How to make a solid wooden rod in minecraft. Find out what modifiers are in Tinkers Construct. Creation of advanced tools

Type of- modifiers of weapons and tools;

Where to look- in mines, craft yourself, knock out from mobs;

Foldable- all add up.

Description and features

All weapons and tools that you create can be significantly improved by adding very useful characteristics to them. It remains only to figure out which Tinkers are. Construct modifiers and what kind of abilities they will give to the subject.

The process of improving weapons or tools takes place in or in. We go into the interface of the station or forge and see something like the following:

  1. In this place you will place modifiers;
  2. The place where you will put the upgradable tool / weapon;
  3. An already updated item with improved characteristics will appear here.

Now you know how to add a modifier in Tinkers Construct to an item being upgraded, so now let's get acquainted with the full list of modifiers.

Name Capabilities Number of pieces for one modification Description
Diamond Increases durability by 500 units 1 Can only be used once
Emerald Increases durability by 50% 1 Can only be used once. Adds 50% to the final durability, i.e. if the modifier was a diamond, then adding 50% will take into account the added strength of 500
Red dust +0.08 speed increase (full modification will increase speed by 4) 50 Can be used on tools and short bow, however, cannot be used on melee weapons
Auto-repair of tools and weapons 1 A tool or weapon will recover at 1 cooldown level 1 HP on average for 20 seconds. The item does not recover when used.
Lava crystal Smelt anything you mine if it can be smelted 1 If you hit a mob, then it will light up. Can be used with Luck, however, cannot be used with Silk Touch.
Lapis lazuli Gives the instrument the Luck effect 450 When you upgrade an item of 100 lapis lazuli you will get the effect Luck 1 When you upgrade an item with 300 lapis lazuli you will get the effect Luck 2 When you upgrade an item 450 lapis lazuli you will get the effect Wadcha 3
Nether Quartz Increases damage 72 Adds one point of damage when adding 1, 24, 48 and 72 quartz, respectively, however, if you sharpen a rapier, then in this case it will not take a point of damage when adding 1 quartz
Fire powder On impact, the target starts to burn 25 The target will burn for 1 second for every 5.6 Fire Powder added when upgraded
Necrotic bone Restores your health when hit by an enemy 1 With one hit, you will recover 2 HP for each necrotic bone
Silk touch 1 Cannot be used in conjunction with Luck and Auto Repair
large obsidian plate Makes an item fortified 1 With each level of strengthening, the object becomes stronger, the result is indestructibility
Piston Discarding 10 Each subsequent addition of a piston increases the throw distance

Ender Pearl

As a result of the murder, you can get a head 1 Level 8 will actually have a 100% chance of getting a head from a killed mob or player
Cooked Spider Eye Applies the "Arthropod Scourge" effect - additional damage to spiders 4 2-4 HP for each modification level
Consecrated ground Extra damage to undead 36 2-4 HP for each level
Diamond +

Golden Block

+ 1 Item Modification 1
Nether star + 1 Item Modification 1 Can only be used once
Enchanted Golden Apple +

Diamond block

+ 1 Item Modification 1 Can only be used once

Now you know what modifiers are in Tinker Construct, and also got acquainted with the characteristics that they add, as well as how much can be used in one modification of the item.

There is one more feature - for each piece of paper in an item that you create, you get + 1 slot for modification.

The item without paper parts has 3 slots for modifications.

Item made entirely of paper - 6 slots.

And if you made an item using 2 paper pieces, then we get 3 + 2 = 5 slots available for modifications.

This property can be actively used to significantly improve weapons or tools.

The blog is not ready, please do not minus or delete, because of serious problems I had to postpone writing it for a while, but I could only leave it here. version 0.3.1 from July 5th.

Hello everyone. I decided to remember about the mods, and proto lay out the mod, describing its capabilities, I think usually enough to think about it, and do more and full guide to him.

I'll probably describe the Tinker 's Construct mod. To begin with, this mod will add the ability to feel like a professional metallurgy. Thaumcraft fashion I started learning assembly with Tinker.

And so let's see the basics of the modification:

Major innovations

Perhaps in order to begin to understand the modification, you need to study it through creativity, then you will be 100% prepared. The residents will help me with this. The first thing I will say about fashion is the main thing - textbooks from them, in English or Russian, you can get all the information.

