Interesting games for children during recess. Outdoor games for primary school students. Game "Help a Friend"

Games for grades I - IV

1. Dashes

The players stand in a circle, at a distance of three steps from each other. One of them becomes in the center. Each participant marks their place - a small circle around their feet on the ground.

At the command “Change!”, given by the person standing in the center, all participants change places, crossing the circle. The person standing in the center must take advantage of this dash to take someone else's empty place.

2. Passing the ball

The players are divided into two or more teams, located at a distance of several steps from each other, and stand in a column one at a time. The head players are at the same distance from the intended line drawn on the ground; each of them holds a ball in their hands. At the teacher’s command, the ball is passed from hand to hand over the heads of the players until it reaches the last player. He quickly runs forward, stands at the head of his column, and the transfer of the ball begins again. When the first player is last and receives the ball, he runs to the target line and places the ball on the ground. The one who does this before others ensures victory for his team.

Note. The ball can also be passed between the players' legs or alternately: over the heads of odd-numbered players and between the legs of even-numbered players. You can also roll the ball between the players' legs from one end of the column to the other.

3. Change of numbers

The players stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder, and are counted in numerical order. The driver is in the center. He calls out any numbers loudly. The called numbers must quickly change places, and the driver tries to take one of the empty seats. The one left without a seat becomes the driver.

4. "Wolf" and "lamb"

The players stand in a column one at a time, holding each other tightly by the waist. The first depicts a shepherd, the last a lamb, the rest - sheep. The player representing the wolf stands a few steps ahead of the “shepherd” (facing him). At the teacher’s signal, the “wolf” rushes to grab the “lamb”. The “Shepherd”, with his arms stretched out to the sides, tries not to miss him. "Sheep" run in the least dangerous direction. When the "lamb" is captured by the "wolf", the teacher assigns a new "wolf", "shepherd" and "lamb" and the game resumes.

5. Rope relay

The players are divided into two teams and stand in a column one at a time. The first and second players separate from the column and take the rope by the ends. At the teacher’s signal, they walk along the entire column, and the players jump in place, trying not to touch the rope. Then the first player stands at the end of the column, and the second and third players continue the game in the same way. The game continues until the first player is again at the head of the column. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Games for V - VII grades

1. Circle chase

The players stand in a circle close to each other. The driver sits behind the circle and holds a tourniquet in his hands. At the teacher’s command, he runs in a circle and, without stopping, places a tourniquet behind one of the players. As soon as the player discovers this, he grabs the tourniquet and rushes in pursuit of the driver, trying to hit him with the tourniquet before he takes the vacant seat. If this is successful, they switch places and the chase continues until the free space is occupied. If the driver manages to do full circle and again take the assigned tourniquet, then the missed player becomes the driver.

2. Fishing

To play the game, a rectangular area measuring 15 (20) x 30 (40) m is marked out. “Houses” are located behind the smaller sides of the rectangle. The two designated players (“fishermen”) stand in the middle of the court. At the command of one of them “Into the water!” the remaining players (“fish”) must run out of the “house” and “swim across” the opposite side, avoiding the “fishermen” along the way and dodging them. The salted “fish” form a chain, on both sides of which there are “fishermen”. Game continues. Those standing in the chain help the “fishermen” catch the “fish”, but only the “fishermen” can salt. The “fish” are allowed to break the chain, but the “catch” does not count. Then the “fishermen” count their “catch” and choose two new “fishermen”. As a result of the game, the luckiest “fishermen” are determined.

3. On one leg in a circle

The players are divided into two teams, stand in a circle at a distance of 2-3 steps from each other and are calculated in numerical order. At the command of the leader, the first numbers, jumping on one leg, “run around” successively each player in front and behind, stand in front of the second numbers, etc. The team that finishes the game first wins.

4. Counter relay

The game involves two teams. Players on each team are counted in numerical order. The teams, in turn, are divided into two groups, which line up opposite each other in columns one at a time at a distance of 30-40 m: even numbers on one side, odd numbers on the other. At the teacher’s signal, the first numbers run to the column opposite and pass the baton to the first number, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. Having received the baton, the second numbers run and pass it to the third numbers, etc. Running can only begin after receiving the baton. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Games for VIII - IX grades

1. Here and there

The players line up on the starting line (at a distance of 3-4 steps from each other). Everyone places 3-4 small objects at their feet. At the teacher’s signal, players draw three small circles along a line parallel to the start line (at a distance of 9-10 m from it); then they return to the starting line. At the signal, each player takes one of the objects lying at his feet and runs to his first circle to put the object in it; then he returns for the second item, etc.

