How to upgrade skills in wot. What are perks? We learn to choose the right skills for the crew. Skills and abilities of a driver

Leveling up the crew in World of Tanks is a kind of “game within a game”: you have to think for a long time about the order of leveling up perks, read forums, watch guides, and analyze. Naturally, all this must be done if you want to achieve maximum combat effectiveness.

The matter is greatly complicated by the fact that it is almost impossible to pump out all the skills and abilities on one tank (this will simply take a huge amount of time). A crew with five or even six perks is considered truly “pumped up”. But for the average player, even a fourth perk is usually an unattainable dream; pumping out the last percent of the third can take months.

Abilities differ from skills in that they take effect immediately after selection, even if they are upgraded by 1 percent. For skills to work, they need to be pumped up to 100. Therefore, players often pump up not very necessary skills to 100 percent, and then reset them and take the necessary skill. You can reset perks without penalty only for gold.

However, not all skills and abilities are equally useful and popular. There are really effective perks that almost all players are among the first to pump out, and there are those that almost never level up. Skills and abilities are divided into general and specific for each specialty.

General skills and abilities

Among the general ones, repair, camouflage and military brotherhood are definitely useful. But from There is no use for fire extinguishing on the vast majority of tanks: it is replaced by a fire extinguisher. Fire extinguishing is relevant only for those cars that catch fire literally every second break. For example, some Chinese cars are famous for this, which, like Soviet tanks, the tanks are often located in the forehead.

Repair, as the name suggests, speeds up the repair of damaged modules. This skill is especially useful on heavy tanks, whose tracks can be shot down many times during a battle. Repairs on medium tanks are less useful: a knocked-down track on them usually leads to destruction; in most cases it is better to use a repair kit.

Repair is also being studied on assault-type tank destroyers, which are in many ways similar to heavy tanks. But on artillery and light tanks, repairs are useless: a damaged track is easier to restore with a repair kit, and these vehicles usually do not survive a second hit.

But on light tanks, the first perk is almost always camouflage; it is very effective on them, since it does not halve during movement, as on other types of equipment. In addition, the camouflage skill is not a fixed value that increases as you level up, but a multiplier. That is, the higher the basic camouflage of the vehicle, the more effective this skill will be.

This is why there is no point in upgrading camouflage on large and very visible vehicles: the basic camouflage there is very small, so the skill does not have much effect. But, by the way, a camouflage network can be effective on large machines, since its bonus is precisely a fixed value, and not a multiplier.

The Combat Brotherhood increases the level of proficiency of all tankers in their main specialties, as well as skills and abilities by 5 percent. The effect of Combat Brotherhood is identical to the effect of improved ventilation, which are best used together. After all, an increase of 5 percent in the level of proficiency in a specialty actually means an increase in the characteristics of the tank by only 2.5 percent.

The Combat Brotherhood begins to operate only after all tankers have studied it 100%, that is, it needs to be pumped up by everyone. Usually, combat brotherhood is taken as the first perk on artillery; on other types of equipment it can be taken first, and second, and third, it all depends on individual preferences.

Now let's move on to individual skills and abilities:

The commander’s sixth sense (the so-called “light bulb”) is extremely important, which signals that the enemy has detected you. It is very difficult to overestimate this skill; it is extremely useful on almost all types of equipment, except for tanks focused on close combat. But even with them, the sixth sense can be useful. On light tanks and ambush-type tank destroyers, this perk must be upgraded first.

A good choice for a commander is also the Eagle Eye, which increases vision by 2 percent. This is a skill, so the eagle eye takes effect immediately. It must also be said that if the observation devices are damaged, the eagle eye already gives an increase of 20 percent, essentially compensating for the damage.


A jack of all trades allows the commander to replace shell-shocked crew members. Since this is a skill, the jack of all trades begins to act immediately. When fully studied, it restores half of the lost percentage of the specialty proficiency level.

For example, when a gunner is concussed, the level of proficiency in his main specialty drops by half (for example, from 100 percent to 50). With a fully upgraded jack of all trades, the level of proficiency in the specialty of such a shell-shocked gunner will be not 50, but 75 percent. The effect is quite significant, but a jack of all trades is rarely upgraded, since the commander has more useful perks.


The least useful skill a commander has is mentor. When fully studied, it gives a 10 percent increase in the experience that every tanker receives, except for the commander. It would seem that the increase is significant, but it only makes sense to take this skill if you are going to upgrade the crew of a given tank to three or more perks.


An expert is even less useful; this skill allows you to determine critical damage from an enemy whom you hold in your sights for four or more seconds. Of course, learning that an enemy tank's ammo rack is damaged, for example, can be useful, but players usually give preference to other perks. In general, the commander has many useful perks, so the choice is often difficult to make.

IN soon There will be a continuation of the article.

Attention, if your games do not work, .

And especially for free workers, there is no way to go wrong with the choice of skills! In the article I will provide several valuable recommendations for selecting perks for different classes of World of Tanks vehicles.

