How to get from Azeroth to the Outlands. WoW: How to get to Outland. Normal heroes always take a detour to end up in Outland

End of 2014 for fans Games World of Warcraft marked a long-awaited event: almost a year after the announcement that the new Warlords of Draenor expansion would be released, Blizzard's campaign staff has finally fulfilled their promise. To the delight of all fans, it was launched on November 13 new patch. If some 2-3 months ago players were puzzling over how to get to the beta of Draenor, now everyone who has installed the new add-on on their computer and paid for game time can immerse themselves in amazing world adventures taking place in an uncharted land and other equally interesting factions.

A little history

Draenor is an ancient planet where intelligent beings lived many centuries ago: arakkoa, orcs, gronn and sporlings, as well as several other small racial groups. Existence on the planet was based on complete merging with the surrounding world, which differed from others in its incredible beauty. The mountains of Draenor rose to almost cosmic heights, the plains were fragrant with incredible beauty of plants, and the swamps were famous for their lushness and fertility. The intelligent one simply called it Peace. In the entire Universe there was not a single creature that knew exactly the way to get to Draenor, and was capable of disrupting the calm and measured flow of life on this planet.

However, everything changed after hordes of draenei arrived on Draenor, fleeing the aggression of the Burning Legion. It was they who began to call the beautiful blooming planet by the name by which it became known World players of Warcraft. As a result of dark witchcraft committed by orcs who drank the blood of Manrok, Draenor was completely destroyed. The planet scattered into myriads of tiny fragments, which then ended up in various places in the Universe. One such fragment is known to all WoW players as Outland.

Return to the lost planet

Perhaps for those who are little familiar with history World of Warcraft, the question arises - how to get to Draenor if the planet died many millennia ago? It's simple: after the defeat, Garrosh Hellscream decided to rectify the situation with his loss to the forces of the Alliance and Horde. To do this, he took a desperate and unexpected step for everyone - he opened a portal to the past in order to prevent the mistakes of his people and apply the knowledge gained at the present time to improve the combat characteristics of the orcs Iron Horde, with the help of which he hoped to win victory in the present.

Through a portal opened in the Blasted Lands, hordes of bloodthirsty orcs poured into Azeroth, determined to have only one goal: to enslave, kill and take possession of the lands of Azeroth and other territories of the world of World of Warcraft.

New in Warlords of Draenor

Blizzard developers have put a lot of effort into making something new. World app of Warcraft is exciting and beautiful. Firstly, the character models have been improved. Now orcs, humans, undead, tauren and gnomes look more attractive and vibrant. Players can more clearly see emotions on the faces of their characters during combat, communication with PTS or the characters of other players. In addition, titanic efforts of the artists were put into detailed drawing new location- actually, the planet Draenor itself.

But not only these changes raised a growing wave of questions like “how to get to Draenor” and “how much does the new addition cost” from regular subscribers of the game and those who have just decided to play World of Warcraft. A huge number of new exciting quests, the opportunity to develop your own settlement on a planet revived from the past, dungeons and raids - this is a great opportunity to win a place in the top players on your server for anyone, even a novice player. In addition, Blizzard provided the opportunity for everyone who purchased the add-on to immediately raise the level of the newly created character to 90 in order to immediately go to Draenor to perform feats.

Nature and adventure on Draenor

Players will be introduced to the harsh and at the same time beautiful nature of Draenor immediately upon arrival on the planet. Alliance players will be able to see the beauty of Shadowmoon Valley, and those who play for the Horde will be able to see the snowy expanses of the Ridge Ice Fire. Literally the first steps on this land will bring players a sea of ​​positive emotions: rich loot from defeated creatures will allow them to develop professions and garrisons created by players to exist comfortably. Representatives of both factions will be given tasks, by completing which you can not only obtain resources for development, but also improve relations with local clans.

There will be “Legendaries”!

