How to make a rating system. CubePoints is a rating system for users. How to make a rating or rating system

- plugin for organizing a rating system on the site. We can say that a blog does not "live" without active user commenting. So why not reward authors of articles and commentators with glasses, because people like to receive rewards for their activity, even if these are only rating numbers. (Remember at least the indignation of users associated with the cancellation of the rating on the website, although everyone understood that the rating had no effect on anything for a long time.

The developers also assume that with the help of this plugin, the site owner can earn extra money, will provide users with the opportunity to buy points through PayPal... Why should a user buy points. For example, access to certain content can only be opened upon reaching a certain rating.

Installing CubePoints

Everything is like. Go to the admin panel WordPress, go to the Plugins tab - "Add new" and use the search to find the plugin. Add it and activate it.

The latest version of the plugin is fully translated into Russian, and, moreover, it is translated very well, so it is very easy and pleasant to work with it. Go to the CubePoints menu and start configuring the plugin.

For reference- interacts perfectly with Buddypress(popular plugin for creating a WP based social network). If you have your own social network built with Buddypress then you can easily integrate the rating system into it. To do this, you will need another plugin, which is called so - CubePoints Buddypress Integration .

Main features of the plugin

  • Rating points for comments and posting;
  • The ability to transfer points from one user to another;
  • Ranking system similar to that found on torrent trackers;
  • Points accrual for daily authorization on the site (performed automatically);
  • Writing off points for spam and then deleting comments;
  • Write off points for deleting entries;
  • Writing off points for watching paid content;
  • The ability to buy points using the payment system PayPal;
  • The ability to manually assign points to users.

Description of CubePoints with all connected modules except "Reset data"


Management of points awarded to users. You can either add or take away any number of rating points from the user.

Add points

Manual awarding of points to users.


The main plugin settings page. Basically, here you can set the number of points that are added or subtracted for an action.


Information about the last manipulations with points.

Backup & Restore

I think this tab does not need additional comments.

My points

The user's personal page, where he can see how many points he has earned or lost by performing this or that action.

Fund your account via PayPal

Configuring points payment options via PayPal.

So, how can this form be displayed:

1.With the following HTML code:

Number of points to purchase:

2.With the help, which can be embedded in the blog page or displayed as a widget, if the following line is added to the theme's functions.php file:

add_filter (‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’) ;.

Assigning statuses to users

Go to the "Modules" tab and activate the "Statuses" module. Now in the menu we see a new item Statuses, where we can come up with our own statuses and assign the amount of points, upon reaching which the user will be assigned this status.


Modules are perhaps the most interesting thing in this menu. By connecting various modules, you will give users access to additional opportunities and significantly expand the functionality of the plugin. This is the tab with which it is recommended to start acquaintance with. Read the descriptions of the modules, activate what you need, and then start setting up the plug-in - the optimal, in my opinion, order of actions.


You have 2 widgets at your disposal:

Shows how many points the user has earned. To see his points, the user must log in to the site.

CubePoints Top Users... Top users with the most rating points.

Widgets are adjusted using a list of shortcodes, which can also be inserted into the "Style" field of the widget CubePoints Top Users


% points% - number of points

% npoints% - show only the number of points

% username% - display username

% user% or% userid% - user ID

% place% - user status

% emailhash% - display images Gravatar

And good news for those who have the forum installed - the forum developers are planning to release a plugin for integration with.

On sites and blogs, you can often find various systems for evaluating material (articles, photos, videos). Some are limited to buttons showing the social activity of users. And some use helper scripts and plugins to create ratings.

I want to write about one of these systems for a WordPress site, which you have probably seen more than once. Namely - about plugin for rating posts using asterisks.

Let's take a look at the benefits such ratings bring to a site and its owner:

Based on the second point, you can deduce minus of this system- a small rating will lead to a decrease in the visitor's trust. For this very reason, you do not see the rating established on my blog.

This problem can be solved in two ways.:

  1. Natural... If you have a backbone that actively participates in the life of the blog (comments, participation in surveys, etc.).
  2. Artificial wrapping... The simplest solution is to edit the WP-PostRatings plugin table in the database. You can also use other methods (for example, manual assignment using a dynamic ip-address).

The first, alas, is not available to me, and after the second I will cease to respect myself.

If you pay attention to the comments, you will see that there is nothing to pay attention to. It just so happened that I started working on this project at the end of the blogging era. Accordingly, I did not find all the joys of guest blogging, cooperation, mutual commenting. And to comment on your own blog to raise its importance in the eyes of readers, as I said, it is conscience that gets in the way. Though I hope greed wins in the end.