The most important skill in World of Tanks!

To begin with, I would like to immediately decide on the first perk for the crew commander. This, of course, is the “Sixth Sense”, which is also called the “light bulb”. This skill allows the tank commander to feel the light in what is called the “spinal cord.” In this case, after 3 seconds from the moment of illumination, a light comes on on the screen. This is the most valuable perk in World of Tanks. It is necessary to download it on all tanks, including tanks and even ART-SAU.

However, like all skills, Sixth Sense only starts working after 100% learning. Therefore, you will either have to ride around for a very long time with the “non-working” first perk, or choose some other skill for the commander and then, after the first skill is upgraded to 100%, retrain the commander.

Actually, if you are a donor, it is recommended to choose some other skill (for example, “Repair” or “Disguise”) and then retrain the commander. If you don’t have 100-200 gold for retraining, choose “Sixth Sense” for your commander and wait until he upgrades it to 100%.

Video guide for selecting perks from IsoPanzer

Video guide for selecting perks from VSPISHKA

General subjective characteristics of different skills and abilities in World of Tanks

Below is general characteristics skills and abilities. Please note that the characteristics are subjective. My opinion may not coincide with your subjective opinion. You should also remember that skills work in World of Tanks as they are learned, while skills begin to work only after 100% study (usually it is recommended to study skills, and then reset the skills and teach the tank crew new skills). Be careful!

Overview of World of Tanks skills and abilities

General skills and abilities

Repair: The most important skill for crews of heavy and medium tanks, it allows you to quickly repair internal and external modules, especially important when repairing downed tracks.

It should be remembered that the “Repair” skill is considered as the average for the crew, i.e. To get 100% repair, all crew members need to fully upgrade it. So, if you pump up the “Repair” for the Gunner, Driver and Loader, and pump up the “light bulb” for the Tank Commander, then the average repair rate for the crew will be equal to 75%.

Skills such as “Camouflage” and “Fire Extinguishing” work in a similar way.

Disguise: the most important skill for crews of light tanks and small tank destroyers. It is considered as an average for the crew.

Firefighting: pumped out on heavy and medium tanks on a residual basis. It is considered as an average for the crew.

The Brotherhood of War: the skill increases the characteristics of the crew by 5%, thereby increasing the characteristics of the tank by 2.5%. Usually pumped out on tanks to reduce gun reload time and increase the rate of fire. It is recommended to use it together with the “Fan” equipment (which gives another 2.5% to the tank’s characteristics). Please note that this skill begins to take effect only if it has been pumped out to 100% for all crew members without exception.

Tank Commander Skills and Abilities

Mentor: a moderately useless skill that gives bonus experience to other members of the tank crew (i.e., at 100% of the skill, the most “backward” member of the tank crew is awarded experience = the experience earned during the battle). Useful on tanks with small crew(type MS-1 or ELC AMX), because allows you to significantly speed up crew leveling. However, since the Commander already has a lot of useful perks, it is generally not recommended to take it.

An eagle eye: It makes sense to take it for fireflies with high visibility. It is generally not recommended to use it on tanks with low visibility.

Handyman: According to the description it’s almost imbecilic, in fact it’s nothing. If you want, see for yourself.

Expert: what a useless skill.

Sixth Sense: the most useful, most important skill in World of Tanks.

Radio Operator Skills and Abilities

A radio operator on high-level equipment is almost never found in its pure form. Typically this specialization is combined by a Tank Commander.

Radio interception: The action is similar to the Tank Commander's Eagle Eye. The recommendations are also similar. By the way, this is the only truly useful skill the Radio Operator has.

With the last of his strength: in theory, this skill gives you a chance to gain some experience and credits for causing damage and destroying enemy tanks in your spot. In practice - nothing.

Inventor and Repeater:- about nothing.

Gunner Skills and Abilities

Smooth rotation of the tower: reduces dispersion when turning the turret, it makes sense to take it on all tanks without exception, including turretless tank destroyers and artillery destroyers. Their dispersion decreases when the gun's horizontal aiming angle changes. A very useful skill.

Master Weaponsmith: Almost always, the gunner can upgrade some other, more useful skills or abilities. And so, quite a useful skill.

Sniper: literally increases the chance of a module or crew being critical by several percent. Begins to act only after 100% training, i.e. The gunner will have to be retrained for this skill! In general, nothing.

Grudge: Considering that in the game you can quite effectively shoot blindshots (i.e., without being spotted at the known coordinates of the tank that emerged from the spot), the skill can hardly be considered truly useful. Moreover, like any skill, it begins to work only after 100% training.

Skills and abilities of a driver

Off-Road King: increases speed on soft soils. Useful skill. First of all, it makes sense to take on light and medium tanks.

Virtuoso: increases the tank's turning speed. Useful skill. First of all, it makes sense to take tanks and artillery guns.

Smooth ride: reduces spread when shooting on the move. A very useful skill for light and medium tanks, which are born to shoot on the move.