In addition to heroic deeds in the open game world, players will also experience exciting trips through the dungeons and raids of the Warlords of Draenor application. From level 90, only one dungeon becomes available, but a little later players will be able to upgrade their character in Auchindoun, in the Gloomy Depot and 5 other instances. It was not even a surprise that Blizzard continued to develop new quest chains, as a result of which the player can receive legendary weapons or items. If in the Pandaria app everyone was chasing Prince Wrathion’s quests to get the legendary cloak, then in Draenor that item will be a ring.

The path to Draenor for Alliance and Horde players

So, if you are interested in the game and decide to find out how to get to Draenor playing for one of the factions, here is your answer. Firstly, it is necessary to reach level 90 in order for the character to be offered a task, the essence of which is to destroy the dark portal located in the Blasted Lands from the Iron Horde troops penetrating into the territory of Azeroth. The only way to get to Draenor at this stage of events is to talk with Khadgar, or rather, with his projection. Alliance players can find it near the central square of Stormwind, and Horde supporters can find it at the main gate of Orgrimar, opposite the bank. Khadgar, who has the ability to teleport, will take the character to the Tanaan Jungle, where exciting adventures will begin.

After completing the quest chain, Alliance players will be taken to Shadowmoon Valley, where they can organize the construction of a garrison. The same tasks await the Hordy people, with the only difference being that they will be able to rebuild their fortress on Fire.

How to get to Draenor for the Alliance

What about those who went from Draenor to locations already known from old expansions: the Eastern Lands or Kalimdor? After the characters playing for the Alliance complete the chain of starting tasks, they can easily return to the mastered location through the portal. So, how to get to Draenor from Storm using it? To do this, you need to get to the location of the portals to the Underdark, Uldum and Vashj-ir. It is simply impossible not to notice a smaller copy of the dark portal from the Blasted Lands that appears there. By clicking on it, the player will find himself in Draenor, namely in Shadowmoon Valley. Mages also have portals to Draenor, but they can install or use them only after reaching level **, when they can study them.

How to get to Draenor for the Horde

The portal to Draenor that Horde players can pass through is located above the Avenue of Spirits in Orgrimar, between the portals to the Underdark and Vashj-yr. Appearance This structure also resembles the Dark Portal located in Outland, but differs from it in its small size. Another fairly simple way for Alliance and Horde players to travel to Draenor is to use the Garrison Return Stone. You can find it in your bag along with the usual homecoming stone.

Another question that players may have is how to get to Outland in Draenor, because the portal in the Blasted Lands no longer works. The developers have made sure that Alliance and Horde players can easily access Hellfire Peninsula. To do this, they had to create portals not far from those leading from Stormwind and Orgrimar to the Blasted Lands.

The easiest way is through portals located in the capitals of the Horde and Alliance. Their location was known to all players for a long time until update 6.0 (Warlords of Draenor) was released. How can those who have continued to develop their character to level 100 get from Orgrimmar to Outland? This is what we will talk about in this article.

Outland- this is one of the not so large locations V WoW game. It is intended for leveling up characters from level 58 to 70 and consists of several completely different areas. There are several ways to get to this mysterious area.

The easiest way to ask a magician

opens a portal to Outland

The easiest way to get from Orgrimmar to Outland is to contact a magician. Any sufficiently well-trained magician will organize your tour to this separate continent “for a fraction of the price” without talking. But this method also has its disadvantages:

  • Price issue. The magician will take no less than 1015 gold for his services;
  • If the purpose of your trip to Outland is to level up your character, then this method is not very rational due to the fact that the magician sends the “client” to starting location(the capital of Outland is Shattrath).

Portal in the Blasted Lands, does it work after 6.0

As old-timers of the WoW universe remember, the simplest and most understandable way to move to the Hellfire Peninsula (this is the starting location in Outland) was to teleport through a portal in the Blasted Lands. After the launch of the 6.0 Warlords of Draenor add-on, this method became unavailable to players level 90 and above, since the portal in the Blasted Lands with reverse side besieged by the troops of the Iron Horde.

Portal to Outland

Where can I find portals to Hellfire Peninsula in WoD? It’s worth immediately reassuring Horde players: the portals to Hellfire Peninsula have not disappeared, they have simply been moved. Representatives of the Horde will be able to find him not far from the place where he was before. To do this, just take a good look around when entering the Cleft of Shadows.

