How to play subnautica where to look for resources. Lava biome - how to get there and where to go? Where to find gold

Hi all! In order for you not to get lost in the game Subnautica, we have prepared a small guide for you on the game. You will learn which game mode to choose, how to control your character, as well as what items you need to craft first.

Game modes

The Subnautica game offers you 3 game options:

  • Free mode- running out of oxygen and health
  • Survival— oxygen and health are running out, you need to consume food and dangerous creatures appear
  • Hardcore mode- everything is like in survival, but you only have one life

We advise beginners to start immediately with survival, because Without food and dangerous creatures, half the atmosphere of the game is lost and it is no longer so interesting to play through. After you have decided on the game mode, you will see an epic picture with the crash of the Aurora ship and find yourself in an escape capsule. We would like to note right away that the game is very atmospheric and the sound quality is excellent. good level. For this reason, we recommend playing with sound.

The controls of the game are very simple and similar to many other games.

Control buttons in Subnautica:

ESC - call the main menu

W,A,S,D - movement in directions

Space - upward movement/jump

C - downward movement

TAB - open inventory

Mouse left - influence an object

Mouse right - use an item in your hand

R - battery recharge

Q,E - rotation during construction

1-5 - item hotkeys

Character parameters in the game Subnatica

  • Oxygen - measured in seconds. Possible increase due to additional oxygen cylinders in inventory
  • Health - spent when meeting monsters if they bite you
  • Food - is consumed over time. Replenishes by eating fish (preferably cooked)
  • Water - is consumed over time. Can be replenished (as well as spent) by some fish as a result of consumption or processing into water

Rescue capsule

The escape capsule is in a deplorable state, but everything that is here can be useful to you later throughout the game. Mainly due to endless batteries that replenish over time. Here you can find the following starting elements:

  • Item Maker
  • Small storage
  • Self-charging batteries
  • First aid kit (empty)
  • Exit to the surface and into the water

Item Maker- this is the initial “workbench” on which you can produce. You can read more about crafting and creating items in another guide.

Small storage— storage capacity for 32 items, if you have something that doesn’t fit in your inventory. As a rule, you will only need it 3-4 times, because... It is recommended to immediately build an underground base with permanent storage.

Self-charging batteries— provide energy to the capsule. Energy is spent on creating items and is gradually restored. Recovery time does not depend on external factors (unlike solar panels).

First aid kit - At the moment, the first aid kit does not function and simply opens and closes.

Exit to the surface - There are 2 exits in the capsule, to the roof of the capsule and to the water.

First steps

After you get a little comfortable in the capsule, we advise you not to delay and immediately go to the surface, because... The character (if you chose survival) has 2 parameters that are quickly running out and will require rapid recovery.

Swimming in the game very simple and first of all we advise you to catch a couple and a couple of other fish. This will allow you to stock up on food and water for the first minutes of the game. Also collect quartz (6 pieces) and several pieces of scrap metal. When diving it is mandatory monitor air flow and float to the surface in advance. You can die in the game, in which case you will again find yourself in the capsule with the inventory you had before going outside.

After you find quartz, fish and a little metal, we advise you to create:

  • Water- she will quench your thirst
  • Cooked fish- will satisfy your hunger
  • Balloon- will increase the time spent under water
  • Flippers- will significantly speed up movement under water

If you have already created these starting items, then you are ready to move longer distances and can proceed to the next step - .

  • Don’t delay building a base, crafting cylinders and fins; while you hesitate, you will consume water and food.
  • Over time, there will be fewer fish and objects around the base and you will have to swim further.
  • At the bottom you can find plants that produce air. In theory, by swimming around them, you don’t have to rise to the surface at all.
  • The game is easier than it seems

This concludes our mini-guide, enjoy the game and make amazing discoveries in the world of Subnatica.

This guide will provide a list of all console commands for Subnautica. Some console commands may not work because they were released full version games. Also don't forget to write console commands lower case!!!

