How to pass the game pins. Passage of the game "Shtyrlitz: Operation Bust". This is OUR humor


The game is controlled with the mouse. Sometimes items are on the next screen, which can only be seen when you move the cursor to the edge of the monitor. Therefore, if you cannot go to the next location or do not find the item mentioned in the walkthrough, then try to go the entire length of the screen.

Inventory located at the bottom of the screen and pops up when you hover over it with the mouse cursor. To the right of the makeshift steering wheel are two red buttons. Left button- save the game, right button- download the game. Output from the game is carried out using the key " Esc» and then pressing the green traffic light. Items in the inventory can be combined with each other by dragging one item onto another. When you right-click on a character, it appears extra menu with icons, the meaning of which is clear intuitively. When you click on the last icon, you will hear the characteristics of the character. Try to explore the active objects encountered on the location with both the left and right mouse buttons, which sometimes leads to unpredictable actions.

Curved cursor indicates that some action can be performed with this object. A curved cursor on a character indicates that communication is sometimes possible with this character. To skip a dialogue or comment, left-click anywhere on the location. Using the cursor with a straight arrow, move the character around the location. The hero will go to the place where you point him.

First level


After watching the introductory video, click on the forbidding sign. We listen to the comment and kick again road sign. Let's go ahead. On the left side we pick a green cucumber, and on the right we raise a bald tire from the ground. Move the cursor to the right and take stick near the dugout. Move the cursor all the way to the right. We are trying to take a bag of gunpowder. We click on Amalia with the right mouse button and select from the proposed menu last paragraph. From the materials about Amalia, we learn that the girl loves cylindrical objects, which we have. We give Amalia cucumber. When the girl disappears behind the door of the street toilet, we take a stick in the inventory and use it on the toilet door. Pick up gunpowder bag and pass to the left. We right-click on Frau Zaurich, listen to her characteristics. We take out a bag of gunpowder from the inventory and give it to Frau Zaurich. Let's move on to the next location.

vegetable marrow

Having got into the “Jumping” tavern in such an unexpected way, we look around. We learn the characteristics of all the characters present and try twice to take a knife stuck into the tabletop from the table. We pick up aluminum from the table fork and trying to build a relationship with the bartender. We pass into the left screen, inspect the tank with beer and try to have a good talk with the saleswoman Dusya. Approaching wheel and pierce it with a fork. We kindly offer the saleswoman a spare wheel from the inventory. We click on the beer tap to quench our thirst. Close the front door and take kettlebell. We open the door and go out into the park.

The park

We select a two-handed saw and in the inventory we combine it with a weight. Having received a gold coin, we return to the tavern.

vegetable marrow

We approach the musical apparatus and lower the received coin into it. We are waiting for the bartender to perform a perky dance to the invocative song "Blue Moon", we take fan from ostrich feathers. We go through the door, which was previously inaccessible to us.


We communicate with Holtof, find out his characteristics, and then we try to grab the basin. We leave the bathhouse and go to the park.

The park

We go to the left screen, we take away from the boy fish, and click on the stork sitting in the nest. We use a pink fan on the stork and pick up a bottle of cognac. We return to the bath.


We use a bottle of cognac on Holtof. Pick up broom and bowl. We collect water in the gang by using the basin on the water tank on the right. We leave the bathhouse and go to the right screen. We leave the tavern through the first door and head to the barrier.


We pour the water from the gang onto the footcloths and take the gas mask. We return to the park through the pub.

The park

We pass into the left screen, then we click on the statue with the oar with the left and right mouse buttons. We receive a task and a photo from a connected person, we take the oar. We go to the left. We learn the characteristics of the machine gunner Hans. We pass further to the left to the boat station.


We give Frau Zaurich the fish and jump into the boat. Hmm, I'll have to somehow get rid of the vigilant Hans. We return to the park, examine the posters on the machine-gun tower. In inventory, combine the broom with the rubber Kat. We return to the pier, sit in the boat and move to the next level.

Second level


Waking up after a "warm" reception, we look around. We pull on the window bars. Then we remove the seat from the toilet, and three times we beat our heads against the drawn target. After the third blow from the left, a grate with a telephone is lowered, we take handset . When the world turns upside down, we are not surprised, but we pick it up in the corner rope and open the hatch. We take away the red balloon and throw a rope on hook in the ceiling Take the toilet seat from inventory and use it on the window grate on the right. We throw a rope on the guard and leave through the window the place of our imprisonment. The key will automatically be in our inventory.