When all the items are placed in the circles, the player, without stopping, returns to each circle in turn and, taking one item at a time, brings them back and puts them at his feet. The first one to finish carrying objects back and forth is considered the winner.

2. Pulling to your side

Two are drawn on the site parallel lines at a distance of 7-8 m from each other. Teams (10-20 people each) line up opposite each other in the middle of the distance between the lines. At the teacher’s signal, each player tries to drag the opponent standing opposite him beyond his team’s line. The game lasts 1 minute. The team that outlasts the most opponents during this time wins.

3. Push out of circle

A circle is drawn on the ground. The players sit inside the circle, holding their hands behind their backs. At the teacher’s signal, each player tries to push one of his neighbors outside the circle, pushing him with his back, shoulders and elbows (grabbing and pushing with a hand is prohibited). The one who remains in the circle is considered the winner.

4. Relay

The players are divided into 2 teams. Each team is located in random order at its starting line, drawn between two flags. The flags are 20 m apart. Players in teams are counted in numerical order. The first numbers, holding the baton in their left hand, stand behind their starting line. At the teacher’s signal, having run around 2 of their flags, the first numbers pass the baton to the second ones, go to the players of their team, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Games for X - XI grades

1. Consecutive relay

The game involves 2 teams. The distance is divided by lines into 4 segments: three of 10 m and the fourth - 5 m (to the flag). One player stands at each line; the fifth are behind the last line. At the signal, the first numbers of both teams run to the second and pass the baton to them, the second to the third, etc.

After passing the baton, the first to fourth numbers turn in a circle. The fifth numbers run around the flag and pass the baton in the reverse order. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

2. Leapfrog

The players are divided into several teams and line up in columns. The first number of each column takes one of the positions. At the teacher’s signal, the second number in each column jumps over the first and stands 3 steps away from him in the same position. Subsequent numbers do the same as quickly as possible. When the first number is last, he, in turn, jumps over everyone standing in the column, returning to his place. The team whose first number finishes the game the fastest wins.

3. Circle relay

A large circle (10-20 m in diameter) is drawn on the ground and its center is marked. The players (from 20 to 100 people) are divided into several teams. Each team lines up in a column along the radius of the circle (with their backs to the center). The first players of the teams stand on the line of the circle, holding some object in their hands (flag, tourniquet, etc.)

The teacher stands in the center of the circle. At his signal, the first team players run around the circle in a western direction. As soon as they run away, the next players move onto the circle line. Having run around the entire circle, the lead player passes the flag to the second player, and he himself stands at the end of his column. The player who received the flag also runs around the circle, etc. The last player runs around the circle and passes the flag to the teacher. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

4. Tug of war

The players (10-30 people) are divided into 2 teams and located on opposite sides of the court. At a distance of 10-15 m from the location of each team, two parallel lines are drawn. Inside the resulting square, a rope 15 m long is placed, rolled into a ring (the ends of the rope are free and extended 1 m to the sides). At the teacher’s command “Attention - march!” everyone runs to the center of the site and, holding the rope, tries to drag it to their side.

The game lasts 1-2 minutes. The team that pulls the entire rope (or most of it) over its line wins.

Vladimir Radchenko, physical education teacher at school No. 32 in Belovo, teacher of the year in the Kemerovo region - 2004

Games during recess for students in grades 1–4.

The quality of the educational process at school depends on the skillful organization of physical education and recreational work. A special place is given to the organization of sedentary and active games during breaks with students primary classes.

Carrying out dynamic breaks contributes to the unity of the children's team, better perception of educational material, physical development and education of strong-willed qualities; in the educational process it helps reduce fatigue, increases emotional mood and performance.

Games are a great way to distract yourself, get into a new mood, or just lift your spirits. After all, as you know, it is always easy to study in a good mood.

I offer my colleagues some games that can be used during dynamic breaks in primary school.

Green, red, yellow

Children stand in a circle, the teacher with three circles (green, red, yellow) is in the middle. The teacher gives the commands: “Stop! Get ready! Let’s go!”, while simultaneously raising the corresponding circle. Students who make a mistake leave the game.


