How to check if there is a hidden pool. How to check decency (hidden pool) in Dota2. Optimizing network settings

In the game "Dota-2", players are assigned to teams automatically. However, some people believe that there is a kind of hidden pool in which gamers are located who misbehave, that is, break the rules, use foul language, and so on. Does such a pool really exist? How can I check the hidden pool? This is what will be discussed in this article. You will learn all about this pool, but you will have to decide for yourself if it really exists. You and this data will be useful to you in any case, even if it does not exist.

Required commands

So, if you want to know how to check the hidden pool, then you need to learn a couple of commands that you will need to do this. The first command is Developer, which you need to set to 1. This will allow you to expand the accessibility of the game that developers usually have. computer game to test it before it goes live. The next command is Dota_game_account_debug, which also needs to be set to 1. This command is responsible for debugging the account, that is, getting detailed information about the current account. Immediately after that, you will receive an impressive amount of information right in the console. How to check the hidden pool in this case? To do this, you will need to pay attention to just two lines of this information received.

Pool check

Well, it's time to find out how to check the hidden pool in Dota 2. To do this, you need to look at two lines. The first is the Value assigned to this line, which shows how many times other gamers have complained about you. The lower this value, the better you behave. There is an opinion that this indicator is decisive when it comes to the hidden pool. Many people think that players who behave equally badly end up on the same team or in the same match, so as not to spoil the experience of diligent gamers. Also pay attention to the line Player_behavior_score_last_report. The lower the value here, the less time has passed since the last time other players complained about you.

A player of any level is wondering how to view the hidden pool in Dota 2. This term has its own meaning, there is a way to approximately define it. Such information will be useful to any user.

The meaning of the term

To play Dota 2, you first need to figure out what it means.

This term means how often the player will throw to users who behaved unsportsmanlike. For obscene statements or inappropriate behavior in the game, reports are provided that determine the level of how a person behaves in team battles.

The greater the number of complaints about the user, the lower this parameter will go down. Account... As a result, only those people who behave in an unsportsmanlike manner can fall into companions-in-arms. It will be extremely difficult to win with such friends, because they react aggressively to any mistake and blame other users for everything. That is why you need to know how to view the hidden pool in Dota 2 in order not to go down to this level.

Two indicators

There is no direct way of doing this in Dota 2, because it is not possible to define such a parameter in the game. However, there is a manual option. To do this, call the console in the open client of the project and enter the Developer 1 command. After that, enter the following words - Dota_game_account_debug 1. A huge window will appear with many lines and numerical parameters, which, at first glance, cannot be understood. The player should be interested in two of them.

The first line of Player_behavior_seq_num_last_report shows a parameter that depends on the number of reports sent to you. The higher this parameter, the more often other users will get into the team for the match, who distinguished themselves as their indicator is also high.

The second value Player_behavior_score_last_report shows The higher it is, the better, because the same cultured gamers will be part of the team. The optimal amount is 8000, the normal amount is 7 to 9.

0 Gamers are generally weird people, and sometimes understanding what they are talking about is not an easy task. However, beginners are trying to find out the meaning of the jargon and phrases that are so full of various gaming forums. Today we'll talk about such an interesting expression as Hidden pool, which means you can find out a little below.
However, before continuing, I would like to recommend you some more new articles on student slang. For example, how to understand The joke did not go, what does the term Thump mean, what is Swag, what does Vegetable mean, etc.
So, let's continue, what does it mean Hidden pool in Dota 2? This concept was borrowed from of English language "Hidden pool".

Hidden pool in Dota is a special matchmaking system for players with a bad reputation for the rink in Dota

Let's talk about this in a little more detail. You should know that special algorithms in this game select players with moral and psychological characteristics. These nuances are determined by reports (complaints) and accolades from the last twenty skating rinks of any player.

Many beginners believe that a hidden pool is when gamers who are noticeably inferior to you in skill are included in your team. Others have the misconception that hidden pool, this is analogous to low priority. While this is actually not true, it is much simpler and more complex at the same time.