We are trying to talk to the fireman and find out his characteristics. We cannot get into the dugout, the entrance to it is guarded by a vigilant goat. We pass into the right screen, kick the column and catch the fluttering gasket. From the fence on the right we grab draws bucket mittens . We go to the summer cafe "You are welcome."


We use the furnace on the locomotive, then click on the locomotive. We arrive at the vivarium.


We are trying to communicate with Dr. Pavlov. We take out the jars from the inventory and use them on the dog. We pick up the dog and return to Romashkovo by steam locomotive. We are trying to communicate with the switchman, find out his characteristics. We leave for the airfield.


We give the fireman a bag with New Year's gifts. Through the window we again get into the barn.


We click on the grid with telephone, then use the cheese on the hole in the floor. The mouse will automatically be in our inventory. We leave the barn and head to the dugout.


We go into the dugout and in the inventory we use the photo on ourselves myself. We present half of the photo to Commander Surely. Four times click on the wooden box. We take out a bottle of vodka from the inventory and offer it to the partisan commander. We take the hour hand and leave the dugout. We return to Romashkovo.


We give the hour hand to the railway switchman. We click on the railway arrow and understand that the switchman alone cannot cope. We put Kat behind Baba Yaga, and then line everyone up animals according to the famous fairy tale about the turnip, and click on the railway switch. We sit on a steam locomotive and go to Berlin.

