How to increase fps in cs go on a laptop. How to increase FPS in CS:GO. Detailed guide. Console commands for FPS in CS Go

Good afternoon, fans of the game CS: GO. Today we will look at this issue: "How to properly increase FPS in CS:GO on a weak PC (cs go)"? Your FPS depends very much on the power of your computer. Prices since the beginning of 2015 for video cards, motherboards, processors and assemblies gaming computers have grown a lot, now not everyone can afford a super gaming computer. In fact, we will tell you a big secret, how you can set the settings in the CS GO game to the maximum FPS, read on and you will understand how to do this.

How to increase FPS in cs go on a weak computer?

If you want to experience the game without lag and increase FPS to 300, you need to set all settings in the game to minimum. First you need to launch Steam, and then download cs go. Then open the “settings” menu and select the “video settings” subsection. Then go to " additional settings" and set all the characteristics to minimum, absolutely everything is as in the screenshot. Professional players They never use high graphics, since it’s all superfluous and for the sake of beauty, which actually sometimes even gets in the way. And in order for FPS to always be higher, you need to set the graphics to minimum.

Setting up a video card for CS GO

Launch the settings of your video card, go to the “3D settings” section, you will be shown a slider:
quality = performance", move the slider as far as possible towards the performance side.

Setting up a computer system for CS GO

Find the "my computer" icon, then click on it right click mouse and find the properties item. We see the additional tab, select the additional section and go to the parameters. In this window, click on the new performance item, then click “ok” and exit.

All these methods are ideal for increasing FPS on a laptop.

Launch options in CS:GO to increase FPS

To remove lags in cs go, you need to add commands to the launch parameters that will make it more enjoyable to play with.
To go to launch options, you need
1. Go to the Steam library.

And here you will have a button - set launch parameters.

And here's the most important point, here you need to insert the following code

Novid -threads [number of processor cores] -high -tickrate 128 -dxlevel -noaafonts

novid- disables the splash screen when loading the game, CS:GO will load faster
threads- sets the number of cores that need to be connected
high- launches the game with high priority
tickrate- sets the tickrate to 128 and all your bullets will fly straight at the enemy
dxlevel- This is the DirectX version. Try different values.
noaafonts- removes font smoothing, you will have five more FPS.

These points will help you understand the issue how to increase fps in cs go. If you have any questions, you can always ask them in this thread and we will help you.

It is quite possible that your computer begins to freeze in the game because there are so many programs running on it and this affects its performance. Firstly, close everything unnecessary, and secondly, restart your computer.
Enjoy the game everyone!

26.04 2016

We suggest we talk about how to increase FPS in CS GO. On this moment There are many ways to improve your gaming experience. This question is extremely relevant for those who play one of the most popular online shooters on a professional level and wants to learn as much as possible about this issue. We decided to show how it's done. For an experienced player, every fraction of a second is important, which decides the outcome of the shootout. We suggest considering several ways to increase FPS in CS GO on a laptop.

Video display settings:

FPS is the number of frames per second that “flicker” on the display. The number of these frames is characterized by the capabilities of a personal device or laptop. For e-sportsmen, it is not the beauty of the picture that is important, but the clarity of data transmission. They constantly wonder how to increase the number of personnel in CS GO. If you put the game on maximum settings, then you can get a terrible delay, which will greatly interfere gameplay. Therefore, we recommend increasing this indicator by lowering the video display settings in CS:GO.

This is quite simple to do and all you need to do is set all settings to Low or Very Low. The number of frames per second is also affected by the screen resolution, but in this case it is better to leave the standard resolution so that the picture is not distorted. As for the Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode setting, we can leave this function alone.

CS GO launch parameters to increase FPS:

To modify the game loading parameters, you need to perform a couple of simple steps:

