How to disable counter combat in wot. An excursion into the past. All fan modes WOT! Meeting engagement. Murovanka

After a major update in March Wargaming company I didn’t stop and the other day I introduced new version games 1.0.1. One of the important innovations was the emergence of an Italian branch, against the backdrop of which the developers announced cooperation with the legendary Juventus Turin goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon. However, the more important news, in my opinion, was the test launch of the new game mode “front line”.

“Frontline” is a special arcade mode, somewhat reminiscent in gameplay of a competing project War Thunder. I am not very familiar with it, so the WoT innovation was perceived very positively by me. The mode turned out to be interesting, addictive and exciting, not at all like boring 30x30 battles for level 10 vehicles. What is interesting and good about the “front line” battle, how to play it and how it affects performance – I’ll tell you now.

The main features of the “front line” in WoT

Battle in the “front line” mode is intended for only level 8 vehicles. So that all players can evaluate and test new mode, each person was credited with two tanks: the Soviet ST T-44 (similar to the premium vehicle from Rostelecom) and the American TT T32. They are only available in Frontline and cannot be used in other modes.

A truly huge map was developed especially for the new mode, with an area approximately 10 times more locations for a "random battle". It is divided into 9 sectors containing strategic points - bases and bunkers. Two teams enter the battle, the goal of one of which is to capture the bases and destroy the bunkers before the battle time expires, the second is to prevent this from happening. Captured bases cannot be recaptured; as they are captured, the team moves forward. For each point taken, the team receives additional time.

also in World mode of Tanks “front line” has an individual progression system. For useful actions on the battlefield, such as causing damage to enemies and destroying them, capturing bases and destroying bunkers, the player is awarded points and his rank increases. The more useful he brings, the higher the rank he will receive and the more bonuses to experience and credits he will receive after the battle.

Unlike a standard battle, which is limited to 15 minutes but lasts about 7 on average, WoT mode The “front line” can drag on for half an hour. After all, after destroying the equipment on the battlefield, the player returns to the hangar and can choose any other suitable tank. This does not happen immediately, you need to wait. The waiting time for the next departure depends on the player's usefulness and his life time on the battlefield.

To avoid getting into the hangar, you can use the equipment recovery points located in each of the squares. Staying on them restores strength indicators, repairs one damaged module and restores the health of one crew member. Also, the stock of shells is replenished by 10% per second.

You can use the repair point no more often than once every 2 minutes, or 10 seconds for each second of recovery, which is done to protect tanks constantly located at the point from immortality.

System of incentives and rewards

Playing in the new Frontline mode, World players of Tanks receive, in addition to experience and credits, other bonuses. Among them are consumables and equipment, bonus points, and combat reserves. The latter can be used to purchase auxiliary resources such as air reconnaissance, shelling, bombardment, smoke screen, inspiration and sabotage squad. Their use allows the player and his allies to gain advantages on the battlefield.

The higher the player’s level in the new mode, the more additional rewards he receives. Among them are first aid kits, repair kits, fire extinguishers, loans, bonds, personal reserves and others. The maximum you can reach is level 30, after which you have the chance to use the “valor mechanic” and start again at level 1 to earn rewards again.

The battle strategy in the “front line” mode is significantly different from the standard “random”. Concentrating on dealing maximum damage while playing selfishly may not be the best option even for a very experienced player. The cost of losing a point (or not capturing it) is very high, and this gives the game a special flavor.

  • You should not concentrate on causing damage to the most convenient targets. It is important to take into account the tactical situation in order to prevent the capture/loss of the base. It's better to work on targets that take active action at the most important points.
  • After destroying one of your vehicles, when choosing the next tank, you need to take into account the situation on the battlefield. If you need dynamics to prevent capture, you should take a fast car that will quickly get to your enemies. To capture someone else's base, on the contrary, it is better to go into battle on a well-armored tank, capable of pushing through the flank by assault.
  • It is important to distribute evenly along the flanks, in accordance with the current situation on the map. When going into battle after death, it is better to choose the most dangerous location for revival, where help will not be superfluous.
  • When playing offensively, you should not focus on one flank, forgetting about the others. After all, even if you completely capture the left, right or center, and get to the enemy’s guns, you can lose without having time to destroy them and capture all the bases.