Question how to get to Outland found very often in the World of Warcraft fan community. This is not surprising, since Outland is not associated with game worlds WoW by land and traveling there is only possible with the help of mysterious mystical forces. However, it is, of course, possible to get there. We will present all the methods, starting with the simplest and ending with the most difficult and dangerous.

Any magical whim for your magical money!

The easiest way to find yourself in Outland is to turn to a magician. Any sufficiently well-trained magician will organize your tour to this separate continent “for a fraction of the price” without talking. But this method also has its disadvantages:

  • Price issue. The magician will take no less than 1015 gold for his services;
  • If the purpose of your trip to Outland is to level up your character, then this method is not very rational due to the fact that the magician sends the “client” to the starting location (the capital of Outland - Shattrath).

Normal heroes always take a detour to end up in Outland.

Therefore, many choose a more difficult path, entering Outland through the Dark Portal, which is located in the Blasted Lands. You can get there on your mount, however, you must take into account the likelihood of encountering quite serious monsters, so you should not go on such a risky journey without reaching at least level 58. The location of the Dark Portal is marked on the map below:

If to the distant and full of adventure If you don’t have the strength or desire to travel, you can use the portals located in the capitals. They will transport the player to the Scorched Earth, from where, in turn, the Dark Portal will transfer the character to the first location of Outland, that is, to the Hellfire Peninsula

In the capital of the Alliance, such a portal is located in Stormwind, near the entrance to the tower in which the magician trainers are located. If you play for the Horde, then your path should lie in Orgrimmar. Climbing the stairs leading to the trolls, you can find the desired portal.

Other known and legal ways in Outland does not exist. True, they say that there is a portal to the capital of Outland, Shattrath, in Dalaran. It would be nice to check!

It remains only to remind you that all of Outland consists of the following locations:

  • Hellfire Peninsula
  • Terokkar Forest
  • Shadowmoon Valley
  • Ostrogorye
  • Nagrand
  • Zagrantol
  • Netherstorm

Have a nice trip!

Island Expeditions are a new type of group content that will play a key role in leveling up the Heart of Azeroth. Details under the cut.

Most likely, in addition to this guide, you will also find tips on fast pumping character up to level 120.

General provisions

In short, a sea expedition is a scenario for three people, the main goal of which is to mine Azerite. A group of players will visit various islands that contain Azerite deposits and other treasures and be the first to reach 6,000 Azerite. Players will also receive Azerite as a reward for completing the expedition. The three-person scenarios that were introduced in the Mists of Pandaria expansion were taken as a basis. Their distinctive feature was that the script did not require the classic roles inherent in instances for five people - tank, healer and fighter. While there are certain similarities with the Pandaria scenarios, there are also a number of serious differences.

  • Firstly, there is not one enemy waiting for us here, but two. The first is the mobs, elites and rares that inhabit the island, and the second is representatives of the opposite faction, who - suddenly - also need Azerite. The other faction can be represented by both scripted mobs and real players when it comes to PvP mode. Yes, there is one.
  • Secondly, the developers promise us replayable content. Scenarios, even in the same location, will vary. For example, the buffs received in the location will change. That is, in theory, the adventure will be different every time.

I was able to try sea expeditions on the beta and the impressions were good. Let's start with the fact that there is no linear progression here, as in classic instances for five people. The goal is not to kill everyone, but to collect a certain amount of Azerite, which also falls from mobs. Further, this content does not fly with a bang. One of the normal playthroughs became a wipefest - one of the players constantly pulled out biting packs of mobs, but did not draw any conclusions from these rake. I don’t remember how long we wiped, but by the end I was already red. What is going on there in heroics and mythics - these are two more levels of complexity - one can only guess. Although, this is a beta and can still be nerfed more than once.

