How to build all the portals in Minecraft. Portals without mods in Minecraft. Portal between cities

For players who were not aware that there are portals in minecraft to the upper and lower worlds, this article will be of interest. It will talk about the possibilities of moving to hell and heaven, about how to get into such mysterious worlds. What dangers and adventures await you. if you love various cards, new biomes you can download them on our website. If you are playing on a server that has the Minecraft portals plugin installed, then you do not need to download it, you just need to follow the instructions and do the things you need.

And such things as other worlds are doubly dangerous, but you will be rewarded for your exploits if you are careful. In hell and heaven in minecraft game you can find the most difficult and durable ores that are in the game. There are no limits to adventures, quite interesting locations await you ahead, but at the same time dangerous and mysterious.

Make a portal to space

UPDATE 03/16/14

Friends, before describing the construction of a portal to space, we want to talk about a very cool alternative - flying into space ON A ROCKET! The simple fact is that a portal to space, unfortunately, can only be made in version 1.2.5, and this is a wild old thing, terribly inconvenient. Those who need a portal can feel free to scroll through, but we highly recommend the rocket to everyone, it’s much, MUCH COOLER!)))

This is all done, of course, with the help of a mod. It's called GalactiCraft (you need two more files, you'll find them all at the link, along with installation instructions!). We are using version 1.6.2, but there is a link to 1.6.4.

We described all the instructions for you in our review:

Well, now about the portal.

To safely survive without air, we need a spacesuit. It is crafted in the same way as any armor, only from wool. The recipes are on the screenshots below.

Airless space is fraught with a lot of dangers, so you need to AT LEAST adhere to the most basic rules:

  • stock up on supplies and tools in advance
  • don't forget to take more food
  • DO NOT JUMP! Otherwise you will perish like the author of the video below :)
  • move around the islands
  • don’t forget to make yourself a platform on which you can move, otherwise you will die (again, like the author of the video)
  • Don't forget to take your weapon - the UFO doesn't sleep!

This journey is incredibly exciting. New territories in Minecraft are always very interesting to explore, because you don’t know what awaits you in an unfamiliar area. It’s even more interesting to film your adventures and post them on the Internet and show them to friends.

Let's go on a trip to the moon

Yes, this is also possible!) And not with the help of a portal (there is no normal information about the portal to the moon, but if you suddenly know something about such a mod, write in the comments plz), but on a rocket. It's cooler for many reasons, and quite affordable. We have all the necessary files on our website, see the links in this article.

Well, as for the flight to the Moon itself, preparing for it is very similar to a flight into space (how do you live on your own space station, by the way? :)). Therefore, we won’t describe much, everything is in the video, watch it:

This instruction will explain in detail to players how to build a portal to heaven. First of all, you will need to download a mod that allows you to transfer. It is necessary to install it, otherwise the portal will not work (here is a link to the Aether 2 mod).

After installed this mod in minecraft, you will need a stone called glowstone and from this stone we build a kind of frame as shown in the video. Dimensions 4 by 6 blocks. Players will also need water; pour water into the prepared “frame”. To do this you will need a bucket, the crafting of which is shown in the picture below. Then be sure to fill a bucket with water (can be done in any available body of water) and pour it into the portal. It is necessary to fill out the entire frame of the portal, otherwise it will not work.

Players who do not want the portal to work all the time can make a button next to it that will turn it on and off.

Make portals to hell in minecraft

The portal allows you to teleport in Minecraft, quite to a dark and scary location, in which evil lurks, there is no view of the moon or the sun, and there is only darkness all around. There are strong monsters that are ready to devour you. Therefore, before moving there, you still need to stock up on food, weapons, and armor. You can build it using a not very complicated system, if, of course, you have a stone called obsidian in your inventory. Many newbies to Minecraft don’t know how to get this stone. Now I will tell you everything in detail. Obsidian can be mined in 2 ways:
  1. You just need to craft the bucket that was mentioned in point 2, you need to pour water into it (you can do it in any body of water) and find a place where there is lava. After pouring your water from a bucket onto the lava, a natural phenomenon will occur in Minecraft and you will get the stone that you just need, called obsidian.
  2. You need to make a good pickaxe (starting from a diamond one) and dig deep underground, there you will find this stone, it is dark purple in color, which is immediately noticeable. The stone will take a long time to mine because it has strong properties.


You need to mine in Minecraft with a pickaxe starting from a diamond one; if you don’t have this opportunity, then it’s better to use the first method, because obsidian will not be mined with simple pickaxes.

