How to play as Miss Fortune. Guide to Miss Fortune. Game with support

Sarah Fortuna is a famous bounty hunter from Bilgewater. Already at the age of sixteen, she managed to rise to the heights of success, buying her own ship and acquiring a loyal crew. Her feminine charms and two pistols, “Shock” and “Awe,” helped her get out of any troubles. However, fortune did not always accompany its namesake. When she was very young and lived on the coast of the largest of the Blue Flame Islands, her village was attacked by pirates. The islanders had to experience for themselves what robbery and violence were. Since the pirates killed Sarah's mother, she never trusts them and constantly squabbles with the infamous Gangplank over Bilgewater politics. Most of all Miss Fortune wants to unite hometown to a strong, independent community and find the pirate who killed her mother. To achieve this, she joined the League of Legends to gain the influence and money she would need to achieve her goals.

“Who will fortune smile on today?”

Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune

Bounty Hunter

Characteristics :

Health 435 (+85) Damage 46.5 (+3)
Health Regeneration 5.1 (+0.65) Attack speed 0.656 (+3.01%)
Mana 212 (+38) Armor 15 (+3)
Mana regeneration 6.95 (+0.65) Magic Resistance 30 (+0)
Attack range 550 Movement speed 325

Advantages and disadvantages :

  • No retreat skills.
  • Doesn't become a hyper-carry in the late game.
  • No control skills.
  • To do well in the late game, you need to be good in lane in the early game.


Miss Fortune is weak against:
Miss Fortune is strong against:

How to counter Miss Fortune:

Summoner Abilities:

Try to avoid long damage trades with Miss Fortune, as she will deal more damage to you due to the additional damage from Impure Shots with every auto attack.

Miss Fortune is very vulnerable while using her ultimate Bullet Time. Try to freeze and focus her at this moment.

Poke and harass her periodically to make her passive. Strut was always in decline.


Strut (Walk)

Passive: If Miss Fortune takes no damage for 5 seconds, she gains an additional 25 movement speed. Every second her movement speed will increase by 9 until the increase reaches 70.

[Q] Double Up(Two for the price of one)

Active: Miss Fortune shoots at an enemy, dealing physical damage, and 120% of that damage is dealt to another enemy standing behind the original target within a 500 radius.

Physical damage to first target: 25/60/95/130/165 (+75% of AD)

Physical damage to the second target: 30/72/114/156/198 (+95% of AD)

Range: 650

Rollback: 9/8/7/6/5

Price: 70/75/80/85/90 mana

[W] Impure Shots(Dirty game)

Passive: Miss Fortune's basic attacks deal additional magic damage. This additional damage can stack up to 5 times on a single target.

Active: Miss Fortune increases her attack speed for 6 seconds, and her basic attacks reduce health regeneration effects by 50% for 3 seconds.

Additional magic damage: 4/6/8/10/12 (+5% of AP)

Maximum Magic Damage: 20/30/40/50/60 (+25% of AP)

Attack Speed ​​Increase: 30/35/40/45/50%

Rollback: 16

Price: 50 mana

[E]Make It Rain (Lead rain)

Active: Miss Fortune fires hundreds of bullets into the air, which then rain down on a targeted area with a radius of 100, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the area for 2 seconds and slowing their movement speed.

Magic damage every half second: 22.5/36.25/50/63.75/77.5 (+20% of AP)

Total magic damage: 90/145/200/255/310 (+80% of AP)

Movement speed slowdown: 20/28/36/44/52%

Range: 800

Rollback: 15

Price: 80 mana

[R] Bullet Time

Active: Over the course of 2 seconds, Miss Fortune fires up to eight waves of bullets (6 bullets per wave) in a cone in front of her. Each wave is released after a quarter of a second and deals physical damage to all enemies caught in the area of ​​effect of the skill.

Physical damage from each wave: 65/95/125 (+35% of additional AD) (+20% of AP)

Maximum Physical Damage: 520/760/1000 (+280% of additional AD) (+160% of AP)

Range: 1400

Rollback: 120/110/100

Price: 100 mana

The order of leveling up skills:

LVL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

We upgrade our skills in the following order:

Ultimate Bullet Time pump up at levels 6, 11 and 16. This skill will help us deal huge massive damage in team fights, and, if necessary, quickly push the lane. First of all, we pump up the skill Double Up, with which we will harass our opponents in the lane. Second we pump Impure Shots. This skill will increase our attack speed and deal additional magic damage with each basic attack. Due to the debuff that will be applied during basic attacks and reduce the effects of target recovery, we will become very strong in duels. Skill Make It Rain we take it once at level 4 and upgrade it last, since it deals low damage, and we will only need the movement speed slowdown in the later stages of the game.



9 x - Greater Mark of Attack Damage

AD runes will help us finish off minions and increase our damage from Double Up.


9 x - Greater Seal of Armor

Armor runes will help reduce the damage of the enemy AD carry. This will help us trade damage with him better.

Glyphs (Symbols):

9 x - Greater Glyph of Magic Resist

Magic resistance runes will help reduce damage from support skills and some AD carries, such as Corki or Varus.


3 x - Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage

AD Quints will further increase our damage and help us dominate the lane in the early game. With the additional damage, we can harass the enemy AD carry more, which will help drive him out of the lane and gain an advantage in the early stages of the game.


We put 21 points into the branch "Offense", to maximize physical damage, and 9 points per branch "Defense" to slightly increase our survivability.

More detailed information about talents can be found in the article.

Summoner Abilities:


Flash A must-have ability for every AD carry. Since Miss Fortune has no built-in retreat skills, Flash will be our only means of salvation.


Barriergood ability, if the enemy team has high burst damage. Will help us survive the attack of the assassins in the late game.


Cleanse– a great ability when the enemy team has a lot of stuns or control skills.


Final build
Starting items

We buy Doran's Blade as a starting item. It will give us health, AD and will restore our health during basic attacks.

