How to play DayZ: practical tips. Solving the most common problems in Dayz Standalone Fix for dayz standalone

For many years, game development was dominated by the idea that a game must be “polished to a shine” to be successful. Practice has repeatedly proven that perfectly “polished” but essentially dead games quickly lose popularity and fade into oblivion.

And the players themselves did not particularly welcome such projects, which resembled beautiful lacquer figurines, motionless and boring in their splendor. The popularity of MODs for the game “Stalker”, Fallout and other projects became a loud signal for game developers. The gaming community strongly demanded that users be able to be not only dispassionate extras, but also active participants in the development of the game.

The result was the DayZ project. In fact, it is a “semi-finished product”. The game is constantly under development, and a gigantic community of users are beta testers. No wonder this giant game world constantly evolving and changing.

By the way, how to play DayZ? The thing is that the game is unique because you need a partner to survive in it. The world around her is constantly changing and lives according to its own laws, and therefore you should know about some rules of behavior in it.

Find a partner!

It was not by chance that we talked about the need for a partner. Be sure to find another player, and to communicate with him you definitely need Skype or another messenger, since without communication in the real world it will be difficult for you to agree on your plans in the game. Install before playing DayZ, Steam. You can also keep in touch through him.

Why do you need a partner? First of all, the two of you will be able to carry more supplies. So any trip for “swag” promises two or even three times more profit than if you went alone.

Plus, a reliable partner will have your back. Therefore, the likelihood of a surprise attack will be much lower. As for zombies, it will be much easier with them. It's much easier to fight off an aggressive crowd of evil spirits together. In a word, we definitely do not advise you to walk alone in Chernarus.

Conclusion: before playing DayZ, visit the game forums or immediately cooperate with friends in the real world. This will not only be easier, but also much more interesting.

Equipment comes first!

If you don't have any serious equipment, don't even think about getting into big cities! There are a lot of zombies there, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get around them. If you have equipment and weapons, you will be able to fight back and escape.

But your main enemies in large depopulated cities will not be zombies, but other survivors (players). Especially those of them who were lucky enough to get hold of sniper rifles. Don’t believe the lofty tales in the general chat: despite the benevolent tone, many of them are not averse to putting a bullet in your back and then taking all your things. And it’s just more convenient to engage in looting in big cities, where there are many secluded nooks. Who can prove what then?

However, provided you have a normal weapon and a partner, it is unlikely that anyone will attack you. It costs more to go against an armed group. But if you are alone, and you have some high-quality gear, a sniper will probably shoot you. Just one shot and you will lose everything. Since DayZ is quite difficult to play, this will be quite disappointing.

By the way, recently you can even restore your clothes in the game! Buy a sewing kit to help you with this. Drag it onto the damaged item of clothing, then select the appropriate action from the drop-down menu.

We are looking for the “right” guns!

If you read carefully, you already realized that you cannot survive without weapons. An ax will do first, but you should find something more serious as quickly as possible. Axes, hammers and even screwdrivers can be considered relatively effective melee weapons. You can find all this in residential buildings and fire stations.

It must be said that firearms are the most effective. There is a lot of it in the game, for all tastes and preferences. Pistols are most commonly found in schools, but sometimes the Abode of Knowledge may reward you or even an M4A1. Be sure to check the roofs!

It is best to search military bases, where you can find almost all types of weapons, as well as barracks, since that is where the most loot can be found. There is a base near the village of Pavlovo, and also near Kamenka. In addition, there is a "Western Military Base". Be sure to check out the base between Vybor and Kabanino. Also check out the airfields near Bolot, Krasnostav and Grishino. And also all the buildings near airfields, in which you can sometimes find a lot of useful things.

Among other things, it can be useful to search around train stations: you can rarely find weapons there, but there are bulletproof vests there.

Take care of your weapon!

Theoretically, weapons in the game wear out due to intense use. How can you play DayZ if you don't have a working gun? You definitely won't last long!

DayZ currently has a great cleaning kit, the Weapon Cleaning Kit. He can restore any gun up to Worn condition. However, if it is repeatedly destroyed (Ruined), then nothing will work with the set. It can be used several times at once, so you only need to buy it once to travel around the game world for a couple of weeks.

Weapon camouflage

With a relatively recent patch in DayZ Standalone, a very useful feature has appeared. To do this, you need spray paint cans, from a mixture of which you can get a camouflage color. To perform this action, you need to take the can from your inventory and then drag it onto the rifle. To get a camouflage color, you need to do this several times.

Important! If you paint a Mosin rifle, it cannot be loaded with more than one round. The developers vow to fix the bug as soon as possible.

Medicines are “our everything”

Don't miss the chance to get as many first aid kits and medicines as possible, even if it's just simple bandages. Believe me, after meeting with walking corpses or bandits, you will almost always need health care. If you have nothing to stop the bleeding, then your character will definitely die.

It is very disappointing to get health problems due to some kind of game glitch. If you don’t have a painkiller, it’s easier to immediately kill your character than to try to crawl to the nearest hospital, twenty kilometers away. If you have morphine and stimulants, you will probably be able to get there.

Stuck on textures?

Remember what we talked about at the very beginning of the article? Yes, the game often reminds us that development is far from finished. Since most of our users prefer to play the DayZ pirate game, problems are even more common.

