How to write a new invitation to the Tanki clan. Application to join the clan

IN game World of Tanks you can join a clan. This opportunity can bring you not only huge gaming experience, but also gold. Let's look at how to join clan World of Tanks.

Invitation to the clan

If you good player, a commander or recruiter of some clan may notice you and send you an invitation to join. You need to take it for one day.

But know that waiting for manna from heaven is a lost cause, because joining a clan is like finding a job: you must look for a clan, not the clan for you.

This is how you can accept an invitation to the clan:

  1. Go to the "My Profile" page.
  2. Open the “Invitations” page, the link to it is on the right in the vertical menu.
  3. Click on the "Accept" button.

Application to join the clan

By submitting applications to World of Tanks clans, joining any of them is much easier than waiting for someone to notice you. There are a thousand clans, and a million players (figuratively), so it’s easier to make the last choice.

This is how you can apply to join the clan:

  1. Go to the World of Tanks website.
  2. Open the “Community” page (or click on the arrow next to the “Community” button in the horizontal menu).
  3. Click on the "Clans" button.
  4. Find a clan in the list that has a red button with a plus sign on the right. This means that the clan is accepting new recruits. If the button is inactive, you cannot join the clan by application, only by invitation.
  5. Click on the plus button in the list of clans or go to the page with the clan and click on the “Join a clan” button.
  6. Enter the message that clan officers will receive along with your application.
  7. Click on the "Submit" button.

You can submit no more than 100 applications per day.

A platoon in WoT is an analogue to a standard clan in any other multiplayer game. Therefore, if you create your own platoon, then this places a very large responsibility on you for what will happen to your clan in the future. The process includes, of course, recruiting new members, because there is no point in having a platoon that cannot even field a full-fledged team for battle. Accordingly, you need to find out how to invite to a World of Tanks clan. There are several methods for this, each of which is worth examining separately.

Inviting friends

If you are collecting your own platoon in this game and want to know how to invite World of Tanks new members, then you should naturally start with the list of your friends. Most likely, you have among them those whom you can trust and with whom you will undoubtedly go into battle together. Remember that in WoT a lot of battle is decided by tactics and coordination in actions, so you need to understand each other and plan overall strategy. It is clear that it will be easier to do this with friends, and adding them to the platoon follows an extremely simple scheme. You can go to your platoon page, where there will be a very noticeable tab: “Invite to platoon”, which you need to use. A list of your friends will appear in front of you, and you can select those whom you would like to see with you. So you have learned the first way to invite a World of Tanks clan. However, the list of friends is not unlimited, and in any case you will have to turn your attention to unfamiliar players. How to do this as efficiently as possible?

Call conditions

Both the tankers themselves and the clan creators can write a kind of questionnaire in the game that will greatly help them. If you want to know how to invite new recruits to a World of Tanks clan, you should definitely keep in mind this questionnaire, which, however, has its own name. For recruits it is called “Personal File”, in which they fill out the required information about themselves, and for clan leaders and recruiters it is “Conscription Conditions”. In this form, you need to indicate all the requirements for a future clan member that he must meet. You can specify the total number of battles, the minimum percentage of victories, the number of frags on a certain vehicle, and the presence of specific tanks in the hangar. In general, in this document you can indicate all the criteria for selecting fighters, but how does the whole system work? After all, if you know how to join a clan in World of Tanks without an invitation, then you have been misinformed - it is simply impossible.

Military registration and enlistment office system

The military registration and enlistment office in World of Tanks is a system of personal files of fighters and conditions for recruiting platoons, which allows you to automate the search for the necessary players and clans. If you are a recruiter in a platoon and need to look for new members, then your work will be significantly reduced. When you fill out all the necessary data in the “Recruitment Conditions”, only those fighters who meet the specified requirements will be offered to you in the search. All you have to do is either send an invitation to specific fighters, or conduct preliminary negotiations with them to clarify whether they are suitable for the platoon and whether they want to join the clan in principle. Now you know how a recruiter can invite new players to a clan in World of Tanks. But there is one unpleasant nuance in this whole process that you should consider.

Recruitment restrictions

If you do not have a premium account, then you will encounter one unpleasant, but not too critical problem. You will only be able to invite one player at a time. That is, you can send an invitation to one soldier to the platoon, but until he responds with consent or refusal, you will not be able to send any more invitations. A premium account will allow you to send an unlimited number of invitations at the same time.


How to invite new recruits to a World of Tanks clan?

April 9, 2015

A platoon in WoT is an analogue to a standard clan in any other multiplayer game. Therefore, if you create your own platoon, then this places a very large responsibility on you for what will happen to your clan in the future. The process includes, of course, recruiting new members, because there is no point in having a platoon that cannot even field a full-fledged team for battle. Accordingly, you need to find out how to invite to a World of Tanks clan. There are several methods for this, each of which is worth examining separately.

