Interesting roleplaying Skyrim. Ultimate roleplaying - Atmosphere and environment - Mods and plugins for TES V: Skyrim

This mod is a collection of various small features that will significantly affect the atmosphere of the game and roleplaying.

1. Everything must be based on lore.

2. It shouldn't be annoying.

3. It must be balanced.

4. The user should not feel the capabilities of the mod as alien. They should look like they were originally part of the game.

5. The user should not want to remove the mod, because without it the game will be missing something.

The mod is designed so as not to change the original parts of the game, and therefore it should be compatible with anything. All new features are scripted. The scripts have been tested and will not harm your saves.



You can disable any module if you wish, leaving only those you like.

Thu"um Levelling (Developing tu"mind)

This module will turn that “mind” into a full-fledged skill that you can develop and improve!

Each of your screams will bring you closer to new heights of your Voice, and this in turn will gradually reduce the time between screams.

Instinctive Exploration (Telling time by the sun)

Look at the sun and click the mouse wheel (default) to determine the current time.

Respect the Jarls

Have you ever tried to sit on the throne of a jarl? Of course we tried.

And guess what? Nothing, nothing happened!

And if the guards can’t cope, then it’s up to her help will come court magician of the jarl.

Light Rest

Let's be honest, chairs are completely useless in the game. But we'll fix it. Sit on a chair or bench and you will receive a small bonus, just like when you rest, only a little weaker. And if you are sitting at home, the bonus will be stronger.

I "ve read that! (Read!)

In the original game, the books you read were not marked in any way, but now, just by looking at a book, you will know whether you have read it or not. If you have read the book, you will see a corresponding notification, otherwise there will be none.

Lore Friendly Race Name

The races got their own more lore-appropriate names. If you don’t like them, you can turn them off in MCM.

Wood Elves = Bosmer

Dark Elves = Dunmer

High Elves = Altmer

Orcs = Orsimers

Argonians = Saxxlils. Which means “people of the root” in their language.

Redguards = Yokudans (after all, they are from the continent of Yokuda).

Shrines Descriptions

Take a look at the shrine and you will see a small hint about the bonuses you can receive. Also works with Auriel's Shrine from the Dawnguard expansion.

Usable grainmills

You can use millstones to grind horker fangs or mammoth tusks. The mod takes into account the installed Hearthfire.

Animated Shrines

While praying at the shrine, your character will perform the appropriate actions.

Sprint Tackles

Get a good running start to push the enemy. The result will depend on the amount of your power reserve. If it exceeds the enemy's supply by 60 units, then everything will be successful. A great solution for throwing an enemy off the edge of a cliff. You can even push several enemies at the same time, but for this you will need a lot of strength. You can also push Falmer and other humanoids (but not animals or monsters).

Individuals never tire of declaring that Skyrim is not an RPG at all. That the role-playing there is supposedly minimal. Not true, comrades! You just need to get creative. Like Christopher Livingston, one of the writers from He decided to play Skyrim... as a simple NPC. Why, how and what came of it - he will tell you himself.

It's morning and I've just arrived in Skyrim. I don't wear armor, only simple clothes and foot wraps. I do not have a two-handed sword, only a modest iron dagger. There is no frightening war paint on my face and no scars telling of the battles won. I have no priceless treasures or magical artifacts, just a handful of gold coins and an apple.

I won't rob undead-filled tombs or clear out bandit-occupied forts, I won't help people solve their problems, and I certainly don't intend to awaken any dragons. My name is Nordrik. I'm not a hero, I'm a simple NPC, and I'm not here to play Skyrim, but to live in it.

I once did something similar in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and even wrote about it in the corresponding blog. The NPC I created in that game was a rather ugly-looking guy named Nondrik, and now his descendant will live by similar rules here in Skyrim e. The rules are as follows:

Sleep and eat regularly, walk everywhere only on foot, like other NPCs, unless there is a reason to flee - for example, on the occasion of a hunt, battle or tactical retreat. No fast travel!

Do your best to avoid adventure, intrigue and other excitement, although if the quest seems rather boring or safe (like learning a craft), you can do it.

No theft (including not joining guilds just to get clothes, which are immediately sold to the first merchant you come across).

Find a way to live without getting involved in any adventures. Find a place to call home, and maybe even get married if fate is kind to me (which is unlikely).

NPCs cannot load a saved game if something goes wrong. And Nordrik too. If he dies, he dies.

