Interactive games for preschool children. Interactive games for preschoolers. Presentation for preschoolers with animation effects "Winter-Winter" - Children's coloring pages, online coloring books, coloring pages with numbers, pictures with numbers, children's labyrinths, skillful hands, developing children's Online Games, free online games for boys and girls and much more for your child. - “Kindergarten” is a website for children and adults. On this site you can find “Pictures”, “Coloring Books”, “Cartoons”, “Children’s Literature”, “Audio Tales”, etc. - “RazIgrushki” is a site for children and their parents who care about the harmonious development and upbringing of their children. – “Baby news” - A huge amount of educational materials for children, the site will be of interest to both parents and children. – “Kindergarten” is a website for children and adults. On this site you can find “Pictures”, “Coloring Books”, “Cartoons”, “Children’s Literature”, “Audio Tales”, etc. – “Bukashka”, a site for preschoolers. Drawing and music lessons, educational games, children's flash games and coloring books, nursery rhymes, lullabies, tests, tongue twisters and sayings. – “Training and educational programs for children” for their development, education, training and creativity. Here you will find articles about children, educational and developmental programs for children and schoolchildren, which can be downloaded for free, and the child will certainly want to watch children's educational videos, the best cartoons, fairy tales and books, all games for development, coloring pages, pictures, karaoke songs and much more other; view or add children's works (drawings, poems, etc.); everything a child needs (interesting toys, software, music, books, games. - "Umka - Children's development site." On the site you can watch both entertaining and educational children's cartoons, download collections, as well as listen and download pluses and backing tracks of children's songs, color them together with your children online coloring, choose your favorite holiday scenarios, listen to children's fairy tales and much more! - "Origami - The world with your own hands." The site is dedicated to the ancient art of folding paper figures. Here you will find diagrams and videos of origami folding schemes.

Summary of GCD using an interactive whiteboard on FEMP in middle group"Entertaining mathematics with Carlson"

Fomicheva Natalia Albertovna, teacher, kindergarten No. 30 "Teremok", Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region.
Description: This publication will be useful to teachers of preschool and additional education. The publication contains a detailed summary of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in secondary school children. preschool age. A special feature of the lesson is that children complete tasks on the interactive board.
Screenshots of the author's flipchart are used as illustrative material for the publication.

Target: developing mathematical concepts in children through working on an interactive whiteboard
- Develop the ability to work on an interactive whiteboard, performing simple manipulations: clicking on an object, moving objects.
- Practice the ability to distinguish and name familiar names geometric figures: circle, triangle, square, rectangle.
- Improve the ability to compose a rhythmic pattern.
- Develop the ability to determine spatial direction from oneself: above, below, in front, behind.
- Develop the ability to compose an image according to a diagram (Nikitin cubes).
- Strengthen knowledge of numbers from 1 to 5, the ability to arrange them in order.
- Develop communication skills, ingenuity, resourcefulness.
- Develop the ability to negotiate, work in pairs and in a chain.
- Cultivate interest in mathematics.

Progress of the lesson:

Communication game:
We will build an even circle,
On the right is a friend and on the left is a friend.
Let's hold hands together,
And let's smile at each other!
Is everyone in a good mood?
Are all your sorrows forgotten?
I ask you to tell me:
Are you ready to count now?
(children's answers)

The children take their seats.
- Guys, today the postman brought us a letter. To find out what is written in it, you need to click on the envelope on our screen. (Child performs)
All the girls and boys
They managed to love me.
I am the hero of a funny book,
There's a propeller behind me.

Taking for reinforcements
A jar of jam
I'm going on a flight
Helicopter man!

The letter contains my assignments.
Everyone needs attention!
I want to check you.
Handle it - I'll fly!

Assignment: “Guess who’s hiding?”(The magnifying glass on the interactive whiteboard tears off fragments of the picture)
(Children check to see if they guessed correctly who the letter is from)

- Guys, you were not mistaken. They guessed correctly that the letter was from Carlson.
- He really wants to come visit us! What do we need to do for this? (children's answers)
- That's right, complete all his tasks! Well, let's not waste time!

