How to open any portals in Minecraft. How to make a portal in Minecraft - Ender, heaven, hell, city, another world, forest. Twilight Forest Portal

It is noticeable that Minecraft is virtual world, which is complex in several dimensions. By moving through them the player can find all the artifacts and resources. Necessary for gamers for self-defense, completing tasks and other needs. How to enter (get) into another dimension?

After all, absolutely everyone is interested in seeing what is hidden behind the closed door of another world. Entrances, also known as portals to dimensions, can be man-made - those that the player can construct independently. Miraculous - they represent portals that exist independently of the player. When constructing the first, special interconnection blocks are assembled, which are activated using a variety of objects. Examples of such portals are:
— A portal to Hell or the Lower World. To enter, you will need obsidian blocks located deep in the mines and a lighter, which acts as a key (activator).

— Portal to Paradise or Ether. The design requires blocks of glowing stone in tandem with a bucket of water.

Miraculous portals

Among the portals that you need to find in the game yourself are:
— Portal to the Edge or the World of Endermen. It represents an entrance that was originally developed by the developers and is searched using the Eye of the End. You can get the main component for the eye of the End - pearls - by spawning with harsh mobs - endermen.

If you don’t understand the material, then at the bottom of the page there is a complete video instruction on how to make a portal to heaven in Minecraft.

It is no secret to experienced MineCraft players that the game world is not limited to the uninhabited island where the player first finds himself. If there is also the Lower World or the so-called hell, where there are its own resources, “laws of physics” (although there are none at all in Minecraft), as well as other monsters. However, there is a special mod that allows you to visit not only hell, but also, as you might guess, heaven, where you can meet unprecedented creatures and find adventure. So, let's figure out how to make a portal to heaven in the Minecraft game.

Gathering the necessary resources

Before making a portal to heaven, it is necessary, oddly enough, to go not just anywhere, but to hell, to the very inferno. In order to get to hell, you need to build a portal there.

To build a portal to hell you need:

  • 8 obsidian blocks. Obsidian is mined with a diamond pickaxe in a cave;
  • Lighter. A lighter is crafted from 1 silicon and 1 iron ingot;

You need to build a structure in the form of a portal from obsidian:

3 blocks on the sides and two on the bottom and top. The corners can be left empty.

After this, you need to set fire to one of the lower blocks of the portal with a lighter. The portal to hell is ready, enter it and wait until you are teleported to hell.

In Hell, your main task will be to find a glowstone in order to obtain 32 units of glowing dust. After this, you can safely return to the ordinary world and begin building a portal to heaven.

How to Build a Gate to Heaven in Minecraft

From the glowing dust you need to make a glowstone again. To do this, place it in the form of a 2x2 square in the crafting window.

From the resulting blocks we build a structure similar to a portal to hell. Next we need a bucket of water, which is crafted as follows. 3 iron ingot We place it in the form of a tick and get a bucket.

We approach the water source and right click we collect it in a bucket. Then we use a bucket of water on one of the lower blocks of the portal. The portal to heaven is ready!

How to make a heavenly lighter

Sometimes the portal is activated by a heavenly lighter made from:

  • 1 gold bar;
  • 1 silicon.

Making a heavenly lighter on a workbench:

  • A gold bar is placed in the middle cell;
  • In the lower left is silicon.

How to make a portal to heaven in MineCraft video

Thus, we learned in the Minecraft game how to make a portal to heaven, as well as what resources are needed for this and where to get them.

If you do not understand the text material, then scroll down the page, there is a video on how to build a portal to the city.

Minecraft – amazing game, even before its official release, won hundreds of thousands of fans around the world due to its diverse gameplay, which allows the player to show his creative abilities. Among other things, the game has multiplayer, which allows you to play with friends, as well as on public multiplayer servers. The game's audience is constantly growing, and servers, official and amateur, are forced to adapt to the needs of players, competing with each other. Opportunities for playing on servers are constantly being replenished; playing on a server becomes much more comfortable, because, for example, why run several hundred blocks from the NPC city to your home in single player, if you can make a portal on the server that will take you to the desired point in a matter of seconds. So, let's find out how to make a portal to a city in Minecraft without mods.

Building a portal to the city in Minecraft

If there is a special plugin on the server where you play, then creating a portal is very simple, you need:

  • 8 glowstone blocks;
  • Several blocks of cobblestone.

Glowstone is mined in Hell, after which the resulting glowstone is processed into glowstone (just fill 4 crafting slots with dust and you will receive 1 glowstone).

We assemble the following structure from glowstone - we place two blocks on the bottom and top, three blocks on the sides, similarly. Now we take the clock and right-click to activate it on the lower block. The portal will be filled with water and will be ready for use.

