How to solve a 12 sided cube. Megaminx, aka the magic dodecahedron, aka the Hungarian supernova. Assembling the last side completely

Among the outstanding puzzles, it is worth highlighting Megaminx. This toy is made in the shape of a complex geometric figure- a dodecahedron, which consists of 62 visible parts, only 50 of them move. The remaining parts are the centers of the faces, which remain motionless. Megaminx is available in two versions - six colors and twelve colors.

This toy is more entertaining than its colleagues - a cube, a pyramid. Assembling this puzzle takes longer, but collecting all the colors is not much more difficult than in a Rubik's cube, because most of the laws and assembly techniques are similar. Playing with Megaminx will help train your intelligence, logical thinking and intelligence.

Where to buy a Megaminx cube in Moscow?

If you decide to buy a Megaminx in Moscow, then in our online store you will find all kinds of models of this cube: with and without rib protrusions, from inexpensive and premium plastic. The puzzle will be a creative gift for friends, regardless of age and financial situation. When choosing, the main thing is to understand that the branded Megaminx will be comfortable to hold in your hands. It will be pleasant to the touch, and the movements of the parts will be swift and easy.

My childhood occurred during the perestroika years of the mid-to-late 80s, during the very heyday of cooperation and entrepreneurial activity in the USSR. Empty shelves of supermarkets and department stores were replaced by cooperative counters bursting with all sorts of things. Their products were usually of so-so quality, but they were in enormous demand, since their range and novelty differed radically from the store nomenclature produced in the Soviet light industry.
Entrepreneurs quickly sensed the needs of people starved of shortages and began producing a wide variety of products, including toys.
Georgians have mastered the production of copies of non-existent cars of dubious design on a scale of 1:43, models, as we called them.

Armenians chewing gum

our local Kotovsk plastics plant or some emergency under it began to produce the “Snake” puzzle

someone else made a rubik's triangle

In general, toys began to please, if not with quality, then at least with the range. However, it was very far from today's variety; now, when entering the Children's World, the eyes widen not only among children, but also among adults, although the price tags very quickly bring them together.
Evolution has not spared the Rubik's cube - pyramids, tetrahedrons, octahedrons, and finally a puzzle in the shape of a dodecahedron, which has its own trade name - Megaminx, has reached my eyes.
This puzzle was invented simultaneously by different people, and therefore received several different names at once: Megaminx, Magic Dodecahedron, “Hungarian Supernova”, but only Uwe Mèffert was able to patent this invention under the Megaminx trademark and begin selling it in retail chain of the same name.
Megaminx is packaged in a thin cardboard box, which received a fair amount of damage from our mail.

inside in polyethylene the dodecahedron itself

and a small assembly instruction folded into four, which we didn’t even notice at first.

The appearance did not cause any particular complaints, the colors are bright, the plastic is smooth and glossy, the edges rotate smoothly, only one sticker on the element was glued crookedly, this was not difficult to fix.

The puzzle consists of 62 outer colored moving elements, 50 of them change their location relative to each other, and 12 others are fixed centers of the faces, while in the Rubik's cube there are only 20 such moving parts with 6 centers of the faces.
Megaminx can be 6 or 12 colors, this variation of megaminx has 12 different colors on the edges.

Megaminx contains 20 corner elements and 30 edges, similar to the number of vertices and edges of a dodecahedron. When assembling a megaminx, only even permutations are possible, regardless of the location of the other parts.
That is, unlike a Rubik's cube, where you can swap two corner elements and two edges, in Megaminx it is impossible to ensure that only they are swapped.
According to the wiki, the exact number of possible puzzle states is 100,669,616,553,523,347,122,516,032,313,645,505,168,688,116,411,019,768,627,200,000,000,000!

You can rotate either two opposite faces at the same time

or three adjacent

There are no elements in Megaminx that do not have similar elements in the Rubik's cube. Existing techniques and algorithms used to solve the cube can be applied to Megaminx.
Naively believing that there would be no problems with the assembly, I quickly mixed the colors on the Megaminx, noted the time and gave the toy to my son, who quite quickly solves the Rubik's cube, which, to my shame, I never learned how to do (where is the blushing smiley face?).