Carlson's riddle No. 1. "CIRCLE"
I have no corners
And I look like a saucer!
I'm like a wheel
And also with the letter “O”.
I am an old friend to people.
They call me... (circle)

When you click on the question mark, the answer appears - a circle.

- Guys, what round objects do you know? (children's answers)
- Right. And the beads are also round.
Take a look at the screen. Did you find out who it is? (Freken Bok, housekeeper)
- You see, she is sitting angry. This is because her beads fell apart.
Let's help her collect them.

Task: “Collect beads.”(One child on the interactive whiteboard. The rest are in place from handouts).
- Look, guys, Freken Bok started smiling! Let's play with her!

Do you remember that she had a constant buzzing in her ears? Let's remember (Video fragment from the film).

- And now we will certainly guess!
- We have a bell. Let's ring it!

Gymnastics for the eyes:
Naughty little bell, come play with me (they blink their eyes)
Call and circle, show yourself to us. (circular eye movements)
I’ll look higher, I’ll find the bell (look up)
Now I’ll look below, again, where it rings, I’ll find it (look down)

Assignment: “Name where it rings”
The teacher calls the child, who rings the bell. Children call where it rings. (Above, below, front, back).
- Well done! You have good spatial orientation!

Carlson's riddle No. 2. "Triangle"
Look, look!
He only has three!
Three corners, three sides
Connect with each other -
You won't get a square
And beautiful... (triangle)

When you click on the question mark, the answer appears - a triangle.

- Carlson’s house is always a mess! Let's help him clean up. Let's collect all the triangles into a hoop. (Children in pairs on the interactive board)

- Carlson was happy and started dancing. (Video clip from the film)

- And you and I will have a little rest! Get up from your chairs!

Physical education lesson "Let's dance!"
Once - rise, stretch,
Two – return to the original form.
Three - three claps of your hands. One two Three!
Three nods of the head. One two Three!
Four hands wider
Five - wave your arms,
and dance a little. (Perform dance movements to music)
And then, of course, six,
We need to take a seat.

Carlson's riddle No. 3. "Square"
I am a figure - no matter where,
Always very smooth
All angles in me are equal
And four sides.
Kubik is my beloved brother,
Because I... (square)

When you click on the question mark, the answer appears - a square.

- Guys, the square has a brother - a cube! Let's put some cubes together favorite treat Carlson! It's on our diagram. What is this? (sweetie)
(One child is on the interactive board. The rest are on places made of Nikitin cubes)

Carlson's riddle No. 4. "Rectangle"
We stretched the square
And presented at a glance,
Who did he look like?
Or something very similar?
Not a brick, not a triangle -
It became a square... (rectangle).

When you click on the question mark, the answer appears - a rectangle.
- Guys, what are the sides of the rectangle? (two long, two short).
- What rectangular objects do you know? (Children's answers)
- Well done! Now come out to me!
We played with the figures
and a little tired,
Let's warm up, let's relax,
And then we’ll start counting.

Guys, let's remember what geometric figures Carlson gave us riddles about? (children's answers) What other figures do you know? (children's answers)
- Now we will turn into them!
Physical education lesson “Geometric figures”:
I play math
I'm turning you into figures!
One two Three,
One two Three!
Geometric figure, freeze in place!

- Guys, while we were playing, our numbers quarreled.
A strange case, a rare case
The numbers are in conflict! Here you go!
Stand with your neighbor
Not a single one wants to!
Make peace with everyone soon,
Otherwise it will just be laughter

Task: “Place the numbers in order”
(Children in a chain on the interactive board. The rest are in place with handouts).

-We distinguished the figures
We collected patterns
And they played and counted.
And we managed everything!
And now we will ask you:
“Did you like the tasks?”
(children's answers)

Educator: Guys, what did we do today? What they were doing? What was the most difficult? What do you remember most? (Children's answers)

- It remains to be seen whether Carlson liked how we completed his tasks?
(Video clip from the film)

Carlson from the screen, and then from behind the door:
- Excuse me, can you land here?
- You hear? Is someone knocking on the door?