The players stand in pairs one after another. In front, at a distance of two steps, stands the driver - the burner. The players chant the words:

Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out.

Stand there, look at the field,

Trumpeters ride there and eat rolls.

Look at the sky: the stars are shining,

The cranes shout: “Gu, gu, I’ll run away.”

One, two, don’t be a crow, but run like fire!

After the last words, the children standing in the last pair run from both sides along the column. The burner tries to stain one of them. If the running players managed to take each other's hands before the burner stains one of them, they stand in front of the first pair, and the burner is lit again. The game repeats itself. If the burner manages to stain one of those running in a pair, then he stands with him in front of the column, and the one who is left without a pair burns. The burner should not look back. He catches up with the fleeing players

as soon as they run past him.

"Cat and Mouse"

The players stand in two rows facing each other, hold hands, forming a small passage - a hole. There are cats in one row, mice in the other. The first pair starts the game: the cat catches the mouse, and the mouse runs around the players. At a dangerous moment, the mouse can hide in the corridor formed by the clasped hands of the players. As soon as the cat catches the mouse, the players stand in a row. The second pair starts the game. The game continues until the cats catch all the mice.

Rules of the game. The cat must not run into the hole. The cat and mice should not run far from the hole.

Russian folk game"Zarnitsa"

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Zarya-lightning, red maiden,

I walked across the field, dropped my keys,

Golden keys, blue ribbons,

The rings are entwined, I went for water!

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the

players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run into different sides round. The one who remains without a place becomes the dawn. The game repeats itself.

Rules of the game. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who should put the ribbon on their shoulder

Golden Gate
In the Golden Gate game, two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their arms up. The result is “collars”. The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front or simply join hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.
"Vorotiki" pronounce:
Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second one is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!
After these words, the “collars” sharply lower their hands, and those children who were caught also become “collars.”

Rules of the game

1. Two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their arms up. The result is “collars”.

2. The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front or simply join hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.

3. Children who are caught also become “gatekeepers”. Gradually the number of “gates” increases, and the chain decreases.

4. The game ends when all children become “gates”

Cones, acorns, nuts

Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: “cones”, “acorns”, “nuts”. The leader is outside the circle. The presenter says the word “nuts” (or “cones”, “acorns”), and all the players who have this name change places, and the presenter tries to take someone else’s place. If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut (“acorn”, “cone”), and the one who is left without a place takes the place of the leader.

Rules of the game

1. Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: “cones”, “acorns”, “nuts”. The leader is outside the circle.

2. The presenter says the word “nuts” (or “cones”, “acorns”), and all the players who have this name change places, and the presenter tries to take someone else’s place. If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut (“acorn”, “cone”), and the one who is left without a place takes the place of the leader.


Claps - fun game on attention and reaction for a large group of children. This children's game is well suited for recess at school.

The players stand in a circle. Each player receives a serial number.
All players together begin to clap rhythmically: twice on their hands, twice on their knees. In this case, one of the players says his number when clapping his hands, for example, “five-five,” and when clapping his knees, he says the number of any other player.
A player who does not have time to name his number or who names the number of an already eliminated participant leaves the game.
The last two remaining players win.

Rules of the game

1. Players stand in a circle.

2. Each player is assigned a serial number.

3. Everyone begins to clap rhythmically together: twice on their hands, twice on their knees.

4. By clapping his hands, the player calls out his number, and by clapping his knees, the number of any other participant standing in the circle.

5. Anyone who does not have time to name his number or who has already named the number of an already eliminated participant leaves the circle and stops the game.

6. The last two remaining players win

Three, thirteen, thirty

Three, Thirteen, Thirty is a game that develops attention and quick reactions in children.

Game description
The participants in the game agree in advance which number represents which action.
Players line up at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides.
If the driver (teacher) says “three”, all players must raise their hands up, when the word “thirteen” - hands on the belt, when the word “thirty” - hands forward, etc. (You can come up with a variety of movements)
Players must quickly execute the appropriate movements.

