How to use the artmoney se v 8.00 program. ArtMoney - A program for changing the parameters of computer games. Installation of the program and its interface

A unique program of its kind that allows you to hack games without much difficulty and get maximum opportunities in the game (it is worth noting that we mean regular games, not online ones). Basically, the program is used to obtain unlimited resources: money, experience, some game items etc. You can also easily increase the characteristics of heroes, if any.

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How to hack through Art Money

Hacking occurs based on searching for numeric values ​​of a resource and then editing them. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance. First you need to run the game you want and then the program itself.

It has a fairly simple and user-friendly interface that is intuitive for any player.

Each menu is responsible for its own action, but mainly they provide information on setting up the game. Perhaps more experienced users look into them, but for comfortable game they are unlikely to be useful; everything you need is already displayed on the main program window.

As you can see in the screenshot, the program has quite a lot of options, but in reality they are practically not used; they mainly use remote menu buttons for resources.

Thanks to these buttons, a basic search for resource-intensive files occurs, which are subsequently filtered and modified.

First, you need to use the “Select process” command to indicate what exactly you want to hack, in our case it’s a game Dead Space. Having selected the game, you then need to click the “Search” command.

After clicking “Search”, a special “Search (Step 1)” window will appear.

In the window, you first need to select the search type, namely, click on the ellipsis, which is located opposite the “Type” footnote.

After these steps, many different resource values ​​will appear in the column on the left. To reduce them, you need to use the “Sifter” button to filter all values.

Namely, if in the game you have an amount of 10,000 and a lot of values ​​came up when searching for values, you need to reduce the amount of money in the game, for example to 9357, and then using the command “Sift, enter this number and press “OK”, subsequently you There will be few resource values ​​left.

After completing all the above operations, you need to use the green arrow to move all the found resources to the right window and edit them there as desired.

By right-clicking on the footnote value, the extra menu, in which you need to select “Change”.

And that’s it, now the changed amount of this or that resource will be increased thanks to the actions taken. Also, so that your resources (mainly experience points or money) do not run out, you need to click on the “Freeze” command in the “Change” menu, which is located in the top taskbar. Now, no matter how much you spend, you will always have the value which you installed first.

Download Artmoney for free from the official website


In this review we will tell you how to use the ArtMoney program. With its help, you can increase, decrease or “freeze” any numerical values, for example, the number of ammo, game currency or health level. But this program Works only with those toys that are installed on the computer. It is powerless in online games, since in this case the numerical values ​​are stored on remote servers to which ArtMoney does not have access.

Using ArtMoney is actually quite simple. First, start the game in which you need to change the numerical values. Then launch ArtMoney. While it is running, the game must be active and cannot be closed. In the “Select process” line, click on the game that needs to be corrected.

The program will analyze the game files for a few seconds in search of the required values. In most cases, there are several such files and therefore you need to weed out the unnecessary ones. To do this, go into the game and change the numerical value you need. For example, if it’s game currency, buy something; if it’s ammunition, shoot a few. After that, return to ArtMoney and click the “Weed out” button. In the window that opens, enter the new value of the parameter you need.

Now the program will analyze in which files these changes occurred. After this sifting, only those files remain that are responsible for the parameter you need. Next, you need to click the red or green arrow image in order to transfer the found files to the changes window. The red arrow transfers one selected file, and the green arrow transfers all found ones.

In the “Value” column, click right click mouse and select "Edit". After that, enter the numerical value that you need. We make changes to all found files. Return to the game and continue playing. After some time, the parameter you need will have the numerical value that you set using the ArtMoney program.

In order not to constantly change the parameter you need, you can “freeze” its value. To do this, left-click next to the found files. A cross will appear. After this, this parameter will not change during the game.

Using the ArtMoney program, you can also change more complex values ​​that do not have a visible numerical value. For example, the health bar, which in some games is displayed as a decreasing bar. To change it, when entering the first value, select the “Unknown value” item in the “Search” line. And when filtering, in the “Value” line, select the item “Changed”. This way the program will find all files that have been changed. Among them there will be one that is responsible for the non-numeric parameter you need.

