Quality of the game of blind man's buff. Outdoor games for the middle group. Simplified view of blind man's buff

Required to play handkerchief or scarf(necessarily dense) and bell or tambourine. If there are no musical instruments, it’s okay; signals can be given by voice or by clapping your hands.

Rules of the game Zhmurki

With help counting rhymes is selected driving. The rest of the players spin it, saying:

Cat, cat, where are you standing?
- On Bridge.
- What are you drinking?
- Beer, kvass
- Catch the mice, not us!

Another variant:

-Where are you standing?
- In the courtyard.
- What do you drink?
- Kvass.
- Look for us for three years!

Or simply:

Apapas, Apanas
Catch the cats, not us!

After this, all players scatter in different sides.

And they begin tease» the driver, giving him different signals about his location. You can ring a bell or clap your hands. To avoid injury, it is necessary to warn the driver about obstacles or sharp corners.

After the driver has caught someone, he tries to determine the name of the person he caught by touch. If this succeeds, the one caught becomes the driver. If not, then the game continues.

A lightweight version of the game - the driver just needs to make fun of one of the players without catching or guessing who it is. In this case, the one who has been saluted becomes the driver himself.

There are several varieties of blind man's buff.

Blind chicken

The rules are the same as in regular blind man's buff, only the players must constantly shout: “The blind chicken is coming! The blind chicken is coming! You cannot deliberately surrender into the hands of the “Blind Chicken”.

Zhmurki vice versa

Bell ringer

A bell or bell is hung around one player’s neck, and his hands are tied behind his back so that he does not interfere with the ringing of the bell with his hands. The rest of the participants are blindfolded.

They're trying to catch bell ringer", who quietly, so as not to jingle the bell, tries to get between the players.

It's a lot of fun to play this game in a small space.

Migratory birds

The driver is selected, the rest of the players sit on two opposite benches or simply stand in two rows opposite each other. Each one in turn comes up to the water and speaks to him
ear is the name of a bird. The names of birds should not be repeated.

Next, the driver is blindfolded and names two birds from those that the players named him. If the named player birds are on opposite sides, They have to " fly over»
from one bench to another, that is, change places. If the driver named birds from one bench, then he “ scared away" They rise from their seats, make a circle around the driver and sit down in their seats.

The task of water is to catch or catch it. The one who was caught becomes the driver, and the players re-guess the birds again.

The game perfectly trains memory and attention.

German blind man's buff

This type of blind man's buff is very popular abroad.

The driver is selected and blindfolded.

The driver gives the first command: “ All to me! All players run up to him, touch him with their hand and freeze in this position until the driver’s next command: “ Everything from me!" With these words everything
They run away as quickly as possible. The driver gives the following command: “ Stop!" At these words, all the players freeze in their places.

Players are only allowed to take one step during the entire game. The rest of the time they can squat, lean, but not move. The driver must identify the player found. If he guesses correctly, the one found takes his place. If not, then he is looking for the next one.

Release of the prisoner

If the game takes place indoors, then a wide circle of chairs is placed, if outdoors, then it is outlined with chalk or a stick.

Two are selected by counting - “ prisoner» and his security guard» . Both are blindfolded, the prisoner is seated on a chair and his hands are tied. The guard stands in a circle, next to the chair, but not quite close. The game begins.

The task of the other players is to free the prisoner, untie his hands and lead him out of the circle without getting caught by the guard. The guard's job is to make his prisoner's friends look bad. Those players who are insulted by the guard leave the circle and no longer take part in this game.

The game perfectly develops attention and the ability to work in a team.

The rules of the game are simple. Several people play. There must be at least two people, the number is not limited further, although it is unlikely that more than 10-12 people with one person have ever played blind man's buff at the same time. Water, the person who leads the game, is chosen using a counting rhyme.
For example:
The month has emerged from the fog,
He took the knife out of his pocket.
I will cut, I will beat -
You still have to drive!
Whoever gets the last word is the one who gets the water.

Step 2

For water, the leader prepares an opaque bandage from a folded scarf, which is tightly blindfolded, so that there is no possibility of peeking at this basic rule of the game. Everyone else stands around the driver and turns him around his axis several times so that he eyes closed changed the idea of ​​space.