Rules of the game

1. Participants agree in advance which of the numbers represents which action

2. Players line up at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides

3. The driver calls a certain number - participants must quickly perform the corresponding action

4. The driver can name the numbers in any order

5. The player who made a mistake takes one step back and continues the game there

6. The winner is the one who remains in the starting position at the end of the game.

Edible - inedible

To play you need: a group of players sitting in a row, a leader and a ball. The presenter throws the ball to each player in turn and at the same time pronounces a word. If the word is “edible” (i.e. it meant some kind of food: “ice cream”, “sausage”), then the player must catch the ball. If it’s “inedible” (“stool”, “cup”), push it away. The one who makes a mistake (catches the ball) changes places with the leader.

The game requires good reaction and attention.

Broken phone

Usually two teams play. The leader thinks of a word and whispers it into the ear of the first team member. He passes the word (also quietly, so that no one hears) to the next player, and so on - along the chain. The last team member says the word out loud. The team that correctly “conveyed” the leader’s word through all the players wins. Sometimes you can hear hilarious versions of the hidden word, which was incorrectly conveyed by the “damaged phone”.

Many people complicate the game: the presenter thinks of not a word, but a whole phrase.


The number of players must be odd: everyone is divided into pairs and stands one after another, connecting their hands in pairs with their hands raised high. The driver enters the formed corridor, chooses a pair from among the players and stands at the end. The released player becomes the driver.

Cat and sparrows

A circle is marked on the floor with chalk or rope. There will be a “cat” in the circle, and a “sparrow” behind the line. At the teacher’s signal, the latter begin to jump into the circle, and the “cat’s” task is to quickly catch one of them. Then the caught “sparrow” itself becomes a “cat”.


One player passes a word to another, for example, “sea,” and the other says a word in his ear that is related in meaning, for example, “fish,” and so on. Then the last person says out loud what was given to him.

Find the hidden object

One student turns away, the rest of the children hide the object (stick, cube, etc.). After this, they tell the “route” to the one who will search: walk straight two steps, turn left, walk seven steps forward and you can search.

How are your things doing?

Students come to the table. Everyone looks at his clothes and answers the teacher’s question: “Is Andrei’s shirt doing well?” The children answer: “Okay. It’s ironed, clean, all the buttons are in place.” Not only the student’s clothing is discussed, but also his hairstyle. shoes. All this will help you figure out how best to take care of your clothes and shoes in order to look neat.

Daily regime

Students are given story pictures that depict the schoolchild’s routine moments. Students look at the pictures, then quickly line up one after another, observing the sequence of performing the routine moments.

How do we dress?

Students come up with the names of items of clothing: scarf, dress, mittens, shoes, socks, etc. Each student quietly names what they have planned to the teacher (the same items should not be repeated). Then one of the children (at first the teacher does this) says, for example: “I was going sledding and put it on...”. Interrupting the story, he points to any student who names the intended word. Students must say whether the children dressed correctly in this case.

Wand, stop!

The students stand in a circle, the teacher in the center. The game takes place in the form of a relay race: children name the words and at the same time pass the stick around in a circle. They agree in advance on what topic the words will be about: “What are we going to talk about?” - "About winter." The teacher suggests choosing words about the weather first and gives a stick to one of the children; he calls the first word (frosty) and passes the stick to the next participant in the game, etc. Thus, the children select many words (windy, cold, snowy, etc.).

If the player repeats a word that has already been named or cannot find the right one for a long time, the teacher says: “Stop! Stick, stop!” - and this student leaves the circle.

Necessary - not necessary

The presenter says: “I want to plant a garden. Do I need cabbage?” The children answer: “We need it.” When listing vegetable plants, the presenter names fruit plants. Whichever child made a mistake pays a forfeit. Having “planted” the garden, the children continue the game - they begin to “plant” the garden. The presenter, when listing fruits, uses the names of vegetables. The one who never makes a mistake wins.

Who is this?

The students take turns taking cards from the leader, but so that the children do not see what is drawn there. The one who pulled out the card imitates the voice and movement of the animal depicted on it, and the rest guess what kind of animal it is.


To play, you need a “crossroads” (drawn with chalk). At the intersection there should be “crossings”, “safety islands”, and stop lines. The leader, acting as a traffic light, stands in the center of the intersection. Students are divided into two groups: pedestrians and vehicles. At the traffic light signal, pedestrians cross the street. Transport is moving. The leader monitors compliance with traffic rules. Violators are excluded from the game. Those who do not violate traffic rules win.