Ram Master: a very useful skill for tanks with a large mass and good dynamics (or at least high speed when moving downhill, like the KV-5).

Cleanliness and tidiness: reduces the likelihood of engine fire. Must have on tanks with front transmission/engine.

Loader Skills

All loader skills (as, indeed, any other skills) are effective only after they have been 100% studied, which significantly reduces their value. Be careful! It makes sense to choose one of the skills if you will still be installing “Combat Brotherhood” as the second perk and retraining the crew. Then the first perk you can take is one of the following skills. However, their value is rather questionable in any case.

Intuition: It only makes sense to take the fourth or fifth skill, and only if you often use gold ammunition.

Desperate: speeds up gun reloading if the tank has less than 10% HP remaining. Not a bad skill if you take it on a residual basis.

Non-contact ammunition rack: increases HP internal module "Ammunition rack". It makes sense to take it on tanks on a residual basis, and even then only if this tank’s ammo rack is really often critical.

Selection of skills for light tank crews

Light tanks, which have equally low visibility when stationary and in motion, need to upgrade to “Camouflage”. It is this skill, and no other, that should be chosen first for light tanks.

It makes no sense to take “Repair” as the first skill: light tanks do not have good armor and a lot of HP, in addition, their internal modules and crew are easily attacked. It is better to repair a downed track with a repair kit, and not with “Repair”.

After leveling up “Masking”, it makes sense to retrain the commander for “Sixth Sense” and start leveling up “Masking” again. Well, the third skill you can choose is “Eagle Eye”, which increases the viewing range.

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, Disguise, Eagle Eye, Repair
  • Gunner: Camouflage, Smooth turret rotation, Repair
  • Driver mechanic: Camouflage, Off-road King, Virtuoso, Smooth ride, Repair
  • Radio operator: Camouflage, Radio interception, Repair
  • Charging: Disguise, Repair

Selecting skills for medium tank crews

Next, you can retrain the tank crew for “Combat Brotherhood” (after all, it is better for the commander to take the “Sixth Sense” perk as the first perk, i.e. it is better to retrain when the tank crew has completely drained the second perk). Or upgrade individual skills like “Smooth tower rotation” and “Smooth move”.

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, (Brotherhood), Repair, Disguise, Eagle Eye
  • Gunner: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Camouflage, Smooth turret rotation
  • Driver mechanic: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Camouflage, Smooth Ride, Off-Road King, Virtuoso
  • Radio operator: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Camouflage, Radio Interception
  • Charging: Repair (Brotherhood), Disguise

Selection of skills for heavy tank crews

In terms of leveling up skills, heavy tanks differ little from medium tanks. The main difference is in the size of the tanks - since heavy tanks are usually larger than medium ones, and their guns are mostly equipped with muzzle brakes, it often makes no sense to take the “Maskirovka” on them. Like medium tanks, heavy tanks are recommended to upgrade “Repair” first. Further, after opening the third perk, the crew can be retrained for the “Combat Brotherhood”.

If the tank is often on fire, it makes sense to take “Fire Extinguishing”, or wait until gold “Automatic Fire Extinguishers” appear in the game for silver.

If the tank has a front-mounted transmission/engine, the driver should pump out "Clean and Tidy".

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, (Brotherhood), Repair, Eagle Eye
  • Gunner: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Smooth rotation of the tower
  • Driver mechanic: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Off-Road King, Virtuoso
  • Radio operator: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), Radio Interception, Camouflage or Fire Fighting.
  • Charging: Repair, (Combat Brotherhood), (Camouflage, Firefighting, or any of the available special skills)

It turns out that the crews of heavy tanks have nothing special to teach?! It turns out - yes! Those. Of the truly useful skills, you should choose those that are higher. So, I still recommend not neglecting the “Combat Brotherhood” skill. The rest of the perks are to taste.

Selection of skills for tank destroyer crews

If the tank destroyer is quite compact, it makes sense to take “Camouflage” as the first perk and sit in the bushes. If a monster like Ferdinand, it makes sense to take Repair and tank. In general, even “Ferdinand-shaped” tank destroyers make sense to upgrade “Masking”, because tank destroyers have a class bonus to stealth when stationary.

Even for “inconspicuous” tank destroyers, it makes sense to upgrade repairs in any case, for example, with the second perk (or third, if you upgrade “Combat Brotherhood”). Those. for ordinary tank destroyers, the first perk is “Camouflage”, then “Repair”, retrain (or not) the crew for “Combat Brotherhood” and again take “Repair”.

For huge, heavily armored tank destroyers, you can take “Repair”, then “Disguise”, retrain the crew for “Combat Brotherhood” and start leveling up “Disguise” again. That's the whole difference.

