How to get foliage in minecraft. Oak leaves. Why are the foliage disappearing?

Oak leaves

ID of oak blades: 18 .

NID: leaves.

Oak leaves in Minecraft are also called: Oak Leaves, oak foliage, oak foliage.

How to get:

Team : /give Player Nick leaves.

Oak leaves are blocks that are an integral part of the oak tree in Minecraft, which are generated along with the trees when the map is created. Despite the fact that oak leaves are a fragile block that burns and is destroyed in an explosion, they can also come in handy. For example, for decorative purposes or creating tree houses. Previously, until Minecraft glass appeared, leaves, since they transmit light, could replace windows.

What else do you need to know about oak foliage?

Oak foliage in the game can be destroyed faster when using scissors and a little slower when using swords. As for mining, it should be carried out exclusively with scissors or a tool enchanted with “Silk Touch”.

  • Destroyed blocks of oak foliage sometimes drop seedlings;
  • If you destroy the trunk of an oak tree, then after some time the foliage will disappear and seedlings will fall out of it.
  • If foliage obtained with scissors is placed on the ground, it will not disappear.
  • if destroyed oak foliage, there is a chance that a red apple will fall out.

All Minecraft foliage

How many types of foliage are there in Minecraft? After in Minecraft versions 1.7.2 foliage of acacia and dark oak appeared, there were six of them. The image below shows all these leaves from Minecraft. Oak leaves, since this page is dedicated to them, are specially highlighted in the graphic editor.

Oak and other leaves.

In the screenshot you can also see the following chain for comparison.

It is often used to create plants and tree houses. Foliage is a very fragile block; it is destroyed in an explosion and burns.

Oak and birch foliage have the same texture, but different colors; the needles, as well as the foliage of the tropical trees added to 12w03a, have their own distinct texture.

Destroyed foliage blocks sometimes drop saplings, which allow the player to plant a new tree. Also, when oak foliage is destroyed, there is a 1/200 chance that a red apple may fall out. Since version 12w18a, cocoa beans can drop from jungle foliage. Also, from version 12w18a, the type of foliage (oak, coniferous...) was added to the name of the foliage. If the tree trunk is destroyed, the foliage will disappear over a period of time, during which time seedlings will fall out of it.

Foliage can be destroyed faster if you use scissors (very fast as of Beta 1.7) or a sword (slower). Foliage obtained with scissors, when placed on the ground, does not disappear.

Foliage also exists in Minecraft 4k. But in this version the foliage does not disappear and cannot be installed.

Why are the foliage disappearing?


In the Beta version, the process of disappearing foliage has been simplified. To avoid disappearing, a foliage block must be no more than 4 blocks away from a wood block and be connected directly to it or through another foliage block. But starting from Beta 1.8, foliage placed by a player or an Ender does not disappear.


Foliage can be in three states:

  1. Supported - foliage that is on top of any solid block or near a block of wood.
  2. Connected - foliage that is attached to supported foliage by 5 or fewer blocks.
  3. Temporary - all other foliage is temporary and will decay over time.


Basic support

In the following images, supported foliage is marked with an S, and associated foliage is numbered 1-5 by distance from the closest supported foliage.

In this image we see a basic setup of one supported foliage block and 5 associated foliage blocks. The foliage placed at the red X position would be temporary and would collapse after some time.

Same as before, but the supported foliage block is now placed on another foliage block. Since the second block is supported, the entire structure is complete.

At first glance it may seem like there are six blocks of tied foliage, but the wood block makes the foliage near it supported.

Length of ligaments

The length of connected foliage is measured by the shortest path possible, without moving diagonally.

Moving Forward

Foliage placed above related foliage is supported. In fact, going up one block resets the associated foliage counter.

  • Foliage was used as windows before glass was introduced into the game.
  • In Beta, while torches can be placed on foliage when using fast graphics settings, they cannot be placed on quality graphics settings. Torches placed on foliage when using quick graphics settings will remain on the foliage even if you switch graphics mode.
  • A similar bug, used as a cheat, has survived much longer: if the player places his head in the foliage when quick settings graphics, he begins to see the world from inside the block, but does not suffocate at the same time. If other blocks are closely adjacent to a foliage block, artificial transparency extends through them, to the nearest cavity. This allows you, by placing foliage on the wall or building the wall up to the foliage, to look through this wall. Chitobag is called a “prophetic tree”, “diviner tree”, etc. Enderman, whom the hero looks at through the “prophetic tree”, does not notice the hero, as if he was looking through glass.
  • In Beta, when a foliage block is destroyed, the player cannot see clouds or snow through it.
  • Placing foliage directly on the chest does not prevent it from opening.
  • If you simultaneously move two blocks of foliage end to end with two pistons, the foliage will disappear.
  • A pickaxe with the "Luck" enchantment and a sword with the "Loot" enchantment do not provide any advantages.

