How to complete the mission in Skyrim: diplomatic immunity. Quest “Diplomatic Immunity” in Skyrim. Enter the mansion of the Thalmor envoy

November 20, 2011 0:16

Sets the task: Delphine

Locality: Solitude

Reward: Absent

After the battle with the dragon, Delphine will tell you what is most likely behind it Thalmor. You will need to deal with this by getting into the estate Thalmor envoy and try to find out something about it there. To do this, you need to receive an invitation to a meeting of the Thalmor. It will help us with this Malborne, living in Solitude. We head there, and there we find a tavern called “ Laughing Rat».

When you get there, tell me Malborn items you would like to bring inside. You will need to pay the rest later Dolphin, so the choice is yours. After talking with Malborne, head to Katly farm , which is located near the stables Solitude To Dolphin. Talk to her, put on fancy clothes and boots and talk to her again Delphine when you're ready. Then you will sit on the carriage and head to the messenger for a reception.

When you arrive, give the invitation to the sorceress at the entrance. Inside Elenwen will come to meet you. It's better to switch the subject by saying: " So are you Elenwen? They told me a lot about you!" After that Malborne will distract her and you can calmly go to the appointment. To distract everyone, talk to Razelan, give him a drink (if you don’t have it, ask him for it Malborna) and quickly run with Malborne out the door. Head to the pantry through the kitchen to get your things. Take the things you handed over earlier at the tavern. Now you have the opportunity to show miracles of stealth or destroy everyone there. You decide. Anyway, make your way through the elves and head to messenger's personal home.

In addition to completing the task, you can make good money there. On the second floor in her personal chambers there is an unusual stone. Inside her house, go into her office and search the chest. Inside you will find a report on the dragons and two dossiers. One on Dolphin, second on Ulrika Stormcloak. The key will help you get into the torture room, where you will find a dossier on Esberna, a certain person whom the Thalmor are hunting.

The prisoner will tell us this Etienne Rarnis and the contents of the chest. And then the Thalmors suddenly appear with Malborne. They threaten to kill him. We save him and kill the guards. We make our way further into the hatch (the key can be found from the guards who came) and get out. Now it's time to return things. Head to Riverwood. Talk with Delphine. She will guide you to Riften. Take things from the chest in her room. This ends the quest.

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The task “Diplomatic Immunity” belongs to the main storyline"Skyrim". During the quest, the hero will have to penetrate the Thalmor residence and find evidence of their involvement in the appearance of dragons. As you probably understand, this is not an easy task, but after reading this article, you will still be able to cope with it.

How to start the quest?

You won’t be able to start completing “Diplomatic Immunity” just like that. This is understandable, because the quest is part of the main story chain. Simply put, to start completing it, you will need to complete all previous tasks.

The quest following the storyline before "Diplomatic Immunity" is called "Blade in the Darkness". By completing it, you will witness the resurrection of the dead dragon Saloknir, which, by the way, you will almost immediately need to fight. The fight is, in principle, not difficult, but you should not underestimate the enemy.

In addition, Delphine, having seen how the hero absorbs the soul of the defeated Saloknir, will finally be able to be convinced that he is a real Dovahkiin. At this point she will open up and share with you her assumptions that the Thalmor are somehow connected with dragons.


Delphine will go to think about everything that happened and invite the hero to meet in Riverwood. Arriving at the place and talking with her (she will be waiting for you in her secret room), you will learn that the Thalmor are going to soon hold a reception at their embassy. This is where the hero has to penetrate. Fortunately, Delphine can arrange for Dovahkiin to be among those invited to the party.

Delphine will ask you to meet with her acquaintance, whose name is Malborn. You can find this forest elf in Solitude, in the Laughing Rat tavern. Well, don’t waste a minute and go there quickly.

When you meet Malborn, give him all the equipment (including potions, scrolls, etc.) that you intend to use at the Thalmor embassy. It turns out that the elf can carry all this inside and then pass it on to the hero unnoticed.