  • Commander: Sixth Sense, (Brotherhood), Disguise, Repair, Eagle Eye
  • Gunner: Camouflage, (Brotherhood), Repair, Smooth turret rotation
  • Driver mechanic: Disguise, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair, Virtuoso, King of the Off-Road
  • Radio operator: Camouflage, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair, Radio Interception
  • Charging: Disguise, (Combat Brotherhood), Repair

Selection of skills for ART-SAU crews

It makes sense to take “Disguise” as the first perk. In any case, it makes sense for the commander to download the “Sixth Sense”; even on an ART SAU, the “light bulb” gives a very noticeable advantage. “Repair” on the ART-SAU does not need to be downloaded at all.

  • Commander: The Sixth Sense, (Brotherhood), Disguise
  • Gunner: Camouflage, (Brotherhood), Smooth turret rotation
  • Driver mechanic: Camouflage, (Brotherhood), Virtuoso, King of the Off-Road
  • Radio operator: Masking, (Combat Brotherhood), Radio Interception
  • Charging: Masking, (Combat Brotherhood)

Mini-FAQ on skills in World of Tanks

Question: will the Sixth Sense skill work if I transfer the commander to new tank, and he will lose 10% (or even 20%) of his main specialty?
Answer: incredible, but true - it will happen!

1. General description of perks.
Perks in WOT come in two types: abilities and skills. Skill - begins to act immediately, effectiveness increases as you learn. Skill - begins to operate only when 100% studied. In turn, both skills and abilities are divided into group and individual. In general, this information is available in the client itself, so we won’t dwell too much here. Let's take it from here detailed description perks (as the most relevant - even the official wiki gives slightly incorrect data, but with some clarifications, which are discussed below):

2. FAQ and detailed analysis of how some perks work.
Many players are not entirely clear on the principle of operation of some perks, and as a result, problems arise with their choice. Let's try to answer the most pressing questions.

Q: “Venedictive” or “Sniper”?
A: The gunner has 2 quite useful skills - “Sniper” and “Venedictive”. And since both work only at 100%, I really don’t want to waste a bunch of experience for nothing. Let's take a closer look at both. “Venedictive” - allows you to see the enemy tank for 2 additional seconds in a sector of 10 degrees from the aiming point. Who might benefit from this? Cars with good review(so that the light would be ours). “Venedictive” also gives 2 additional seconds of illumination to allies - if we play “firefly”, the profit from this is obvious. Well, what about the friday?
Firstly, if we illuminated an enemy in a vehicle with a long CD and poor aiming (with a BL-10, for example) - these 2 additional seconds can be used for more full information(but we must shine ourselves).
Secondly, vehicles with fast CD will most likely have time to fire a couple of times (average flash time is 5-10 seconds + 2 seconds). But again, we must look at this point - and if the enemy has disappeared from the light, then projecting his movement a couple of seconds ahead is not a big problem. Here, the question really arises about the terrain, firing distance and fixation of the gun’s air pressure gun - but this is a completely different topic.
“Sniper” - +3% chance of causing critical damage (to modules or crew). Here's the fun part. It is unclear where this 3% came from. I dug through a bunch of information and still didn’t find anything concrete. Somewhere 3% (most often), somewhere 5%, somewhere not expressed numerically at all. And 3% of what? From the module's chance to avoid receiving a critical hit (such as 27% for BC)? Or is 3% an additional chance for each shot? Moreover, there is no way to check this either theoretically (the calculation takes place on the server and all sorts of TankInspectors will not help here), or practically - you just need a huge number of shots to compile more or less reliable statistics, and taking into account the scanty given chance, FBR (for example, 25% for the spread of armor penetration) makes such experiments pointless.
So, the only thing we can rely on in this matter is the answers of the developers themselves. Here's what I managed to dig up:

Let's assume that it increases the chance of causing critical damage by “units of percent.” It turns out to be some kind of trifle (one extra crit for a couple of battles).
And what is more useful? I would choose this: for cars with a long CD - “Venedictive” (2 seconds for mixing); for rapid-fire ones - “Sniper” (more shots - there will be a chance for an extra crit more often; the opinion about the higher crit inflictability of “hole punchers” is somewhat erroneous).

Q: “Combat brotherhood” - does it make sense (without ventilation, additional rations, etc.)?
A: Personally, I am always one of the first to pump. Now I'll try to explain.
BoBr increases the level of proficiency in the main specialty by 5%. Is it a lot or a little? 5% of the crew’s basic skill is 2.15% to the corresponding performance characteristics of the vehicle. Performance characteristics of vehicles covered by BoBr: rate of fire, overall accuracy of the gun, aiming time, cross-country ability, visibility, camouflage, radio range.
I will focus on 2 points. With the help of BoBr (as well as ventilation and additional soldering), we can increase the overall accuracy of the gun. It’s a small thing, of course, but it helps! For comparison, the accuracy of the BL-10 on the ISUkh with and without BoBr:

The second point is a boost to visibility +2.15%. This, for a moment, is more than what the “Eagle Eye” perk gives (yes, OG is upgraded only to the commander, and BoBr to everyone, but there are much more bonuses from BoBr).
What else can BoBr do? It also gives +5% to all crew skills: repair, firefighting, camouflage, mentor, eagle eye, radio interception, inventor, etc. It is clear that the increase here will be generally miniscule, that it is not even worth considering seriously, but still - with the help of additional rations, ventilation and BoBr, you can get a camouflage level of more than 100% (and not 80% as for a 100% pumped up camouflage skill).
With BoBr and the appropriate equipment, you can make your car more versatile (tightening up its weaknesses). Or, on the contrary, boost the most powerful ones. You can sharpen the car to the maximum for visibility, or to reduce CD, etc.
So sometimes it’s strange to hear “phew!” only 5%!” from players who first of all run to download “Eagle Eye”.