For example, you can often simply get stuck right in the textures of houses. Moreover, you can stay there until the character’s death. We can give you some useful tips, which often help avoid such an unpleasant outcome.

Let's list them:

  • use running jumps;
  • you can simply run, running against the wall of the house closest to you;
  • sometimes crawling with rolls helps;
  • Log out of the game server and log in again.

By the way, how to play DayZ through pirated servers? You will find their addresses on the Internet, but we do not recommend using them. The game is already not very stable, and even more so in this case.

Simply put, try to move around inside the house as actively as possible, after which you will certainly be able to get out of the unfortunate textures! Before you start playing DayZ, also learn the control keys in order to perform all these actions faster.

Save space in your backpack

If you've been playing for a long time, you've probably run out of space in your backpack. We will not deal with the cause of this strange phenomenon, but rather discuss the principles of proper arrangement of things. As a rule, cartridges take up a lot of space. We strongly recommend purchasing ammo boxes in advance. If you store them there, they will take up much less space than simply carrying them in a backpack.

Before playing DayZ Standalone, it is better to immediately think about your equipment - you will save a lot of space.

If you've stuffed your backpack with too much stuff and you can no longer fit anything extra, use yellow boxes, which will allow you to increase the space in your bag by several cells. Such boxes can be found in significant quantities at fire stations. They can be used to pack not only food, but also other necessary items.

What better way to spend your time than playing DayZ? MOD is the best solution! If you are tired of the standard game, try installing some interesting modification.

And once again about medications. It is best to store them in a first aid kit. This approach will also help to slightly increase the number of slots in the backpack. We are looking for first aid kits in residential buildings (in the bathroom), as well as in hospitals and gas stations.

Are there other ways to increase the amount of free space? To store the necessary things, you can use not only a backpack, but also all the pockets of your clothes. When choosing it, it is advisable to buy only the most spacious models (vests, for example), which have maximum amount pockets.

Here's how to play DayZ Standalone!

  1. Arma 2: Combined Operations (Arma II + Arma II Operation Arrowhead) These games can be purchased by clicking on the banner on home page wiki.
  2. DayZ Mod Files
  3. Patience.

Installation via Steam

  1. Download from your Library the games and patches necessary to run the mod:
    • Arma 2
      • If you purchased Arma 2, install it as a regular game from your library.
      • If not, you can download free version Arma 2 Free at this link steam://install/107400(copy and paste into your browser).
    • ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead beta.
    • DayZ Mod straight from steam.
  2. Run Arma 2 and ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead one time at a time.

That's it, you can launch Arma 2:DayZ Mod. When starting, specify "Start with beta patch". Enjoy the game.

Installation without Steam

  1. Download and install Arma 2 Free (free official activation key)
  2. Download and install Arma 2: Operation Arrow.
  3. When installing the boom, use the purchased key.
  4. Launch it.
  5. Download and install Six-Updater
  6. Launch Six Launcher
  7. Select the DayZ we need from the list of mods (now selected by default).
  8. Go to options and make sure that the path to Operation Arrowhead is correct (optional).
  9. In the options, check all the boxes related to beta patch. The rest of the options are up to your taste, but "suspend sync while game running" is strictly recommended if you do not close the launcher after starting the army.
  10. Select a server and launch the game. You can simply click Launch without selecting a server, then arma2 with dayZ will start.

Mixed (Image + Steam)

Make sure you have the latest patch installed. Then see the STEAM installation method, or INSTALL WITHOUT STEAM.

Single player game

Problem solving

I have "You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equip etc." when I join any server

You installed the mod or shortcut for the mod incorrectly. Make sure you add " " without quotes in the launcher settings and the Day Z mod files are installed in the correct location. Default for Steam: "(Hard Drive Letter):\(Find where Steam is located)\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\Addons"

I'm stuck on "Waiting for server response" or "Waiting for character to create" and "Receiving Data"
  • The servers may simply be overloaded, wait or try another server. If it doesn't help, try these methods.
  • Launch Operation Arrowhead from Steam and select the option to reinstall BattlEye Anti-Cheat client. If you are using the boxed version, download BattlEye Anti-Cheat from here and put it in the "BattlEye" folder, which is located in the "Expansion" folder, which is located in the root folder of ARMA2:OA.
  • If that doesn't help, try reinstalling Arma2 and OA.

Note: Frequent connections and reconnections may be related to this problem. Please be patient before connecting to another server.

I get "You can not play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cherarus" when I join any server

Make sure you run the mod through "Combined Operations" and not "Operation Arrowhead" when running it on Steam.

Invisible objects, missing textures and the like.
I have some other strange graphic artifacts due to which nothing is visible.
  • A known bug occurs due to the barbed wire that players can place. This will be fixed in the next patch.
  • Also try changing the graphics settings in the game.
How can I change the FOV (field of view)?
  • Take a look.
I have an error during startup "ARMA2 stopped working
  • Click right click on ARMA 2 on Steam - "Properties" - "Local Files" - "Check Cache Integrity".
  • Re-download the DayZ mod files and make sure they are the latest version.
  • Try running the game without the Day Z mod, if it works, reinstall the mod.
  • Try installing the latest beta patch.
I can't use direct chat. The microphone stutters
  • Known bug. You can install the latest beta patch for Arma2:OA or wait until the official fix is ​​released.
I have "No entry "bin\config.bin\CfgVehicles\"" or a similar message popping up when I launch the game or play on the server
  • Ignore.
I have "missing CBA_Main" when I join the server
  • Ignore.
If all else fails
  • More ways to solve problems on the official game forum

Original made by Skyrayfox. Translated by laletingtaiv.