After that, go to Delphine again. This time she is waiting for you not so far away, on the Katla farm (this is very close to Solitude). Change into smart clothes, give Delphine your belongings (don’t worry, you can return them later), get into the carriage and go to the party. Now you can move on to the next stage of the quest “Diplomatic Immunity” in Skyrim.


Go to the entrance to the embassy and give the invitation to the wizard or one of the guards. Here you are inside. The main emissary Elenwen will almost immediately approach you and try to get to know you. In the dialogue with her, select the option “They told me a lot about you!”, after which Malborn will distract the elf and save Dovahkiin from unnecessary attention.

Now, for the “Diplomatic Immunity” quest, you need to get into the kitchen. It is there that Malborn will be able to quietly give the hero the equipment. But first you need to distract the guests with something in order to do everything unnoticed. Here you have several options:

  • Take a drink from the maid Brelas or Malborn and treat it to Razelan. The latter, being tipsy, will put on a show.
  • With the proper Speech skill, you can convince Vittoria Vici to cause a scandal.
  • Talk to Erikur when you see the merchant pestering Brelas. He will begin to harass the maid and attract everyone's attention. True, Brelas will eventually be taken to the interrogation room, but then she can be saved.
  • If you helped Ondolemar earlier, you can convince him to pull a prank.
  • Jarl Idgrod the Black will help you if you have completed the quest “Eternal Peace”.
  • If you have already completed the task “The Sun Rises in the East,” Ort Endario will help you. He will accuse Razelan of being rude to Elenwen.
  • As Thane of Haafingar, you can count on the help of Elisif the Fair.
  • One way or another, you will end up in the kitchen. Take your things from Malborn and get ready for further actions.

    Search for evidence

    Now that you have weapons and other equipment, you need to get into Elenwen's office and find evidence there. This can be done in two ways: with a fight or quietly. If you decide not to make too much noise, you will have to wait until the guards discussing something leave their post, and then sneak behind the magician on duty on the second floor.

    Once in Elenwen's chambers, search the chest. Inside you will find the "Dragon Report", which is the goal of the quest "Diplomatic Immunity". In addition, you will receive a key to the basement and a couple of interesting documents.

    The escape

    Go to the torture room after using the key found in the chest. Here you can free Etienne Rarnis, as well as the maid Brelas (if she was captured earlier). At the same time, the Thalmor will attack Malborn and, if you are quick, the elf can be saved.

    Next, pick up the key from the body of one of the guards and open the hatch with it. The passage will lead you to a small cave inhabited by an ice troll. Kill the monster and you can consider yourself free. Now all you have to do is go to Riverwood to pick up your things (they will be in Delphine's secret room) and talk to the tavern owner, who will give you further instructions. This completes the passage of “Diplomatic Immunity” in Skyrim.

    Delphine will tell you about her suspicions about the Dominion's involvement in the appearance of dragons, but she needs proof. To this end, she will suggest that you find supporting papers at the Thalmor embassy. A trusted man, Malborn, who works there, can help you get into the embassy. You are scheduled to meet him in Solitude at the Laughing Rat tavern.

    Head to Solitude to meet with Malborn. He will fill you in on the details of the adventure and offer to give him the equipment that you may need at the embassy, ​​but which you cannot bring with you. Give him your weapons and armor. You can give enchanted rings and amulets that enhance your abilities. After this, go to the Solitude stables to meet with Delphine, who should have already gotten you an invitation to the embassy. When you meet, Delphine will give you an invitation to a reception at the Thalmor embassy and elegant robes. Change clothes, leave all your remaining things with Delphine and get into the cart that will take you to the embassy.

    At the entrance to the embassy, ​​show the invitation to the guard and go inside. Kindly communicate with the Thalmor ambassador Elenwen and go to the guests. After some time, approach Malborn, who is standing behind the bar. He will say that you need to somehow make some noise, and then Malborn will be able to sneak you into the forbidden chambers unnoticed. You can raise the boil in different ways. You can grab a drink and invite Razelan to have some fun. You can also directly ask Jarl Elisif of Solitude for help. If you provided her with services, and her disposition towards you is great, she herself will find a way to organize chaos in the embassy. As soon as turmoil begins in the hall, go to Malborn, who is already waiting for you at the entrance to the forbidden premises. He will take you to the inner chambers and show you where your things are, which you gave him in Solitude. After that, Malborn will lock the door behind you. Change into your normal combat clothes because you'll have to fight two guards on the first floor and then a mage on the second floor.