Q: "Disguise" or "Repair"?
A: Well, everything is simple here. Repair is critical for high-level vehicles - since they can survive more than one hit - and they will be hit frequently (especially caterpillars), it is important for them to be repaired as soon as possible. Camouflage is important for all PTs, but for the tops its base value is much lower and the absolute boost from the pumped-up “camouflage” skill will not be so great (plus the visibility of tanks at high levels is much higher). And I wouldn’t choose here; resetting the disguise for repairs clearly doesn’t make sense, but simply installing repairs with the next perk is quite reasonable.
To give some specifics on repairs, I found this sign for the chassis repair speed (it is already outdated, but it can give some idea - in particular, the chassis repair speed of the SU-101 is now higher than that of the SU-122-54):

Q: Do perks work if a crew member is shell-shocked?
A: Only BoBr. Moreover, this is either a bug, or one of the developers at one time listened to the players’ input. By the way, this leads to the following question:
Q: The loader has studied all the perks - what to upgrade next?
A: Upgrade “Desperate” and “Non-contact ammo rack” - the effect does not stack, but if one loader is concussed, the perks of the second will work.

3. Recommendations for resetting perks.
Perks can be reset for gold - experience is not lost, but it costs gold (especially if you constantly change skills for skills). Or you can for silver, but at the same time we lose 10% of the experience earned by the crew member:
When you reset the first perk - 21K experience.
When resetting 2 perks - 63K experience.
When resetting 3 perks - 147K experience.
When resetting 4 perks - 315K experience.
If the car is in elite condition - you can divide these numbers by two - the crew member whose perks were reset (if there is only one, of course) will begin to upgrade 2 times faster.
As you can see, 2 perks (30K experience for an elite car) can be reset almost painlessly. 3 perks (75K experience for the elite) is already sensitive, but with promotions for experience this can be compensated. 4 perks or more, it’s better not to drop them for silver - a lot of experience is wasted. So it’s worth thinking through the logic of pumping up perks in advance.
I also want to note how it is worth changing a skill for a skill. Let’s say the gunner’s first perk is “smooth turret rotation.” It can be dropped immediately, for example, on a “sniper” and again put on pumping up the PPB. But I would advise you to play around with the first perk for a bit without resetting it. And only when the experience unallocated for the second perk has accumulated, drop it on the “sniper” and immediately receive some percent of the second perk. Thus, during pumping, “PPB” will always work for us (to one degree or another). What are the grounds for such manipulations? The fact is that leveling up a perk (any one in order) from 0 to 50% requires... 9.5 times less experience than leveling up the same perk from 51 to 100%. And the first percentage of the perk accumulates extremely quickly.

4. Recommendations for leveling up perks in the line of Soviet tank destroyers.
To minimize the loss of experience or gold for resetting, you must immediately decide whether your crew will stay on a specific vehicle or will upgrade to the top. Because at level 5 the commander receives the radio operator specialty (which the loader previously had, and with it such a useful perk as “radio interception”), and at levels 7-9 a loader is added.

AT-1. We won't dwell too much. We begin to give everyone a disguise.

SU-76, SU-76I, SU-85B, SU-85I— the crews of the vehicles are identical. Many people already love to be fans of them (even to the point of fanaticism), so read more.
For the commander, we download the disguise, drop it on the lamp (you can buy it for silver), download the disguise again.
We upgrade everyone else to disguise, then BoBr.
And while BoBr is rocking, we will have a completely playable car with 75% camouflage and a lamp.
The second perk has been pumped in - for the commander we reset the disguise on the BoBr and put the disguise back on. If you are going to leave the crew on these vehicles, you can put “eagle eye” as the fourth perk, but I don’t recommend it at all - they are blind, the boost will be small, and the crew may want to be transferred to other self-propelled guns higher up the branch.
The third perk for the gunner is “set the turret to turn smoothly”, when it is deflated we drop it on the “sniper” and set the PPB again.
The third perk for the driver is “virtuoso”, when it’s pumped out we put “king of off-road”.
The third perk for the loader is “radio interception” (if the crew remains at these levels) or “repair” (you need to start pumping up if the crew goes further).
If the crew remains, we reset the gunner’s PPB to “vindictive” and again set the PPB, and set the driver to “Smooth move”. Everything else is not critical.