We can say that now you know how to make a portal to a city in Minecraft without mods.

But why do we need cobblestones, you ask. The fact is that on some servers due to gaming features it is necessary to surround the lower part of the portal with cobblestones so that it works correctly and you are not teleported to other people's portals.

Completion of the construction of the portal to the city

However, that’s not all, because we only made an entrance to the portal, but what about the exit? Let's say you placed the entrance in an NPC city, which means the exit should be in your house. We make exactly the same design as the entrance and activate the clock. That's it, the portal is ready! Now you don’t have to run to the village to sell extra resources for emeralds!

How to make a portal to a city in Minecraft without mods video

Experienced Minecraft players know that the virtual world that the creators have provided for players is huge and majestic. It will take a lifetime to fully study it. But that's too long! Then numerous modifications come to the rescue. They allow you to gain superpowers, provide secret knowledge and simply make the player’s life easier.

But not everyone can download the mod. But many simply don’t want to. There are reasons for this: some modifications take up a lot of RAM, while others are simply difficult to find on the Internet. Players who have encountered this are wondering: what can be done in Minecraft without mods? There are several options.


Ordinary household things become necessary even in the vastness of the virtual world. For example, a computer, an elevator, a car, an airplane, a tank, and even horses! You can also create a TV. By the way, this item is very popular among players.

How to make a TV in Minecraft without mods

There are several types of TV without mods. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a full-fledged picture from such structures - it is only available if you have a downloaded modification. But something can still be done. Disassembled below easy way building a TV.
1. You need to place two opaque blocks on top of each other at a distance of two cells.
2. B top part structure (between the blocks), two lanterns are placed, and a picture is placed on them. This is the screen.
3. You need to place two players under it, and to the left of the picture there is a lever.

When the lever is turned on, the picture will glow, simulating a TV screen. All you have to do is turn on the record and the TV is ready!

Hello Friend!
Television is, of course, good, but better friend there is nothing in the world! And you can create it yourself and without modifications.

So, you need

1. Dig a hole in the shape of a 3x3 block square. On one side inside, dig a niche for 2 blocks. One remains in the middle! Place the pistons between it and cover them with a stone. Do the same on the opposite side.
2. Dig a hole on the surface to the 3 pistons and stretch the connecting cable to the trigger mechanism, which consists of two stone blocks. Attach torches to three sides of the structure.
3. Expand the hole by one block on all sides and build blocks of a new color into it.
4. Make an arch over the two pistons and a stream over the ground. You need to fill the water so that it cannot flow out from the other end!
5. Create an iron golem and throw it into the abyss that is dug in the hole.
6. Create a snow golem and drown it in the stream, adding some snow.

Friend is ready!

Doors to other worlds

To make it easier for gamers to travel, there are portals. They are not difficult to build - they all follow the same principle, and they open up many directions.

How to make portals in Minecraft without mods

It's hard to believe, but portals in Minecraft without mods really exist. These include the portal to Hell, which again and again attracts prodigal adventurers; a portal to the End, or the Land, where amazing creatures live - dragons; and even a frantic player can go into Space - however, only in old version 1.2.5. The remaining locations are available exclusively with the mod.
Paradise in Minecraft.

There is also a portal to Paradise in Minecraft. At one time, rumors that it could be built without modifications literally spread across the Internet at the speed of light. Instantly all forums and social media videos filled up showing ways to build a portal to Paradise in Minecraft without mods. Unfortunately, the rumors turned out to be false: without a special modification it is impossible to get into Paradise.

Mod to activate the portal to Paradise

The name of the modification is Aether. May be misleading different variants names: Aether 1 and Aether 2. Everything here is simpler than it seems: 1 - this is the first edition of the mod; it fits perfectly with older versions of the game. 2 is an updated version of the modification that is suitable for modern versions of Minecraft. Downloading Aether is a must for anyone who wants to visit a paradise. The fact is that, even if built in the ordinary world, a portal will not work without modification.

How to build a portal to Heaven in Minecraft?

So, to build this majestic structure you need a luminous stone and a bucket of water. These items are almost always in stock. It's just a matter of small things: you need to lay out the stone blocks in the form of a frame measuring four by five blocks, and pour a bucket of water into the middle. The portal is ready!

Important: you can build it in the normal world without modifications. But in this case the arch will not work.

Above the skies

You can see what awaits the player in Paradise by watching the video Minecraft Portal to Paradise. No descriptions can compare with what you saw with your own eyes, this world is real bliss! In addition, only in it you can find some unique metals and objects that cannot be found anywhere on earth.