Initially, we are given the first volume "Materials and You", which describes the basics of creating forms and armor modifiers, plus a couple of side crafting to help in development. To create the second volume, simply place the book of the first volume in the crafting zone. And if you don't want to lose the first one, place an empty slab and paper to the left in the craft zone. And so let's start perhaps. The first thing we need to create is an empty mold or a mold made of wood. You can craft as you like, you can swap boards and sticks, for example.

After that we will need to make tools such as:

Immediately we will disassemble what it is for, going there we will see a window for assembly, repair and modification, first the main functions, such as assembly / repair. When assembling from the elements necessary for crafting (you can understand by the form), we will be asked to give the weapon a name, after we make the weapon we will receive it with that name. I will not bother with my head yet, I will show you how to collect weapons, as I said later about this.

Here we can create a limited number of classes, for example, there is no cleaver here. By putting the necessary components of one material, we will get a weapon from this material, respectively.

To fix the object, we need to select repair and modification, in the upper left corner is the anvil icon. Anything from this material is suitable for repair, when creating simple parts, fragments can form, the same fragments are in any form, even from metals, ingots or nuggets, fragments of weapons are suitable, for example, the same guard as in crafting will not work.

Next, we will consider cutting out simple circuits, for them we need an empty circuit, and the fragment that we want to make, here we can make the first step for any part, even a cleaver blade, material cost, shows how much material we need to spend in the part designer along with the diagram to make a simple part. First, I'll show you the interface.

Inherently from the designer of circuits, there is a design of simple parts, everything is simple, the material has its own cost, at the bottom we can insert a block, at the top a shard or a fragment. Or both, depending on the craft, now one stone block (cobblestone) and a diagram are enough for me to make a stone fragment. Since the cost of the material is 1, I did not receive any residual fragments, the scheme is not wasted. Further, at the engineering station, as I said at the beginning, I can assemble the tool from those elements, I made a rod and fastener to the pickaxe.

Let's move on, you can still make a chest to store your cut out schemes there (empty scheme above the chest), if you attach it to the parts designer, then we can take the schemes from the interface that appears so as not to take with us. Let me remind you that this is ONLY for simple parts, the mod would not have been metallurgical, if not for what will happen next!

We can also improve our station as follows:

This way we can make more tools there. And also to repair and improve them, it will not be lost, you can safely just replace one station with another. I will also show this station

I also spoke about this cleaver:

Smelter and metallurgical alloys

We need at least 18 blocks, 1 stool, 1 faucet, 1 tank, 1 base and something else, I myself have already forgotten about the updates, we'll figure it out.

Here are the crafts of these blocks: (You need to look for them in the book "Mighty Metallurgy", it is crafted in the same way as volume 2, only from the second volume "Materials and you": D)

First, we make a block, of which there are components: There is a block and then the first craft is a smelter controller.

We put the controller and blocks:

Making "Pourer" - Right craft

To pour the contents onto you need a faucet, and a table where to pour - Right craft

And craft a table - Right craft

We complement our smelter by making a reservoir for lava, lava is required for work, without it nothing will melt. To pour liquid into the tank, including lava, click with the RMB bucket or move pouring channel.

And of course we can go into the smelter, if you did everything by smelting, the controller will light up. In the interface of the smelter, on the left we can place what we want to melt on the liquid, the liquids will be in the tank, in the middle, on the right is the fuel level. You can also see in the list of materials when they are melted.

And so, we have a smelter, and we can start creating alloys.

Here you can see how many ingots we need to create alloys, in theory, the amount is measured in mb, for example a bucket has a volume of 1000mb. I want to mention that Ardit and Cobalt can only be found in hell. You can find ores in the world and smelt any of them. If you have less than you need for a block or a bucket, then you can use the tank into which we poured the lava, put it under the tap and drain the remains there, the tank drops out separately with the mark " Contains ?? mB " a certain liquid, in order to fill a bucket, you need to put it on a table and pour it, what will be poured will disappear and you will get a bucket. by clicking on the tap, you can pour, and to pick up the product, you also need to click on it. You need to melt 10 ingots to pour from into the boiler and make a block. One ingot gives 144mb. The stronger and "cooler" the alloy. the longer it melts. What you are melting will be displayed as a block inside the smelter, but not material, so you can easily dive in there and pour blood. If it turned out that the liquid you need, in the interface you can see how I said all the liquids poured are located above, then you can click on the liquids, on their layers in the smelter, in the controller, in order to transfer them in places, and pour that that you need.

