How to completely remove games on Steam. How to completely remove a game from Steam from your computer. how to remove a game from Steam via the client

Today, there is probably not a single person who does not have a computer and the Internet. Of course, many of the users love to play computer games. But very often a problem arises when a person does not know what to play, and there is little time to search. At this point, Steam comes to the rescue.

What it is?

Steam is a program in which you can store installed games. Of course, many of you will ask why keep your computer toys somewhere when you can throw them all in one folder and continue to enjoy life. The answer is simple: Steam is also an online game store, but only virtual versions are available for sale; it is impossible to buy a disc there. Of course, this is quite convenient: once you buy a game, you will know for sure that it will not be lost. In addition, this program is very convenient to play in co-op.

Games and Steam

Of course, you can buy computer games on Steam. In addition, you can add toys already installed on your computer to it. Now you don't have to worry about losing or damaging your drive. You just need to remember your username and password. Install Steam on any computer, log in with your account - and all the games you have are available again.

A huge advantage of Steam is that it allows you to pre-order, view games that will be released soon, and even buy toys that are still in development. The popularity of Steam has given a good impetus to indie game developers, because for them releasing a small game on physical media is a rather risky step. With Steam, these computer entertainment can now be rated by users.

Game manipulation

On Steam, it is clear to everyone. This process does not require special skills or knowledge. You just need to add a game previously installed on your computer to your library, or download and wait for the installation of a new one purchased on Steam. Once the process is complete, you can enjoy your favorite activity.

The situation is different with deletion. Many users often have a question about how to remove a game from Steam. Why does he appear? The fact is that the removal process in this case is somewhat different from the usual “erasing” of a program installed on a computer. The problem arises due to the fact that games are literally “tied” to the user account. This, of course, is their huge advantage, but there is also a disadvantage. It seems that the game is no longer on the computer (more precisely, it has been removed from Steam), but it still takes up space. Now we will talk about how to completely remove a game from Steam.

Removal difficulties

Of course, when you get tired of a computer toy, you need to get rid of it in order to free up space on your hard drive. This problem is especially relevant for older computers where there is little free space.

Users who have ever resorted to using Steam have at least once wondered how to remove a game from Steam. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated about this, but in reality everything is not so simple.

As mentioned earlier, all games that were purchased/gifted/downloaded on Steam are linked to the user’s account. Of course, there are a lot of games in this client, but there is not enough space for everything. Therefore, having played enough of one, you want to get rid of it and install a new one. To find out the answer to the question of how to remove a game from Steam from your computer, read on.

To begin with, you may need programs with which you can implement the computer. Absolutely any will do - whichever is most convenient for you, use that one. After the necessary utility is installed, you can begin uninstallation.

Steam and library

IN Steam program There is a so-called game library. It stores all installed via this program computer toys. Before you start cleaning up space on your computer, you need to know how to remove a game from your Steam library. Only after this will it be possible to talk about deleting it from the computer.

To remove a game from your library, you will need new account, which has nothing to do with games and communities. This is done so that users cannot clear stolen profiles from purchased and installed toys. After this, you will need to write to technical support. You will not be able to remove a game from your Steam library on your own. Don't expect this process to be completed quickly. You can expect results for several weeks or a month.

After you submit your request, you will need to wait certain time(how much exactly is still not known), after which you will receive a letter asking you to confirm the removal of the game from the library. After this, you can start deleting.

Of course, if you have added a third-party game, then by going to the game library, you can select the toy you need to remove, click right click mouse over it and select "delete". After that, she will disappear from the library. If this does not happen, then restart Steam.

Permanent removal

So how do you remove a game from Steam? When it is removed from the library, you can get rid of it by cleaning the registry using special programs. Of course, if you want to remove all games, you can try uninstalling Steam itself, and then clear your computer of any remaining hidden files. The idea, to be honest, is not the best.

If you are wondering how to permanently delete a game from Steam, we can give you one piece of advice: before buying games, think carefully about whether you need it. The fact is that games purchased/donated/activated using keys cannot be completely removed independently. In this case, the whole process comes down to writing a request to technical support with a request to remove a game from a specific account. As a rule, there are no problems with free computer toys.

So, today we figured out how to remove a game from Steam. Our little advice to you: there is no need to permanently delete them from your account. Maybe someday you'll want to play something you bought and then erased. With Steam you can easily download this toy and play through it again.

Tired of the clutter in your library Steam games? A recent update to the Steam client adds a long-awaited option that allows you to hide the titles of games you no longer need.

For example, as a long-time user of the service, I have accumulated quite a lot of games, some of which I do not intend to play anymore. Hell, I even accidentally purchased a couple for the wrong platform. And I, of course, don’t want to see them on my list.

Here's how to remove unwanted entries from your Steam library (with the option to restore them later, of course).

Step 1: Make sure you have the latest version of Steam installed. If you haven't launched the client in a while, it should auto-update. Latest version, at the time of writing, is a release dated August 13th.

Step 2: Click "Library", scroll through the list of games, and find the one you want to hide. Right-click on it and select "Set Categories".

Step 3: Now check the "Hide this game in my library" checkbox. Then click "OK". Voila! The game disappears from the list.