Nimble Pedestrian

Pedestrians take turns crossing the intersection. Going over means throwing the ball into the green eye of the traffic light while moving. If you hit a red light, the pedestrian has no right to cross the street and is eliminated from the game. If he hits yellow, he gets the right to throw the ball again.

Any number of players can participate in the game. First, the driver is selected. He stands facing the wall or simply with his back to the other players, who are located 10-15 steps behind him. The driver says the phrase “If you drive more quietly, you will continue” and quickly turns around, carefully looking at the players. Players can only move while the driver says a phrase. When he turns, everyone must be completely still. If the player moves even a little, or even just smiles, he is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who can get close to the driver and touch him with his hand when he turns away.

Fishing rod.

1. Participants stand in a circle. The leader in the center spins a rope with a small medicine ball at the end.

2. The ball must pass under the players' feet. Whoever touches the rope is temporarily eliminated from the game. Those who never touch the rope win.

3. Those who never hit the rope win.

Third wheel.

1. Children in pairs, holding hands, walk in a circle. Two leaders: one runs away, the other catches up.

2. The fleeing player will be saved from pursuit if he takes the hand of one of the pair.

3. Then the one who remains becomes redundant and runs away. When the one catching up touches the one escaping, they change roles.

1. Children stand behind the circle line. In the center of the circle is the leader. One of the players has the ball.

2. Those standing behind the circle throw the ball at the leader, trying to hit him, or pass the ball to a friend so that he can make a throw.

3. The leader runs, dodging the ball. The player who did not hit the leader with the ball takes his place.

Jumping sparrows.

1. Draw a circle with a diameter of 4 m on the floor or ground. The leading “cat” stands in the middle of the circle, the rest of the participants in the game are “sparrows”. They are outside the circle.

2. At the signal, the “sparrows” begin to jump in and out of the circle.

3. The “cat” catches.

4. The caught “sparrow” is in the center.

5. When all the “sparrows” are caught, a new “cat” is selected.

6. The winner is the “cat” who can catch all the “sparrows” faster than others.

Game "Help a Friend"

This game aimed at developing mutual assistance and support for each other. Two players are selected, one of whom is the driver, must catch up and “trash” the other. The rest of the children stand in a circle, at a distance of about one step. The runner and the driver run along the circle, and the second one tries to catch up with the second one. But the runner, if he feels that he is being overtaken, can ask for help from any player in the circle by shouting his name. Then the named player leaves his place and runs in a circle, and the first running player takes his place. However, the vacated seat can also be taken by someone who is catching up, then the “driver” becomes the student who did not have time to take the seat.

The driver is selected - “owl”. The players are on the playground, and the “owl” is in the nest (a designated place for this). At the signal “The day is coming,” the children, imitating the flight of butterflies, dragonflies, birds, beetles and “turning” into other animals, frolic, trying to show as accurately as possible who they portray.

At the command “Night is coming,” all players must “freeze” in the position in which it caught them. The “owl” goes out “to hunt” and takes those who move to the nest. At the signal “The day is coming,” the “owl” goes into the nest, and the players “come to life” again. “Owl” changes after 2-3 games.

Vakarina Ekaterina Alexandrovna

For younger schoolchildren, games are the main activity. Do you remember yourself in elementary school? There were outdoor games at school during recess fun entertainment, a short break between lessons. The school day flew by unnoticed.

Very important for children alternate physical activity with mental activity– this allows them to get tired less, satisfy the need for movement and communication. Games for children at school during recess have a beneficial effect on the performance and physical condition of younger schoolchildren.

Rules for organizing games during recess

If you follow some rules, games during recess will be an excellent way to support the health of schoolchildren.

  • How simpler rules games the better
  • Schoolchildren are allocated special places for games
  • Participation in any game must be voluntary
  • The game should not be long in time, since breaks are short, and students still need time to prepare for the next lesson
  • Organization of games for children primary school during recess, the teacher requires a differentiated approach to girls and boys, as well as to schoolchildren of different temperaments and physical abilities
  • It is worth supporting children’s desire to organize games on their own.

What is the benefit of playing during recess at school?

  1. For younger students games help you adapt, including making friends and practicing communication.
  2. Outdoor games for elementary school during recess develop the ability to quickly make decisions, improve the ability to navigate in space, and help develop strength, dexterity, intelligence and endurance.
  3. Physical activity promotes physical relaxation and serves as a prevention of stagnation. Children are in a better mood, which has a beneficial effect on their studies.
  4. Shifting attention children avoid fatigue.

