How wn8 rises. How to increase statistics in World of Tanks?! Raising the WN8 rating and efficiency. Upgrading your win percentage

Good day, tank men and women, the portal site is with you! Today's topic of conversation has been brought up quite often by players lately. Therefore, we decided to help them with this. So, how can you quickly increase your statistics? game World of Tanks? There are several ways.

The first way to raise statistics. Platoon game

We think many people have noticed that players with excellent gaming statistics do not often play alone. Their platoon partners always play with them. This factor is very important for increasing statistics and win rate, because the better you know your allies, the more you will achieve. Platoon play is a powerful argument for victory for your team.

The second way to raise statistics. Selection of technology.

It's no secret that World of Tanks contains tanks that are comfortable to play on. They can be found at all levels: from first to “ten”. They are the ones chosen by tankers, whose task is to raise their statistics. Such tanks, to a greater extent, include medium tanks and light ones. After all, these two classes of equipment can do quite a lot on the battlefield if played correctly, and therefore with your statistics. Let's look at which tanks can help you effectively increase your statistics and, at the same time, enjoy the game. At level 10, as of patch 0.9.17, it is best to take: heavy tanks Maus, E-100, Kranvagn, AMX 50 B, medium tanks T-62A, Ob. 140, TVP T 50/51, Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. We don’t take tank destroyers into account due to our strong dependence on the team, but artillery... Well, that’s clear.

The third way to increase statistics. We use premium shells and consumables.

We in no way encourage tankers to use gold shells as their main ones. Well, what can you do if they are 70% of the time better than their “silver” prototypes. Therefore, extras, which is what tankers with very good game statistics are called, are chosen.

To summarize, we can say that if you use all three tips at the same time, you will achieve good results and be able to quickly raise game statistics in World of Tanks.

All three of the above methods in themselves are a very good help for increasing efficiency and are almost mandatory to use. But, there is one more. There are a lot of different vehicles in WoT, and, unfortunately, you can’t play with them all. There are many reasons: there is not enough silver to buy, reluctance to download this or that branch of tank development, etc. Therefore, there are units on which the least number of battles take place compared to others. It is with this technique that it is best to increase statistics. After all, there is no competition, which means there are more chances to achieve high efficiency per battle. To select a tank, we use the site There we look for the “Ru server” tab, select Server statistics. Next step Click on the All equipment button on the table and select the time For the last 4 weeks. We hasten to add that you need to look for equipment from levels 4 to 8 inclusive, because the main battles on the server are usually played at levels 10, which means that it will be more difficult to achieve a rating on such devices. But there are exceptions...

Let's look together at what kind of tanks you will find using the method described above.

Level 5.
Putting aside all the premium equipment, we came across the French tank destroyer S35 CA. This device is not, as they say in common people, a cactus, which means it is quite playable. Good review, stealth, a powerful weapon - all this will help you gain a high amount of efficiency per battle.

Level 6.
Here things are even better. From the statistics on the minimum number of battles played, the following good vehicles lag behind: ARL V39, M36 Jackson, T21 and Churchill VII. They are all easy to learn and do a great job at their level.

Level 7.
So, as the technique of this balanced weight gets to the 9s, you need to look for penetrating tanks. The first one you will find on the list will be the T25AT - US tank destroyer. Not a bad choice. It penetrates, hits, and often hurts by more than 300 units. damage per shot.

Level 8.
At this level the choice is large and quite obvious. Indien-Panzer, M26 Pershing, Charioteer, 110, Panther II - these are the forgotten heroes who are able to single-handedly carry difficult battles, produce good damage both in battles with “classmates” and with 10 levels.

Level 9.
There are also enough good “nines”. New Mäuschen, Type 61, Centurion Mk. 7/1, Conqueror. And of course, the public’s favorites, the M46 Patton and E 50. They were both relevant and are now capable of creating something unreal on the battlefield.

Level 10.
Gaining WN8 and Efficiency Rating at 10 levels is the job of skilled tankers. But, if you are confident in your abilities, then why not. The list of good “farmers” of the rating includes the same tanks mentioned above: Maus, E-100, Kranvagn, AMX 50 B, T-62A, Ob. 140, TVP T 50/51, Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. We will add to them the AMX 50 Foch (155), STB-1 and FV215b.

And the main thing.