Step 3

After that, everyone scatters in different directions. The driver's goal is to catch or touch all of his companions in the game. Those, in turn, should provide sound cues to guide the driver. It could be a bell, clapping, whistling, or a voice. Players try to deceive the driver, attracting him with sounds and quickly moving in a different direction. In one version of the game, the driver needs to not only touch the player, but also identify him blindly.

Step 4

In the 16th and 17th centuries, blind man's buff was a pastime for noble gentlemen who amused themselves out of boredom. Today it is a children's game that develops coordination of movements, a sense of space and auditory response. But blind man's buff can also become pleasant entertainment for adults who will remember a little of their childhood or experience new emotions if they bring an erotic moment to this game.

Zhmurki - old game for children, which is still popular today

This is not just fun, but by playing this game, children practice:

  • Agility;
  • hearing;
  • attention;
  • ability to work in a team.

In addition, children learn to navigate in space without the help of vision.

The game has many varieties. For example, a game of alive-half-dead-dead.

While playing it, children draw a circle on the asphalt from which they cannot leave. If the “live” mode is in effect, the children can move inside the circle, running away from the driver. In the “half-dead” mode, you can only move 5 steps away from the driver. And in the “dead” mode, everyone is prohibited from moving except the driver. When the driver catches someone, he must say his name. If the name is called correctly, then that player will lead.

Rules and description of the game blind man's buff

You need to play it in a spacious room or in the yard. To do this, you will need a blindfold made of thick fabric. You can also get a bell, whistle or other object that produces sound signals. But if there are no such objects, then the driver’s attention can be attracted by voice or clapping your hands.

To choose a driver, you need to count. They put a blindfold on him so he can't peek. The other kids spin him around so that he gets a little lost in space. At the same time, the kids ask him, and he must answer the following words:

-What are you standing on? - the guys ask.

“On the bridge,” answers the driver.

-What are you drinking?

“Catch the mice, not us,” the kids answer in unison and run away.

And the driver’s task is to catch any of the children and guess who it is.

To avoid injury, the driver must be warned about obstacles, sharp protrusions, and the road.

Elena Anokhina


Elena Anatolyevna Anokhina

The Russian people reflected many processes of their life through play. Folk games are relevant and interesting even today, they can be used in working with schoolchildren and preschoolers, in health camps and in free time with the family.

Game "Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell"

Progress of the game. By lot (counting table) they choose the “blind man’s buff” and the player who

he will search. “Zhmurka” is blindfolded, and the other child is given a bell. The participants of the game stand in a circle. “Zhmurka” must catch the driver with the bell. Then a new pair of players is selected.

There can be several “blind man’s buff”. Children standing in a circle warn the “blind man’s buff” from meeting each other with the words: “Fire! Fire!"

Game "Blind Man's Bluff"

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny jumped on a tree stump

He beats the drum loudly,

He invites everyone to play blind man's buff.

The game "Blind Man's Bluff" is played.

Progress of the game. The player is blindfolded, taken away from the players to the side and turned around several times. Then they talk to him:

Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

In a kneading bowl.

What's in the kneader?

Catch the mice, not us!

After these words, the participants in the game run away, and the blind man’s buff catches them.

Playing with the Sun

In the center of the circle is the “sun” (a cap with the image of the sun is placed on the child’s head). The children say in chorus:

Shine, sun, brighter -

It will be hotter in summer

And the winter is warmer

And spring is nicer.

Children dance in a circle. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle. To the word “I’m burning!” - the “sun” is catching up with the children.

Game "Drag the Rope"

Place 2 hoops on the floor and stretch a rope from the middle of one to the middle of the other. The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. One person from each team enters the hoops. At a signal, they run and change places. The one who runs first into the opponent's hoop and pulls the rope out of the other hoop is considered the winner. After the first pair, the second, third, and so on until the last.

Game "Burners"

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Children hold hands and raise them up, forming a “gate.” The last pair passes “under the gate” and stands in front, followed by the next pair. The “speaker” stands in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out!

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, two guys, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in unison:

One, two, don’t be a crow, but run like fire!