Natalya Marushkina

Today I want to tell you how we use interactive equipment in Everyday life child.

Progress does not stand still. And it also depends on you and me how the child will master the interactive network. What information will he look for there? Will she be a substitute for the outside world for him or an active assistant and adviser? Many people remember the time when there was only television in homes. It caused so much controversy and advice. What is the distance to the screen, the size of the screen itself, the time spent watching TV shows, the age of the viewers, and you never know. Tell me, does this remind you of anything? The world is changing, technology is improving, but the questions are still the same. But no matter how much we want to protect children from the harmful effects of newfangled gadgets, they have firmly entered our lives.

“If you don’t go into the water, you won’t learn to swim.” So it is with our children. Who knows what they will learn from this new “Miracle Technology” if we, adults, do not become their guides. In my group, I try to show children that the Internet is not a field of entertainment, but a field of knowledge with passion. A field of great opportunities and low costs (this is already for teachers). Think for yourself. How much effort, time and money it takes us to create educational games for individual work. And here: downloaded, processed, presented. Of course, there is a need to strike a balance between ICT and conventional forms of work. Only then will we be able to achieve better results without destroying the fragile children's world of human relationships.

So, our didactic games.

Most often I use material from previous classes. After all, if we played during class, then why not continue.

“Put the animals in place according to the sound model.”

Such slides accumulate from lesson to lesson, and all that remains is to collect them into a single folder with a common task.

This is how literacy games appeared.

“Make a sound diagram and insert familiar letters”.


"Match the rug"

Many games are created using SMART Notebook software templates.

Vortex sorting:

"Wintering and migratory birds"

Combination of images:

“Put a title on the picture”

Active points:

"Travel according to the group's plan"

"Find a Pair"


"Enter the answer"

And others.

And also games using the “Activity Designer” of the same program.

"Read the letters".

"Edible - inedible"

"They put the birds in their houses"

"Visiting the numbers."

Why they? Yes, just minimal preparation costs.

There are games created in PowerPoint.

One of them “Learning to solve puzzles” I would like to bring to your attention in a presentation. In this case, I used not only pictures but also the material itself from the Internet. When I saw Lydia Filipenko’s publication, I couldn’t pass it by. I reworked it into PowerPoint, added animation and offered it to the children. They enjoyed solving the puzzles.

In addition, we use ready-made game programs available in kindergarten.

nor help children explore the world more widely. Through high-quality video, sound, and animation, children can get closer to the diversity of the animal and plant world, get acquainted with the basics of geography and astronomy, solve puzzles proposed by the developers, and much more.

I can say that the active use of the interactive whiteboard in the group not only increased the educational process, but also reduced the excitement of activities on it. The fact that at first the children were eager to play, just to touch, move, draw, gave way to a conscious choice of play. Children do not sit next to each other; they are busy playing other games with their peers. They do not give up other activities for the sake of playing games on the board, but they compete with pleasure in applying the acquired knowledge and solve complex programming problems with enthusiasm.

Thank you for your attention. I hope you found our material interesting.

Publications on the topic:

Game “Furniture” Goal: to coordinate the numerals two and five with nouns. Game material: subject pictures of furniture, two playing fields.

Didactic games for the formation of figurative speech in older preschoolers Here are some of the games I use in class. I suggest you play. The game “Phraseological Menagerie” teaches you how to select the right ones.

In order to increase cognitive interest, the teacher should try to diversify the subject-development environment. Many people make it for this purpose.

Didactic games for speech development of older preschoolers The decisive importance in the upbringing and development of preschool children belongs to learning in the classroom, the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

A selection of interactive games (games - presentations) for working with preschool children is presented.

I personally did not edit the material presented, but it was used in the work.

I confirm the amazing interest from the children! Children are captivated from the beginning to the end of the game, they ask for “extras”, they remember the material very well, reproduce what they saw easily, parents are delighted with the inspiration with which the children talk about the classes in which these materials were used.



Slide captions:

Didactic games on safety.

“Where is whose car?”