Stirlitz: Operation Bust

You play as Stirlitz.
Shtyrlits (Sh) appears behind the barrier. Kick the brick on the sign. Ш will remove footcloths and hang them on the barrier. The sentry will put on a gas mask. Kick the brick on the sign again. The barrier will open. Go right. Take a cucumber, a tire and a stick. We pass by Frau Zaurich (FZ). We give the machine gunner a cucumber. She hides in the toilet. We lock the toilet door on a stick. Take the bag of gunpowder lying between the zinc. Go left. Give the bag to FZ. She will feed the chickens with gunpowder. The chickens will die. FZ will let Sh into the Jumping bar. Double click on the table. Sh will take off his pants and get a fork in return. We go to the barrel of beer. We use a wheel fork. We show the wheel to the typing girl. She lifts the barrel and stays in that position. We click on the barrel. Ш drinks beer and now by pressing the right button he relieves himself. We close the door. We take the weight. We open the door. We go outside. We take a saw. We take fish. We use the saw on the weight. We get a coin. We return to the bar. We use the coin on the musical device. The bartender starts to dance. We pick up the pen and exit again through the door. Use the pen on the stork. The bird faints. We take the bottle. We return to the bar. We go to the door behind the bar. This is a bath. We use the bottle on the naked German. We take a broom. We take a bowl. Use the basin on the taps on the right. Sh draws water into it. We leave. We go to the clock. We use a basin of water on footcloths. The sentry takes off his gas mask. We take a gas mask. We go through the bar to the statue of a woman with an oar. We put a gas mask on her. We click on it with the right mouse button. The statue turns into Lenin. Talk to him. He will tell the plan. A couple more times to click on it, it will give a photo and an oar. Approach the machine gunner Hans. Use a Viagra broom on the Radio Operator Kat (RK). Hans will finish and stay in the sun lounger. Let's go to the pier. We give the fish to FZ. FZ sinks. We use the red boat. Sh floats away.
Bump your forehead against the target painted on the wall. The speaker will drop. Take cord. Once again, hit the forehead on the target. A safe door will appear instead of a door. Hit for the third time. The grate with the phone will drop down. Take the seat off the toilet. Use phone. The room will flip. Use the toilet seat on the window. The sentry will look in and W will put the seat around his neck. Open cellar. Take a ball. Throw the wire on the hook. Click on the end of the wire. Ш will attach it to the sentry and pull out the grate. Get out the window. Kick the fire hydrant. The gasket with wings will fly out. Catch the pad. Take a bucket with mittens. Go to the summer cafe. Use the ball on the gray cat on the left. He will stand up with a poster "For safe sex." Pick up a cat. FZ will climb into the furnace of a steam locomotive. Close the firebox door. Take the firebox of the steam locomotive. Take the watering can from the central bush. Exit the cafe. Come in again. Take half of the stool on the left near the tanks. Exit the cafe again. Pour water from a fire hydrant into a watering can. Go right to the garden. Water the garden. Take a carrot. Go past the beds from the bottom to the right. There is Santa Claus. We use the bucket on the snowdrift. Sh will make a snowman. Give him a carrot. Exit to the garden. Water again and pluck the second carrot. Return to the snowman and stick a second carrot into it. Use RK on the snowman. W will have horns as a result. Exit to the garden and go left. right click on the goat. The goat will be taken aback and let Sh into the headquarters. Take the second half of the stool. In inventory, connect the halves. Remove cans from the commander. Click in the inventory photo on yourself. Sh will tear off half. Give the photo to the commander. Log off. Go to Santa Claus. Give him a stool. Grandfather will sit down and break the stool. Take bag and broom. Go to the fireman and give him a bag of gifts. The plane will drop valuable cargo into the commander's dugout. Let's go to headquarters. We click on the new box several times. Use the bottle on the commander. Take the clock hand. Log off. Go to the garden. Go to the Bryansk forest. Take a piece of cheese from the tree. Give Baba Yaga the gasket and the broom. She will fly away. Open screen. Return to the airfield and go into the barn. Use the cheese on the underground. Take a mouse. Go to the Bryansk forest. go to railway. Give grandfather the arrow. He will put it right. Put a locomotive firebox on the locomotive. Sit in the steam locomotive. W will come to Professor Pavlov. Use jars on the dog. Take a dog. Ride the train back. Put RK behind Baba Yaga. Dog for RK. Cat after dog. Mouse after cat. Click on the circle on the arrow. The whole crowd will pull and move the rails. Sit in the steam locomotive. W will leave in the direction of Berlin.
Draw a mustache on the portrait. Eat peas that have spilled out of a sack. Click on the locomotive with the right mouse button. Shtyrlits will fart on the locomotive and it will be covered with soot. Click on the drive under the camera. Shtyrlits will get into the locomotive and pass the checkpoint. Take the firebox of the steam locomotive. Take the cross from the well. Go to the first floor. Click on the oxygen device. The man gets up and goes into the elevator. Click on the oxygen device again. Shtyrlitz will breathe oxygen. Go to the left door. This is a morgue. Open all drawers in order. Freddy Krueger is on the top shelf. Use RK on him. Freddy will get down and scare the general in the corridor. We take the cross from the floor. Give the bottle to the soldier at the flag. He drinks and collapses. Take the flag. Take a soldier. Put the soldier on a gurney. Push the gurney into the morgue. Report this to FZ. She will put her worms on the soldier. The worms will die. FZ will go to the registry. Let's go after her. We talk and get from her a referral for a medical examination. We go into the elevator and go up to the second floor. Pour to the sitting soldier and get money from him. We go to the left door. There is an eyeball. Turn on the light with the button. We give the doctor a bypass. We read letters. We give him money. We take the cross from the medical cap. We go down to the first floor. We go past the register to the right. It should be dark in there, if you haven't messed around with the light switch downstairs. A nurse in the form of a vampire will attack Shtyrlitsa. Pick up the seal from the table. Remove the cork from the blood bottle. Log off. Use the stopper on the oxygen device. Shtyrlits will become pregnant in the third degree. Return to the gynecologist's office. Pick up the pennant from the wall. We leave. We approach the right door on this floor. We show three crosses on the door. We go inside. We give the firebox to the dentist. The dentist gives Shtyrlitz the forceps. We leave. We go to the window. We click on the window. Use the flag on the wall. We use the pennant on the flag. Let's go outside with a flag. The pins are loaded onto a plane and dropped off along the road over the Alps.