The “burning one” tries to catch up with the running ones. If the players manage to take each other’s hands before one of them is caught by the “burning one,” then they stand in front of the column, and the “burning one” catches it again, i.e., “burns.” And if the “burning” one catches one of the runners, then he gets up with him, and the player left without a pair leads.

Game "Merry Musicians"

Progress of the game. To any two-part melody, children, standing in a circle, play the musical instruments(rattles, rumba, bells, etc.). Petrushka stands in the center of the circle, conducting. With the end of the first part, the children, having put their instruments on the floor, easily run in a circle. Parsley stands in a general circle and runs with the children. When the music ends, the players quickly dismantle their instruments. The conductor becomes the one who did not get the instrument.

Game "Carousel"

We continue the fun

Weight running on the carousel.

Ribbons are tied to the hoop. Children take hold of the tape with one hand and walk first in one direction, and then, changing hands, in the other. The hoop is held by an adult. You can “ride” on the carousel accompanied by the traditional text:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two,

So the game began.

Game "Ring"

All players line up in a row. The buffoon has a ring in his hands, which he hides in his palms and then tries to discreetly hand over to one of the guys, while saying:

I'm burying gold

I'm burying pure silver!

In a high chamber

Guess, guess, girl.

Guess, guess, red!

The person standing last is looking for a ring, and the buffoon says: “Guess, guess who has the ring, pure silver.” If the participant guesses who has the ring, then he becomes the host.

Game "Baba Yaga"

The rooster was sitting on a bench, counting his pins:

One, two, three, you come out on this count!

(Baba Yaga stands in a circle drawn on the floor, on the ground. The guys run around the circle and tease Baba Yaga, and Baba Yaga tries to reach the children with a broom; whoever he touches stops and freezes in place, the last of the children becomes Baba Yaga).


Baba Yaga,

bone leg,

Fell from the stove

Broke my leg

I ran to the garden,

Scared all the people

I ran to the bathhouse

Scared the bunny!

Game "Zarya-Zaryanitsa"

Progress of the game. Two drivers are selected. Both the drivers and the players stand in a circle, holding a ribbon in their hands (ribbons are attached to the carousel according to the number of players). Everyone dances and sings.

Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Red Maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Painted ribbons.

One, two, three - not a crow, but run like fire!

At the last words of the driver they run in different directions. Who will take it first

the vacated ribbon is the winner, and the remaining one chooses for himself

next partner.


Game "Loaf"

Probably the most famous round dance game in Russia! It is almost a mandatory attribute of any children’s birthday from one year to the end of the year. primary school. This is the Russian equivalent of the American “Happy birthday!” The round dance is very simple. Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. The birthday boy stands in the center of the round dance. The round dance begins to move in a circle, accompanied by the words:

How to... name day (say the name of the birthday child)

We baked a loaf.

Such a height! (hands raised as high as possible)

Such lows! (squat down, hands practically placed on the floor)

That's how wide it is! (spread to the sides, trying to make a round dance of as large a diameter as possible)

These are the dinners! (the round dance converges, shrinks, comes close to the birthday boy)

Loaf, loaf, choose who you love! (the round dance returns to its “normal” size and stops)

The birthday boy says: I love everyone, of course.

But here... more than everyone else! (calls the name of the selected child, takes him by the hand and leads him to the center of the round dance)

Now the birthday boy joins the round dance, and the child he chooses becomes the “birthday boy.”

Game "Boyars, and we have come to you"

The players are divided into two teams, which line up opposite each other in a chain. The first team goes forward with the words:

Boyars, we have come to you! And returns to its original place:

Dear ones, we have come to you!

Another repeats this maneuver with the words:

Boyars, why did they come? Dear ones, why did you come?

The dialogue begins:

Boyars, we need a bride. Dear ones, we need a bride.

Boyars, which one is dear to you? Dear ones, which one is your favorite?

The first team deliberates and chooses someone:

Boyars, this one is dear to us (pointing to the chosen one).

Dear ones, this one is sweet to us. The selected player turns around and now walks and stands in a chain, facing the other direction.

The dialogue continues:

Boyars, she is our fool. Dear ones, she is our fool.

Boyars, and we whip her. Dear ones, we will whip her.