COMMANDS Prints all commands
MADLOOT *Gives items to the player. These are: Knife, Builder, 3 Batteries, 4 computer chips, 10 titanium and 10 glass.
GOTO GENROOM/AURORA *Moves the player to the reactor room on Aurora
NITROGEN *Gives more oxygen to breathe underwater
WARP *Will move the player to the coordinates selected by the player
RESTORESHIP *Restores Aurora
FREECAM *Allows the camera to exit the character
UNLOCKALL * Adds all blueprints
BLUEPRINT NAME * Adds a specific drawing to the playerNAME - name


ITEM NAME # *NAME - name of the item, for example KNIFE. # - quantity.Note: If the name of an item contains two words, then you need to write it together, for example ITEM COOKEDPEEPER 5.

View all teams.

SPAWN NAME # * NAME — the name of the creature. # - quantity. Note: The same command can create a Moth (SPAWN SEAMOTH 1)
SUB CYCLOPS * Spawns Cyclops in front of the player
NODAMAGE * Disables damage from creatures and the environment. (Both player and technique)
NOCOST *Includes free use of maker, designer and workbench
DIG# *Removes the required number of blocks
  1. - quantity.
OXYGEN * Includes infinite oxygen
NIGHT *Includes night
DAY *Includes day
KILL * Instantly respawns a player in a capsule but without inventory. Not recommended for hardcore.
SPEED # * Sets the game speed to # number. Default 1, maximum 100
DAYNIGHTSPEED # * Sets the speed of day and night changes to # number. Default 1, maximum 100
WARPME * Teleports the player to a base or submarine
TAKEDAMAGE # * Gives the player damage
NOSHADOWS * Disables shadows. To enable it you need to restart the game
NOBLOOM * Disables bloom. To enable it you need to restart the game
SPAWN * Respawns the player at a short distance. The command is good if the player is stuck in a texture
BUBBLES * Creates several air bubbles near the player
BIOME name * Teleports the player to a given biome* Biomes: safe, kelp, grassy, ​​mushroom, koosh, jellyshroom, sparsereef, grandreef, dunes, mountains, deepgrand, bloodkelp, underislands, smokers, inactivelavart, islands, tree.
RADIATION * Turns off radiation
EXPLODESHIP * Explodes Aurora
ENTGALLERY * Spawns a huge gallery near you where you will see existing things, creatures, etc., as well as what they want to add

Console commands for obtaining mined resources in Subnautica

Mined resources. To get it, use the ITEM NAME # command, where NAME = value and # = quantity.

Meaning Meaning
Diamond 36
Bunch of seaweed seeds 2503
Gold gold
Stalker's Tooth 3504
Quartz 1
Cryslall nasturate 63
Aluminum Oxide Crystal 52
Lithium 40
Magnetite 54
Magnesium magnesium
Copper copper
Algae sample 2529
Coral slab specimen 3501
Common coral specimen 3502
Extended rifospin structure 1302
Kamikaze pollen 35
Mercury ore 12
Gemstone Opal 50
Lead lead
Sulfur 23
Silver silver
Salt salt
Titanium titanium
Titanium Ingot 30
Uranus 51
Bleaching bleach
Cartilage tissue 1301
Cartilaginous shell 1300

Console commands for obtaining craftable resources in Subnautica

Crafted resources. To get it, use the ITEM NAME # command, where NAME = value and # = quantity.

Name Meaning
Amino acids 55
Airgel 59
Battery 504
Benzene 61
Graphene 58
Set of wires 33
computer chip 44
Copper wire 32
Nanowires 60
Plasteel Ingot 41
Polyaniline 56
Extended wire kit 34
Mesh fiber 3
Synthetic fibers 57
Lubrication 62
Hydrochloric acid 53
Glass glass
Bleaching bleach
Enameled glass 42
Energy cell 43

Finished items. To get it, use the ITEM NAME # command, where NAME = value and # = quantity.