Let's actually move on to the construction of the portal. You need to create an empty rectangle 4 blocks wide and 5 blocks high from obsidian, as shown in the picture.

Then you will need to craft a lighter (required), the crafting of which is shown in the picture below.

Bring the lighter to the base of the rectangle and the portal to hell will work. To teleport you need to go into it and wait a few seconds while it moves you.

There are even mods that allow you to fly to the moon. But you can’t go to the moon so easily, you will need to craft rockets according to the scheme and only then will you be able to fly to the moon.*

*update from 03/23/14 - we not only wrote about this above, but also flew over and filmed a video :)

Making a portal to the city

In Minecraft we can also make a portal to the city. This is a little trick, the essence of which is this: We can get to hell from any portal to hell, of which we can build at least ten of them. But from hell we will always return to the portal that we made first.

Therefore, we can make ourselves a kind of “passage” from home directly to the city. The course of action is as follows:

1. First we have to find the city. How? Stock up on provisions and run forward!) Without forgetting, of course, to make a compass and map in advance. Villages are usually found on plains or in the desert.

3. We teleport to hell, build the portal with non-flammable material, maybe just cobblestones.

4. We return to the ordinary world, run back to the house, or wherever you want to get to the city, and build another portal to hell.

5. We are transported to hell, exit the portal, and immediately enter it again.

That's all! After this, we find ourselves not where we left for hell, but in the city.

This is such a simple thing, use it for your health;)

Well, as usual, watch our video. Don't forget to subscribe!

Making a portal to the end

So, the Minecraft portal is a guide to another dimension, in our case, to Krai. Essentially, these are twelve frames forming a square. For this guide to work and you get to End, you need to activate it. The activator is the Eye of the Edge. You need twelve of them, according to the number of frames. Each eye must be installed in a frame block. You cannot make a “window” to the Land on your own; you can only find it in Minecraft. You should look in the fortress. There, in a special room above the lava, there is a portal. Some frames sometimes already have an Eye of the End, but even in this case their number is a maximum of two. The rest will have to be obtained ourselves. After filling all the frames, nine blocks of the portal itself appear inside. This whole scheme may not work if the room in which the portal is located somehow intersects with, for example, abandoned mines or any other similar (natural) structures. Then you will have to go in search of another fortress.

Teleportation itself the player's End occurs after the crafter contacts the portal. The transfer is lightning fast - after taking a step, it will be possible to return only from the Edge dimension. Once at the destination, the crafter spawns on a special obsidian platform, which often ends up in the air. To get back, you need to either die (then the player is resurrected in the normal Minecraft world), or kill a very cool enemy - the Ender Dragon, also called Ender. Killing a dragon will entail the generation of a reverse portal, but making a gorynych kirdyk is extremely difficult.

And now in list form the nuances that A must-know for any Minecraft traveler, going to the Edge.

  • End first appeared in Beta 1.9pre-release4. This pleasant event happened on October 13, 2011.
  • Initially, Notch planned that this dimension in Minecraft would be called “Ender,” but later the name was slightly shortened to End.
  • There were supposed to be several dragons in Ender. End is gifted with only one thing, but what one!
  • If you look closely, you can see that the portal frame blocks are made of End stone.
  • Again, if you look closely, you'll notice that the portal block itself is a darker version of one of several water states in Minecraft.
  • To get to the Land of Minecraft, you can contact the portal in any way you like, but it’s not recommended to enter it on a trolley. It’s not that it won’t be faster, you won’t get there at all.
  • The portal blocks are turned in both directions.
  • The block of this portal, like its “colleague”, leading to Nizhny Minecraft world, can be eliminated with water.
  • It is extremely rare to generate an Underwater Portal to this gloomy place in Minecraft. And, of course, you can’t do it yourself either.
  • The "corridor" blocks to Ender's Habitat, like any other blocks in Minecraft, can be destroyed. But this can only be done in Creativity mode.
  • The destruction of frame blocks does not entail the destruction of the portal block.
  • The “dismantling” of the frame is accompanied by the sound of breaking glass.
  • In the beginning, frames had different properties. They also had a different texture. They were transparent blue blocks emitting level fifteen light. They were not hard then, they could be broken. But it could also be repaired using the Eye of the End.
  • In one version of Minecraft, the frame could be blown up.