Artmoney is an interesting program for any gamer. Allows you to hack games and change their values ​​in order to get the maximum gaming experience. These features include: increasing the characteristics of game characters, gaming experience, objects, money, lives, etc. The program scans the memory and finds cells there in which you can change game parameters. By changing the values ​​in the program, we get corresponding changes in the running computer game.

Installation and launch. You can download the program from the developers’ website, where there are free and paid versions. In the paid version of the software, many more parameters are available to the user to change. The program has a convenient and intuitive interface. If you are a fan of PC games, then you will easily understand all the settings. Each menu item has its own purpose. Basically it consists of monitoring game parameters. The actions that are necessary to hack the game will take place in the main window. After starting the program, you should launch the desired game in which you want to change the parameters. Thus, we will primarily need two main buttons: “Search” and “Sift.” But first, we should go into the game itself and write down the parameter we are interested in that we want to change. For example, in the game you have on your account this moment 9000 coins. Write this value down on a piece of paper and roll up the game. In the Artmoney “select process” field, indicate running game. By clicking on the “Search” button, a window will appear in which we have to find the desired value. In the “value” field, enter the recorded amount of game money - in our case, 9000. Artmoney will find all game variables with this value. There can be a lot of such variables.

Weed out unnecessary elements. Next, we expand the game and change the number of our game coins there, for example, we buy something, and we are left with 8500. To get rid of the unnecessary parameters found, you should go to the “Weed out” button, by clicking on which a window will appear where in the field “ value" indicate the new number of game coins - i.e. in our case, it is 8500. Thus, the program will leave only one variable with which it will have to work.

Place the found variable in the adjacent field by clicking on the red arrow. When the parameter moves, you just need to change the value in the column to the one we need in the game. For example, if you want to have unlimited resources, set the parameter to 1,900,000. Surely this amount of game money will be enough to buy everything you want. After this, the game needs to be deployed. The value should change to the one specified in Artmoney. If you want to honestly earn more coins in the game itself, the value will not be reset to zero, a correct arithmetic recalculation will occur.

If you want the selected parameter in the game to remain unchanged, you can use the “freeze” function. This will create an eternal supply of game coins. For example, the set value of 1,900,000 coins will not change after making in-game purchases or additional earnings. To do this, you need to click in the first column of the variable cell so that the corresponding cross appears, as in the screenshot. You can also turn off the freezing itself by removing the cross.

Thus, with the help of the Artmoney program you can easily change the parameters you are interested in in games to make game process more exciting.

One of the programs for cheating in single games is ArtMoney. With its help, you can change the value of variables, that is, you can get the required amount of a certain resource. The functionality of the program is focused on this process. Let's look at its capabilities.

Before you start using ArtMoney for your purposes, you should look into the settings, where there are several useful parameters that can make cheating in the game easier.

To open the settings menu you need to click on the button "Settings", after which a new window will open in front of you with all possible parameters for editing the program.


Let's briefly look at the settings options that are located in the tab "Basic":


In this section you can configure the visibility of ArtMoney. You can hide a process, after which it will not appear in the list of active ones, which works in accordance with windows if you select the option "Hide your windows".

In this menu you can also configure memory access functions, which is only available in the Pro version. This can help you to bypass the protection or in case ArtMoney cannot open the process.


In this section, you can configure search parameters for various variables and edit memory scanning parameters. You can also decide whether to stop the process during the search, which can be useful for games in which resources change quite dynamically. Also configure the scan priority and rounding type.


This data is used when saving table data. Customize the settings on this tab if you want to share your spreadsheets with the world.


This section allows you to change appearance programs for yourself. Program skins, that is, its outer shell, are available for editing. You can use them as pre-installed ones, and additional ones can always be downloaded from the Internet. You can also customize the font, its size and button colors.


A very useful feature if you plan to use the program frequently. You can customize hotkeys for yourself, which will significantly speed up some processes, since you don’t have to look for buttons in the program, but will just need to press a certain key combination.