    Exit into the courtyard and head to Elenwen’s personal chambers, which are located in the building opposite. On the street you will also have to fight Thalmor guards and a magician. Inside Elenwen's private chambers, find the chest and take the dossier on Delphine and Ulfric Stormcloak, as well as the key. There is Barenziah's stone on the nightstand nearby, take it. After that, go down to the torture chamber. Fight the jailers and take Esbern's dossier from the chest. There is a member of the thieves guild Etienne Rarnis in the torture chamber, free him. After a couple of seconds, you will see guards descending into the prison building, leading Malborn. Get your assistant back from them. Search the bodies of the guards and take from them the key to the hatch that leads to the exit. Having descended into the hatch, you will find yourself in a small cave in which a troll lives, having dealt with him, you will find several useful things in his lair. Head outside and head to Riverwood. Find Delphine in the secret room of the tavern, tell her about the results of your search and give the dossiers you found. There you can pick up your things from the chest.

    Quest number ID: MQ201


    ♦ At the reception you will not be able to use weapons, magic or shouts

    ♦ you cannot take companions with you to the embassy

    ♦ glass and elven or full armor is an excellent camouflage for all races except Khajiit and Argonians, and the guards will mistake the Altmer for their own.

    When the dragon is killed, Delphine will tell us that the Thalmor are probably behind the appearance of the dragons, who have long wanted to take Skyrim into their own hands.

    Enter the mansion of the Thalmor envoy

    Our hero needs to deal with this issue. He will have to penetrate the luxurious mansion of the Thalmor envoy, where a major event will soon take place. diplomatic reception, where we will have the opportunity to get all the necessary information. To do this, you need to get a special invitation to this very reception somewhere. It turns out that you can get it by turning for help to a certain Malborn, who lives in the capital city of the kingdom - Solitude.
    You can find him in the Laughing Rat tavern. As soon as we get to this place, you need to give Malborn several necessary items that you want to carry inside the embassy. The smartest thing to do would be to choose one of the weapons. All our other items will later be given to Delphine for safekeeping. When we have settled all matters with Malborn, we need to go to Katla’s farm, which is located next to the Solitude stables and meet Delphine there.


    After a short conversation with her, we need to put on smart clothes and give all the property we have with us to the girl. It's time to go to the reception at the mansion. We get into the carriage and hit the road. Upon arrival, we give the invitation to the guard at the entrance. As soon as we find ourselves inside, a person will immediately approach us; we need to talk to him very carefully and carefully, otherwise he may raise the alarm. We need

    just answer a few questions correctly, after which Malborn will come up and take the annoying man aside, keeping him busy with his own conversations. Next, we need to approach the bartender behind the counter and treat everyone to a drink, in order to divert attention. Then we need to follow Malborn through the pantry to the kitchen, where we will be returned the things that we gave to bring to the reception earlier. Having received them, we try to penetrate the personal envoys through the courtyard.
    From here we can go the rest of the way secretly or start destroying everyone who gets in our way. Thalmor guards have very good armor, and mages deal huge damage with their spells. It is best to complete this mission secretly - this way you will learn much faster and easier. Now we must infiltrate the personal home of the Thalmor envoy.
    Having examined her chests personal account, you need to find reports and dossiers written based on the results of interrogations of prisoners, as well as the key to the torture chambers, where there is another dossier and a surviving prisoner with whom you can have an informative conversation. From him we receive information from which it follows that the Thalmor are hunting for a certain person. Now we kill the guards who appear and disappear from this mansion forever.
    At the same time, while destroying the guards, we need to make sure that Malborn, who is captured, remains alive. Then we go back to the Riverwood Tavern to see Delphine, pick up the things given for storage and thereby successfully complete the next quest.
