How to clean wot from unnecessary files. How to clear WoT game cache? Other causes of problems

To speed up loading, the game stores resources in the cache. Many user problems are related to incorrectly cached or outdated resources. To solve these problems, you need to clear the cache so that the game can reload the latest version of maps, models, and textures. In addition, in order to speed up the loading of the game, the cache must be large enough to contain all the resources.

Important: after clearing the cache, reload the page with the game if it is open.

Official client

  1. Close the client if it is open.
  2. Press the key combination Win + R, enter the following line in the field that appears (you can copy and paste it):
    • for Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\TankiOnline\Local Store
    • for Windows Vista and above: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\TankiOnline\Local Store\cache
  3. Click "OK" or Enter.
  4. Delete folder cache .

Google Chrome

  1. In the Google Chrome browser, press Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  2. In the drop-down submenu, select the period for which the cache will be cleared (it is recommended to select the “for all time” option).
  3. Make sure that the checkbox is only in front of the item "Images and other files saved in the cache."

Mozilla Firefox

  1. In the Firefox browser, press Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  2. In the drop-down submenu, select the period for which the cache will be cleared (it is recommended to select "All").
  3. Make sure that the checkbox is only in front of the "Cache" item.
  4. Click the Delete Now button.

Opera versions< 15

  1. In the Opera browser select MenuSettingsDelete personal data.
  2. Click the "Delete" button.

Opera versions > 15

  1. In the Opera browser, press Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  2. In the drop-down submenu, select the period for which the cache will be cleared (it is recommended to select the item “from the very beginning”).
  3. Make sure that the checkbox is only in front of the "Cached images and files" item.
  4. Click the "Clear browsing history" button.

Internet Explorer

  1. In Internet Explorer, press Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  2. Click the "Delete" button.

Yandex browser

  1. In the Yandex browser, press Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  2. Make sure that the checkbox is only in front of the "Clear cache" item.
  3. Click the "Clear History" button.

Microsoft Edge

  1. In the Edge browser, press Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  2. Make sure that the checkbox is only in front of the "Cached data and files" item.
  3. Click the "Clear" button.

Avant Browser

  1. In the Avant browser, press Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  2. Make sure that the checkbox is only in front of the "Temporary Internet files" item.
  3. Click the Clear Selected button.


  1. Enter browser settings ( safariSettings... or ⌘+,).
  2. Go to the tab " Add-ons» and tick the option „ Show Develop menu in menu bar“.
  3. Press ⌘+⌥+E or select " Clear caches" on the menu Development. The cache will be cleared without warning.

Standalone Flash Player

Standalone Flash Player uses the Internet Explorer cache to store game resources.

Clear browser cache and cookies with CCleaner

You can also use special programs to clear the cache. The simplest and most common is CCleaner. Moreover, clearing the cache is just one of the functions of this useful utility. You can download it for free from the official website.

Once installed, select "Cleanup" from the menu and go to the "Applications" tab. Next, find your browser and check the boxes for the necessary items (in this case, it is "Internet cache"). Click on the "Clean" button and agree to continue the operation.

3 years and 4 months ago Comments: 9

Today we will look at what a cache is in World of Tanks, how to clear it and why. We will also learn how to do it automatically, using a script, and what problems we can expect after cleaning.

Cache in games, almost similar to the cache of various utilities software. Kesh is called temporary files that store some information. For example, the cache of any browser stores information about the sites visited by the user or the images viewed. All this was invented so that when you visit the site again, it opens faster than the first time.

What is cache in World of Tanks

As for World of Tanks, here the cache is stored in itself:
  • user settings of the game itself;
  • given for entry;
  • player's personal statistics;
  • chat messages.

Why clear the cache in WOT?

By all the rules, any information takes a certain place, so it is with the game. The more time the player plays, respectively, the larger the size becomes these temporary files. Each time the game client is launched, the cache is calculated. At the same time, if it is not cleaned, then over time, this process will take a long time and slow down the computer system, because, as already mentioned, any information takes up space.

Many people think that after updating the game or client, the cache is reset, but this is not true. Such moments are explained by a simple example that after the update, for some reason, the login data does not go anywhere. In any case, the entire cache must be deleted manually.

What problems does clearing the cache in WOT solve?

There are situations when nothing can help the user optimize World of Tanks, then clearing the cache can give the following:
  • stop sudden departures;
  • increase frame rate (FPS);
  • remove various glitches (detail buggy and other unpleasant moments);
If there are similar symptoms with the game, then the first thing you need to clear the game cache.

How to clear the World of Tanks game cache

First, you need to find the desired folder:
  • for Windows XP: C\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\\WorldOfTanks;
  • for Windows 7,8,10: C\Users\\AppData\Roaming\\WorldOfTanks.
Where “” - Account.

In any Windows, these are hidden folders, you can open them using the control panel. For those who are especially lazy or who do not know how to open the control panel, you can go the other way, through the command "Run":

  • hold down two keys WIN+R;
  • then, in the window that appears, or rather the input field, write% appdata%, then just press OK or Enter;
  • the system will almost immediately open a new window in which you need to find (this is a folder), after you have found it, this folder contains another folder with the name of the game - "WorldOfTanks".
This folder will contain the content that needs to be deleted.

Many are afraid that after that the system will immediately crash, but this will not happen 100%

The maximum that the username and password will be lost, which is then simply entered again and that's it. And those who cannot remember their data, it is better to write them down before the procedure on a piece of paper or in a text file. Naturally, all settings will be lost, but they can be set again.

If, however, you just need prevention, then you need to leave the file preferences.xml. This file is responsible for the game settings.
If, nevertheless, by chance this file was also deleted, then this will not affect the game itself in any way, in addition to what is described above.

  • you need to close the game with the client;
This script does not clean the game 100%, it only cleans the custom_data folder. And this is the same command by which it works:
rmdir /S /Q "%appdata%, \\WorldOfTanks\custom_data".

In order to speed up the game as much as possible, you can do this:

  • delete custom_data;
  • if deleting this folder had no effect, then delete all other data without exception.
Finally, I would like to point out that clearing the cache is one of the many ways to solve such problems. Also, the reasons can be very different. Sometimes, you just need to update the drivers and everything will be fine.
