How does a pawn move in a chess game? Regional sports school for chess A.E. Karpov

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Uninformed people have a slightly dismissive attitude towards pawns. And completely in vain. Let's figure it out how does the pawn move and what interesting capabilities this unassuming-looking figure has. You will even learn about one of its moves, which many are not even aware of. Go...

But first small retreat. Since you’ve landed on this page, it means you’re a beginner, so we bring to your attention a cool educational video course “How to teach a child to play chess.” Thanks to him, you will learn and understand all the rules yourself, and you will also teach a child from 4 years old to play. You will not regret...

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Pawns are located on the second and seventh ranks of the chessboard. There are eight of them on each side.

Relative pawn value in chess - three pawns are equivalent to a minor piece - a knight or bishop. Five pawns to a rook. We emphasize relative value. It all depends on the position.

The pawn is the soul of the party

As you know, in war infantry is the queen of the fields. In chess: The pawn is the soul of the game.

It is the pawns that create the unique landscape on the chessboard . It is the first pawn moves that set the various openings:

  • 1.e2-e4, c7-c5 - Sicilian defense
  • 1.e2-e4, e7-e5 - a whole family of openings called open
  • 1.d2-d4, f7-f5 - Dutch
  • 1.c2-c4, c7-c5 - English opening

You can continue for a very long time. The point is that it is the initial pawn formations that determine further mid-game and even endgame strategies. Often the entire game is built around pawn chains.

The pawn is the only piece that has unique features:

  • Doesn't walk backwards, only forwards.
  • When the eighth rank is reached, the white pawn and when the first rank is reached, the black pawn miraculously transforms into another piece
  • Can take an opponent’s pawn through a broken square, that is, “on the pass”

About these and some other features of pawns, a little more:

Pawn moves

First move

In the vast majority of games, the first move is made with a pawn. You can also use a horse, but this is very rare. A pawn from its initial position can move one or two squares ( through the cage) forward .

If a pawn bumps into another piece on its way, it cannot continue moving. If the pawn had been a queen or a rook, they could have taken the enemy piece, but the pawn is not allowed such a delicacy. She will rest against another figure until the path is clear. Or he won’t get the opportunity to take it.

When recording moves in chess, it is customary to indicate the first letter of the moving piece. Pawn is an exception (and here is an exception!) - the letter is not indicated.

1.с2-с4 f7-f5 White moves first, then black


A pawn can capture (capture) any piece except the king. The direction of capture is diagonally one field and only forward.

For example: 1. f3: g4 or 1... e5: d4

A pawn located on b5 cannot move straight forward, but can advance by capturing a knight. 1. b5:a6

A colon in chess notation means capture.

The exception to this rule is taking on the pass. This technique will be discussed in the next paragraph of our program.

Taking on the pass

In a situation where a pawn, located in its original position, that is, on the 2nd or 7th rank, makes a move to 2 squares and jumps through a field (cell) that is under the attack of an enemy pawn, it can be captured by this very pawn.

1.c2-c4 b4:c3 or 1. ….f7-f5 2. g5:f6

On a pass, you can only capture a pawn. It is impossible to capture any other piece.

Important! The opportunity to capture on the pass can only be used for one move.That is, in response to the movement of the enemy's pawn.

White played 1.a2-a4.

They reasoned like this: I move the pawn to queen, the black king does not have time to delay my pawn. The white king manages to approach the black pawn near the promotion square and takes it. White promotes the pawn to the queen and achieves a winning position. However,

Dreams of victory are not destined to come true. The black pawn takes the white one on the aisle!

1.a2-a4?? b4:a3!

Moreover, after capturing the white king does not have time to delay the black pawn, it is promoted to queen and black wins!

In the entry, two question marks mean a very weak move, and an exclamation mark means a strong move.

Such metamorphoses can occur. The rules of the game are important to know and respect.

Transformation of the “ugly duckling”

Another unique quality of the pawn is the ability to promote.

This is truly the jackpot of any pawn's life! When a pawn reaches the last, eighth rank (black - respectively the first), it has the right to transform into any piece of the same color, with the exception of the king.

A pawn is placed on the promotion square, immediately removed, and a new piece is placed in its place of promotion. The player, the “owner of the pawn,” decides what piece to transform the pawn into.

Of course, a pawn is most often promoted to a queen. Thus, several queens can appear on the board at once. To be more precise, 9 of the same color. In practice this does not happen, but two queens is not such a rare occurrence.

However, there are times when it is more correct to promote a pawn to some other piece other than a queen. Example:

If you promote a pawn to a queen, Black plays: 1... Qb7-f3+ and takes the f2 pawn. There is equality on the board. Draw? Not at all! There is a better solution:

The white pawn turns into a knight! 1. d8K!!

At the same time, White forks: he declares check and takes the queen with his next move. After this, White's position is won.

Transformation with taking

The rule of taking, which we discussed above, also applies to transformation.

That is, the pawn takes the enemy piece and at the same time transforms into another piece. It’s like a double effect: 1.d7:с8Ф

  • Create pawn chains

The strength of a pawn chain is that the pawns protect each other. If the opponent captures the e5 pawn, the d4 pawn will capture the opponent's piece. Likewise with the pawns d4 and c3. But pawn b2 needs protection.

  • Avoid doubling pawns. Especially “isolated”

None of the white pawns are protected by another pawn. This means that they are easy to lose or simply blunder, which is not that uncommon for a beginning chess player.

  • Occupy the central squares with pawns

Pawns in the center of the board create space for other pieces.

  • Don't move pawns away from the king at the beginning or middle of the game

Pawns are excellent defenders for the king. Moving the pawns away from the king weakens his position and allows the enemy to attack your monarch.

  • Eliminate Beginner Jargon

For example, the word “chops” or even cleaner - “eats” ”, instead of “takes”. Cut it down, take it off, eat it - the jargon of beginners and weak chess players. Less qualified chess players do not use such words. That's right - “took a pawn”, “takes”, “beat”.