You will need

  • - obsidian
  • - lighter
  • - glowing stone (glowstone)
  • - water
  • - Eye of the End
  • - flowers or mushrooms
  • - diamond
  • - mod for Paradise
  • - mod for dusk wood
  • - space mod


One of the most frequently used man-made structures of this kind by gamers is a portal to Hell (Nether World). If, following the example of other "minecrafters", you strive to get into that full of dangers dimension, to build a “door” there you cannot do without a durable material - obsidian. It is formed underground in those places where lava meets a source of water (the main thing is that they do not touch). Mine a couple of dozen obsidian blocks with a diamond pickaxe and place them in a frame so that there are at least four similar stones in width and five in height. Set the structure on fire using a lighter. Enter the frame and stand for a few seconds - after that you will be teleported to the Nether.

While in Hell and obtaining the resources and experience you need in the gameplay there, do not forget to collect a certain amount of a special glowing stone - glostone. It is found only in the Lower World and serves as material for the construction of a portal to the heavenly dimension - Paradise. You won’t be able to visit there without installing a special mod, thanks to which any player will discover the possibilities and resources of this transcendental world, entirely consisting of islands floating above the earth. Build a portal to Heaven using glostone using a frame of four by six blocks. To activate it, you will need to pour pre-prepared water from a bucket into it.

The portal to the Edge (End) is the only natural structure of its kind, which you, like any other gamer, cannot create on your own. It can only be found - in a special room of the fortresses found in the game. You will be able to find the nearest such fortress if you get the Eye of the End. Usually it is purchased in the NPC village, from local residents. Try to get at least a dozen of these items. You will need the Eye of the End in more than a dozen copies to restore the portal when you discover it. Keep in mind that there are only two ways to get out of this dimension - by dying (and then being reborn in the ordinary world) or by defeating the Ender Dragon, which is extremely difficult to do.

If you have the appropriate mods, several other dimensions will become available to you. One of them is the Twilight Forest. If you want to test your strength in battles with dangerous monsters that live in the treasure caves of this world, or try to overcome the local labyrinths, you should go here. To go to the Twilight Forest, dig a two-by-two square one block deep in grassy ground, plant flowers or mushrooms around it, pour water inside it, and then throw a diamond into it. Be sure to jump to the side, because the moment a valuable mineral hits the portal, it will be struck by lightning. When the water begins to shimmer lilac, boldly step into the opened frame.

If you want to go to conquer outer space even in Minecraft, install first required mod, and then create a portal to go to this dimension. It is constructed in the same way as for Netherworld, but the materials needed for this will be simpler - not obsidian, but iron. However, there is an alternative way to get there - by rocket, of course. When going to Space, do not forget to acquire a spacesuit (it is crafted like armor, but made of wool) and sufficient supplies of provisions, weapons and other resources, so as not to perish in the alien vast expanses.

The topic of building a portal to other dimensions is very popular on this moment, since all players want to see something new. But for all this you need to install various kinds of modifications that will help you do things that you could not do before.

And so, let's start with what portals are and what they are intended for. A portal is a structure created by a character, intended for teleportation over a distance or to other worlds (dimensions). There are a total of two portals available in Minecraft; you don’t need mods or other add-ons to use them. The first portal is the portal to Hell, with its help you can move to another dimension called Hell. But the second portal will lead you to a world more difficult to survive Ender(Edge). Unlike the first portal, you will not be able to build a second one because you need to find it. To search, the Eye of Ender is used, when used, it will direct you in the right direction to search.

In general, I talked about the standard portals that already exist in the game, and with which you were probably already familiar. Next I will talk about portals for which installing mods is simply necessary. For example, a portal to Paradise, I talked about how to make this portal in the article "". And yet, to build this portal we will need mods. So if you don’t know how or can’t install mods in Minecraft, then you definitely won’t be able to use a third-party portal.

That's all, I think I talked in detail about all the portals available in the game, and not only. And you will be happy to start traveling through dimensions. And if you want to try something new, then unfortunately this cannot be done without mods.

In Minecraft 1.5.2 there are a total of 2 portals. This is a portal to hell and the end of the world. Using additional mods You can create other portals leading to other worlds and dimensions or simply through the ordinary world. On any servers, special commands are used for this, such as: /sethome, /spawnpoint and others. Or add-ons for the server that do everything themselves. But, for example: how to make a portal to a city in Minecraft? Without using a team, mods, and playing in single player mode of vanilla Minecraft.