Inflate the RK for Pastor Shlag. He will blush and the bull will jump in his direction, but will hit the tree. Stirlitz will be released. Touch the bull's balls. Stirlitz will get a bull's tail. We take a pot. Click on the men with the protvin. Next, we work with arrows. The point of the game is to catch one of the Pleishners. When this is done, gather your eyes from the ground. We go to Switzerland according to the index. We use vodka on the woman. She dives and gets stuck in the hole. Pick up skis. Shtyrlits will leave on the stove. Raise the red ember. Use the pot on the mines. When Stirlitz gets to the rock. Use two bottles of vodka up the mountain. Stirlitz will rise to the top. Enter the door. Go to the inscription "don't get in will kill" we get from it "get in won't kill" by rearranging the "not" particle. The FZ will immediately crawl into the electrical panel and will not come out again. We take away the particle "not" - we still need it. Open the left door of the electrical cabinet. A fucking man is left with a leg. We take her. Swap red and yellow balloons. We go further to the right. There was a head left from the munching man. We take the head. We go to the left to the drug addict. We give him a red coal. The addict explodes. We take a hand. Use the safe door. We use the particle "not" on the usual means. The men quickly make their way home and disappear. We take pork chops. We go to the door from which we left. We use the set "arm, leg, head" on the door. Shtyrlits gets into Bormann's waiting room. Take the ears from the portrait. Open the safe. Take pasta. Right click on Monica Lewinsky. She will leave. Use ears, pasta, tail, pig legs and eyes on Bormann. Bormann will give us his skis. Shtyrlitz Jump from the springboard.
Concentration camp
Pick fly agaric. Enter the door. Take a hammer. Take the statue without a head. Take the brain. Use the headless statue on the portrait. Click on the portrait. Let's get to the FZ. Let's go right. Take a plunger. Jump onto the spinning disk. Go left. Exit the door. Talk to Goebels' mother. She will give blendamed. Use the plunger on the bottom of the wall to the right of the door. Use the plunger a couple of times. A hole is formed in the wall. Let's jump there. There is a languid woman Klava. Right click on the toilet. Shtyrlits takes out an adapter. Use two bottles of vodka on Klava. Use an adapter for Claudia. Klava will fall on Shtyrlitsa and push through the floor. We use the portrait to get to the FZ. We use the paste on the eggs. We take an egg. Shtyrlits throws them at the poor old woman. Take sickle. Go to the spinning disc. Use the hammer and sickle on the tin next to the door. Go inside. Unscrew the light bulb above the bucket. Screw it into Gaitis's head. Tell the godfather about it. He will kill poor Gaitis. Shtyrlits will again be at the FZ. We go to the disk and again jump into the can. We use RK on ice. She'll break us ice. Let's take the ice. Exit through the start button. We go to where Shtyrlits met Klava. We use ice in the bath. We take the belt from the rope. Exit through the hole in the floor. We use a portrait. We use the belt on the rotating disk. Screwed up. =) Go down gently down. Give the brains to the left grave. Talk for a long time with the modem in the red shirt. Give him vodka. Go to Dr. Web and breathe on him. That one will fall off. Go to archive. Stirlitz will land on Goebels' table. And with his help to heaven. Take the bolt from the well. Talk to Vasily Ivanovich. Show Anke the bolt. Shtyrlits comes to his senses in the subway.
Use RK on water. Take a seat with springs. Use the springs on the corpse. Go right. Take the helmet from the escalator. Go left to the broken wires. Use the helmet on the wires. Go right. Use the escalator. Go left there is a house and a wire under current. Click on the wire with the right mouse button. The plane will drop the bomb and the wall will collapse, and the wire will break. Enter the door. Take a checker. Click vodka on the player. Stirlitz will relax and drink all the vodka except for one bottle. Log off. Go left. There, Santa Claus fell into a trap. We take a sock. We give the checker to Santa Claus. He gives us a piece of fat. We go all the way to the right. FZ is there. We give fat to children. They will run away happily waving Ukrainian flags. Take the spatula from the FZ. Click on the "zu Hitler" sign. Stirlitz will turn the pointer. (if he starts to drive a blizzard about vodka, then you didn’t relax in the basement under the records.) Use the spatula on the turned pointer. Shtyrlitz will start digging a tunnel.
Hitler's bunker
Press several times on the pedal under the left foot Ш until the cap falls to the head of Shtyrlitsa. Grab the cap with your teeth. Stirlitz will be released. Pull on the carpet. When the carpet begins to tighten back, click on it again. Stirlitz will leak under the door. Use the key on the faucet protruding from the fireplace. Click on the grate of the fireplace. Stirlitz fan the fire. Pull the member of the knight. He will punch a hole in the wall with his sword. Take a bust of Hitler from the hole. Click the bottle of vodka on the curtain at the end of the room. Stirlitz will drink vodka. Use the bust on the fireplace. Shtyrlits will build a moonshine from the existing equipment. Pick up a bottle of moonshine. Open the top drawer of the cabinet. The pin will splatter. The bartender will come out from behind the curtain and sit in the closet. Close it in the closet. Pick up the bartender's clothes. Next, watch the cartoon as Shtyrlitz poisons Hitler and takes a bust of Hitler and his jewelry. This is the end.