The Elder Strolls part 1: "Fresh off the boat"

The Elder Strolls Part 1: "Fresh Off the Boat"

The appearance was inherited, but the sideburns simply could not be abandoned.

Having finished my mining for the day, I dropped the pick on the ground in about the same place where I had picked it up, and imagine my surprise when another miner, a woman named Edith, came up, picked up the pick and handed it to me, claiming that she had seen me drop it . How thoughtful of her! It’s a pity that I can’t offer her my hand and heart here and now (not everything is so simple with marriage in Skyrim), because Edith is just my type of life partner: hard-working, attentive, and also a woman. I can't explain to her that the pickaxe isn't actually mine, so I walk closer to the mine exit, throw the tool on the ground again and quickly get away before she runs up and stuffs it with all due politeness back into my inventory. .

Outside, Leigelf, the owner of the mine, offers to buy all the ore mined from the mine from me, which seems rather strange to me. This is his mine, so isn’t this his ore? It's like being the owner of a grocery store and buying back all the goods from customers as soon as they are ready to leave. Leigelf also makes a fleeting but malicious remark about some “milk lovers.” I have no idea what he's talking about, but I think it's something racist. No, no, Leigelf, that's it for today. Stay awesome. Anyway, I want to make something worthwhile out of this ore, so I don't intend to sell it right away. I wait patiently for a miner named Lond to finish using the smelter, smelt half of my ore into ingots, then head to the forge.

The Elder Strolls Part 1: "Fresh Off the Boat"

The Elder Strolls Part 1: "Fresh Off the Boat"

It looks like I'm working, but I'm not actually producing anything of value. Well, just like in real life!

I chat with Rustleaf, the local blacksmith, and try to sell him the stones I found, but he is not interested in buying them. I use his forge in hopes of making something from the mercury I mine, but even though I watch myself from the sidelines hitting an anvil with a hammer I never had, I can't seem to make anything with my mercury ingots. To be honest, I don’t even have the slightest idea about such crap as mercury ingots.

I take a short (momentary, to be honest) break, snack on an apple, then continue my walk around the city. I enter into conversations with almost all passers-by, and almost all of them mention their nightmares in the conversation. Some people talk about them for quite a long time. Damn, this all sounds kind of ominous. There was a cloud hanging over this city, a dark cloud in the shape of a huge quest. In the middle of the dialogue, I step aside to eat strange berries that grow on nearby bushes - a bit rude, I admit. The man here is desperately asking for help to get rid of supernatural nightmares, and I step aside and start stuffing my mouth with berries. But sometimes you can get a quest even just by listening to other people’s conversations, and I in every possible way want to avoid receiving quests. And in general – these are free berries! By eating them, I recognize one of their alchemical properties, thus taking my first step into big world alchemy. Grandfather Nondrik, a skilled alchemist in his own way, would be proud of me.

I go down into the iron ore mine and return a few hours later, loaded with ore and gems (I can probably forge my own Bejeweled). However, I still can't create anything with the forge because I need leather. I can’t afford to buy it, which means I’ll have to hunt, which means I need a bow and a couple of arrows.

The Elder Strolls Part 1: "Fresh Off the Boat"

The Elder Strolls Part 1: "Fresh Off the Boat"

Karita: delight for the eyes, death for the ears.

It was already getting dark (slow walking instead of constant running actually takes a lot of time - try it yourself sometime), so I headed towards the local tavern. Here I met a very attractive woman named Karita, who said that she was a bard, a graduate of the College of Bards. Hmm, hot college graduate with permanent job? Perhaps now I want to marry Karita, and not Edith. My point is that if Edith had attended college back in the day, perhaps she would not have to walk in the mud and pick stones underground now. But then Karita starts singing, and - lo and behold! – now she’s just terrible. My thoughts about marriage quickly turn back to Edith.

I pay for a room for the night, and I am pleasantly surprised by the fact that the owner of the tavern, Thoring, accompanies me to it, and does not just vaguely outline the direction (which was the sin of his colleagues in Oblivion). Pleasant, always ready to help, and also a businessman? Oh, and he also has quite a selection of cheeses for sale. Maybe it's better for me to marry him.

After paying for the room (10 gold) and buying bread for dinner (6 gold), I lowered my budget to 1 gold coin. I stand at a crossroads: working in the mine, I extracted a lot of valuable things, but no one wanted to buy precious stones, and I want to keep the ore and ingots for myself and someday make something out of them. Tomorrow I will have to find a solution to the problem, because the room can only be rented for one night, and I need to eat something. At least I made it through the day without having any adventures, except that I fell in love three times.