Well, okay, let's move on to the review WordPress plugin post rating.

WordPress post rating plugin

Using the WP-PostRatings plugin, you can easily make an article grading system.

Remarkably, it is implemented on the Ajax system.

Has over a million downloads.

Compatible with WordPress versions 2.8 and up.

Installing the WP-PostRatings plugin

You can download and install WP-PostRatings in any of the available ways: directly from the admin panel, or take the plugin from the link and drop it into the plugins folder. Detailed instructions read on installation.

Setting up WP-PostRatings

There are not so many settings for this plugin. It all comes down to the fact that you choose the article grading system, set the number of stars.

Most importantly, check the box Yes against Enable Google Rich Snippets... This option will add special markup that will allow you to display a star rating in Google search results.

You can also customize the visual effects of loading and restrict the ability to vote for registered users only.

Installing WP-PostRatings Plugin on Posts and Pages

Unfortunately, or fortunately, this plugin does not automatically insert the asterisk output code at the bottom or top of the article. This means that you will have to do it yourself. The plus is that you yourself determine the place in which the asterisks will be displayed.

First of all, you need to go to your theme folder

wp-content \ themes \ your theme \

There you will find files single.php and page.php, which are responsible for displaying posts and pages, respectively.

Open the required file with the notepad ++ text editor or a regular text editor and paste the code:

If you are a beginner, it is best to create a copy of the file you are editing. You need to insert until the asterisks are in the right place.

(ratings without space)

You can also customize the display of the most popular (based on rating) posts in the widget, or anywhere else in your site template using the code:

Or the most rated posts: get_most_rated.

The both value means that both pages and records will be displayed. It can be changed to post only or page only. 0 - the minimum number of ratings. 10 - the number of displayed records.

By the way, after completing all the settings, check in the tools structured data validation your site. If everything is correct, then you will see (first clear the cache if one of the caching plugins is installed).

November 9, 2010 at 08:35 PM

Algorithm of user popularity on the site - "Non-standard approach to standard things"

  • PHP

Everyone has seen a system of rating articles and materials on the sites. Many even did it themselves, but not everyone did the rating of people on the site.
In this article I will tell you how to make a high-quality rating system for users of your resource.

First, I will draw a line for you different ranking algorithms:
I - Users receive only "+"
Main advantages:

  • There are no problems.
  • one person, one point.

II - Users get "+" and "-"
There are few big differences from the previous system. One more field has been added to the database.
Main advantages:

  • There are no problems.
  • Minimal load on the site and base.
  • one person, one point.
  • Personal authority on a website / forum is worthless. You are one unit and that's it.

III - hyperbole by @ klim-danilovklim-danilov
Yes, this is a pretty interesting idea, but for the evaluation of the material. But not users.
Main advantages:

  • “The weight of each plus or minus is continually halved, in chronological order.
    That is, the first user puts a plus with a weight of +50 points, the next one puts a plus with a weight of +25 points, a minus of -50 points, a minus of -25, a minus of -12.5 points "
  • Each subsequent vote already carries less weight.
  • The system is not yet complete.

IV - statistical average
One of the most common systems. It is based on the total number of voters and the total score divided by each other.
Main advantages:

  • The system has been tested and works long ago.
  • Not high resource costs.
  • The user is given the right to vote from minimum to maximum. And usually, according to statistics, users put the lowest score or the highest.
  • A system for evaluating material exclusively.

V - floating system
The principle is based on the change of karma towards plus or minus.
Main advantages:

  • Perhaps the best system for rating users / material.
  • Not high resource costs.
  • And again. Your authority on the website / forum is worth nothing in the rating system.

Now I will do my bit.
Why reinvent the wheel when algorithms for evaluating people already exist?
- And the answer is simple, they are not correct when there is a conversation about the need to highlight really authoritative people on the resource.

The algorithm is based on geometric figure"Right triangle".
Yes, sometimes in geometry we can find quite unusual things.

Why was the triangle chosen?
The fact is that the height of the triangle can correspond to the rating of the user who gives the assessment.
The length of the triangle to be rated. And the hypotenuse is exactly the difference between user authorities.