In order to successfully and consistently gain a lot of Efficiency Rating and WN8 points in each battle, you just need to do a lot of effective actions in battle: deal damage, highlight enemy tanks, “put” them on the tracks, break the capture and capture yourself. In total, this will give quite a lot of what you are striving for - high values ​​​​in the Efficiency Rating column and beautiful WN8 numbers

Most best tank to increase the statistics of VN8 WIN8 WN8 WIN8. Chitersky auto sight World of Tanks WOT(HERE), accompanying the tank that disappeared from the light
How to boost the efficiency rating of WN8 (ВН8) to the skies, 100% recipe. Secrets of raising WN8 (ВН8). How to quickly raise WN8 (ВН8). Secrets of purple WN8 (ВН8). How to get a purple WN8 (WN8) performance rating (Win8). Camelot G Kamelot G Camelot J Kamelot J Camelot G Camelot Gee World of Tanks (WOT) World of Tanks (WOT) review video video guide guide review.
Win percentage and performance rating WN8 (ВН8) these indicators in game World of Tanks (WOT) World of Tanks (WOT), to a certain extent, correlate with each other, but, nevertheless, do not coincide completely. The subtlety is that on some tanks your % winrate may be higher, but at the same time the efficiency rating of WN8 (ВН8) may be significantly lower than on a tank with a lower % win rate. In this review, we will, firstly, tell you which tanks are best for raising the WN8 efficiency rating (ВН8) in the World of Tanks (WOT) game and show you how to technically and tactically do this correctly.
Using our tips, you can have good statistics in World of Tanks WOT (WOT), high win percentage, high efficiency, high RE efficiency rating, high WN8 (ВН8) on your account in the game World of Tanks WOT (WOT).
This way you can increase the win percentage on your account, increase your efficiency, efficiency rating (ER), WN8 rating. WOT Secrets How to increase your win rate above 60% How to increase your WN8 stats | How to increase efficiency.
Game World of Tanks video YouTube YouTube tanks.
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How to prevent performance rating WN8 to heaven, 100% recipe. Secrets of lifting WN8. How to quickly raise WN8. Camelot G Kamelot G Camelot J Kamelot J Camelot Gee World of Tanks (WOT) review video guide review.
The percentage of wins and the effectiveness rating of WN8, these figures in World of Tanks (WOT) are correlated to a certain extent, but, nevertheless, do not coincide completely. The subtlety lies in the fact that on some tanks your% winrate percentage may be higher, but the efficiency rating of WN8 may be significantly lower than on a tank with a smaller percentage of wins. In this review, we firstly tell you which tanks are best to raise the WN8 efficiency rating in World of Tanks (WOT) and show how to do it technically and tactically.
Using our tips, you will be able to have good statistics in the World of Tanks WOT, a high percentage of wins, a high efficiency, a high efficiency rating, a high WN8 on your account in the World of Tanks WOT game.
Thus, you can raise the percentage of wins in your account, increase your efficiency, efficiency rating, and rating (WN8). Secrets of WOT How to raise the percentage of wins above 60% How to raise statistics WN8 | How to increase efficiency.
Game World of Tanks video Youtube.

Nowadays, many players use advanced statistics for battle in the game World of Tanks; it allows you to find out the probability of a possible win much better than the standard rating system in the game. Previously, with the help of some sites, it was possible to find out the efficiency for each tank, that is, an average calculation was taken using the ER (efficiency rating) formula, and this way you could know whether you needed to upgrade your tank or stay in battle and accumulate experience and credits.

Since 2014, the new WN8 calculation system has been in effect, it is the most effective and contains a minimum of errors in calculations, since it contains a new formula

It will be useful for people who have been using XVM statistics for a long time to know how to raise vn8 in World of Tanks. The first parameter that has the greatest impact is damage (damage), then there are frags (the number of knocked out enemies), then there is the primary light, you need to pay attention to it first of all at the beginning of the battle. And finally, the percentage of victories, it affects the overall rating indicators the most; the total number of points for shooting down/capturing a target is displayed on it.

The remaining parameters that were previously in WN6\WN7 have been removed. The WN8 formula focuses most of all on the damage dealt; in principle, you can do nothing else, but only inflict as much damage as possible on enemies and use flares. This is the main incentive to increase the level of your victories to the required level.

You should not rely only on the number of destroyed tanks. If, let’s say, you didn’t deal any damage, but your allies on the team did it for you, then you won’t be able to raise your WN8 rating. The same thing, if you only use base capture, you will not get a positive result in the overall rating; if the amount of damage and frags is minimal, you risk lowering your rating.

The percentage of victories is a general indicator of your success in battles and the higher it is, the better

Now let's move on to the secret of how to raise vn8 in World of Tanks. Since this type of calculation uses a new formula, the average performance of the tank is taken as the common denominator, these indicators are checked against general data with other players on the server. If you deal more damage on your tank than all other players, then the BH8 indicator increases.