First return to base

Having farmed at least 1700 gold on the line, we can return to base and buy Berserker's Greaves And Vampiric Scepter. These items will increase our damage and survivability in the lane.

If we win the lane and are able to get a couple of kills, then we can afford Berserker's Greaves And B.F. Sword.

Mid game

Usually by the middle of the game we should already have: Berserker's Greaves, The Bloodthirster And Phantom Dancer. With these items we will be able to deal devastating damage with our ultimate Bullet Time in team fights and easily win duels with the enemy AD carry.

Late game

The Bloodthirster will give us the largest amount of AD and allow us to deal huge damage with the skill Double Up and ultimate Bullet Time. We buy it as our first item.

Phantom Dancer is a great item for Miss Fortune that pairs great with her skill set. It will give us attack speed, critical hit chance and increase movement speed. Movement speed is very important for us, since Miss Fortune does not have built-in escapes. This is the second item we buy.

When we have already collected The Bloodthirster And Phantom Dancer, we buy Last Whisper next subject. This item will help us penetrate enemy tanks and we will inflict high damage on them.

Infinity Edge will help us maximize our damage for the late game. In combination with Phantom Dancer we will significantly increase our critical strike chance, which will help us deal massive damage to our enemies.

Guardian Angel will increase our armor and magic resistance, and also provide additional life. We collect this item last, when we have already collected all our damage items.

If the enemy team has a lot of control skills or stuns, then you can buy Quicksilver Sash. This item will give us magical resistance and allow us to remove control skills. Later we can improve it to Mercurial Scimitar, which will give us a good increase in AD.

Early game:

Since Miss Fortune is one of the strongest AD carries in the early game, we need to use this advantage to zone the enemy AD carry and prevent him from farming. At the same time, we need to finish off as many minions as possible. With our skill Impure Shots it won't be difficult. But nevertheless, we need to be careful not to get caught in a gank, because if we die, we will lose our main advantage over the enemy. We don’t stand close to bushes or the river unless they are overcooked. But we shouldn't be reckless, we need to get to the middle of the game as strong as possible. If the line is not loaded and our aggressive support initiates the battle, under no circumstances should we follow him. We need to explain to our partner that before fighting, he must place wards.

There are several ways that allow us to zone enemies. Miss Fortune's attack range is deceptive. When used correctly Double Up, its range can reach 1050, which is almost double our normal range. We look at distant enemy minions. Usually they do not stand in a horizontal line and one of them is behind the others. If the enemy AD carry comes close to this minion, use it on the minion Double Up and our enemy will receive additional damage.

The second method is more like a harassment technique, but if done correctly, the enemy AD carry will not approach the minions. We try to auto-attack the enemy when he approaches the minions in order to finish them off. Basic attacks will strain our opponent and he will be forced to let minions pass and attack us. If this happens, we do one basic attack on the enemy, then use Double Up, after which we auto-attack again and retreat.

The third method is possible when we have Vampiric Scepter, and we can tank the enemy minions for a short time to freeze the line near our tower. We stand next to our nearby minions and do not auto-attack them, but only finish them off. As soon as the enemy approaches the minions and tries to finish them off, we punish him for this. Usually our enemy has no choice but to go to the base or wait until the line resets and the minions will again be in the middle.

Mid game:

For Miss Fortune, the middle of the game begins with the first battle for the dragon. At this stage, our main goal will be to win the teamfight and get the dragon. If we fail to do this, we won't reach our full potential and won't be as useful in the late game.

We are much stronger than most AD carries in the mid game. We need to get together with our team and start a team fight if possible, or if this doesn’t work out, then just take the dragon.

If the enemy team tries to take the dragon, we try to use our ultimate Bullet Time so as to hook all enemy champions. This will cause them enormous damage.

Don't forget about correct positioning. We don't have crowd control skills, and our attack range isn't very high, so if the enemies catch us, we'll probably die.

Late game:

Our late game isn't as good as some other AD carries, but we'll still do pretty high damage and our ultimate Bullet Time everything will be just as good.

If our enemies are trying to take away the dragon or baron, we again try to hit with our ultimate Bullet Time into as many enemies as possible. If they take a lot of damage, then it will be much easier for us to win a team fight with our team.

If we win a teamfight, we try to push as hard as possible. Combined with our skill Impure Shots we can push the line very quickly.

Also skill Impure Shots makes us an excellent duelist. If we play correctly, we will be much stronger than the enemy AD carry.

We try to stay close to our team and don’t go alone. If we get caught, we will surely die and lose the game to our team.


Bullet Time– our main weapon in teamfight. Proper use of our ultimate will allow us to inflict huge damage on the enemy team and make the upcoming teamfight easier.

Stuns and control are our main enemies. If we get caught in a team fight and we don't have Cleanse or Quicksilver Sash, then we are highly likely to die.

We try to focus the highest priority enemies, but do not expose ourselves to the enemy’s advanced champions. Ask your support to be with you at all times. He must protect us from enemy bruisers and assassins by hook or by crook.

Miss Fortune's abilities allow her to deal excellent damage both to one target and to several at once. Plus, it can slow down several opponents at once.

Of course, for all these advantages, it is highly valued in rating games, because at the very beginning it has some advantages in battle.


Double Up is Miss Fortune's first and main ability. We start playing by leveling it up and most often we use it during the game. Using this spell, a bullet is fired at a target, causing a certain amount of damage, and then additionally flies off to a second target behind the main one.

Impure Shots – this spell allows you to slightly increase damage, and when activated, increase attack speed and reduce the strength of the enemy’s healing effect.

Make It Rain is an ability that we upgrade only at the very beginning, at level 2. Its main purpose is to slow down the target or drive it away from someone or something.

Bullet Time is a very powerful skill that deals damage to all enemies in front of you within 2 seconds. It is very important to use it at the right time.

