?(2)
  3. Three brothers have 1 sister. How many children are there in the family?
  4. How many chickens did a rooster hatch if he laid 5 eggs?
  5. There are 2 apples and 3 pears on the table. How many vegetables are on the table?
  6. 3 fish were flying over the forest. 2 landed. How many flew away?
  7. How many ends do 2 sticks have? What about two and a half sticks?

Music "Captains" sounds


From the musical intro you understand that we are now having a captain competition. For each correct answer 1 point. Captains, come to me. (Captains are invited to the presenter, who asks questions)

Questions for the Erudite captain

  1. The world's first cosmonaut? (Gagarin)
  2. A thorny plant? (Cactus)
  3. Male hen? (Rooster)
  4. Oak fruit? (acorn)

Questions for the captain of "Whychek"

  1. How many days are there in a week? (Seven)
  2. Animal with the longest neck? (Giraffe)
  3. Baba Yaga's home? (Hut on chicken legs)
  4. What terrible animal loves raspberries? (Bear)

At the end of the competition, the captains return to the teams.

Competition No. 7 “Cats”

The goal of the competition is to consolidate the names of geometric shapes and develop logical thinking.

Conditions: - Once in the spring, unusual cats gathered to bask in the sun and sat down in this order, but one cat stayed behind, which one do you think?

Game "Pythagoras"

This game is called "Pythagoras" - named after the Greek mathematician.

From geometric shapes fold the figures according to the pattern. (figures are attached)


Our marathon has come to its finale,

You did a great job.

It's time to sum up

It's not a sin to reward the team.

The jury has your say!

The results of the intellectual competition are summed up and announced.

Teams and cheerleaders receive small prizes.


This game gave us strength of spirit

We intend to continue to achieve victories

And new competitions are still ahead!

HOST: See you again at our marathons!

“Iron rusts without finding any use,
standing water either rots or freezes from the cold,
and a person’s mind, finding no use, languishes.”
(Leonardo da Vinci)

Play is the most important type of activity in which the child’s personality, his moral and volitional qualities are formed, and the need to influence the world is realized.

For children preschool age gaming skills and skills acquire exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education.

Any games only produce results when kids play with pleasure. In the same way, creativity is always interest, passion and even passion. It is this interest in educational games, the intellectual tension that they necessarily require, that must be developed in children. Precisely to develop, in a way that he himself does not appear from anywhere; and if they sometimes say: “He is interested himself,” it is only because they do not know where the interest came from, who brought its “seed” and fertilized the soil for growth.

The first condition for success is a smile, joy, praise, sincere interest of us, adults, in the progress of the baby, the growth of his strength. At the same time, of course, we must not forget that overpraising—praise that is not deserved—can also cause harm, especially in older age. You always need to be able to show a child, as it were, the reserve of his capabilities, what can be done even better.

This arouses in the child the desire to do the best possible; the desire for constant improvement is a very important condition in creative activity. Creativity develops and creative forces grow stronger only where there is freedom to express them. But this does not mean that you just have to wait until the child has a desire to play. We must organize his desire, awaken it, create conditions for its emergence. But at the same time, we must always remember that playing games should not be carried out to the point of oversaturation, to the point that the baby does not want to play. As soon as the first sign of loss of interest in the game flashes, you need to end it. The game can be continued tomorrow and then the child will have a pleasant prospect - tomorrow's joy.

Intellectual games are creative games. Children must do all tasks independently. We adults must be patient and not suggest with a word, a sigh, a gesture, or a look. We must let the child think and find his mistakes. By rising gradually and coping with more and more difficult tasks, the child develops his creative abilities.

If a child fails to complete a task, it means you are overestimating his level of development. Take a break, and after a few days, start with easier tasks.

For the little ones (1.5–3 years), you can enliven the game with a fairy tale or story, figures, until the child begins to be captivated by the very process of overcoming difficulties in solving problems and achieving the desired goal.

