How to make different portals in minecraft. What portals can be made in minecraft? Going on a trip to the moon

The portal is an irreplaceable and very useful thing, but few people know that in minecraft you can make a portal without mods! On the Internet, many people post lessons that use mods, and installing modifications takes a lot of time. In addition, you need to look for a mod for our version, but it may simply not be there. Can't we switch to another version just because of the portal?

Ok, how to make a portal? It's not difficult at all. Knowledge of console commands will not be superfluous, but if you do not have such knowledge, do not worry. I will tell you everything in detail and even show you! Everyone can make a portal without mods!

Since version 1.9, players have two ways to create a movement. Previously, such a mechanism required a redstone. After the version, you can do without it.

Making a portal using redstone

This method is suitable for all versions... First of all, we need command block and creative mode(since the command block can only be controlled in creative mode). You can get it by registering the command

/ give @p command_block

(write / gamemode 1 before this)

The / give command is responsible for giving out items. The @p parameter specifies that this command should only be used on the nearest player. Since we enter this command, the closest player to us will be ourselves. command_block - block name. I took it from the page where all the item ids are written.

A command block has appeared in the inventory. Now we have to find two points. 1 - where we will teleport from. 2 - where we will teleport. I have marked these positions with diamond blocks.

I recommend writing down the values, because they will be useful to us. How do I find out the coordinates of the blocks? Press F3 and you will have information on the game. Write out the values ​​from line XYZ, rounding the values ​​down. Good. We are all ready to create a portal. Now we need to build a mechanism. I will not describe in detail, but just show a screenshot. It is not difficult to do such a thing.

To build, we need:

  • Command block;
  • Redstone - 2 pieces;
  • Any block;
  • Red torch;
  • Repeater.

We build what is shown in the screenshot:

Now click on the command block right click mice. An editing window should open. In chapter " console command »Write the following command:

/ tp @p x y z

Replace the question marks in square brackets with your values ​​(the coordinates of the block we will teleport from). After the square brackets, instead of x, y, z, enter the coordinates of the point where we will move. I got it like this:

/ tp @p 67 67 36

You cannot use a space between @p and square brackets!

What does this command do?

We create our own portal using the / tp command. Note we did it without mods! Good. I will write in detail what and how.

  • / tp - set the command to be executed.
  • @p - sounds like “ choose the nearest player«.
  • - this refers to the @p parameter. Those. we say console " choose the closest player located at coordinates x = 71, y = 67, z = 40. Radius 1 (r = 1)". If we specified r = 3, then the player would be searched at a distance of 0 to 3 blocks from the specified coordinates.
  • 67 67 36 - coordinates indicating where to teleport the selected player.

That's all. We've made a move! Now step on the first block and it will teleport you! You can also decorate the teleporter to give the atmosphere to the game.

Portal without redstone

Now I will tell you how you can make a portal without a redstone. Only relevant for version 1.9 and higher!

Here we have to do everything the same as in the first version, so if you haven't read the first part, be sure to check it out! I will briefly list our actions:

  • We turn on the creative;
  • We get the command block;
  • Select the coordinates of the moving points (and write them down);
  • We put the command block (you can put it anywhere);
  • Click on it with the right mouse button.

Now we need to configure the command block so that it works without a redstone. First, we enter our command:

/ tp @p x y z

Don't forget to replace the values ​​with your own.

Pay attention not the bottom buttons. Set the following values ​​there:

  1. Cyclic;
  2. Unconditional;
  3. Always active.

Click Finish. Fine! We made a portal again and again without mods! Now you are a real ace in the construction of teleports!

How and where to use such portals?

Here, the most important thing is to include imagination. You can make a portal to the city from your home. In this case, you will not have to run to the inhabitants for a long time to bargain with them. You can use the mechanism on servers instead of warps. I like to build a lot of teleporters at home, and then when I find a village, I write down its coordinates. Upon returning home, I make a teleport to the found village. Unfortunately, this way you will not be able to move to other dimensions. For example, in the edge of the ender and the like. But you can do or to visit new places. The first teleport is built into the game and can be done without any problems, but in order to move to paradise, you will need to install additional ones.


If you do not understand something, watch the video tutorial in which I fully showed the entire process of creating portals.

Portals are passages that take the Minecraft player to another world. As you know, there are only two types of portals in Minecraft:

  • Natural
  • Man-made

As for natural portals, you can search for them and find them in the ordinary world of Minecraft, of course, this sounds much simpler than you might think. But the essence is this, you just need to find a natural portal, an example of such a portal is the Edge. We will describe how to find it later.