Strut is a passive skill that increases running speed up to 70 units if Miss Fortune has not been attacked within 5 seconds.

An approximate leveling rotation looks like this: Q-E-W-Q-W-R, and then Maxim sang the first and second together with the ult.

We take standard Summoners Spells for Miss Fortuna - Flash+Ingite.


I always use one assembly, sometimes changing the last 2 items depending on the situation.

The initial purchase consists of either Doran's Blade (preferably) or Boots of Speed ​​+ 3 Health Point.

Main assembly:

Items that can be taken instead of the last two in the main assembly:


We always stay behind the team, we don’t take too many risks. At the moment when two of your teammates have already started the battle and the focus is already on someone, we quickly rush in with the W+E+R combination. Next, select an ADC or a mage, and finish him off with Q and auto-attack. In most of these fights, Fortuna deals at least 60% damage to 2-3 targets.

If suddenly you are suddenly targeted, then you should immediately use Flash + E on your opponents, and then R. Firstly, this will probably save your life, and secondly, even in death, you will provide very noticeable help to your team.

Another important point: try to avoid fighting with opponents who are capable of control and various kinds of tricks (invisible, jumping behind a target, etc.). Reason: when using an ult, it can simply go to nowhere and then in most cases, you are a corpse.


My version of masteries for Miss Fortune:


Actually, as I wrote earlier, we beware of characters with invisibility and control. Specifically: Fiddlesticks, Akali, Elise (!), Fizz, Talon, Ashe and Varus.

A little clarification: Fiddlesticks can interrupt the ult with a fire, and then restore health to almost maximum; Akali – slows down, jumps, goes into invisibility; Elise is generally terrifying, she goes invisible and can appear anywhere in a fairly large area, thereby allowing us to waste our ult; Fizz – masterfully dodges anything and everything; Talon – inviz, fat, jumping behind the back.

In the case of Varus and Ashe, it is advisable to use your ultimate after theirs, but here you need to take into account the fact that you may not survive the ultimate of these characters. So this is a very controversial point.


Overall, I think Miss Fortune, or Bounty Hunter as she is also known, is one of the best ADCs, especially for ranked games. Even if it was not possible to farm it properly, it is still capable of bringing considerable benefit to the team.

This Miss Fortune guide I devoted only to the main points, without going into details. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

This bounty hunter could have easily taken possession of the ship at the age of sixteen. Sarah Fortuna has a tough character, masterfully controls two pistols and is very charming at the same time. By coincidence, the heroine was simply destined to become a great corsair. After a new trade route was opened, the place where Fortune lived plunged into an endless rampage of robberies and murders. These circumstances forced the heroine to fight the infidels, and, after some time, she herself did not have time to notice how she became a great warrior, plowing the endless blue spaces.

Guide to Miss Fortune League of Legends, description of skills:

Runic Skin

This passive helps increase the heroine’s movement speed by 25 units if she does not receive damage from enemies for 7 seconds. After the allotted time period, Fortune's movement speed will increase every second until it reaches the maximum level: 70 units.

1. Double Up

With this skill, the heroine selects an enemy and shoots at him, dealing 25/60/95/130/165 + (AD) damage. After the fired projectile inflicts damage on the first enemy, it will bounce back to another, which will be located behind the attacked one. This enemy will receive 115% of the original damage.
Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds
Manacost: 70/75/80/85/90 units
Range: 625 units

2. Impure Shots

This skill passively increases the damage done by Fortune with each new attack by 6/8/10/12/14 + (0.05*AP) units. Maximum number of stacks: 4. When the skill is activated, the heroine’s attack speed increases by 30%/35%/40%/45%/60%. Bonus duration: 6 seconds. In the Miss Fortune LOL guide, it is worth noting that simultaneously with the damage, a negative effect will be applied to the enemy, reducing the level of HP recovery by 50%.
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Mana cost: 50 units

3.Make It Rain

The heroine selects a location on the map and fires multiple bullets at it, dealing 90/145/200/255/310 + (0.8*AP) units of magic damage over 2 seconds. Also, all enemies hit by bullets will move slower for 1 second by 20%/25%/30%/35%/40%.
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Manacost: 80/85/90/95/100 units
Range: 900 units

4. Bullet Time

This is the main skill of the heroine with which she can set the direction and launch 8 volleys at it within 2 seconds. All enemies hit by projectiles will receive the following amount of magic damage: 60/85/110 + (0.4*AD from arts).
Cooldown: 120/110/100 seconds
Mana cost: 150 units
Range: 1400 units

Guide to Miss Fortune League of Legends, builds:

Option 1


1) Ghost- increases the hero’s movement speed by 27%. The effect lasts for 10 seconds. The hero can also pass through allied minions. Cooldown: 210 seconds.
Available from level 1.

2) Exhaust- the spell reduces physical damage inflicted by the enemy by 70%, and damage from objects by 35%. Action time - 3 seconds. Also, the enemy's movement speed is reduced by 40%. Cooldown: 210 seconds. Available from level 1.

2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3.


Offense: Executioner, Sunder, Vampirism, Lethality, Weapon Expertise, Deadliness, Alacrity, Brute Force brute force), Summoner's Wrath (wrath of the caller).
Defense: 0
Utility (support): Meditation (meditation), Expanded Mind (experienced mind), Good Hands (straight hands).


1) Greater Mark of Desolation - increases penetration of physical defense by 1.66 units.
2) Greater Seal of Clarity - mana is replenished by 0.065 every 5 seconds. As the hero moves through game levels, the maximum value is reached at level 18 - 1.17 units.
3) Greater Glyph of Replenishment - increases mana recovery by 0.31 units every 5 seconds.
4) Greater Quintessence of Desolation - increases penetration of physical defense by 3.33 units.