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We wish you success at the chessboard!

According to Philidor, the pawn is “ soul chess game " In this article we will explore fundamental pawn structures and learn their features. A deep understanding of pawn structure separates masters from an amateur. Study each position and you will be able to identify them in your games, and also know which structures are profitable and which are not.

1. Passed pawn

A passed pawn is a pawn that cannot be stopped by other pawns along its path of advancement. This is one of the biggest assets a player can have in the endgame. A passed pawn creates a very serious threat to the opponent, due to the possibility of its promotion, which will give a decisive advantage.

In the diagram we see that White pawn a5 Not only checkpoint, but also located on other side of the board. These two factors make pawn a5 extremely valuable. The Black King cannot intercept this pawn, which is guaranteed to be promoted and bring victory.

Note: To develop positional understanding of position, it is necessary, and to understand why they were made. Only by being in the “skin” of a strong player will you be able to understand what problems he faced in the game and this will strengthen your chess level. These methods are used in our.

2. Isolated pawn

An isolated pawn is a pawn that cannot be protected by other pawns. In pawn endings this is especially important, since isolated pawns become extremely weak. They require constant protection by the king, distracting him from more important (offensive) tasks.

In the diagram, Belykh has an isolated pawn b4, because it cannot be protected by other pawns. This gives Black a permanent weakness that can be exploited. White is interested in exchanging this pawn for a “healthy” one pawn c6.

3. Connected pawns

Linked pawns are pawns that can protect each other. Certainly this is one of the the strongest pawn structures, and one should strive for it in games. In the diagram, White and Black have doubled pawns. However, the White structure better than Blacks for two reasons.

Firstly, White pawns control more squares, which is important because this keeps the enemy king away and limits the advance of the Black pawns. The second reason why White's pawn structure is better is that the pawns have more flexibility. e5 And f5. White has more opportunities to move his pawns.

4. Lagging pawn

A backward pawn is one of the connected pawns, which, when advanced, will be captured by the opponent's pawn. In the diagram, White and Black have a connected pawn. Black pawn d6 retarded. It makes the pawn structure weak. White pawn b5 very strong because it is a protected passage.

5. Doubled pawns

Doubled pawns - pawns same color located on one vertical. Apparently this is one of the weakest pawn structures because doubled pawns cannot protect each other, but they can also be blocked by just one opponent's pawn.

In the diagram, White has 2 doubled pawns on the d-file, which are blocked by Black's single pawn. Even though White has an extra pawn, the position is equal due to the nature of the pawn structure.

6. Hanging Pawns

Hanging Pawns - Tied pawns that will be attacked by enemy pawns if they move. White pawns on the diagram c And d are considered hanging. This is an example of weak pawns, however hanging pawns may have some advantages due to their mobility, flexibility and greater control of adjacent squares.

7. Pawn majority

Pawn majority means that one side has more pawns of the same color than the opponent. Pawn majority - valuable asset, because it often leads to a series of exchanges and the creation of a passed pawn. In the diagram, White has a pawn majority on the queenside and good chances to win the game.

Note: Endgame is undoubtedly a very important part of chess. If you want to improve your chess level, you must have a clear study plan. If you strive to sharply increase your chess level, then you need to systematically work on all elements of the game:

  • Tactics
  • Positional play
  • Attack Skills
  • Endgame technique
  • Analysis classic games
  • Psychological preparation
  • And much more

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From September 1 to October 30, 2017 a competition of creative works was held dedicated to the international chess tournament named after D.I. Mendelev on the topic "The pawn is the soul of a chess game." Its organizers were the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region, the State Autonomous Institution "Regional Chess Center of A.E. Karpov" and the NGO "Tyumen Regional Chess Federation".

At the final stage, 69 works from 20 municipalities of the Tyumen region were presented.

Nomination: “The best arts and crafts work among students of general education organizations”

1st place - Brandt Oleg (Zavodoukovsky district, Padunskaya secondary school, FMAOU Zavodoukovskaya secondary school No. 4, 6th grade, “Table lamp “Pawn”);

1 place - Sheveleva Alena (Tobolsk, MAOU secondary school No. 1, grade 8, “I am a clockwork pawn!”);

2nd place - Valeria Shcherbakova (Ishim, MAOU Secondary School No. 12, 7th grade, “Panels using patchwork appliqué technique”);

2nd place - Gunchenko Nadezhda (Ishim district, MAOU Tobolovskaya secondary school, 1st grade, “Pawn-queen of chess”);

3rd place -Romanova Daria (Isetsky district,MAOU Shorokhovskaya Secondary School, 10th grade, “Lady in a Hat”);

3rd place -Plesovskikh Olga (Kazan district,Ilyinskaya Secondary School, FMAOU Novoseleznevskaya Secondary School, 4th grade, “The Faithful Pawn Arisha”).

Sofeykova Arina (village Berdyuzhye,Berdyuzhskaya MAOU Secondary School, 3rd grade, “The pawn is the soul of a chess game”);

Victoria Lavrova (Padunskaya Secondary School, FMAOU Zavodoukovskaya Secondary School No. 4, 5th grade, “Philidora’s Pawn”);

Khairulin Sergey (Padunskaya secondary school, FMAOU Zavodoukovskaya secondary school No. 4, 6th grade, “Pawn - foot warrior”);

Shpak Daniil and Novoselov Pavel (MAOU Isetskaya Secondary School No. 1, grades 1 and 6, “Along the waves of chess spaces”);

Elizaveta Davydova (Ishimsky district, FMAOU Cheremshanskaya secondary school-Mezenskaya secondary school, 9th grade, “The pawn is the soul of a chess game”);

Kvashnin Matvey (Nizhnetavdinsky district, FMAOU Velizhanskaya secondary school - secondary school in the village of Bukhtal, grade 11, “Pawn - basic unit”);

Novoselova Ksenia (Tobolsk district, MAOU Setovskaya secondary school, 2nd grade, “Soulful girlfriends”);
Misyura Vyacheslav, Zhukov Anton (Tobolsk district, FMAOU Priirtysh secondary school - Verkhnearemzyansk secondary school, 7th and 8th grade, “A pawn can become a rook”);

Victoria Burkova (Yalutorovsk, MAOU Secondary School No. 4, 3rd grade, “The pawn is the soul of a chess game”).