Most of the games presented below are probably familiar to you. These are simple, but fun and noisy games that children will definitely enjoy.


This game requires an odd number of participants, one of whom will act as the driver. All children, except the driver, are divided into pairs, join hands and stand one after another. Raising their hands high, but without opening them, the players form a living “corridor”, inside which (inside the stream) the driver quickly passes and takes one participant with him. The resulting pair becomes the end, and the player left without a pair becomes the new driver.

"Broken phone"

Broken (deaf) telephone is one of the options for a quiet game for elementary school during recess. It is better to play with at least 5 participants, because... The longer the “chain”, the more fun the result.

Participants sit in a row on a bench. The rules of the game involve choosing a leader who thinks of a word and quietly whispers it to the first participant in the broken phone chain so that the others do not hear. Then the first participant also quietly passes into the ear of the second player what he heard, and so on until the end of the chain. The player who is last in the chain says the word he heard loudly. As a rule, the result is very different from the word intended by the presenter and causes laughter.

The participant, the last in the chain, becomes the new leader, the rest move, letting the former leader take first place.

For a funnier result, participants in the broken phone try to pronounce the word transmitted along the chain very quickly and quietly. The game can be complicated if you transmit not a word, but a phrase over the “telephone”.

For a large number of participants, it is more convenient to split into 2 teams. This option assumes that the presenter whispers the same word to each of the teams, and the winner is the team that in the end produces the word most similar to the given one.


When choosing outdoor games at school during recess, children sometimes have to count on a minimum of space. The game “Confusion” is suitable for such conditions.

Participants choose one driver who goes out the door, and the remaining players form a circle, holding hands and “getting entangled” without opening their hands. In this case, participants can sneak under the children’s arms or step over their hands. When the confusion is ready, the children call the driver: “Grandma! Grandma! The threads are breaking. They'll burst soon, soon." The driver’s task is to untangle the children, telling them which way to turn, which hands to crawl under, etc. If the “thread” breaks (the hands open), everything starts all over again.

"Push Me Out"

For this game you will need to draw a circle within which the participants stand. In this case, the players keep their hands behind their backs. The driver (possibly a teacher) gives a signal, upon hearing which each player must begin to push any of his neighbors beyond the circle. In this case, you can push with your back, elbows, and shoulders, but it is forbidden to help with your hands and head. The player who remains inside the circle will be the winner.


Many mothers probably remember this game. It is still very relevant today for both girls and boys. Fun outdoor games for elementary school during recess are guaranteed if one of the students has a roll of elastic with him - at least 4 meters.

Typically, “Rubber Band” is played by 3-4 participants, two of whom stand opposite each other, inside the rubber band stretched over their legs, and the remaining participant jumps, performing a series of exercises at different levels until they make a mistake. After a mistake, he changes places with one of the participants standing in the rubber band, and the next player begins to jump - so in turn.

They continue the game from the level where they lost their way.

For a clearer explanation, I’ll give you a video as an example.

Board games for elementary school children during recess

Each elementary school classroom should have a recreation area where children can play quiet games. For these purposes, you can ask schoolchildren to bring unnecessary board games for the recreation corner.

If possible, you can purchase special sets, chess, checkers, and more for these purposes. Now there are a large number of such options in stores.

Games for elementary school during recess are a source of fun emotions for children, an opportunity to relax and have fun with health benefits.

Games during recess have an important educational value. After hard work in class, students need active rest. Outdoor games in children evoke positive emotions and stimulate their physical activity. This switching of work allows the guys to relax and perceive it easier educational material in the next lesson. It takes at least 8-10 minutes to organize and conduct games. Students can play games independently or under the guidance of teachers.

Change of numbers

The players stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder, and are counted in numerical order. The driver is in the center. He calls out any numbers loudly. The called numbers must quickly change places, and the driver tries to take one of the empty seats. The one left without a seat becomes the driver.

Passing the ball

The players are divided into 2 or several teams, located at a distance of several steps from each other, and stand in a column one at a time. The head players are at the same distance from the intended line drawn on the ground; each of them holds a ball in their hands. At the teacher’s command, the ball is passed from hand to hand over the heads of the players until it reaches the last player. He quickly runs forward, stands at the head of his column, and the transfer of the sword begins again. When the first player is last and receives the ball, he runs to the target line and places the ball on the ground beyond it. The one who does this before others ensures victory for his team.