1) Vampiric Scepter - the artifact’s vampirism is 10% of the physical damage dealt, which is converted into health. Increases physical attack by 10 units. Constructed from: Long Sword.
2) Berserker's Greaves - increases attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 45. Assembled from: Boots of Speed ​​+ Dagger.
3) The Bloodthrister - increases physical damage by 70 units. Vampirism is: 12% of damage caused will be transferred to health. For each kill of a monster, minion or enemy hero, the character will receive an additional one to the minimum damage and 0.2% of the lifesteal that the enemy receives. Maximum number of bonuses: 30 units. A maximum of 6% can be added to lifesteal. In case of death, the hero will lose all earned bonuses. Constructed from: Vampiric Scepter + B. F. Sword.
4) Phantom Dancer - increases attack speed by 50% and critical strike chance by 30%. The movement speed is increased by 5 units. The hero will ignore collisions with enemy units. Made from: Dagger + Zeal + Cloack of Agility.
5) Infinity Edge - increases physical damage by 70 units and critical strike chance by 25%. The damage from the hero’s physical attacks will also increase, which instead of 200 units will deal 250. It is assembled from: Pickaxe + B. F. Sword + Cloack of Agility.
6) Last Whisper - the level of physical damage increases by 40 units. The enemy's physical defense is reduced by 35%. Can be assembled from: Long Sword + Pickaxe.
7) Madred's Bloodrazor - increases the level of physical defense by 25 units, attack speed increases by 40%, and physical damage by 40 units. Each attack inflicts additional magical damage on the enemy, which is equal to 4% of his maximum health. The probability of delivering a critical hit to monsters and minions in the amount of 500 units is 15%. Collected from: Madred's Razors + Pickaxe + Recuve Bow.

Option 2

Spells: similar to option 1

Guide to Miss Fortune League of Legends, skills for leveling up:

1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3.


Offense: Executioner, Sunder, Vampirism, Lethality, Havoc, Weapon Expertise, Deadliness, Demolitionist, Alacrity, Brute Force ), Summoner's Wrath (wrath of the caller).
Defense: Hardiness, Resistance.
Utility (support): Improved Recall


1) Greater Mark of Desolation - read the description in option 1
2) Greater Seal of Alacrity - increases the character’s attack speed by 0.76%.
3) Greater Glyph of Clarity - increases mana recovery by 0.055 units every 5 seconds with each character transition to new level. The maximum effect of the rune is achieved at level 18 - 0.99 units.
4) Greater Quintessence of Desolation - read the description in option 1.

Guide to Miss Fortune LOL starting purchase:

1) Ruby Crystal - increases health by 180 units.
2) Phage - increases physical damage by 20 units and health by 200. Passively increases the chance of being able to reduce the enemy’s movement speed by 25% by 30% (if the attack is ranged, the speed will be reduced by 20%). Valid for 2 seconds. Collected from: Ruby Crystal + Long Sword.
3) Berserker's Greaves - read the description in option 1.
4) Frozen Mallet - increases the chance of critical damage by 30 units. The artifact increases the amount of health by 700 units. Passively reduces the enemy's movement speed by 40% when the hero makes physical attacks on him, and lasts for 1.5 seconds. Assembled from: Phage + Giant's Belt.
5) B. F. Sword - physical damage increases by 45.
6) The Bloodthrister - read the description in option 1.
7) B. F. Sword - read the description above.
8) Infinity Edge - read the description in option 1.
9) Madred's Bloodrazor - read the description in option 1.
10) Youmuu's Ghostblade - physical damage increases by 30 units, and the chance of a critical hit increases to 15%. The cooldown of all skills is also reduced by 10%. Increase in physical armor - 20 units. After activation for 4 seconds (for ranged) and 6 seconds (for melee combat), movement speed will be increased by 20% and attack speed by 40%. Cooldown: 45 seconds. Constructed from: The Brutalizer + Avarice Blade.


In the continuation of the guide to Miss Fortune League of Legends, we will consider the advantages of this character. Firstly, she has the enormous speed that her passive provides. Also, the passive skill imposes a negative effect on enemies, slowing down their health recovery by 50%. Another advantage is the fact that Fortune deals increased damage with all skills, including her ultimate, which has a large radius of action.

However, there are also disadvantages. For example, the passive only works when the heroine does not take damage. But if her opponents damage her, then the effect of the skill stops and Fortana becomes an easy prey. It is worth constantly farming so that you have enough gold to buy artefacts that increase the level of damage inflicted on enemies. Otherwise, after some time the heroine will be inferior to similar characters, even slightly upgraded tanks. In the guide to Miss Fortune League of Legends, it is worth noting that the heroine is dependent on team game. If she finds herself surrounded by inexperienced players, she is unlikely to be able to influence the outcome of the game.

When choosing additional spells, it is better to focus on Exhaust, Teleport, Ghost, in order to increase your movement speed and survivability level with their help. Runes are mainly used to increase physical defense and accelerate mana recovery. Since it is not enough at the start, it is better to first pump up the attack branch, and their support branches to maximize those skills that are aimed at regeneration.

The set of artifacts can be varied; it is not at all necessary to buy those that were given in the builds. You can focus on your own gaming experience and preferences. I advise you not to forget to stock up on items that affect movement speed, HP theft, and increase your maximum health level.

Also worth noting in the Miss Fortune League of Legends guide is that at the beginning of the game you need to systematically attack your opponents, but these attacks should be short-lived. Wear down your enemies so that they cannot farm normally, and then you can go gank. You shouldn't wait for the ultimate to appear at level 6; Fortuna has a high probability of killing the enemy hero even without it.

In mass batches, it is better to quickly use your main skill to sell maximum amount opponents. After that, you can help your teammates and play for finishing. You can also select the enemy at the beginning, and then focus him, and only at the very end use the ult.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this heroine, who belongs to the shooting characters, is very fascinating and extraordinary. Miss Fortune has high survivability and effective skills aimed at attacking and causing increased damage.