Smelter app. NOT FINISHED

I must say right away that you can improve the smelter, you can add another drain, and put a special boiler under the tap. - left craft. The boiler can be filled with a block, so it is much more convenient to store anything in blocks than in a tank. And in general, the number of drains is not limited by anything, including you can connect pipes from BuildCraft instead of taps, although pipes can be made from them, but they look very strange.

Another app, quite simple, we can increase the volume of the smelter with simple blocks like this. The volume of blocks melting at a time will also increase.

Creation of advanced tools

So, we got to the sweetest, to make tools from metals and alloys, we need strong forms, from aluminum brass, this alloy is made from 3 aluminum ingots and 1 copper ingot, you need to melt them in a smelter, after which they are automatically mixed into an alloy, you can drain the remnants if you have them, some of the copper, for example, mostly remains on top of the brass, or vice versa.

To make the shape, that is, a cast for the part, we need to try harder. Remember those simple stone elements? So, we need to put the desired element on the table, and pour it with brass, then pull it out when the form hardens, and get the mold, when we have a mold, we can put it back on the table and fill it with metal, after hardening, we can get a fragment from metal and make a new instrument at the same station, the cast does not disappear by itself.

Metal can be poured with any of which you want to cast a fragment. And by the way, when a sufficient volume of the necessary liquids appears in the smelter, they automatically subtract the required volume and create themselves, after that, as I said, there may not be many metals left from which the alloy was produced.

Type of- weapon;

Damage – 50;

Where to look- do it yourself;

Foldable- No.

Description and features

Well, what can you say about a cleaver that will deal 50 points of damage, created in the mod? This is a remarkable indicator that overrides the fact that with this cleaver you get the effect of Level 3 Fatigue and inflict blows much slower than usual, and such damage can significantly simplify your existence and fight against malicious pests - hostile mobs, and in the PVP arena they you can wave, although in this case the solution is still more successful, since the armor is in fact not a very serious hindrance to it. So, let's figure out how you can make such a wonderful cleaver:

First, we collect a regular cleaver:

To build you need:

  1. A large manulin blade of a sword, and this is done by casting molten manulin in a smelter into a special mold;
  2. Paper plate;
  3. Two sturdy paper rods.

When creating this weapon, we got 3 slots for modification, and also due to 3 paper parts + 3 more slots for modifications, that is, now there are 6 of them.

To add three more slots, we go to, and click on it right click mouse by entering their interface. You will see something like the following (the interface of the tool station is shown here, however, everything will be the same in the forge, only some weapons and tools will be added):

In cell 2 you place a cleaver, and in cells pos. 1 in turn the modifiers that you see below (there are 3 modifiers):

Now there are as many as 9 total slots for modifications.

We start sharpening the object and use quartz blocks for this. You will need a lot of them - 160 blocks of quartz, so you have to work hard in Nether world, collecting this material, so when collecting it is better to use a pickaxe with the "Luck" effect (this can be obtained by enchanting or you can simply create such a pickaxe, because in Tinkers Construct you can do that too)

Having placed quartz blocks in the cells of position 1, we place the cleaver in cell 2. We see in the cell of pos 3 a cleaver with already changed characteristics. We take the cleaver from 3 cells and put it back into the cell of pos 2. You will have to repeat this until all 160 blocks are finished, that is, taking into account the fact that there are 160 blocks, you will need 80 movements, however, look what awaits you result:

50 damage is not a joke at all, so with such a weapon you will feel comfortable in almost any fight.

The main thing in the game is craft (craft), that is, the creation various subjects, mechanisms and much more due to the extracted resources, which will be required a lot. Beginners and inexperienced players use a pickaxe to mine various ores and other materials, unaware that there is a more effective tool in the game, such as a hammer.

Any pickaxe in the game, when extracting resources, captures a zone in one block, and the hammer processes an area of ​​3x3 blocks at a time and is therefore more efficient for extracting various resources.

In this guide, we will go through all the stages of creating an iron hammer from obtaining schemes to crafting the hammer itself. Many may ask, why an iron hammer? It's very simple - iron is the main metal for mining on our servers.

The creation of a Tinkers' Construct hammer requires a small amount of resources and the whole process can be divided into several stages.

Required resources for a hammer All stages of creation

First step. Creating empty diagrams

The first thing we need is four blank diagrams, to create them we need 2 wooden planks and 2 wooden sticks. You can use boards of any tree.