Nomination “The best arts and crafts work among kindergarten students”

1 place -Lyamtsev Leonid (Ishim, MADOU TsRR DS No. 24, 5 years old, “Queen of a chess game”);

2nd place - Polina Matveeva (Tyumen, MADOU DS No. 118, 6 years, “What kind of soldier doesn’t dream of becoming a general”);

3rd place - Alisa Sabitova (Tobolsk, MADOU DS No. 7, 4 years, Topinary "Chess Inspiration").

Works awarded with diplomas:

Lesovets Eva (Ishim, MADOU TsRR DS No. 24, 6 years old, “Chess World”)

Demchev Mikhail (Tyumen, MADOU TsRR DS No. 123, 5 years, “Every pawn at the end of the game can become a queen”)

Bazalaeva Valeria (Tyumen, MADOU DS No. 146, 4 years, “The Pawn is the main warrior of the chess kingdom”)

Information about the time and place of awarding the winners of the competition will be communicated to institutions by the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region.

François André Danican Philidor was born in 1726 into a family of hereditary court musicians. At the age of six he was accepted into the choir chapel of the Royal Chapel of Versailles. Among the musicians there were many chess players, and soon the little singer became interested in the unfamiliar game. The boy quickly learned his first chess lessons, and just a few years later young Philidor was already considered an excellent chess player.

A major role in the further improvement of Philidor was played by Kermuy sir de Legal, at that time the strongest chess player in France. He is best known to us for creating the famous miniature, which ended with a piquant finale - “Legal's mate”: 1. e4 e5 2. Kf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 d6 4. Nc3 Cg4 5. N: e5 B: d1? 6. C:f7+Ke7 7. Kd5x. However, he also left his mark in the history of chess as Philidor’s teacher. In any case, when, after numerous duels with Legal in the Café Regence, which proceeded with varying success, Philidor went on a long trip to Europe in 1745, neither in Holland, nor in England, nor in Prussia, none of the chess players were able to give him serious resistance. Unfortunately, Philidor's games from those years have not survived...

The authority of the twenty-year-old Philidor was so great that some rivals recognized the superiority of the guest from France in advance. So, for example, in one of his most famous matches - with the Syrian Philip Stamma (London, 1747) Philidor played all games with black, and draws were counted as his defeat. The result of the match - 8:2 in favor of Philidor (more precisely - 8:1 with one draw) - convincingly shows that, when assessing the class of Philidor's play, neither Stamma nor the organizers of the competition were far from the truth.

However, despite such a resounding victory, Philidor himself later noted that this match was extremely useful for him. How to explain this confession of Philidor?

In the first half of the 18th century, the so-called Italian school of chess dominated in Europe. Adherents of this romantic trend, the most prominent representative of which was Gioachino Greco (1600-1634), recognized only open figure play and saw only one goal in front of them - an attack on the enemy king. To achieve this, they were ready to make any sacrifice, and often such tactics justified themselves - chess players of that time did not like, and did not know how to defend themselves. Pawns were sacrificed with particular ease and were generally considered nothing more than a hindrance for pieces trying to quickly occupy open lines. They were remembered only in the endgame, which, however, most often did not come to pass.

The best examples of the creativity of Italian masters continue to amaze us even now with the fireworks of the victims, the severity of the struggle, and the colorful final paintings. These games also have enduring methodological value. Every chess player in his development seems to be turning over (most often unconsciously) pages chess history, in which it is impossible to miss the chapter dedicated to the first romantics of chess...

Philidor also did not ignore this chapter. Having studied in detail the work of Italian chess players, he was able to take from it everything that was most necessary and useful. This is evidenced by some of Philidor's games that have come down to us, ending with spectacular combination strikes. Moreover, often the French master was simply obliged to play contrary to his strategic principles, because he spent most of the fights in simultaneous blind play sessions or giving his opponents a serious head start. And such a game requires not only clear, specific calculations, but also decisive, most often tactical, actions already in the opening.

By the time of his match with Stamma, Philidor had apparently already developed the basic principles of his theory. It needed a practical test, and in the fight against a fairly strong enemy. And such a chess player was found. Stamma was typical and in those years almost the best representative Italian school. He was widely known in chess circles not only as an excellent player. Knowing well the work of his predecessors, Stamma published a sensational collection in Paris in 1737, in which he cited 100 spectacular combination examples compiled by himself. So Philidor could hardly have found a more worthy opponent to test his theory. Indeed, despite the convincing victory, Philidor admitted that his talent had developed in the game with Stamma. In addition, in the match Philidor received convincing practical confirmation of the correctness of his views, which he was going to present in “Analysis”. Be that as it may, work on the book was completed the following year, and a year later it was published.

In the preface to the book, Philidor sharply criticized previous textbooks, which contained many interesting but disjointed opening variations. He wrote: "I know chess games shackles, who learned by heart the entire Calabrian (that was the name of D. Greco, who was from Calabria - B. Sh.) and other authors, but, having made the first four or five moves, did not know what to do next. However, I undertake to assert that anyone who can use my rules will never find himself in such a position.

My main intention,” Philidor explained his idea, “is to offer the public a new product. I mean the pawn game. They are the soul of chess. Only they create attack and defense; their location decides the fate of the party."