“Who works with fire?”

Flammable items

“What do you need for a fire shield?”

The presentation was made by the teacher of the MBDOU TsRR kindergarten “332 Samara. Shishina Svetlana Atimbekovna. Google images were used. The presentation was published on the website -


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Physical education machine

March on the spot!

Side bends

Let's dance with our hands

Well well well!

Let's clap!

Head tilts

Tilts again

Head turns

Torso rotations

Let's dance!

Playing football

Let's play hockey

Let's show strength

Let's dance with the wolf!

Let's jump with the bunny

Let's make snowballs

Let's fly!

Pumping up muscles

Cleaning the snow

Higher! Higher! Higher!

Stronger! Even stronger!

Did you like the charger?

Sources http:// – photo frame http:// – avatars with Masha and fairy tale characters – picture with the image of Masha and the bear

Author – Boyko Lyudmila Andreevna, teacher primary classes Volodarsk secondary school of I – III levels No. 1 named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.D. Yakimenko The presentation was published on the website -


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Microbes Your first health lessons Rasskazova Marina Borisovna Center for Regional Development "Rostok" St. Petersburg. 2011

Where there is dirt, germs live. Small ones - you can't see them. There are a lot of them, microbes, It is impossible to count them. Among microbes there are our friends and enemies. With both of them, we must learn to behave correctly in order to remain healthy. Microbes are both friends and enemies of humans, so you should be extremely careful.

Here is a drop of water, look how many microbes are on it! Can't you see anything? That's right, because microbes are very small, smaller than a droplet, they are so easy to see.

Small and distant microbes are the friends and enemies of humans. The size of microbes - friends and enemies of humans - ranges from thousandths to millionths of a millimeter; they can only be seen under a microscope.

Smaller than mosquitoes and midges, many, many thousands of times. The darkness of invisible animals prefers to live in us. The microflora of the human body “weighs” up to 1.5 kg. Bacteria live on the skin, mucous membranes, and in the organs of the digestive system, playing the role of our helpers and protectors. “Harmful” microbes also feel very comfortable in our body, and when the immune system is weakened, they completely “unbelt”, provoking various diseases.

Frequent hand washing for a modern person is not just a sign of good upbringing and neatness. This simple procedure can protect against dangerous diseases, because it is through dirty hands that pathogenic microbes enter our body.

Hand washing in compliance with certain rules is one of the best ways prevention, which requires only soap and warm water.

If we cut our nails short, there will be no black border of dirt under them and, of course, the bacteria contained in it will not get inside us, and we will not get sick. The same can be said about a handkerchief. It is necessary for coughing and sneezing. You have to turn away and cover yourself with it so that germs don’t fly onto your comrades.

Everyone knows that for scratches and cuts, you need to lubricate the wound with a disinfectant: alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or iodine, so as not to give germs a chance.

If you eat or touch your mouth with dirty hands, your stomach will certainly ache from germs.

A good breeding ground for microbes are foods containing a lot of water (milk, broths), as well as meat, fish, etc.

In crowded places (metro, public transport, supermarkets, concert and cinema halls) the number of microbes reaches 300 thousand per cubic meter.

There are significantly fewer microbes in the open air, so it is very useful to walk in the fresh air in the forest or in the park.

Most people are sure that microbes cause only harm and they should be destroyed by all available means: starting with hand washing and ending with treating every square centimeter of the apartment. But this is not true; there are many beneficial microbes.

The smells of onions and garlic are beneficial. They destroy germs of various diseases. Therefore, you should eat onions and garlic more often; they are very beneficial for the body. Foaming kvass, soft spongy bread - we would not have tried them if not for our friends - microorganisms.

Beneficial microorganisms that live in the human body help fight diseases and are involved in digestion.

The smallest living creatures play an invaluable role on Earth. Bacteria convert organic substances into inorganic ones, clearing our planet of debris.


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01 02 03 04 What phone number should I call if there is a fire?

What to do if your apartment catches fire?

There is a fire in the apartment, what should I do?

How to move in a smoky room?

What can children play with?