The guide to Miss Fortune in the League of Legends game provides an overview of all aspects of using the champion in a match. This long-range marksman can become a threat in the hands of a skilled player and deal a lot of damage. To do this, you need to select the right runes, study skills, play on the line and much more, as mentioned in the article.

What is a champion?

As in any other guide - for Miss Fortune or another hero, it doesn’t matter - initially you should make a short description of the hero. This shooter has skills aimed at causing high damage to a single target, multiple players and significantly increasing mobility. Thanks to this, it is easy for her to take positions in order to shoot enemies while out of reach. Its main advantage and at the same time disadvantage is its ultimate skill, which fires salvo shots in a large area. The disadvantage is that any control from enemy characters interrupts the skill, and then the shooter no longer poses such a great threat.


Every guide for Miss Fortune, and for any other character in the MOBA project, must consider skills. This champion's first ability (passive) is to increase his additional attack when changing targets in battle. Active Skill (Q) "Two for the Price of One" is a targeted shot that ricochets off an enemy in a small area and severely wounds another target. The second skill (W) “Walk” is responsible for increasing the speed outside of combat passively, and when activated, the attack speed increases. The third skill (E) “Lead Rain” creates an area that slows down and deals minor damage to enemies. The main ultimate ability (R) “Time to Die” fires from 12 to 16 volleys of ammunition in a large area, depending on the level of the skill. The enemy receives a huge amount of damage and can die even with one use of the ult. In difficult team skirmishes, competent use of a skill can be a decisive factor.

Character Pros

In the Miss Fortune guide, it is necessary to note the positive aspects of using this champion. First of all, this is mobility outside of combat, which allows you to quickly return to the line and move around the map. At the same time, the second active skill also increases the attack speed. Secondly, skills with area damage allow you to lose health to several enemies or even their entire team at once. This works especially well in combinations with mass control (Amumu, Malphite). The third important advantage is the ability to exchange damage in the lane and still win if you use (Q) correctly. There is a slowdown, which is good for running away and catching up with the enemy. At the same time, Miss Fortune is a fairly simple shooter and is suitable for beginners. A few matches are enough to be able to use it in ranked battles. The skills do not require much precision, but the benefits for the team are enormous.


When playing as Miss Fortune in the League of Legends, the greatest danger for the gamer will be the unexpected arrival of the enemy on the line. If a player is trapped in a narrow space, then other than Summoner Skills (Jump, Health Replenishment recommended), there will be no opportunity to escape. A forester's successful arrival will most likely end in death. Some abilities require positioning, especially the ultimate. You must stand still and do damage, and your allies cover the shooter, so interaction with the team plays a big role. To exchange shots on the line, you will have to learn how to shoot correctly with (Q), since the automatic shot radius is lower than that of many other heroes. Also, do not forget that Miss Fortune is primarily a shooter and her survivability is low. A few wrong moves and a frontline of enemies in the form of mobile fighters will quickly kill the hero. This should always be remembered, especially if such dangerous characters as Jarvan 4, Le Blanc, Fizz, Zed and others are acting against the user good killers shooters.

Arrangement of new runes

In the preseason after the end of the seventh rank year, the game's system of talents and runes was completely updated. Now they have become one mechanism with easier selection. The player selects 5 main branch parameters and 2 additional ones for his character. For Miss Fortune in "League of Legends" best branch There will be “Sorcery”, where the first skill will be “Magic Comet” - an additional projectile that deals damage in an area and reduces cooldown on impact. The Hat of the Absolute rune focuses on reducing the cooldown of your ultimate, and Full Focus will add additional damage when health is above 70% of the maximum. The “Burn” skill is the last in this branch, and it will apply a debuff in the form of fire every 20 seconds. From the second branch “Domination”, it is worth taking “Dirty Trick” to receive pure damage to opponents who are under the influence of slowdown or control. The last useful rune will be the “Zombie Totem”, which appears in the place of all your or enemy’s destroyed wards.

Leveling order and Summoner Skills

In Season 7, Miss Fortune was a popular champion in the lower leagues where advanced users could fend for themselves. In the professional arena, the shooter is inferior to those carries who can inflict huge damage in a matter of seconds with auto attacks (Twitch, Kogmao). The most useful Summoner skills on a champion will be Blink and Healing. If opponents have means in their arsenal to reduce health recovery (Varus), then it’s worth thinking about “Barrier”. In doubles games, shooters take it, and support heroes take “Healing,” but the right combination requires teamwork, which is not the case in solo matches. Most often, Miss Fortune is first upgraded to the first skill to exchange damage on the line with a win for herself, then speed up shooting and only then slow down, giving only one point to (E) at the third level. Some users, on the contrary, prefer leveling up through “Lead Rain”, but more often this happens when items are purchased for skill power rather than attacks.

Beginning of the game

At the initial stage in each match, the guide for Miss Fortune in the “League of Legends” should concern the assembly of items and behavior on the line. First of all, pay attention to the enemy's capabilities. This list includes the number of teleporters, their ability to move around the map and the threat from the jungler. If all this is present, then it is better with your support player not to go further than the middle of the line and always monitor the enemy’s movements. Teams like Thalia and Shen can organize the arrival of the entire enemy team at the most unexpected moment. It’s worth going aggressive when you are clearly stronger in damage against the enemy, and if a support like Leona can keep control for a long time, then a kill is guaranteed. The purchase is standard - “Doran’s Sword” and a Health Potion. You should definitely focus on farming in order to get the “Phantom Blade of Youmuu” as quickly as possible. This is an ideal item for this hero, which will help literally destroy the enemy. It fits all skills and adds mobility, which is often lacking.