Changing the value of variables

If you want to change the amount of resources, points, lives, etc., then you need to refer to the corresponding variable, which stores information about the desired value. This is done very simply, you just need to know what value is stored by a certain parameter that you want to change.

Finding the exact value

For example, you want to change the value of cartridges, seeds. These are exact values, that is, they are an integer, such as 14 or 1000. In this case, you need:

Thanks to this search, you can change almost any variable in a single player game. Provided that it has an exact value, that is, an integer. This should not be confused with interest.

Finding an unknown value

If in the game some value, for example, life, is presented in the form of a strip or some kind of sign, that is, you cannot see a number that would indicate the number of your health points, then you need to use the search for an unknown value.

First, in the search column, you select the item "Unknown value", and then conduct a search.

Next, go into the game and reduce your health. Now during sifting just change the value to "Decreased" and carry out screening until you receive the minimum number of addresses, accordingly, changing the amount of your health before each screening.

Now that you have the address, you can know exactly in which numerical range the health value falls. Edit the value to increase your health points.

Finding a Range of Values

If you need to change some parameter that is measured as a percentage, then searching for the exact value will not work, since percentages can be displayed as, for example, 92.5. But what if you don't see this number after the decimal point? This is where this search option comes to the rescue.

When searching, select Search: "Value range". Then in the column "Meaning" you can choose which range your number falls within. That is, if you see 22 percent on your screen, then you need to put in the first column "22", and in the second – "23", then the number after the decimal point will fall into the range. And in the column "Type" select "With a dot (standard)"

When filtering, you act in the same way, specify a certain range after the change.

Cancel and save eliminations

Any sifting step can be undone. This is necessary if you specified the wrong number at some step. At such a moment, you can right-click on any address in the left table and select "Cancel screening".

If you cannot complete the process of searching for a specific address immediately, then you can save your screening and continue, for example, in a few days. In this case, also on the table on the left, right-click and select "Save Screening". Next, you can specify the name of the file and select the folder where it will be saved.

Saving and opening tables

Once you have completed searching for certain variables, you can save the finished table to use the change of certain resources multiple times, for example, if they are reset after each level.

You just need to go to the tab "Table" and press "Save". Next, you can choose the name of your table and the location where you want to save it.

You can open tables in the same way. Still go to the tab "Table" and press "Download".

This is all you need to know about the main features and functions of the ArtMoney program. This is enough to change some parameters in single games, but if you want more, for example, creating cheats or trainers, then this program will not suit you and you will have to look for its analogues.

Now we will look in detail at how to add money in the game through the ArtMoney program. I will demonstrate how to enter money using the example of the game The Witcher.

First, we launch the ArtMoney hacking program itself, then the game.

Minimize the game and expand ArtMoney. Not all games minimize using the Windows key. You can use the keyboard shortcut Alt + Tab, it almost always works.

In our case it is 641 oren. Minimize the game again, expand ArtMoney and press the search key.

The program gives us a window for action.

The value is set to the amount of money 641.

Then press the OK key. And the program begins to search in the game for all values ​​equal to this number.

Click ok. At the moment, the importance of addresses is incredibly high. We need to weed out the unnecessary ones. To do this, we unfold the game and change the value of money in the game to any other. For example, by selling or buying something. I changed the value from 641 to 601.

Minimize the game and expand ArtMoney again. Select the weed out button.

The screening menu pops up and set the value to 601 in the line.

Press the ok menu button and the sifting process begins. We have three addresses left.

If there are too many addresses, you can repeat the sifting operation, that is, we open the game again, change the value of the money and enter it into the sifting. In our case, there is no need for this, and we transfer all three values ​​using the button with the blue arrow.

Pay attention to the table, we change the value in the value column to 99999. This is easy to do, just click on the line in the column we need and start typing. We get:

We open up the game and, voila, Geralt becomes a very wealthy resident of Vizima.

Notes: It happens that after opening the game, the value has not changed, then try to spend a little and it will change. Although there are games that are much more difficult to hack through ArtMoney, for example, Space Rangers. Separate educational articles can be written about hacking such games. But there are very few such games. Thus, making money through ArtMoney is quite easy!