A short video review of the island expeditions can be viewed here:

How to get on an island expedition

In order to get into the scenario, you need to approach a specially trained NPC in the main city of the faction. Where to find them, see the screenshots below:

Horde ( Dazar'Alor (Grand Bazaar))

Alliance ( Port of Boralus)

There you can select a mode and join the queue by pressing a button. The following map appears:

On this map we see the following:

  • Weekly progress on quests: the bar displays the amount of Azerite farmed on the islands in a week and how much is left until the weekly cap of 40,000. Upon reaching the cap, we receive a reward (naturally, Azerite). At the end of CD this number is reset to zero.
  • Islands: The center displays the islands we can visit this week and their maps. A total of three islands will be available this week.
  • Main enemy type: Each island has its own natives. We will encounter what is shown in the picture most often.
  • At the bottom you can also find options regarding the complexity of the expedition and the number of points that we will receive for completing it.

Maps and difficulty levels of island expeditions

A total of four modes are available: three PvE (normal, heroic and mythic) and PvP:

  • Normal: available from level 110, has no restrictions on equipment level. You can go either solo or in a group. Goal: collect 6000 units of Azerite.
  • Heroic: available from level 120, minimum level of required equipment is 295. Health and damage of mobs is increased by 100% compared to normal. Here it is also possible to pass solo or in a group. Goal: collect 9000 units of Azerite.
  • Mythic: available from level 120, minimum level of required equipment is 305. Health and damage of mobs is increased by 200% compared to normal. In addition, the “advanced NPCs” we will be up against are tougher than normal. Requires a group of 3 players. Goal: collect 12,000 Azerite units.
  • PvP: There are no restrictions on the level of equipment. Requires 3 people to complete.

The higher the difficulty level, the faster you will close the cap of 40,000 Azerite and receive a reward for it. And there will be more rewards on the island itself. Winning in PvP mode will also grant an additional 50 conquest points.

Important: The 40,000 units of Azerite that you must collect in a week is not your personal Azerite, it is a resource that you collect for your faction.

The assembled team sails to the island by ship. The ship's crew includes goblins or gnomes - depending on your faction - who have developed technologies that show Azerite on the map. In addition to them, there are sellers on the ship who sell all sorts of useful things that will be useful to you during your passage. You can read about these buffs below.

What awaits us on the island? Let's look at the map:


Explored deposits of Azerite: Azerite can be found here, but often along with Azerite you can also find powerful enemies or additional targets.

Azerite Sources: places where they are located interactive objects, which serve as a source of Azerite. Azerite Sources are chests, bags, ore veins that contain Azerite, enemies.

Mighty Enemies: Rare or rare elites, defeating them gives a lot of Azerite. .

Additional goals: places where friendly NPCs in need of help are located.

Alliance or Horde symbols: location of NPCs or players of the opposing faction.

Alliance ship: Kul'Tiran ship.

Horde Ship: Zandalari ship

Portal: A portal that will take you to another place.

Fog of war. An old feature from RTS is limited map visibility. The map is only visible in a limited way, approximately a radius of 100 meters around the player.

The following islands will be available at release:

In principle, seven locations is already not bad, but the developers announced plans to increase the number of island expeditions. So perhaps there will be even more island locations waiting for us in the future.


Units of the opposite faction

On the islands themselves, players will encounter several types of creatures, including both regular mobs and creatures tied to the theme of the island. In addition, all sorts of random events will take place on the island, in which special creatures will take part, for example, dragons or Faceless Ones.

A special place among the opponents is occupied by units of the opposite faction. These are not just packs of fat elites. According to Blizzard, these "Advanced NPCs" are controlled by artificial intelligence, making their behavior similar to that of real players. They do not respond to taunts and increased threat and prioritize targets based on other factors such as health and role. So you'll have to tinker with these guys. Below is a list and composition of these units for the Alliance and Horde:

Horde units

  • Headhunters: Berserker Zar'ri, Dark Hunter Ju'loa, Witch Doctor Unbugu
  • Warriors: Spiritwalker Kuura, Maana Whispering Flame, Sun Servant Ordel
  • Greenbelly Raiders: Captain Greenbelly, Pete the Weasel, Stupid
  • Blazing Sun Hawks: Phoenix Mage Ridras, Phoenix Mage Rileya, Sun Herald Firasi
  • Highborne: Lunar Sickle Pelani, Runewriter Luzaris, Astralite Vizara
  • Gazlowe's mechanics: Gazlowe, Skeggit, Lady Sena