Mid match

From the 20th minute onwards, the guide to Miss Fortune in League of Legend has two branches. If you choose the runes that were described at the beginning, then you should think about getting the “Eye of the Watchers”. This will give you an increase in skill power, health, and will allow you to place totems to control the map. If “Domination” was chosen as the main branch, then you need to take the “Black Axe” for greater survivability and physical damage in the area. The item “Twilight Blade of Draktharr” is required in both directions. The boot should be taken situationally, depending on the lack of characteristics.

In Season 7, marksmen often take boots to protect them from physical or magical damage. It would also be a good idea for Miss Fortune to get the Boots of Swiftness to increase her movement speed even more. Around the 20th minute of the match, in most cases local fights begin. At this point, you should try to destroy the first tower in order to further create pressure from below. The shooter should not get too carried away with this, otherwise you will be caught and killed.

Late stage of battles

At the stage of assembling six slots of almost all players, the game almost comes down to one successful battle in a 5 on 5 battle. As can be learned from the numerous available guides for Miss Fortune in LoL, the player must definitely focus on positioning and situational items. These things include “Edge of Night,” which will add mortality and damage, plus a useful active skill. It is worth taking along with other blades that increase these parameters. As a result, the ultimate will cause so much damage that the enemies will not be able to win the fight. For runes in the “Domination” branch, it is best to take “Guardian Angel” and “Bloodsucker”. Resurrection and health regeneration from shots will be beneficial. If Miss Fortune cannot cope with tanks, then it is better to take “Lord Dominic’s Bow”, which will help with breaking through armor. Regarding positioning, everything is simple. The shooter does not have the means to instantly escape, and therefore it is not worth engaging in a fight right away. You should choose the most comfortable position for launching the ult and subsequent shooting. At the same time, pay attention to the use of combinations by enemies who can get close to the hero and throw control (Jarvan 4, Sejuani).

Main rivals

All Miss Fortune guides for season 7 always tell who it is most difficult for the champion to stand on the line and fight in fights, so if difficulties arise during the passage, it is better for the gamer to familiarize himself with them. We, in turn, can advise the following. Since until the 20th minute the user will face, by and large, only the enemy shooter and support, then they should start with them. The most unpleasant opponents are Draven and Tristana. Both can knock down the ultimate with their skills, with the first character having more damage throughout the game. By the end of the game, Tristana can be destroyed by Miss in two or three successful shots with critical damage. It is extremely difficult to fight against them without support. If you add to this support with control in the form of Morgana or Leona, then they will be able to kill the champion even under the tower already at level 6. In group battles, like any other marksman, MF should keep her distance against killers like Zed and Fizz. They kill the enemy in a second and don’t even allow you to use a single skill. Also, defeat awaits you when fighting with strong tanks, which in solo situations can inflict enough damage (Maokai, Chogat).

Game with support

Depending on which support champion was chosen, the game on the lane will develop this way. New guides to Miss Fortune that have appeared in 2017 from everyone professional player Most consider the option separately. If we are talking about options such as Brand, Morgana, Zira, then the shooter must wait for a profitable exchange and even start it himself. You just need to be sure of the correct position of your comrade at the time of the battle. Heroes like Sona and Nami are more suitable for defensive plays, although the former is often used aggressively and is punished for this. They forgive some mistakes in damage exchange and create conditions for safe farming. Characters like Leona and Blitzcrank force you to go into aggression. Streams with Miss Fortune often reflect this aspect and allow, in theory, to gain experience, which is useful for beginners.

Champion Support Positions

Some users consider Miss Fortune as a support. Guides can help the player in this case too. Tactics in this version of the game changes radically: items to collect will already be focused on healing and adding damage to allies. The problem is that the shooter has almost no skills to support an ally in the lane. The pairing will be more like two players focused on damage, and in most cases such a setup is obviously losing. Over time in the match, Miss Fortune will become weaker, her ultimate will not do the damage it should, and the only slow with (E) is not very useful in team battles. Therefore, in League of Legends, Miss Fortune is best used only as a shooter.

Love Tap- a passive skill allows you to inflict additional damage at the moment when Fortune changes the target for attack. When playing on the lane, the passive makes it possible to significantly increase the hero’s damage. The fact is that usually Miss Fortune stands on the bottom line against 2 enemies and thus you can safely alternate your attacks between the enemy carry and support. Even if there is only one enemy, there will definitely be some minion nearby that can also be used to alternate attacks. The same technique can be used to attack an enemy tower. During team battles, the passive will no longer be so relevant, since Miss Fortune will more often focus her damage on one target, usually the one that is closer. There simply will not be an opportunity to alternate attacks, and sometimes this will not be beneficial, since you will need to concentrate on a specific target.

Double Up - interesting feature This skill is that the greatest damage is received not by the target being attacked, but by the target behind. In general, the skill does good damage, but you need to learn how to use it, or rather choose the right target for a ricochet. It is worth noting that if the first target dies, the second one receives additional damage. Thus, for example, you can guess the moment and use this skill to finish off a minion, after which the projectile that flies off at the enemy champion will cause very decent damage. On maximum level pumping skill has a very small cooldown and if you have a good supply of mana, you can even spam it for a while. It is important to understand that the projectile will fly back to the target only if it is within a radius of 500.

Strut- the skill allows you to dramatically speed up your hero, in all respects, that is, increase both attack speed and movement speed. For a damage dealer, these indicators are very important, especially when you have to catch up with fleeing enemies. Even one skill level is more than enough to significantly increase the hero’s combat characteristics. The passive part of the skill makes it possible to quickly move between lines or run to a specific point (for example, to a line from the base). Miss Fortune has no other skills in her arsenal that increase mobility, so you need to learn to use this particular ability and understand the moment when it is best to activate it.

