How to complete a mission in the game mirrors edge. Walkthrough of Mirror's Edge. Mission: “Get out of Shard through the ventilation ducts”

Mirror's Edge


Assignment: Learn basic skills

So, welcome to Mirror's Edge! The first level, as it should be, is training. You need to repeat all the actions after the other - Celesta. Together with my friend, we will learn the basic skills of local parkour - jumping, climbing walls, tackles and other vital necessary things. Difficulties may arise only with performing a somersault before jumping. To do this, you need to press shift right before you fall.


Mission: deliver the backpack to Celeste

We're in the financial district, the economic heart of the city. The path is obvious - we run forward, jumping over a few obstacles until we reach the rope. From there - upstairs, to the neighboring building on the left. Do you see the house with the orange canopies? - we should go there. Demonstrate mastered balance skills. Next comes a difficult jump over a large abyss. Our task is to grab the left pipe.

The rumble of a helicopter is heard, which, however, does not react to us at all. But there is no need to relax - very soon there will be a foray into the enemy center. It is impossible to get confused - there is only one way. Soon we will catch up with the coveted suitcase. However, things are bad - the heroine has already been spotted by police squads, but she still has to give the valuable cargo to Celeste.

We jump into the pipe. And here is the first meeting with the cops, we should run away. There is no point in trying to fight; it is better to flee. We head back, climb the stairs, and go out into the fresh air. We continue to run forward through the buildings without looking back until the face of a policeman looms ahead. Before he has time to recover, we knock him down or disarm him and pick up a pistol. Another policeman looms in the distance - this is where the selected pistol will come in handy. For the future, it is better to not forget the simple truth - to take away weapons from enemies at the first opportunity. Soon we will meet Celeste, and with her another reinforcement of cops.

Task: get off the roof

We escape through the fence and discover... that there is nowhere else to run. Although, no, wait - a helicopter! Yes, yes, there is no other way out. We jump towards the abyss and cling to the helicopter's pendants. Well, then our heroine will do everything herself.

Mission: get to the skyscraper and find your sister there

Well, here are the first plot passions. Sister Faith was kidnapped, and who, if not the main character, has to deal with all this. Our road lies to the building opposite on the right. On the way there will be high-voltage partitions that you need to jump over. Although if you get electrocuted, don’t be afraid - for the time being, touch is not fatal.

We follow to Pope's office, where our little sister is supposed to be kept. The advance continues through an area fenced with barbed wire. To get there we will use the horizontal bar from above or the stairs. Finding the next path is quite difficult. We jump onto a small building and look around in search of the red door. Did you notice? Now accelerate harder and jump. And don't forget to do a somersault before you fall.

Mission: get to Centurion Plaza

And here comes my sister, and with her there are problems in the form of special forces. There is no point in getting into fights and thinking for a long time. We run away from the scene without a fight, armed with the alt button. On one of the segments you will have to knock out a small opening in the wall.

The street will be met with frantic dynamics: unprecedented shelling, plus a helicopter. The latter can cause trouble. Try to avoid open spaces. When we make our way into the building again, the road will be blocked by heavily armed special forces. We go around them as follows: there is a fence on the left, we jump over it, and then we run to the door. The result is that the warriors get entangled in three pine trees, and we are already inside the elevator.

When exiting the elevator, we can watch the news broadcast on the monitors. However, time does not wait - it’s time to hit the road again. There is a difficult breakthrough ahead - you need to get to the door by opposite side buildings, and there are also police. It doesn't matter - just accelerate better and slide along the wall. The security forces are becoming more and more assertive, and now a helicopter appears. We grab the pipe and continue to escape, then we go down to a solid surface and dive into the passage. It's useless to move straight - it's locked there. We run to the left and go down. There is just a little time left - soon an assistant will meet us and the mad chase will end.

And ahead is the final push against superior enemy forces. Quickly, without stopping for a second, we head to the left and fall under the closing grate. Cops..., - the voice advises us, but it’s not worth getting involved in a fight. Sooner or later, reinforcements will join in and will not leave a wet spot for our little girl. That is, without paying attention to anyone, we run to the stairs. From there we jump up. It is difficult to go further - the path is blocked by wire, and the helicopter has arrived for the umpteenth time already. We turn 180 degrees and grab the rope. A couple of jumps and hello, assistant. Mission complete.

Objective: get to the training ground and find Jakenf

We warn you right away - this mission is extremely drawn out and, to a greater extent, monotonous. Acute actions await us only under the veil. We move along the horizontal bars until we jump down towards the restless police. Having reached the drainage, we turn left - on the right is a helicopter, which at first, however, will not cause any harm, only the pilots will shout fearful speeches. We follow the drain further. Yeah, now the aircraft has begun a full-fledged pursuit with the accompanying shelling. We try to maneuver and take cover behind the columns, otherwise we risk getting hit by bullets. The police on the sides will also interfere. Sooner or later we will run for cover. The road will be blocked by gas, no problem - there is a valve not far from the leak, so there will be no problems with further progress. We move through the pipes up into the ventilation.

On the street we are suddenly surrounded. At first glance, there is only one way out - to jump into the pit, but the height of the fall will inevitably lead to death. Think, Faith, think... Perhaps we can use the laws of physics for good? For such experiments you will need wooden planks in the middle of the abyss. We jump onto the garages, from them onto the boards, and voila - a lift created by ourselves will take us to our destination.

Task: find a way out of the sewer

Let's go down. You need to get to the switch that opens the huge door in the middle. Having completed what is necessary, we will run across the wall to the next platform (jumping will not help here) and using the boxes we will climb up to the opened space. You need to get to the stairs, which opens the way up. To do this, let's perform a tricky trick: push off from the wall opposite (space-q-space) and grab onto the ledge. Next - along the horizontal bar and to the next button.

There are snipers ahead. Not onto the platform from above - it will only slow down our movement and turn us into an excellent target for shooters - but we immediately jump forward, trying to hide from the eyes of snipers. A couple of boring and uncomplicated jumps, and we are already at the top, face to face with the sniper. It’s better to take your time - this makes it much easier to deal with the enemy. Whether to take a rifle from a defeated man or not is your choice. On the one hand, we can have fun and shoot the campers that tormented us so much, on the other hand, we can not waste time on this and move on. But then you’ll have to dodge bullets for a while longer.

We climb up the columns through the pipes. There are many rows, but we are interested in the middle one at the very end. There is a rope that transports the main character further. Flashlights can be seen below, which means that uninvited guests have arrived. Use the button to open the entrance to the door and go down to the right or left, it makes no difference, and from there to the drain. We don’t jump right away, we perform a slide before moving - this way we won’t fall ingloriously into a hole. Then again boring jumping on platforms until we see the crane.

We lift it and jump onto the load. Welcome back to the air with the cops! This is one of the most difficult moments in the game. The sign advises the direction straight into the clutches of the police, but you should do differently. We quickly move straight, climb onto the garages, trying to cause a police gathering near the garage, and then sharply change the direction of our movement towards the door fenced with wire. Jump + body grouping, and we are already inside.

Mission: Catch Jakenf and interrogate him

In a few moments we will meet the person we need. But to carry out the dialogue, we still need to catch up with him. There is no hurry, the mission will not end in failure if we do not keep up with the nimble guy. Jumping deftly, the guy will make a fool of us and break the horizontal bar with his own body. No problem - there is a workaround on the left. Finally, after jumping over the horizontal bars and pipes, we catch up with the man, who is pretty frayed on his nerves.

Objective: get into building Z

It's time to visit the one who framed our sister. We climb over the fence and make a long jump after the run. If we don’t succeed the first time, we try again, it will work. We move strictly towards the goal. There won’t be any particular difficulties when moving: we use pipes and sharp jumps (space+q+space).

Objective: Inspect Ropeburn's office

Once in the building, we overcome the distance between the unconnected stairs by running along the wall and simultaneously jumping sharply. Congratulations, we are almost there! Having jumped into the pipe, we finally get to the search object.

Task: escape from the office

A short cutscene, and Faith is already in the heart of the building. There is a pistol on the left, we pick it up, since very soon it will come in handy... no, not in a battle with the police, but for personal purposes. There is no point in running into the elevator - it doesn’t work anyway. We climb onto the yellow cabinet in the middle of the room, and through it onto the horizontal bar. We jump onto the tiled ledge. Three tiers, fenced with glass, will open before your eyes. There is no time to think - we shoot at the middle partition and jump there with lightning speed, the police are already firing with might and main from below.

They will not allow you to run away in a relaxed state - the police have already made their way to the upper floors. It’s better not to get involved in battle; on the left, near the picture, you can find a ledge that will take you to the third tier. We, of course, go there. Soon the coveted red door will loom in front of your nose, and the pursuit will continue on the street.

The delay is like death - special forces appear right under your nose, breaking down doors and firing aimed fire at the back. Soon the old familiar helicopter will appear. And as luck would have it, we need to make our way up straight towards the devastating fire. First of all, we need to get to the rope - it will take us across a considerable gap between the buildings. From there you will have an excellent view of the final goal of the mission - two huge cranes looming on the horizon. We're heading in that direction.

Task: get to the crane

We try not to stay in place for too long - the shelling of the helicopter does not subside, and if you stop for a long time, we risk replaying part of the mission again. Soon we will meet three special forces soldiers. The fight cannot be avoided. One of the martinets will get stuck between two ceilings - we run there, slow down time and take away his machine gun from the kata. The real action begins. There are automatic weapons in our hands and two in front of us. Here it is - a chance to teach careless policemen a lesson.

The further path lies through the pipes, then into the building. The cranes are already very close, but the helicopter gives me no rest. We must look for shelter. Construction hangers will do the most, the best way to get to them is through pipes. The shelling does not subside. Having moved to another house with help, we move up and find ourselves on the other side (to do this, we will run along the wall and simultaneously jump). A policeman with a shotgun will jump out ahead; it is better to push him off the roof.

We make our way upstairs. We are almost at the taps, and the police are still climbing and climbing onto the roofs. Again, a policeman armed with a sawn-off shotgun. We act according to the following algorithm: we select the weapon, but do not throw it away. Literally a second later another guard appears, and it is to him that we will dedicate a dose of lead. Now to the first tap. We climb onto the boom and from there we jump onto the load of the next crane. Congratulations, the adventure is over for today!

Mission: Find out who Ropeburn is dating

The first priority is to penetrate the territory surrounded by electricity. We jump onto the building opposite, from there onto the pipe. A magic switch button awaits us there.

We'll soon be in the building. Near the glowing pit, we don’t pay attention to the board thrown over it, but run along the wall and jump. Using the same example, we pull ourselves up onto the horizontal bar. Progress up the stairs will be slowed by a gas leak. We return to the room between the staircase and doorways and jump up. There the coveted valve awaits us.

Get ready, there's a boss ahead. The main thing here is to act quickly. As soon as the boxer breaks through the wall, click on the slowdown button, and as soon as this happens, immediately grab the stick from his hands.

Task: get into the subway

Unfortunately, the dialogue did not take place - the thug is shot by an unknown person, and we need to get away from the cops - another one is waiting for Faith at the exit. Slow down, take away the weapon and shoot the law enforcement officers along with the reinforcements that arrive. Then we get into the elevator and take a breath - an unforgettable run from the trains lies ahead.

Mission: infiltrate the platform

However, before that you have to endure a heavy firefight. We go down to the subway and quickly disarm the policeman. Ahead are the special forces. In battle with them, we try to get a machine gun as quickly as possible. It is better not to mess with the second reinforcements at all - there are too many of them. Let's wait until the next train rushes by and dive into the pipe.

In the first metro line, we keep to the right track, running for cover in time when we see approaching trains. We ignore the cops who pop up in the middle of the track - they will only slow down the movement and increase the risk of being killed by a passing train. Having reached the stairs, we jump onto the horizontal bar. Only here there are two conditions necessary for a successful jump: there should not be a train below, and you need to start from the stairs, and not from the lower platform. Otherwise, we will be thrown straight onto the rails, and not to the horizontal bar.