Note. The ball can also be passed between the players' legs or alternately: over the heads of odd-numbered players and between the legs of even-numbered players. You can also roll the ball between the players' legs from one end of the column to the other.

Game with a bell

Holding hands, the children stand in a circle, inside which there should be two players. One of them is blindfolded, and the other is given a bell. Focusing on its sound, the first one must catch it, and the second one must run away from it, muffling the ringing in time.

The game requires dexterity and caution. It brings great pleasure not only to the players, but also to the spectators.

Follow the agreement strictly

The leader stands opposite the players and agrees with them on the following: when he bows, the children should turn away; when he stretches out his hands to them, they will cross them on their chests; when he shakes his finger at them, they will bow to him; when he stamps his foot, they also stamp in response.

Before starting, conduct a three-minute “rehearsal” with the players. Anyone who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Game for attention

The teacher explains the rules: “I will get up and sit down, while giving you the command: “Stand up”, “Sit down.” You must carry out my command, without paying attention to what I myself do. Let's start!

The teacher sometimes deliberately says, “Stand up,” and sits down, and vice versa.


A circle is drawn on the floor of such a size that all players can freely fit around its circumference. One of the players, the “cat,” stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the players - the "sparrows" - are located outside the circle, right next to the line. At the leader’s signal, the “little sparrows” begin to jump inside the circle and jump out of it, and the “cat” tries to catch one of them inside the circle. The one who is caught becomes a “cat”, and the “cat” becomes a “sparrow”, and the game continues. The one who is never caught wins.

Option. "Sparrows" jump on one leg.

Who has the long tail?

The players form a circle. The leader invites them to raise their right hand, wave it, then lower it. He tells the children that he will name different animals. Moreover, if the named animal has a long tail, children should raise their right hand and wave it, but if there is no tail or it is short, there is no need to raise their hand. So the game begins. The leader names the animals, for example: horse (long); goat (short); nova (long); fox (long); hare (short); sheep (short); tiger (long); cat (long); bear (short); pig (short); donkey (long); squirrel (long), The leader raises his hand in all cases. Anyone who makes a mistake is awarded a penalty point. The winner is the one who scores fewer penalty points during the game.


The number of players must be odd: everyone is divided into pairs and stands one after another, connecting their hands in pairs with their hands raised high. The driver enters the formed corridor, chooses a pair from among the players and stands at the end. The released player becomes the driver.


To play you need: a group of players sitting in a row, a leader and a ball. The presenter throws the ball to each player in turn and at the same time pronounces a word. If the word is “edible” (i.e. it meant some kind of food: “ice cream”, “sausage”), then the player must catch the ball. If it’s “inedible” (“stool”, “cup”), push it away. The one who makes a mistake (catches the ball) changes places with the leader.

The game requires a good reaction, otherwise they laugh at the loser: “He ate the socks!”

Broken phone

Usually two teams play. The leader thinks of a word and whispers it into the ear of the first team member. He passes the word (also quietly, so that no one hears) to the next player, and so on - along the chain. The last team member says the word out loud. The team that correctly “conveyed” the leader’s word through all the players wins. Sometimes you can hear hilarious versions of the hidden word, which was incorrectly conveyed by the “damaged phone”.

Many complicate the game: the presenter thinks of not a word, but a whole phrase

Although lessons for first-graders do not last long, the kids still manage to get tired. And recess is that long-awaited time when you can finally relax and play.

My Styopka has an excellent teacher. On parent meeting she asked us to help her and find games for the children to play during breaks. First-graders still can’t keep themselves occupied, they just run around the school corridors, so they need to be organized. This is why there are games at recess.

A long tail
All the guys stand in a circle. The presenter invites everyone to raise their right hand up and wave it.

Then he begins to name different animals, and the players’ task is to raise and wave their hands, but only if the animal has a long tail. If there is no tail or it is short, there is no need to raise your hand.

So, the presenter calls:
Bear (short)
Tiger (long)
Panther (long)
Hare (short)
Horse (long)
Sheep (short)
Pig (short)
Donkey (long)

There are no losers or winners in this game for kids, it's just fun.

All players also stand in a circle. Everyone’s task is to say their name as quickly as possible, but not just like that, but when it’s their turn.