Hidden pool is the division of gamers into two factions - unstable and stable

Based on complaints and denunciations, the program selects for your team exactly the same as you.
Probably, the question immediately arises, what does unstable and stable gamers mean?

Unstable gamers- these are those who have more than 9 - 11 complaints (reports). It is these gamers who are in the hidden pool.

Stable gamers- those with less than 9 - 11 complaints (reports). These individuals are in the so-called normal pool.

However, why did the developers consider this amount to be necessary? reports? In fact, there is no clearly defined boundary that gamers cannot guess about its existence.

Is it possible, somehow, to remove one or more reports, to clear, so to speak, your karma? Yes, you can burn a complaint, you can praise, that is, if a gamer gets one like, then one report immediately goes sideways.

If you are in a hidden pool, then of course you have less chance of winning. This is influenced most of all by the conflict among gamers, which eventually "pours out", for example, in the deliberate ruining of skating rinks, livam or dismoral.

Some are wondering what should be done in order not to end up in a hidden pool? Here, only one thing is important, so that no complaints are written about you. Therefore, do not get frustrated with your teammates, but rather help with advice, tell us what to do and how to do it. If you are offended for nothing, you should not breed a shit, just send it to the rude report, and after a while he will be in a hidden pool, among the same as himself.

Now everything is a million times easier, because you don't need a console to see your rating, and instead of letters, now there are numbers again. It looks like this:

The rules are the same, the larger the number, the better, 10k is still the maximum, 8k is the preferred minimum, but if you need more details, read further from the "Introduction" chapter.

Due to the update ...

I don't really want to change the entire guide, just because Valv changed the digital designation to an alphabetic one, so I'll leave everything as it is. In the chapters that follow, you’ll find a ton of information, some of which may be useful to you, some of which are purely to satisfy your curiosity about how it worked in the past. New system introduced relatively recently and there was no time to study it completely, but when new information appears, I will supplement this guide, as before.

What's new in this system? V.2.0.

If you know how the toxicity rating worked before and want to know what has changed in it, then here I will write the entire new information... If you came here in the first and do not know what a hidden pool is, then skip for now this chapter and read on.

First, now, to see the statistics, you need to enter:
developer 1
And after dota_game_account_client_debug

The first number, contrary to everything people say, is simply the number of matches you play since they introduced this system. Just your matches.
Someone says that these are your reports for all the games, he is wrong. You can check it yourself. Every time you receive a report of your decency, that is, every 10 games, if you open the console, you will see that this number has changed by exactly 10. Or do you really think that every game was thrown to you by the report?

P.S. After talking with you, it became clear that at least 5k, from a mathematical point of view, is the middle, the average / normal rating is in the 7-8k region. Thanks for your reports.

How do I open the console?

I explain such things very badly, but since some people do not know how to do this, I will try.

First, you need to turn on the console. To do this, open the settings, there is a gear in the corner from above, I think everyone knows: D
In the second compartment, where it says "options" (fig knows how in Russian), you need to scroll down

and in the left column, at the very end, there will be "enable console"

Then you can configure the button for this console, which is convenient for you in the "hotkeys" (first compartment).
Again, scroll down, and there we find the console in the right column called "interface" and put a convenient key, I honestly don't know what is there according to the standard: c

P.S. After you have just turned on the console, it may not open immediately. In this case, try to re-enter the game.

Comments and reports.

Do the comments affect the rating?
Now I can't say for sure, because if you noticed, after the valv added post-game statistics, the commendations do not work correctly. They removed the ability to choose what to give a person a like and therefore all 4 are added to him, instead of 1. Also, the last few months, the comments were not displayed in the statistics of decency and you could only see that someone praised you by putting likes on home page or by checking them constantly through the console.
Now that they have fixed the last problem, I will continue to check the statistics and find out if anything is changing, but I strongly doubt it.

And it will be quite difficult to calculate, since points are added not just, say, every 10 games of 50, but the lower your decency rating, the more points you are given for games without reports, the more it is, the less points you get.