Frontline and WoT performance

The new mode involves playing on a much larger map and allows for a large accumulation of equipment in one place. Naturally, this could not but affect the performance of the game. In a standard battle, on maximum settings graphics quality in FullHD resolution, the average FPS on my computer is about 80-90. In the “front line” the indicators are not at all so optimistic.

In the absence of a significant number of vehicles nearby, the frame rate differs little from “random combat”. But if you get involved in a heated firefight, the frame rate sags. Basically it stays at a quite acceptable level of 50-60 FPS, but sometimes drops of up to 30-40 frames per second occur. It turns out that in the “front line” mode WoT performance is reduced by half.

The performance hit doesn't have much of an impact on gameplay on fast modern PCs. But if you play on a laptop or an old computer, it can be critical. After all, if you can still play safely at 30 FPS, then 15 FPS is already beyond tolerance, the brakes will be visible to the naked eye.


The new frontline mode in World of Tanks has reignited my interest in the game. Lately I haven’t been playing it very often, since after 5 years the usual “random” has become a little boring. But after seeing Frontline and trying out the mode, I played for three hours straight, not just to try it out and write a review, but simply because it was truly addictive.

So far, “front line” is only being tested, and the game client is not without bugs. So, one day I crashed from the game, something I hadn’t seen before for a long time. In addition, gamers' interest in the mode causes difficulties when entering battle. It is not always possible to connect to the entry queue the first time, and if it does, the waiting time for commands to be generated may take several minutes.

And this is not in the middle of the night on a weekday, but during the evening rush hour, when the audience on the servers is usually the largest. This picture is completely opposite to the waiting time to enter battle in the “random” mode.

An unpleasant feature is the “ceasefire regime”, which in this moment on all servers lasts from 00:00 to 11:00 hours. Therefore, you won’t always be able to play in the new mode, which is upsetting.

Despite the existing shortcomings and shortcomings, the WoT “front line” mode seemed very exciting to me. I would like the developers to leave it and continue to develop it, eliminating the disadvantages and introducing new advantages.

What do you think about this, do you like the new mode in World of Tanks? What changes would you like to make to it for the best gameplay?

Destroying enemy armored vehicles is the most obvious and easiest path to victory, but it is not the only way to win the battle. In World of Tanks, two teams of 15 players can fight in one of three battle modes, each with different victory conditions.

In a standard battle, each team has a base. To win, you must destroy all enemy equipment or capture your opponents' base.

On the mini-map, both bases are indicated by flags: the green flag is your team’s base, the red flag is the opponents’ base. To capture a base, you must stay inside the white circle next to the enemy flag. During the capture of an enemy base, you will see a green scale gradually filling, and if your base is captured, the scale will be red. Taking damage or leaving the circle reduces the fullness of the scale.

Teams have 15 minutes to fulfill one of the victory conditions, otherwise the match will end in a draw. In standard battles, strategies of both attack and defense are used simultaneously, because defending your base is no less important than capturing the enemy’s.

In assault mode, one of the teams plays the role of attackers, and the other - defenders. There is only one base on the map - the defenders. Their task is to guard the base and prevent it from being captured. The goal of the attackers is to capture the base or destroy all enemy equipment. 10 minutes are allotted for a battle in this mode, and if the attackers do not manage to win during this time, then victory is awarded to the defending team.

Mechanically, a counter battle is similar to a game of “king of the hill”: there is only one neutral base on the map, which both teams are trying to capture. They have 15 minutes to capture a neutral base or destroy all enemy equipment. The capture of the base is suspended if the vehicles of both teams are inside the circle, and continues when the capturing tanks of one of them knock out or push the opponents out of the circle.


