Research work "Chess - a sport or an intellectual game?" Intellectual games chess Chess. Three stages in the game

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    “Chess: is it a sport or an intellectual game?” State budgetary educational institution Secondary school No. 949 of the Southern District Administration Research work on the topic: Author: student of 1st grade “b” Antonova Amalia Scientific supervisor: primary school teacher Galishnikova L.Yu.

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    In this game you need: to be able to think, to have perseverance, to be attentive. Checkmate Is the ruler (shah) dead? What is chess: a sport or an intellectual game? Objectives: study literature about chess; gather the opinions of the people around me: find out the history of chess; outline the basic rules of the game; find out all the chess champions. Introduction

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    In India there lived a merciless Raja. One of his subjects came up with a game where the king meant little without the support and protection of the pieces. The game turned out to be surprisingly interesting and the Raja offered the creator any reward. The subject wanted to receive a reward in grains of grain, but in such a way that for the first square of the chessboard he would be given one grain , for the second - two, for the third - four, then eight, sixteen, etc. However, it turned out that so many grains could not be found in the whole world. This number is 18 446 744 073 709 551 615 The legend of the chess game

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    there were only 4 pieces, there were 4 players, not two (they played pairs against pairs); moves were made by throwing dice; To win the game it was necessary to destroy the entire enemy army. History of chess The game originated in India in the 6th century and was called chaturanga. Differences from modern chess:

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    History of the origin of chess In 550, in the Arab East, chaturanga began to be called: among the Arabs - “shatranj”, among the Persians - “shatrang”, among the Tajiks - “chess”. The rules of the game have changed: there are now two players; everyone received 2 sets of figures; instead of bones, they began to walk one turn at a time; victory began to be recorded by checkmate or stalemate. By the 15th century chess has acquired a modern look.

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    International Chess Federation (FIDE), Popularization of chess Organization of various international competitions Founded on July 20, 1924 in Paris Has its own flag and anthem, FIDE motto is “We are all one family” Goals of FIDE: This is an international sports organization that unites national chess federations

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    World chess champions: The first world chess champion was Wilhelm Steinitz Next:

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    Chessboard Each square has its own name. The squares are designated: horizontally in Latin letters from a to h, vertically in numbers from 1 to 8 from bottom to top.

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    The white pieces start the game. Moves are made alternately, 1 piece at a time. The moves of each piece are shown in the diagrams below. Each piece has its own rules of movement. Basic rules of the game: King move Queen move Knight move Bishop move Rook move

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    Basic rules of the game: If the king is in check and there are no more moves, it's checkmate. If a player has no move during his turn, but the king is not in check, it is a stalemate. Game outcome The game ends in a win or a draw.

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    All official games use time control. Time control has been used since the 19th century, using hourglasses. At the end of the 19th century, Wilson designed a mechanical chess clock (1883). Electronic chess clocks are increasingly being used these days. Mechanical watches Electronic watches Time control

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    Is chess a sport? Sport is, first of all, about overcoming oneself, achieving mastery, striving to become the first, to win the highest awards and titles. Chess develops memory, attention, ingenuity, imagination, develops will, character, and teaches independent work. A person who plays this game acquires valuable qualities

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    Is chess a sport? Chess has a system of regular tournaments with national and international leagues and chess congresses. Chess as a sport is recognized in 100 countries. In 1999, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognized chess as a sport, but did not include it in the Olympic program. FIDE holds its own Chess Olympiads.

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    Many people are well aware of the history of chess and the rules of the game. They know the first and current world champion. Many people have someone in their family who plays chess. Many people know the famous chess players Kasparov and Karpov. To my main question: “Is chess a sport?” many answered yes, it is a sport. There was even an answer that this is a sport for the mind. Many people expressed a desire to learn to play chess. Survey results:

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    Conclusion: I learned: The rules of chess were not always the same as they are now... Chess is a constant struggle. You need to have nerves of iron to survive a loss. But you not only need to survive this loss, but also prepare yourself for the next fight.

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    Conclusion: My parents and older brother really support me in this game. My goal at the moment is to get 4th grade and get to the finals of the Moscow Championship among children under 8 years old. I was able to answer my main research question. I believe that chess is a sport with its ups and downs, victories and losses. After all, only the strongest win. I think:

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Absolutely anyone can control battles in a computer strategy game. What is there to be able to do? Magicians - cast a spell! Archers - shoot! Dragons - breathe fire!.. But you try to become a real commander for an army of wooden horses and pawns. And when you feel that your army, limited in number but unlimited in capabilities, can defeat anyone on its board - then you will become not just a grandmaster, but a real commander.

  • Children's chess

    The game Children's Chess offers you a very exciting variation of the usual entertainment.

  • Try to catch the cunning king. In a limited number of moves you need to put the scoundrel behind bars.

    Online chess is several dozen variations of the cult logic game, the history of which goes back over one and a half thousand years.

    The game of chess for two allows you to fight in a real intellectual duel with a virtual opponent.

    The game Chess for Beginners gives you the opportunity to plunge into an exciting intellectual battle.

    An annual chess tournament is held in Bikini Bottom. Help SpongeBob beat Patrick, Krabs, Plankton and become a grandmaster.

    The game Chess 3d is an excellent version of the famous game in the original three-dimensional format.

    It can be said that everyone loves chess games - from kids to adults. Moreover, this most popular toy has a centuries-old history.

    A classic game of chess according to traditional rules awaits you - just what you need for those who like to spend their leisure time in peace.

    A typical chess game awaits you, but with original pieces and excellent graphic design.

    The Chess game for children allows you to enjoy a virtual version of the famous intellectual game.