1. Go to the Steam Library (client library);

2. Right-click on the desired game;

3. Select the property label and follow the required link to change the launch parameters.

What do we need to enter in these launch parameters to increase FPS in CS GO

  • -console - turns on the console in the game;
  • -novid - disables the video splash screen before starting the game;
  • -freq "number" - sets the screen refresh rate (indicate your monitor hertz); For example: -freq 120
  • +exec "config.cfg file name" - automatic launch of the configured config;
  • -high / -low - launch the game with high or low priority;
  • -full / - fullscreen - full screen mode;
  • -windowed / - window / - sw / - startwindowed - start the game in windowed mode;
  • -w - set the width of the screen resolution. For example: -w 1920;
  • -h - set the length of the screen resolution. For example: -h 1080;
  • (Russian, german, etc.) - will set the game to the desired language. In the case, for example, if your Steam client itself is in Russian, but you want to select English for the game;
  • +rate 124000 - maximum amount data that the host can receive (bits/sec);
  • +cl_cmdrate 128 - maximum number (per second) of packets sent to the server;
  • +cl_updaterate 128 - maximum number (per second) of requested package updates from the server;
  • -noforcemspd - use mouse speed settings as in Windows;
  • -noforcemaccel - disable mouse acceleration;
  • -noforcemparms - use mouse button settings, like in Windows;
  • -threads - the number of processor cores used by the game;
  • -m_rawinput - whether the Windows sense settings affect the settings in the game;
  • -tickrate 128 - update rate - from the server (per second) - only for the server.

Increasing FPS on a weak computer using the TCP Optimizer program:

This type of software is responsible for the Internet connection, which plays a key role in the speed of transmission of data packets. The program can be launched without installation. In order for it to improve the Internet connection and affect the increase in FPS, you need to put a “circle” on Optimal.

If you want to improve your connection settings yourself, you need to restart your computer and check the “circle” for Custom. You need to change the LargeSystemCache value to default, and the TCPAckFrequency indicator to enabled 1. Then you should restart the computer again.

Hello. Today's topic is about how to increase FPS. The question of increasing fps is one of the most popular questions in the gaming circle. It is especially important if the entire game depends on the reaction and every split second can decide the outcome. For our readers, we have tried and searched the Internet to collect all the information you need, which is provided to you below.

Setting up video display.

FPS is a measure of the number of frames per second on your screen. The higher this indicator, the more accurate the transmission of data to your screen. The number of FPS directly depends on your computer. First of all, you should pay attention to your video settings, because in cs go, what is important is not a beautiful picture, but the clarity of data transmission. So, if you suffer from such a problem as low FPS, then you need to sacrifice the settings first. After all, look, if you set the game to maximum, your game will lag (players with powerful hardware are not taken into account), and for some, it will freeze completely. Due to such circumstances, we suggest lowering the settings as indicated in the picture below.

There is nothing complicated about this, just set the settings to “low” and “very low”. FPS is also affected by the resolution of your screen, but this is one of the exceptions when the settings should be left as standard in order to avoid image distortion. The same goes for features like Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode, they should be left alone.

CS GO launch parameters to increase FPS:

To redo or modify cs go launch parameters, you need to do the following steps, which do not require much effort, namely:

  1. Open the library (Steam Library);
  1. We right-click on the game we need and select properties;

  1. Click on the button " set launch options».

What you need to enter in these launch options to increase FPS:

console- turns on the console in the game;

novid– removes the video screensaver;

freq"number of hertz monitor" for example - " freq 120" sets the frequency of updates on the screen.

+exec“name of config.cfg file” – automatically launches configured configurations;

-high / -low— launch the game with high or low priority;

-full / - fullscreen- full screen mode;

windowed / - window / - sw / - startwindowed– launches the game in windowed mode;

-w– adjusts the screen width resolution. Eg: -w 1920;

-h– Sets the width of the screen resolution. Eg: -h 1080;

(Russian, German, etc.)– will set the language in the game, even if your Steam is in Russian, and you want the game in English.

+rate 124000— the largest number of bits/sec.

+cl_cmdrate 128— the largest number (per second) of packets transmitted to the server;

+cl_updaterate 128— the largest number (per second) of requested package updates from the server;

-noforcemspd— uses mouse speed settings, like in Windows;

-noforcemaccel– helps disable mouse acceleration;

-noforcemparms— uses mouse button settings, like in Windows;

-threads— the number of processor cores used by the game;

-m_rawinput— Do Windows sense settings affect the settings in the game;

-tickrate 128— frequency of updates — from the server — only for the server.

Increasing FPS on a weak computer using the TCP Optimizer program:

This program is responsible for the Internet connection, which helps improve data transfer speed. For it to still help, you need to put a “circle” on Optimal.

If you are a fairly experienced user and are good at searching, then you need to restart your computer and put the “circle” on Custom. Then you need to change the LargeSystemCache value to default, and the TCPAckFrequency indicator to enabled 1. Afterwards, you need to restart the computer again.

