How to make a fishing rod in Minecraft 1.5 2. How to make a fishing rod and fish in Minecraft. Unusual ways to use a fishing rod in Minecraft

Hunger and health in Minecraft are the most important things in the game. But we know that you can’t hunt much monsters with an empty stomach. But what to do if you don’t have time to hunt pigs, and you don’t want to kill sheep just for meat? There is a solution - fishing. Fishing requires a fishing rod, and in this article I will tell you how to make a fishing rod in Minecraft.

Gathering resources

As with each item in Minecraft, you need to collect the necessary resources. For the fishing rod we will need:

  • Tree

Getting a tree will be as easy as shelling pears - either we can beat the tree until we lose our pulse like Rambo, or we can beat one block of wood, make ourselves an ax and chop the tree faster and bigger. We extract the amount of wood we need; one block will be enough (see Fig. 1).

Picture 1

For the thread, you need to kill a couple of spiders (see Fig. 2), there is a possibility that the thread may not fall out, so we hunt the eight-legged ones until we get two threads. You can find spiders at night on the surface or underground. There is also a way to find a thread in an abandoned mine, but this is a longer method, and the likelihood that you will find a web on the ceiling is extremely low.

After mining and collecting resources, we move on to crafting (creating) the necessary items.

Figure 2


  • We make boards from previously extracted wood and use them for a workbench.
  • On the workbench we produce three sticks (see Fig. 3).
  • The workbench must be made early, since without it we will not be able to make the fishing rod itself and other important items, for example, a sword for killing spiders or an ax for extracting wood.
  • Then we put our sticks on the workbench and add two threads (see Fig. 4).
  • And voila, our fishing rod is ready, now you know how to make a fishing rod in Minecraft, and you are ready to fish.

Figure 3

Figure 4

What's good about fishing?

In addition to tasty and healthy fish, while fishing you may come across resources that you don’t even expect to see. For example: books of enchantment, emeralds, diamonds, leather and even bones.

In a couple of minutes spent fishing, you can get a lot of food and interesting resources that you cannot get so easily (see Fig. 5).

Figure 5

Also, do not forget that you need to find a convenient reservoir for more effective fishing.

Fishing - fast and effective method for obtaining food. You will spend less time foraging for food and will be able to get rich interesting subjects. Therefore, a fishing rod is very important for survival in a cubic world.

You can supplement your body's resources in Minecraft with many foods, including fish. Of course, you can eat it raw, but you can also cook it (fry it). Thus, satisfy your hunger for a longer time. To catch fish you don't need anything other than a fishing rod. Design that even a beginner can do. You can fish in any of the reservoirs, both artificial and natural. Moreover, it is better that the source be deep, since in shallow water the hook of the fishing rod can rest against the bottom. In newer versions the fishing rod has been modernized. Now, in addition to the experience earned by catching fish, the player can catch boots or hook a mob (skeleton archer or ghast) in order to destroy it at a closer distance.

Making a fishing rod

Crafting a fishing rod requires a workbench and ingredients such as thread (2 units) and a stick (3 units). Making a stick is not particularly difficult, since it is enough to have several blocks of boards. But killing a spider at night is much more difficult. You can, of course, not take risks and go into the forest during the day. True, now you will need to find the web that the spiders left behind when they died at night. And when, finally, the necessary ingredients are found, you have to correctly arrange them in the workbench.
And we do it like this:
- in the first row we fill only the first cell, placing the stick there;
- in the second row we fill in the first two cells, in sequence - thread, then stick;
- in the third row we fill the first and last two cells, in sequence - thread, empty cell, then stick.

One of the ways to be full in minecrafteat fish. But how can we get it? To do this, let's go to fishing! No, we don’t need to dig for worms and maggots - we need fishing rod. Do it can be done as shown in the figure below - for this we need 2 threads and three sticks. After assembly we go fishing.

To fish possible in all reservoirs, even artificial ones. Right-click the fishing rod and wait until the float begins to sink. As soon as he dived under the water one or two times in a row, we hook him (all the same with the right mouse button)! If you are lucky, the fish will fly straight into your hands. If not, try again. Make sure that the hook does not touch any block. If this happens, transfer it fishing rod.

In addition to catching fish, you can use a fishing rod to attract hostile mobs to you. It is especially good to attract a skeleton archer or ghast. No damage will be done to the monsters, although they will make a sound as if they have received damage.

The fishing rod has 65 durability (i.e. 65 uses), when we hook a fish, 1 durability is spent, even if we didn’t catch it. If we pull a hook out of a block - 2 strength, and when we pull a monster - 3 strength.