However, neither an hour nor two later, the magic dodecahedron did not reveal its secrets to his son, the instructions found in the box also did not help, the son said that it was difficult, but I, who did not know how to assemble a cube, was completely unable to do it.
It's been three days and we've only been able to assemble one side

Vacation is coming soon, we'll take Megaminx with us, we'll have something to occupy ourselves on the train on the way to the sea, the world record for assembly of 42.28 seconds, set by a certain Westlond Simon, of course, cannot be achieved, but let's hope that we will still be able to assemble this puzzle.

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review was published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

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Date of: 2009-08-27 Editor: Zagumenny Vladislav

Hello dear puzzle lovers! Here is another copy from the Rubik series. Look through it, twist it and you will like it... Let's start with the 1st part of the MEGAMINKS solution.

1. Orientation

There are many ways to get all 12 sides into place according to color. First you need to do short review puzzles. There are three types of moving parts:

1. In the middle of each of the twelve sides that form the surface of MEGAMINX, there is a small pentagon which we call " center".

2. There are thirty" edges", near each of which there are " triangles" painted in two different colors.

3.There are twenty" corners" - similar to the corner cubes of a Rubik's puzzle, each side of which represents a small " square"Each one is painted a different color.

So we have a full series of sixty-two moving parts! This sounds terrifying! However, there is always a little consolation: the centers never move around, they remain in their place. When we rotate one of the sides, the center, five edges and five corners rotate. By rotating this side or that side, you move three pieces from each adjacent side - one edge and two corners.

Before you start solving the puzzle, you will have to familiarize yourself with the terms and description of the position of the sides of the cube in your hands. Next, when you need to hold the puzzle, remember that the thumb of your left hand should lie on the left edge (side) of the cube, to help scroll the puzzle you can also use your other hand :) This is how the cube should be in front of you:

The top of the cube, in this case the yellow one, will be called North Pole(let's imagine that our MEGAMINX is earth). Therefore, we can call the entire top face (center, edges and corners) North Pole, and the bottom edge (center, edges and corners) South Pole . The part between these “poles” will be called equatorial belt. Because equatorial belt We don’t have a very clear one, it will be divided into:

three types of equatorial edges, namely:

Five northern equatorial regions;

Ten middle equatorial edges;

Five southern equatorial regions,

and two types of equatorial contiguous ones, namely:

Five northern equatorial angles;

Five southern equatorial corners.

The centers play a major role for MEGAMINX; they determine the position of the edges and corners:

The arrow shown in the figure will indicate the rotation of the face in some direction (72°) .

For other faces and their rotations, the arrows will be displayed differently.

2. Basic steps

Looking at MEGAMIX you can be scared, because there are so many moving parts in it, and plus, probably, a lot of difficult actions.
But you will be surprised that just two elementary movements can lead to solving the puzzle; these are the ones you need to master and remember!
In these elementary actions, only the left and right edges will be used, which will need to be rotated. It is these turns that will be performed either left, or right, and are designated in the diagrams as L or R respectively for each action.
Turns that will be performed in two positions up up, will be shown with two stars at the top next to L And R:

Step 1:
left side or right side to turn up

Step 2:
right side or left edge to turn up

Step 3:
first face changed

Step 4:
second face changed

Accordingly, the turns that will be performed in two positions down, i.e. the edge will scroll 2 times down, will be shown with two stars below next to L And R:

Step 1:
left side or right side to turn down

Step 2:
right side or left edge to turn down

Step 3:
first face changed

Step 4:
second face changed

The following steps will be done very quickly and should be practiced within a few minutes. Very soon you will spend less than three seconds per action.
Let me remind you once again of these actions: inscriptions L or R indicate that you start with left side or right side. If stars appear up- turn up by two positions if the asterisks at the bottom - turn down two positions .
It is also necessary to briefly emphasize the main properties of these actions:

1. All these actions will move one pair of corners to vertical direction;
2. All these actions change one pair of angles in horizontal direction, either in the North Pole, or in the equatorial belt;
3. All these actions move the three edges.