DayZ is one of the most famous survival simulators. As part of the actual process, players will have to fight not only zombies, but also other survivors. Greed and betrayal are an integral part of DayZ. But before entering this world, the player needs to “fight” the game itself. If there are no problems with launching the license, then you need to “suffer” with the pirated version, so let’s talk about how to play on the Internet with a pirated version in DayZ.

There are 2 varieties of DayZ:

  • DayZ Mod is a modification of Arma II.
  • DayZ Standalone is the official client.

DayZ Mod online

  • Download a normal repack (the most popular is a repack from FABIS).
  • Install the game. It is important that the specified installation path does not contain Cyrillic. That is, the folder where the toy will be installed should be called not “D: Games”, for example, but “D: Games”.
  • After installation, the launcher will open, which will download and install all updates, incl. and beta patch. If the beta patch does not install, you need to download it from the office. Arma II website.
  • Download and install DayZ Launcher.

There are two ways to start the game:

  • Via Tunngle or Hamachi.
  • Via the game shortcut (FABIS).
To play online on a pirate in DayZ, you need to select a server in the launcher and click “Launch”. Or in Tunngle/Hamachi go to the multiplayer section, set the LAN zone and select the server you like.

DayZ Standalone online

The official client was released much later and has been in the testing stage for a long time. Developers are in no hurry to fix bugs, but many prefer play online in DayZ on pirates namely through a separate client. To do this you need to do the following:
  • Download and install client version 0.57 via TORRENT (DayZ_Another_History_0.57.2.torrent).
  • After installation, launch the client, which is located in the game folder (Client.exe).
  • You must specify your nickname in the launcher. To do this, you need to go to settings and enter your preferred nickname in the Nickname field. Changes must be saved.
  • Select your favorite server. It should be said that some servers may be paid; To access them, you will need to pay for VIP access.
  • For successful online games on pirates in DayZ New Framework version 4 will be required.
  • You don’t have to worry about “No entry” type errors; you can safely close them and continue playing.
  • If the list of servers does not appear or does not update, you should restart your computer. You can also disable antivirus software protection.
  • If you get an error related to the CD-KEY, you need to exit the game and use the “keygen” to select new key. After all, this is a pirate and similar surprises can await you at every turn.

And so today I will tell you how to play DayZ Standalone. Naturally, you can purchase the game on Steam for $29.99. Despite the fact that the price is quite high, the game inspires confidence, as it develops quite quickly and the prospects look very tempting.

...Enjoy the guide that will tell you how to play DayZ Standalone...

In short, we can say that the developers did a great job; at the moment, what game is so close to reality? During the game you must constantly use medicines, change clothes as they wear out, do not forget to eat and drink water otherwise you will lose consciousness.

Do not forget that DayZ You should constantly take care of your character, in other words, the player must remember all his needs, otherwise it may end in at least illness, and in the worst case, death for your character. But let's not talk about the bad, below I will tell you how to survive in this harsh and cruel world.

Charisma: Not everyone can boast of their communication skills, but not everyone knows that communication is very important in the game (hold Caps-Lock, say the first thing that comes to mind into the microphone, so as not to get killed), so what rules should you follow? , to know how to play DayZ Standalone.

  • Rule #1: Build trust! Almost shout that you are lost 😀 you are friendly;
  • Rule #2: Never give out your firearm without any reason, it could save your life;
  • Rule #3: If you see another character with a "cool gun" and you are at a distance of less than 15 meters and you only have a hat with earflaps and a bat, press F2, the character will raise his hands and most likely they will run around you and not notice, in the worst case they will handcuff you and take your blood, but this is still better than the right thing death. P.S. Do not under any circumstances try to run, otherwise you will be killed;
  • More about zombies: what to do if you meet a zombie?

  • Rule No. 4: If there is an ax, and the gunshot is not worth it in vain spend precious cartridges, you should wait a moment, one precise blow to the head and the zombie is dead;
  • Rule No. 5: Try to make as little noise as possible, and do not go into open battle with more than two zombies. Remember: 5 out of 10 blows infect you with a disease that will have to be treated not with tasty pills, and 9 out of 10 blows bleed, and bandages are not cheap these days;
  • Small “lifehacks”: We all love to run packed around the expanses of the game, but it’s not always possible to get to the right place, especially if someone robbed the city.

  • Rule No. 6: Forget about village houses, do not eat old spoiled fruits, but only fresh ones, collect as many cans of cola as possible, they quench thirst and hunger;
  • Rule No. 7: If you need a firearm, don't look for it in villages, you need it military base, there are 4 of them in total: Zelenogorsk, Krasnostav, Bolota and Vybor, but be careful, we are not the only ones so smart.
  • Rule No. 8: Bits, pry bars, shovels, forget about them, as a last resort, a wrench, the destiny of real men is the Axe.
  • Everyday situation: you were in the city, collecting supplies and ended up breaking your leg by falling from a step, after that we can only crawl, as well as climb hanging stairs, but we can still move, although not quite normally. What to do if you break your leg?