Philidor revealed his theses in comments to nine sample games. They were specially compiled by the author, but it can be assumed that the course of the struggle in them was suggested to him by his own practice.

The main role in all the games in the book was given to pawn chains, their construction, strengthening and advancement, and the location of the pawns in the opening largely determined the character further game right up to the endgame. In other words, events on the chessboard obeyed a single plan determined by the pawn structure. Planning a game based on positional principles was a new and very important step in the development of chess.

The essence of Philidor’s teaching was well expressed by Emanuel Lasker: “Only Philidor... put forward the idea of ​​the need for... a plan. This is also indicated by his expression that “pawns are the soul of the chess game.” A pawn is one of the elements of a position: it is a brick in this position; for a long time the pawn does not change its position, and its position determines the nature of the position; therefore, the pawn is a factor determining the plan. Philidor pointed out the value of the pawn for opening and blocking important lines. “Pawns in front, pieces behind” - that’s which, according to Philidor’s teaching, was the method of attacking strong positions.”

When commentating on the games, Philidor also took a new path for that time. He gave few specific options, basing it on completely different principles of analysis - instructive discussions about the game plan, the importance of the pawn center, the interaction of pieces, the purpose of a particular move... This technique allowed him to clearly formulate a number of rules that followed from his theory.

These conclusions of Philidor, mostly of a general nature, applied not only to the episodes of the struggle under consideration. According to the author, their knowledge is generally necessary for every chess player; they are useful in many cases. Philidor was right. Even today, more than two centuries later, its rules have retained great importance and, together with the “Analysis” games, have been published more than once in recent times.

It would be possible to cite the most interesting passages from the “Analysis” now, but let’s try to do it differently. Let's conduct an experiment: let Philidor comment on his own game and at the same time once again prove the correctness of his positional assessments!

Philidor's first game, which history has preserved for us, was played in 1783 in London (in a session of simultaneous blind play on three boards). Thus, the "notes" for this game were written by Philidor 35 years before it was played! They were left unchanged and are given in quotation marks, only the second and third person pronouns used by Philidor were, in some cases, replaced by the more familiar “white” and “black” ones.

"In the opening, the best square for the king's bishop is c4. From here he attacks the most vulnerable point f7."

Philidor recommended 3. d4 here. “This double pawn move is absolutely necessary to prevent the enemy from occupying the center with his pawns by advancing his queen’s pawn two squares to attack White’s bishop, thereby depriving them of the advantage of prominence.”

"An attack should never be launched before the leading pawns are thoroughly reinforced."

“It is always advantageous to exchange your f-pawn for an e-pawn, for this leads to the capture of the center and, in addition, opens up a line for the rook.”

" should avoid the exchange by advancing the attacked pawn."

"Pawns, especially central ones, lose some of their strength when moving to the fifth rank, since then they can easily be attacked by enemy pawns from the sixth rank."

However, White does not even think about undermining f2-f3.

"Black should win the game with the help of his pawns, unless he is in a hurry to move them, but first withdraws his pieces."

“If you have a bishop that owns white squares, you need to place your pawns on black squares; if the bishop owns black squares, you need to place your pawns on white squares. Then the bishop prevents enemy pieces from establishing themselves between the pawns.”

"You cannot take the f-pawn, since your pawns will lose the necessary formation."

Black prevents g2-g4.

“Black’s entire strength is in his pawns, so it would be extremely beneficial for White to smash them.”

Bruhl Philidor
14. ... a7-a6
15. c4: d5 c6: d5
16. Фе2-f2 0-0
17. Kg1-e2 b7-b5
18. 0-0 Kd7-b6
19. Ke2-g3 g7-g6
20. La1-c1 Kb6-с4
21. Kg3: f5 g6: f5
22. Qf2-g3+ ...

"Real attacks are carried out by many connected figures and rarely by one or two."

A few comments about the progress of the struggle.

White played the opening poorly, completely losing the initiative to his opponent. Under the cover of the pawn center, Black completed the development of his pieces and then moved the game to the queenside, creating an excellent outpost there. White defended stubbornly, and Philidor, correctly assessing the position, exchanged queens. However, now, on move 24, he played according to his own pattern - taking the pawn towards the center - and lost a significant part of his advantage.

A modern chess player would probably without hesitation prefer 24...dc followed by moving the knight to d5, after which Black's advantage would become decisive. Now they will have to win the game again.

It was necessary to play 28. K: b3.

“You cannot allow the enemy to take over the lines and double the rooks; therefore, Black proposes an exchange of rooks.”

"Whites acted against general rule- placing your pawns on squares of a different color than the bishop remaining on the board."

"The side that manages... to smash the enemy's pawns... has every chance of winning."

“When you have a passed pawn, you need to get rid of the enemy’s bishops. The latter are able to attack the pawns” and slow down their movement better than other pieces.”

"We must leave the f-pawn the opportunity to support the e-pawn. The connection of these two pawns should ensure victory."

The Whites surrendered.

Philidor seems to have done a good job with an unusual task, clearly demonstrating that his rules are suitable in many cases. True, at present some of his advice looks too categorical and even naive. However, it cannot be denied that they have retained practical significance. His thoughts on game plans, the interaction of pieces, the importance of a pawn chain, ways to advance and strengthen it, the role of open lines, “bad” bishops, blockades, the fight of a bishop with passed pawns in the endgame - all this served as the starting points for many works of subsequent generations of chess players. Moreover, some of Philidor’s conclusions were forgotten, and subsequently (and more than once) were “invented” again and presented as the last word in the theory.

“Pawns are the soul of chess” - this main idea of ​​Philidor became the basis of all his positional principles. The end of the next game clearly shows that in practical game he made no compromises with his creative views.

Philidor started the game without a knight, but now he intends to restore the material balance.