Name Meaning
Wetsuit (not included) 500
Flippers 502
Oxygen cylinder 503
Knife 505
Bur (not entered) 506
Flashlight 507
Beacon 508
Reactor fuel rod 64
Builder 509
Compass 512
Air bubble 513
Terraformer 514
Pipe 515
Thermometer 516
Diver's reel 517
Rebreather 518
Anti-radiation suit 519
Anti-radiation helmet 520
Anti-radiation gloves 521
Reinforced Diver Suit 522
Scanner 523
Fire extinguisher 524
Scan Room Interface Chip 525
Welding machine 750
Sea glider 751
Portable Transport Collector 752
DNA transmitter 753
flare 754
Stasis rifle 755
Propulsion Cannon 757
Gravisphere 758
Waterproof locker 759
Laser cutter 761
LED flashlight 762
Tempered Blade 800
Thermal Blade 801
Li-ion battery 802
Plasteel balloon 803
High capacity balloon 804
Super slippery fins 805
Fins-charging 806
Repulsor Cannon 807
Distillation suit 808
Powerful glider 809
Cyclops pressure compensator 1501
Current generator 1507 / 1537 (?)
Cyclops body reinforcement module 1514
Hull reinforcement module (Cartilage shell) 1515
Cyclops Energy Efficiency Module 1516
Cyclops Heavy Duty Body Reinforcement Module 1538
Oxygen cylinder 503
Pressure compensator Moth 2100
Energy efficiency module 2101
Moth solar charger 2102
Storage module 2103
Moth perimeter defense system 2104
Hull reinforcement 2105
Moth Metal Sensor 2106
Moth lithium sensor 2107
Moth fragment sensor 2108
Moth's torpedo tube 2109
Moth Sonar 2110
Moth's Vortex Torpedo 2111
Pressure compensator 2112
Pressure compensator MK.2 2113
Pressure compensator MK.3 2114
Upgrading the Jetpack Exosuit 2115
Exosuit drill 2116
Exosuit fuel reactor 2117
Moth gas torpedo 2119
Improved scanning range 2250
Improved scanning speed 2251
First aid kit 4514

Console commands to get blueprints in Subnautica

Blueprints. To get it, use the BLUEPRINT NAME command, where NAME = value.

NameMeaning Meaning
Bioreactor fragment 1108 / 1147 (?)
Fragment of a thermal power plant 1109
Fragment of a nuclear reactor 1110 / 1148 (?)
Fragment of the docking shaft 1111
Fragment of a water treatment plant 1112
Cyclops body fragment 1113
Fragment of Cyclops' bridge 1114
Cyclok engine fragment 1115
Fragment of the Cyclops docking shaft 1116
Fragment of a sea glider 1117
Transport assembler fragment 1118
Fragment of a solar panel 1119
Energy transmitter fragment 1120
Fragment of the Moth modification station 1121
Fragment of the observatory 1122
Battery charger fragment 1127
Fragment of energy cell charger 1128
Fragment of a reinforced diver's suit 1139
Fragment of LED flashlight 1143
Spotlight fragment (T-shaped) 1144
Scanning room fragment 1146
Fragment of external masonry 1131
Fragment of a bench 1134
Fragment of a plant pot 1135
Fragment of the inner bed 1136
Fragment of a plant rack 1137

Item spawning.

Console commands for getting food in Subnautica

Item FilteredWater
Item DisinfectedWater
Item StillsuitWater

Cooked food.
Item CookedSpadefish
Item CookedBladderfish
Item CookedBoomerang
Item Cooked Eye
Item CookedGarryfish
Item CookedHolefish
Item CookedHoverfish
Item CookedOculus
Item CookedPeeper
Item CookedReginald
Item CookedHoopfish

Canned food.
Item CuredSpadefish
Item CuredBladderfish
Item CuredBoomerang
Item Cured Eye
Item CuredGarryfish
Item CuredHolefish
Item CuredHoverfish
Item CuredOculus
Item CuredPeeper
Item CuratedReginald
Item CuredHoopfish

Console commands for getting equipment and tools in Subnautica


Item Tank
Item Fins
Item RadiationSuit
Item RadiationHelmet
Item Radiation Gloves
Item Stillsuit
Item First Aid Kit
Item Rebreather
Item Pipe
Item Compass
Item Thermometer
Item DiveSuit

