Children's interest in the didactic game cook. Didactic game for children of senior preschool age “Cook. Didactic game “In the grocery store”

Friday, April 13, 2018 11:25 + to quote book

Recently, an increasing percentage of preschool institutions are occupied by children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD). In this group of children, the level of vocabulary development does not correspond to age indicators, and its mastery is an important condition for mental development.

Children with general speech underdevelopment cannot spontaneously take the ontogenetic path of speech development characteristic of normal children. To overcome it, special corrective measures are required.

Everyone knows well that in preschool age the leading activity is play, that the child develops most fully in activity. The greatest effect of correctional work on the development of the vocabulary of a preschooler with general speech underdevelopment will be obtained if it is carried out through a variety of games. One type is a verbal didactic game. Usage interesting game encourages the child to free verbal communication, master the correct grammatical forms of the language, use words known to him in phrases and sentences, and activates his existing vocabulary. The enrichment of a child’s life experience, the complication of his activities and the development of communication lead to a gradual quantitative growth of the vocabulary.

Starting from a very early age, the child actively explores the world, exploring everything that happens around him. Therefore, educational didactic games occupy the most important place in a child’s life. They expand the child’s understanding of the world around him, teach the child to observe and identify the characteristic features of objects (size, shape, color), distinguish them, and also establish simple relationships.

Educational games and activities will help your child prepare for school, since educational games for preschoolers allow you not only to learn something new, but also to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Undoubtedly, such skills will become the basis for further successful training. By solving simple educational game tasks, every child will be happy with their results and achievements. A good mood is the key to successful development!

Didactic game"Mystery Ball"

Target: activation and expansion of children's vocabulary through polysemy of words. Write a simple description of the item. Mastering the construction of complex sentences.

Development of verbal and logical thinking through asking riddles.

Game description:

Option 1:

Guys, Dunno came to class today. He loves to travel in a hot air balloon. The ball can be different. Balloon- it is made of rubber. So what is he like? - .....This is a toy, children play with it. What other ball do you know? The window will open only when you guess what another ball could be, indicating another object. What is the name of our planet? - (Earth). What can you call the planet where people live -... THE EARTH. solar planet can be called... - SUN BALL. Athletes play tennis. What are they playing with? ... TENNIS BALL. How to decorate a Christmas tree New Year? ... CHRISTMAS BALL. A beautiful flower bloomed in the flowerbed, it is yellow and it is called... . GOLDEN BALL

Option 2: Asking riddles. The window will open if you guess the riddle correctly. What words helped you guess it?

No beginning, no end

No back of the head, no face.

Everyone knows, both young and old,

That she is a huge ball.

No matter how much you drive or walk,

You won't find the end here.


You warm the whole world

You don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you -

(Sun or solar ball)

On a green fragile leg

The ball grew near the path.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball.


The lily of the valley blooms in May,

Aster blooms in autumn.

And in winter I bloom

I go to the Christmas tree every year.

It sat on the shelf for a whole year,

Everyone forgot about me.

And now I'm hanging on the tree,

Ringing little by little. (Ball)

Didactic game “Lost and Found”.

Target: activation and expansion of children’s vocabulary on the topics: “ Migratory birds", "Wintering birds". Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes. Consolidating the skill of forming relative adjectives. Write a simple description of the item.

Mastering some forms of inflection: endings of nouns in the genitive case, singular and plural, verbs of the present tense and past tense.

Game description: Option 1.

Smart bird, please come down.
You have lost your pen.

On the yellow alley, where the maples turn red

A find awaits you in the “Bureau”.

Let's take a look at the Lost and Found Office and see whose feathers ended up in the Lost and Found Office. Sparrow feather - ....Whose feather got into the bureau? - (sparrow feather). Nightingale feather... Whose pen? - (nightingale). Crow feather...whose feather? - (crow). Crane feather... whose feather? - crane feather, etc.

Option 2.