Choose a player to start the game with. He calls his name, followed by the player on the left, and so on in a circle. And you need to speak as quickly as possible.

Have all the players said their names? The game continues, but reverse side. The first player again says his name, followed by the player on the right...

Well, the most difficult option, when names simultaneously begin on both the right and left sides. That is, first the first player says his name, followed by the player on the left and the player on the right, then their neighbors... It turns out that the game is on in two directions at once.

Teapot with lump
The game involves 5 people (or several teams, each of which has 5 people).

The roles are distributed between the players:
Teapot - he draws two parallel vertical lines in the air in front of him with his hands
Lid - draws a horizontal line in the air in front of it
Shishechka clenches his hand into a fist
Hole – connects the index finger and thumb to form a circle
Steam – draws puffs of smoke in the air in front of him with his hands

The presenter says the text:
With lid
With a bump
With a hole
Steam comes out of the hole

The presenter pronounces all words quickly. Then he says the entire text in reverse order:
Steam comes out of the hole
Hole in the bump
Lump on the lid
Lid on a teapot

The task of each player is to show the required movement in time and not get lost.

Inflatable doll
This game for children is based on one of the martial arts exercises. Its essence is that by alternating tension and relaxation, the body recovers in a short time. That is, the guys will feel a surge of strength again after the lesson.

So, the participants of the game are divided into pairs. One is a “pump”, the second is a “doll”.

At the command of the leader, the “pump” begins to inflate the “doll”. That is, he takes a deep breath with his nose and, leaning forward, exhales deeply with his mouth, while pronouncing the sound “sh-sh-sh”.

At first the doll stands relaxed (the back is hunched, the arms hang along the body, the knees are bent). But as soon as the pump begins to pump her, she fills with air: first she straightens her legs, then her arms, then straightens her back and neck. The pump continues to work and the doll is bursting with air, that is, the legs, arms, stomach, neck are gradually tensed...

The doll is about to burst. The pump must notice this moment and, by turning the valve (for example, touching the doll’s hand), releases the air. The doll makes a deep exhalation with the sound “ssss” and gradually relaxes again.

After this, the pump and the doll change roles.

Neanderthal gait
All children stand in a circle and, at the leader’s command, begin to move in one direction. At the same time, the presenter gives the task to depict a gait:

- clown
- old grandmother
- sneaking cat

But most of all, kids are amused by gaits like “mad dog” or “Neanderthal”. I played this game with my son and his friend in the yard. They started making faces and having fun.

I think that if this game is played during recess, after it there should be time to play a quieter game so that the children calm down before the lesson. For example, like this:

I myself loved to play it at school. You just need to find a mate.

Two people stand opposite each other, at a distance of about 1 meter. One closes his eyes (no peeking allowed!), the second begins to slowly extend his hand towards him. When the person with his eyes closed feels like his partner’s hand is about to touch him, he should say: “Stop!” Only now can you open your eyes and check whether he said the word on time.

Paws, legs, tail
In this game for children, the main thing is attention. Before the game starts, the children are explained that every word must be confirmed by action.

For the word “paws” - you need to raise your hand
For the word “legs” - you need to raise your leg
On the word “tail” - turn your back to the driver

All the guys stand in a circle, the leader is in the center. He slowly walks in a circle, then suddenly stops near a player and says:
- paws

- legs


However, the agreed movement must be performed not by the person near whom the leader stopped, but by the players who are standing near him.

So, when the player on the right says “paws,” he should raise his right hand, and the player on the left should raise his left hand

When the word “legs” is said, the player on the right raises his right leg, and the player on the left raises his left

The simplest command is “tail”, because both players on the right and left simply turn their backs to the leader.
The one who gets lost is out of the game.

Hot potato
And again all the children gather in a circle. The leader begins the action with an imaginary object. For example, he pretends to throw hot potatoes from palm to palm. The neighbor on the right picks up this movement, repeats it, and adds something of his own. Further along the chain to the right this movement goes, goes, goes and again reaches the one who started the movement. You are not allowed to talk during the game.

When the movement returns to the first player, he says what he wanted to represent with this movement. Also, other participants tell what they did.

Interestingly, during the game, as a rule, transformation occurs. So, the first one allegedly hands over a hot potato, and the last one - a sock caught from a puddle.

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