Passage of game Shtyrlits. 1st part

1st level

First, we kick the "brick" sign and understand that this is not casual. We listen to the words of the author about heavy boots and a nostalgic morning. Shtyrlits takes off footcloths. Then we kick again - the "brick" falls, the barrier rises. Moreover, the infantry soldier of the Wehrmacht puts on a gas mask. We go forward a little and pick a cucumber on the left. We go further to the right, raise the wheel (bald like Bormann). Near the entrance to the dugout we take a stick. We go further to the right. We give the cucumber to Amalia (a lover of oval shapes), who immediately retires to the toilet, leaving government property in the form of gunpowder. We use the stick on the toilet door to lock it there, and take the bag of gunpowder. You need to give gunpowder to Frau Zaurich (animal lover). We feel resentment for such a vile, but at the same time necessary reception. We find ourselves in the Jumping bar, where the elite of the local garrison spends time. We click the mouse on the knife in the table one time, another. Well, they called out - Shtyrlits throws his last pants into the officer's plate. Well, let's go without pants. We go to the left. Use the fork to pierce the wheel of the barrel of beer. We offer the beer saleswoman our wheel from the inventory, but we break it off as soon as she lifts the barrel. The wheel rolled off. Now no one bothers to drink beer for free.

We close the door, pick up the weight (after all, someone else's thing is never superfluous), open the door. We leave the bar for the park. We take a saw, and we saw. And the weight is golden. We take the coin and return to the bar. You need to throw a coin into the jukebox, take the fan of ostrich feathers. We go to the park. We go to the left, to the stork's nest. Use the fan on the stork. The bird could not stand such mockery - we will take a bottle of cognac from the nest. We return to the Jumping Bar, go through the door behind the bartender's counter. We get into the bath.
Holtoff wants a beer. There is no beer, there is a Moldavian cupboard, or rather cognac. That's what it means alcohol hit the head. Apply the bottle to his head. Valid. We take a broom, a gang. We collect water in a bucket and leave the bar to the barrier with a sentry. Pour the water from the bowl onto the footcloths. The smell disappears, which allows us to borrow a gas mask and return to the bar. We don’t linger at the bar, but just go out into the park. We take the fish from the statue of the pioneer. We urinate on the statue of a girl with a paddle. What gases? Fortunately, a gas mask is at hand. Apply it to the statue. We take a photograph and an oar from the contact. We go to the left. Near the machine gunner Hans (4 years in the trenches) we use a broom on a decent rubber doll. Everything, Hans is ready. We go to the left, to the boat station. The old Frau is feeding someone again. Give her the fish from inventory. We jump into a kayak boat.