At the moment, there are three game modes in MMO-action - Standard, Encounter and Assault. Standard, we will reject it indignantly, there are too many accidents and various tactics in it. In order to describe the tactical tricks for each of the maps in the Standard battle mode, you will have to print a good story of about a hundred pages, but with the other two modes - Assault and Counter battle, the situation is somewhat different. Here, the developers put the teams in the same position, forcing them to work out standard situations, like in chess. Everything here is more predictable, you just need to place the accents correctly.

In this material we will talk about the most key points conducting combat, both in defense and attack, using each type of technique. Everything is concise and as informative as possible. To facilitate further understanding of mental navigation on the map, we will describe maneuvers in a standard way: north at the top, south at the bottom. The card doesn't spin for anyone.

Storm. Sandy river.

If you are on the defensive, then it is important to take two key positions on the flanks closer to the center. Actually, whoever wins there will win. The left flank takes up defensive positions near the dirt road leading from the base at 10 o'clock. There are beautiful sand hills there, which is what the fight is about. Same thing on the right. We don’t go beyond the river, we keep the perimeter, this applies to everyone except the fireflies. They can escape if only the artillery stands up and closes down. Arta, by the way, will be standing at the bottom left. The entire map is well shot from above, so it’s better for the heavies to take a place among the buildings.

If you are on the attack, then it is better to take the most central hill, from where the enemy positions are clearly visible. There will be little point in driving up the left side of the dam, since the tank will be there in full view. For those who want to illuminate or simply escape, you can fall into the central reservoir. Just don’t drown there, but stay afloat. It doesn't always work out.

Storm. Erlenberg.

If you are on the defensive, then the artillery goes to the upper right corner. Middle class occupies a hill on the right with houses and a mill. The sooner you borrow, the better. Several heavies need to drive to the left and take cover in the forest at the foot of the hills. The map is well covered by artillery, so you can’t stand still.

If you are on the attack, then there is no point in driving through the ruins in the center, along the river. Some of the tanks, especially medium, high-speed ones, move to the left and take a position from above in the ruins of the old castle. From there you can set up an excellent shooting range if there is good lighting. But the key events, as a rule, develop on the right near the overgrown hills and the road between them. It is possible and even necessary to rush there, but you cannot climb the hill to the mill ahead of time, because it will be shot through. Arta positions himself so as to shoot through the left and right vertical roads.

Storm. Karelia.

If you are on the defensive, then it is better not to go far here. Deer, as a rule, move to the right, to an open bridgehead and wait for the enemy under the cover of rocks. Karelia is characterized by the fact that the enemy, on the approach to the base, will be forced to move through bare, clean terrain. It's best to meet him at the base. If successful, a medium or light tank can break out and drive behind enemy lines to destroy his artillery. Almost always it stands on a hill, between the rocks, not far from the lower right corner.

If you are on attack, then firefly or medium tank must break through the swamps through the center, and freeze at the very rocks. This is done strictly for the light. It won’t be easy for the defense team to take down such a firefly; they’ll have to leave, and that’s what we need. Attacks are coming along the flank. The main battles will begin on the approaches to the base and on the left in an open clearing on a hill. There are no special secrets, it’s just how the map goes.

Storm. Siegfried Line.

If you are on the defensive, then the tanks in the lower part of the city should take cover behind the houses and wait for the enemy to arrive. Don't be afraid to lean out a little. The first couple of shots can usually be taken painlessly. Arte needs to get onto the road closer to the right border. It will be calmer there and it will be easier to settle down. It is better for tanks in the upper, northern part of the city to leave the city and take positions in the forest, on the slopes of the hills and at their foot. The attacker will definitely rush into the attack, and enemy tanks scurrying across the field are an excellent target.

If you are on the attack. Medium tanks need to go around the map from below along the very edge through the lakes. There is a chance to hit the defencists hiding behind the houses in the flank. It only makes sense for medium tanks to go up over the hill. It’s better for the heavies to drive up to the central gate and force street fights. Artillery will be difficult here, since 90% of the enemy’s equipment will be in the city.

Meeting engagement. Siegfried Line.