SU-85, SU-100, SU-100M1, SU-101, SU-122-44— the crews are also identical.
Commander - lamp, BoBr, camouflage, radio interception, repair, eagle eye (in order of priority - there is no need to reset perks after the second - we put them in order).
Gunner - camouflage, BoBr, sniper, vindictive, PPB (sniper and vindictive we pump out through the PPB reset).

Loader - camouflage, BoBr, repair, desperate, intuition, BBU (the last three are downloaded through the repair reset).

SU-152, ISU-122S, ISU-152, volume 704, volume 268
Commander - lamp, BoBr, camouflage, repair, radio interception, eagle eye. A blind branch - repairs will be more useful to it than radio interception.
Gunner - camouflage, BoBr, repair, vindictive, sniper, PPB (we pump out the sniper and vindictive through the PPB reset).
Mechanical driver - camouflage, BoBr, virtuoso, PH, repair, design bureau.
Loader - camouflage, BoBr, repair, desperate, intuition (the last two are downloaded through the repair reset).
Loader - on the SU-152 and then a second one appears. So I would take care in advance of pumping out at least BoBr (so that it works for everyone), if it’s not possible, we’ll immediately install BoBr.

The commander is a lamp, BoBr, camouflage, radio interception, repair (and this machine is fully sighted and can be repaired quickly).
Gunner - camouflage, BoBr, sniper, vindictive, repair, PPB.
Mechanical driver - camouflage, BoBr, virtuoso, design bureau, PH, repair.

With the second loader the same story as above.

volume 263
Commander - lamp, BoBr, camouflage, radio interception, repair, OG.
Gunner - master gunsmith, camouflage, BoBr, repair, sniper, vindictive, PPB (at 263 weakness— gun mask. Everyone will shoot at it - as a result, the gun will constantly crit - so it’s better for the gunner to reset the perks).
Mechanical drive - camouflage, BoBr, repair, virtuoso, design bureau, PH.
Loader - disguise, BoBr, repair, desperate, BBU, intuition (the last three are downloaded through the repair reset).
The second loader - BoBr, repairs, camouflage and those skills that were not taught to the first loader.

Let’s leave the SU-100Y as an extremely specific vehicle and the ISU-130 as an action-moderator machine for now.

17.3.2017 6950 Views

IN game World of Tanks a lot depends not only on technical characteristics combat vehicles and the player’s “skill,” but also from the crew mounted on the vehicle. Experience in World of Tanks crew directly affects the quality of battles, because the game contains cars in which, when playing with a stock crew, the player only receives a sea of ​​discomfort and negative emotions. But as soon as you put a crew on such tanks with at least 3 perks correctly selected, the vehicle, which was suffering before, will begin to play with completely different colors.

Therefore, many tankers ask the question: “How to upgrade the crew in World of Tanks?” or “How to transfer a crew to World of Tanks?” Also a common question remains “What crew skills in World of Tanks are worth developing on this or that vehicle?” This article will give basic recommendations on leveling up the crew, a set of perks that are worth learning on a particular vehicle, and equipment that can enhance certain perks.

How to upgrade your crew in world of tanks

There are several ways to train a crew in World of Tanks. The majority of players use the experience earned in each battle to raise the level of each crew member. This experience is automatically awarded and, depending on your achievements in battle, it can be more or less. Upon reaching 100% level of pumping, each crew member unlocks additional perks. They can be both general (for example, repairs, fire extinguishing) and unique (eagle eye, radio interception, etc.). Some of the perks can be enhanced in combination with others. The Combat Brotherhood perks, in combination with skills that enhance visibility, provide a significant increase in the range of vision of a combat vehicle.

Another option for upgrading the crew is to transfer for gold combat experience into free, after which this experience can be converted into experience for crew members. This method is associated with costs real money to buy gold coins, but quite significantly increases the speed of learning certain perks.

How to retrain the crew in world of tanks

Crew retraining in World of Tanks is used to transfer crew from one tank to another. During such transfers, the player pays an experience penalty, after which the crew resets the main skill by several tens of percent. You can also retrain your crew for silver and gold. In the process of retraining the crew for silver coins the penalty becomes somewhat smaller.

Retraining a crew for gold allows you to use the upgraded crew on a new vehicle without any penalties. Players who are just beginning to explore the world of tanks often ask “How to retrain the crew in World of Tanks or how to change the crew in World of Tanks?” To do this, you need to select a crew member in the hangar, right-click on him and select retrain in the training tab, after which you need to select the retraining method.

Proper leveling up of the crew in world of tanks

For each individual car, it is worth selecting those perks and skills that are most suitable for it. Proper pumping crew in World of Tanks can significantly increase the player’s effectiveness in battle. To play on light tanks, first of all, all crew members should learn “Camouflage”. After achieving 100% learning of camouflage, the commander should reset this perk and put “Sixth Sense” in its place. The second perk is to study the commander's camouflage, and all other crew members need review perks. The third skill is to pump up the military brotherhood.