Item Flashlight
Item Knife
Item Divereel
Item Airbladder
Item Flare
Item Builder
Item Welder
Item StasisRifle
Item Terraformer
Item Transfuser

Console commands for upgrades in Subnautica


Item HullReinforcementModule — (Hull)
Item HullReinforcementModule2 - (Shell)
Item HullReinforcementModule3 - (Chelonian)
Item PowerUpgradeModule —
Item SeamothReinforcementModule - (Seamoth Pressure Compensator)
Item SeamothPowerUpgradeModule - (Seamoth Power Efficiency Module)
Item SeamothSolarCharge - (Seamoth Solar Charger)
Item SeamothStorageModule - (Seamoth Storage Solution)
Item SeamothElectricalDefense - (Seamoth Perimeter Defense System)
Item SeamothTorpedoModule - (Seamoth Torpedo System)
Item SeamothSonarModule — (Seamoth Sonar)
Item SeamothArmorPlating - (Seamoth Hull Reinforcement)

A basic guide to the sandbox game Subnautica for beginners from Russian submariner Kvisaz. Control keys, what to do first, how to survive in the game and enjoy the beautiful views of the alien ocean.

Control keys in the game Subnautica

To move the player, Seamoth or submarine, a standard scheme for 3D games is used:

  • keys W, A, S, D – move in different directions;
  • mouse – direction selection, rotation;
  • space - fast rise;
  • key C – quick descent

Although you can only go up and down using WASD and the mouse, simply by turning up or down, special keys make the ascent and descent much faster.

In caves and at great depths in poor lighting, you can lose orientation, and then choosing the direction “straight up” will be very difficult. And the spacebar and C keys work regardless of whether you're disorientated, where you're looking, or whether you even see a glimmer in the darkness surrounding you.

In the Cyclope submarine, ascending and descending is only possible using the spacebar and C keys, since this vehicle, unlike the Seamoth, cannot rotate the hull up or down. It always floats like a submarine - parallel to the surface of the sea (relatively speaking).

Interaction with the world and objects

  • Left click with the mouse – take the item;
  • Right click with the mouse – use an item (which is in your hand, for example);
  • Tab key – open inventory

Inventory in the game Subnautica is something like a communicator or tablet, which, in addition to the list of items that you have, stores drawings of items that can be made for a submarine (Submarine section), and other information.

Arrival or First minutes in the game

Subnautica begins with a huge disaster. Your spaceship, in which you were flying, falls onto an ocean planet. Of the entire crew, it seems that you are the only one surviving.

You come to your senses in the middle of a vast sea. There are only two landmarks on the surface - a burning ship and a lifeboat. A burning ship does not sink, but approaching it is dangerous - radiation! And there’s nothing to do there; we need to somehow settle down in this strange but charming world. So let's swim to the lifeboat.

When you dive, your mask is activated. This happens automatically and does not require any effort on your part. This is done for atmosphere and realism, the mask does not affect anything. When you surface, admire how beautifully the water flows. It seems to flow right across the computer screen. What are these numbers and icons?

On-screen indicators

At the top of the screen is DEPTH, the depth of your dive in meters. When diving with a mask, it doesn’t really affect anything. You can dive at least 400 meters - a depth unattainable for divers in the real world.

At the bottom of the screen, in the center, are five icons for items located on the quick access panel in the inventory. At the beginning of the game there is nothing there. When they appear, you can select them by pressing the number keys from 1 to 5.

In the left corner are four important indicators on which your life depends:

  • Oxygen ( white stripe, O2 icon)
  • Health (red stripe, cross)
  • Hunger (green stripe, carrot)
  • (blue stripe, drop)

Oxygen is automatically restored when rising to the surface. Health is automatically restored over time at any depth.

But hunger and thirst must be quenched yourself. And if you don't do this, you will die. So let's quickly row to the lifeboat.

Lifeboat (escape pod)

To enter the escape pod, you need to dive under it, swim to the shining circle and click on it with the mouse.