Second phase. Cutting out diagrams of hammer parts

Blank schematics are placed in a slot on the cutting table. We find the parts we need: the hammer head, a strong rod and a large plate. In turn, we select the necessary parts from the list and, as a result, we get a diagram of the part we need.

Cutting out a strong rod Cutting out the hammer head Cutting out a large plate

Stage three. Prototyping a wood part

To create prototypes of hammer parts, we need fabricated diagrams, wooden boards (19 pieces) as a material and a parts designer.

To create a part, place a diagram in one cell, and wooden boards in another. As a result, we need to get the hammer part we need from wood. The same principle applies to other parts of the Tinkers' hammer.

Sturdy wooden rod Wooden hammer head Large wooden plate

Stage four. Smelting casts

You will need liquid metal to smelt the casts. We will use gold as the metal for the casts, for this we need 8 gold ingots. We immerse the gold bars in the smelter and wait for the gold to melt.

Melting Gold Liquid Gold

When the metal is ready, we place the wooden prototype of the part on the casting table. Then we open the casting tap and wait for the liquid metal to cover the part completely, after waiting a couple of seconds, we get a finished cast of the part made of gold. We make the rest of the casts in the same way.

Strong rod cast Hammer head cast Large plate cast

Fifth stage. Smelt hammer parts

To smelt hammer parts, we put iron ingots in the smelter. Once the metal has melted, we place one of the part casts on the casting table and fill it with molten iron. In a few seconds, we get the finished part. We take the finished part from the table and the used mold. And in the same way we smelt the remaining parts of the hammer. As a result, we need to smelt one hammer head, one strong rod and two large plates.

Iron preparation

Smelt Strong Rod Smelt Hammer Head Smelt Large Plate

Sixth stage. How to create the Tinkers hammer ''

Having received all the parts we need, we go to the engineering forge. In the engineering forge, we select the tool we need, cells will appear on the right separately for each part, install parts in them and craft a hammer.

The Tinkers hammer is ready, but it can be made even better and more powerful with the help of improvements.

Upgrading the hammer

You can improve the hammer using various materials. Each material improves certain parameters of the hammer. We will use diamonds, red dust and lapis lazuli to improve the hammer.

Using a diamond as an upgrade will allow you to increase the amount of resources you mine. That is, before the improvement, you could extract maximum red dust, then after the improvement with the help of a diamond, you will be able to extract obsidian.

Applying red dust as a modifier will allow you to increase your mining speed. Using 1 block of red dust increases the mining speed by approximately 0.05 units. To upgrade, you can use 50 blocks of red dust, which will eventually increase the mining speed by 2.5 units.

Lapis lazuli is used to increase luck. Increasing luck allows you to increase the chances of getting more resources when mining. And the more lapis lazuli you use to improve, the higher your luck level and the chance to get the maximum possible resources. On our servers, the amount of lapis lazuli for improving the hammer is limited to 450 units.

To maintain the durability of the hammer, you can periodically repair it at the engineering forge. You can repair the hammer only with the materials from which this hammer was made. Since we made the hammer entirely from iron, we will also repair it with iron ingots.

We hope this guide will help you play on our servers. Good luck and enjoyable game.

Meaning modifiers(improvements) consists in replacing vanilla enchantments, but there are also those that have no analogues in vanilla. The number of improvements to tools or weapons is limited (from 3 to 5), so often an item is improved for any one purpose. Items in the forge are improved, when you click on the upper left icon - repairs and improvements.

Also short description modifiers - in the book "Materials and You".

Diamond increases durability by 500 pts.

Emerald increases durability by 50% of the base.

If the base strength of the item is more than 1000, then it is more profitable to increase the strength with an emerald, and if it is less than 1000, then with a diamond.

If we are talking about arrows, crossbow bolts or shurikens, then "Durability" is the number of shells in the package. A diamond adds 50 units to this amount, an emerald - all the same 50% of the original. That is, if the base number of shells is more than 100, then it is better to raise "Durability" with an emerald, if less than 100, then with a diamond.

Quartz- "Sharpness". Increases damage. "Sharpness" - it is in Africa "Sharpness". There are 5 levels in total, 72 quartz is spent for each level of improvement.

Lapis lazuli- "Luck" or "Prey". To get Luck III or Loot III, you need 360 lapis lazuli.

Touchstone + flint- "Gain". The level of the mined material rises to the level of the whetstone.

For example: you have a paper pick. If you use a Manueline Whetstone in the mod, you can even get cobalt with this pickaxe. In my opinion, a pointless modification. It's easier to immediately make a manueline pick and not take a steam bath.