The Elder Strolls Part 1: "Fresh Off the Boat"

The Elder Strolls Part 1: "Fresh Off the Boat"

Feel free to stop by the counter and call if you ever want to hang another dead animal's head above you.

There is a book on the table near the bed, and I wanted to read it at night, but the title read: “The Cabin in the Woods, Part 2,” and I didn’t read the first part. No spoilers! I'm a little worried about those nightmares that everyone around is talking about: what if a simple and harmless dream triggers some kind of quest? Thoring, however, says that I will not see bad dreams: only townspeople suffer from them, not travelers. And so, standing by the bed all night and enjoying sleep, I am convinced that he is right. And my soul becomes a little calmer.

And now - attention! Is it worth continuing to translate the story about Nordrick’s adventures (which already has 8 parts), or does it just seem so cool and fun to me?

Must the show go on?

Of course it's damn interesting!


No, because UG


Take me home, let me go!


This mod is a collection of various small features that will significantly affect the atmosphere of the game and roleplaying.

The author was guided by the following rules when creating the mod:
1. Everything must be based on lore.
2. It shouldn't be annoying.
3. It must be balanced.
4. The user should not feel the capabilities of the mod as alien. They should look like they were originally part of the game.
5. The user should not want to remove the mod, because without it the game will be missing something.

The mod is designed so as not to change the original parts of the game, and therefore it should be compatible with anything. All new features are scripted. The scripts have been tested and will not harm your saves.

You can disable any module if you wish, leaving only those you like.

Thu"um Levelling (Developing tu"mind)
This module will turn that “mind” into a full-fledged skill that you can develop and improve!
Each of your screams will bring you closer to new heights of your Voice, and this in turn will gradually reduce the time between screams.

Instinctive Exploration (Telling time by the sun)
Look at the sun and click the mouse wheel (default) to determine the current time.

Respect the Jarls
Have you ever tried to sit on the throne of a jarl? Of course we tried.
And guess what? Nothing, nothing happened!
But that’s not possible! And now it will be considered a crime, you may even be sent to prison if you do not quickly get off the throne.
And if the guards fail, the jarl’s court magician will come to her aid.

Light Rest
Let's be honest, chairs are completely useless in the game. But we'll fix it. Sit on a chair or bench and you will receive a small bonus, just like when you rest, only a little weaker. And if you are sitting at home, the bonus will be stronger.

I "ve read that! (Read!)
In the original game, the books you read were not marked in any way, but now, just by looking at a book, you will know whether you have read it or not. If you have read the book, you will see a corresponding notification, otherwise there will be none.

Lore Friendly Race Name
The races got their own more lore-appropriate names. If you don’t like them, you can turn them off in MCM.
Wood Elves = Bosmer
Dark Elves = Dunmer
High Elves = Altmer
Orcs = Orsimers
Argonians = Saxxlils. Which means “people of the root” in their language.
Redguards = Yokudans (after all, they are from the continent of Yokuda).

Shrines Descriptions
Take a look at the shrine and you will see a small hint about the bonuses you can receive. Also works with Auriel's Shrine from the Dawnguard expansion.

Usable grainmills
You can use millstones to grind horker fangs or mammoth tusks. The mod takes into account the installed Hearthfire.

Animated Shrines
While praying at the shrine, your character will perform the appropriate actions.

Sprint Tackles
Get a good running start to push the enemy. The result will depend on the amount of your power reserve. If it exceeds the enemy's supply by 60 units, then everything will be successful. A great solution for throwing an enemy off the edge of a cliff. You can even push several enemies at the same time, but for this you will need a lot of strength. You can also push Falmer and other humanoids (but not animals or monsters).

Useful targets
You can use the targets to practice your shooting and magic skills.

Gold to Septim
Simply renames gold coins to septims.

Unfortunately, due to technical reasons, it is not possible to completely translate the MCM menu, although it is worth noting that there is very little untranslated text, but it still exists. Therefore, a screenshot with explanations for the untranslated text has been added to the archive and to the description page. Its description will also help you get acquainted with the mod.
If the notification about the new level of mind is in English, then go to the MCM menu and on the corresponding tab change the selected language to another, and then back to Russian (english).