You can also restore hidden game- it’s just not very clear how to do this. When you're on the Library Browse screen, find the search bar (near the top left corner) and then click the Games link to the right of it. In the drop-down menu that appears, click the "Hidden" button. Now repeat steps two and three, but this time you will uncheck the Hide checkbox.

On the gaming Steam platform a huge number of all kinds of games have been collected. In attempts to find something worthwhile, uninteresting games often end up in the library. And the longer a person uses Steam, more and more unnecessary games accumulate there. Not only are such games an eyesore with their presence on the list, but they also take up space on your computer’s hard drive. In this article we will look at how to remove a game from your Steam library.

How to remove a game from the Steam library and from your computer

Most quick way delete the game from the Steam client library, as well as all game files from the computer:

That's all, the game will disappear from the Steam library list, as well as from the computer.

How to delete a game from your Steam account

If you use the previous instructions, you can delete the game from the Steam library, but it will still remain in your account and will be visible in the list of profile games.

If you use this instruction, bypassing the one described above, the game will be deleted from the account, but will remain in the library, as well as on the user’s computer. So in order to completely remove a game from Steam, you must use both the method described above and the method described below.

It is worth thinking carefully when deleting paid games from your account, because if something happens, return purchased games will not work.

To permanently remove a game from Steam account you need to do the following:

The second way to delete a game from your Steam account

This method, like the previous one, allows you to delete the game from your Steam account, while the game files are saved on the computer, as well as in the library:

Video: how to permanently delete a game from your Steam account:

This is how you can easily and easily remove games installed via Steam from your library, from your computer and from your account.

Didn't find the answer? Then use the search form.

Due to the fact that many experienced users, as well as those who simply like to buy toys in packs at sales, managed to “stuff” various toys in obscene quantities on their Steam accounts, the Valve administration nevertheless decided to “enable” the option on Steam deleting games.

This means that if a lot of completely unnecessary gaming junk has also accumulated on your account, and you are puzzled by the question of how to remove a game from Steam, then you have come to the right place. This is exactly what we're talking about here.

It is now possible to completely and permanently delete a game from Steam, and you can delete it or them in two ways at once: either directly from the Steam client, or on the Steam website (i.e. through a browser).

how to remove a game from Steam via the client:
  • First, we find and uninstall the toy from the local computer first, since if you first remove this game from your Library on Steam, then you will have to uninstall it manually from your computer;
  • Next, open the client, in the top menu click “ Reference " and select " Steam Support «;
  • in the new window select “ Games, programs, etc. " and we see the question " What are you having problems with?» with a search bar and a list of recent games;
  • if the list is large, then simply enter the name of the game that needs to be deleted into the search bar, then click the name;
  • click on the line “ I want to permanently remove this game from my account «;
  • read the system warning that the game must first be uninstalled, and click “ Ok, remove the listed games from my account permanently » ( OK, remove the selected game from my Steam account), confirming your intention to remove the game from Steam;
  • and in the next window the system will simply write that the game has been “permanently removed” from your account.
how to remove a game from Steam via the website:
  • let's go to to your account;
  • We also use a search to find the toy that needs to be removed from the Library;
  • and then we do everything exactly as described above.
Hide instead of Delete

In fact, there are not many situations when it really makes sense to remove some toys. This is perhaps most relevant only when you need to install another version of the game, but it is not installed, since the game is already listed in the Library. Or, for example, when a “stripped-down” version of the toy first came into the Library, and then the full version caught my eye. Well, and, of course, when someone was banned forever from multiplayer by some special interesting game. Here you actually have to delete it. In other cases, it is much easier to simply hide a toy (or several of them) so that it does not interfere with the list.

To hide an unnecessary game in your Steam account, do the following:

  • open the client, find the name of the game in the list, right-click on it and select “ Change categories «;

  • In the window that opens, put a tick in the checkbox “ Hide this game in my library " and click " OK «.

After this, the toy will not appear either in the Library list or in the search.

If necessary, all hidden toys can be seen again. To do this, in the client, click on the word “ A game ". located near the search bar in the Library, and in the menu click “ Hidden ". If you need to return a game to the Library, then we find it in the list of hidden ones, go to “ Change categories " and uncheck the same box there.

Fridays post. 🙂

It may happen that you no longer need some of your games on Steam. These may have come to you by accident. free games, or games that you bought for pennies for the sake of selling cards. And even if you uninstalled them from your computer, they still get in the way in the list of games. In general, the desire to remove them is quite natural.

Most of the time, as long as I “communicate” with Steam, the function of deleting a game from an account simply did not exist. Apparently, the developers did not even think about the situation that someone would want to unlink the game from their account. Or maybe Valve simply didn’t want to burden its technical support team with requests from users who mistakenly deleted the game. But at the end of 2015, this function appeared, for which we are very grateful to Valve.

Before deleting a game from your account, first delete it from your computer. After this, you can proceed to the main thing.

So, first, click on the menu in the Steam client Reference and select the item there Steam Support.

We are interested in the item Games, programs, etc..

Select the game you are interested in from the list, you can use the search.

Well then choose I want to permanently delete this game from my account.

Steam will ask you to confirm your actions and warn you that money for purchasing the game is not refundable. Therefore, be careful. After an affirmative answer, your account will be cleared of the selected game.

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