Now let's get down to the fun part.
$ a = 254; // User rating of the voter $ b = 47; // Rating of the user receiving the vote / * Set the standard numbers that can be found on any forum * / if ($ b<=0){ $b=1; } /* Проверяем наличие нуля и отрицательного числа в переменной $b */ ### Получаем квадрат стороны А * 2 ### $aInSquare = ($a * 2) * ($a * 2); /* Сейчас вы спросите, а почему мы увеличиваем значение переменной в 2 раза? Методом научного тыка, я увидел что когда у переменной $a число больше в 2 раза, то и результат получается более естественным */ ### Получаем квадрат стороны B ### $bInSquare = $b * $b; ###Получаем квадрат стороны гипотенузы ### $cInSquare = $bInSquare + $aInSquare; ### Получаем длину гипотенузы### $c = sqrt($cInSquare); $result = (int) round($c / $b); /* Делим полученный результат гипотенузы на содержимое стороны $b и сводим значение в целое с помощью округления и превращения числа в int */ if($result >$ b / 2) ($ result = (int) round ($ b / 2);) / * Let's check that the user does not receive too many points. If he was supplied by a very authoritative person, then the karma will increase by a maximum of 50% * / var_dump ($ result); / * And at the end we will receive the answer 11, this number will just adequately raise the user's karma. * /?>
Maybe someone will ask. Why didn't I use the formula $ result = ($ a * 2) / $ b ;?
This formula does not work adequately when $ a is less than $ b by more than 2 times.

Within a couple of months, I will finish writing the project (I will write about this after the closed beta testing).
The algorithm will be tested on a real project where it is critically needed.

After thousands of tests with $ a = rand (0.99999); $ b = rand (0.99999);
I ended up with a couple of bugs:
1st - divide by 0.
Fixed if ($ b<=0){ $b=1; }

2nd - when the receiving user has 1 point, and receives from the user with 1000, then his volume of the resulting becomes 2000
Fixed if ($ result> $ b / 2) ($ result = (int) round ($ b / 2);) The maximum can be increased by 50%.

The Code-Igniter benchmark gave no load results (0.0000).

Thanks to all. Look for inspiration in everything you see.

Rating... This painfully familiar word has been heard by each of you more than once. As a rule, this word is usually understood as a numerical or ordinal indicator that reflects the importance or significance of a certain object or phenomenon. Simply put, the more points you have on certain criteria, the higher you rank in the ranking.

As you may have noticed, our project also has its own rating system. We introduced you to what he is, earlier, in a separate one, and now we will talk in more detail about how to make your teacher's website popular and rise in the ranking to a high position.

Of course, many of you might say, “What's the incentive? Just praise yourself! ” etc. But let me ask you: "Wouldn't it please you if your work is appreciated?" It is such a system for evaluating your work that is the rating system on our project. Agree, it's nice to know that you are the best in your profession, and it will become even more pleasant for you that you are the best in recognition of your colleagues.

Let's remember what influences and contributes to increasing your personal rating:

  • publications of developments;
  • blog entries;
  • views of your files and blogs;
  • downloading your publications;
  • subscribers interested in your content;
  • comments you left on files;
  • comments to your files;
  • left comments on blogs;
  • comments on your blogs;
  • evaluating your files or blog posts.

If you take a closer look at them, you can distinguish three main directions of promoting your personal website in the rating of the "Multi-lesson" project:

  • publication of your methodological developments;
  • rating of your posts by other users;
  • the number of your subscribers.

But first of all, you need to work on filling out the sections of your personal website carefully. Fill in your personal profile, insert your photo into your avatar, add photos to the "Gallery" section.

Pay special attention to completing the "About Me" section. Tell us not only about your profession, but also about yourself, your hobbies, do not forget to mention your achievements and awards. In general, do not deny yourself anything. After all, as you know, “they are greeted by their clothes”, you must admit that few people will be interested in reading the materials posted on the page filled in this way.

After you have worked on filling out your personal page, the main attention should be paid to the publication of your methodological developments. Publish them as much and as often as possible: the more you upload materials to your teacher site, the more often they will be searched for and the more your colleagues will be able to rate them, but do not forget about the quality of your materials. Try to make them unique, interesting, beautifully designed.

By publishing methodological developments or blog posts, remember the titles. Your title should be:

  • short;
  • reflect the essence of the publication;
  • be sonorous;
  • be memorable;
  • not have complex terms that are understandable only to a narrow group of your colleagues.

Indeed, according to statistics, headlines are read five times more often than the texts themselves. Today, a user of the World Wide Web spends just a couple of seconds getting to know a website, page or letter. To draw attention to your post, it is important to write really good headlines, because as practice shows, a good headline is 80% of success! After all, if your reader or visitor on the site does not like the title of the article, he will not get acquainted with the content of the blog post and your teaching material.

A good headline combined with good material will help to draw attention to your personal teacher site, and therefore increase your subscriber base.