In the boat, immediately approach the fabricator. It is located next to the sparking shield, from which the wire protrudes. This is a universal 3D printer or an analogue of a workbench from the famous sandbox. Everything is prepared in it - from water and food to complex technical devices.

Click on the fabricator to open the crafting menu. The most important items for survival are located under the fish icon. If you can’t craft anything there, you need to return to the sea and go hunting for food and water.

Food in the first minutes of the game Subnautica

What is important to remember is do not eat raw fish in the game Subnautica. Firstly, it restores satiety worse than fried food. And secondly, and this is the most important thing - raw fish increases thirst by more than 10 units. Trying to satisfy your hunger, you may simply die of thirst.

Thirst decreases more slowly than hunger. So first of all we look for food. The simplest food that grows in abundance in the Subnautica ocean is purple mushrooms (Acid Mushroom). Previously, they were officially called purple, but after one patch they became “acid”. But as before, they satisfy hunger and grow in abundance around the boat.

One Acid Mushroom gives +2 satiety. This is very small, but the mushrooms grow in packs of 10-15 pieces. So one mushroom clearing removes 20-30 hunger units.

Water – Desinfected water +30

In April 2015, the game Subnautica introduced a very simple way to get water.

1. Collect Coral Chunk - corals (using a knife from green tubes)
2. Collect salt (Salt Deposit)
3. We go to the fabricator, in the resources column there is Bleach, we craft it.
4. Then in the food column there is Desinfected water from this very bleach, we craft it, it replenishes as much as 30 thirst, which is 2 times more than from the bubble fish. Getting salt is easy, coral is even easier.

Thanks for describing this method. Sergei Kuznetsov

Water – Filtered Water +15

In addition to disinfected water, the game Subnautica also has filtered water - Filtered Water. extracted from . Her appearance It lives up to the name. You will recognize her from a thousand.

Fish of this species are found in abundance in starting location. If you don’t see it near the boat, sail a little further, look near the slopes going into the depths. But it makes no sense to go deep - Airsack in the game Subnautica prefers sunny and well-lit waters on the reefs.

Catch some Airsacks, return to the lifeboat and open the Fabricator. The first item on the food list will become available - a bottle of filtered water. Use the fish until the end, there should be plenty of water.

One bottle Filtered Water quenches 15 units of thirst. Thus, it is always better to have 2-3 spare bottles in your inventory, since there is no other way to quench your thirst in the game Subnautica.

For other ways to quench your thirst, see the article ““.

Why does an Airsack make water?

If you are wondering how water is made from bladder fish, then I will tell you that in the very first versions, it was not water that was extracted from Airsack, but membranes. It was necessary to chase this fish with a knife and strip it, cutting off the membranes as you go. I liked this method of extraction, and I got 8-10 membranes per fish. Then these membranes were inserted into the fabricator and the output was filtered water. One bottle from one membrane. It was easy and pleasant; why this method was removed is unclear. But the developers felt that this way they improve crafting - due to the fact that they remove unnecessary intermediate components. Hey you, the fish hunt was fun!

Survival and life in the world of Subnautica

So, we learned how to replenish food and water. Air and health replenish themselves. What's next? And then - just live in this ocean! Swim and explore it to your health while there is enough food, water and air.

Unlike other sandbox games, Subnautica is very calm and peaceful game. In general, there are few aggressive monsters. You can just come to this game, plop into the water and relax, like in a real tropical sea.

Dangerous fish and life forms near the boat

Update March 31, 2015. I recently saw four bone sharks at once not far from my boat and quickly rushed here to correct the “no enemies” part. There may be enemies in the starting location. They just rarely generate. You need to remember them:

  • Crash, a kamikaze fish, lives in caves and hides in red flowers. When approached, it screams, then jumps out, swims up and explodes. Removes health.
  • Gasopod - looks like a seal, with a yellow-green gas sac at the back. Rarely seen, it releases poisonous gas when approached.
  • Stalker - lives in the neighboring biome, looks like a bony shark. Biting hurts.
  • - a dangerous fish that can sometimes appear on the border of a biome.