With your own hands

If you can't download the mod, don't worry! Minecraft is a very original game, in it you can do whatever your heart desires. Many gamers come out of this situation in a very interesting way: they build Paradise on their own, and then install a portal that leads them to their own creation. This method is in many ways even more interesting than a location developed by someone - after all, the point of Minecraft is to build and survive yourself.

No modifications

Question: How to make it in Minecraft without mods seems to take forever. This is understandable: you always want to do without any innovations and live in your world as it was originally intended. Of course, new locations add variety and bring something new to the game process, but why not improve the character's life yourself?
Minecraft is a game in which the player’s imagination becomes the main rule, which is why it is so loved by gamers all over the world.

You begin your journey in Minecraft at a random point in a randomly generated world that resembles ordinary Earth. Naturally, there are mobs that don't actually exist, plants that you are unlikely to find, but in general the essence is about the same. And quite a large number of players spend all their time there, not suspecting that Minecraft is something more than one single virtual world. In fact, there are several of them, and you can travel between them using portals. Some of them are provided by the developers, some are added using special modifications, so you definitely won’t get bored while you explore them. But, as mentioned earlier, to travel to any of the additional worlds you will need portals. Through them you will go to new locations, and through them you will return. Therefore, everyone should know what portals there are in Minecraft, how to make them and where they lead.

Portals in Minecraft

Today, a portal is just a science fiction concept that has not yet been realized in life. This is a kind of gate that instantly transports a person from one world to another and back. They are presented as very different - some see them as blurry breaks in space, others, on the contrary, believe that they should have clear boundaries. If you are wondering what portals there are in Minecraft, then you should know that they relate more to the second option. In the game, this is a frame of certain blocks, the passage in which is activated in one way or another. Naturally, each type has its own materials and activation items. Therefore, you need to know what portals there are in Minecraft and what you need to do with them to get to any of the worlds.

Journey to the Lower World

One of the first worlds the player learns about is Nether. This is a kind of analogue of Hell, stylized in the same theme. And if you want to find out what portals there are in Minecraft, then you should start with it. At the same time, it cannot be said that it is very easy to make - you will need material that is not so easy to find, and even more difficult to make yourself. This is obsidian. This material is not generated on the map when creating a world; it cannot be crafted or dropped from mobs. How to get it then? In a rather clever way: you will need lava and water. In this case, it does not matter whether this happens in nature or from your message - only the order is important here. The lava must flow into the standing water, and then at the point where they meet you will get a block of obsidian. If the lava is static and the water is dynamic, you will get a stone, in any other case other than the first, you will only be left with cobblestone blocks, so be extremely careful. Having made a frame of obsidian, set fire to the space inside it with a lighter - and your gate to Lower world ready. Do not neglect them, because, in addition to a huge amount of fun and pleasure, you will find materials there for the construction of other teleports. In Minecraft, the portal to the city and to the Lower World does not require complex materials, in other cases you will have to try.

Portal to paradise

Having been to Hell, you can go to Heaven. Many portals in Minecraft cannot be made without mods, and this is the first of them. Therefore, take care in advance to download the necessary modification and install it on your computer, and then begin your journey. As mentioned earlier, materials for the construction of the frame of other portals, including this one, must be sought in the Lower World. The frame of the gate to Heaven should consist of glowstone, which can only be found in Minecraft Hell. Having collected the required amount, start building, and then fill the bucket with water and fill the space that you set on fire in the case of creating a portal to the Lower World. That's all, you can go on a journey that will bring you even more pleasure than before. It is worth considering that most instructions are based on Minecraft 1.5.2. How to make a portal in other versions? There is nothing to worry about here. Since in this case it makes no difference which version of the game you have installed.

End of the game

Everyone knows that Minecraft is a sandbox game. In such projects you can build anything, do whatever comes to your mind, explore, interact with game world, but you have no specific tasks, no final goal. This was the case with Minecraft, until the developers decided to make a splash - they introduced new world, which was called the Edge (or End, whichever is more convenient for you). He is final, dwells there main boss, so if you're tired of your adventures, don't go there. If you are already ready for the last battle, then you will need to acquire twelve eyes of the Edge, and then go in search of fortresses, in which you will find the necessary portal. It is impossible to create it, so you don’t even have to try - it’s better to start searching right away. When you find it, place the eyes of the End in the cells of the frame, and when the last eye falls into place, the portal will be activated.

A space flight

Another mod adds a new world to the game, which is outer space. Making a portal to travel there is quite simple - you will need to change the obsidian to iron in the recipe for the gates to Hell, but at the same time you need to go to the new world with proper preparation. The mod adds crafting a spacesuit and other space accessories that you should get.

Portal between cities

A teleport is also useful, connecting two locations in one Minecraft world. "city"? You need to install one teleport block in one locality, the other - in the location you need, connect them together with red dust, and a short route between two points is ready.