The opponents were afraid of Philidor's pawn chains, and Conway hurries to take the game in a different direction -31. dc Rd3+ and 32...R: c3.

However, Philidor is true to himself.

Black should have thought about undermining 32...g5; With the next move, White completely stops this possibility.

It was necessary either to prevent the breakout of the f-pawn by 34... g6, or to prepare for it: 34... Kpg8 35. f5 Kpf7.

The e6 pawn should not have been given away. Black places too high and unjustified hopes on another pawn.

The bishop fights well against passed pawns, but in this case there are too many of them...

And White won.

Before last days throughout his life, and Philidor died in 1795, “the first chess player of all time” remained invincible.



Considered at a meeting of the Methodological Association of Class Teachers

Protocol No. 1


Deputy Director

By educational work



"__"___________ 2017

I approve


MBOU "Pervomaiskaya secondary school No. 2"

___________ /E.A. Mashansky /

Order No.______

from "__" ______2017


for extracurricular activities

creative association

"White Rook"

(Chess school)

direction "Sports and Wellness"

for grades 1-2,

3-4 grades

implementation period: 1 year

Compiled by:

Kotlyarova E.N.,

teacher primary classes

village Pervomaiskoe



"White Rook"

“Chess School”, V. Barsky

1-2 grade

First year of study

Explanatory note

Work program for extracurricular activitiessports in the “Chess School” direction, grades 1–4 are prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO and the concept of physical education.Designed for students in grades 1-2 and grades 3-4(first year of study) municipal educational institution “Pervomaiskaya Secondary School No. 2”, compiled for the 2017-2018 academic year by teacher of the highest category Kotlyarova E.N.

The first year program provides 33 hours at the rate of one lesson per week. The program provides 3 lessons to review the material being studied and 3 correctional lessons. In addition, at the end of the year there is a final test, whether they take part in a quiz or a match with other classes. At each lesson, basic material is studied and reinforced, and these topics are examined in more detail.

Introduction "Chess" allows you to implement many positive ideas of domestic theorists and practitioners - to make learning joyful, to maintain a sustainable interest in knowledge. Chess has a positive effect on the improvement of many children mental processes and such qualities as perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking, initial forms of volitional control of behavior. Relevance of this program is that it is aimed at organizing meaningful leisure time for students, satisfying their needs for active forms of cognitive activity and is due to many reasons: the growth of neuro-emotional overload. Learning to play chess helps many children not to lag behind their peers in development, and opens the way to creativity for hundreds of thousands of children of the non-communicative type.

The work program is developed based on:

    Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education;

    Approximate educational program of primary general education

    Concepts of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen;

    Annual academic calendar schedule for the current academic year;

    Textbook of Barsky V. Chess school: textbook for junior classes / St. Petersburg: Polyandria; M.: Library of the Russian Chess Federation, 2016

    Basic sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training at educational institutions (approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189);

    In accordance with the Regulations on the work program of the MBOU "PSOSH No. 2".

Extracurricular activities of students in general education institutions combine all types of student activities in which it is possible and appropriate to solve the problems of their education and socialization.

According to the Basic Curriculum of General Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation, the organization of classes in areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process. In the Basic Curriculum of General Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation, sports and recreational activities are highlighted among the main areas of extracurricular activities. The work program for extracurricular activities “Chess School” is intended for sports and recreational work with students in grades 1-2 and grades 3-4 (first year of study)

A well-organized process of teaching children the basics of chess makes it possible to implement many positive ideas of domestic theorists and practitioners - to make learning joyful, makes it possible to teach children without coercion, to maintain a sustainable interest in knowledge, and to use a variety of forms of learning. The core moment of the lessons is the activity of the students themselves, when they observe, compare, classify, group, draw conclusions, and find out patterns. This provides for the widespread use of entertaining material, the inclusion of game situations, reading didactic fairy tales, stories, etc.

Chess in primary school has a positive effect on the improvement in children of many mental processes and qualities such as perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking, and initial forms of volitional control of behavior.

Learning to play chess from a very early age helps many children not to lag behind their peers in development, and opens the way to creativity for hundreds of thousands of children of the non-communicative type. Expanding their social circle and opportunities for full self-expression and self-realization allows these children to overcome isolation and imaginary inferiority.

Chess by its nature remains, first and foremost, a game. And the child, especially at the beginning of learning, perceives them precisely as a game. Now chess has become a professional sport, and all children's competitions are sport-oriented. Therefore, the development of a child’s personality occurs through the game of chess in its sporting form. Sport develops in a person a number of necessary and required qualities in society: determination, will, endurance, patience, the ability to concentrate, courage, calculation, the ability to quickly and correctly make decisions in a changing environment, etc. Chess, which also combines elements of science and art, can develop these traits in students more effectively than other sports. The formation of these qualities, of course, requires motivation, and in chess, any defeat and the lessons learned from it can create in a child the strongest motivation to develop certain character traits. Chess is not just a model of life, but also a model of creativity. Chess, first of all, teaches you to be objective. You can become a great master of chess only by realizing your mistakes and shortcomings. Exactly the same as in life.

Life forces us at every step to defend the correctness of our views, to act decisively, to show restraint and firmness, caution and courage, depending on the circumstances, the ability to fantasize and the ability to humble imagination. And all this is required in chess. They are multifaceted and have enormous emotional potential, they give “ecstasy in the fight,” but at the same time they require the ability to mobilize and concentrate attention, value time, maintain restraint, recognize lies and truth, and be critical not only of an opponent, but also of oneself.