All of these fish, except Crash, appear rarely. And if they appear, then more often at the border of the reefs, where the descent to depth begins. You shouldn’t be too afraid of them, but you don’t need to get close. The bone shark is especially dangerous - it will chase and strike again. The rest of the monsters on the list deal only one blow and are not given chase.

But in the center of the biome, near the lifeboat, I have never seen one of them before.

Night in the game

Moreover, night in Subnautica simply means reduced visibility due to darkness. No monsters appear at this time. You can also calmly swim on your native reef, catch fish and collect resources to build a submarine.

The meaning of the game Subnautica

In general, the main point in the game Subnautica comes down to three points:

  1. Replenishing food and water supplies
  2. We study undersea world and admire its beauty.
  3. We build submarines and bases

The game is very beautiful, so you can just go into it to “swim” and take a break from the hardships of ordinary land life. But besides simple swimming, you can do the following in it:

  • Hunt different fish for more nutritious food than mushrooms
  • , a soldering iron and a construction set on which you can assemble a submarine
  • Find a cave and dig up gold there
  • Build a speedboat and rush across the sea at terrible speed
  • Make a large submarine - a submarine and descend on it to the greatest depths, where strange organisms live
  • Search for the wreckage of your spaceship and use it in your household
  • Build an underwater house - a base with a free layout - and walk there, admiring the passing fish
  • Meet and swim close to him to feel your insignificance
  • Explore underwater volcanoes, dodging flying lava
  • Try to get as far as possible from your native reef in a submarine - and find a new, magnificent reef, or even an entire island
  • Making a terraformer and pouring sand into your own island is just for fun.

The first step is to find 1 of the entrances to the dead river. Namely, to the left of 300 meters from capsule 19 we will see such a biome (coordinates: -852, -428, -1339). We sail through it until we find 1 of the degasi dwellings.

And here is the “dead river” itself.

And on the right is a passage to the lava zone.

Beware the beasts!

After you have passed the ghostly leviathan, you need to move along the right side until you find a passage with alien pillars.

And here is the entrance to the biome (be careful, it is also guarded by this harmless snake) (just kidding).

Preparing for the lava biome.

Attention! Before you explore the expanses of this biome, you need to thoroughly prepare for it. Namely, take the necessary things, which I will list below:

  • 1 - the most important thing! This is a reinforced diving suit, because it protects against high temperatures and without it you will quickly die
  • 2 are the tablets. Before going to the lava biome, craft a couple of purple tablets and 1-3 orange ones, they will be useful for opening doors in the Forerunner Thermal Energy Generator.
  • 3 - water supply. You won’t last long without it, I recommend taking about 15 large bottles of drinking water at once (which is +50)
  • 4 is also important! You must have: at least 2 dive modules on your moth (1300 m) and 3 dive modules on your crab (1700 m)
  • 5 - not required, but recommended! A gripping hand on a crab (easier to move) And a drill to get the resources necessary for crafting improvements (kyanite, etc.)

Well, for the rest, I think you’ll figure out for yourself what to take. Basically, there are edible fish swimming there, so there’s no need to worry about food.

It’s better to put a garden bed on a cyclops and plant a couple of edible plants, it will be easier.

The lava biome itself (inactive)

We park our Lada right at the entrance to the biome so that the Sea Dragon doesn’t want to eat it.

The fork itself.

We need to first go to the lava castle (the side with the entrance is indicated on the fork, and the castle is in the middle of the fork).

The castle itself.

Beware of dragons! They can kick you hard.

The entrance to the castle looks like this.

Here is the base itself.

The entrance to it will be somewhere from above, depending on which side you came from, if from mine, then on back side to the left of the entrance. In the base itself you will need 2 purple tablets. 1 opens the passage to the blue tablet (with the help of which you will need to open the entrance to the Main Isolation Complex) and activates a dialogue with the emperor, and 2 opens a room with drawings of an ion battery and an energy cell, and room 3 is simply a portal, you need to insert an ion cube there, which, to the word can be obtained in the same room.