How to view FPS display in CS:GO:

How to view the FPS display in cs go, it’s quite simple and takes just a few clicks. We need to enter the command " net_graph 1" or " cl_showfps 1" After that, we return to the game and look at the data. On average, the optimal data is 300.

If you know any other tricks, write in the comments, we will be happy about it.

If you haven't cleaned your device in a while, now is the time to do it! After all, everything that clogs your device (dust, wool, etc.) affects the operation of the system as a whole. This is due to the fact that when the dust settles, the heat does not leave the heated elements, because of this the temperature in the computer rises and it cannot process information normally.
If you have no idea how to clean a computer or laptop, then contact specialists or friends who know how to clean the device. Sometimes it’s even enough to vacuum it thoroughly and the device “sighs” with clean air.
After cleaning your computer, we recommend cleaning it at least once a month.
Also, if you have not changed the thermal paste on the processor and video card for a long time, then it is also advisable to change it.


The fastest and effective method- this is to use a specialized program.

I'm using CCleaner. Or use any analogue you like.
Let's look at cleaning garbage with my program.

Now, we need to optimize the hard drives (!) This item will not work for anyone with an SSD (!)

We set high device performance.

How to increase FPS in CS GO by reducing Windows load

If you have Windows 7 and have widgets installed, we strongly recommend removing them! Although they take up little memory, they affect FPS.

  1. Go to Control Panel > Windows Update > Settings Settings
  2. And turn off all the items

Disable the built-in Windows antivirus.

Personally, this antivirus loaded my computer so much that the CPU and RAM were always maxed out. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you disable it.

  1. Go to Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Windows Defender and uncheck all the boxes. Especially real-time system protection.

Also, if you have other antiviruses installed, we also disable them, because they load your system.


Be sure to download drivers from the official websites of your video card manufacturer!

You can find out what video card you have by going to: Control Panel > Device Manager > video card

Copy to the address bar of your browser ↓
For AMD:

Go to the “Drivers” section and write the model of your card in the search engine.

Next, download the latest driver and install it.

Now you need to go to the NVIDIA or AMD control panel

  • CUDA - GPUs: All
  • DSR - Smoothness: Off
  • DSR - now: Off
  • Anisotropic Filtering: Off
  • Vertical Sync: Off
  • Pre-trained personnel virtual reality: 4
  • Background Light Dimming: Off
  • Shader Caching: On
  • Maximum number of preset frames: Use 3D application setting
  • Multi-Frame Anti-Aliasing (MFAA): Off
  • Streaming optimization: Auto
  • Power Management Mode: Maximum Performance Preferred
  • Antialiasing - FXAA: Off
  • Anti-Aliasing - Gamma Correction: Off
  • Antialiasing - Options: No
  • Antialiasing - Transparency: Off
  • Anti-Aliasing Mode: Off
  • Triple Buffering: On
  • Accelerate multiple displays/mixed GPUs: Single Display Performance Mode
  • Texture Filtering - Anisotropic Sampling Optimization: Off
  • Texture Filtering - Quality: High Performance
  • Texture filtering - negative deviation UD: Allow
  • Texture filtering - trilane optimization: On.

After these settings, your FPS will increase significantly.

A very important point! If you want a more colorful image, then you need to go to the “Adjust desktop settings” section and set the slider opposite “Digital intensity” to 100%. This will allow you to do without light fixes and not lose extra FPS

If you have a card from AMD, then everything is done by analogy with the instructions above, the only difference is that the sections are located in other categories, so you need to dig around.


To increase FPS in CS GO, you need to set certain parameters by performing a number of actions:

  • -console. Launches the console;
  • -novid. The video screensaver disappears;
  • -noaafonts - disables screen font smoothing;
  • -heapsize — sets how much RAM can be used;
    Values: 262144= 512MB / 524288= 1GB/ 1048576= 2GB. It makes no sense to allocate more than 2GB, because... CS:GO only uses 2GB of RAM.
  • -freq "number". The parameter specifies the number of hertz of the monitor;
  • You can view the hertz of your monitor by right-clicking on the desktop > Screen resolution > Additional settings > “Monitor” tab;
    +exec "config.cfg" - file. After selecting it, when starting the game, the previously selected CS configuration is loaded;
  • -high / -low. When you select this function, high priority is turned on, and the second one turns it on lower;
  • -full / -fullscreen. Run in full screen;
  • -wondowed / -window / -sw / -startwindowed. Display the game in a separate window;
  • -w and -h + "number". The number determines the width and height of the screen in pixels
  • -russian, -english and others. Selecting a language. Moreover, it is set regardless of what language the Steam menu is in;
    +rate 124000. Maximum bits/sec;
  • +cl_cmdrate 128. Maximum transmission server packets per 1 second;
  • +cl_updaterate 128. Maximum packets that are requested from the server;
  • -noforcemspd. Use the mouse speed that is set in Windows;
  • -noforcemaccel. Disables mouse acceleration;
  • -noforcemparms. Sets mouse settings in the same mode as in Windows;
  • -threads. Processor cores required for the game;
  • -m_rawinput. A relationship is established between the game settings and Windows;
  • -tickrate 128. Only sets the frequency at which the server is updated.


By the way, if your monitor supports only 60 hertz, then in the game you will not see more than 60 FPS, so it is better to choose a lower screen resolution, but with a higher hertz.

Does it make sense to achieve more than 60 FPS if the monitor has 60 hertz?
Definitely YES! Because FPS affects the performance of the game itself, which gives us advantages in the speed of loading textures, models, etc.


How to increase FPS in CS GO using TCP Optimizer

This program will perfectly increase your FPS. It will speed up the process of data transfer via the Network.

  1. Download the program from the official website:
  2. Install it and launch it;
  3. Select the “Optimal” item;
  4. Click on the “Apply Changes” button.

More experienced users can select the Custom option. Next, you should set “default” for LargeSystemCache and “enable” for TCPAckFrequency, after which you need to restart the computer.

After selecting the settings, you must click the “Apply Changes” button to apply the settings.

How to increase FPS in CS GO using Razer Cortex (Game booster)

This program gives you access to a large list of tools.
The free universal Cortex program gives you additional features, such as: searching for discounts on games on the Internet, recording demos while playing, optimizing your hardware for best performance.
What the program can do:
— Speeds up your games
- Makes loading games slower
— Saves and copies computer settings logs
— Allows you to perform computer diagnostics and defragmentation
— Takes a screenshot of the screen when you press the bind button
— Record demos during the game
— Allows you to stream to Twitch, Zubu, Youtube Gaming
- Saves games to Google Drive / Microsoft OneDrive / Dropbox
— Unified game launch center
— Tracking discounts and promotions on trading platforms Origin, Steam, Paradox Plaza, Amazon, etc.
— Receiving notifications about promotions
- And many other functionality.

We are only interested in optimization in this program, download the program from the link:

Install, launch and go to the “Acceleration” section.
In this section we set the settings to suit your requirements.


By default, Windows does not use all kernels for programs, because... believes that it can cope with a limited number of cores.
But this is not so, after unlocking the CPU, the FPS will increase significantly.


First, we need to delete cs go itself so that there are no extra files(models, sounds, configs, etc.) that would interfere with the game. Especially if you have a fixed light installed.

1) Open STEAM > “Library” > right-click on CS:GO and select “Delete”;
2) Go to the folder where you have Steam installed, by default it is here: This computer > Hard drive “C” > Program Files > Steam > Steamapps > Common and delete the folder with CS GO.

Now we need to restart the computer and reinstall CS GO.

After the reboot, go to STEAM > “Settings” > “Friends” tab and uncheck all notifications as shown in the screenshot.
This will reduce the load on FPS when receiving notifications in the game.

Setting the video settings in CS GO itself

  1. Let's go to CS:GO;
  2. Settings > Video Settings;
  3. Set additional video settings:
    — Overall quality of shadows: Very low;
    — Model and texture detail: Low;
    — Effect detail: low;
    — Shader detail: low;
    — Multi-core processing: ENABLED;
    — Multi-sampling smoothing mode: No;
    — Texture filtering mode: Bilean;
    — Anti-aliasing with FXAA: Off;
    Vertical Sync: Off;
    — Motion Blur: Off.