Silk stone- "Silk touch". I always carry a separate pickaxe for silk with me. Crafted from Emerald and Silk Cloth:

Red dust- "Speed". Increases attack speed for weapons, for tools it corresponds to the "Efficiency" enchantment. For each level, 50 red dust is spent, adding 20% ​​to the effect. To pump 5 levels, you need 250 red dust.

Pearl + Obsidian- "Executioner". Increases the chance of getting a head from a Skeleton, Wither Skeleton, Creeper, or Zombie. There are 10 steps in total, each increasing the chance of a head dropping out by 10%

Strengthener- "Strengthening". Has 5 levels, with each improvement 1 hardener is used. Each level brings 20% strength. And "Fortification" of 5th level gives "Indestructible".

Pickled Spider Eye- "Bane of arthropods". Each level spends 24 pickled spider eyes and adds 7 damage to spiders. You will have to spend 120 pickled spider eyes for the maximum amount of "Arthropod Scourge V", which will give +35 damage to spiders. Whether this works on beetles, I still do not understand.

Consecrated ground- "Holy Damage". For each level, 24 holy land is spent and 7 damage is added to the undead. The maximum "Holy damage V" will have to spend 120 holy land and this will give +35 damage to undead. Exclusively for weapons against zombies and skeletons. Consecrated ground is roasted in a vanilla oven from cemetery soil:

Undead bone- "Vampirism". The bottom line is simple - you beat the enemy and get + to your hp. Only 10 levels, each level increases the power of enchantment by 10%. Undead Bones drop from Wither Skeletons with an initial 7% chance. True, to find a wither skeleton in hell is a hell of a luck.

Fire powder- "Flammability". Has 5 levels, 25 fire powder is spent for each level. Each level adds 1.67 fire damage to the base damage (at level V, the damage is 8.33), and the burning time increases from 4 seconds at level I to 16 seconds at level V.

Piston- "Recoil". 10 pistons are spent per enchantment level. By the way, this modifier has 99 (!) Levels. If you make a sword with 99 "Recoil" level, then poor mobs are carried away approximately 140-150 blocks from the place of attack: D

Hell star- "Soul Bond". Ensures the safety of things in your inventory at your death. This modification should be carried out with those tools and weapons that are sharpened for a specific function ("Loot III" or "Luck III", etc.).

Expander-horizontal and expander-vertical- "Width ++" and "Height ++". For fans of terraforming and metro construction. Increases cutting of blocks in height and width by 1 block. The hammer will cut a 5 by 5 block square, except for the 4 corner blocks.

Memory moss- "Fix". When you gain experience from the work of an item (mining coal and dust, killing mobs, etc.), it does not "fall" into the scale of experience, but is saved and at some point is spent on repairs. Three levels - 1 moss for each.

Crafting moss: from 9 mossy cobblestones we craft a ball of moss, then with this ball RMB on bookcase... This consumes 10 lvls of experience. If experience is not available, then the moss will not turn into memory.

TNT(3 pcs) - "Explosion hazard". When the toolboxes are broken, they disappear. Only 3 levels. Each level consumes 3 TNT.

Light dust(2 pcs.) And eye of the edge - "Glow". One-time upgrade. The item places a light snow block under the player approximately every 8 blocks. For the installation of each unit
it is spent on 1 durability, Recommended when straining with potions of night vision, as well as in the absence of a cave scorpion set.

Roasted Chorus Fruit- "Ascension". A maximum of 50 fruits are spent. Upon hitting an enemy, he hovers above the ground (maximum for 1.75 seconds). Imagine shurikens with one paper part, with "Ascension" and the rest is quartz;)

Fishes(2 pcs.) - "Fins". Allows projectiles not to slow down in water. Convenient for exploring underwater fortresses with a light bow or shuriken.

Web- "Entanglement". Slows down the enemy. There are three levels in total, each requires 1 web and provides a slow of approximately 1 second. With "Slowdown III" the enemy will slow down for almost 3 seconds

Embossment .

We are talking about transferring the features of one type of material to a finished tool or weapon without losing an improvement attempt (!!!).

Example... Let's take a pickaxe made entirely of Manuelin, the basic features are "Cold-blooded" and "Gluttony". If you use a modifier that includes some part of the paper, then the paper's "Rewritability" feature will be added to the existing ones. And now we will have the opportunity to improve the manuline pickaxe not 3, as before, but 4 times.