Passage of game Shtyrlits. 2nd part

2nd level

They sailed .... On the head with an oar on-a-a ... We find ourselves (and in the literal and figurative sense of the word) in prison. Nothing - we take the seat from the push and hit the target three times with our heads. We select the fallen rope. Then we pick up the phone. After we open the hatch in the floor, we take away the balloon. Use the rope on the hook in the ceiling. After - the seat from the push on the grate. We crawl out the window. We go to the right, and open the water in the column. We catch the pad. From the fence we select mittens and a bucket. We go to the summer cafe. We take away the watering can and what is left of the stool. We give the cat between the boilers a balloon. We take the cat. And again Frau Zaurich. We help her get inside the locomotive furnace. We take the fire. We go out to the airfield, and collect water in a watering can for irrigation. We go to the right, water the garden, pick carrots. We go even more to the right, we get to the Far North. We use mittens and a bucket on a snowdrift. We make a carrot for the snowman. But we return to the garden and get another carrot. Then we add a second carrot to the snowman. We use the doll on the snowman. It's funny ... We go again to the garden and turn into the forest. We select cheese and return to the prison. We are looking for something similar to a phone (in a past life it was definitely a phone) and click the mouse. We catch the mouse with the help of cheese, for this you need to apply it to a hole in the floor. After that we go to the goat. We go into the dugout, but the goat resists ... After a broken and short-term resistance, we enter the dugout. In the dugout we take the cans from the back of the commander Surely, and find a second ladle for our stool. In the inventory we take a photo and apply it on our hero - he tears it. We show one half of the photo to the commander. We leave the dugout and blow to the Far North. Again, let's turn to the inventory - we connect the stool and ... oh, miracle, we got a whole stool. We give it to Santa Claus. After we pick up the bag and the broom, we return to the fireman at the airfield. We use the bag on the fireman. We return to the dugout and try to pick up the box. For the fourth time Surely surrenders. In the box we find a bottle. Damn, it's Vodka. We use one bottle for Sure. We take the arrow from the clock and return to the forest. We find Baba Yaga and give her gasket and broom. We draw back the curtain and go to Romashkovo. We use the furnace on the steam locomotive. We get on the train and leave. We use the cans on the Bug and pick it up. We sit on a steam locomotive and return to Romashkovo. We give the switchman the arrow from the clock. It is necessary to open the way, and this requires tractive force. As in the fairy tale about Turnip it was: grandfather for turnip, grandmother for grandfather, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse. We build everything according to the instructions. We click on the railway arrow and open the way to Berlin. We sit down in the locomotive and alfiderzein again.

Passage of game Shtyrlits. 3rd part

3rd level

We eat peas and try to reanimate the engine by farting (emitting gases) on it. Then we click on the portrait on the locomotive, and then on the aisle. We pick up the cross from the hatch on the floor and in order for the locomotive to finally die - we take the firebox. Click on the button for the 1st floor. We click on the body on the wheelchair. We go to the left, we give the sentry near the banner a bottle of vodka. The sentry sold out, which allows him to take the body, take the banner. We use the body on the gurney. We click on the gurney, and then on Frau Zaurich. After that, we begin to open the box in the morgue starting from the bottom. Kruger appeared on the top shelf, use a rubber doll on him. After we pick up the cross that fell from the general. We click on Frau Zaurich in the reception window in order to get a coupon for preventive bypass, form '86. We take the elevator to the second floor. We give Kaltenbrunner, who is sitting on the floor, a bottle of vodka and take the money. The first one on the list is an optometrist. We turn on the light. Damn, paid doctors - we give the doctor money. We pick up the red cross, go out into the corridor and go to the elevator, click the button for the 1st floor. The next item is a blood test laboratory. We take the cork from the bottle. Then we put a stamp in the bypass sheet, we go back into the corridor to the elevator. We click on the cork and apply it to the artificial respiration apparatus. We come to the gynecologist's office, pick up the pennant from the wall, go out again into the corridor to the elevator. Then we go to the right, click on the Letter of Honor. We use crosses on the door. Hello Blaishman! We give him a locomotive firebox. We go out into the corridor again, go straight to the window, look out the window. We tie a banner to the window, a pennant to the banner. We jump out.

Passage of game Shtyrlits. 4th part

4th level

We stop the passing pastor Shlag and try to have time to use a rubber doll on him. Here is the earth. We tear off the bull's tail. Greenpeace, where are you? We go to the right and take the pot. We press on the dish washers and try to catch Pleishner. Hmm, raise Pleishner's eyes. We retire into the distance, to the house to Shlag. We treat Schlag's sister with a bottle of vodka and manage to pick up the skis. Where are we going?! We select coal. We neutralize mines with the help of a pan. To climb a rock, you need 2 bottles to apply to the rock. We pass through the door under the trampoline. We move to the left, we wipe the “NOT” particle from the shield and place it after the word “GET IN”. Frau Zaurich has been eliminated. You can pick up "NOT" and rummage through the closet. We select a leg. We return to the right and swap the cylinders. We take the head. We go to the left, we give the narco coal. We take a hand. On the left we go out the door. Another trick with changing words. This time we use the “NOT” particle on the “NORMAL TOOL”. We select pork legs. We return ... We pass to the right and deeper, we apply all our composition "hand-foot-head" on the door. Pinch the hem... backside of Monica Lewinsky. She ran away. This is in our hands. Open the safe and take the pasta. And we take the ears from the portrait. We use pasta, ears, pork legs, tail, eyes to Bormann. Only the eyes need to be used in the under-ice queue.