It is enough to demonstrate this and. For and you just have to read the arrows in the pictures
and accordingly in other directions: and - the actions are reverse and, respectively

3. North pole design

Solving an edge or corner of a cube means that you need to move the edge or corner into its right place, regardless of the placement of its colors.
Assigning a custom color to an edge or corner:
This means that you need to rotate an edge or corner so that its colors match the colors of nearby corners and edges.

Sometimes it happens that the edge of the north pole is in the equatorial belt, so the following steps exclude it from the front edge.

The inexplicable world of the Rubik's cube captivates a large number of people. New species of this species are increasingly appearing entertaining puzzle, for example, "Megaminx". How to assemble it to enjoy the process?

What is Megaminx?

The dodecahedron puzzle was invented based on the classic Rubik's cube. It is a little more difficult to assemble.

What interesting things does Megaminx contain? How to assemble it can be understood after analyzing the algorithm. A special feature is that the edges can be rotated clockwise and counterclockwise by 180 degrees.

The rather complex assembly process provides a six-color version of the puzzle, which is not immediately clear.

Secrets of assembling a cube

How to assemble Megaminx? For beginners, there are manuals and instructions that make this task easier. The puzzle is assembled using algorithms created for the Rubik's cube, but the process differs in that Megaminx has more moving elements.

The puzzle helps develop intelligence and attentiveness. The toy will be interesting to all ages. By training your assembly skill, you will improve your thinking speed. It is believed that the puzzle helps maintain fortitude and clarity of mind for many years.

Professionals know how to solve a Rubik's cube. "Megaminx" has already won the attention of a large number of fans who organize competitions. They are happy to share their secrets and stories related to these

Interestingly, the record assembly time is only 33.17 seconds! Every fan of such toys can try to assemble them at speed.

Types of Megaminx cubes

Even puzzles require new and more complex developments. Megaminx fans note several varieties that differ in complexity and design:

  • "Gigaminx";
  • "Teraminx";
  • "Petaminx";
  • "Yotaminx."

They differ from each other in the number of layers. The more there are, the more difficult it is to solve the puzzle.


The Megaminx puzzle has become interesting to everyone. The toy is made of high-quality plastic, average weight is about 150 g.

Both children and adults like it. Their benefits are immediately visible. The puzzle develops logic, thinking and fine motor skills. Great for restless kids.


Young people came up with a movement that united fans of solving Rubik's cubes for speed. Championships are held where everyone can demonstrate their skills. The movement has brought together puzzle lovers of all ages.

The range of types of Rubik's cube is quite rich. Improvements are being made by Megaminx fans. They tell you with great pleasure how to assemble a puzzle quickly and easily. This makes the championships more interesting and attracts more people. The surge in popularity of the original puzzles occurred in 1996, and has not subsided to this day.

Experts advise starting with a classic cube, and later moving on to more complex versions, for example, Megaminx. How to assemble it will become clear after several successful tests.

If you think that the method is too slow, thoroughly study the rules written for the Rubik's cube. Once you understand the essence and formula, putting the puzzle together will not be difficult.

"Megaminx" gives you the opportunity to have fun and usefully spend time both alone and in the company of friends by organizing a small competition.

Megaminx- a puzzle in the shape of a dodecahedron, similar to a Rubik's cube. The puzzle consists of 62 moving elements visible from the outside, 50 of which change their location relative to each other and the remaining 12 are the centers of the faces, while in the cube there are only 20 such moving parts with 6 centers of the faces. There are two main versions of Megaminx: six-color and twelve-color. In the six-color version, opposite sides of the megaminx are painted in the same color.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 3

    ✪ How to assemble Megaminx if you already know how to solve a Rubik's cube - layer-by-layer method for newbies

    ✪ How does the Megaminx work - Disassembly - What's inside the Megaminx?