You need to start developing creative and intellectual abilities as early as possible. The first years of life are the most fertile time when we, adults, produce the richest fruits, fruits that will remain for life and which, with all our desire, cannot be grown so successfully later.

Intellectual Competition “Know-ka” – 2012.

Quick question.

1st team.

  1. Who writes the music? (Composer.)
  2. In which fairy tale did one of the characters have blue hair? (The Adventure of Pinocchio.)
  3. Mystery. “One speaks, two watch, two listen.” (Tongue, eyes, ears.)

2nd team.

  1. What is the profession of the person who leads the orchestra? (Conductor.)
  2. In which fairy tale did the character have an onion instead of a head? (The Adventure of Cipollino.)
  3. Mystery.
    “The clothes are white, and the legs
    Wearing red boots.
    They will go out of fashion - that’s the problem!
    He’ll never take them off.”

3rd team.

  1. Who paints landscapes? (Landscape artist.)
  2. In which fairy tale did the foxes play with matches? ("Confusion".)
  3. Mystery.
    “There is a back, but not a lie
    Four legs, but can't walk
    But it's always worth it
    And he orders everyone to sit” (table).

4th team.

  1. Who writes poetry? (Poet.)
  2. What fairy tale are these lines from? “And behind them are saucers, saucers, ding la-la, and dancing and laughing, ding la-la, ding la-la.” (“Fedorino’s grief.”)
  3. Mystery.
    “Stands alone on one leg
    He twists and turns his head.
    Shows us countries
    Rivers, mountains, oceans.”

Grade. For each correct answer - 1 point. Only 3 points.

Task No. 1 “Children on a walk.”

Didactic task. Teach children to create images in their imagination based on schematic images of objects.

Material. Several pictures of such a size that they are clearly visible to the whole team. The picture shows a child (boy or girl) holding an unfinished object in his hand.

Management. The presenter shows the children one of the pictures and says that the picture shows, for example, a boy. The boy goes for a walk, but the artist did not have time to finish drawing what he was carrying in his hand. Asks the children to come up with what the boy has in his hand. For example, if the picture shows a boy with a stick, then we can say that he is going for a walk with a stick, with a ball, with a flower, etc. It is necessary to come up with as many options as possible.

Grade. For each correct answer - 1 point.

Task No. 2 “What does this mean?”

An adult pronounces phrases. Children determine whether this can be said and explain the meaning of these expressions:

Fresh breeze– cool;
Fresh fish– recently caught, unspoiled;
Fresh bread– soft, just baked;
Fresh shirt– clean, ironed, washed;
Fresh newspaper– new, just purchased;
fresh head– rested;
Dead of night– quiet, deserted, dark;
The dull noise of a train- distant, inaudible, muffled.

Grade. There are two phrases for each team. 5 points for correct explanation.

Musical pause.

Task No. 3 “Space travel”.

Educational objectives: development of phonemic hearing, consolidation of knowledge of letters.

Material: pencils, cards for each child, lined into 6 cells.

Management: The presenter invites the children to go on a journey, but to find out which one they need to know the key word. They will guess the word by letter and write it in the boxes:

1 2 3 4 5 6
To O With m O With

In the “third” cell we write down the letter that comes first in the word “sleep”.

In the “sixth” cell we write down the letter that is in second place in the word “mustache”.

In the “first” cell we write down the letter that comes last in the word “poppy”.

In the fourth cell we write down the letter that comes last in the word “suit”.

In the “second” cell we write down the letter that is in third place in the word “mole”.

After completing this task, children read the key word “space”.

Grade. Each card is evaluated separately. For a correctly completed task, 2 points are given. (the overall result is that the team gets 12 points for correctly completing the task).

Task No. 4 “Starship”.

Material. Cards for each child. (cm. Appendix 2)

Let's go into space on a starship. The designer decided to help us build a starship, but someone interfered with him and mixed up the drawings. We need to figure out what needs to be done first and what later. Let's help him figure out the drawings.

Children are offered 6 drawings - diagrams. Children must arrange them in the required sequence, attaching a serial number to each drawing.