Creating the portal itself to the city is not technically difficult, but the extraction of resources itself will require some time. Basically, such portals are needed in this case, if you have already built and equipped your house, then you went traveling and came across a village (city). You can take resources from it there, but you can’t move the inhabitants, and in order to trade with them, you need to have a constant connection. The first thing you need to do is, of course, find a village.

We will move not from house to city, but through hell, using the portal to hell. The portal itself consists of obsidian, which can be found either very deep in the mine, or you can make it yourself by combining lava and water.

The second option may not work out because if you connect it incorrectly, you may end up with a cobblestone.

It is more profitable to go to the mine and find ready-made obsidian. But you won’t be able to get it that easily because each ore requires its own pickaxe. For iron ore you need a stone pickaxe, for gold and diamond - an iron one. Obsidian also counts as an ore, but drops as a block. In order to break this block you need a diamond pickaxe. At the beginning of the game it will be difficult to get diamonds, especially obsidian.

To build the portal you will need 14 blocks. The size of the portal is 5 blocks high and 4 blocks wide. It is built vertically.

To make it work you need to light it with a lighter. It is created from iron and gravel. After creation, just click on the portal and it will work. If you enter it, you can find yourself in hell.

But in order to move between the village and our house, we will have to build the same portal in the city.

It turns out that after we have built all this, 2 portals will connect in one world. That is, to get into the city, you need to first enter hell from your portal in the house. And immediately get out of it, but it will take us no longer home, but to the village. There is, of course, one caveat... After we leave the portal already in the city, we will not be able to return home from it. If we enter it again, we will end up in hell and leave, but appear again in the city.

Whichever portal we create first, we will constantly appear in. You can do the same with the portal at the end of the world. Make 2 portals in one world to move between them. This portal is created a little differently. Firstly, it is built horizontally. A hole is made 2 by 2 blocks and filled with water. You need to plant any flowers, seedlings, or mushrooms around. Just like for the portal to hell, this also needs a “lever” that will launch it. For this to work, you need to throw 1 diamond into the water, lightning will strike the portal.

This is considered the end of the game. After this, when you enter this world and return back, you will find yourself in a city. In this way, you can create a whole network of portals between different villages. Or use command block and using commands, configure any portal to any coordinates.

But for it to work you need electricity, which can be obtained in the mine. Using such portals, moving long distances will not take much time.

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In Minecraft, any player can go to the moon, hell or heaven; To do this, you just need to make a portal. This is not difficult, but, nevertheless, you will have to spend a lot of resources. You can find out how to make a portal without mods below.

How to make a portal paradise in Minecraft without mods

Many would like to make a portal to heaven without mods. It's not very difficult. It is important to remember that the basis of the portal is a glowing stone, which you must obtain in hell. There is a huge accumulation of this substance, it is located on the ceiling and slopes. You can shoot him down with fireballs.

Also, a portal to heaven can be made from light dust, but not every player has it in their arsenal. If you were able to find it, place this element in the 4 lower cells of the workbench and click on the arrow on the right. As a result, you will have a glowing block at your disposal.

To build a portal to heaven you need 12 glowing stones. As soon as they are in your hands, you can begin building the treasured portal. So, place 4 glowing stones in a row, add 3 stones to the outer blocks, and as a result you will get pillars. Now you must place 2 glowing stones at the top of the structure, connecting the pillars. You will need to place water inside the structure. After this, a surface of water will appear in the stone gate, you can safely enter it. This way you will be transported to heaven.

Making a portal to hell in Minecraft

To make a portal to hell without mods in Minecraft, you will need to make an obsidian frame. To do this you will need to take 14 obsidian blocks. They can be found by going down into the cave, don't forget to take your diamond pickaxe with you. Connect them together to make a rectangle. Then take a lighter and light it on fire. The portal to hell is ready, you can enter it.

Create a portal to the moon without any mods

To create a portal to the Moon, you will need to get luminous stones from hell and lay out two cubes from them. Then, next to them, 3 rows of 2 iron stones and another single row of 2 luminous stones are laid out. Then lay a column of 4 obsidian blocks in the iron wall. Cover this column with iron blocks on both sides. In addition, you will need to place the left and right extreme corners on the block. Now place 1 iron block on the pillar.

Additionally, place iron blocks in front of the foundation, and place the block on it. Cover this control unit with iron blocks on the sides, and add 2 glass blocks on top. Put on your astronaut outfit, hit the block with a pickaxe, and you will find yourself on the Moon.