A fishing rod is a special tool designed for catching fish. A fishing rod is created in Minecraft made of two threads and three sticks. After the Halloween update, this tool gives the player the ability to not only catch fish, but also attract players and mobs.

The fishing rod in the game has durability 65 units. Catching a fish is considered successful if you managed it in 1 use, reeling in a fishing rod with a blocked float - in 2 uses, and you must attract a mob in 3 uses.

How to use a fishing rod?

To start fishing, you will need to select a fishing rod in your inventory by clicking on it right mouse button. After this, a long fishing line with a hook and a float will fly out. Pressing the right mouse button again will rewind the line. If you throw the fishing rod into the water and wait a little, the float will go down.

As soon as this happens, you must immediately cut by clicking the right mouse button. If you did everything correctly, you will be able to pull a fish out of the water, which will fly right into your hands.

The float can be immersed in water several times, unless of course you pull it out immediately. If suddenly you do not have time to get the fishing line before the float floats up, the fish will fall off.

Fishing in shallow water, make sure that the hook does not get stuck in the bank or bottom.

Additional functions

You can also use the fishing rod to fight mobs. To do this, simply throw a hook at the mob. From such an action he will not receive damage (only visually), but in this way you will be able to attract distant, dangerous mobs - skeletons and ghasts.

Pressure plates can be pressed with a fishing rod from a distance if the hook is accurately thrown into them.

A fishing rod with a discarded fishing line becomes a stick until it is pulled out. It can attract boats. Moreover, even if the player collides with a boat, he will not receive damage, although the boat itself may break in the process.

Where to fish?

You can fish in absolutely any body of water, even artificial and pre-Halloween ones.

In addition, you can also fish from a boat and on the move. This is very important if you go on long journeys by water(for example, in search of clay). Once you have gained speed, cast the rod as far in front of you as possible, but be extremely careful not to hit the float, as this will damage your boat. This way, you can perform two tasks at the same time: catch your own food and swim to the goal.

Since version 12w37a (1.4) For every fish you catch you can get experience.

Every gamer knows that in Minecraft you definitely need to eat in order not to die. This game sets the player's main goal to survive, and it has two scales: health and hunger. The health bar decreases when damage is dealt to the gamer, and the hunger bar decreases regardless of everything, gradually if the character does not eat anything. When the hunger bar runs out, the lack of food will begin to directly damage the player's health. To avoid this, you need to eat while restoring your hunger bar. To do this, the game has a large number of different products. But you need to be able to get each of them - hunt animals, grow vegetables, and so on. From this article you will learn how to catch fish, as well as do everything else that is possible with a fishing rod in Minecraft.

Craft fishing rods

First of all, you naturally need to know the recipe for making a fishing rod in Minecraft, since without it you will not be able to access the fish. However, in the process you will understand that with the help of this item you can get not only food in the form of fish, but also many other useful things. But first you need to make a fishing rod - for this you will need three sticks and two threads. The recipe is extremely simple, so you can get this device at the very beginning of the game. Now you know, in Minecraft, so you can move on to more serious issues. For example, to what it is intended for - fishing.

Using a fishing rod

You can use fishing rods in Minecraft to achieve various goals, the first and main of which is catching fish. To carry out this action, you need to be near any body of water - preferably, it should be deep enough so that your hook does not stick into the bottom or shore. Right-clicking on the fishing rod casts a fishing line with a float and a hook, after which you need to carefully monitor the process. Waves will appear around the float, which will gradually narrow until the float goes under water. It is at this moment that you will need to click on right button mouse again to hook the catch. As a result, the fish you caught will be in your hands. If you don’t make it on time or hurry, you will be left without loot. Using the fishing rod's ability to attract objects and entities, you can use it to fight mobs. It will not cause damage, but you can attract dangerous mobs that fire from a long distance, such as skeleton archers or ghasts. In general, you can always find a useful way to use such multifunctional items as fishing rods in Minecraft.

Types of catch

But it’s worth returning to the original purpose of using a fishing rod - fishing. There is one small feature here - you can catch not only fish, but also two other classes of items - garbage and treasure. Both classes of objects have a very small chance that you will catch it - around one or two percent. But such a possibility still exists, so it must be considered when you cast a fishing rod. In addition to fish, you may have in your hands either an old shoe or an enchanted book.

Fishing rod with carrots

Using a fishing rod, you can craft a special device with which you will control the pig you are saddled with. Under normal conditions, you can climb on a pig, but it will not listen to your commands. If you combine a fishing rod and a carrot, you will get the necessary item in a game like Minecraft. The Carrot Fishing Rod has no other use, so you don't need to craft many of these items. Please note that the carrots are consumed over time, and after a certain period you will be left with a regular fishing rod.