    Option I “standard”

    • Carry morphine with you;
    • Use and enjoy cartoons;

    Option II “reasonable”

    • Take a stick, 3 rags;
    • We create a splint and wrap the splint to the leg;

    Option III "accelerated"

    • Press Esc and log out;
    • Login to the server healthy;

    Nutrition: we need to drink and eat a lot, so searching for food is a very important part of the game, how to quench your hunger or thirst? If you want to survive, don’t eat anything rotten!

    • Find food or canned goods;
    • If canned, find a knife or opener;
    • Eat till one is full;
    • Find a pump or lake;
    • Drink until completely full;
    • You can also drink soda, it quenches both hunger and thirst;

    Blood: the game provides us with a lot of ways to die, mostly it’s either a bullet in the forehead and bleeding that cannot be stopped. What to do if you are bleeding?

    • You open the first aid kit, take out a bandage, and rewind;
    • If there are no bandages, tear your clothes;

    Under fire: The well-known saying: “He who has the longest barrel is right,” in fact, this rule does not apply to DayZ Standalone, since a regular revolver can kill an enemy with a mosquito. What to do if they are firing at you?
    Option I “for schoolchildren”

    • alt+F4
    • Closing Day Z

    Option II “for advanced”

    • We quickly run into reverse side, we need to understand where the fire is coming from;
    • We run into cover and go around the enemy;
    • We shoot at him from medium distance;

    Option III “for suicide bombers”

    • Lie down and don't move
    • Wait for your opponent's move example of how to play DayZ Standalone..

    I hope this article will be useful to you and has explained in general terms how to play DayZ Standalone. Let me know in the comments if something is not clear, I will be happy to answer your questions.

    (downloads: 3081)

  • Nickname changes in the LumaEmu.ini file in the line: PlayerName (or PlayerNickname) = Your Nickname.
    If you cannot save the file, first uncheck the “read only” checkbox in the file properties.

    Basic clothing classes now have a cold protection attribute
    New and corrected sounds of weapons and animals.
    New models of grown plants.
    Wolf model.
    Preparation and animation of soil cultivation in a greenhouse with a shovel or hoe
    Greenhouse model.
    Getting wet affects the character's temperature.
    Clothes can be wrung out by hand to reduce wetness.
    6 character temperature states with corresponding statuses:
    warms up - between 35.8 and 36.7
    mild hypothermia: between 35 and 35.8
    average hypothermia: between 34.5 and 35
    severe hypothermia: less than 34.5 (loss of blood and health begins)
    severe overheating: from 38
    stable temperature: from 36.7 to 38
    The fire now warms and dries clothes within a 2.5m radius. In a radius of less than half a meter it causes overheating.
    When running for a long time in sprint mode, overheating occurs.
    The “I am sweating” state can be relieved by rubbing the body with alcohol.
    Electric whip and stun baton - require a battery and knock unconscious with little damage and a chance of fibrillation.
    The raincoat and Gorka-E jacket protect from rain.
    Algorithms for planting seeds of plants with the likelihood of the grown plant rotting over time. Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse.
    Model gili camouflage for the head.
    Can you shoot a bow on the go?
    Improved bow animations.
    Fingerless gloves.
    Helmet “MASKA-1”
    Skater safety helmet.
    More bandana colors.
    Balaclavas of different colors: beige, black, black with a skull, blue, green, pink, white. Decraft into 1 rag.
    Fireman's pants and jacket.
    A model of a medical thermometer and the function of measuring the temperature of your own or another character.
    Hammer model.
    Damage textures for flare gun, Longhorn and scope, Ruger, P38.
    A new class of “farming” plants that can probably be collected or grown in the future: low birch, dogrose, hazel, black elderberry, burdock, spruce
    The sounds of doors opening and closing.
    Texture of the fireplace in the civilian building of the Aeroclub
    New images on upload.
    Hunting knife.
    Brass knuckles.
    Telescopic baton with opening animation and baton with a handle.
    The IZH-18 shotgun can be painted black and green. It will probably be possible to craft a sawn-off shotgun.
    Animation of the position of the Teddy bear in the hand
    “Magna Carta” removed from books
    When connected, shows server name, IP and other information
    The warmest boots “Jungle Boots”.
    The warmest pants “Gorka” and police.
    New stairs.
    Hitting with melee weapons now hits new system, and not by the cursor.
    Improved and fixed some shaders.
    New character emotions: crying, laughing.
    When picking apples, you may get a rotten apple.