How to make portals in Minecraft

As you may have guessed, we are interested in man-made portals in Minecraft. Most likely you have heard of such portals as the portal to Hell and the portal to Heaven. These portals play a very important role in Minecraft, since the worlds they lead to have some resources that you won't find anywhere else. Fortunately, these portals are made from blocks and do not require much sophistication with mobs. How to make portals in Minecraft? In short, then

  • Portal to hell- it can be created from obsidian blocks using a lighter (flint).
  • Portal to Paradise (Ether)- this portal is not available without the Aether mod. It has a similar appearance to the infernal portal, consists of blocks of glowing stone and water.

Portals in Minecraft 1.6.2

Creation of a portal to Hell for Minecraft 1.6.2... First you need to get obsidian blocks. To do this, you need flowing water and lava in a calm state. Making a block is as easy as shelling pears, but in order to take it yourself, you will have to get a diamond pick, otherwise you will not be able to break the block. You will need 10-12 units of obsidian. Now we build the structure as in the figure (2 by 3) and set it on fire with a lighter and in a second the fire will go out and the portal will work - voila, the portal is ready to enter a world that cannot be entered in any other way.

Creation of a portal to Paradise for Minecraft 1.6.2... Well, who doesn't want to go to Paradise? (Without the Aether mod, this portal will not work) And so, you need a glowing stone and water. Finding water is not a problem in Minecraft 1.6.2, but a glowing stone needs to be crafted. It is crafted from light dust, which, oddly enough, can be found exclusively in Hell. Here is a paradox, to get to Paradise, you need to visit Hell ... this is the world of Minecraft. In general, here is the recipe for crafting the coveted stone:

How to build and use portals in Minecraft

Portals in Minecraft for android

For those who like to torture themselves and others, i.e. to play Minecraft on a tablet, phone with an android platform, there are also ways to create portals. In the areas where the portals lead, it is not clear what it is .. Either heaven, or hell, well, in general, they lead to other worlds of Minecraft. We generally do not recommend playing Minecraft for android, it's like eating raw katoshka, if you can cook it ... But if you do decide, then just watch the video and repeat.

How to make a portal in Minecraft PE

Download from the site:

For players who were not aware that there are portals in minecraft to the upper and lower world, this article will be interesting. It will tell about the possibilities of moving to hell and heaven, about how to get to such mysterious worlds. What dangers and adventures await you. if you love various maps, new biomes you can download on our website. If you play on a server with the portals plugin installed in minecraft, then you do not need to download it, you just need to follow the instructions and do the things you need.

And things like other worlds are doubly dangerous, but you will be rewarded for your exploits if you are careful. In hell and in heaven minecraft game you can find the hardest and toughest ores in the game. There is no limit to adventure, quite interesting locations await you ahead, but at the same time, dangerous and mysterious.

Make a portal to space

UPDATE as of 03/16/14

Friends, before describing the construction of a portal to space, we want to tell you about a very cool alternative - to fly into space ON A ROCKET! It's just that the portal to space, unfortunately, can only be made in version 1.2.5, and this is wild old stuff, terribly inconvenient. Those who need the portal can safely flip through, but we highly recommend the rocket to everyone, it's much, MUCH COOLER!)))

This is all done, of course, with the help of the mod. It's called GalactiCraft (two more files are needed, you can find everything here, along with installation instructions!). We are using version 1.6.2, but there is also a link to 1.6.4.

We have described all the instructions for you in our review:

Well, now about the portal.

To get along without air, we need a spacesuit. It is crafted in the same way as any armor, only from wool. The recipes are on the screenshots below.

Airless space is fraught with a lot of dangers, so you need to AT LEAST to adhere to the most elementary rules:

  • stock up on supplies and tools in advance
  • don't forget to take more food
  • DO NOT JUMP! Otherwise, you will perish, like the author of the video below :)
  • move around the islets
  • do not forget to make yourself a platform on which you can move, otherwise you will die (again, as the author of the video)
  • do not forget to take a weapon - the UFO does not sleep!

This journey is incredibly exciting. New territories in minecraft are always very interesting to explore, because you don't know what awaits you in an unfamiliar area. It is even more interesting to film your adventures and post them on the Internet and show them to your friends.

Going on a trip to the moon

Yes, this is also possible!) And not with the help of a portal (there is no normal information about the portal to the moon, but if you suddenly know something about such a fashion, write in the comments plz), but on a rocket. It's cooler for many reasons, and it's quite affordable. We have all the necessary files on our website, see the links in this article.

Well, as for the flight to the moon itself, preparation for it is very similar to a flight into space (how do you live on your own space station, by the way? :)). Therefore, we will not paint a lot, everything is in the video, we watch it:

This instruction will explain in detail to the players how to build a portal to heaven. First thing you need to do is download a mod that allows you to port. It is necessary to install it, otherwise the portal will not work (here is the link to the Aether 2 mod).