We need to jump from here.

Our path lies to the alternate branch. To get there, you need to turn off the power to the fans. To do this, we go up to the very top of the hall, from there through the horizontal bar and, after running along the wall, to the button.

And here is the spare platform. Jumping down is like death. The most risky option remains - to move to the roof of another locomotive while moving. In no case should you do this until the trains get closer - Faith is simply not able to jump over such a distance even while moving. And beware of signs and iron partitions in the subway - they can easily push you onto the tracks.

Soon the trains will stop, and we need to jump off the roof as quickly as possible and run back to the door. Another train will approach soon, and if we slow down, we will be crushed with gusto.

Task: get to

Once at the bottom, we make our way to the overpass through the pipes. Under no circumstances should we fall down - fighting against the cops in this case is not possible in principle. On the subway platform we stay in the middle - trains on both sides travel at the same time and you won’t be able to move from track to track, as in the previous mission.

It is also useless to organize a showdown in the building - the guards of the law categorically refuse to die, so there is no way out except to run into the elevator at the very end of the corridor. On the roof we don’t pay attention to the helicopter and try to climb higher. When we get to the rope, we boldly jump towards the abyss - Faith will definitely grab the rope, despite the impressive, at first glance, distance.

Task: follow the rooftops to the gallery

The path along the roofs is simple and presents no difficulties. Soon we will be inside the building.

The building is already swarming with police. Having met the killers, we hide in the elevator on the left; running straight through is suicide. We don’t engage in battle with the police, we escape from them through the pipes, climbing as high as possible - the exit is there. In one of the sections, a fan will block the road - you can stop it, as before, by pressing the switch nearby.

You will still have to face the police in a fair fight - near the glass ceiling. However, no special difficulties are foreseen - we snatch the pistol from the hands of the first one and finish off the comrade who ran up to the aid with a shot. Next comes a difficult somersault - under machine gun fire you need to run along the side wall and from there jump into the pipe. The main thing here is to do everything extremely quickly and without stopping. And here is the way out...

Mission: get into the factory

The first priority is to get down to the streets. This can be done either by jumping onto a nearby building or onto a rope, but the latter option is more difficult - it requires running along the walls and a successful long jump. Further, the path leads us to a building with orange visors - to do this, we jump from the stairs onto a perfectly placed horizontal bar.

A sniper is waiting for us behind the shield on the roof, but he doesn’t stand a chance in close combat with us. We select the rifle and shoot the police located below, first of all, the sniper below to the right. We don’t jump onto the rope until we are convinced that all the hunters after our souls are dead. Barrels of fuel will help to finish off the cops faster.

Below we don’t cling to the canopies and don’t jump on cars - the path goes through the door in the left corner of the parking lot. Once inside the next workshop, we jump onto the suspension, and under the weight of Faith’s body she will fall down. Now open the locked door using the button on the left.

Objective: get past the guards

Another shootout... And this time it was impressive. As soon as the door starts to rise, we fall under it and immediately to the right behind the boxes. At the colossal power of the shelling, we are not distracted - we head to the stairs and slow down time. Here a special forces soldier with a machine gun is already waiting for his death. We have a few seconds to take the weapon away from him. Next you have to deal with the remaining four guards. This is quite difficult to do, since the area is under fire from all sides. We try to hide behind any possible fence and not stick out - let the enemies come to us themselves, and we will provide them with a shower made of lead. On the way there is a gas leak. We are not looking for a valve, the flow of gases stops every 10-15 seconds, so we swing on the horizontal bar and jump when it becomes free.

Mission: escape from special forces

Having activated the conveyor to penetrate deep into the workshop (to do this, we climb through the boxes onto the roof of the service department), we reach the complex. Here you will have to clash with real professionals, and not weak police. The guys opposing you are unusually strong and dexterous, so without hesitation we run away from them. We do not enter into battle (even if we wish, we will overcome, in best case scenario, one or two opponents). You need to climb through the concrete boxes to the door. Inside there is an elevator that will take us up to the now familiar roofs.

The pursuit will not end, but we still have to move towards the goal in the same way, without being distracted by restless hunters. As soon as we see the metro ahead, we stop. You can only jump on (but not under) a passing train - otherwise we will crash.

Mission: infiltrate the ship

To get onto the ship, we climb into the back of the truck.

Mission: get onto the car deck

A warm welcome awaits us on the ship - special forces. A huge shootout is planned, therefore, if we want to survive, first of all we eliminate the machine gunner and take away his weapon. With a machine gun in your hands, no opponents are scary anymore.

Objective: get to the upper deck

The road to the upper deck is through numerous pipes and service rooms. Difficulty can only arise during one jump, to make it easier - pay attention to the screenshot!

Mission: deal with the killer

A ninja assassin is waiting for us on deck. The battle with her is not that difficult: just run fast, dodge blows and hit her while jumping. After several slaps, the enemy fighter will rush to run away. Our goal is not to lose it.

The second collision will already occur on the container. The main thing here is to take away the weapon. This can only be done after we deal a couple of blows to the killer. And the ninja turned out to be a very familiar person...

Task: get to the cache with the rifle

Ninja squads will meet us immediately at the start of the level. It’s not worth getting involved in a fight with them - it’s better to just run away, because we have other interests in the mission. From the roofs we jump onto the trampoline, not far away is the entrance to the building with a rifle. However, the weapon cannot be found, but the pursuit continues. This time the opponents will be weaker - only two guards, armed with not very powerful uzis.

Having broken away from our careless pursuers, we penetrate the building. You need to climb as high as possible using wall runs. There is nothing complicated - we just climb higher along the circular arches. Difficulties may arise only while overcoming one section, but a screenshot will help us with this.

Mission: stop the convoy

Saving your sister is as easy as shelling pears - you just need to shoot at the hood of the armored bus.

Task: go down to the accident site

Ahead is the final segment of the mission. You will have to clash with impressive police forces. The main thing is not to throw it away before the shooting range. sniper rifle after shooting at an armored car, and the difficulties will disappear by themselves. There are machine gunners waiting for us below, let's be careful. To complete the mission, you just need to go to the exit door.

Mission: get to Shard

The lion's share of the level will be spent wandering among pipes and corridors. For those who have gained experience in previous missions, these adventures do not represent anything difficult.

We go down the stairs. Our goal is to get to the door at the very end of the corridor. To do this, you should use the scaffolding located on top. A couple of spinning jumps and a wall run, and we're already at the top. Nothing complicated, everything is as before.

The path was blocked by a locked door. However, sparks ooze nearby and a gas valve flaunts. Is the logic clear? We turn the valve and immediately rewind back, crouching under the pipe - the flames will fill the entire team and burn us to cinders if we do not get to the shelter in a timely manner.

Next are the police and special forces. There are many opponents, but if you immediately run to the left at the start of the massacre and take away the machine gunner’s precious weapon, you can kill the enemies without difficulty. Now we go to the elevator - it is located behind the glass.

Objective: get through the lobby

Kate's whereabouts are known, and now there is one last mass shooting left. The task is the same - to quickly take possession of the machine gun. Having finished off a portion of the adversaries, we go back to the elevator. We will try to save the ultrasound, it will be very useful for further adventures.

Objective: get out of the Shard through the ventilation ducts

The trip was not long, the elevator stopped. We go upstairs and jump to the opposite side to the stairs. Now we need to go down as low as possible, not paying attention to the elevators flying at an exorbitant speed to the next staircase, which will already lead us to the ventilation ducts. Inside the ventilation, the challenge is to climb higher; There's no point in going down, because there's nothing there.

Objective: return to Shard through the other end of the roof

Snipers are waiting for us on the roof. You have to run fast. You need to move as quickly as possible to the side where the snipers are located (we recognize them by their sights) in order to reduce their angle of fire and eventually take away the rifles, turning into a sniper yourself. Moreover, extremely accurate special forces armed with machine guns will soon arrive here.

Objective: destroy computers

The last shootout, and we're at Kate's. We clear the area of ​​enemies, then take a machine gun and destroy the hell out of the huge white computers. Now we run to the roof.

Objective: save Kate

Jakenaf is a scoundrel, and now he has to answer for what he did. We don’t get distracted by the shooters shooting at our backs, we run as fast as we can, run onto the stage and jump onto the helicopter. The final...

The roof of a fifty-meter skyscraper. The wind hits your face. I am filled with a feeling of lightness and freedom. But time does not wait, and we need to move forward. I accelerate, easily jumping over fences and rolling under pipes. A trained body enjoys rapid obstacle course running.

The edge of a skyscraper roof looms ahead. Overclocking Bounce. Hitting your face on the floorboards on scaffolding. Again, half a day to remove the splinters... But that will come later, now there will be a fifth and, I hope, last attempt. Yes, being a postman in Mirror's Edge is not only an honor, but also quite painful. Overclocking Bounce. A resounding blow with your butt on a steel pipe...

On the edges of reflection

Sometimes you have to make seemingly suicidal leaps. But then you will get used to it - the main thing is to group in time.

You have to knock off your tailbone and skin your knees in an unnamed city of the future. The sterile metropolis is a direct consequence of keeping crime in order. Thanks to targeted strikes rubber baton the criminal elements were brought into proper condition, but along with them, all other dissenters, who, according to the authorities, only harmed society, were eliminated - of course, not physically, but by the letter of the law.

Soon all the dissatisfied people resigned themselves or went underground, and the government, together with corporations, began to build the ideal city of the future. First of all, this resulted in total control over information and people’s personal lives. But don't expect grim tyranny in the style of Orwell's beloved 1984. Mirror's Edge has friendly tyranny. Carefree people, bright and light colors of buildings - not a city, but a real fairy tale. But behind the external serenity lies strict control.

However, not everyone agreed with the new rules of the game. The dissenters went underground and continued to play by their own rules. Members of one of the groups, who call themselves runners, have become postmen and couriers who, for a reasonable fee, deliver packages to those who find themselves outside the law and cannot use ordinary means of communication. For some time, a precarious balance reigned - the runners did not anger the authorities, and they, in turn, did not actively persecute them for smuggling...

For some reason someone was killed, but, of course, we are to blame. Classic setup.

At this moment, we meet Vera, the main character of the game, who has recently recovered from injuries received after an unsuccessful jump. On the next mission, the police first show unusual attention to the heroine, and then shoot to kill for no apparent reason. Then events unfold rapidly. The murder of his father's friend, who also happens to be a prosecutor and a candidate for mayor, the arrest of his sister on false charges and persecution by powerful corporations.

The banal beginning of the plot never turns into anything interesting. The characters are faded and dull - they practically do not react at all to the events taking place - the story develops in a standard way, and the main villain and traitor can be easily identified long before the end of the game. But in Mirror’s Edge the plot does not play the main role, so you don’t feel strong negative emotions even from the vague ending.

In Mirror’s Edge, an ascetic style prevails throughout - the schematic architecture of the buildings, a sparse but bright color scheme.

Fortunately, the world, or rather the city, is self-sufficient, so it could easily survive even the complete absence of a plot. Huge, gleaming buildings made of metal and glass, with deliberately simplistic architectural design and color schemes that create a unique feeling of lightness. Mirror's Edge is one of the few games where bright colors- red, blue, orange.

If you stop and look at the streets, you will see people walking leisurely and rare cars. Even the police look quite nice and friendly until they try to knock out his jaw with a rifle butt. The lion's share of the atmosphere is created by music, which rolls in in slow waves during quiet moments and adds heat when the chases across the rooftops begin.

There are no special special effects in Mirror’s Edge; moreover, deliberate asceticism in design does not require graphics engine serious requirements. A cute picture with slightly scary main characters and incredibly cute commandos, but nothing more. Owners of a physical accelerator will be pleased with the support of rare hardware. Thanks to it, the curtains in the game will move just like real ones.