  1. Call the birds affectionately. Nightingale - nightingale, sparrow - sparrow, crow - little crow, crane - crane, crane, etc.
  2. Let's name the birds when there is one and when there are many of them.

One nightingale - many nightingales, one crow - many crows, one crane - many cranes, etc.

3. Let's play with the birds. What is the bird doing? -... (a bird is flying - a bird has flown away - a bird will fly in in the spring, etc.)

Option 3.

Children came to the Lost and Found Bureau who had lost their mitten, sock, and hat. Help them find their mitten, their sock, their hat….

Didactic game “Cheerful little cook”.

Target: activation and expansion of children's vocabulary on the topic “Food. Consolidating the skill of forming relative adjectives. Write a simple description of the item.

Game description:

Option 1: Mom was preparing breakfast. She was cooking her favorite porridge for her daughter (son). The porridge turned out very tasty.

“Mom made porridge

My daughter listened

And I ate all the porridge!”

Guess what kind of grain mom made the porridge from? What kind of porridge would it turn out to have if it was made from semolina, buckwheat, rice, millet, etc.

Option 2: Mom came home from work and was very tired. Dad and daughter (son) decided to cook dinner. Boiled the milk and added the cereal. The porridge turned out delicious. What kind of porridge will mom and the whole family eat? -... Semolina porridge - semolina; from rice - rice, from buckwheat -....; from millet -….

Tumchenok E.A. , teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category MBDOU DSKV No. 66 “Zabavushka”, Nizhnevartovsk.

Series of messages " ":
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 - Didactic games to expand the vocabulary of older preschoolers with special needs development
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 21 -

Expected Result: children should know what dishes can be prepared from meat, fish, milk, flour, potatoes; be able to name dishes, talk about their components, simple ways preparations.

Goals: develop memory, imagination, monologue speech; to develop interest in the chef’s work and respect for the results of his work.

The teacher, in the role of director of a canteen or cafe, gives each player the task of preparing three dishes from the proposed food product. The child, in the role of a cook, must match the picture of the product with pictures depicting different dishes from this product, and talk about what it consists of, what it tastes like and how it is prepared. Children who talk about more dishes receive extra points.

The game can be made more complicated by the fact that children receive pictures not with images of dishes, but with images of the parts that make up the dish. For the game, take simple, child-friendly dishes.

Didactic game “In the grocery store”

Expected Result: children should know the names of grocery store departments and what food products are sold in them; have an idea of ​​the benefits of different products; group products by department, use generalizing words.

Goals: develop memory, attention, ability to classify, compare; to develop interest and respect for the profession of a grocery store seller.

Option 1. The teacher, in the role of store director, gives the child “sellers” the task of equipping their department for the opening of the store: select the necessary products (pictures, dummies, boxes, jars of food) for the dairy, meat, fish, bread, vegetable, confectionery, grocery departments , design a display window, talk about the products being sold, their purpose and benefits. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly organizes his department and talks about food products, correctly names the products, choosing generalizing words.

A didactic game can be transformed into a role-playing game.

Option 2. The teacher in the role of director asks the “sellers” to be attentive to the delivery of new products on specialized vehicles. Based on the picture that shows a vehicle for transporting certain products (milk tanker, flour tanker, fish tanker, bread truck, van truck for transporting Vegetables and fruits, truck for transporting ice cream), determine what products this vehicle can bring and under what conditions they are transported . “Accept” products to the department by selecting the necessary pictures.

Nina Mullina

Entertainment script “Merry Cooks” senior preschool age

Target: To form ideas about the work of adults and its social significance. To consolidate knowledge about the profession and expand children’s ideas about the profession of a cook. Develop an interest in cooking, the skill of using a knife correctly, and the ability to cut vegetables and fruits into cubes. Foster respect for the work of adults.

Tasks: to systematize ideas about the work of a cook, promote the ability to work in a team together, develop dexterity, speed, and cultivate respect for people of this profession.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the profession of a cook, learning poems and songs. A selection of proverbs and sayings. Looking at pictures and videos. Excursion to the kindergarten catering unit.