Once installed this mod in minecraft, you will need a stone called a glostone and from this stone we build a kind of frame as shown in the video. Sizes 4 by 6 blocks. Players will also need water, pour water into the already prepared "frame". To do this, you need a bucket, the craft of which is shown in the picture below. Then be sure to collect water in a bucket (you can do it in any available reservoir) and pour it into the portal. It is necessary to fill in the entire frame of the portal, otherwise it will not work.

Players who do not want the portal to work all the time can make a button next to it that will turn it on and off.

Make portals to hell in minecraft

The portal allows you to teleport in minecraft, rather to a dark and scary location, in which evil lurks, there is no view of the moon and the sun, but all around is darkness. There are strong monsters that are ready to devour you. Therefore, before moving there, you still need to stock up on food, weapons, armor. You can build it according to a not very complicated system, if in your inventory, of course, there is a stone called obsidian. Many newcomers to minecraft do not know how to get this stone. Now I will tell you everything in detail. Obsidian can be obtained in 2 ways:
  1. You just need to craft a bucket, which was mentioned in point 2, you need to pour water into it (you can in any body of water) and find a place where there is lava. After pouring your water from a bucket onto lava, a natural phenomenon will occur in minecraft and you will get a stone that you just need, called obsidian.
  2. It is necessary to make a good pickaxe (starting from a diamond one) and dig deep underground, there you will find this stone, it is dark purple in color, which is immediately noticeable. The stone will be mined for a long time, because it has strong properties.


It is necessary to mine in minecraft with a pickaxe starting from a diamond one, if you do not have such an opportunity, then it is better to use the first method, because obsidian will not be mined with simple pickaxes.

Actually, let's move on to the construction of the portal. You need to create an empty rectangle 4 blocks wide and 5 blocks high from obsidian, as shown in the picture.

Then you will need to craft a lighter (required), the craft of which is shown in the picture below.

Bring the lighter to the base of the rectangle and the portal to hell will work. To teleport you need to go into it and wait a few seconds while it moves you.

There are even mods that allow you to fly to the moon. But it won't be so easy to go to the moon, you will need to craft rockets according to the scheme and only then you will be able to fly to the moon. *

*update from 03/23/14 - we not only wrote about this above, but also flew and filmed a video :)

Making a portal to the city

In Minecraft, we can also make a portal to the city. This is a little trick, the essence of which is this - we can get to hell from any portal to hell, of which we can build at least ten pieces. But from hell we will always return to the portal that we made first.

Therefore, we can make ourselves a kind of "passage" from the house directly to the city. The course of action is as follows:

1. We must first find the city. How? Load up on provisions and run ahead!) Not forgetting, of course, to make a compass and a map in advance. Usually villages are found on the plains or in the desert.

3. We teleport to hell, we build the portal with non-combustible material, you can just cobble.

4. We return to the ordinary world, run back to the house, or wherever you want to get to the city, and build another portal to hell.

5. We are transported to hell, we leave the portal, and then we go into it again.

And that's it! After that, we find ourselves not where we went to hell, but in the city.

Here is such a simple thing, use it for health;)

Well, as usual, we are watching our video. Don't forget to subscribe!

Making a portal to the end

So, Minecraft portal is a guide to another dimension, in our case, to the Edge... Essentially, these are twelve frames that form a square. To make this explorer work and you get hit in End, you need to activate it. The Eye of the End acts as the activator. They need twelve pieces, according to the number of frames. Each eye must be installed in a frame block. You cannot make a "window" to the Land on your own, you can only find it in Minecraft. You should search in the fortress. There, in a special room, above the lava, is the portal. Some frames sometimes already have an Eye of the End, but even in this case, their number is maximum two. The rest will have to be mined by ourselves. After filling all the frames inside, nine blocks appear, directly, of the portal. This whole scheme may not work if the room in which the portal is located somehow intersects with, for example, abandoned mines or any other similar (natural) structures. Then you have to go in search of another fortress.

Teleportation itself player in the End occurs after the contact of the crafter with the portal. The transfer is lightning fast - after taking a step, it will be possible to return only from the Edge dimension. Once at the destination, the crafter spawns on a special obsidian platform, which is often in the air. To get back, you need to either die (then the player is resurrected in the ordinary world of Minecraft), or kill a very tough enemy - the dragon of the End, which is also called Ender. Killing a dragon will result in the generation of a reverse portal, but it is extremely difficult to make a gornych a kirdyk.

And now, in list form, the nuances that a must-know for any Minecraft traveler going to the Edge.