Jump in first person

Before landing, do not forget to group yourself to avoid injury and not lose too much speed.

The main difference between Mirror's Edge and other games where the main action is focused on acrobatics is that we perform all the stunts from the first person. It’s an unusual solution (if only because this way the lion’s share of the animation during stunts is lost), but it’s thanks to it that the developers managed to convey the feeling of running. The camera is mainly responsible for conveying sensations - twitching, swaying, shaking, etc. - but the animation is also worthy of all praise. For example, opening a door occurs with a blow of the hand. Moreover, we see exactly how Vera hits, and thanks to the camera we feel the movement of the character’s body in space.

WITH technical side the implementation of acrobatics is performed at the highest level. Remember the recent Assassin’s Creed, where all the acrobatics “hung” on one button. In Mirror's Edge, the situation is almost the same - the jump, crouch and turn key. You're fighting an obstacle course, not controls or anything else. technical problems. The animation of movements looks great, the transfer of sensations is beyond praise.

But how do the game mechanics fit in with the level design? Everything that happens in the game can be divided into two main situations. In the first, you solve acrobatic puzzles to advance. No one limits your time, so you can think slowly without fear of being shot in the back.

The puzzles are made very organically. There are rare cases in the game when you have to suffer while trying to jump onto the right platform. Usually you have to spend most of your time figuring out how and where to jump. Overcoming an obstacle occurs in a matter of seconds. After the simple Prince of Persia, this is like a balm for a wounded soul. And the puzzles keep you happy until the very end of the game.

The second situation is running away from the police. You are rushing headlong away from the servants of the law, bullets are whistling behind you and the slightest stop threatens death. At such moments, the game gets a second wind, and the “airy” design begins to work in full force. Vera easily flies over fences, jumps from roof to roof, slides along pipes and runs along walls. The feeling of speed and lightness excites the blood. The bumbling cops are left behind and the world is at your feet.

At the same time, there is a certain freedom of choice in Mirror’s Edge. Key objects turn red when approaching, hinting that they need to be used to move forward. But this is just a landmark, a compass needle that shows where north is, but does not tell you how to get there. To a certain extent, you are free to choose your route. One will be more efficient, the other will be more beautiful, but in reality the differences are not too great. However, the deception, given the pace of movement through the level, is practically not noticeable.

The game is almost a fairy tale, but only the first six levels. Then the chase remains, and the lightness disappears completely. The obstacle course becomes noticeably more complicated, so sections have to be completed five or six times. What kind of ease can we talk about when the main goal is not running as such, but a save point! Then the police runners show up and things get really sad. The slightest mistake - you didn't have time to jump over the fence, you get hit on the head - ends with the segment being replayed.

The enemy can also be knocked out with regular blows. But this works best against ordinary police officers; problems may arise with special forces.

In the last levels there is a bias towards battles and shootouts. Shooting, as it is present in the game, does not fit the spirit of Mirror's Edge. As soon as Vera takes the gun in her hands, she begins to move at the speed of a turtle, instantly forgetting about jumping. And it would be nice if you could just forget about the shootings while running through enemies. At first it works, but at the end of the game the number of opponents grows frighteningly and you unwittingly have to clear the road with hot lead.

The only thing interesting was the capture of weapons. You can just punch him in the face and pick up a weapon. But it’s much more interesting to run up close to the enemy, press the key in time so that Vera will interrupt the blow with an elegant move, take away the cannon and knock out the enemy. Easy and relaxed. With a quick blow to the groin, we knock out the first policeman, take the weapon away from the second, throw away the barrel and continue our movements. Five seconds and the way is clear.

The transfer of Mirror's Edge to personal computers was virtually without consequences. Sometimes things get tricky when it comes to difficult jumps. But there’s nothing you can do about it; joysticks have much better ergonomics. But aiming is much more convenient. I was pleased with the optimization of the engine - in general, transfers from Electronic Arts can be considered exemplary and worthy of emulation.

Mobile Mirror's Edge

If you liked Mirror’s Edge so much that you can’t live without it, I advise you to try the flash version of Mirror’s Edge 2D. The meaning is absolutely the same - free running on the roofs of the city, with jumping and acrobatics - only in two dimensions. The project is in beta testing, but is already quite nice. Mirror's Edge 2D can be found at

Mirror's Edge is a classic example of unsuccessful implementation of interesting ideas. And it's not even about the combat system. You can just close your eyes to it. The first-person acrobatics are implemented at the highest level, and the idea is intelligently woven into the game design. But the authors could not resist high level quality throughout the game.

The atmosphere of the game breathes lightness and carelessness, but only at the beginning. Then, instead of running uncontrollably across the rooftops and enjoying the speed, we often work hard like a black man on a sugar plantation under the hot southern sun. This especially begins to irritate towards the end of the game, when there is a clear bias towards shootings.

However, Mirror's Edge gives new sensations. This is a truly innovative, if uneven, project that should not be missed.

acrobatics, some hand-to-hand combatshootouts, unbalanced
bathrooms last levels
Graphic arts
animation, general asceticism in designscary models of the main characters
music, sound effectsvoice acting
Game world
city ​​design creates an atmosphere of lightness and airinessweak plot
good optimization, managementbugs

In the guide, we will first of all talk about the acrobatic tricks that Vera has, the combinations in which they can be used, as well as battles and shootouts.

Game mechanics

Speed ​​is the most important component game mechanics in Mirror's Edge. The longer you run without stopping, the higher your speed. The higher your speed, the more efficient and faster you can perform acrobatic moves. And the more difficult it is to hit you.

Wall running helps you overcome obstacles that you cannot overcome with a regular jump.

Therefore, the main task is to run without stopping. Jump over fences, roll under pipes, run along the wall - the main thing is not to slow down. Therefore, it is important to choose the optimal route on the go. It's quite simple at first, but the further you progress in the game, the faster you'll have to think.

If the “running view” option is enabled in the settings, then the game will highlight in red objects that can be used for high-speed running or jumping. This kind of hint helps you better plan your route. If you like challenges, you can turn off the hint at any time.

Shooting, falling, running sideways will reduce your speed. This, of course, cannot be avoided, because you don’t always need to rush headlong and anyway, sooner or later you will make a mistake. After a few seconds of rapid running, the crosshair on the screen will turn blue. This means that you have accumulated a slow reaction time that can be used in fights.

If you don’t understand where to run, press the “Find Way” button. The character will immediately turn in the right direction. True, the ability only shows the direction of movement. Therefore, if you need to actively jump on rooftops, the ability is of little use. In addition, it must be used carefully. The character turns around immediately, without reducing his running speed - you can fall off the roof if you move along the edge.



Jumping in Mirror's Edge serves strictly two functions. The first is when you need to climb or climb over an object. Let's say you run up to the fence and press the jump key - Vera jumps over the fence. The second is the classic long jump. You have a good run - the length of the jump depends on the speed - and jump, for example, from one roof to another.


When you need to crawl under a low object - under some pipe or get into a ventilation system - press the "sit" key. If you press the “sit down” key while running, the character will make a tackle. It is convenient to use when you need to quickly pass low objects. A tackle almost does not reduce running speed.


By pressing the "rotate" key, you will make the character instantly turn 180 degrees if he is standing still, and 90 degrees if he is moving. In the first case, this ability is convenient to use in firefights for quick aiming. In the second case, it simply must be used to overcome the obstacle. Let's say you run along the wall, turn around and jump onto the pipe opposite.

Try to avoid stairs - they slow down your movement; better look for alternative ways.

Moving sideways

If you are standing on a narrow ledge or forced to crawl through a narrow gap, the character will press his back against the wall and begin to move sideways. The speed is minimal, but sometimes it is simply impossible to go further in any other way, so you have to put up with the inconvenience.

Wall run, horizontal

If the wall is flat enough, you can use it for running. To do this, jump onto the wall at an angle, and Vera will do the rest on her own. If you don’t have time to reach the platform, then at the very end, when the character is already threatening to fall down, you can jump forward. Wall running does not reduce speed.

Wall run, vertical

When running up to the wall, press the jump key so that the character, pushing off the wall with his feet, runs up. How high depends on the speed of travel. This ability is used when you need to climb a high wall or as one element in a combination of tricks.


If you jumped unsuccessfully and the character did not reach the platform a little, but caught the edge with his hands, pressing his chest against the wall, you need to quickly press the jump key to pull yourself forward. Of course, your speed will be completely lost, but you will quickly recover from the fall and be able to continue running.

If you don't have time to press a key, the character will slide down and hang on his outstretched arms. Press the jump key again to pull yourself up. But keep in mind - this will take much longer. Hanging on outstretched arms, you can move left and right, and also jump back if the character has somewhere to rest his feet for a push. To go down, press the “sit down” key.

Movement through pipes

The game is full of pipes that we will have to joyfully jump and climb throughout the entire game. Pipes can be horizontal or vertical. Horizontal pipes are used as a crossbar for jumping forward. After jumping onto it, press the jump key when the character is at the top point. Or first move to the side, swing, and then jump forward. True, then you will lose speed.

You need to crawl up and down along vertical pipes. If the pipe goes all the way to the top, you can climb up it to the site. You can jump from a pipe sideways, for example, to another pipe or back - to do this you need to press the “turn” key. Particularly exciting are the moments when you need to jump from the roof and catch on to a pipe on the wall of the opposite building.

Rope Sliding and Pipe Walking

To avoid falling off the pipe, press the keys to the right or left, depending on which direction the character is leaning.

From time to time you will come across stretched ropes along which you can slide from one roof to another. If you go to the very end, then, firstly, the character will slowly jump off the rope, and secondly, you will completely lose speed. Therefore, jump off at the very end, but do not forget to group yourself after the fall if you have to fall from a decent height.

Sometimes you need to jump onto a special platform. You can fall on it from any height, the character will not receive any damage. Only after landing does it take some time to come to your senses and continue moving. If you are going down one rope and there is a second rope below, you can jump onto it to change direction.

Sometimes you have to walk through pipes. At the same time, the character tends to different sides, and the matter threatens to turn into a fall from a great height. To prevent this from happening, press the movement key in the opposite direction of the tilt to level the character. While driving, I advise you to look straight down - usually that’s where the most interesting things happen.

Jump with legs tucked

If you need to jump over a fence with barbed wire, but it is high enough, then so that the character does not get hurt and can even jump over, at the moment of flying over the obstacle, press the “sit down” key so that Vera draws up her legs.

Grouping after the fall

When you fall from a great height, at the very last moment before landing, press the “crouch” key so that the character has time to group. This will avoid injury, and most importantly, you will maintain your speed.

Knocking out doors and windows

When you run up to a closed door, press the attack key so that Vera opens it with a blow of her hand. This will allow you to maintain your speed. Glass breaks in the same way. True, you still need to understand which glass can be broken and which cannot. Unlike doors, they are not marked in red.


Nondescript red boxes standing on the ground are fraught with many surprises. Press the jump key when you approach such a box, and the character will jump to an incredible height. This will partially reduce your speed, but if there is such a box, it means that most likely there is no alternative ascent route.



An ordinary punch is not particularly traumatic, but it is delivered quickly and interrupts the enemy’s attack. The tactic is this: attack a single policeman, who is not covered by anyone, and inflict a series of blows. The main thing is to “stick” to the enemy so that he does not have time to throw Vera away or strike back.

Running kick

A blow to the groin slows down the character, but will almost certainly knock out the enemy.

Have a good run, jump and kick. The strength of the technique depends on the speed, so, having accelerated, you can easily disable the enemy with one blow. But even if the policeman remains on his feet, he will be stunned, and you can finish him off with a combination of simple blows.

The second technique is to run up, squat and kick. Vera hits her opponent painfully in the groin, and then finishes with a knee to the head. This technique works better than a jumping kick, but it slows down the character a lot. This can be critical when there are many police officers around who do not hesitate to use firearms.