Boyars, she is afraid of the whip. Dear ones, she is afraid of the whip.

Boyars, we’ll give you some gingerbread. Dear ones, we’ll give you some gingerbread.

Boyars, her teeth hurt. Dear ones, her teeth hurt.

Boyars, we’ll take you to the doctor. Dear ones, we’ll take you to the doctor.

Boyars, she will bite the doctor. Dear ones, she will bite the doctor.

The first command completes:

Boyars, don’t play the fool, give us the bride forever!

The one who was chosen as the bride must run up and break the chain of the first team. If he succeeds, then he returns to his team, taking with him any player from the first.

If the chain is not broken, then the bride remains in the first team. In any case, the losing team starts the second round. The teams' task is to keep more players.

Game "Kalachi"

Children stand in three circles. They move by jumping in a circle and at the same time uttering the words:

Bai - swing - swing - swing!

Look - bagels, rolls!

Hot, hot, out of the oven.

At the end of the words, the players run scattered one by one around the court. To the words “Find your kalach!” return to their circle. When repeating the game, players can change places in the circles.

Thank you for your attention!

Do you remember your favorite game “Blind Man’s Bluff”, but have you forgotten the rules? Below you will find a description of this sedentary game for children. It is suitable for playing outdoors and indoors. The more participants there are, the merrier. Tell your child about Zhmurki; the rules of the game are very simple. Therefore, the meaning will be clear to children from 3-4 years old. But older guys like it more. This sedentary game for children it has several options: classic blind man's buff, German and with a bell.

Rules of the game "Zhmurki"

Below are the rules of 3 versions of the game "Blind Man's Bluff". Invite a group of children to try all the options. Then ask which one you liked best and why. Which game had the most difficult or funniest moments?

Classic blind man's buff

Invite as many kids as possible to play. Choose a driver. So that no one is offended, it is better to let the counting girl choose him. Participants place the driver in the center, blindfold them with a scarf and spin them around. You can say at this moment for the sake of enthusiasm:

Where are you standing? - In the courtyard! - What do you drink? - Kvass. - Look for us for three years!

Cat, cat, where are you sitting? - On the tree! - What are you drinking? - Kvass! - Catch the mice, not us!

Then the guys run away and “tease” the driver. They can clap their hands, stomp their feet, and hint in every possible way where they are. It is important to immediately agree that the players warn the driver when there are obstacles nearby. For example, dangerous corners, pits, steps. The driver focuses on sounds to find mouse players. When he succeeds, by touch he guesses who it is and says the name. If you succeed in guessing, then now this child becomes the driver. Did not guess? Then they continue further.

Simplified view of blind man's buff

The driver needs to catch the player, but not guess his name. The one who is caught takes the place of the leader.

Blind Man's Bluff with a bell

A bell is hung around the player’s neck or arm like a bracelet. Both hands are tied behind the back. He will be a kind of “bait”. Other participants in the game are blindfolded. Their task is to catch the bell player. He walks carefully so as not to make a sound, but the bell will still jingle. This is where the challenge and fun of the game lies. It is better to conduct such blind man's buff in a small room in silence. Then it will be easier for players to find the invisible man with the bell.

German blind man's buff

The driver, as in the classic version, is blindfolded. He stands in the center and says: “Everyone, come to me!” The guys run up to the driver, touch with one hand and freeze. Then the driver shouts: “Everything is from me.” Children scatter in different directions until the driver says: “Stop.” After this, all participants freeze in the place where they managed to reach. The blindfolded player begins the search. He walks with his arms outstretched to catch his friends. The difficulty is that players cannot leave the place, but they are allowed to move. They can begin to wriggle out when the driver passes by, literally dodging his hand. Some resourceful people start squatting. Therefore, the game also develops ingenuity.

During the game, frozen players can only take one step to move. Whoever breaks the rule is out. To be fair, it is good to invite a host to the game - an observer of the progress of the game.

What develops

  • Flair. The child begins to react even to changes in air flow;
  • the ability to quickly navigate in space (for the driver);
  • find a way out of non-standard situations (for players);
  • communication skills, thanks to the group form of the game;
  • coordination;
  • ingenuity;
  • hearing.

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