  • End first appeared in Beta 1.9pre-release4. This pleasant event happened on October 13, 2011.
  • Initially, Notch planned that this dimension in Minecraft would be called "Ender", but later the name was slightly shortened - to End.
  • There should have been several dragons in Ender. End is gifted with only one, but what!
  • If you look very closely, you can see that the portal frame blocks are composed of Endstone.
  • Again, if you look closely, you will notice that the portal block itself is a darker version of one of several water conditions in Minecraft.
  • To get into the Land of Minecraft, you can contact the portal as you like, but it is not recommended to enter the trolley. Not that it won't be faster, you won't get there at all.
  • Portal blocks are deployed in both directions.
  • The block of this portal, like its "colleague" leading to Nizhny world of minecraft, can be disposed of with water.
  • It is extremely rare to generate an Underwater portal in this gloomy place in Minecraft. And, of course, you can't do it yourself either.
  • The "corridor" blocks to Ender's habitat, like any other block in Minecraft, can be destroyed. But this is only allowed in the Creative mode.
  • Destroying frame blocks does not destroy a portal block.
  • "Dismantling" of the frame is accompanied by the sound of breaking glass.
  • At the beginning, the frames had different properties. They also had a different texture. They were transparent blue blocks emitting light from the fifteenth level. They were not hard then, they could be broken. But it could also be repaired using the Eye of the End.
  • In one version of Minecraft, the frame could be blown up.

In the world of the Minecraft game, there are many different activities for gamers. Build a house, equip a plot or fight monsters - and this is not full list all possibilities. If we build a portal to another world, then the game will become even more interesting, because we can go on a journey, to the moon, or even to the final battle with the dragon.

If you have the standard version of the game, then at the very beginning only two portals are available: to the End and the nether world. The first of them cannot be built in any way, unless, of course, you are in the creative field and unique blocks are available to you, it can only be found in an underground temple in the jungle. To do this, use the Ender pearls, which need to be thrown into the air, and they will show you the way to the portal. It will be activated using the same "Ender Pearls" that are inserted into the missing cells. With the help of such a "teleportation" you can get to the last battle with the dragon, after defeating which you will see the final credits of this impassable game. But before you go there, craft yourself an enchanted diamond armor, prepare your bow and arrow and be patient. The fight will not be easy. The second is a portal to the lower world, or as the players like to call it - Hell. It is quite easy to build it, even at the initial stage of development. To do this, you will need fourteen obsidian blocks for the full structure or ten for the economy version, it also requires a lighter fire, a fire arrow, or fire ball from the ghast. It is built of five blocks in height and four in width, and you need to light it in the center of this frame, after which you will have six portal blocks. You can visually see the construction scheme in the picture.

But if you don't have a diamond pickaxe to mine obsidian, there is alternative way the buildings. This requires ten buckets of lava, two buckets of water and a wall near which we will build a portal. We knock out a hole two by one and one deep at a height of five blocks from the surface. Pour two buckets of water into this recess. Next, we take up the lava, first we pour out a bucket on each place next to the orange wool, there should be obsidian. We will do the same first with the two lower blocks, and only then with the upper ones. Then you remove the water, and you can light the portal. But the game will really become interesting after installing the modifications. In addition to Hell and End, you can have many unique locations. Portals to these worlds are built according to the same principle as the previous ones, with the only difference that their construction will require their own unique blocks, which will add modifications. Examples of such additions to the original game are "GalactiCraf", which will allow you to travel into space, and "Aether 2", which will help you make your journey to heaven. You can download and read about the first mod, and about the second -

To build a portal to a city, you need to find or do it yourself, otherwise the meaning of building a portal disappears.

If creative mode is open on the server, to build a city, open your inventory, find a brown egg among the available items, throw it on the ground so that a resident of the future settlement will be out of it. The larger the city in the game you want to build, the more eggs you will need.

When the required number of civilians appears, you can leave for a while and do other useful things. In a day, return to the place where the eggs were broken, there the civilians will build a city.

To build a portal to the city, the settlement itself does not have to be built; it can be found by traveling around the game. On the plain or in you can find a ready-made settlement of mobs with wooden or sand houses. It is in this place that you need to make a portal.

Also, in order for a city to appear on the map, you can enter kedengkedeng in the key of the Minecraft world generator.

How to make a portal to the city in Minecraft

The portal is needed so that you can quickly move from one point to another.

To build it, knock out four blocks in the ground in the center of the city, surround this place with blocks of one type of stone, and place stones of a different type in place of the removed blocks. If you do everything from one material, then the portal to the city will not work.

Naturally, in order to teleport to another place from the city, it is necessary to have not only an entrance to the portal, but also an exit from it. Find the place you need outside the city (or in another village) and make the exact same portal there.

How to activate the portal to the city

To activate a portal to a city made without mods, take a watch, hover over the lower blocks of the portal entrance, right-click on it. If you did everything correctly, you will see the water flow and fill the entrance.

Move to the portal you built earlier and follow the same procedure.

Thus, you managed to make a portal to the city in Minecraft, now you can move from the village in one click.

Remember to reinforce your portal at the exit so you don't get attacked immediately after teleporting.