Passage of game Shtyrlits. 5th part

5th level

We click on Goebbels' mother and pick up the tube. We go out to the bar. We select a hammer and a scarecrow without a head. Then we pass to the right, raise the brains (in fact, you can not raise them). We use the scarecrow on the portrait of Goebbels' "man in pence". Click on the portrait. We use the tube on the eggs, click on the eggs, take the sickle. The plunger is a good thing, it will also come in handy for us. Then we click on the spinning disk. Returning to the Goebbels Museum, use the hammer and sickle on the can lid. Gee. We jump inside the "canned food". We move to the right and unscrew the light bulb. Apply light bulb to Bill Gates. (Bill, hello!) We click on Billy, then on the spinning disk. Again we jump into the "canned food". Use the rubber doll on the ice. We select crushed ice. We go to the right, click on the "Start" button. Click on the spinning disk. We leave the museum. Use the plunger on the right wall of the building. We click on the plunger several times. After that, you can go into the resulting hole. We go inside the hole. We approach the push, right-click on it. We pour Aunt Klava two bottles of vodka, after which we give the adapter taken out of the push. Damn, they can crush! We return to the bathroom. Apply ice to the belt. We jump into the gap in the floor, click on the portrait. We use a belt on a spinning disk. Screwed up as promised! We go to the graves. Pour vodka into the Modem. Let everyone get drunk. We return to Dr. Web (Dr. Web), click on it. Here we are... HIV-3, not otherwise... okay, we talk to HIV, we take the key. We go to the right and take the bolt near the well. We go to the left, to Anka. Use the bolt on Anka.

Passage of game Shtyrlits. 6th part

6th level

We use a rubber doll on the water. Farewell, Kat... You were a true friend. We take springs. We use the springs on the corpse floating in the water. We go to the right to the escalator and pick up the helmet. We go back, where the wires are broken. We use a helmet to break. There is a contact. We go to the right, to the escalator, we go up on it. We pass to the left. Right click click on Shtyrlitz's house. Almost home. We enter the house. Berm a checker on the left wall. We use vodka on the gramophone. A stingy tear runs down your cheek. We leave the house, go to the left, to the old friend Santa Claus. We take a sock (it is better than footcloths). We draw up an exchange agreement with Grandfather: we give Santa Claus a saber, we get lard in return. We reach the right to the stop. We take the scapula from the children, or rather we change it for lard. Click on the pointer on the pole. Use the spatula on the pointer.

Passage of game Shtyrlits. 7th part

7th level

We click on the lever, which is at the bottom right two times. We click on the lowered cap. After we go to the door. We click on the mat, then again. After that, click on the dignity of the knight. We click on the gap - here it is, a bust of Hitler! We go to the right and use our last vodka (eh) on the curtain. Then click on the top left cabinet door. We lock the pestering bartender in the closet. It is necessary to make moonshine, that is, how to make a three out of a deuce. Tek, we have a sock. Use the wrench on the faucet on the fireplace. We light the fire - click on the fireplace. We use the bust on the grate at the bottom of the fireplace - then our scout, like a real pro, will fix everything himself. We pick up a bottle of ready-made moonshine. We click on the clothes of the bartender near the cabinet. Let's watch the cartoon. That's where the gold of the Third Reich is.

You are on the page of the game Stirlitz: Operation "Bust", created in the genre of Adventure, where you can find a lot of useful information. The game was released by Studio "Roof". The walkthrough of the game Shtyrlitz found with us: Operation "Bust" will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also for the game Shtyrlitz: Operation "Bust" codes and cheats are simply necessary for everyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

The game Shtyrlitz: Operation Bust was localized in Russia by Buka Entertainment, but this does not negate the need for a crack, because sometimes errors appear during the game, and the original version is always better than the remade one. Yes, and the passage in the native language is more pleasant. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you understand if the game is worth your time. Given that the game was released on 2000-04-01, we can say that it belongs to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and fix game process. You can download them in our file storage.