    CHANGELOG: Stable - 0.46.124490

    Known Issues:
    Crash caused by Fireplace kit in players Inventory
    Character cloning
    Player can look through walls
    Zombies are spawning on spot of their death
    Player is stuck in building after reconnect
    Player cannot respawn properly when he has drowned
    Shadow related client FPS drops
    When restrained in unconscious player stays in restrained state till he reconnects

    Actions: You can sort out good ammunition from a ruined stack
    Animations: New reload animations for Longhorn and a second reload for the Crossbow.
    Animations: New reload for B95 double rifle.
    Animations: MP5K reload Animations
    Animations: Added aimed pose for sitting with rifle.
    Animations: Drinking from pond and well.
    Loot: Added MP5 with magazines
    Loot: Added military Pilotka side cap
    Map: Karmanovka has returned
    Map: Novodmitrovsk has been added
    Map: Industrial area of ​​Novodmitrovsk has been added.
    Map: Tenement area near Novodmitrovsk has been added.
    Map: Dobroe village is added.
    Map: New administrative buildings has been added in Novo.
    Item: Flashbang grenade
    Item: Hand grenade
    Item: Added green and black color variants of the ZSh3 helmet. Can be crafted.
    Sound: Play sound when using the bow.
    Server: Security Improvement Hotfix

    Actions: Painting 75 akm drum magazine
    Actions: Crafting fur backpack
    Actions: AKM buttstock painting
    Actions: Breaking apart backpacks, down into parts
    Actions: Leather backpack crafting
    Actions: Raised chance to ignite fire in wind
    Actions: Fixed crash with meat duplication in fireplace/inventory
    Actions: Can't eat meat directly from the fireplace
    Animations: Fixed hand movement at the end of SKS reloading.
    Animations: Hand clipping in unarmed run.
    Animations: Crouch walks and runs replaced with new animations.
    Animations: Crouch idle pose adjusted to better show items in player's hand.
    Animations: Sprint with gun replaced with new animation.
    Animations: Jump and vualt animations updated
    Animations: Hand poses added for granades, pelts, alcohol tincture, fishing rod, magazines, woods.
    Animations: Zombie attack animations polished.
    Animations: Gestures poses fixed.
    Animations: Two handed arming animations fixed.
    Animations: Fixed an issue where surrender kept getting canceled when used with one handed melee weapons
    Animations: Fixed an issue where vomiting was not working properly with 2 handed melee weapons
    Animations: Fixed an issue where drinking animation was not playing when the player was in prone
    Animations: Throwing items reconfigured, staying wound up should not prevent the player from getting knocked down or cuffed
    Animations: Leaning tweaked in transitional states, should now allow for smoother transitions while leaning
    Animations: Fixed an issue where the character would not roll left/right with binocs in raised prone state
    Gear: Alpha sorting in alcohol tincture model
    Item: Hacksaw hand placement
    Sound: Arrow loading
    Sound: Arrow ejecting
    Sound: Fishing bait check

    Known bugs
    Bonfire: If you change things in places in a fire, then the probability of losing them is more than 90%

    Animation: New animations for character movement with weapons.
    Animation: Berry picking animations.
    Animation: Drinking animation for speakers and stream.
    Animation: Animation of movement in a squat.
    Animation: Fishing animation
    Animation: Stone mining animation
    Animation: Tree cutting animation
    Items: New Unloadings for 12 slots.
    Items: Added AKM and modules for it.
    Items: Added P1 Pistol
    Items: Added Longhorn
    Items: Added Composite Bow Arrow
    Items: Added Police Uniform
    Items: Added Gorka-E Pants
    Items: Added Flare
    Items: Added Homemade Leather Bag
    Items: Added "Eagle" uniform
    Items: Added Fishing Tackle
    Items: Added Homemade Fishing Rod
    Items: Added Regular fishing rod
    Items: Added Hipster Glasses
    Gathering: You can pick apples from apple trees
    Gathering: You can collect sticks in the forest
    Environment: Added the ability to tear pages out of books
    Environment: Added the ability to mine stone
    Environment: Added the ability to cut down trees
    Environment: Added the ability to dig for worms
    Hunting: Added animal spawn points
    Hunting: Added AI for animals
    Hunting: Added the ability to butcher animals and remove the skin (using a knife)
    Hunting: Added Deer
    Hunting: Added Goat
    Hunting: Added Boar
    Hunt: Added Cow
    Hunting: Added Chicken
    Hunting: Added two types of fish
    Engine: Added the ability to cancel the current action
    Cooking: Added food states (raw, fried, overcooked, rotten)
    Locations: Added the city of Novodmitrovsk
    Locations: Added Karmanovka village
    Locations: Added quarry near Gvozdno
    Objects: Added two new types of industrial buildings
    Events: Added a spawn event for 3 crashed helicopters at server startup on the western part of the map

    Fixes in
    Hotfix that corrects severe lags and out of sync for most players
    The backend now supports customizable time acceleration and makes it possible to speed up the day/night cycle.
    New zombie animations are being tested (they are now much faster). We'll be waiting for your feedback so that it doesn't turn out that zombies are too fast.

