How to make a spawn menu for stalker games. Download Stalker spawn menu Clear Sky

DESCRIPTION . Cheat mod\spawner for Narodnaya Solyanka 2016 (based on Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl). Designed to receive various items into the inventory/backpack of the Main Character (GG) if you can’t find them in the game, or these items are accidentally sold/lost/stolen/something else...

OPERATING PROCEDURE . Load your game save and start playing.
If you need to start the spawner, exit to the Main Menu ("ESC" button), then press the "F1" button (on some laptops only by first pressing function key"FN"). The spawner will start.
After that, click on the desired section (Armor, Canopies, Costumes, ...), and scroll up/down to the item you need. Having selected it with the mouse, click on the “Get” button as many times as you want to have these things. If the selected item is in the inventory, the “Delete” button is activated for possible removal from the player’s inventory.
To correctly spawn what you want to spawn, you need to know the approximate spelling of the item in English. language ( is displayed in the lower right corner of the main spawn window in light red).
Return to the game using the "Exit" button.

INSTALLATION . Unpack into a separate folder. Read description " ReadMe___IMPORTANT".
The resulting folder after unpacking " gamedata" copy to the root directory of the game (where the game is installed), agreeing to the replacement if asked.

If you decide to spawn a QUEST item, do it only in the place where it should be located according to the plot of the game, otherwise the crash may not happen, but the plot of the game itself may be interrupted!
When you first start the spawner, as well as after moving to other locations, when you click on " F1" --- It is possible to open the game console. The game console can be easily closed with the " key ` " (Russian key " Yo") and the spawner is launched. This does not affect anything.
Spawner AUTOMATICALLY reads the parameters of items from the game and displays everything it finds in the spawn menu.
Therefore, during normal single player, when you try to spawn an Arena weapon, the game will crash (Arena Weapons - only in the Arena).
Example: " wpn_fn2000_ arena ".
In the same way, a crash will occur if you spawn test, multiplayer, or fake items (fake).
Example " grenade_f1_ fake ", "gl_ test _shell", "wpn_knife_ trade ", "mp _wpn_rpg7_missile"...

ADDITIONAL. If there is no description of the item (left spawner block), then it is better not to try to spawn it. The game is almost guaranteed to crash. But you can try (at your own peril and risk!!!).
If there are errors in the description of items, the spawner DOES NOT CORRECT THE DESCRIPTION, but displays what is there. This means that the authors of Solyanka “cheated up”, or simply overlooked the inaccuracies in the description.. Or maybe you don’t have a pure NS2016, but already with mods.. Then the authors of the mods are to blame..

Welcome to website! On this page you can download working cheats for Call of Chernobyl - spawner and trainer! Stalker: Call of Chernobyl is perhaps the most popular freeplay modification for Call of Pripyat. This mod includes a huge amount of new content (especially various builds, for example, from Stason) and allows players to literally live in the Zone.

Spawner for CoC:

But let’s not be distracted from the main topic and look at the spawner, which, by the way, is already built into the game and you don’t need to download anything additional. Using the spawn menu you can get any items in the game, be it ammo, weapons, armor, artifacts, and so on. Detailed Guide How to enable the spawner and use it is below.

Instructions for use:

1) First of all, you need to go to the game folder and change the properties of the shortcut for the file Stalker-CoC.exe. If you do not have such a shortcut in the game folder, then first create it by clicking on the Stalker-CoC.exe file and selecting "Create shortcut".

2) So, in the shortcut properties, in the Object field at the very end, you need to add the following: -dbg. It should look like this:

3) Save this case, then launch the game using this shortcut. Load your save and then exit to the main menu by pressing ESC. After this, press the key S and the spawner menu will open, where you can switch between tabs and spawn any items directly into your inventory.

The second way to honor the modification Stalker Call of Chernobyl is a trainer. But please note that this trainer was tested on an older build and may not work in updated versions.