The third technique is a roundhouse kick from a wall. Run along the wall, and when you get close to the enemy, kick. A terrible technique that leaves no chance for the enemy, but is difficult to perform and practically unused. Usually the police don’t stand by the walls, and even if they do, you won’t always remember about him.

Taking away weapons

Grabbing a weapon allows you not only to get the barrel, but also to instantly knock out the enemy.

Good way instantly get rid of the enemy, while simultaneously taking possession of his weapon. You run up close to the policeman and watch his hands. When he starts swinging his weapon, wait until it turns red and press the capture key. Vera blocks the technique, intercepts the weapon and knocks out the enemy with one blow. And it doesn’t matter who the enemy is - an ordinary patrolman or a machine gunner.

The method is not only effective, but also very spectacular. But the opponents hit quickly enough, and it’s not always possible to block the move. In this case, you can slow down time (I remind you that slowdown is given when running fast). Press the slowdown key and perform the steps described above, but without haste.

However, there is another option: when the enemy has his back turned and is unaware of the character’s presence. Quickly run up from behind, press the capture button and enjoy the beautiful move. And without any interceptions and blushing weapons.

Shooting a weapon

After knocking out an enemy, you can pick up and use his weapon. This happens in the standard way - aim and shoot. If you took a sniper rifle, you can activate the optical sight. No revelations. The gunplay in Mirror's Edge is incredibly bad, so I advise you to avoid it if possible. In addition, Vera is a flimsy girl who constantly tries to glue her fins together.

Combinations of acrobatic techniques

You can catch on to a pipe by jumping from any distance and height.

We've figured out the tricks. Now let's talk about what combinations you can create. The simplest one is to jump and tuck while falling. This way you will maintain your speed, although you may get a little lost in space. A first person roll is a good start to seasickness.

The second is a wall run and a jump. Typically used when you realize you won't make it and need to jump. But there are also very interesting cases: when you need to run along a wall, turn 90 degrees - you never know, the platform is on the right or left - and then jump.

We have already talked about crouching while jumping to avoid getting caught on the barbed wire. But sometimes the task gets a little more complicated. You need to run along the wall, jump forward and sit down. One new element appeared, but overall the technology remained the same.

Finally, the fourth and final combination is running along the wall, turning 90 degrees, jumping, grabbing the beam on the wall with your hands, turning 90 degrees, jumping. It sounds complicated, but when it comes down to it, you will immediately understand what's what. This combination is used when you need to climb up between two tall and close objects.



Ordinary police officers who patrol the city streets every day. They are armed exclusively with semi-automatic pistols and do not wear body armor. This makes them easy victims. But often this is unnecessary. You can run in front of their noses without fear of being stopped by a bullet. They occur throughout the game, but are more common at early levels.

Police SWAT

The first type of commando you will meet wears white bulletproof vests and helmets. Not very reliable protection, but still better than that of patrol officers. Armed with submachine guns and shotguns. Not a particularly dangerous opponent, but you won’t be able to get impudent like you would with patrol policemen.

SWAT special forces

When there are two opponents, it is better not to get into trouble, but to try to separate them.

SWAT special forces are tough guys in black body armor, helmets and masks. Not too fast, but well armed and protected. If you decide to fight such an enemy hand-to-hand, make sure that other special forces are not wandering around. Because you won’t be able to knock him out quickly unless you use a weapon grab.

Special forces are armed with submachine guns, shotguns, assault and sniper rifles. They shoot accurately and quickly, so if SWAT soldiers loom on the horizon, try to run without stopping. Special forces are the main enemy throughout the game, so you definitely won’t get bored without them.

SWAT Heavy

A special forces soldier, covered from head to toe in heavy armor and armed with a machine gun. Shoots quickly, far, accurately and painfully. It is quite difficult to run past it even at an average distance, so do not forget to constantly maneuver. Of course, it’s better to avoid them, but when that doesn’t work, rely on speed and grabbing the weapon. The Heavy is well armed and protected, but is quite clumsy, which makes him vulnerable when it comes to close combat.

Cop runners

Police runners can jump on rooftops, like the main character, but are well protected by body armor and armed with a stun pistol. They are a real headache and a source of constant irritation. If you make the slightest mistake, they will catch up with you, kick you painfully and shoot you with a pistol.

You can, of course, try to knock out your pursuers, but police runners are masters of hand-to-hand combat. With one you will suffer, and if there are two or three of them, the fight will turn into a series of jumps and blows. And most often it will be you who will be beaten. In general, the game is not worth the candle. Just run away - fighting runners is even more difficult.



For Vera, the last task did not go very well. The girl fell down and received serious injuries. The course of treatment took a long time, so before releasing her on a new assignment, Merck wants to make sure that Vera is back to normal. Therefore, you need to take a training course where Celeste will be Faith's leader.

During the training, you will be shown basic movements, taught how to fight and select weapons. There is no point in describing the training, because it is absolutely impossible to make a mistake or do it differently than the developers want. They will return you to their original position, wag their finger and demand that you follow the rules. When you complete your training, you will be given a real task and left alone with the city.

Between missions, the plot is presented in simple hand-drawn cutscenes.

First you need to get to the bag with the parcel. There are no police on the rooftops, you are not limited in time, so you can run without haste. First you need to jump to the roof of another building, climb over the fence, jump onto the extension and go down the tightrope. Then climb onto the extension from the ventilation duct, jump onto the booth on the left and follow the pipe to the next building.

Move along the left side, run along the wall and jump from the springboard onto the roof of the building. You won't reach the edge, but you will have time to catch on to the pipe. Having climbed onto the roof, open the door and go into the corridor. At the end of the corridor, jump onto the pipe and climb into the ventilation shaft.

After jumping out of the mine, you will meet the police, who will immediately offer to surrender. Yeah, we were daydreaming. Run up the stairs, turn right and knock down the door to exit onto the roof. Run to the left and jump from the springboard onto the roof of the neighboring house. Use the springboard on the left to jump onto the booth. Then jump onto the roof of the neighboring house, and from it to the second roof of the building on the left.

The police will appear on the horizon. These are regular patrolmen, so ignore them and run straight until you reach the highest point of the roof. From here, jump onto the stairs on the right and climb to the roof. After the video in which you run into a squad of police, you will be asked to quickly break away from the chase. Climb over the fence, run along the roof and jump onto the helicopter. This will end the level.

Vera Conners

Vera Conners is the main character of Mirror's Edge. Her life from childhood did not proceed very smoothly. When the authorities began to establish the correct order in the city, in their opinion, not everyone was happy with it, which resulted in rallies and protest demonstrations. During one of these rallies, Vera's mother was accidentally killed.

After this, unable to find the strength to cope with grief, Vera ran away from home at the age of sixteen. She became a petty street thief, and her life would have been over if not for meeting Merc. Merc accepted the girl into the ranks of runners, teaching her his difficult craft. Vera, like the rest of her comrades, delivered packages that could not be sent legally. During one of the tasks, she fell down and was seriously injured. After a course of treatment, she returns to work, and the game begins with training.

First chapter

Vera, listening to police conversations, learned that a candidate for mayor of the city had been killed. But perhaps this would not have excited the girl too much if this candidate had not been good friend father. Therefore, quickly lacing up her sneakers, our heroine decides to visit the crime scene.

Jump onto the roof of the building on the right - try to get onto the box with ventilation - from here to the booth and jump over the fence. It's energized, so you can't just climb over it. Then, using the springboard (it is in the form of a pipe), jump over the second fence and, having accelerated well, jump onto the roof of the neighboring building.

Run straight, climb onto the strange booths and jump onto the crossbar on the right. After swinging, jump over the fence and run forward. Jump onto the balcony of the neighboring building. The distance looks impressive, but you will fly it calmly. Just remember to group yourself as you fall. Open the door and run to the elevator. Call a lift that will take you to the crime scene.

There you will find the corpse of the candidate and Vera's sister. As the conversation progresses, it turns out that someone disabled Kate and shot the victim with her gun. In general, it is clear that someone wants to frame their sister. But for what purpose? Vera will offer to escape, but the correct Kate will refuse, citing the fact that fleeing the crime scene is the best proof of her guilt. Therefore, she will remain, believing in the fairness of the judicial system.

While going down the inclined wall, you can control the movement and make jumps.

It remains so, we cannot drag it along with us. But Vera should definitely hurry up, because the police are already on the way. Now you have to move as quickly as possible, because there will be a chase on your tail. You, in fact, need to move in the direction where Vera is looking. Jump over the railing and run along the corridor. Stick to the left, and then climb to the second tier using the black squares.

Run right and then left. In the green room you need to climb up using a back jump with a push from the wall. Jump down, climb onto the white beams under the ceiling, and jump from them into the ventilation shaft. Crawl to the exit, jump down and open the door with a blow of your hand. You will find yourself on the balcony. A police helicopter looms on the horizon, there is nowhere to jump, all that remains is...

However, there is always somewhere to jump. Climb over the railing and roll down the inclined wall. Press against the left wall, and at the very end, when an abyss looms ahead, jump onto the roof of the neighboring house. Now quickly run forward - there is only one path, and there are almost no obstacles - until you reach the springboard on the edge of the roof. Jump from it onto the tarpaulin, which will soften your fall.

From the tarp, climb onto the outbuilding and jump over the fence on the right. Run along the roof, and after passing the corner of the building, turn left and jump onto the stairs. Then use the ventilation ducts to reach the roof. Climb onto the booth on the right, jump off to the left and run to the springboard. Jump to the next building, open the red door and run into the corridor. The police will go to the left, so jump over the fence on the right and move towards the elevator standing with the doors open.

Once upstairs, run through the corridor to get out onto the roof. To get to the next door, you will have to run along the wall, followed by a jump forward. Once in the corridor, run forward until you reach the next door. You will find yourself on the roof. Roll down the inclined wall and run along the yellow corridor, not paying attention to the shooting.

Turn right to bypass the police post and enter the underground passage. Slip under the bars and run along the corridors until you emerge into a large hall. Ignoring the police, run left and forward, climb up and slide down the tight rope. Jump over the railing and roll along the inclined wall, straight onto the glass. Falling down will complete the second level.

Kate Conners

Kate Conners is Vera’s sister, who, after her mother’s death, chose police service over the rooftops of the city, trying in a legal way To help people. A totalitarian regime with unlimited control over information turns out well, when relatives of criminals serve in the police... Well, oh well.

The sisters are complete opposites of each other. Naughty, freedom-loving rebel Vera and disciplined, strict Kate. Each of the sisters considers the other’s choice wrong and almost hates her life and environment. But nevertheless they native blood and will follow each other to the end.

Chapter two

Climb onto the pipe, jump over to the crossbar, and from it to the hood with a fan. Use your hands to crawl to its opposite edge and jump onto the bar. Run along the wall and jump forward to jump over the fence. Then go down into the channel and do your feet quickly. Don't stop and try not to fall down so as not to lose speed.

Then run into the open door on the left side of the channel and turn the valve to turn off the gas in the corridor. From the springboard, jump onto the pipe and crawl to the ventilation. Knock down the door to go outside. Jump onto the red containers on the left, from them onto the suspended steel beams, and then onto the construction cradle that hangs over the large well.

When chasing a character, the main thing is not to lag too far behind. Otherwise you'll have to start over.

When the cradle goes down, jump onto the platform. Your task is to go down to the lower tier. This can be done in several ways. I moved from left to right - first I ran along the wall, and then jumped from a great height onto the platform. It will be scary at first, but if you group yourself at the moment of landing, you won’t even get injured. When you reach the remote control, press the button. This will open the large gate opposite the console. You need to quickly run and slip under them before the doors close again.

After overcoming the next obstacle course, you will get to the second remote control. Press the button and rush under the gate before it closes. You will find yourself in a large sewer. Now you need to go upstairs. First you have to run and jump on green platforms. At the same time, snipers will shoot at you, so don’t even think about stopping (you can knock out one along the way). Having climbed to the very top, go down the rope, walk along the ledge and open the door (remote control on the right).