It is also difficult to say how many points are deducted for reports, since in the behavior statistics, complaints are displayed only if there are 3 or more of them. Most likely, points are deducted in different ways, depending on whether people from the same party threw you the reports or from different ones. And since I do not receive reports so often, then I cannot find out more accurate information.

If someone, like me, is obsessed with statistics, and he is not too lazy to record every 10 games how many Livs, comments and reports he received, and how his numbers changed at the same time, then I would be grateful for the information.

P.S. Do not give any commendation: with
1000 points are deducted for one liv: from

How to get out of the hidden pool?

If your decency rating is less than 7k and in every game you have very toxic guys, then perhaps you deserve it, because you constantly yell at everyone, prevent people from playing, lavish, etc. But if you are a cute angel and do not want to sit with such beeches in the same boat, then just play well, do not run into trouble and soon get out of this pit.

Ofc, this system is not entirely accurate. Often people are left without well-deserved reports, and someone is thrown them just like that, but nevertheless, this is probably the best thing they could do, and getting to the same 9k for a person who does not deserve it will be very difficult. Remember that there are a lot of inadequate, aggressive people in the world, and they will always be in Dota too, at any mmr and decency rating, do not go down to their level, do not shout in response, be more tolerant and soon you will notice that there are fewer such people.

And guys, if your mmr is 1k, and your decency is more than 8k, you don't need to wonder why fools are playing with you. Different things - being able to play and being a pleasant player.

In any case, good luck to all.
But not to the assholes who want to upset decency in order to spoil the games for good people, you are burning in hell: 3

There are many other sections in which the statistics that we look at in the console are also recorded, with the exception of decency (or I blinked and somewhere it is still there). In general, whoever is interested can study.

P.S. These statistics are visible only to you, so you cannot stumble upon them by opening someone else's page.

The essence

So, to begin with, I want to say that in DotA the selection of the team is carried out with the psychological and moral characteristics of the players. These "features" are defined praises and complaints (reports) for 20 last games each player.

Some people think that a hidden pool is when you come across players who are obviously worse than you in skill, others think that a hidden pool is the same thing as a low priority. In fact, the hidden pool is, in other words, the division of players into two categories - stable and unstable. Moreover, a player of one category plays in a team only with his own kind.

  • Stable players are those who receive less than 9-11 reports. Stable players are in the normal pool.
  • Unstable players- those who receive more than 9-11 reports. These same players are in the opposite pool - a hidden one.
Why exactly 9-11 reports? The developers deliberately did not make a strict border, because the hidden pool is hidden for that, so that the players would not guess about its existence.

What is the impact of the player's praise?
But the praise that the player receives allows one report to "burn out", that is, having received one like, one report does not count.

How do abandons (livs) affect? Livs are the opposite of the commendations, that is, 1 point is added to your "sins" box for each Liv.

What is it for?

It is in the interest of Valv to keep the audience for the game. How? I'll explain now. Consider the following situation: a person entered the game, tuned in to win, wished everyone good luck, and one teammate sent him away for some game error, another teammate started to feed by couriers and write "ff pls" to the chat, and the third one fell out altogether. After such situations, some people will less and less want to enter the game. And for Valv it is not profitable economically when people no longer want to play their game.

In this way, we conclude that trying, polite players play with their stacks, and those opposite to them - chsv, rude, and liveries - with theirs.

Impact on the game

Of course, taking into account all the above characteristics of the hidden pool, the hidden selection team has less chances of winning (~ 47% victory). This is primarily due to the conflict among the players, which leads to non-concentration on the game, to dismorality, Livs, or even to the deliberate ruin of the game.

How not to get into the hidden pool? / How to get out of it?

The answer to these two questions is simple - do not receive reports (complaints) :). The teammate was wrong - do not rush to him with insults, calmly explain to him what his mistake is. They insulted you unreasonably - stir up, report down the rude and continue to play without being distracted by provocations. In the future, this unmanned player will most likely end up in a hidden pool, so to speak, in his native environment :).