    List of changes

    Actions: Vomiting is now accompanied by a corresponding sound.
    Steps: The ballistic helmet can be painted (green or black) using a can of spray paint.
    Action: You can check the pulse of unconscious players.
    Actions: When you search for berries, they are added to your inventory.
    Actions: "Eat everything" is now available for everything that can be consumed.
    Animations: New reload animations for Sporter 22
    Animations: New Ruger MKII reload animations.
    Animations: Players can now sit with weapons
    Animation: Completely new animation for two-handed melee weapons. New right-hand pose, movement and attack animations for axes, baseball bats, gas wrench, crowbar, fire extinguisher, shovel and hoe. "Aim" and "down" positions for standing, sitting and lying positions.
    Craft: Painting SKS.
    Craft: Painting a fire axe.
    Craft: Painting Blase B95.
    Environment: New textures of rocks and stones.
    Food: Added item - elderberry (Sambucus).
    Food: Added item - rose hip berry (Canina).
    Equipment: Sickle added to spawn.
    Equipment: Colt 1911 with engraving added to loot
    Equipment: A box of 10 rounds of buckshot has been added to the loot.
    Equipment: Added coats in red, black, brown, blue, green and gray colors.
    Equipment: Green and black variant of SKS
    Equipment: Green and black version of the fire axe.
    Equipment: Added Panama hat in colors: red/black/brown/blue/green/gray.
    Equipment: Added leg of rabbit, boar steak and chicken breast.
    Equipment: Fresh and rotten tomatoes have been added to the server spawn.
    Equipment: Fresh and rotten potatoes have been added to the server spawn.
    Equipment: Fresh and rotten pickled peppers have been added to the server spawn.
    Equipment: Canned peaches added to server spawn.
    Equipment: Canned bacon added to loot - Tactical bacon
    Equipment: Masks can no longer be worn with helmets and helmets.
    Loadout: Sporter 22, CR75, Amphibia S, 1911 and associated magazines and ammo (.22LR and 9mm) added to spawn.
    Equipment: Coat and Panama hat added to spawn.
    Equipment: Added long ash stick
    Graphics: Changed the addition of light to the rendered scene.
    Graphics: Rendering of the glow of objects now occurs during the day.
    Graphics: Engine support for point light sources (such as a gas lamp) now works correctly.
    Map: Olsha village has been updated.
    Map: Helm village has been updated.
    Map: New rocky formations have been created on the outskirts of Svetloyarsk.
    Map: A new Orthodox church has been created.
    Map: Police stations and first aid stations have been added to the map.
    Map: Village Pub now spawns loot.
    Map: New villages in the Svetloyarsk region.
    Map: Added the city of "Chernaya Polana" + surrounding area.
    Map: Road signs for Chernaya Polyana
    Medical: Players may suffer a heart attack (shown as a "stuttering pulse" when checking the pulse).
    Weather: Rain, clouds and wind are now calculated on the server and broadcast to clients.
    Weather: Rain now causes items and clothing to get wet.


    Action: Returned "inUseItem" on the action with the target.
    Actions: Corrected the nutritional value of almost "empty" food.
    Actions: Improved messages for picking berries.
    Actions: Removed a duplicate menu item when crafting a tire.
    Actions: Fixed message for the action "drink from a bottle"
    Actions: Changed the duration of the animation for eating the entire package of rice.
    Actions: Feeding other players now takes the correct amount of food/drink
    Actions: The flask remains in the hands after forced drinking.
    Actions: Eating cereal no longer leaves an empty box in your inventory.
    Actions: Liquids are consumed correctly after you give another player a drink.
    Actions: It is no longer possible to give another player alcohol or disinfectant spray.
    Actions: Ruined patches/bandages and sticks no longer allow tires to be created indefinitely.
    Actions: If the amount of food is less than 1/4, the Eat All button will play a short animation of eating.
    Actions: Forced intake of water/food does not use up all the water/food, and also does not break the flask.
    Actions: Messages when drinking from a well
    Animations: Fixed a glitch in the animation of applying a bandage and taking pills.
    Animations: Correct animations for holding various stores.
    Animations: The player can now become unconscious while in water.
    Animations: New M4A1 reload animations.
    Animations: Lots of bugs and glitches when moving or changing in different stances.
    Animations: Rolls reset the zoom.
    Animations: The swing animation (Q and E) has become faster.
    Sound: Subsonic ammo no longer produces a supersonic click
    Balance: Increased damage from 762x39, 9mm, .22LR. Shot damage has been slightly reduced.
    Equipment: A package of water disinfection tablets now contains 10 tablets. Added the ability to treat cholera.
    Equipment: Painted SKS can be loaded with one cartridge
    Equipment: Changed the appearance of the pitchfork in the inventory
    Equipment: Removed quantity message in bag pop-up window
    Equipment: Name of striped T-shirts
    Graphics: SSAO is now saved in settings.
    Graphics: Changed rain effect settings.
    Graphics: Optimized rain geometry (28 bytes instead of 12 bytes per vertex)
    Graphics: Culling of directional lights fixed
    Graphics: Fixed terrain intersections
    Graphics: Corrections to the geometry of the fire trail.
    Login: Fixed a bug where a character could get stuck in an unconscious state after respawning
    Map: Svetloyarsk optimized
    Map: Bugs in forests near Svetloyarsk have been fixed.
    Medicine: The character did not die at zero health or blood due to the nature of the medical system.
    Medicine: Adrenaline will now revive any unconscious player, even those who are low on blood.
    Medicine: Defibrillators restore heart function in players having a seizure.
    Medicine: Fixed unpredictable effects from losing consciousness. (Adrenaline will awaken anyone unconscious unless they have a heart attack)
    Medicine: The melee damage system has been adjusted for better balance.
    Medicine: The chance of bleeding after attacking with fists is greatly reduced.
    Medicine: Fixed reports of broken arms and legs.
    Medicine: Bots of disabled players did not receive shock damage and bleeding.
    Medicine: Falling from a height while running did not kill the player.
    Network: Dropped items appeared with a delay (now immediately).
    Network: Inventory items causing out-of-sync due to the non-guaranteed packet delivery system. (while there will be a hotfix until the guaranteed delivery system is completed)
    Network: Optimizing network messaging should result in reduced network load and a slight increase in client and server FPS.
    Constructs: Changed inheritance of barrier constructs (due to errors in logs)
    Constructions: Missing items if they are thrown near stairs or walls
    Zombies: Zombies now preferentially target the chest when attacking.