Studying the “Chess School” course is aimed at achieving the followinggoals :

    With creating conditions for personal and intellectual development students;

    formation of a common culture and organization of meaningful leisure time through learning to play chess.



    teach children to follow the developments of events on the chessboard;

    teach how to play a chess game from start to finish in compliance with all the rules;

    teach how to solve chess problems in 1-2 moves;

    teach children to work independently;

    teach schoolchildren to plan their play and work;

    teach how to work with chess literature.


    develop universal methods of mental activity (abstract logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination, the ability to perform logical operations);

    increase the level of sports performance;

    develop intellectual abilities;

    broaden the child’s horizons;

    develop creative thinking;

    to form cognitive independence.


    cultivate the need for a healthy lifestyle;

    to cultivate hard work, discipline, consciousness, activity

    develop abilities for self-esteem and self-control.

Distinctive features of the program: The goal of making a grandmaster out of a child is not a priority in this program. And if a child does not achieve outstanding sports results in chess, then this is not considered a failure in life. The initial course on learning to play chess is as simple as possible and accessible to primary schoolchildren.

Of great importance when studying a chess course is a specially organized play activity, using the technique of acting out educational tasks, creating game situations. The program provides sample list various didactic games and tasks, a version of the approximate distribution of program material is given, a list of chess games is given, as well as chess educational toys that can be used in the educational process and made with your own hands.

The basis for organizing work with children in this program is the systemdidactic principles :

    principle of psychological comfort - creation of an educational environment that ensures the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process

    minimax principle - each child is given the opportunity to progress at his own pace;

    the principle of a holistic view of the world - with the introduction of new knowledge, its relationship with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is revealed;

    principle of variability - Children develop the ability to make their own choices and are systematically given the opportunity to choose;

    principle of creativity - the learning process is focused on children acquiring their own experience of creative activity;

    The principles outlined above integrate modern scientific views on the basics of organizing developmental education, and provide solutions to the problems of intellectual and personal development.

Subject results of studying the subject “Chess universal education”

By the end of the school year, students will know:

    chess terms: white and black squares, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, center, corner squares, partners, initial position; white, black pieces, move, capture, stand under attack, capture on the aisle, long and short castling, check, checkmate, stalemate, double strike;

    names of the pieces: rook, knight, bishop, queen, king;

    rules for moving and capturing each piece, designation of moves when recording a game.

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

    correctly place the chessboard between partners;

    correctly arrange the pieces before the game;

    keep a record of the party;

    play a chess game from beginning to end without violating the rules of chess;

    castle, declare check, checkmate;

    solve elementary chess problems on checkmate in one move

    carry out elementary double strike combinations in 1-2 moves

    will acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the game of chess;

    will increase the level of development of abstract-logical and creative thinking, memory, attention, imagination, intellectual abilities, sports performance; will develop the ability to perform logical operations.

Planned results of studying the course “Chess School”

The personal results of studying this extracurricular course are:

The graduate will have the following skills:

the internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards school, orientation towards the meaningful aspects of school reality and acceptance of the model of a “good student”;

a broad motivational basis for educational activities, including social, educational, cognitive and external motives;

educational and cognitive interest in new things educational material and ways to solve a new problem;

focus on understanding the reasons for success in educational activities, including self-analysis and self-monitoring of results, analysis of the compliance of results with the requirements of a specific task, understanding the assessments of teachers, peers, parents and other people;

ability to evaluate one's educational activities;

the foundations of civic identity, one’s ethnicity in the form of awareness of “I” as a member of the family, a representative of the people, a citizen of Russia, a sense of belonging and pride in one’s Motherland, people and history, awareness of a person’s responsibility for the general well-being;

orientation in the moral content and meaning of both one’s own actions and the actions of those around them;

knowledge of basic moral standards and orientation towards their implementation;

development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior; understanding and empathizing with other people's feelings;

installation on healthy image life;

the foundations of ecological culture: acceptance of the value of the natural world, willingness to follow the norms of environmental, non-wasteful, health-saving behavior in their activities;

a sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings based on familiarity with world and domestic artistic culture.

The graduate will have the opportunity to form:

the internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards the educational institution, understanding of the need for learning, expressed in the predominance of educational and cognitive motives and the preference for a social way of assessing knowledge;

expressed stable educational and cognitive motivation for learning;

sustainable educational and cognitive interest in new general ways of solving problems;

adequate understanding of the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities;

positive adequate differentiated self-esteem based on the criterion of successful implementation of the social role of a “good student”;

competence in implementing the foundations of civic identity in actions and activities;

moral consciousness at the conventional level, the ability to solve moral dilemmas based on taking into account the positions of partners in communication, focusing on their motives and feelings, sustainable adherence to moral standards and ethical requirements in behavior;

attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and its implementation in real behavior and actions;

conscious, stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life; conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them, expressed in actions aimed at helping others and ensuring their well-being.

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Place of the subject in the curriculum

To study the course “Chess School” in 1st - 2nd grade primary school 1 hour per week is allocated - 34 hours, 34 school weeks. I quarter – 9 weeks, 9 hours; II quarter – 7 weeks, 7 hours; III quarter – 10 weeks, 10 hours; IV quarter – 8 weeks, 8 hours.

3-4 grades

To study the “Chess School” course in grades 3-4 of primary school, 1 hour per week is allocated - 34 hours, 34 school weeks. I quarter – 9 weeks, 9 hours; II quarter – 7 weeks, 7 hours; III quarter – 10 weeks, 10 hours; IV quarter – 8 weeks, 8 hours.

Forms of organization of children:group, individual-group (when preparing children for competitions).

    1. Magic world chess (1 hour)

Theory: Safety briefing. Introducing children to chess. The legend of the origin of chess. The main milestones in the history of chess, their place in world culture.
Two armies on a chessboard. Rivals, adversaries, partners.

The layout of the board before the start of the game. Chess fields. Horizontals, verticals, diagonals. Pieces and pawns.

In what order should you place the pieces and pawns on the board so as not to make mistakes? “The queen loves her own color, but the king loves someone else’s color”

2. Chess notation(1 hour)

Theory: Designation of verticals and horizontals on a chessboard. The “address” of the field as the intersection of the vertical and horizontal. Diagram. Center and corner fields.