Inviting friends

If you are assembling your own platoon in this game and want to know how to invite new members to the World of Tanks clan, then naturally you should start with the list of your friends. Most likely, you have among them those whom you can trust and with whom you will undoubtedly go into battle together. Remember that in WoT, a lot of battle is determined by tactics and coordination in actions, so you need to understand each other and plan a common strategy. It is clear that it will be easier to do this with friends, and adding them to the platoon follows an extremely simple scheme. You can go to your platoon page, where there will be a very noticeable tab: “Invite to platoon”, which you need to use. A list of your friends will appear in front of you, and you can select those whom you would like to see with you. So you have learned the first way to invite a World of Tanks clan. However, the list of friends is not unlimited, and in any case you will have to turn your attention to unfamiliar players. How to do this as efficiently as possible?

Call conditions

Both the tankers themselves and the clan creators can write a kind of questionnaire in the game that will greatly help them. If you want to know how to invite new recruits to a World of Tanks clan, you should definitely keep in mind this questionnaire, which, however, has its own name. For recruits it is called “Personal File”, in which they fill out the required information about themselves, and for clan leaders and recruiters it is “Conscription Conditions”. In this form, you need to indicate all the requirements for a future clan member that he must meet. You can specify the total number of battles, the minimum percentage of victories, the number of frags on a certain vehicle, and the presence of specific tanks in the hangar. In general, in this document you can indicate all the criteria for selecting fighters, but how does the whole system work? After all, if you know how to join a clan in World of Tanks without an invitation, then you have been misinformed - it is simply impossible.

Military registration and enlistment office system

The military registration and enlistment office in World of Tanks is a system of personal files of fighters and conditions for recruiting platoons, which allows you to automate the search for the necessary players and clans. If you are a recruiter in a platoon and need to look for new members, then your work will be significantly reduced. When you fill out all the necessary data in the “Recruitment Conditions”, only those fighters who meet the specified requirements will be offered to you in the search. All you have to do is either send an invitation to specific fighters, or conduct preliminary negotiations with them to clarify whether they are suitable for the platoon and whether they want to join the clan in principle. Now you know how a recruiter can invite new players to a clan in World of Tanks. But there is one unpleasant nuance in this whole process that you should consider.

Recruitment restrictions

If you do not have a premium account, then you will encounter one unpleasant, but not too critical problem. You will only be able to invite one player at a time. That is, you can send an invitation to one soldier to the platoon, but until he responds with consent or refusal, you will not be able to send any more invitations. A premium account will allow you to send an unlimited number of invitations at the same time.




A platoon in WoT is an analogue to a standard clan in any other multiplayer game. Therefore, if you create your own platoon, then this places a very large responsibility on you for what will happen to your clan in the future. The process includes, of course, recruiting new members, because there is no point in having a platoon that cannot even field a full-fledged team for battle. Accordingly, you need to find out World of Tanks. There are several methods for this, each of which is worth examining separately.

Inviting friends

If you are assembling your own platoon in this game and want to know how to invite new members to the World of Tanks clan, then naturally you should start with the list of your friends. Most likely, you have among them those whom you can trust and with whom you will undoubtedly go into battle together. Remember that in WoT, a lot of battle is determined by tactics and coordination in actions, so you need to understand each other and plan a common strategy. It is clear that it will be easier to do this with friends, and adding them to the platoon follows an extremely simple scheme. You can go to your platoon page, where there will be a very noticeable tab: “Invite to platoon”, which you need to use. A list of your friends will appear in front of you, and you can select those whom you would like to see with you. So you have learned the first way to invite to However, the list of friends is not unlimited, and in any case you will have to turn your attention to unfamiliar players. How to do this as efficiently as possible?

Call conditions

Both the tankers themselves and the clan creators can write a kind of questionnaire in the game that will greatly help them. If you want to know how to invite new recruits to a World of Tanks clan, you should definitely keep in mind this questionnaire, which, however, has its own name. For recruits it is called “Personal File”, in which they fill out the required information about themselves, and for clan leaders and recruiters it is “Conscription Conditions”. In this form, you need to indicate all the requirements for a future clan member that he must meet. You can specify the total number of battles, the minimum percentage of victories, the number of frags on a certain vehicle, and the presence of specific tanks in the hangar. In general, in this document you can indicate all the criteria for selecting fighters, but how does the whole system work? After all, if you know how to join a clan in World of Tanks without an invitation, then you have been misinformed - it is simply impossible.

Military registration and enlistment office system

The military registration and enlistment office in World of Tanks is a system of personal files of fighters and conditions for recruiting platoons, which allows you to automate the search for the necessary players and clans. If you are a recruiter in a platoon and need to look for new members, then your work will be significantly reduced. When you fill out all the necessary data in the “Recruitment Conditions”, only those fighters who meet the specified requirements will be offered to you in the search. All you have to do is either send an invitation to specific fighters, or conduct preliminary negotiations with them to clarify whether they are suitable for the platoon and whether they want to join the clan in principle. Now you know how a recruiter can invite new players to a clan in World of Tanks. But there is one unpleasant nuance in this whole process that you should consider.

Recruitment restrictions

If you do not have a premium account, then you will encounter one unpleasant, but not too critical problem. You will only be able to invite one player at a time. That is, you can send an invitation to one soldier to the platoon, but until he responds with consent or refusal, you will not be able to send any more invitations. A premium account will allow you to send an unlimited number of invitations at the same time.