Simple communication with colleagues can also help attract subscribers to your page. Actively subscribe to the pages of other teachers, comment on blog posts and authoring developments, respond to comments left under your publications. And of course, you can tell your colleagues, acquaintances or friends who would be interested in such a project about your personal teacher's website on the “Multi-lesson” project. And after their registration, issue mutual subscriptions.

We hope that we did not tire you too much with our story. What aspects of promoting your personal teacher website are you interested in? We are looking forward to your feedback and comments.

Respectfully yours, the team of the "Multi-lesson" project.

What is the guarantee?
Battery replacement guarantee in the event of a defect. We have a minimum marriage rate. If a problem happens, we replace the account with an equivalent one. Unlike other stores, we do not require proof of your innocence (these are such hidden conditions that some sellers have).
Also in favor of the guarantee: the site is 4 years old, billing for receiving payments, licensed script for automated sales - Digiseller.

Linked accounts?
No. All accounts on the site without bindings - everything can be changed. The set includes a login and password from Steam and a login, password from mail. In incentive mobile phone is not tied.

I don't have a SIM number to play MMR.
From May 4, 2017, accounts without a mobile phone number will not be allowed to play ranked games.
Mobile number- an individual thing and if you do not have it, then this is not a problem. We found a service that makes it possible to bind a virtual number, the cost is only 3 rubles -

What is this MMR for?
MMR in Dota 2 serves as a criterion for matching players with the same rating as you. Most players play in the 2800-4000 MMR range (solo rating). The higher the rating, the stronger the rivals, you get more real experience, the higher is mutual understanding in the game and mutual assistance.

How important is winrate and number of games in Dota2?
Indicator winrate (percentage of wins) and the number of games do not play video in the selection of matches. These parameters are not taken into account in ranked games.

What is KDA?
KDA - the coefficient of utility in the game, affects the calculation of your MMR rating as long as it is not assigned to an account. It is calculated as follows: (K + A) / D, where K is the number of kills in the game, D is the number of deaths, A is the number of assists. For example, you finished a match, made 8 kills, 4 times in a tavern, participated in killing 12 enemy heroes - your CDA = (8 + 12) / 4 = 5 which is good.

How to make an account with a high MMR yourself?
You need to play about 100-150 games with a high KDA and successfully play 10 calibration games. As a result, you will receive 3500-3700 MMR.
Example: if you played the first games before calibration and match the game level of 3000MMR and win all 10 calibration games with a KDA coefficient of 10 - then after calibration you will have an account with 3500 MMR.

MMR rating depends on: 70-80% of the first games (up to level 20) and 20-30% of 10 calibration games, after which your rating is displayed. Accordingly, you need to spend about 14-20 days on sustained, high-quality replay of all matches.

Maximum Solo MMR which can be obtained immediately after calibration, limited for today by the number in ~3500 ... The rest of the points are won by victories and an average of 25 points.

Important: don't be fooled! If your personal solo rating is now in the 2000-2500 range, then You will not be able to create an account> 3500 mmr. No need to waste time.

The next point is to learn and really match more high level only with time. This can be achieved much faster by playing party matchmaking in a company with more experienced players or playing alone on an account with a higher solo MMR.

Who would not say what, but in 90% of cases, the solo rating now really reflects the level of the game.
Anyone who calls his teammates "crayfish" (who, by the way, play at the same level), has simply forgotten how others play, on the rating by 1000 points lower.
The opposite is also true: try now to play 3-4 games at a rating plus +800 from yours, and you will clearly begin to feel useless, weak in the team, and you will have no one to blame.

How Team Games Affectsolo rating?
Team ranked play only affects party MMR, and does not affect solo MMR

What is the difference between a solo MMR rating of 4500 and 4800?
The difference is quite significant, in fact, 300 points for a good player, whose winrate is 55%, is about 110-120 rated games.
However, starting from 4800-, the real experience of the players is greatly increased, and it becomes more difficult to increase your rating - you have to "sweat" a lot. In other words, the difference is significantly more noticeable with an increase in MMR.

My rating is now 3200-3600 - what will I see when playing, for example, at 4500 MMR?
Compared to the rating of 3500, at 4500 there are much more adequate players - supports really support, do not take creeps from the carry on the lane, immediately buy wards, kuru, will give from the first minutes if there is an invisible hero in the opposing team and "do not touch your mother" ... However, weirdos can still come across, but in a much smaller number than.

Where do we get our accounts?
Most of you play Dota for your own pleasure and do it for free.
A small part of people play very well and also for fun, for the sake of victory.
Among them there are those who think and come to the idea, since they already spend a lot of time in the game, why not get a small reward?
For a month, one such player creates 3-5 accounts from scratch, we help them to reliably find a buyer for an account to play with strong doters.