    Release date: experimental version

    Physics: Throwing physics is now disabled
    Melee: Two-handed weapon gestures do not work in melee.
    Melee: Unable to melee attack with hands down (press spacebar to enter combat mode)
    Network: Problem with zombies and players being invisible to the client in some cases


    Animation: Added Ruger 10/22 reload animation
    Animation: Added Ruger MKII reload animation
    Craft: Added the ability to paint SKS
    Craft: Added the ability to paint a fire ax
    Craft: Added the ability to paint B95
    Equipment: Added wool coat in red, black, blue, green, gray colors
    Equipment: Can opener can be used as a melee weapon
    Equipment: Added rabbit feet, pork steaks and chicken breasts
    Equipment: Added flat hat in red, black, brown, blue, green and gray colors
    Equipment: Added green and black SKS variant
    Equipment: Added B95 green and black variant
    Equipment: Added pitchfork
    Loot: Added new weapons: Sporter 22, CR75, Amphibia S, 1911 and corresponding magazines and ammunition (22LR and 9mm)
    Zombies: While a simple zombie spawning system has been implemented, a more advanced spawning method is expected


    Actions: Added test to check collisions while lying down and when stepping over
    Animation: It is no longer possible to look through the scope while rolling while aiming
    Animation: The animation of a character losing consciousness while in the water will be correct
    Animation: Correct animation of stores in the character's hands
    Animation: Body tilt animation when pressing left and right (Q and E) is now faster
    Equipment: The Water Purification Tablet Pack now contains 10 tablets. It can be used to eliminate cholera in water
    Buildings: Changed recognition of obstacle structure (due to errors in logs)
    Buildings: Fixed the disappearance of objects thrown near stairs and walls
    Network: Inventory items were causing dissync due to constantly updating their status (Hotfix should provide guaranteed network messages for now)
    Network: Optimized updates to network messages, which should lead to a reduction in bandwidth load and increase FPS on clients and on the server
    Sounds: Subsonic rounds do not make a pop when fired

    Known Issues

    Physics: Throwing objects is currently disabled.
    Melee weapons: Gestures do not yet work if you are holding a two-handed melee weapon.
    Melee weapons: It is impossible to attack from a low stance (press "space" to change to a combat stance).


    Steps: The Ballistic Helmet can be painted (green or black) using a Spray Can.
    Actions: You can collect water during rain in a bottle and flask.
    Animation: Completely new animation for two-handed melee weapons. New right-hand pose, movement and attack animations for axes, baseball bats, gas wrench, crowbar, fire extinguisher, shovel and hoe. "Low" and "Aim" stances introduced for stand, crouch and prone.
    Equipment: Added ballistic helmet options - black and UN livery.
    Equipment: The can opener can be used as a melee weapon.
    Equipment: Masks can no longer be worn with helmets.
    Equipment: Hoe can now be found.
    Equipment: Added green variants of M4A1 parts.
    Equipment: Added Panama hat.
    Graphics: Rendering of glowing objects now also occurs during the day
    Graphics: HDR is adjusted and works better with bright objects (such as flashlights, etc.)
    Graphics: Engine support for point light sources (eg Gas Lamp) now works correctly.
    Zombies: A simple zombie respawn mechanism has been temporarily implemented, pending a better solution.


    Actions: Creating a splint now uses all of the disposable bandage and only part of the reusable one.
    Actions: Ruined rags/bandages and sticks no longer allow tires to be created indefinitely.
    Action: If the amount of food is less than 1/4, using the Eat All button will play a short animation of eating.
    Actions: Edited game messages when quickly drinking water and applying a splint to broken limbs.
    Actions: Taking water/food quickly does not use up all the water/food, and also does not break the flask.
    Animation: The animation of applying a bandage and taking pills has been fixed.
    Equipment: Introduced the appearance of multi-colored ballistic helmets.
    Equipment: Reduced the chance of backpacks appearing on construction sites.
    Graphics: Rain no longer falls inside buildings when shadow quality settings are set to Low or Off.
    Medicine: Falling from a height did not kill the player if he was running.
    Medicine: The player could jump with broken legs.
    Network: Items appeared with a delay (now immediately).
    Network: Inventory items causing desync due to non-guaranteed update spam (hotfix currently until guaranteed message change is complete).
    Network: Optimizing network messaging should result in reduced throughput and a slight increase in client and server FPS.
    Structures: Changed inheritance of barrier structures (due to errors in logs).
    Weapons: Optical sight reticle centered.