Make It Rain- even the first level of the skill deals good massive damage and significantly slows down the speed of movement of enemies. The slow lasts 2 seconds from the moment the enemy leaves the affected area. While the enemy is standing under a hail of bullets, the slowdown will be constantly updated. The skill has a good blast radius, making it very difficult to miss. Due to its good radius and fairly powerful slowdown, the skill is sometimes maxed out first in order to have good effectiveness during team battles and initial game on line. In other words, the skill can be used to actively harass the enemy. The ability has a slight delay before it starts to be used, but to be honest, you quickly get used to it and it doesn’t create any problems. Where Lead Rain is used, an area is revealed and this fact can be used for safe exploration of a specific area. Remember this and once again do not run headlong into a dangerous area.

Bullet Time- Fortunka's ult is one of the most powerful AOE skills in the game, the damage of which increases with each purchase of a damage item. The skill has a tolerable mana consumption and a more or less normal cooldown. Thus, you can implement an ult in almost any battle. It’s worth mentioning right away about the main disadvantage of the skill, namely that Miss Fortune needs to stand in one place throughout the entire duration of the skill and it is impossible to change the direction of the cone of destruction. However, if you immediately correctly determine the affected area, then you can realize the full damage of the ult. You only need to stand for 3 seconds to deal a ton of damage. During the duration of the ult, Fortuna is very vulnerable. The enemies will not stand still, but will either scatter to the sides or try to apply some control skills to Fortunka in order to interrupt the ult. Thus, it is best to use the ult in a combo with other control skills of your allies and try to use the skill in such a way that Fortunka is as far away from the enemies as possible, but still hits them with each volley. It is very good to use your ult by taking advantage of uneven terrain. For example, your team starts a battle, and you stand behind a forest or some small obstacle. In this case, enemies will no longer be able to easily get to you so quickly. Of course, the ult is best used on a group of enemies, but this does not mean that you cannot use the skill on one hero. There are situations when it is useful to discharge a skill on one enemy when you do not have the opportunity to pursue him. Unlike a regular auto attack, the range of the ult is longer and, if used correctly, you can simply bury the enemy under waves of bullets.

Spell Selection:

If you have an enemy on the line who can reduce the effectiveness of treatment, then it is better to replace the treatment with the Barrier shield. If the enemy team has champions with very strong control skills, then the Cleanse spell will also be relevant.

The order of leveling up skills:

Option 1:

This option is the most frequently used. First of all, the Double Up skill is maxed out and this ability must be used very well from the very beginning of the game. Secondly, the Strut skill is maximized. By the time we level it up, we will already have damage artifacts and attack speed will be very important. Be sure to take the skill Make It Rain at 1 at the beginning of the game, since it slows down several enemies very well at once. Ultimate is certainly pumped up as it becomes available, that is, at levels 6, 11 and 16.

1 4 5 7 9
2 8 10 12 13
3 14 15 17 18
6 11 16

Option 2:

The second option is used less often and here the focus is on pumping up the Make It Rain skill. The second skill is most often maxed out by Double Up, but you can also give preference to Strut. Ultimate is also pumped out of turn, that is, at levels 6, 11 and 16.

2 8 10 12 13
3 14 15 17 18
1 4 5 7 9
6 11 16


Artifact Selection:

When starting a purchase, it is best to use a standard purchase in the form of a sword and a health bank:

One of the key items for Miss Fortune is Youmuu's Ghostblade, and it is with this artifact that you can safely start the game, that is, save up gold for components. When you first return home, it is advisable to have money to buy Serrated Dirk and Caulfield's Warhammer. Both ingredients are very useful as they increase physical damage. The next important artifacts that can be used in most games are Black Cleaver and Duskblade of Draktharr. The order in which these items are purchased may vary and should be determined solely by the situation. Boots in most cases are used for the attack speed of Berserker's Greaves. To sum up everything said above, in the middle of the game you should have the following artifacts:

The remaining two free inventory slots are filled solely according to the situation. Damage items you can buy are: Bloodthirster, Infinity Edge, Statikk Shiv, Lord Dominik's Regards or Rapid Firecannon.

Good defensive items to use: Banshee's Veil, Mercurial Scimitar, Randuin's Omen and Guardian Angel. Of course, you need to take into account what type of damage prevails in the enemy team and what kind of protection you need in the current game.

Below I would like to give a few examples of the final purchase so that you can have an idea of ​​what you should strive for.

Option 1:

Option 2:



  • There are no escape skills, making this champion vulnerable to an unexpected gank or an obvious enemy focus.
  • The use of some skills requires the explicit support of your allies. In addition, while using the ult, Fortunka needs to stand still, and this is very dangerous for such a carry hero.
  • Low survivability on the battlefield.
  • The attack range is slightly below average.

Let's consider a number of supports and tanks with which Fortunka will be comfortable and comfortable in the lane.

Sona is capable of not only providing you with a little help, but also acting as a good magician. Please note that when Sona uses her combat skill Hymn of Valor , a blue aura forms around it, picking it up and causing your next attack to deal bonus magic damage. Together with this support, it is better to play more aggressively, then Sona will use attacking skills more often and it will be easier for you. Once again, try not to take damage. Sona, of course, can restore some of your health, but at the first levels it is very little, and the skill spends a lot of mana. It is also worth noting how well the ults of these champions combine: mass stun + mass damage.
Leona is one of best tanks supports and of course Miss Fortune stands very well with her. The most important thing is that your actions are as coordinated as possible and with every successful attack by Leona, you are always there and help her. As a rule, Leona acts according to the same scheme: she jumps on the enemy using the skill Zenith Blade, and then stuns Shield of Daybreak. It is very important to learn to feel your ally and start an attack not at the end of the whole combo, but when Leona is just making a jump. If you do everything correctly, in combination with Fortunka’s slowdown, you can kill the enemy in one such combo. Also pay attention to Leona's ult. It is capable of stunning several enemies at once, but it is done with a slight delay, but visually you see its beginning and can determine whether it will stun several targets at once. Accordingly, you can guess and start using your ult.
Another representative of tank supports, who is capable of stunning enemies from a distance, several at once. Just like with Leona, it is very important that your actions are as synchronized as possible and that you always start attacking the enemy at the moment of stunning. Immediately after the enemy comes out of stun and tries to run, you can use the Make It Rain slow and continue shooting the enemy.
A very strong support, capable of working miracles. Playing as Thresh is difficult, as his skills require some skill. If your allied Thresh plays well and hits with his skills, then there will be no problems at all with killing the enemy and most likely by level 6 you will already have earned a couple of kills. But if you come across some newbie Trash, then you will suffer so much.
Zhanna is able to cast an excellent Eye Of absorption shield on you The Storm, which also increases your attack by high levels with a good attack speed this will be very important. Periodically, Jeanne will release her Howling Gale whirlwinds. Carefully monitor when they hit the enemy and if successful, be sure to add several of your auto attacks. Of course, Zhanna does not know how to heal, but if she throws her shield in time, then this very treatment will not be useful to you at all.