These commands must be registered in cs go; before installing them, we write the command “sv_cheat 1”
1. r_cleardecals - clears the map of: bullet marks and stains, blood;
We recommend binding to the left mouse button: bind mouse1 “+attack;r_cleardecals”
2. cl_detail_avoid_radius 0 — Radius of visibility of debris;
3. r_dynamic 0 - disables dynamic display;
4. cl_detail_max_sway - turns off garbage and sprites;
5. muzzleflash_light 0 - disables the ability to display flash drives from walls.
(!) I honestly don’t know if these commands are prohibited, so we use them at our own peril and risk.


Very often, players on the Internet enter the following queries: how to enable fps, how to show fps, what fps in cs go, how to set fps, how to make it show fps, how to check fps, how to watch fps, how to find out how much fps, what command shows fps , command to see FPS, how to enable FPS indicator and so on.

To view FPS in cs go you need:

  1. Go to CS GO;
  2. Enter into the console: net_graph 1 or cl_showfps 1

If you have your own methods for increasing FPS in CS GO, you can share them in the comments.

Today we’ll look at one of the most pressing problems in cs go, namely drawdown or simply low fps in Game.

How to increase FPS in cs go

For those who have cs go lag, a great option for fixing it is to study the article and try to complete all the points perfectly. Only in this case is it possible to talk about some kind of increase in FPS in the game. Therefore, study the article and try to complete all points.

The article is a continuation of the article on for maximum comfortable game with good FPS and maximum tickrate.

Cleaning your computer/laptop and replacing thermal paste

The very first thing you need to start with is cleaning your computer or laptop from dust. This will especially help you if you have FPS drops in cs go
This is done quite simply:

  • Turn off the computer and unscrew the bolts
  • Remove the cover and carefully remove the cooler from the processor
  • Take out the video card
  • Cleaning the cooler(if necessary, wash and dry) lubricate the processor with thermal paste and put it in place
  • Do the same with the video card.

Video on how to clean your PC from dust

System cleaning and optimization

The next thing you need to do is clean your computer at the hardware level, namely you need to clean the registry. removing unnecessary files.

To do this, you can use the ccleaner program

Video about the program:

Updating drivers and libraries

Great. The computer is cleaned of dust, the system is optimized, the registry is clean. Now it is necessary installing the latest drivers/

  • We are interested in the latest drivers for Nvidia video cards , amd , other video cards
  • Directx (the latter, depending on which version your video card supports)
  • Net framework last

Video about updating drivers for popular video cards

Tuning cs go performance

After installing the drivers on the video card, you can configure optimal in-game performance due to additional features from video card manufacturers.

To do this, just open the video card control panel and make settings.

If you are the owner of a Radeon video card then watch this video

Disabling unnecessary programs

Now it's time to disable unnecessary programs that hang in the tray and take up your RAM.
To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Press the “Start” key
  2. In the empty line enter ""
  3. Next, go to services and click on “Do not display Microsoft services”, then disable everything and click apply.

Great, now the system is cleaned, drivers are replaced, unnecessary programs and services are disabled.

Optimal cs go settings

After completing all the above steps, you need to start the game and log into the server.

Now you need to measure fps in the game, for this you can use the article about how, thanks to which you can roughly understand what you got.

  1. If your game doesn’t lag and your FPS is stable, then you can praise yourself and go for it.
  2. If the game is still not playable, then study it. If everything is ok according to the system requirements, then go to the settings section and follow the instructions from the following video:

For laptop owners, you can additionally adjust performance by clicking on the battery icon and select “ high performance«.

Console commands for FPS in CS Go

Console commands activated via the console, just enter the command “sv_cheat 1” and then enter the following commands:

  • r_dynamic 0 - setting the value to 0;
  • cl_detail_avoid_radius 0 - disables garbage in the game;
  • r_cleardecals - removes bullet holes and blood stains;
  • cl_detail_max_sway - removes sprites and garbage;

Bottom line

After all the tips in this article, you should no longer have such questions. how to increase fps in cs go, because if you have done everything described above and the minimum system requirements match the configuration of your computer game shouldn't lie.
Of course, there are other questionable ways increase fps in cs go, but they do not guarantee long and fruitful operation of your PC, because they can damage the equipment or have unproven effectiveness, but if you are interested, here are the methods:

  1. Overclocking the video card and processor;
  2. Installation of dubious programs for game optimization
  3. Unlocking kernels and other junk.

If you have a weak system, it is better to produce replacement of some elements for 3-5 tr and play for your own pleasure. And the main problems are often associated with either a weak video card or a lack of RAM.