3. Rook and bishop (1 hour)

Theory: Rook: how the rook moves and attacks the opponent's pieces. Verticals and horizontals on a chessboard. Elephant: how an elephant walks and hits. Black-squared and white-squared bishops - multi-colored bishops and single-colored bishops. Diagonals.

4. Attack and capture (1 hour)

Theory: Attacking an opponent's piece or pawn. Line of action of the figure. How to attack an enemy piece. How to determine which figure is under attack.

5. Pawn (1 hour)

Theory: The pawn is the soul of a chess game. How many pawns are on the chessboard and what are their names. How a pawn moves and hits.

6. King (1 hour)

Theory : King: how he moves and hits the opponent’s pieces (unprotected!). The king is the most important figure.

7. Queen (1 hour)

Theory: Queen: how it moves and hits the opponent’s pieces. Queen, rook, bishop are long-range pieces. The queen is the strongest piece.

8. Horse (1 hour)

Theory: Knight: how it moves and hits opponent’s pieces. "Jump, hop and sideways."How does the figure look (resemblance to real horses) compared to other abstract design figures.

9. Value of pieces (1 hour)

Theory: Pawn - “measure of weight” of a chess piece. How many pawns “weigh” (or stand) a knight, bishop, rook and queen. The king is priceless. The concept of a profitable or unfavorable exchange.

10. Special pawn moves (1 hour)

Theory: Promotion of a pawn after reaching the last rank. "The pawn goes to queen." Promotion procedure: place a pawn on the last rank and then exchange it for a chosen piece of the same color. Taking on the pass. Broken field.

11. Repetition of the material covered (1 hour)

Theory: How all pieces and pawns move and capture, comparative value figures-game"Chess Bazaar"

12. Corrective lesson (1 hour)

Correctional classes, as well as lessons to review the material covered, are necessary to ensure that there are no lagging behind in the class, so that everyone has mastered the educational material. Students who have missed one or more lessons fill in the gaps. Also during this lesson you can hold a pawn chess tournament (only pawns and kings participate in the game).

13. Protection from attack (1 hour)

Theory: Methods of defense against attack: retreat, defense with the help of another piece (overlapping), destruction of the attacking pawn or piece.

14. Check and defense against it (1 hour)

Theory: What is a check? Check with various pieces. Three ways to defend against check: retreat of the king, blocking the line of attack, capturing an attacking piece or pawn.

15. Checkmate (1 hour)

Theory:The goal of a chess game. What is checkmate, the difference between checkmate and checkmate. How a pawn, rook, knight and queen mate. Surrendering the game in a losing position.

16. The simplest matte designs (1 hour)

Theory: Standard positions: checkmate on the last (first) rank, checkmate by a queen supported by a bishop, rook, king or pawn. The king is on the edge and in the corner of the board, fields for retreat.

17. Pat. Draw (1 hour)

Theory: What is a draw? Varieties of draws. Lack of material for both sides to win. Definition of stalemate, what is the difference between stalemate and checkmate. Agreement for a draw. Eternal check. Repeat the position three times. 50 moves rule.

18. Repetition: tasks for checkmate, checkmate, stalemate (1 hour)

Theory: Repetition of material from previous lessons about check, mate, stalemate. Practical material for training.

19. Correctional lesson or chess tournament (1 hour)

Theory: Basic concepts of chess, such as check, checkmate, stalemate, are extremely important - without a clear understanding of them by students, it is impossible to continue learning. Lessons 18 and 19 help catch up those who are lagging behind. And for the strongest students, you can organize a small tournament on this day.

20. Special move - castling (1 hour)

Theory: Definition and purpose of castling. You can castle only once per game. Types of castling: short and long. How castling is done. When can you castle? How to record castling moves.

21. Double strike (1 hour)

Theory: What is a double strike. Who can strike a double blow. Horse fork. Double attacks with a queen, rook, bishop, pawn or king. The most dangerous double blow is an attack on the opponent's king.

22. Checkmate with king and queen (1 hour)

Theory: Standard king+queen pairing against the opponent's king. When can such positions occur? A method of pushing the king into a corner through joint efforts. Stalemate traps.

23. Checkmate with queen and rook (1 hour)

Theory: Queen and rook pairing. At what stages of the game can mating attacks with queens and rooks occur? Careful play will help avoid stalemate.

24. Checkmate with two rooks (1 hour)

Theory: Checkmate with two rooks of a lone king. Linear mat. Pushing the king to the last rank. Checkmate on the seventh (second) rank with the king in a cramped position.

25. Repetition: checkmating a lone king with different pieces (1 hour)

Theory: Repetition of different ways to checkmate a king: with a queen and a king, with a queen and a rook, with two rooks.

26. Corrective lesson or tournament (1 hour)

Theory: Now that all students have a firm grasp of the rules and purpose of the game, they can play chess games from start to finish.

27. Rules of behavior during the game (1 hour)

Theory: Accepted rules of conduct during a chess game. Greeting an opponent, shaking hands. Maintaining silence. Draw offer. The “touch-go” rule. How to correct a piece on the board. Correct execution of the move.

28. Chess clock(1 hour)

Theory: The difference between chess clocks and ordinary ones. The structure of the clock and the principles of playing with the clock. Correct placement of the clock on the table. Flag (on mechanical watches). Time control. Time trouble.

29. Recording a game (1 hour)

Theory: Difference between long and short notation. Abbreviated names of pieces, symbols of checkmate, checkmate, capture, short and long castling. How are pawn moves recorded? An example of a game recording.

30. Fork (1 h)

Theory: Double knight strike - horse fork. At what stage do such blows occur? Paying attention to your opponent's knights helps you avoid being forked. Check with winning piece.