Miss Fortune has the greatest difficulty against those enemies who can wage trench warfare or otherwise avoid Fortuna's attacks. Such heroes include: Sivir, Twitch, Kog"Maw, Jhin, Ezreal or Ashe.

If we consider the enemy supports who, together with the carry, will stand on the line, then for Fortunka the most dangerous will be the aggressive support mages. For example, you can highlight such heroes as: Brand, Zyra, Zilean or Lucian, Draven or Vayne. In other words, at the start we simply take advantage of the enemy’s lack of attack range. Of course, this does not mean that Miss Fortune is a tough counter to these heroes, but with proper play, you can kill the enemy several times in the first half of the game or significantly reduce the farming speed.

Miss Fortune's main task at the beginning of the game is to farm gold and at the same time prevent the enemy carry from doing the same. Already at the start of the game, Miss Fortune has good potential for constant harassment of the enemy. Even a regular basic attack when using a passive effect can deal good additional damage. You should definitely learn how to correctly use the Double Up skill, since when playing on the line it allows you to deal very good damage to enemies. It is enough just to finish off the creeps in time at the moment when the enemy hero is hiding behind them. At the same time, you need to be sure to watch the approaches to the line and if your allied support does not set up wards, then you need to play as carefully as possible. Miss Fortune does not have the skills to escape quickly and can become an easy victim. Most carries at the beginning of the game do not have the best attack, and if you manage to drive the enemy under your own tower, then he will have difficulty finishing off minions. The beginning of the game is a very important part of the game and this is where you need to concentrate all your strength. In the first minutes of the game, you also need to monitor your support and roughly understand his playing style. Without his help, you will not be able to stand on the line normally and in any case you will need the help of an ally to kill the enemy. Therefore, it is better to immediately understand how he acts and synchronize your actions with his skills. The enemy can be periodically fired upon when he approaches in order to finish off the minion. Of course, he will finish off the minion, but will receive damage and perhaps this will be the beginning of your attack and the attack of your support on the line. The important thing to understand is that Miss Fortune has very good damage and does not need to wait for her ult to kill someone. The more aggressive and smarter you play at the beginning, the easier it will be for you later. You shouldn’t get too carried away and spam skills at the first levels, as Fortunka will quickly be left without mana and then you will have nothing to answer the enemy with. By the way, it is better to start using the Double Up skill when it is at least the second level.

The middle of the game begins from the moment when all champions begin to purchase basic items and actively move between lines. At this moment, Fortunka no longer needs to sit on the line. If there is no active action on the map, then of course you farm, but it is best to constantly force the enemy into battle, since at this point in the game Miss Fortune is a very strong champion, especially when it comes to mass battles. If you managed to quickly destroy the enemy's tower on the bottom line, then it is best to move towards the center and try to kill the Dragon, of course with the help of an allied jungler. The dragon gives a good advantage to your team, so killing it is an important part of the game. The place next to the Dragon should be controlled by wards (a support should be responsible for this). You must always be ready to move towards the Dragon. In general, in the mid-game, it is best to move between the bottom and mid lanes, while trying to farm minions and neutral monsters. Rising to the top lane is less effective since you lose a lot of time while the enemy carry is farming. Miss Fortune is a very vulnerable champion, without the ability to quickly run away or jump to the side, so you should always stay close to your allies and not run solo. You should never start a fight first, of course, unless it is some kind of private situation. In mass battles, Fortunka is primarily expected to use her ultimate, Bullet Time, while hitting the maximum number of enemies. After the ult, you can slow down the enemies using the Make It Rain skill and, by turning on Strut, begin to calmly shoot half-dead enemies. Don't forget about Double Up, which is ideal for finishing off some target that is at a great distance. Due to her good movement speed, Miss Fortune can move very quickly between lines. Due to this advantage, you simply must always participate in every battle and be the main damage dealer of your team.

At the end of the game it is very important to maintain the same attack as in the middle game, but to be very careful. If Fortunka suddenly runs forward, then with a very high probability the enemy team will simply take advantage of this moment and kill you. Wait for the initiator to start the battle, and then start using your skills and auto-attack. During this period of the game it is very important to stay alive, as a very big responsibility rests on your shoulders. If you die first, this will very quickly lead to the end of the match, as opponents will take advantage of your long respawn and simply demolish all the buildings. Of course, this does not mean that you should constantly hide in the bushes and come running when all your brothers are already dead. Just enter the battle 1-2 seconds later than the initiator and choose the right priority targets: carry, mage, support. Don't forget about such important neutrals as Dragon and Baron. Their spawn places should always be monitored and at the first opportunity you should kill them quickly, of course not solo.

In general, learning how to play Miss Fortune is not difficult. She has fairly clear skills. Of course, some of them take a little getting used to, but it won’t take much time. The main difficulty of this champion is that you need to be able to react quickly to various situations, since you have no room for error. The Flash spell, of course, in some cases can save you, but you won’t be able to use it all the time, simply because of the long cooldown.