Where can you dry your clothes?

How to extinguish electrical appliances correctly?

Where and with whom should you arrange fireworks?

How to use electrical appliances correctly?

If a friend’s clothes catch fire, what should you do?

The author of the presentation is Irina Petrovna Kletskaya, teacher of the highest qualification category, GBOU kindergarten No. 1980, Moscow. The presentation is published on the website - ​​Materials used: http://www.vesnadesign. com


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Topic: What could be dangerous around us?

Goal: To teach children to see danger from the most ordinary things and to be careful when handling them.


Dishes Household appliances Clothes Furniture

It's standing tall, the barrels are pecked.

The house is very complicated. Garbage chute.


Four blue suns, In grandma's kitchen, Four blue suns Burnt and went out. The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling, the sun is not needed until tomorrow. GAS STOVE

Don't joke with gas. Gas cannot be seen; it has an odor. If you smell gas, do not light a fire or turn on electrical appliances. You need to call the gas service by phone 04

Electric stove

Electrical appliances

You cannot repair electrical appliances yourself. If you handle matches carelessly, you can get burned. If you handle a kettle with boiling water carelessly, you can get burned. Causes of the fire

Matches are not a toy for children

Do you know the phone number to call during a fire?

What dangers do these items pose if handled carelessly?

What phone number do you need to know to get help?

What danger does this item pose?

Conclusion Even the most ordinary things can be dangerous if they are handled carelessly or incorrectly.

Teacher Serebryakova Irina Vasilievna Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 11, Kizel, Perm region The presentation was published on the website -


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Me and other people. Politeness

Say the word: Even a block of ice will melt From a warm word: An old stump will turn green, When he hears: If you can’t eat anymore Let’s say to mom: ... “Thank you” ... ... “Good afternoon” “Thank you”

... The boy is polite and developed, He says when meeting: When we are scolded for pranks, We say: Both in France and in Denmark They say goodbye: Say a word: “Hello” ... “Forgive me, please” ... “Goodbye”

Rules of politeness: If you are polite and not deaf to your conscience, you will give up your place to the old woman without protest.

If you are polite, In your heart, and not for show, You will help a disabled person get into the trolleybus.

And if you are polite, you, sitting in class, will not chatter like two magpies with your friend.

And if you are polite, you will help your mother, and offer her help without asking - that is, yourself!

And if you are polite, then in a conversation with your aunt, and with your grandfather and grandmother, you will not interrupt them.

And if you are polite, You will not attack those who are weaker. You will not be shy before the strong.

In what cases do we use these words? Hello! Goodbye! Thank you! Sorry! Please! Gratitude Greeting Apology Farewell Request

A girl, a boy, and a teacher stopped at the door to the classroom. In what order should they enter the classroom? 1. 2. 3.

bad good Test yourself Tease and bully.

good bad Be neat and clean.

bad good Spit.

bad good Chew gum constantly.

bad good Listen to music at high volume.

bad good At the table, wave your arms and gesticulate.

good bad Offer your help.

bad good Whisper in society, keep secrets and giggle, covering your mouth with your hand.

This is what the girls said when they received the gifts: Tanya: “How much does it cost?” Nadya: “Oooh, this is not what I wanted at all...” Lena: “Thank you! I am very happy with the gift!” Whose answer do you think is correct?

Read excerpts from literary works. What fairy tales are these greetings from? Who is author? - Hello, my handsome prince! Why are you as quiet as a rainy day? A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

...Cherry bowed politely and said: Hello, gentlemen! I do not have the honor of knowing you, but it is very pleasant to know you. Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino"

...The man, reaching the window sill, said: Hello. Can I land here for a minute? Yes, yes, please,” the Kid hastily answered. Astrid Lindgren "Baby and Carlson"

Vitya offended the baby. In front of the school, Vitya asks: - Sorry, I admit my mistake. The teacher came to the lesson, put a magazine on the table, followed by Vitya: - Sorry, I'm a little late. - Tikhomirov! Show Us the city of Pskov on the map. “Sorry,” Vitya whispers, “I’m not ready for the lesson.” We argued with Natasha: Is Vitya polite or not? Understand our dispute and send your answer. What advice would you give to Vita?