Equipment: vegetables and fruits, chairs, tables, tray, plates, forks, knives. Salters and napkins for everyone

Products for making sandwiches and salads (pre-cut decorations)

Hello. Isenmesez.

Children stand in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. Today we don't have normal game. We will find out what we will play and what we will talk about when you solve the riddle

Walks around in a white cap

With a ladle in hand,

He cooks lunch for everyone

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette. (COOK)

(video about the work of a cook).

Educator. That's right - it's a COOK. What do you know about the profession of a cook?

It's always nice to eat people

When food tastes good

And good cooks

The food is always delicious.

Roast, fish, vinaigrette.

Okroshka and borscht,

Salad, cutlets and omelet

And buns and cabbage soup.

Everything is always fresh with them

Well, as it should be

Food can't burn

And it shouldn't burn.

That's why they rush to them,

They go to dinner with them.

And they thank them for a long time

For this delicious work.

Educator: Yes guys, you are right. A cook is a person whose profession is cooking. The cook provides tasty and satisfying meals to adults and children in schools, kindergartens, and factories. This is a very responsible and hard job. The best food is the one that is prepared with love. From generation to generation, people passed on the secrets of preparing various dishes. Each nation has its own national cuisine. What national dishes do you know (children name and show slides on the screen: loaf, pancakes, Russian dumplings, Gubadiya, baursak, echpechmek.) Children’s answers (photos of dishes)

Teacher I have a proposal for you. Let's try to become cooks. I will be the chef (wears an apron and cap, I will supervise the process of our work. You will be my assistants.

I want to be a cook

Cabbage soup, potatoes, soup.

Make delicious cookies

And a glorious treat,

So that our mother said

What a miracle, your porridge.

Give the cook the following ingredients:

Poultry meat, dried fruits,

Rice. Potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.

Educator Today we will prepare fruit, vitamin salad and sandwiches. Because it’s winter outside and our body needs vitamins. What do you think, which has more vitamins in vegetables or fruits? (children's answers)

It’s true that fruits contain more vitamins.

Guys, what is a salad? (children's answers).

Bananas, pears, grapes

Serve a divine salad

All you have to do is decide to come to the table...

And here is a flock of tender beauties

He eats the salad in languor,

This arrangement pleases the eye,

VIVAT, my fruit salad!

Right. Salad is a cold dish made from finely chopped vegetables or fruits. What is a sandwich?

R – k: what is a sandwich?

This is on, and this is under.

What is placed on top?

Butter, fish, ham.

Cucumber, caviar and cheese,

The bread is placed from below - under,

And a SANDWICH comes out.

Educator For sandwiches you will need bread - ipi, butter - mai, cucumber - kyyar, sausage, green dill.

And so we have everything we need for work on the table, we can get to work. But the work of a cook requires cleanliness in everything. You should not start cooking in dirty clothes or with unwashed hands. Before work, you need to wash your hands and put on an apron (we wipe our hands with wet wipes).

R –k: We guys are cooks.

We love to help mom

And now to our kitchen

Let's walk happily.

And so you can start making a fruit, vitamin salad with the beautiful name “TASTY”, with tastes still unknown to us. And sandwiches.

(the girls make salad, and the boys make sandwiches.) Lisa M. cuts an apple - Alma, Angelina - a banana, Dasha H. - a pear, Elina - Kiwi. Danil - bread - epi, Roma - sausage, Seryozha - cucumber - kyyar, Arseny - butter - may.

But REMEMBER! That you need to work with knives carefully and carefully so as not to cut yourself.

As soon as the cutting is ready, we put all the fruits in a salad bowl and season it with yogurt, mix well, and the salad is ready.

(Slide show - children and parents cooking at home)

Do you know riddles about fruits? (Call riddles about who has which fruit or vegetable)

Delicious fruit from hot countries

It's called... banana.