It's simple: strands don't go to the greenery, only fireflies and medium-sized ones. It is better not to reach the central bunker, taking a position at one of the closest ones, but not at the central one. Arta is 90% entrenched in the forest, not far from the fields. The heavy loads go to the city, and already there the steel crumbling begins, which makes no sense to describe.

Meeting engagement. Ruinberg.

The situation is similar. No secrets. Some deer go to rush the alley, which only has weight in the Standard battle mode. When meeting oncoming traffic, an alley is not needed. Although, there may often be artillery at the end of the alley, the ATs also like to hide in the bushes there. The outcome is decided by the heavyweights and their street fighting skills.

Meeting engagement. Sacred Valley.

One of the smallest maps, and even without the ability to maneuver. Continuous corridors where battles are fought according to the following type: shot, drove off, reloaded, drove out. The weights decide. Rush is very effective. There is no point in going to occupy the base, you will be shot down anyway, the map is too small. You need to pay all your attention to destroying the enemy. Arte can't do much here. Medium tanks need to climb to any high ground and set up a shooting range there.

Meeting engagement. Prokhorovka.

Legendary card. Fireflies and PTs are needed in the alley on the left. One firefly should cruise in the center, at the foot of the long hill, but not go up. The trucks need to travel along the railway track under the cover of trees. It would be good if we managed to occupy the village. The fight for the mountain that is on the lower right, as a rule, does not give anything, but they still fight for the mountain. It is much easier to defend it than to attack it. Arta, in the north, should fire at the T-shaped intersection in the lower left corner, there is almost always enemy artillery in the bushes. There are almost no battles for the center.

Meeting engagement. Lasville.

Art decides here. She needs to stand to the left to shoot through the passage between the edge of the map and the mountain range. Fighting will break out there at the pass. A sudden and numerous rush gives an excellent effect, but you can miss the enemy, who at the same time will go to take the base. On the right side of the mountain range, it is better to drive carefully, covering yourself with stones, since the road is perfectly clear from the city. 90% of the heavies have to go to the city and fix things there.

Meeting engagement. El Halluf.

Classic shooting gallery. The key point is the mountain in the upper left corner, as well as the lowland in the lower right. The mountain, by the way, is perfectly covered by artillery fire, so you need to huddle closer to the stones. It’s better not to take the base right away, but if someone decides to take it, then 90% of them will die, but they will do it with benefit, forcing the enemy to crawl out from behind the rocks into the open area. But still, the mountain in the upper left is the key point. The sooner heavyweights from the team arrive there, the better.

Meeting engagement. Robin.

Much has already been said about this map, so we’ll keep it brief. The one who takes the main mountain will win. Fireflies and high-speed medium tanks can drive down the mountain without entering the base, drive around the map on the left edge and drive into the enemy’s flank. Arte needs to hide in the forest and fire at the mountain, since that is where almost all the heavy equipment will be. The base should be taken last, since the area is under fire.

Meeting engagement. Erlenberg.

The tactics are practically no different from the Assault mode. Although the base is relatively close to the center, it will not be possible to take it forcefully. And what needs to be done - see Assault. Erlenberg.

Meeting engagement. Sandy river.

The same can be said here. See description of Assault mode. The exception is that the teams are located very close to each other and no matter how hard they try, 80% of the deer will still trample the shortest route in a straight line to their opponent. The base is located in the city on the edge, so it is often possible to take it ahead of the logical deadline. This is what medium and light tanks use.

Meeting engagement. Murovanka.

The forest does not have the same importance that it has in Standard battles. You need to rush towards the base, and leave 2-3 tanks for the forest. It is better for artillery to immediately converge on the long hill on the left, especially the dirt road that crosses it horizontally in the center. Surprisingly, it is often possible to maneuver along the main street, right up to the opposite end of the map, because the sides often forget about the center, paying all attention to the flanks.

Meeting engagement. Steppes.