The foliage has one texture, placed on all 6 sides of the block.

Foliage is available for use in Creative mode. It is often used to create plants and tree houses. Foliage is a very fragile block; it is destroyed in an explosion and burns.

Oak and birch foliage have the same texture, but different colors; the needles, as well as the foliage of the tropical trees added to 12w03a, have their own distinct texture.

Destroyed foliage blocks sometimes drop saplings, which allow the player to plant a new tree. Also, when foliage is destroyed, there is a 1/200 chance that a red apple may fall out. Since version 12w18a, cocoa beans can drop from jungle foliage. Also, from version 12w18a, the type of foliage (oak, coniferous...) was added to the name of the foliage. If the tree trunk is destroyed, the foliage will disappear over a period of time, during which time seedlings will fall out of it.

Foliage can be destroyed faster if you use scissors (very fast as of Beta 1.7) or a sword (slower). Foliage obtained with scissors, when placed on the ground, does not disappear.

Foliage also exists in Minecraft 4k. But in this version the foliage does not disappear and cannot be installed.

Why are the foliage disappearing?


In the Beta version, the process of disappearing foliage has been simplified. To avoid disappearing, a foliage block must be no more than 4 blocks away from a wood block and be connected directly to it or through another foliage block. But starting from Beta 1.8, foliage placed by a player or an Ender does not disappear.


Foliage can be in three states:

  1. Supported - foliage that is on top of any solid block or near a block of wood.
  2. Connected - foliage that is attached to supported foliage by 5 or fewer blocks.
  3. Temporary - all other foliage is temporary and will decay over time.


Basic support

In the following images, supported foliage is marked with an S, and associated foliage is numbered 1-5 by distance from the closest supported foliage.

In this image we see a basic setup of one supported foliage block and 5 associated foliage blocks. The foliage placed at the red X position would be temporary and would collapse after some time.

Same as before, but the supported foliage block is now placed on another foliage block. Since the second block is supported, the entire structure is complete.

At first glance it may seem like there are six blocks of tied foliage, but the wood block makes the foliage near it supported.

Length of ligaments

The length of connected foliage is measured by the shortest path possible, without moving diagonally.

Mod Better Foliage for Minecraft 1.12.1 / 1.11.2 - “Improve appearance» for trees. Trees and flowers are quite ugly in Minecraft because the developer is lazy to improve the model of these blocks. A better Foliage mod will improve this thing by changing these trees and plants more realistically and beautifully... Improved foliage mod and SEUS Shaders combined to make Minecraft look amazing! The best foliage adds small pieces of grass, coral and falling leaves. SEUS v11 adds beautiful clouds, moving grass, clear water and waving leaves! These mods will make your Minecraft look impressive if you like to have good graphics, and if you have a powerful computer.

(Note: the light in this photo is from the Shaders Pack, not from this mod. So if you install this mod without this beauty, don't blame! If you watch closely, you can realize that the tree leaves now look more "done"; the grass grows and is above its standard in Minecraft. Additionally, some other details, such as the snow in the tree leaves, are edited to be more realistic. This is a lightweight mod that is easy to install and does not affect. game process. You can download and install the beauty of nature, enjoy it!

In previous articles about the game Minecraft, we told you how to arrange your home, or rather, how to make a fountain for your own site. In the future, we plan to expand the section of articles in which we will consider interior elements in Minecraft in more detail. The text below will be useful for true craft connoisseurs!

In today's article we will talk about the process of creating a sheet of paper - one of the rarest materials in the game. We’ll also give you some fun little tricks that can be made from this material. So let's get started.

How to make a leaf

If you want to create a leaf in Minecraft, then you need to stock up on a large amount of the appropriate source material. To create a leaf you need three fern (or reed) leaves. Reeds can be found near water, usually not difficult.

As you can replace, creating paper sheets is not at all difficult, and the materials are very easy to find. By the way, paper can not only be created, but also found in fortresses.

We use paper

If you haven't used paper before, then you're missing out - you can make a lot of useful things from this material.

Thus, in our article we told you about a new interesting material in Minecraft - paper. As you can see, with its help you can create new tools and get new features in the game, improve old items.

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