For comfortable game on medium tanks it is worth downloading repairs first. The commander, as in the first case, needs to reset the skill and select the “light bulb”. Next comes perks for gun stabilization, and the third perk is also combat brotherhood. For heavy tanks The same perks as for the lungs are suitable, but in some cars it is worth giving preference to pumping out fire extinguishing. In most cases, the following perks are suitable for tank destroyers - camouflage, repair, Brotherhood of Battle, all perks for stabilizing the gun. It is worth remembering that the commander’s first perk must be “Sixth Sense”. For a comfortable game on self-propelled guns, it is worth pumping out camouflage, gun stabilization perks, and combat fraternity.

Additional skills crew in World of Tanks can be improved in combination with the equipment installed on the vehicle. Such equipment includes a “fan”, which gives another + 5% to the crew’s skills, optics or a camouflage net. This is not the entire list of possible improvements to a combat vehicle, so the effect of each perk should be enhanced with equipment that is maximally capable of unleashing the combat potential of the crew.

Crew skills in World of Tanks do not end with the above list and they may differ on each individual vehicle. For example, when playing on the Jagdpanzer E 100, you should not waste energy on upgrading camouflage, since this machine “glows” even with this skill pumped up. A detailed table of crew upgrades in World of Tanks is given below.

Female crew in world of tanks

Female crew in World of Tanks appeared with the introduction of personal combat missions. They can be earned by fulfilling the conditions of these tasks and they differ from the usual pumpable male crews in that they already have the “Battle Friends” perk and another perk that the player can immediately train.

The “Battlefriends” perk has the same characteristics as the “Combat Brotherhood”. It is worth remembering that these two skills do not work together, so it is worth using only male or female crews on one vehicle.

Leveling up the crew in World of Tanks takes quite a long time, but at the same time it remains a rather important component of the game, which should not be forgotten. Crew training in World of Tanks should be carried out with an understanding of the game itself and with an eye on future vehicles that the player will meet in one or another research branch. After all, transferring a crew to World of Tanks with skills that were ideally suited to the previous tank can make playing on the next tank completely uncomfortable and force the player to reset all skills in order to learn more suitable ones for the new tank.

All constant victories with a good crew!

With the introduction of patch 0.7.2 into the game, new crew skills and abilities appeared, which made it possible to improve some of the vehicle’s characteristics. Before this patch, each crew member could learn three skills - camouflage, repair and firefighting. With the new patch, their number has expanded to twenty-two. The old skills are still in the game. But for each type of equipment you can now upgrade your own set of skills and abilities in order to improve the parameters of the machine, make up for its disadvantages, etc. Some of the introduced skills are practically useless, while others, on the contrary, play a very important role on every tank.

IN WOT game 5 crew members of different professions are represented. Sometimes the tank crew may not be complete, consisting of two or three members. Then the skills and abilities of the absent crew member are transferred mainly to the commander, which makes it difficult to upgrade important skills. If the crew consists of 6 people, then it is much easier to upgrade the skill set of any specialty.

Basic skills
A skill differs from a skill in that it begins to take effect from the moment you start leveling up, and in order for a skill to take effect, you need to level it up to one hundred percent. All crew members are provided with general and special skills and abilities. Common skills include camouflage, fire extinguishing, repair, and the only common skill is “Combat Brotherhood”. In the case of the first three skills, they are effective from the moment they are upgraded, and their effectiveness depends on how many crew members have upgraded this skill.

Disguise affects the visibility of the vehicle and its 100% upgrade for the entire crew reduces the overall visibility of the tank by half. This skill is very useful for self-propelled guns and tank destroyers, as well as for medium tanks. For heavy tanks this skill is less useful, but for large vehicles it is practically useless.

Repair Useless, perhaps, only for artillery, since almost any hit in the artillery results in being sent to the hangar. For all other tanks, the skill is important, since the speed of repairing tank modules doubles. For tank destroyers without a turret, this skill allows you to spend less time on track repairs. And as you know, a bird on a gusle is a direct road to the hangar.

Firefighting- a skill that most players do not level up due to the use of appropriate consumables - a manual and automatic fire extinguisher. Useless for non-flammable tanks, everyone really needs this skill German branch and IS-7. But, however, you can get by with fire extinguishers.

The Brotherhood of War- the only general skill that begins to work only when all crew members are 100% leveled up. The skill gives a 2.5 percent bonus to the characteristics of the tank, increasing the visibility of the combat vehicle, the rate of fire of the gun, the speed of rotation of the chassis and turret, and much more. The skill is very useful and can be upgraded on all vehicles, and together with improved ventilation it gives a significant bonus of 5% to the performance characteristics of the tank.

All other skills and abilities are classified as “special” and can only be upgraded with a specific crew member.

Special skills and abilities of the commander
The following special skills and abilities are provided for the tank commander: sixth sense, mentor, eagle eye, expert, jack of all trades.