Alliance units

  • Angels of Aurika: Stormcaster Oran, Icebreaker Seraph, Stormcaller Bryson
  • Wolf Pack: Fenra the Cunning, Raoul the Steadfast, Gunnolf the Furious
  • Buccaneers Briona: Briona the Bloodthirsty, Varigg, Lottie Thorn
  • Rift Runners: Dark Sorcerer Zarra, Voidblade Kelain, Lorinas the Dusk Runner
  • Razak knee cutters Stars: Tully Quickclaw, Razak Frying Pan, Dina "Dizzy" Dizzy
  • Retribution of the Light: Anchorite Lanna, Vindicator Baatun, Archmage Tamuura

Random Events and Invasions

In addition to what has already been mentioned above, during the execution of the scenario, events may occur that are not related to the main theme of the island. For example, you can unlock a bonus event by freeing a friendly NPC, or the island may be attacked by unfriendly NPCs, such as vrykul. These events are notable for the fact that they provide a large amount of Azerite - from 400 to 2000 units depending on the specific event. For this reason, you shouldn't skip them, because they give more Azerite than simply killing native mobs. These events are triggered after a certain amount of Azerite is mined. This number will be different for each island expedition.

In total, players can expect three major waves of such events:

  • 1st wave: begins immediately upon the players’ arrival on the island. The essence of the event is that camps with enemies appear on the island and friendly mobs find themselves in trouble.
  • 2nd wave: triggered after the parties have collected a certain amount of Azerite and consists of a large deposit of Azerite spawning in a random location.
  • 3rd wave: After the parties gain even more Azerite, the final event occurs - an attack on the island by a third party. Any creature can attack the island, from vrykul to faceless. Moreover, the mobs in these packs can be elite and rare. In addition to the mobs themselves, chests spawn next to them, in which you can also find Azerite.

As mentioned above, you shouldn’t skip these events, because you have a chance to quickly achieve the main goal - to gain a certain amount of Azerite.

Consumables and Mariner's Doubloon

In order to help you more efficiently collect Azerite and fight against the enemy faction, you can buy special consumables for a special currency. During the walkthrough upon its completion, you have a chance to receive the Mariner's Doubloon. For this doubloon you can purchase these consumables from special merchants.

  • Fresh solution: Use: Chew gum, increasing damage dealt by 20% for 10 minutes.
  • Docker-Cola: Use: Drink a cola that increases your dodge rate by 20% for 10 minutes.
  • "Healthy" chips: Use: Eat chips that restore 50% of your maximum health.
  • Grain of Truth Bar: Use: Eat a bar that increases your parry rate by 20% for 10 min.
Horde traders
  • Mechanical telescope
  • Ring of Orgrimmar
  • Destroyer Control Panel /
  • Jump Explosive
  • Blacksmith Hammer
  • Underground Forge Plate: Use: Cover your armor with additional plates that reduce all physical damage taken by 30% for 10 minutes.
  • Target designator "ATOMYCH"
  • Jet micropack GG-118
  • Shrinker
  • Failure
  • Rabbit mascot
  • Rat's Whisker of Luck
    • Mechanical Spyglass: Use: Instantly detects all sources of Azerite on the island
    • Ring of Orgrimmar: Use: Dispels all movement-impairing effects and effects that cause loss of control over the character for 5 sec.
    • Destroyer control panel/Siege engine control panel
    • Jump Explosive: Use: Detonate an explosive charge that deals 10 damage to you. fire damage and launches you into the air towards a nearby ally.
    • Forge Hammer: Use: Pierces the target's armor, increasing physical damage taken by 100% for 1 min. (1 min cooldown)
    • Blackrock Iron Plates: Use: Cover your armor with additional plates that reduce all physical damage taken by 30% for 10 minutes.
    • Underground Forge Plate: Use: Cover your armor with additional plates that reduce all physical damage taken by 30% for 10 minutes.
    • Target designator "ATOMYCH": Use: Indicate the point to strike, which in 10 seconds. will be hit by a rocket, causing 500 damage upon explosion. Arcane damage to all enemies within a 20 m radius.
    • Jet Micropack GG-118: Use: When jumping, you fly forward using jet engines. When you land, you deal fire damage to nearby enemies and knock them prone.
    • Shrinker: Use: Shrinks the target, reducing its damage dealt by 50% and reducing its movement speed by 50% for 1 min.
    • Failure: Use: Throw an unlucky amulet that disorients all enemies within a 10 m radius for 20 sec.
    • Rabbit Talisman: Use: Apply an amulet that reduces the chance of being detected by enemies for 30 minutes.
    • Rat Whisker of Luck: Use: Apply luck, with a 20% chance of reflecting spells directed against you for 10 minutes.