Guess the riddle: Masha knew a lot of words, But one of them was missing. And it’s like a sin, It’s said most often. This word comes after a gift, after dinner. This is the word they say, If you are thanked... thank you

Guess the riddle: Uncle Styopa is upset. This is what he said. I saw Nastenka, my neighbor, I’m on the street now. Nastya is a nice girl, Nastya goes to first grade! But for a long time now I haven’t heard a word from Nastya... Hello!

Guess the riddle: I met a neighbor, Vitya. It was a sad meeting: He hit me like a torpedo. Came from around the corner! But - imagine! - in vain I was waiting for a word from Vitya... Sorry!

Guess the riddle: He said about his granddaughter: “What a shame! I gave her a briefcase. I see - I’m very happy! But you can’t be silent like a fish, Well, I would say... Thank you!

Materials: Zhunusova K. et al. Zh89 Knowledge of the world: Textbook. for 2 grades general education school/ K. Zhunusova, K. Aimagambetova, Z. Oleinik. – 3rd ed., revised. – Almaty: Atam Ura, 2009. - 160 s. Zhunusova K., Ledovskikh E. Zh89 Knowledge of the world. Methodological guide: For teachers of 2nd grade. general education school 2nd ed., revised. – Almaty: Atamura, 2009. – 136 p. Riddles - Kazakova O.V., Sboeva N.A., Gavrilkina N.I. Universal lesson developments for the course “The World around us”: 2nd grade.-3rd edition, revised. and additional - M.: VAKO, 2007. - 368 pp. - (To help the teacher). Photo – Google (Internet resources) The presentation was prepared by a primary school teacher at SGOD No. 8 in the city of Talgar, Almaty region, Semyonova Elena Vasilievna

Why is a raccoon called a "raccoon"? Because before eating he often rinses the food in water.

What animal can jump from a 50-story building without breaking? Flying squirrel

What creature's cry never echoes? duck call

What animals never drink? koala Meerkats Mongolian gerbil jumper short-eared African spiny tail

Name a bird that cannot fly, but can dive to a depth of 225 meters and jump up to a height of 1.8 meters. Penguin

Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? Penguins

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT! The presentation was published on the website - ​​Authors: Semyon Nazarovich Matveev and Irina Aleksandrovna Matveeva


What fruits grow on oak trees? WATERMELONS ACORNES APPLES PEARS

Which leaf is depicted on the Canadian flag CHESTNUT BIRCH OAK MAPLE

What tree does not grow on the streets of our city? LEMON OAK BIRCH CHESTNUT

Which fruit has one seed inside? PEAR PLUM WATERMELON APPLE

Which flower is not a garden flower? TULIP CLOVER LILY ROSE

Near the Lukomorye... green GRAPES MAPLE CACTUS OAK


What tree twigs are not used to make baskets? WILLOW LINDEN WILLOW POPLAR

The fruits of which tree become sweet from frost? OAK PLUM APPLE TREE ROWAN

Which plant produces the most fruit? PUMPKIN CUCUMBER WATERMELON POTATOES Chairman: Vylegzhanina K.L. Secretary: Svetlova M.E.

The presentation was prepared by a primary school teacher at School No. 342 of the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg, Marina Evgenievna Svetlova. The presentation was published on the website -


To use the preview, create a Google account and sign in:

Anna Firsova
Interactive games in kindergarten

New games in kindergarten(interactive games ) .

Involvement of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process in a preschool educational institution - one of the new and current directions in domestic preschool pedagogy.

Modern development of society is closely related to the expansion of the information space, increasing the importance information resources. Ability to work with a computer and interactive board is gradually becoming a requirement not only in primary school, but also in a preschool institution.

Information and communication technologies develop in children the ability to navigate information flows, teach them to work with information, and introduce them to modern technical devices. The child ceases to be a passive object of learning and becomes an active participant pedagogical process, which promotes conscious assimilation of knowledge.