Climb up and slide down the inclined wall. Use the remote control to open the gate and quickly run into the next hall before it closes. Now you need to go upstairs. Once you reach the platform in the middle, turn the valve to turn off the water and move on. Finally, on the highest platform, use the remote control, jump onto the suspended load and wait for another load to approach from below. Get over it, go up and jump out of the well.

Defuse the police, climb onto the yellow container and jump over the fence. Open the door, run into the corridor and use the elevator. You will go out onto the roof, where you will meet Jackknife, who will run away. You need to catch up with him and interrogate him. At the same time, you cannot lag behind too much, otherwise the task will fail.

You are in for a breathtaking chase, where the best reference will be the flickering back of Jackknife. In the corridor you can immediately run to the second elevator. You won't have time to get where you need to go. Finally Jacknife makes a mistake, loses control and loses consciousness. First, make your way to the left, so that you can then jump onto the roof. From it you can climb onto the scaffolding of the building, on the roof of which a former runner is lying unconscious. After talking to him, you will complete the level.


Jackknife is another mysterious person in the game. Something connects him with Vera, but what exactly is not directly stated. All we know is that he is a former runner, and now he is involved in some shady dealings. One of the sources of information in the game, which, however, you first need to catch up with in order to ask.

Chapter Three

Walk along the left edge of the roof to go around the fence. Jump onto the lower roof and run along the right wall to jump over the second fence. Turn 90 degrees to the left and jump onto the billboard. Jump from it to the roof of the house, run to the booth on the right and climb up by jumping back with a push from the wall.

Using the box springboard, climb to the top tier, run forward and jump onto the ventilation duct on the wall of the building opposite. Walk forward a little and jump back onto the building you just came from. After running along the cornice, jump to the right onto the second ventilation duct, and from it onto the roof on the right.

Now you have to perform a complex combination of jumps. First you need to jump over the barbed wire fence. To do this, you will need to climb onto the ventilation duct in front of the fence. Then you need to climb onto the ventilation duct on the right, but behind the fence. From there, jump back with a push from the wall to catch the crossbar. And from there you can jump onto the upper tier of the roof.

Use a reverse wall jump to climb onto the yellow extension on the left and jump onto the adjacent roof. Open the door, go into the corridor and climb up to get into the ventilation shaft. After jumping down, climb through the gap between the walls and go up the stairs. Run along the corridor, jump into the ventilation shaft until you reach Travis Barfield's office and overhear the conversation.

The characters in the game are practically not revealed in any way. Let's say this runner - we see him for the first and last time.

Now much has been clarified, and there is no longer any doubt that Travis is involved in the murder. But we need to get more information directly from the thug. Jump into the office, run straight and break out the glass. Jump down and climb up the “squares” near the left wall. Jump and break the glass to get to the platform on the right. Break the glass again and run along the wall to reach the second platform.

Go straight, then turn right and use the springboard box to climb to the top tier. Break the glass and use the crossbars to reach the far platform. Turn left and jump from the wall to the top. Run through the offices and open the door. Run along the wall and then jump to cross the gap. A door will open on the left and the police will jump out. Ignore them and run straight. Then use the box springboard to jump onto the roof of the adjacent building.

Having reached the opposite edge, open the door and move towards the elevator. Unfortunately, he won't come, so wait until the doors open and jump into the shaft. After going down the pipe, run out into the corridor, and then go out onto the roof. From the springboard, jump onto the wall, run along it and jump to the left, turning 90 degrees. Go down the rope and first run straight, and then jump onto the roof on the right.

From this roof, jump to the roof on the left and ride the rope down. Now go right and back a little to jump onto the top tier of the building using two pipes. Use the springboard box to climb up. Walk forward a little, jump onto the roof on the left and run straight towards the helicopter. You need to quickly neutralize three special forces and climb up the pipes.

Move forward, enter the building and use the elevator. Go out onto the roof and climb onto the building on the left (the springboard at the end of the area). Turn right, run across the red shield and jump onto the next house. Turn right again, jump onto the roof, turn 90 degrees and use the springboard to climb onto the scaffolding.

You will have to do a fair amount of running along them, because the route is far from simple. In addition, a helicopter will reach you, not giving you time to stop and think. Kick the policeman who jumps out with a kick. Once on the roof, run to the red tap. Defuse three commandos and climb onto the crane. Run along the arrow and jump onto the suspended beams. Jump from them onto the tarp, and then go into the building to end the level.

Travis Barfield

Travis Barfield is a former professional wrestler who was forced to retire from the sport after breaking his opponent's arm and breaking the nose of a referee who tried to stop the match. Now he works in the security service of a private company. But when he shows no signs of concern after the death of one of his clients, it starts to look very suspicious.

Chapter Four

You need to get over the fence, but it is energized. Run straight and jump onto the roof of the adjacent building. Get back from it, but onto the pipe on the wall. Use the remote control on the wall to turn off the power and climb over the fence. Using the springboard box, climb onto the booth and jump to the upper tier of the roof. From the vertical ventilation hood, jump over the fence, then jump onto the adjacent roof and fall to the lower tier to reach the door.

In the building, climb up to the ventilation shaft. Then you will fall into the room. You need to climb up and jump to the platform where the lantern is shining from. Jump in the opposite direction from the stairs, go down and crawl through the gap between the walls. Jump onto the small platform and turn the valve. Jump back down, climb through the hole in the wall, go up the stairs and open the door.

With the help of box springboards you can jump to great heights almost from a standing position.

After the overheard conversation, run upstairs until you meet Travis. When he joyfully rushes towards Vera, waving his pipe, grab the weapon and enjoy the battle scene. Travis, having been hit in the neck, falls off the roof and hangs on the edge. Vera will begin an active interrogation, and when the former wrestler is about to tell the most interesting thing, he will be shot by a mysterious figure in white. I wonder who it was?

However, you can think about it later. Now we need to break away from the police, who seem to know when and where to come. Go around the fence to the left and open the door. After running into the hall, wait until the police come out of the elevator. Run into the elevator, climb through the hatch onto the roof of the elevator and press the button.

Having gone downstairs, climb into the ventilation, and when you reach the room, start climbing up. As a result, you will find yourself at the entrance to the metro. One thing overshadows happiness - the fence is in the way. Climb onto high scaffolding. Jump from them onto the low scaffolding. And then fly over the fence (don't forget to tuck your legs). Run happily through the tunnel - don't forget to use the remote control to open the grate - until you meet the police.

You can first neutralize the enemy or immediately, after waiting until the train passes, jump into the right tunnel. There will be a ladder that you can use to climb to the upper tier. After a fair amount of climbing through the tunnels, you will emerge into a corridor with a closed door. Walk forward a little and use a reverse jump with a push from the wall to climb to the upper tier. In the room, use the remote control to unlock the door.

Now you need to run through the tunnel, trying not to get hit by a police bullet. The problem is that trains run through the tunnels, so don't forget to hide in the "sleeves". Then climb to the top platform and jump to the red door (it's on the right side). Your next task is to stop the fans. To do this, you need to jump to the crossbar to get to the upper tier and use the remote control.

Going out into a small room, you will see the police opening the door. Therefore, there is nothing left to do but jump onto the roof of a passing train. First you need to dodge all sorts of beams, and then, Merck will tell you about this, jump onto the next train. Avoid obstacles again until the train starts to slow down. The police seem to have realized where Vera had gone. When it stops, jump onto the tracks and quickly run to the door before you are smashed by the train coming from behind.

Mercury, or simply Merc, used to be a runner, but has now moved away from directly delivering packages and is coordinating the actions of his comrades. He plots routes, helps get rid of a chase if the police are on your tail, and also constantly keeps you informed of events. In general, this is a faithful friend in the microphone and the “brains” in any operation.

Chapter Five

After the introductory video, go down and run to the bridge. Climb onto the technical level - it is located under the railway - and run forward. Then get onto the tracks and continue running, staying on the right side. Go down the rope to the street and move towards the door. Having reached the elevator, go up to the roof of the house.

Climb onto the booth that is directly ahead and jump onto the roof of the neighboring house. Just remember to tuck your feet so as not to hit the fence. Move to the nearby yellow roof. Climb onto the small containers that stand in the corner of the site. Jump from them onto the ventilation duct. From here, jump to the adjacent platform and climb onto the upper tier of the roof. From it you will have to make a rather extreme jump onto the ventilation duct. Use the pipe next to it as a guide.

Movement along the canal is complicated not only by all sorts of obstacles, but also by a helicopter from which they shoot us in the back.

Special forces will begin to land on the roof, so if you don’t want to get involved in a fight, quickly climb to the upper tier of the roof using the pipe (it’s on the left). Then go down to the roof of the neighboring building along the rope, knock down the door and run to the elevator. Jump onto the pipe and crawl up. After leaving the room, go up the stairs, and then jump from the springboard onto the adjacent roof.

Having reached a small roof, jump onto the ventilation hood, and then climb the pipe that is hidden behind the billboard. Having climbed up, run to the edge of the roof and cling to the rope. Look down carefully so you can jump onto the second rope. If you miss, you will have to get to the site from the ventilation duct. Keep moving forward.

At the end of the roof, climb onto the booth and jump onto the adjacent building. The first fence with barbed wire can be jumped through using a springboard box. Then climb onto the extension, jump over the second fence and enter the building. Use the elevator to go down to the first floor. Once in the courtyard, run along the left side, then use the springboard box and crossbar to jump into the ventilation.

After a short run through the department store, you will run into a police ambush. Go left and get into the elevator. After going up, jump from the cabin through the broken glass. Your global task is to break away from the police. Therefore, don’t even think about stopping - the special forces will come running instantly. First you need to get to the ventilation. Through it you will get to the technical levels and temporarily break away from your pursuers.

Once you reach the fan, use the remote control to turn off the mechanism. When the blades stop rotating, jump down into the corridor. It is already patrolled by police, so use the springboard box to quickly climb to the technical level. Wait until the police shoot through the glass, run along the wall and jump onto the crossbar. All that remains is to climb to the roof to complete the level. The obstacle course is standard.

Chapter Six

After the introductory video, go outside and run along the wall to the rope. From the balcony, jump to the ventilation duct on the right, and then jump to the orange building. Start climbing to the roof of the building. The first stage - running along the wall and jumping onto the turnstile - is the most difficult, then it will be much easier.

Once on the roof - Orange color will be replaced by yellow, - with a reverse jump from the booth, climb onto the barrel-shaped ventilation hood. From it you can jump over the fence. Now run to the billboard. There's a sniper sitting there. You can ignore him and immediately begin the descent, but a special forces squad is waiting below, and in addition there is a second shooter sitting on the side roof. Therefore, if you lose your temper, it will be very difficult to fight.

But we are not looking for easy ways. If you want to pass beautifully, then immediately jump onto the balcony under the billboard. Roll along the rope to the building on the right. Ignoring the second sniper, run to the end of the roof. Then run along the wall, turn 90 degrees and jump to the red door. In the building, jump onto the platform, and when it falls down, use the control panel to open the hangar doors.

If during a jump you hit a fence through which a current is passed, in addition to harm to your health, you will get these unpleasant visual effects.

A special forces soldier will appear directly ahead. Jump onto the upper tier using the springboard box, neutralize the policeman and move towards the room with the equipment. The door is closed, so run along the wall to the left to get to the ventilation duct. Then climb over the railing and go into the room with the equipment. Climb the stairs, jump from the springboard to the crossbar, and from there to the yellow pipes.

Go down the corridor and move forward. Once you enter the large hall with the red platforms, turn left and go up the small stairs. When you reach the door, turn left and jump over the railing. Climb over the fence. You will find yourself in a warehouse. You need to climb up the containers to the very top, then use the crossbars to jump to the roof of the control room. There you will find a hatch through which you can go down.