    ✪ How to assemble Megaminx. Part 1/3. First 4 layers.



The Megaminx, or Magic Dodecahedron, was simultaneously invented by different people and produced by several different manufacturers with slight differences in design. Subsequently Uwe Mèffert (English) Russian bought the rights to some of the patents and currently continues to sell the puzzle in its chain of stores under the Megaminx brand. A variant of the puzzle with slightly different proportions called the "Hungarian Supernova", invented by Christophe Bandelow, was released slightly earlier than Megaminx.


Although the puzzle looks much more complex than a Rubik's cube and has many more possible positions, Megaminx is not much more difficult to solve than a standard 3x3x3 Rubik's cube. The reason is that the structure of each pentagonal face of the puzzle is much the same as the square faces of a cube. There are no parts in the puzzle that do not have an analogue in the Rubik's cube. Most of the techniques and algorithms used to solve the cube can be adapted for Megaminx. The exception is algorithms that use middle layer rotations, which cannot be implemented here. It is also necessary to pay attention to the following feature: a double rotation of any face in the Rubik's Cube solving scheme can be carried out both clockwise and counterclockwise: both of these movements lead to a rotation of the face by 180°; when adapting the algorithm for Megaminx, it should be taken into account that on a non-cubic figure such rotations no longer lead to an identical result, therefore it is necessary to clearly understand and distinguish the directions of rotation in the algorithm that the player is trying to adapt.

The six-color version hides an additional, unobvious complexity: the puzzle contains pairs of identically colored pieces. However, although they are visually indistinguishable, it is possible that the puzzle can only be solved after rearranging the “identical” pieces, that is, transferring it to a different but visually indistinguishable state.


The current official (WCA) world records for speed assembly of Megaminx are 33.17 seconds in a single attempt and 37.25 average of 5 attempts. The records were set by Yoo Da-Hyun (유다현) at the Busan Winter 2016 speedcubing competition in Korea.


Both versions of the puzzle have 20 corner elements and 30 edge elements (corresponding to the number of vertices and edges of the dodecahedron). In both cases, only even permutations are possible, regardless of the location of the remaining fragments. That is, unlike a Rubik's cube, where it is possible to swap two corner fragments and two edge fragments, in Megaminx it is impossible to achieve a situation where only they are swapped. There are 20!/2 ways to arrange corner pieces and 3 19 possible ways orient them, since the orientation of the last corner is uniquely determined from the previous ones. You can place edge fragments around the puzzle in 30!/2 ways and (again, remembering that the last one depends on the previous ones) we can specify 2 29 options for changing colors in each of them. Let's summarize the combinatorial problem:

20 ! × 3 19 × 30 ! × 2 29 4 ≈ 1.01 × 10 68 (\displaystyle (\frac (20!\times 3^(19)\times 30!\times 2^(29))(4))\approx 1.01\times 10^(68))

The exact value will be 100,669,616,553,523,347,122,516,032,313,645,505,168,688,116,411,019,768,627,200,000,000,000 possible puzzle states.

The six-color version has pairs of indistinguishable parts. Corner pieces can be distinguished because pieces with the same set of 3 colors will be mirror images of each other. But the edges are already indistinguishable - there are 15 pairs of them in the puzzle. Remembering the dependence of the last part on the previous ones, we must divide the final number by 2 14. Let's rewrite the previous formula:

20 ! × 3 19 × 30 ! × 2 15 4 ≈ 6 , 14 × 10 63 (\displaystyle (\frac (20!\times 3^(19)\times 30!\times 2^(15))(4))\approx 6.14\times 10^(63))

This number will be accurately written as 6,144,385,775,971,883,979,645,753,925,393,402,415,081,061,792,664,780,800,000,000,000.

Compare this to the possible number of states of a Rubik's Cube, which is only 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possibilities.

kilominxes - this word is sometimes used to describe dodecahedrons of different structures, sizes 2x2x2, 4x4x4 and 6x6x6.

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