Trainer +14 (6.03) by LIRW / GHL:

List of functions:

CapsLock+Q - Immortality
CapsLock+W - Infinite Stamina
CapsLock+E - No radiation
CapsLock+R - Infinite ammo
CapsLock+T - Infinite money
CapsLock+Y - Super jump
CapsLock+U - Super Knife
CapsLock+I - Maximum shooting accuracy
CapsLock+O - Disable weapon recoil
CapsLock+P - Infinite weapon durability
CapsLock+A - Unlimited carry weight
CapsLock+S - Sniper position
CapsLock+D - Shooting without reloading
CapsLock+F - Infinite armor

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl spawner 7.0 Download via torrent

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl New version of spawner 7.0

Description and instructions:
Overlord of Zone 7.0 a new version, for the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl 1.0004
With the help of the Zone Lord, you will spawn all Stalkers, even quest characters, all cut out monsters, all armor, weapons, items, cars, etc.
It is not recommended to talk with quest characters!!! The game may crash!!!
You can talk to the swamp doctor.

Plus! New funny jokes and songs for stalkers have been added!
The main character is immortal! To turn off immortality!
The archive contains the original file: gamedata\config\creatures\actor_original.ltx
Now you can run in the exotic!!! Now the gauss cannon is fast and can shoot down helicopters!!!
All deleted mutants have been restored!!!

Paste "gamedata" into the game folder (C:\games\S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl\)

Begin new game, during the game, press "Esc", there is a "SPAWNER" button in the menu, click on the spawner.
And choose what you want!!!

To start the car, go to the option and set it to a specific key.

Now all objects appear 3 meters in front of the GG, and not at the GG’s position!!!

P.S I would like to note that this mod will be useful not only for ordinary players, but also for modders, because with it you can check various features of your mods, and adding your own things is as easy as shelling pears
(go to the script ui_si.script). :)
Size 102.74 MB

We provide you with the opportunity to review download Stalker spawn menu Call of Pripyat. If you read the first sentence out loud, it will sound quite pathetic, but in fact we didn’t put anything like that into it. In fact, anyone can simply download the spawn menu for this particular part of the game (Call of Pripyat). After correctly installing the necessary files, you will be able to add the necessary objects to the gameplay, which will greatly facilitate the passage of the game for those who have not previously coped with this task. For experienced players, this feature will be additional entertainment.

Download Stalker spawn menu Shadow of Chernobyl

Who needs download Stalker spawn menu Shadow of Chernobyl, he must know what these files will give him as a result. If you are new to this topic and are just going to install such a unique patch in your game, then we will tell you what it gives. So, the spawn menu is a means that provides the player with the opportunity to add all objects to the map, even those that cannot be accessed under specific current conditions. Roughly speaking, we get access to everyone useful items in the game, and sometimes such file assemblies even help to add monsters, anomalies, and so on. Want to try something like this? Great, download it!

Download Stalker spawn menu Clear Sky

As in other sections of this category, we offer download Stalker spawn menu Clear sky . Just don’t think that in other sections we also offer to download files for “Clear Sky”; it is clear that there are spawn menus for other parts of the game. By the way, if you plan to have fun in some other part of Stalker in the future, then do not forget to download other spawn menus located on our website. They all differ from each other, but exactly how, you can guess. If anyone doesn't guess, let him read the description for each of them, if he finds it. In short, here's another set of useful files for you.

Download Stalker spawn menu Lost Alpha

Newcomers to this topic may find it helpful to be reminded that before download Stalker spawn menu Lost Alpha, make sure you understand what exactly you are downloading and what set of files. When you have everything figured out and you understand that you are doing what you have planned correctly, then start the race. The procedure for installing the spawn menu itself is very simple and only requires unpacking and moving it to the game folder, the main thing is that their versions match. The spawn menu itself is no different from others, so don’t try to find anything interesting or unique in it, but this small patch performs its functions perfectly.

Download Stalker spawn menu Call Of Chernobyl

To download Stalker spawn menu Call Of Chernobyl, no need to invent anything abstruse. You have already reached the page where all the files you need are located, so all that remains is to find the inscription where you can download them and that’s it. Thanks to this menu, you can enjoy all the benefits to a greater extent. gameplay, even after global modification. The spawn menu will allow you to add monsters, weapons, game items. In general, this spawn menu is no different from others, it’s just that it goes to the mod itself. If you have any questions about installation, you can read the special instructions.

Download Stalker spawn menu Lost Alpha DC

Who needs download Stalker spawn menu Lost Alpha DC, he probably has at least a little understanding of all the available mods for the games in the series and other files that make up this world. With the help of such simple devices you can give your favorite game a second wind, as well as greatly diversify the process. If you have already come here, then you probably understand why and why. We will not distract attention once again and will only help you download the necessary files located in the same places where we always place any files for download. With this thing you will definitely change game world, because thanks to it you can add a lot to the process.