Use the remote control to start the conveyor and, after knocking down the doors, go out into the hall. Slide along the conveyor belt into the next room. Your next task is to go down to the control room in an incomprehensible hall. Once you reach your goal, press the button on the remote control to raise the elevator. It turns out there was a secret passage underneath. Now all that remains is to joyfully run along the corridor to the elevator, which will take you to secret place.

After watching a video in which you learn secret and paranoid information about the great conspiracy, you will be left alone with the police runners. Goodbye freedom, long live kicks in the ass. Turn around and run into the room with strange cubes. This is probably a training room. Climb up until you reach the door. In the corridor you will find an elevator that will take you to the upper floors.

Run along the corridor and break out the window to get out onto the roof. Jump over to the next building and start climbing up. A slightly difficult moment will be when you have to move along the ventilation ducts, jumping from one wall to another. Next is a race across the roofs and a rappel. Vera will independently jump onto the roof of a passing train, which means that the sixth chapter has been completed.

Celeste is another runner who periodically appears and disappears, having her say in the game’s plot. Well trained, cynical and cold-blooded. Nothing more is known about her. A minor character, what can you do?

Chapter seven

Immediately after the start of the level, jump down and run to the truck. Get into the van and wait for the ship to arrive. When the car stops and the doors open, you will see special forces walking around. It is advisable to deal with them, but if you run fast, you can get through without a fight. Move along the left edge, hiding behind the boxes. Jump back and push off the wall to climb onto the roof of the truck. Jump from it onto the ventilation duct and run to the technical floor.

Mirror's Edge is full of subtle details. For example, not everyone will notice the police in the upper right corner. The game is too fast.

Once in the underground garage, you will encounter a police squad. You definitely won't be able to get past them. Even if you bypass the special forces, you will not get past the machine gunner. Therefore, depending on your bloodthirstiness, shoot or simply knock out the enemy. Then turn the valve to open the door. In the room, crawl through the gap on the right wall and jump up.

Now we have to go through a rather confusing obstacle course. You'll have to do a lot of climbing on ventilation ducts and jumping on bars, but eventually you'll reach the deck. Now the fun begins. You need to get to the enemy sniper in white, who is holed up in the stern. He shoots accurately, so you need to move quickly and don’t hesitate to hide behind cover if Vera is seriously wounded.

Run to the left and climb onto an incomprehensible structure. Then jump over the railing and move towards the stairs on the starboard side. Here comes the sniper. He's like the boss of the level. You'll need to do some beating first. Simply punching is not the best tactic. After the second blow, the enemy will intercept Vera's hand and counterattack. Therefore, kick in a tackle. If the blow hits the target and the sniper bends over in pain, deliver a series of punches.

But this is not the main goal. Watch your opponent's hands. When you remove a certain amount of health, the weapon will turn red and you can perform a grab. After this, the fight will take place without your participation. Unfortunately, the sniper will gain the upper hand and rush away. You can't miss it, so stay stubbornly on your tail, trying not to lag behind too much. If the enemy breaks away, you will have to start over.

At the end, jump onto the rope to go down to the pier. Climb onto the container and jump over the fence. Climb onto the container where the sniper is holed up and start a fight. The tactics remained the same as on the ship. First, you remove health with regular blows, and then grab a weapon. If you fall from the container, the enemy will not go anywhere, but will start shooting with a pistol. Once you win, you will complete the level.

Chapter Eight

The level will start with a traditional and casual obstacle course. The second jump to the roof will be especially long, so be sure to group yourself when you land. The carefree run will end when the police runners appear. Move forward, trying not to make mistakes. Run along the red vertical board and jump onto the blue platform. Climb to the very top of the roof and jump onto the red tarpaulin.

After landing, open the door and go to the elevator. Once on the roof, run forward and then climb onto the yellow booth. From it, jump off the pipe on the wall of the building on the left. On the next roof, neutralize two policemen and climb up the pipe. Now you need to get to the red tap. To do this, you will first have to go back a little, jump onto the ventilation hood, and then onto the pipe.

If you see the police, hurry up. Even if they are far away, this will not stop them from shooting Vera.

Then jump onto the platform on the crane. From here, run along the wall and jump to the left onto the suspended load. Then jump to the balcony and enter the building. The elevator will take you to a large hall where construction work is taking place. You need to climb to the top tier. The general meaning is this. There are two parallel floors with scaffolding around them. You jump from one floor to another, gradually rising to the top.

Quite an interesting obstacle course. The false springboard is especially well made (you won’t confuse it with any other). You can't jump from it to the next tier, although everything looks exactly like that. You need to stand on the springboard, turn 180 degrees and climb onto the platform using scaffolding. Having climbed to the very top, crawl into the ventilation and crawl to the next room. We're almost to the weapons.

Walk along the pipe that is visible straight ahead and jump onto the platform on the right. Then drop down to the floor and pick up the sniper rifle. Turn on your sight and wait for a police van to appear on the street. Shoot at the cabin, and when the car goes into a skid, drop your weapon and run out the door. It may not open right away, so wait until its color changes to red. Move forward until you come out into a hall with stairs.

Now you have two options. The first is to gradually go down the stairs, shooting at the police. A longer, but also safer option. The second is to jump from level to level, avoiding direct combat. For a quick descent, use the glass landings in the stairwell. Once you reach the door, you will complete the level. And police officers shooting in the back will become irrelevant.

Lieutenant Miller

Lieutenant Miller is Kate's immediate superior, whom she trusts without complaint. The officer does not directly help Vera, trying to take the side of the right. However, as an old-school police officer, he worries that private security firms are too cavalier in intervening in police responsibilities, without much concern for moral, social and legal responsibility.

Chapter Nine

Having reached the corridor from which the red door is visible, run along the wall and jump to the left. Then climb onto the crossbar and run through the pipes to the door. In the corridor, turn the valve and hide in the shelter in the left wall. This will release the gas and detonation will soon occur. When the explosion occurs, get out and go through the broken door.

In the garage you will come across a police squad. You can not touch the opponents - even the one who knocked down the door - but immediately run to the left into the room, and then move to the elevators. You will soon meet Lieutenant Miller. He will pretend that he took the side of the bad guys, but then he will shoot the security guards from a private company. Now Miller will lay out the route and throw new information.

A kick to the face is the best argument in a shotgun fight.

Immediately after the end of the video, you will find yourself in a room with a special forces squad. If you don't want to start a shootout, run to the right and jump from the sofa to the second tier. Move straight, and when you reach the stairs, jump over the railing. Turn left and call the elevator. Until he arrives, hide behind a column so as not to be hit by a bullet. But you won’t get far - security has blocked the lift. Press the button to open the hatch in the ceiling and climb out onto the roof of the elevator.

Now you need to go down, move to the adjacent shaft and jump into the ventilation. Then you will have to climb a little through technical levels and ventilation shafts until you get out onto the roof. You need to run to the skyscraper where Kate is being held, but snipers and suddenly jumping out special forces units will try to prevent this. To avoid being shot by snipers, run from cover to cover, trying not to run into a bullet.

If you decide not to engage in battle, just run along the rooftops, carefully avoiding opponents. Or get to the first sniper, take his weapon and shoot all the enemies. After this, there is no need to rush anywhere. In any case, jump onto the balcony of the skyscraper and enter the building. After taking the elevator, you will find yourself in a room with servers. You need to destroy all the equipment to move on. But first it’s better to deal with the special forces squad. You can't run for long under heavy fire.

Having destroyed all the servers (alas, only from firearms, fists don't help), climb the stairs in the center of the hall and run to the roof. There you will meet Jacknife, who has a gun to Kate's head. So that's who the villain is! Although, one might think, there were options - after all, there was no one else alive. After a short conversation, the former runner and his sister will board the helicopter, and guards will appear behind them. But we don't give up so easily. When you regain control of your character, run forward and jump onto the helicopter.

Jackknife, having been kicked in the jaw, will fly out of the helicopter and turn into a smeared speck on the asphalt. The rotorcraft will fall down, but Vera and Kate manage to jump onto the roof. Pleasant music plays, the guards who pinned us on the roof wipe away their tears and move away, leaving us alone with the credits.


Assignment: Learn basic skills

So, welcome to Mirrors Edge! The first level, as expected, is training. You need to repeat all the actions after another - Celesta. Together with my friend, we will learn the basic skills of local parkour - jumping, climbing walls, tackles and other vital things. Difficulties may arise only with performing a somersault before jumping. To do this, you need to press shift right before you fall.


Mission: deliver the backpack to Celeste

We're in the financial district, the economic heart of the city. The path is obvious - we run forward, jumping over a few obstacles until we reach the rope. From there - upstairs, to the neighboring building on the left. Do you see the house with the orange canopies? - we should go there. Demonstrate mastered balance skills. Next comes a difficult jump over a large abyss. Our task is to grab the left pipe.

The rumble of a helicopter is heard, which, however, does not react to us at all. But there is no need to relax - very soon there will be a foray into the enemy center. It is impossible to get confused - there is only one way. Soon we will catch up with the coveted suitcase. However, things are bad - the heroine has already been spotted by police squads, but she still has to give the valuable cargo to Celeste.

We jump into the pipe. And here is the first meeting with the cops, we should run away. There is no point in trying to fight; it is better to flee. We head back, climb the stairs, and go out into the fresh air. We continue to run forward through the buildings without looking back until the face of a policeman looms ahead. Before he has time to recover, we knock him down or disarm him and pick up a pistol. Another policeman looms in the distance - this is where the selected pistol will come in handy. For the future, it is better to not forget the simple truth - to take away weapons from enemies at the first opportunity. Soon we will meet Celeste, and with her another reinforcement of cops.

Task: get off the roof

We escape through the fence and discover... that there is nowhere else to run. Although, no, wait - a helicopter! Yes, yes, there is no other way out. We jump towards the abyss and cling to the helicopter's pendants. Well, then our heroine will do everything herself.

Mission: get to the skyscraper and find your sister there

Well, here are the first plot passions. Sister Faith was kidnapped, and who, if not the main character, has to deal with all this. Our road lies to the building opposite on the right. On the way there will be high-voltage partitions that you need to jump over. Although if you get electrocuted, don’t be afraid - for the time being, touch is not fatal.

We follow to Pope's office, where our little sister is supposed to be kept. The advance continues through an area fenced with barbed wire. To get there we will use the horizontal bar from above or the stairs. Finding the next path is quite difficult. We jump onto a small building and look around in search of the red door. Did you notice? Now accelerate harder and jump. And don't forget to do a somersault before you fall.

Mission: get to Centurion Plaza

And here comes my sister, and with her there are problems in the form of special forces. There is no point in getting into fights and thinking for a long time. We run away from the scene without a fight, armed with the alt button. On one of the segments you will have to knock out a small opening in the wall.

The street will be met with frantic dynamics: unprecedented shelling, plus a helicopter. The latter can cause trouble. Try to avoid open spaces. When we make our way into the building again, the road will be blocked by heavily armed special forces. We go around them as follows: there is a fence on the left, we jump over it, and then we run to the door. The result is that the warriors get entangled in three pine trees, and we are already inside the elevator.

When exiting the elevator, we can watch the news broadcast on the monitors. However, time does not wait - it’s time to hit the road again. There is a difficult dash ahead - you need to get to the door on the opposite side of the building, and there is also the police. It doesn't matter - just accelerate better and slide along the wall. The security forces are becoming more and more assertive, and now a helicopter appears. We grab the pipe and continue to escape, then we go down to a solid surface and dive into the passage. It's useless to move straight - it's locked there. We run to the left and go down. There is just a little time left - soon an assistant will meet us and the mad chase will end.