    Actions: New sound effects when vomiting
    Actions: You can check the pulse of unconscious players
    Actions: Berries will now be added to inventory
    Actions: The "eat it all" function is now supported for consumables (i.e. you can hamster the entire can of beans at once)
    Animations: New Ruger 10/22 reload animation
    Animations: The player can now sit (F3) with a pistol/weapon in his hands

    New skalgor textures
    Nutrition: Added Elderberry
    Food: added Rosehip berries
    Graphics: Changed the light overlay on rendered objects
    Map: Olsha has been updated
    Map: Helm has been updated
    Map: Rock formations have been added outside of Svetloyarsk
    Map: An Orthodox chapel has been added
    Map: Police stations and Medical centers have been added throughout the map
    Map: New villages near Svetloyarsk
    Medical: Players may suffer a heart attack (reported as "irregular pulse" with option to check pulse)
    Weather: Rain, Clouds, Wind are calculated on the server
    Weather: Rain now causes items and the player to get wet

    Actions: Added "inUseItem" command for actions regarding the item being used
    Actions: Saturation indicators will be correctly added when eating almost finished food (for example, cans with 25%)
    Actions: Script messages about player picking berries have been improved (grey information text)
    Graphics: SSAO settings in settings are now saved (not reset to default)
    Graphics: Rain effect stats changed
    Graphics: Optimized rain geometry (28 bytes by 12 bytes at its highest point)
    Graphics: Fixed light/shadow culling
    Graphics: Fixed terrain intersections
    Graphics: Fixed the geometry of light flashes (apparently from shots)
    Login: An error when creating a new character could lead to the player getting stuck in an unconscious state
    Map: Performance optimization in Svetloyarsk
    Map: Fixed errors in the forests around Svetloyarsk
    Medicine: Fixed a bug where the player did not die when his blood and health levels were zero
    Medicine: Injecting adrenaline now returns consciousness even if the blood level has dropped significantly
    Medicine: The defibrillator is used to start the hearts of characters who have had a heart attack
    Medicine: Losing consciousness had irregular and unpredictable behavior (adrenaline syringes will now always return the player to consciousness unless they are having a heart attack)
    Medicine: The melee damage system has been changed to improve balance
    Medicine: Chance of bleeding from melee attacks has been greatly reduced
    Medicine: When logging out, the avatars of players (who left the server) did not receive damage from shock or loss of blood (apparently this means a character who remains on the server after the player disconnects and disappears after 30 seconds, this is part of the system against combat loggers, or simply put, cowards disconnectors)
    Zombies: Zombie attacks now focus primarily on the chest area

    Starting the game:
    1) The game is launched through the launcher (Client.exe). In it you need to indicate your nickname: Settings: nickname. -> Save.
    2) The choice of server is carried out in the same place: (for now) Survival/Deathmatch/Namalsk (about the latter you will have to clarify in the group)
    Namalsk is a paid “VIP server”, since renting hosts for servers is not cheap, and this is how the project is supported (we don’t live under communism)

    In Game:
    Play -> Click on the Remote tab -> Enter the server address and port 2302 (or use ready-made servers from the list - ).

    A list of current servers 0.47 can be found on the website (downloads: 5068) and unpack both files into the root folder of the game.
    2) Set up in server.cfg (using notepad) the server name (hostname), admin password (passwordAdmin), number of slots (maxPlayers).
    3) Add the line to the hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts):
    4) The server starts via Dayz.bat. In the same file, the port can be changed, if desired.
    5) To connect to your server, enter the address

    In order for your server to be visible on the Internet, you must have a white IP and open port, or use (or ).
  • See also creation manuals via


  • In order not to suffer with unofficial servers, we recommend purchasing DayZ SA license key in a verified store and enjoy the game without any problems with updates.
  • If the game says version 0.34 at the top instead of 0.45 (or even less), then this is normal. This is a feature of the fix.
  • Sometimes the “Waiting for server” message can hang for a very long time, be patient, but if it lasts more than 5 minutes, then exit to the “Esc” key and try again.
  • If it writes an error related to Steam, then log in without Steam and through Steam2WrapperLauncher.exe.
  • If it writes an error related to MSVCP120.dll, then go come .
  • If you have problems launching, do not forget to install packages for .>auto: almost all ArmA 2 wheeled vehicles + tracked infantry fighting vehicles + p85c pack
    >boats: 2 types of motor boats for moving between islands on Namalsk (in the future also for the Taviana map)
    >aviation has been cut for now, but could be brought back after a patch if the majority of players deem it appropriate
    >additional weapons and backpacks from ArmA 2
    >classic Survival server (on the ChernarusPlus 0.52 map)
    >the need to refuel equipment (on the Survival server)
    >dynamic events on the Survival server (spawning containers with loot, etc.)

    >dedicated Deathmatch server (on the Rahmadi 0.56 map)
    >dynamic respawn of vehicles as they are destroyed (on a Deathmatch server)
    >BulletCam (on deathmatch server)
    >"bombing" every 5 minutes (on Deathmatch server)

    >additional vip server (on the Namalsk map from Arma 2 DayZ mod: Namalsk Crysis)
    >shared inventory (you can exchange items, distance 2m)
    >convenient dynamically hidden sight linked to the weapon’s firing vector
    >violent zombies that can attack even the most avid camper
    >cowardly fauna represented by chickens, sheep, rats, bears and many other species of living creatures
    >Radio, clock, Zluta Kolaloka/Malinovka/Klasik Soda and other features that disappeared after 0.28
    >Places on servers (so far): Survival - 75 / Deathmatch - 50 / Namalsk - 75
    >server restarts only 2 times a day: 00:00/12:00 (Moscow time)
    >and much more (the list is already long)

    More information on these servers and clients

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