It is enough to achieve a victory level of at least 50%, while it is possible to use some improvements to move to the next level and buy new tank. The higher the level of your tank, the more damage you can do, and accordingly VN 8 and RE will improve.

Good day, tank men and women, the portal site is with you! Today's topic of conversation has been brought up quite often by players lately. Therefore, we decided to help them with this. So, how can you quickly increase your statistics in World of Tanks? There are several ways.

The first way to raise statistics. Platoon game

We think many people have noticed that players with excellent gaming statistics do not often play alone. Their platoon partners always play with them. This factor is very important for increasing statistics and win rate, because the better you know your allies, the more you will achieve. Platoon play is a powerful argument for victory for your team.

The second way to raise statistics. Selection of technology.

It's no secret that World of Tanks contains tanks that are comfortable to play on. They can be found at all levels: from first to “ten”. They are the ones chosen by tankers, whose task is to raise their statistics. Such tanks, to a greater extent, include medium tanks and light ones. After all, these two classes of equipment can do quite a lot on the battlefield if played correctly, and therefore with your statistics. Let's look at which tanks can help you effectively increase your statistics and, at the same time, enjoy the game. At level 10, as of patch 0.9.17, it is best to take: heavy tanks Maus, E-100, Kranvagn, AMX 50 B, medium tanks T-62A, Ob. 140, TVP T 50/51, Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. We don’t take tank destroyers into account due to our strong dependence on the team, but artillery... Well, that’s clear.

The third way to increase statistics. We use premium shells and consumables.

We in no way encourage tankers to use gold shells as their main ones. Well, what can you do if they are 70% of the time better than their “silver” prototypes. Therefore, extras, which is what tankers with very good game statistics are called, are chosen.

To summarize, we can say that if you use all three tips at the same time, you will achieve good results and will be able to quickly increase your game statistics in World of Tanks.

All three of the above methods in themselves are a very good help for increasing efficiency and are almost mandatory to use. But, there is one more. There are a lot of different vehicles in WoT, and, unfortunately, you can’t play with them all. There are many reasons: there is not enough silver to buy, reluctance to download this or that branch of tank development, etc. Therefore, there are units on which the least number of battles take place compared to others. It is with this technique that it is best to increase statistics. After all, there is no competition, which means there are more chances to achieve high efficiency per battle. To select a tank, we use the site There we look for the “Ru server” tab, select Server statistics. The next step is to click on the All equipment button on the table and select the time For the last 4 weeks. We hasten to add that you need to look for equipment from levels 4 to 8 inclusive, because the main battles on the server are usually played at levels 10, which means that it will be more difficult to achieve a rating on such devices. But there are exceptions...

Let's look together at what kind of tanks you will find using the method described above.

Level 5.
Putting aside all the premium equipment, we came across the French tank destroyer S35 CA. This device is not, as they say in common people, a cactus, which means it is quite playable. Good visibility, stealth, a powerful weapon - all this will help you gain a high amount of efficiency per battle.

Level 6.
Here things are even better. From the statistics on the minimum number of battles played, the following good vehicles lag behind: ARL V39, M36 Jackson, T21 and Churchill VII. They are all easy to learn and do a great job at their level.

Level 7.
So, as the technique of this balanced weight gets to the 9s, you need to look for penetrating tanks. The first one you will find on the list will be the T25AT - US tank destroyer. Not a bad choice. It penetrates, hits, and often hurts by more than 300 units. damage per shot.

Level 8.
At this level the choice is large and quite obvious. Indien-Panzer, M26 Pershing, Charioteer, 110, Panther II - these are the forgotten heroes who are able to single-handedly carry difficult battles, produce good damage both in battles with “classmates” and with 10 levels.

Level 9.
There are also enough good “nines”. New Mäuschen, Type 61, Centurion Mk. 7/1, Conqueror. And of course, the public’s favorites, the M46 Patton and E 50. They were both relevant and are now capable of creating something unreal on the battlefield.

Level 10.
Gaining WN8 and Efficiency Rating at 10 levels is the job of skilled tankers. But, if you are confident in your abilities, then why not. The list of good “farmers” of the rating includes the same tanks mentioned above: Maus, E-100, Kranvagn, AMX 50 B, T-62A, Ob. 140, TVP T 50/51, Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. We will add to them the AMX 50 Foch (155), STB-1 and FV215b.

And the main thing.

In order to successfully and consistently gain a lot of Efficiency Rating and WN8 points in each battle, you just need to do a lot of effective actions in battle: deal damage, highlight enemy tanks, “put” them on the tracks, break the capture and capture yourself. In total, this will give quite a lot of what you are striving for - high values ​​​​in the Efficiency Rating column and beautiful WN8 numbers

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