And ahead is the final push against superior enemy forces. Quickly, without stopping for a second, we head to the left and fall under the closing grate. Cops..., - the voice advises us, but it’s not worth getting involved in a fight. Sooner or later, reinforcements will join in and will not leave a wet spot for our little girl. That is, without paying attention to anyone, we run to the stairs. From there we jump up. It is difficult to go further - the path is blocked by wire, and the helicopter has arrived for the umpteenth time already. We turn 180 degrees and grab the rope. A couple of jumps and hello, assistant. Mission complete.

Objective: get to the training ground and find Jakenf

We warn you right away - this mission is extremely drawn out and, to a greater extent, monotonous. Acute actions await us only under the veil. We move along the horizontal bars until we jump down towards the restless police. Having reached the drainage, we turn left - on the right is a helicopter, which at first, however, will not cause any harm, only the pilots will shout fearful speeches. We follow the drain further. Yeah, now the aircraft has begun a full-fledged pursuit with the accompanying shelling. We try to maneuver and take cover behind the columns, otherwise we risk getting hit by bullets. The police on the sides will also interfere. Sooner or later we will run for cover. The road will be blocked by gas, no problem - there is a valve not far from the leak, so there will be no problems with further progress. We move through the pipes up into the ventilation.

On the street we are suddenly surrounded. At first glance, there is only one way out - to jump into the pit, but the height of the fall will inevitably lead to death. Think, Faith, think... Perhaps we can use the laws of physics for good? For such experiments you will need wooden planks in the middle of the abyss. We jump onto the garages, from them onto the boards, and voila - a lift created by ourselves will take us to our destination.

Task: find a way out of the sewer

Let's go down. You need to get to the switch that opens the huge door in the middle. Having completed what is necessary, we will run across the wall to the next platform (jumping will not help here) and using the boxes we will climb up to the opened space. You need to get to the stairs, which opens the way up. To do this, let's perform a tricky trick: push off from the wall opposite (space-q-space) and grab onto the ledge. Next - along the horizontal bar and to the next button.

There are snipers ahead. Not onto the platform from above - it will only slow down our movement and turn us into an excellent target for shooters - but we immediately jump forward, trying to hide from the eyes of snipers. A couple of boring and uncomplicated jumps, and we are already at the top, face to face with the sniper. It’s better to take your time - this makes it much easier to deal with the enemy. Whether to take a rifle from a defeated man or not is your choice. On the one hand, we can have fun and shoot the campers that tormented us so much, on the other hand, we can not waste time on this and move on. But then you’ll have to dodge bullets for a while longer.

We climb up the columns through the pipes. There are many rows, but we are interested in the middle one at the very end. There is a rope that transports the main character further. Flashlights can be seen below, which means that uninvited guests have arrived. Use the button to open the entrance to the door and go down to the right or left, it makes no difference, and from there to the drain. We don’t jump right away, we perform a slide before moving - this way we won’t fall ingloriously into a hole. Then again boring jumping on platforms until we see the crane.

We lift it and jump onto the load. Welcome back to the air with the cops! This is one of the most difficult moments in the game. The sign advises the direction straight into the clutches of the police, but you should do differently. We quickly move straight, climb onto the garages, trying to cause a police gathering near the garage, and then sharply change the direction of our movement towards the door fenced with wire. Jump + body grouping, and we are already inside.

Mission: Catch Jakenf and interrogate him

In a few moments we will meet the person we need. But to carry out the dialogue, we still need to catch up with him. There is no hurry, the mission will not end in failure if we do not keep up with the nimble guy. Jumping deftly, the guy will make a fool of us and break the horizontal bar with his own body. No problem - there is a workaround on the left. Finally, after jumping over the horizontal bars and pipes, we catch up with the man, who is pretty frayed on his nerves.

Objective: get into building Z

It's time to visit the one who framed our sister. We climb over the fence and make a long jump after the run. If we don’t succeed the first time, we try again, it will work. We move strictly towards the goal. There won’t be any particular difficulties when moving: we use pipes and sharp jumps (space+q+space).

Objective: Inspect Ropeburn's office

Once in the building, we overcome the distance between the unconnected stairs by running along the wall and simultaneously jumping sharply. Congratulations, we are almost there! Having jumped into the pipe, we finally get to the search object.

Task: escape from the office

A short cutscene, and Faith is already in the heart of the building. There is a pistol on the left, we pick it up, since very soon it will come in handy... no, not in a battle with the police, but for personal purposes. There is no point in running into the elevator - it doesn’t work anyway. We climb onto the yellow cabinet in the middle of the room, and through it onto the horizontal bar.


Exercise: learn basic skills

So, welcome to Mirror's Edge! The first level, as it should be, is training. You need to repeat all the actions after the other “runner” - Celesta. Together with my friend, we will learn the basic skills of local parkour - jumping, climbing walls, tackles and other vital "running" things. Difficulties may arise only with performing a somersault before jumping. To do this, you need to press shift right before the fall.


Exercise: deliver the backpack to Celeste

We're in the financial district, the economic heart of the city. The path is obvious - we run forward, jumping over a few obstacles until we reach the rope. From there - upstairs, to the neighboring building on the left. Do you see the house with the orange canopies? - we should go there. Demonstrate mastered balance skills. Next comes a difficult jump over a large abyss. Our task is to grab the left pipe.

The rumble of a helicopter is heard, which, however, does not react to us at all. But there is no need to relax - very soon there will be a foray into the enemy center. It is impossible to get confused - there is only one way. Soon we will catch up with the coveted suitcase. However, things are bad - the heroine has already been spotted by police squads, but she still has to give the valuable cargo to Celeste.

We jump into the pipe. And here is the first meeting with the cops, we should run away. There is no point in trying to fight; it is better to flee. We head back, climb the stairs, and go out into the fresh air. We continue to run forward through the buildings without looking back until the face of a policeman looms ahead. Before he has time to recover, we knock him down or disarm him and pick up a pistol. Another policeman looms in the distance - this is where the selected pistol will come in handy. For the future, it is better to not forget the simple truth - to take away weapons from enemies at the first opportunity. Soon we will meet Celeste, and with her another reinforcement of cops.

Game emblems can be found even in the most unexpected places.

Exercise: get off the roof

We escape through the fence and discover... that there is nowhere else to run. Although, no, wait - a helicopter! Yes, yes, there is no other way out. We jump towards the abyss and cling to the helicopter's pendants. Well, then our heroine will do everything herself.

The suitcase that we meet in this mission is far from the only one. There are 3 backpacks scattered at each level, but they are often hidden in quite secluded places. Finding all 30 caches (3 per level) is a task for the most attentive and assertive players.

We did not include information about the location of the backpacks in the text of the passage, since for plot purposes the secret package appeared only once. However, by following the following link, you can find out where all the caches are located.

Let us warn you right away that finding a complete set of backpacks does not promise any bonuses. Owners of Xbox 360 and PlayStation3 are a little more fortunate - after such a feat they will be awarded a list of achievements.

Chapter 1

Exercise: get to the skyscraper and find your sister there

Well, here are the first plot passions. Sister Faith was kidnapped, and who, if not the main character, has to deal with all this. Our road lies to the building opposite on the right. On the way there will be high-voltage partitions that you need to jump over. Although if you get electrocuted, don’t be afraid - for the time being, touch is not fatal.

We follow to Pope's office, where our little sister is supposed to be kept. The advance continues through an area fenced with barbed wire. To get there we will use the horizontal bar from above or the stairs. Finding the next path is quite difficult. We jump onto a small building and look around in search of the red door. Did you notice? Now accelerate harder and jump. And don't forget to do a somersault before you fall.

Exercise: get to Centurion Plaza

And here comes my sister, and with her there are problems in the form of special forces. There is no point in getting into fights and thinking for a long time. We run away from the scene without a fight, armed with the alt button. On one of the segments you will have to knock out a small opening in the wall.

The street will be met with frantic dynamics: unprecedented shelling, plus a helicopter. The latter can cause trouble. Try to avoid open spaces. When we make our way into the building again, the road will be blocked by heavily armed special forces. We go around them as follows: there is a fence on the left, we jump over it, and then we run to the door. The result is that the warriors get entangled in three pine trees, and we are already inside the elevator.

When exiting the elevator, we can watch the news broadcast on the monitors. However, time does not wait - it’s time to hit the road again. There is a difficult dash ahead - you need to get to the door on the opposite side of the building, and there is also the police. It doesn't matter - just accelerate better and slide along the wall. The security forces are becoming more and more assertive, and now a helicopter appears. We grab the pipe and continue to escape, then we go down to a solid surface and dive into the passage. It's useless to move straight - it's locked there. We run to the left and go down. There is just a little time left - soon an assistant will meet us and the mad chase will end.

Here we jump, fight, save people, and the city lives its own gray life.

And ahead is the final push against superior enemy forces. Quickly, without stopping for a second, we head to the left and fall under the closing grate. Cops... “Beat them one by one,” the voice advises us, but there’s no point in getting involved in a fight. Sooner or later, reinforcements will join in and will not leave a wet spot for our little girl. That is, without paying attention to anyone, we run to the stairs. From there we jump up. It is difficult to go further - the path is blocked by wire, and the helicopter has arrived for the umpteenth time already. We turn 180 degrees and grab the rope. A couple of jumps and hello, assistant. Mission complete.

Chapter 2

Exercise: get to the training ground and find Jakenf

We warn you right away - this mission is extremely drawn out and, to a greater extent, monotonous. Acute actions await us only under the veil. We move along the horizontal bars until we jump down towards the restless police. Having reached the drainage, we turn left - on the right is a helicopter, which at first, however, will not cause any harm, only the pilots will shout fearful speeches. We follow the drain further. Yeah, now the aircraft has begun a full-fledged pursuit with the accompanying shelling. We try to maneuver and take cover behind the columns, otherwise we risk getting hit by bullets. The police on the sides will also interfere. Sooner or later we will run for cover. The road will be blocked by gas, no problem - there is a valve not far from the leak, so there will be no problems with further progress. We move through the pipes up into the ventilation.

On the street we are suddenly surrounded. At first glance, there is only one way out - to jump into the pit, but the height of the fall will inevitably lead to death. Think, Faith, think... Perhaps we can use the laws of physics for good? For such experiments you will need wooden planks in the middle of the abyss. We jump onto the garages, from them onto the boards, and voila - a lift created by ourselves will take us to our destination.

Exercise: find a way out of the sewer

We go down the “funnel”. You need to get to the switch that opens the huge door in the middle. Having completed what is necessary, we will run across the wall to the next platform (jumping will not help here) and using the boxes we will climb up to the opened space. In the “green hall” you need to get to the stairs that open the way up. To do this, let's perform a tricky trick: push off from the wall opposite (space-q-space) and grab onto the ledge. Next - along the horizontal bar and to the next button.

There are snipers ahead. We don’t “buy” onto the platform from above - it will only slow down our movement and turn us into an excellent target for shooters - but we immediately jump forward, trying to hide from the eyes of snipers. A couple of boring and uncomplicated jumps, and we are already at the top, face to face with the sniper. It’s better to take your time - this makes it much easier to deal with the enemy. Whether to take a rifle from a defeated man or not is your choice. On the one hand, we can have fun and shoot the campers that tormented us so much, on the other hand, we can not waste time on this and move on. But then you’ll have to dodge bullets for a while longer.

You can glean a lot of information from elevators.

We climb up the columns through the pipes. There are many rows, but we are interested in the middle one at the very end. There is a rope that transports the main character further. Flashlights can be seen below, which means that uninvited guests have arrived. Use the button to open the entrance to the door and go down to the right or left, it makes no difference, and from there to the drain. We don’t jump right away, we perform a slide before moving - this way we won’t fall ingloriously into a hole. Then again boring jumping on platforms until we see the crane.

We lift it and jump onto the load. Welcome back to the air with the cops! This is one of the most difficult moments in the game. The sign advises the direction straight into the clutches of the police, but you should do differently. We quickly move straight, climb onto the garages, trying to cause a police gathering near the garage, and then sharply change the direction of our movement towards the door fenced with wire. Jump + body grouping, and we are already inside.