31. Through blow (1 hour)

Theory: What is a through blow. When an opportunity for a double strike might arise. Prerequisites for a double strike.

32. Review - final test (1 hour)

Theory: Solving tasks: attack, defense, profitable exchange, defense against check, checkmate, stalemate, double attack, through blow, game recording. Repetition of all material covered during the year: standard positions and playing techniques.

33. Mass sports event (1 hour)

Theory:Chess quiz with prizes or match between classes (teams). Presentation of “I can play chess” certificates. Winner's reward ceremony. ( Competition between 2nd grade students)

34. Summing up the year (1 hour)

Theory: Analysis of played games.

A system for assessing the achievement of planned results in mastering a subject. Evaluation criteria .

Control is used to assess the degree of achievement of the goal and the solution of the assigned tasks. Efficiency control is carried out when performing diagnostic tasks and exercises, using tests,frontal and individual surveys, observations. Control tests are carried out in a solemn competitive atmosphere.

    Current control(assessment of mastery of the studied material) is carried out by the teacher in the form of observation.

    Intermediate control is held once every six months in the form of tests, various fun tasks and exercises. Usually this New Year's celebration, and children do not even “suspect” that they are being tested and questioned.

    final examination carried out at the end of the academic year in the form of testing, performing test exercises to determine the level of mastered skills, as well as a written survey to determine the amount of theoretical knowledge mastered.

The end result of the training The ability to play a chess game according to the rules from start to finish is considered. This presupposes a certain strength of knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice. The most capable and interested children are transferred to improvement groups for further sports improvement.

Summing up forms: participation of students in competitions at various levels. During the course of mastering the program, the child receives qualitative assessments: “well done,” “wonderful,” “not entirely accurate,” “think, you will succeed,” “good,” etc. At the end of the school year, the student receives “ learned."

Calendar and thematic planning of the subject line “Chess School”

in 1st and 2nd grade

1 hour per week - 34 hours per year / 2017-2018 academic year /



Section (number of hours). Subject

Characteristics of students’ activities (by section)

I quarter

The magical world of chess. Safety precautions.

Children getting acquainted with the content and mode of classes.Getting acquainted with safety precautions.Find the difference in the concepts of “chessboard” and “field”.Find and recognize chessmen.Define the location of each piece on the chessboard. Zget drunk with the history of chess.

Chess notation

Getting acquainted with the written language of chess - a way of recording games and individual positions in particular.Recognize How are verticals and horizontals designated? What are field “addresses”, chart, center and corner fields.

Rook and Bishop

Getting acquainted with a rook. Draw conclusions about the move of the rook and the destruction of enemy pieces.Getting acquainted with light- and dark-squared bishops. Move, take.Explore , where the rook and bishop are stronger.

Attack and capture

will learn attack opponents' pieces and pawns.Know, What is the line of action of a figure?See, which figure is located in the battle.


Recognize pawn Clarify pawn move rules, capture.Draw conclusions about the move of the pawn and the destruction of enemy pieces.


Draw conclusions about the king's move and the destruction of piecesenemy. Explore situations requiring comparison of moves chess pieces, compare moves and destruction of enemy pieces by the king.


Getting acquainted with the strongest chess piece - the queen. Move, take.Explore , where the queen is stronger. Light and heavy queen piece.


Getting acquainted with a knight's move, capture, force.Clarify unusual step . Losing situations.

Value of pieces

Receive idea of ​​the value of figures.Study achieve material superiority.

II quarter

Special pawn moves

Recognize pawn Clarify rules for moving a pawn, capturing, promoting a pawn.

Repetition of the material covered: moves of the pieces, value of the pieces

Discuss with children the material that they have not mastered.

Corrective lesson

Disassemble With

Defense against attack

Find with students ways to protect their pieces and pawns.

Check and defense against it

Explore the situation of the Shah, the possibility of escaping from the Shah. Childrenlearn to organize finding chess pieces on a chessboard.


Getting acquaintedWith chess term"mat". Learn to stageThe goal of the game is checkmate. The goal of the chess game. Explore mate situation, ways to prevent this situation.

The simplest matte designs

Research checkmate structures, that is, patterns of interaction of pieces when setting a checkmate with a sufficiently large number of pieces on the chessboard.

III quarter

Pat. Draw

Learn to distinguish stalemate from swearing. Give an example s pata.

Explore draw situation, pros and cons.

Learn to record to come moves.

Repetition: tasks for checkmate, stalemate

Repeat material from previous lessons, in which we learned to declare check, checkmate and determine a stalemate.

Corrective lesson or chess tournament

Disassemble With children the material that they have not mastered.

Special move - castling

Getting acquainted with the rules of "castling".Learn to distinguish long and short castling.Study"castle". Explore the situation of the need to use castling, the pros and cons.

Double punch

Study Double strike tactics - simultaneous attack on two pieces or pawns, or a pawn and an opponent's piece. Double strike with queen and pawn.

Checkmate with king and queen

Be able to checkmate the opponent's king with the queen and king

Checkmate with queen and rook

Be able to checkmate the opponent's king with a queen and rook

Checkmate with two rooks

Be able to checkmate the opponent's king with two rooks

Repetition: checkmating a lone king with different pieces

Repeat ways to checkmate a king: with a queen and a king, with a queen and a rook, with two rooks.

Corrective lesson or tournament

Conduct chess games from start to finish

Rules of conduct during the game

Getting acquainted with a general idea of ​​how to start a chess game.Getting acquainted with the rules and laws of the opening.Study record moves.

IV quarter

Chess clock

Know how to use mine clocks, know their structure, principles of use.

Recording parts

Know chess notation,be able to write down And disassembled b chess game.


Disassemble with students, what is a double strike with a horse - a horse fork.Teach students find double strikes.

Through blow

Learn strike through to win material.

Revision - final test

Repeat material covered during the year, standard positions and techniques.Solve problems