The fruit looks like a tumbler

Wears a yellow shirt

Breaking the silence in the garden, a pear fell from the tree

Round, rosy,

I grow on a branch, adults love me

And little kids... apple

The fruit is fleecy - velvety

Peel off the skin sweet sour

Similar in appearance to potatoes

The inside of a gooseberry looks like... kiwi

No windows, no doors

The room is full of “people”

While the children are cooking, I read them proverbs, and they must finish them. Do you know the proverbs? I'm reading and you have to finish:

Porridge with butter... (you won’t spoil it)

One with a ladle, and seven... (with a spoon)

Every vegetable has its time... (time)

Tastes could not be discussed)

First damn... (lumpy)

Well done teacher! You are already finishing your work, the fruit is ready for the salad. Put everything in a salad bowl and top it with yogurt. And the salad is ready. But a salad should not only be enjoyable, but also arouse your appetite. And in order for it to stimulate appetite, it must be decorated (decorate the salad with pre-prepared fruit preparations). Salad ready. We've dealt with the Salad, let's see what's going on with the sandwiches. Well done, the guys did their job and turned out wonderful sandwiches and they also need to be decorated (with pre-prepared vegetable figures and decorative umbrellas)

Teacher And now let's set the table and invite all the guests.

Accept the treat and praise us.

Our holiday is coming to an end, all the guys tried very hard, let's all dance the “LITTLE COOKS” dance together.

Publications on the topic:

“The Complaint Book of Nature” - an educational game for the older group"The Complaint Book of Nature." Educational game V senior group. Objectives of the game: to teach children to carefully peer into the world around them, to see.

Purpose of the game: activation of the dictionary on lexical topics "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Berry and Mushrooms"; consolidation and differentiation of the concepts “Vegetables”, “Fruits”,.

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the work of a cook, promote the ability to work in a team, develop dexterity, speed, and instill respect.


joint activities of the teacher-speech therapist

with children from the senior speech therapy group “Flower”

(educational field “Speech development”)

Activities: gaming

Integration of educational areas:

social and communicative development;

cognitive development.

Integration of children's activities:


perception of fiction and folklore;


Compiled by:

teacher speech therapist

first qualification category

MDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 177"

Shalygina E.V.

Didactic game "Merry Cooks"

Target: develop the ability to form relative adjectives.


Correctional and educational:

  • clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic “Fruits”;
  • develop the ability to form relative adjectives;
  • develop the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender;
  • form a generalizing concept of “fruit”.

Correctional and developmental:

  • activate children's speech activity;
  • develop gross and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movements;
  • form perception, attention, memory, thinking.

Correctional and educational:

  • to form a positive attitude towards participation in joint activities;
  • cultivate activity and curiosity;
  • to develop children’s interaction skills with each other and with adults.

Equipment: chef's hats; demonstration pictures depicting fruits: apple, pear, orange; "dry pool; dummies of fruits; fruit bowl; didactic manual“The Cheerful Cook” (drawings: cook, jar of jam, glass of juice, pan, pie); handout pictures depicting fruits.

Speech therapist. We lived in one fairyland cheerful cooks. What does this word mean?

Children. These are children in the kitchen who help the cook.

Speech therapist. They were very funny, cheerful, because they loved to cook and talk, play and eat delicious food at the same time. And most of all they loved a variety of fruits. Do you want to visit the cooks?

Children. Yes.

Speech therapist. Then we begin our magical transformation into cooks.

The speech therapist pronounces the rhyme together with the children and performs the appropriate movements.

One two Three! Children squat, clasp their knees with their hands,

They bow their heads.

Magic to usSlowly straightening up

Come! Stand up to their full height.

Reached for the sunThey raise their hands up and stand on tiptoes.

Smiled at the sky!They look up and smile.

We were guys: Hands are placed on the belt,

Now we are cooks!Spread your arms to the sides.

Children put on chef's hats and approach the speech therapist.