Exercise: catch Jakenf and interrogate him

In a few moments we will meet the person we need. But to carry out the dialogue, we still need to catch up with him. There is no hurry, the mission will not end in failure if we do not keep up with the nimble guy. Jumping deftly, the guy will make a fool of us and break the horizontal bar with his own body. No problem - there is a workaround on the left. Finally, having jumped along the horizontal bars and pipes, we overtake the “runner”, who is pretty frayed with his nerves.

Chapter 3

Exercise: get into building Z

It's time to visit the one who framed our sister. We climb over the fence and make a long jump after the run. If we don’t succeed the first time, we try again, it will work. We move strictly towards the goal. There won’t be any particular difficulties when moving: we use pipes and sharp jumps (space+q+space).

Exercise: Explore Ropeburn's office

Once in the building, we overcome the distance between the unconnected stairs by running along the wall and simultaneously jumping sharply. Congratulations, we are almost there! Having jumped into the pipe, we finally get to the search object.

It’s amazing - all this is the work of one fragile-looking girl.

Exercise: escape from the office

A short cutscene, and Faith is already in the heart of the building. There is a pistol on the left, we pick it up, since very soon it will come in handy... no, not in a battle with the police, but for personal purposes. There is no point in running into the elevator - it doesn’t work anyway. We climb onto the yellow cabinet in the middle of the room, and through it onto the horizontal bar. We jump onto the tiled ledge. Three tiers, fenced with glass, will open before your eyes. There is no time to think - we shoot at the middle partition and jump there with lightning speed, the police are already firing with might and main from below.

They will not allow you to run away in a relaxed state - the police have already made their way to the upper floors. It’s better not to get involved in battle; on the left, near the picture, you can find a ledge that will take you to the third tier. We, of course, go there. Soon the coveted red door will loom in front of your nose, and the pursuit will continue on the street.

The delay is like death - special forces appear right under your nose, breaking down doors and firing aimed fire at the back. Soon the old familiar helicopter will appear. And as luck would have it, we need to make our way up straight towards the devastating fire. First of all, we need to get to the rope - it will take us across a considerable gap between the buildings. From there you will have an excellent view of the final goal of the mission - two huge cranes looming on the horizon. We're heading in that direction. Exercise: get to the crane

We try not to stay in place for too long - the shelling of the helicopter does not subside, and if you stop for a long time, we risk replaying part of the mission again. Soon we will meet three special forces soldiers. The fight cannot be avoided. One of the martinets will get stuck between two ceilings - we run there, slow down time and take away his machine gun from the kata. The real action begins. We have automatic weapons in our hands and in front of us are two “cops.” Here it is - a chance to teach careless policemen a lesson.

The further path lies through the pipes, then into the building. The cranes are already very close, but the helicopter gives me no rest. We must look for shelter. Construction hangers will do the most, the best way to get to them is through pipes. The shelling does not subside. Having moved to another house using the “balance board,” we move up and find ourselves on the other side (to do this, we’ll run along the wall and jump at the same time). A policeman with a shotgun will jump out ahead; it is better to push him off the roof.

We make our way upstairs. We are almost at the taps, and the police are still climbing and climbing onto the roofs. Again, a policeman armed with a sawn-off shotgun. We act according to the following algorithm: we select the weapon, but do not throw it away. Literally a second later another guard appears, and it is to him that we will dedicate a dose of lead. Now to the first tap. We climb onto the boom and from there we jump onto the load of the next crane. Congratulations, the adventure is over for today!

Walkthrough of the game Mirror's Edge

A short walkthrough of the game.

A short walkthrough of the game.

Training ground

First, we need to undergo training. Let's jump up, sit down, open the task screen and run forward. We approach Celeste and follow her. We jump with the spacebar, knock out the doors with the left mouse button, balance with the “A” and “D” keys, jump onto the ledge and climb to the left. Next, you will be asked to jump onto the scaffolding. To do this, do what they say, i.e. "Space-Q-Space." We press quickly and without delay. We jump higher and now go along the ledge to the left. Use the spacebar to grab the cable and press “Shift” at the right moment to jump from it. We run after Celeste. First, press Shift during the flight, and then just before landing. To jump onto the stairs behind the boxes, press the spacebar several times to push off from them. Now fight with our friend. Do whatever we're told. You need to disarm the enemy when his weapon glows red.


We immediately run forward. When landing from a height, do not forget to use a roll, i.e. by pressing "Shift" before landing. If you get lost, press “Alt” - Faith will turn in the right direction. We already know how to balance and run on walls, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties. It is very important that you stop as little as possible and always keep the pace. Without speed, you simply won't be able to jump to some places. Next, we knock down the door and enter the building. Personally, I like to hit doors while running, because it allows me to maintain my momentum. We climb up the boxes and walls into the ventilation. When we jump into the hall with the police, we run to the right and up the stairs, then through the door, again to the right and again through the door. We go where “Alt” points. There are police on the way - we kill one, take his gun and kill the second. Let's run further. We climb onto another roof and turn left. The neighboring knowledge is far away - we jump on a helicopter.

A short walkthrough of the game.

A short walkthrough of the game.

Chapter One: Flight

We jump onto the next roof. All fences are energized, so you need to jump over them without touching them, i.e. from roofs, ventilation, etc. We fly over the barbed wire fence using the crossbar above it. We fly to another roof and go inside. Call the elevator by pressing the “E” key. Now we run from the police (the “Alt” key will show us the right path). We climb into the ventilation and move on. We go out onto the roof and slide down. You need to keep to the left to get to the next building. And now we run, run and run, not paying attention to the helicopter. We jump onto the blue stairs, from them to the ventilation, then to the neighboring roof, and then the doors are just a stone's throw away. A police squad comes out of the elevator in front of us - we go around them to the right and run into the same elevator. You can go outside. We turn left and run further. For now we don’t pay attention to the bullets - we just run quickly, slipping under the closing gate. If we meet, we kill the police and move on.

Chapter Two: Jack

We get over the fence using a pipe, a flagpole, and ventilation. We run into the canals to the right until the first open door. We close the valve and run further. We need to go down. To do this, we climb onto containers and walk along cranes, balconies, walls and pipes to the goal. Click on “Emergency door opening” and quickly run to the opening gate. Next, using “Space-Q-Space” we jump onto the stairs and open another gate. Next you need to climb to the very top using ladders, boxes and beams. Then we go down to the doors along the wires and press the button to open the passage. We go further and raise another gate. Now we need to get out of this hole through the pipes. ATTENTION! This place reacts a little incorrectly to jumping, so when you jump from the second pipe, press and hold Spacebar. Almost at the top, press the button that will move the crane. He will raise the beams we need - we will jump on them. On the street we will need to kill several policemen. To do this, we first knock out one and take his shotgun. We go into the building and take the elevator up. Now a very interesting moment in the game is the pursuit of Pope. We run after him, without turning anywhere. When he falls, we just need to come to him, but not directly, but through the building to our left.

Chapter Three: Bullying

We jump from roof to roof over fences, along pipes and balconies and ventilations until we enter the room. There we climb up the walls into the ventilation. Next we go through the gap between the wall and the pipe, and again rise into the ventilation duct. We jump into the office and take the pistol from the table. We run where “Alt” tells us, shooting all the glass that will interfere with us. We move like a bullet to another building, not paying attention to the police. The elevator is broken, so you have to go down the pipe. We run further and kill everyone we meet on our way. We climb onto the crane and run along the boom to the next roof.

A short walkthrough of the game.

A short walkthrough of the game.

Chapter Four: Ropeburn

We go around the energized fence through the roof on the left and turn off the power supply. We run further and enter the building. we have to run a lot along the walls to get to where “Alt” indicates. In the room with three pipes, we go down and go through the gap between the wall and the grate. Close the valve and move on. We will be beaten a little, and we will not be able to do anything except take the club from the enemy by pressing the button in a timely manner. right button mice. We run into the room, interrupt the police and, climbing onto the elevator, take it down. By running along the walls we climb to where we need to go and, using the same walls, we jump over the fence. If you don’t have time to slip under the gate, you can open it. We kill the police and run further. Using a rebound from the wall, we climb over the crossbar into the control room. We run further without getting hit by the train. Next, turn off the ventilation and run between the blades. Before we are caught, we jump on the train and dodge obstacles. Then we need to transfer to another train that is overtaking us. When we stop, we need to quickly run to the doors before we get flattened.

Chapter Five: New Eden

We run to the railway tracks, then along them to the wires and go down. When we go outside again, we run along the rooftops, killing everyone who gets in our way. We go into the building again and go up through the pipes in the elevator shaft. When we are near the gallery, we go forward through the ventilation. We deal with the police and jump onto the cable, and from it, using Ctrl, to another. When we reach Ropeburn and he sets the guards on us, we need to go into the elevator on the left. Next we need to climb to the very top. First along the steps, and then along the blue advertising stand. Now into the ventilation, and then using “Space-Q-Space” we climb into the next ventilation shaft. Turn off the fan and move on. We break the glass, knock out two policemen and go left. There we rise to the ceiling and jump over the crossbar to the other side of the hall. Then back into the ventilation, up the steps and out into the street.

Chapter Six: Pirandello Kruger

We jump up from the slide and leave the building. We cling to the wires and go down. We climb a building with orange balconies. We kill the sniper and slide along the wires again. We go into the building and go upstairs. After the fall, we open the gate, kill all the guards and move on. We climb over the fence and climb along the boxes to the very top and from there along the crossbars to the conveyor switch. Now we leave here and go down the pipes and stairs. We raise the elevator and go down into the hatch underneath. We walk along the white and sterile corridors to the elevator. And now we are running to the door from several people who can also jump high and fight well, so don’t stop. When you get into the elevator, go up and run again, breaking the glass in front of you. We jump on the roofs until we get to the rails. Now we just jump on a passing train.

Chapter Seven: The Ship

We go down and climb into the back of the car. When the car enters the ship, we get out and kill everyone who shoots at us. We go, according to the instructions of the “Alt” key, jumping through the ventilation. In a room with a gentle slope, we first go up, and then, running along the wall (on which 4B is written), and then bouncing off it, we cling to the ventilation and go further and go up. Let's go outside and run, hiding from the sniper. Next, following the structure on the left, we jump over the fence and approach the enemy. It will be an interesting fight. You need to strike from a jump or from a tackle. The main thing is to take away the weapon. If you succeed, the enemy will run away and you will have to catch up with him. Then another similar fight.

A short walkthrough of the game.

A short walkthrough of the game.

Chapter Eight: Kate

Normal running across the rooftops. Nothing special, if not for those specially trained to hunt fleeing killers. You just need to listen to the “Alt” key and everything will be fine. When we enter the building, we climb the scaffolding to the very top. We climb into the ventilation and crawl towards the goal. We take a sniper rifle and wait for the convoy. When the car with Kate is in our field of vision, we shoot it in the hood - the truck will skid and it will roll over. Now go through the door to the left and quickly go down. You need to kill all opponents and move on.

Chapter Nine: Shard

A short walkthrough of the game.

A short walkthrough of the game.

Let's run forward. When we see the door, we climb up using the crossbar on the right. We move on, but the next door is closed. We open the valve and hide at the end of the corridor - there is no door anymore. We go further, kill all the enemies and go into the elevator. In the next room we kill all the police again and get into the elevator again. We press the red button and climb out into the mine. We go down the stairs, pipes and crossbars. Then we get into the ventilation again. Using crossbars and running along the walls, we get to the other end of the corridor. There we again find ourselves in the ventilation. In some places you will have to use a bounce from the wall. We get out and run, hiding from sniper shots. When you get to the first one and take his rifle, kill everyone else with well-aimed shots and move on calmly. Enter the building. In the large hall, first kill the enemies, and then destroy all the white blocks. We move on, realize that we were mistaken and jump onto the helicopter. Game over.

Solitaire Mat