Active lava biome

As I said, the entrance to this biome is in this hole

Go down carefully, because there is lava below, which will seriously harm our crab.

The Main Complex is already visible, but the path to it is rather unpleasant. He is surrounded by lava and a dragon, which often gets aggressive

Let me remind you again

You need to take the blue tablet from the Heat Generator in the lava castle, and + craft 1 more piece because one opens the entrance itself, and the other opens the path to the emperor.

At the base, a couple of iron headcrabs will be waiting for you (they are harmless: 3)

This guide will give you some tips and tricks that you can use whenever you feel stuck in the Subnautica game.

Some useful drawings

While you don't need to use all of these blueprints, they may help solve your problems (if you already have a Scanner):

  • Repair Tool – These are relatively easy to acquire. If you haven't found it, look for the Red Fish (swimming towards you and exploding) and once it explodes, go back to the plant where it lived. Pick up the butterfly and you will unlock the blueprint for this tool.
  • Radio - Fix it with the repair tool and return to it periodically to listen for distress calls from other people. This will reward you with blueprints, fragments and other bonuses.
  • Scanning Room – Can be found relatively easily, although finding the fragments requires some exploration. Fragments will be in the debris around the grass lashes and in the wrecks surrounding the shallow water and kelp forests.
  • Lighthouse - this project is incredibly important and makes it easier to find interesting places and sunken ships that you cannot fully salvage.
  • Cutting tool - very easy to find as fragments are found in shallow water, weed beds and grass weaves. This tool is required to enter certain wreck areas and further explore Aurora.

Using the scanning room

This room requires a lot of power, but 3 solar panels should be enough to run this room at any time of the day. Attach her to your base or give her her own hatch and enter the room. On one wall you should find a panel containing a list of objects: limestone chunks, quartz, scrap metal and even sunken ships! Click on one of these elements and the room will begin searching for the selected object.

When scanning fragments using the scanning room, it will only look for fragments of drawings that you have missing or are incomplete. It will not show you the location of all blueprint fragments already obtained. This helps keep your HUD clear of clutter.

Using beacons

In the shallow waters there are a number of giant coral tubes containing many resources. You'll want to mark them down as you'll want to go back and collect all your resources. You can also get a buoyant air tube that allows you to stay underwater longer. There is no point in taking the above items if there is a Brain Coral nearby, as you can collect oxygen from its bubbles.

The Scanning Room's range is limited, so you'll need these beacons. They are capable of marking the sites of larger wrecks further from your base of operations.

If you make several secondary bases (and this is recommended, as they can provide you with oxygen and even places to store food or plants once you find them), place these bases and beacons along routes where you frequent or travel.

When you find a wreck where there is a sealed door that requires a cutting tool to open and you haven't acquired it yet, place a beacon there and add a "C" at the end. This will remind you to return to that place.

Cutting tool

You will need this tool a couple of times in shipwrecks and on board the Aurora. However, don't neglect it, as it will also help you find important blueprints and other treasures!

You'll have to use the Cutting Tool to enter the wreck and find the Modification Station, so craft it as soon as you have the necessary resources.

The cutting tool requires a lot of power, so bring a spare battery (unless you're aboard the Aurora, where you'll find plenty of batteries).

It makes sense to acquire this blueprint early on, you won't be able to build a cutting tool until you find the Jellyshroom biome or Mountain Island, after which you need to explore its cave system.

You will need the tool often, so keep it in your storage at your base.

Subnautica is an underwater sandbox game that combines the features of an action game, RPG and action-adventure game. Was released on PC/Windows. The game was developed by Unknown Worlds Entertainment, creators of the well-received online shooter Natural Selection 2. The story takes place in a fictional world inspired by old adventure novels such as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea written by Jules Verne. Numerous monsters live in the salty waters of the ocean, and at the bottom the player can find the remains of futuristic buildings and ships. Players take on the role of a submarine captain and are tasked with exploring the depths of the ocean.