    We present to your attention a classic game with traditional rules. Since ancient times, everyone has played chess: scientists, philosophers, artists, etc.

    The Chesfield Chess game invites you to take part in a real intellectual competition.

    A funny and very unique toy awaits you. The gameplay in it has a funny, playful form.

    The Lord of the Rings Chess game invites you to fight with a virtual opponent in an exciting intellectual duel.

    The game of Checkers and Chess is an excellent recreation option for those who love intellectual games.

    In our new game you have to play a game of chess with a robot. This will be an unusual and exciting battle.

    The game is a regular chess battle. But the figures in it have a somewhat specific appearance.

    You will be playing against a very smart and experienced opponent. It is worth thinking through your actions several moves ahead and sticking to the chosen strategy.

    Flash game Chess allows you to get maximum pleasure from intellectual competition.

    The Blitz chess game invites you to protect your virtual castle from enemy invasion.

    The Lego chess game invites you to play an intellectual game with a virtual opponent.

    The Chess game for girls is made in an interesting and funny style, which will allow you to get maximum pleasure from it.

    The game Smart Chess invites you to take part in a competition where you need to use all your logical skills.

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Do you want to have a good rest and switch your mind from endless work or study to something more enjoyable? Evenings are made for playing chess with a computer - it’s hard to find a more interesting and more beneficial activity for the mind! The main thing is that, contrary to popular belief, playing chess with a computer is almost as cool as playing with a live opponent. Of course, it is impossible to break the rules in this case, and you won’t be able to hit your opponent over the head with the queen in case of loss - this is a minus...

If you want to become the strongest in this intellectual sport, you will of course need live opponents with non-standard logic and the ability to generate creative solutions. But you can’t go into a tournament against real champions unprepared: online chess will allow you to train as much as you need! And once you’ve trained yourself to play chess online, you can safely challenge even Kasparov himself to a tournament. There is no doubt: as in any sport, regular training will allow you to prevail in any situation!

A little history

It’s not for nothing that we immediately began to compare the board game with a military strategy. It is now difficult for us to imagine that a knight, rook or bishop (which, by the way, does not look like an elephant at all) could have anything to do with military operations. Where are the tanks, you ask? Where is the aviation? Okay, if we decided to make do with infantry, let there be infantry... But why then do the pawns look more like girls in ball gowns rather than stern infantrymen?

It is not difficult to answer all these questions if we remember that the history of the game chess originates in Ancient India: scientists agree that the game appeared no later than the 6th century AD. Since at that time humanity was already a fairly civilized and organized society, the battles bore little resemblance to primitive fights. It was not the personal endurance and strength of warriors that began to come to the fore in the art of war, but the ability of their commander to build tactics and plan a battle strategy.

It was somewhat expensive to practice various tactical schemes on living people even in those days, and therefore the ancient rulers decided to come up with something that would allow them to simulate the course of a battle. And they came up with chess - not so much a game as a training ground for commanders, a tool for planning and practicing possible tactical techniques. Those on the board were precisely the troops that the then generals had at their disposal at that time. And there was a place for the commanders themselves: in the role of the king, who is of little use as an ordinary warrior, but without whom the battle is lost instantly.

Of course, there were no traces of any tanks in those days - that’s why we still play with rooks (chariots), bishops (in fact, bishops are bishops) and cavalry. Well, and the infantry - where would we be without it? Pawns have the shortest move, but there are always many of them, and they are the ones who start the battle. Well, do you still have doubts that the game of chess perfectly reflects the picture of military operations?

Chess players of all countries, unite!

Of course, time cannot but take its toll on traditional entertainment. And, although chess has not only existed for a long time, but has also been popular for many centuries, the rules of this game more or less settled down only in the 19th century. The game finally acquired the status of not only “universal” but also “international” with the creation of the FIDE organization. The history and purpose of this community are typical for any such association in the sports world. With the growing popularity of some kind of entertainment, the number of different interpretations of the rules increases, which make it almost impossible to hold more or less large-scale competitions.

To turn a board game into a real sport, it is necessary to create a unified system of rules, a mechanism for assigning sports titles and competition regulations. It is these issues that FIDE has been addressing since 1924 - that is, for almost a century. Of course, no one is stopping you from creating your own set of rules - but who will you play with? And having studied the generally accepted rules approved by FIDE, you can play chess with the computer, with the Chinese or with the world champion - and with everyone according to the same rules! In this regard, playing chess is a universal language of communication, because no matter where you go, you can always play a game or two with any local resident, without worrying at all about the language barrier. You simply don't need to speak: your moves will say everything for you!

Computer chess player

It so happens that not all intellectual sports are considered equally valuable for mental development. For some reason, an avid gambler is more likely to be associated in society with some asocial element, while a chess player is an honored and respected person.

I distinguish this sport among all board games precisely because in it, like nowhere else, the importance of demonstrating all aspects of human thinking is great. By reading books and studying the games played by other people, a novice chess player gains a theoretical knowledge base, which can even be partially transferred to practice: we all know such a concept as, for example, a “classical opening” - that this is not an attempt to replace the work of one’s own imagination with reproduction of acquired combinations from memory?

However, any truly talented chess player will beat a beginner in no time, who will reproduce entire scenarios read from books. The fact is that all standard schemes have long been known to the whole world, and therefore are easily predictable. By reproducing even the most ingenious sequences of actions on the board, the player exposes himself to attack, because the enemy knows all his moves several moves ahead.

A complex combination of simulated compositions and original finds - this is where true mastery lies. It’s not without reason that beating a real champion is more than an easy task for a computer, which by definition is only capable of choosing the most successful options from the hundreds of thousands of chess games that were once played and loaded into its memory.

However, this does not mean that there is no point in playing online if)