Expert, perhaps the most unnecessary skill of a commander. Firstly, activating the skill requires that the enemy tank be in the crosshairs for at least 4 seconds. Secondly, if the enemy is behind a building or a rock, then the skill does not work. Expert allows you to determine your opponent's crits.

Sixth Sense allows the commander to find out whether the tank has been detected by the enemy. The skill is activated three seconds after detection and is very useful for artillery and tank destroyers that lead an ambush lifestyle. For tanks with aggressive style Driving skill is of no use, since even by intuition you can guess whether you were exposed or not. Since this is a skill, 100 percent leveling is required for the sixth sense to start working.

Mentor gives a 10% bonus to the experience earned by the entire crew except the commander. The skill will be required for players who want to upgrade their crew to the Rambo state.

An eagle eye– a skill that increases the tank’s viewing range by two percent. It makes sense to upgrade tank crews with good visibility (beyond 400 meters), as it gives a good bonus. For blind tanks, the skill is useless, because the increase in vision will be minimal. For example, if the tank’s visibility is 350 meters, then the increase will be only 7 meters.

Handyman– another skill from the “important” category. The skill is especially useful for tank crews with frequently criticized members. For example, the KV-5 radio operator was shell-shocked almost every battle. This skill makes it possible to replace an incapacitated crew member without spending a first aid kit on treating a shell-shocked one. For example, if your loader is wounded, and the commander has this skill upgraded, then the second penalty for loading a gun will be halved.

Special skills and abilities of the gunner
The gunner, like the commander, also has useful and useless skills. The useful categories include:
smooth rotation of the turret– reduces the spread of the gun when turning the turret. It is required to upgrade the crews of medium tanks and self-propelled guns.
sniper– a skill that allows you to increase the chance of crit of enemy modules. This skill is only useful for rapid-fire guns. The sniper will not help artillery, since no more than 10 shells are fired per artillery battle, and this skill does not work when firing landmines.

The gunner's useless skills and abilities are master gunsmith And vindictive. The first skill reduces the spread of a damaged weapon and is only useful for a few tanks with a frequently critical weapon, while the second skill makes it possible to see the enemy in the sights for a couple of seconds longer and can only be useful for tank destroyers.

Special skills and abilities of the driver
The driver is the only crew member who has all the skills and abilities that are useful. Skill " Virtuoso"increases the tank's turning speed and is practically required by all vehicles, since there are few nimble tanks in the game. Smooth ride reduces gun spread when driving and is effective from the beginning of pumping. An extremely useful skill for light and medium tanks, since they shoot while moving almost all the time.

Ram master increases damage when ramming by 15 percent and reduces damage to your own tank. This skill is developed by owners of heavy and high-speed cars. Together with the anti-fragmentation lining, the ram master is a “second weapon” for inflicting damage on the enemy.

Cleanliness and tidiness pumped up by players of “flammable tanks”. This category mainly includes the Germans, who, when a projectile hits the engine, it ignites. Of course, you can use a fire extinguisher, but it happens that fires are set on fire several times during a fight.

King of off-road– another skill that improves the dynamics of the car. Gives a bonus to cross-country ability on soft and medium soils, and also increases the speed of turning in place. It is better to upgrade the king of off-roads to all tanks, with the exception of self-propelled guns. Since only asphalt roads are classified as hard ground, this skill has taken root in almost all players.

Special skills and abilities of the loader
There are three special skills and abilities for the loader, but since there are often two loaders in tanks, they are pumped up quickly.

Non-contact ammunition rack important for tanks with frequently exploding ammunition. Refers to the tanks of the Soviet IS series (IS3/IS-8), as well as the T54 and tanks based on it - Type 59, WZ-120 and others. With this skill, the ammo rack will explode less often, but this does not affect critical resistance in any way.

Intuition– a skill for tankers who often change the type of projectile. If there are two loaders in the crew, then it is better to pump both. It is mainly used by artillery operators, since they often have to switch between armor-piercing and high-explosive shells. For tanks with rapid-fire cannons, the skill is useless.

Desperate– a skill that increases the rate of fire of a gun by 9 percent when you have less than 10 percent durability left. Absolutely useless on tanks with a small margin of safety and rapid-fire guns.

Special skills and abilities of a radio operator
The radio operator is a rather rare crew member on top-end vehicles. In most cases, his responsibilities are assigned to the commander. Among the useful skills of a radio operator, only radio interception with an operating principle similar to that of an eagle eye. Only the increase in the review will be three percent with 100% pumping.

Inventor may only be needed at low and medium levels when the radio's range is short, as it increases its range by 20 percent.
Repeater is a “help your friends” skill, as it increases the range of your allies’ radar by 10 percent.

A skill "With all my might" Only the fireflies will need it, and then after being sent to the hangar. This skill allows you to transmit a signal about the location of the enemy when destroyed for a couple of seconds longer.

Each tank requires a certain approach when choosing skills and abilities, since you need to know the characteristics and specifics of the combat vehicle. And mindlessly pumping up perks will not bring any benefit.

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