      Hidden Blunderbuss: Use: The caster fires a hidden blunderbuss, dealing 100 damage to enemies within an 8m radius. fire damage and knocking them back.

      Surprise Jacket: Use: Absorbs 75 damage. damage and when dispelled, deals 150 units. fire damage to all enemies within a 10 m radius.

    Buffs that can be obtained from items on the island

    In addition to the fact that buffs can also be obtained from items that are located on the island. True, in addition to the buff, the player simultaneously receives a debuff:

Outland is one of the smaller locations in the WoW game. It is intended for leveling up characters from level 58 to 70 and consists of several completely different areas. There are several ways to get to this mysterious area. The easiest way is through portals located in the capitals of the Horde and Alliance. Their location was known to all players for a long time until update 6.0 was released (Warlords of Outland for those who continued to develop their character to level 100? We will talk about this in this article.

Portal in the Blasted Lands, does it work in the 6.0 application?

As old-timers of the WoW universe remember, the simplest and most understandable way to move to the Hellfire Peninsula (which is the starting point in Outland) was to teleport through a portal in the Blasted Lands. There were several ways to get to him. Alliance players passed through the Stormwind Portal, which is located in the Mage Tower, and Horde supporters could find it in Orgrimar in the Cleft of Shadows. After this, it was enough to cross the small camp and go through the huge stone gates. After the launch of the 6.0 Warlords of Draenor add-on, this method became unavailable to players level 90 and above, since the portal in the Blasted Lands on the other side was besieged by the Iron Horde troops. However, many players are eager to find out how to get to Outland, even if the character has reached level 100. Let's try to understand this issue.

Where can I find portals to Hellfire Peninsula in WoD?

It’s worth immediately reassuring Alliance and Horde players: the portals to Hellfire Peninsula have not disappeared, they have simply been moved. Representatives of the Horde will be able to find him not far from the place where he was before. To do this, just take a good look around when entering the Cleft of Shadows. Alliance gamers will also likely be able to easily find what they are looking for if they put in a little effort and take a tour of the Mage Quarter in Stormwind. Perhaps many players will have a question: “How to get to Outland if level 90 has not yet been achieved?” It's simple here: at lower levels, the journey to the portal in the Blasted Lands has not changed, and players can use the "old" magic gate to teleport.

Other ways to get to Outland (WoW 6.0 and later)

If players for some reason cannot get to the capitals of their factions, then they can use other options for moving to Outland. Firstly, everyone knows about the capital of this territory, which is called Shattrath. Mages of both factions can create a portal to this city. Once in this ancient city, characters can fly to any point and discover Outland. WoW gamers who fail to persuade the mage can try another method: teleport to Shattrath from Dalaran. In the capital of Northrend, as we remember, there is such a portal.

In the same way, you can get to Shattrath from the key points of Pandaria: the Sanctuary of Two Moons or the Seven Stars. Halls with portals in them are very easy to find; to do this, just go up the stairs and turn left (for Horde players) or right (for Alliance players). If your character is regularly forced to move to this location, and every time the question arises of how to get to Outland quickly, you can bind your homecoming stone to any tavern in these lands.