Speech therapist. Today we will prepare different fruit dishes.

Speech therapist. What can be made from fruits?

Children. From fruits you can make compote, jam, squeeze juice, make pie filling, salad.

Speech therapist. And from what fruits we will make compote, jam, juice, we will find out if we guess the riddles. The pictures will help you guess them.

Pictures of fruits are displayed on the typesetting canvas: apple, pear, orange. The speech therapist asks the children riddles.

I look like a light bulb

And on Vanka - stand up too.

I have a ruddy side

And if you take a bite, the juice will splash out.


Round, rosy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children.


Bright, sweet, poured,

The cover is all gold.

Not from a candy factory -

From distant Africa.


Speech therapist. Orange, apple, pear - what is it?

Children. Fruits.

Speech therapist. What other fruits do you know? Name them.(Children's answers.)

Speech therapist. Where do fruits grow?

Children. In the trees, in the garden.

On the speech therapist’s table is a “dry” pool filled with peas.

Speech therapist. Put your hands in the pool. Find what fruits I hid there.

Children take turns taking out fruits, naming them and putting them in the fruit bowl.

Didactic game "Merry Cooks"

Speech therapist. Cooks, tell us what you will make from these juicy, aromatic fruits, and the “Cheerful Chef” will help you.

Pictures are displayed on the board - a cook, a jar of jam, a glass of juice, a saucepan, a pie. The speech therapist gives children handouts with pictures of fruits.

Speech therapist. What kind of fruit do you have, what will you prepare from it and what kind of compote, juice, pie filling or jam will you make?

Children take turns going to the board, putting a picture of the chosen dish and completing the speech therapist’s task.

Children. I'll make pear compote.

Speech therapist. What pear compote?

Children. Pear.

Children. I'll make apple jam.

Speech therapist. What kind of apple jam?

Children. Apple.

The children answer.

Speech therapist. Well done cooks, you did a good job today.

Speech therapist. Who were we today? What were we doing in the Country of Cooks? What dishes did we prepare today? Did you enjoy being cooks?

The children answer.

Natalia Shcherbinina

Didactic game for speech development"Cooks"

Target: formation of relative adjectives by topics: "Fruits", "Vegetables", "Berry"

Means of implementation: Thick cardboard basket, juice jar, saucepan for preparing first courses, jug for compote, jar for jam.

Progress of the game.

They can play the game play like one child, and a subgroup of children.

Option 1.

Everyone chooses the necessary item for making juice, compote, jam, etc. The speech therapist teacher lays out the pictures and asks the children to choose from the picture and explain - “What he prepared.”

Tell me the name of your jam (juice, jam, etc.).(I have strawberry jam - strawberry jam; strawberry juice; strawberry jam).

Option 2.

The speech therapist teacher asks you to choose only fruits, berries, etc.

Option 3.

The speech therapist teacher asks the children to choose those pictures whose names begin with a certain sound. (at the beginning, middle, end of a word).

Publications on the topic:

Didactic game on life safety Didactic games on life safety. 1. “Dangerous - not dangerous” (1-7 slide). Goal: to teach children to distinguish dangerous life situations from non-dangerous ones; secure.

Didactic game "What is harmful, what is useful" Purpose. To consolidate children's knowledge about harmful and beneficial phenomena and objects. Develop the ability to explain.

Printed board game “Make a story from a picture” (This game can be used as additional material to development classes.

Objectives: to help children develop visual perception, voluntary attention, memory and imaginative thinking, and also to consolidate the names of colors.

Didactic game “Sound - letters” Purpose: To teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words, to isolate word stress. Strengthen the ability to identify.

Project “Pre-school children-cooks” MADO DS KV "Solnyshko" PROJECT "Preschoolers - Cooks" Educator: Akhrameeva T. A. Relevance: It is interesting for a young child.

Compiled by: teacher Dolgova Elena Ivanovna MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 103", Cheboksary Objectives: Educational: To consolidate children's knowledge about professions.