New information technologies make it possible to build a learning process that is more high level due to the visual (graphics, animation, text, auditory (sound, video, tactile) (keyboard, interactive board) perception.

Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, information and communication technologies have a number of benefits:

1. Figurative information is more understandable to preschoolers

2. Bright picture, movement, sound attracts children's attention

3. In the course of their activities at the computer, about interactive boards, the child gains self-confidence in the fact that he can do a lot.

We will consider the possibilities of working in a preschool educational institution with interactive SMART Board - an information system consisting of a touch screen, computer and projector.

Problems solved when working with interactive whiteboard:

1. Development of the child’s cognitive and creative activity, imagination, imaginative thinking

2. Formation of the child’s readiness for schooling

3. Introducing children to the possibilities of computer technology, developing skills in working with interactive whiteboard

The technology of the board, based on the principle of a resistive matrix, is the most widespread in the world and the safest for health. The board allows you to write and draw on it using electronic ink and save all your notes. Peculiarity interactive SMART boards are tactile controls that help implement different learning styles, including working with children with disabilities. The board responds to the touch of a finger (or any other item) like clicking a computer mouse.

The large surface area of ​​the board makes joint activities with children dynamic and exciting game. In classes, children become full participants interactive learning: use large bright images, move letters and numbers, form words and sentences, move geometric shapes and various objects simply with their fingers. Preschoolers who perceive information visually and kinesthetically understand and assimilate the material proposed in this way much more effectively than just visual perception of images and the well-known method of repetition.

To work on interactive teachers must master the elements of computer literacy: knowledge of computer structure, ability to work in programs: Word, Power Point, SMART Notebook, practice of working in Internet(for searching images and tutorials). By using software With SMART Notebook, you can save your notes, screenshots or videos, which will later become reporting material and make up a media library kindergarten.

Creating games using interactive whiteboard.

Material to work with interactive board is carefully selected by teachers in accordance with the age of the children and is built according to a promising thematic plan. IN There are ready-made interactive games and exercises on the Internet, available for free use, but if necessary, it will not be difficult to create your own product yourself, or recycle existing material.

To prepare for a lesson using interactive board there is a certain algorithm that simplifies the work of the teacher.

Creation algorithm interactive games:

1. Determine the topic, type and purpose of the lesson.

2. Draw up the structure of the lesson, in accordance with the main goal, outline the tasks and the necessary stages to achieve them.

3. Consider the stages where use is necessary interactive whiteboard. If there is a lack of computer illustrated or program material, a search is carried out in the library or Internet or a proprietary program is compiled.

4. Approbation of the lesson. Consider the feasibility of using computer software in comparison with traditional means.

5. Evaluate the selected materials according to time: their duration should not exceed sanitary standards. It is recommended to review and time all materials, taking into account interactive nature

6. Make a minute-by-minute plan

7. Write the final script

8. Prepare children in advance.

9. Conduct a lesson.

Work with interactive board allows for new uses in educational activities didactic games and exercises, communicative games, creative tasks. Application interactive whiteboard in kindergarten allows children to develop their ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical skills in working with information, develop versatile skills, promote the conscious acquisition of knowledge by preschoolers and increase the child’s level of readiness for school.

Publications on the topic:

Games for holidays in kindergarten Musical chair. This variant differs from the well-known one in that when the music suddenly stops, the player who has not had enough.

Interactive educational games Video ICT is a promising tool in developmental work with children. The advantage of the computer over the classical lesson is that it is animated.

Interactive games “Find the extra object” INTERACTIVE GAMES “FIND THE EXTRA OBJECT” Interactive games are created to consolidate knowledge on the topics: - “Garden plants”; (slide No. 2) - “Berries”;.

Currently, children are growing and developing in a post-industrial information society. From birth they clash.

Master class: Outdoor games in kindergarten “We’ll go to the fair - we’ll put together Russian folk games in our own box!” Goal: 1. Strengthen the skills of playing Russian folk games: “Burners”, “Bag”, “By the bear in the forest”, “Geese - swans”, “Carousel”. 2. Development.