Space for art. Everything is simple here: the heavies move towards each other, because they are scattered indecently close, and the middle peasants and fireflies try to capture the base, starting childish shootouts there. The team that wins the “short” battle reaches the captured base and, as a rule, successfully breaks down the capture. It's difficult for Arte here. On the one hand, the battle is close, it’s difficult to settle. On the other hand, shelling the base is also not very effective, since there will be little things flickering around there that are difficult to hit.

Meeting engagement. Redshire.

The right and central mountains are the main points for each team. The game on this map, despite the counter mode, drags on, developing into a positional confrontation. Whoever survives this wins. There are often draws. The central point is the bridge. In principle, there are few tactics here: know, drive, and shoot at the enemy. You cannot enter either from the flank or from the rear. It's difficult for fireflies here.

Meeting engagement. Mines.

Great card with lots of options. The key to victory is capturing the central mountain. The confrontation on the left side of the map, where, by the way, artefacts often sit in the corners, should be considered as an opportunity to break through and drive into the rear of an unwary opponent. You cannot immediately capture the base. The team located on the north side, near the lighthouse, has a better chance of being the first to enter the mountain and gain a foothold there. It is better for the southern arta to stand at the bottom left on the island, and for the northern arta - in the upper left corner near the shore. Medium tanks need to clear the sandbank on the left, and then make their way to the rear.

Meeting engagement. Himmelsdrof.

You don’t have to take the mountain by driving behind enemy lines along the road to the left of it. Unfortunately, the indestructible deer still head for the mountain, which plays no role at all in the Meeting Battle. Arte definitely needs to go left and take up space on the railway track. The fighting in the center here is extremely sluggish. All the most interesting things will be on the rails and nearby warehouses.

Meeting engagement. Ensk.

Having a base in the city means the heavies will decide who wins. Arte needs to stand on the greenery on the right, otherwise there is no point. There, along the greenery, a couple of medium tanks should try to break through. It’s not worth driving onto the rails, because they are subject to gunfire. It’s better to wait for the deer to jump out there. Otherwise, all the fighting will take place on the streets of this very Ensk.

That's basically it. As soon as new modes are added to World of Tanks, this article may be updated.

/ Reply to online game: / What kind of battles are there in the game World of Tanks?

What types of battles are there in World of Tanks?


Battles in the game World of Tanks are quite different: game modes quite enough. Thus, random battles involve battles between teams, where the composition is randomly selected; there are three modes available: standard battle, assault and oncoming battle.

In the first case, the essence is that the balancer assembles two teams of 15 players per random map, both teams have a base, theirs needs to be defended, and the enemy’s needs to be captured. Assault - one team is exclusively occupied with defense, the other with capture. Well, the Counter Battle is quite similar to the usual one random battle, where you need to either destroy enemy tanks or capture an enemy base.

There are battles in World of Tanks and team battles, where teams are selected with players of approximately equal skill, consisting of seven people each. Modes such as Company battles, Fortified areas and Global map are available here. In the case of Company battles we have special treatment, in which the commander himself creates a company using a point system.

Fortified areas are a clan mode, and the Global Map is a strategic struggle between clans for territories. Note also that there are also training battles in World of Tanks - this mode is selected in the hangar.

Clan battles are a special game mode, similar to the rules of company battles (in particular, absolute companies), but with a map known in advance. Only clan members can participate in clan battles. All battles take place at a strictly appointed time for the provinces - a section on global map. Battles for a province take place in several stages, at the end of which the team that has completed all the preparatory battles fights with the current host team of the province for the right to own the territory.

The owner clan of the province will receive gold from the territory into its treasury until the province is captured by someone else.

"Fog of war"

IN this mode"Fog of War" is active. This means that all players not detected by the enemy during the battle will not appear in the team lists for him. If a player damaged an enemy, but he was not detected, then his nickname is displayed, but not his vehicle.

Locking equipment in the hangar

If a vehicle is destroyed during clan battles, it is blocked from participating in landings on certain time, depending on the level and class of equipment. The first level vehicles are not blocked. In other modes, vehicles are not blocked and can take part in battles.

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