Tell me how to get through the game Stirlitz? old version. and got the best answer

Answer from Hell yeah[active]
Shtyrlitz games
1st stage.
We kick the sign "brick". Shtyrlits swears at his heavy boots and takes off his footcloths. We kick again - the "brick" falls, the barrier rises. We pass forward, tear off the cucumber on the left. We go to the right, raise the wheel. We go to the right, near the dugout we take a stick. We go right all the way, give the cucumber to Amalia, she retires to the toilet. Use the stick on the toilet door. We pick up a bag of gunpowder. We give gunpowder to Frau Zaurich ... well, that's how, it turns out, you had to bend over to get into the Jumping bar.
We click the mouse on the knife in the table once, another. Well, they called - Shtyrlits lost his last pants. Well, let's go without pants. We take away the fork from the table and go to the left. We use a fork on the wheel of a barrel of beer. We offer the beer saleswoman a wheel from the inventory, but we break it off cruelly, as soon as she lifts the barrel. Well, now you can drink beer for free. We drink. We close the exit door from the bar, pick up the weight, open the door. We leave the bar for the park. We take a saw, remember the immortal "Saw, saw Shura" ... hmm, but Panikovsky turned out to be right - indeed a golden weight. We take the coin and return to the bar. We throw a coin into the jukebox, take the fan from ostrich feathers. We go to the park.
We go to the left, to the stork's nest. We act with an ostrich fan on a stork. The poor bird could not stand such mockery - well, let's take at least a bottle of cognac from the nest. We return to the bar, go through the door behind the bartender's counter. Well, here we are in the bathhouse. Holtoff wants a beer? Well, we don't have beer - but applying cognac (in a bottle) to his head turns out to be a very effective remedy. We take a broom, a gang. We collect water in a bucket and exit the bar to the very first screen, to the barrier and sentry. Pour the water from the bowl onto the footcloths. We pick up the gas mask and return to the bar. Without stopping at the bar, we go out into the park. We take the fish from the statue of the boy. We urinate on the statue of a girl with a paddle. What? Gases? What about a gas mask? Apply it to the statue. We take a photo from the contact, an oar. We go to the left. Near the machine gunner Hans, we use a broom on a rubber doll in inventory. That's it, Hans is neutralized. We go to the left, to the pier. Frau Zaurich is feeding someone again. We give her a fish from the inventory. We jump into the boat. Uff...
2nd stage.
Sailed, it's called. From the ship to the ball. To jail, that is. Well, nothing - we pick up the seat from the push and hit the target three times with our heads. We pick up the fallen rope. Pick up the phone. Open the hatch in the floor, pick up the balloon. Use the rope on the hook in the ceiling. We apply the seat from the push to the grate. Well, now you can hang yourself with a clear conscience. Let's get out the window. We pass to the right, open the water in the column. We catch the pad. We take mittens and a bucket from the fence. We go to the summer cafe. We take away the watering can, half of the stool. We give the cat, "working" between the boilers, a balloon. We take the cat. We help Frau Zaurich get inside the locomotive furnace. We take the fire. We go out to the airfield, collect water in a watering can. We go to the right, water the garden, pick carrots. We go even more to the right, we get to the Far North. We use a bucket with mittens on a snowdrift. We use carrots on the snowman. We return to the garden and grow another carrot. We return to the snowman and apply the second carrot to it. We use a rubber doll on a snowman. Welcome to the cuckold club, Herr Stirlitz! We return to the garden and go into the Bryansk forest. We pick up the cheese and return to the barn-prison. We click on what used to be a phone. We apply the cheese to the hole in the floor, take the mouse, go to the goat. We are trying to enter the door of the dugout, which is immediately behind the goat. What? Me? ! Butt??!! Yes, I myself gore all the goats !! ! And he gored it! In the dugout we take the cans from the back of the commander Navernyak, we take the second half of the stool (the first one is already in the inventory). In the inventory, we use the photo on itself - Shtyrlits tears it. We show half of the photo to Navernyak, we leave the dugout, we go to the Far North.
In inventory we connect two halves of the stool. I give you a whole stool
