How to solve a Rubik's cube using the layer-by-layer method. How to solve a Rubik's cube using the layer-by-layer method How to solve a Rubik's cube all 6 sides

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Have you tried numerous times to solve a Rubik's Cube without success? All the instructions presented on the Internet were written by professionals, but for “dummies” the solution seems very confusing? Do you think it is impossible to solve this puzzle? Following our step-by-step instructions, you will not only be able to completely solve the world's most popular puzzle without formulas, but also understand how you did it.

You will need:

Where to begin

So, your goal is to solve the Rubik's Cube. It will not be possible to do this without knowing how it works, what it consists of and how it functions.

A standard 3x3 Rubik's cube is a mechanical 3D cube, each face of which is painted a different color.

The traditional option is blue, green, white, yellow, red and orange. Edges:

In total, the Rubik's cube has 20 moving elements (12 edges and 8 corners) and the solution depends directly on knowing how they can change their position.

When we rotate one side, we see that the center elements remain in place, the edge moves to where the edges should be, and the corner takes up space in the corner.

It follows from this that each element has a specific type, which does not change after rotation (the edge remains an edge, the center remains the center).

Frequently asked questions and answers

    What should a Rubik's cube be like?

    If you are not going to participate in competitions, you can take any cube. It is better for young people and children to buy a puzzle from Chinese manufacturers. When choosing, consider the following:
    - It is better to take the cube of the latest models, it contains the shortcomings of previous versions, and it is more improved.
    - The correct cube should spin easily and cut corners well.
    - Cubes for professionals can be disassembled and customized.

    How many edges does a Rubik have?

    The classic Cube consists of 12 two-color side or edge elements (12 “ribs”).

    How many schemes for solving a Rubik's cube?

    There are many ways to solve the Cube. There are those that allow you to assemble a couple of formulas, but in a couple of hours. Others, by memorizing a couple of hundred formulas, allow you to solve a cube in 1 minute or even 20 seconds.


Our goal is to put all the elements in the right place. To determine the direction in which to turn and " right place» of this or that square, you need to pay all your attention to the central elements, because, as we have already said, they have a fixed position.

For example, the edge that is located between the red and green centers is, respectively, red-green, so you need to focus on placing an edge of the same color near the green center, and a red edge near the red central element.

The corner is always three-colored, so care must be taken to place it between the centerpieces of the corresponding colors.

Step 1. Gather the edges of one side

The first thing you need to do is choose a color to start with. In this example, the main color is yellow, it will be represented in all diagrams. Everyone is free to choose the option that he likes best and start from there.

So, if our top central element is yellow, then the bottom, accordingly, is white (in almost all models of the Rubik's cube it is on the opposite side).

In order to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube, you must first make a cross on its upper edge - place all the edges of the selected color (in our case, yellow) in the corresponding positions around the central element.

This must be done in a certain order so that the second color of the edge matches the nearby central element.

This step is the hardest to explain to those who don't know how to solve a Rubik's Cube. It is easier to solve this problem on your own and you will undoubtedly be able to do it after a short training.

It is at this step that most beginners stop - they collect the cross, then one side - then, unfortunately, few advance.

For those who cannot do this, below is a diagram of how to assemble the cross. Keep in mind you will have to repeat this step 4 times - once for each side.

  1. Take the Rubik's Cube in your hands and turn it over so that the center is yellow (or another color of your choice) on top and white on the bottom.
  2. Look for yellow edges on the bottom plane. Pay attention to both rib colors.
  3. If you find a yellow edge at the bottom, rotate the layer until the edge with the yellow square takes a position under its “place” on the top edge.
  4. Perform one of the following actions:

a) Yellow “looks” down

b) Yellow looks forward

c) Rib in the intermediate layer

Note: If the yellow square is on the top layer, but it is not positioned correctly or oriented correctly relative to the nearby center, change its position by placing another element in its place.

After this, the edge will be in one of the three positions described above. Using the diagram, place it in the “correct” place. Repeat all steps for each yellow edge and make a cross on the top layer of the Rubik's cube.

Step 2. Assembling the top edge

If you were able to fold the cross, then it is worth collecting the entire top layer, that is, putting the corners in place one after another. We cannot place them as we want, because each corner has a specially designated place for it, which is determined by the colors of which it consists.

Just like the previous step, there are several solutions that we will follow.

Remember that you will have to repeat all the steps 4 times - one for each corner.

  1. Turn the Rubik's Cube over so that the yellow layer is at the top and the white layer is at the bottom.
  2. Search in bottom layer corner with yellow square. Notice the 2 other colors on it.
  3. Rotate the bottom layer so that the corner is under “its” place.
  4. Use one of the solutions below:

a) yellow looks to the left

b) yellow looks to the right

c) yellow is at the bottom

note : If the yellow corner is not in the bottom layer of the Rubik's cube, then it means that it is in the top layer, but not in its place.

You need to put any corner from the bottom layer up (executing the first solution, for example). This way you will get a yellow corner in the bottom layer.

Repeat for each corner until the top layer is completely assembled.

Step 3. Algorithm for assembling the second face

We want to solve the second layer of the cube. Remember that the central elements are fixed, so there is no need to change their places and think about how to place them. Keep in mind that you will have to repeat the steps below 4 times - once for each edge.

  1. Take the cube so that there is a white layer on top and a yellow layer on the bottom - the one we have already collected
  2. Look in the top layer for an edge with no white on both sides.
  3. Rotate the top layer until the color of this edge and the center piece on the side match, forming an inverted T.
  4. Follow one of the solutions below, choosing an example depending on whether the edge is placed on the left or right.

There are several possible options:

1) The edge should move to the right from where it is.

2) The edge should move to the left from where it is now.

Note: If the top layer does not have an outermost element without white on either side, it means they are in the middle layer but not in their proper places.

Place any other edge from the top layer in its place. In this way you will get an edge in the top layer without a white square and you can move it according to the instructions above.

Repeat this step 4 times, once for each edge.

Step 4. Second cross

So, we have solved the first 2 layers of the Rubik's cube. Now we must ensure that the 4 outermost elements of the top layer are white, forming a cross. At this stage we will focus only on the outer elements, not paying attention to the corners.

The top edge of the cube may have four white edges, or two, or none. If all four white edges are on the top side, then you can skip this step and move on to the next one. If there are two edges, then you need to use one of the following options depending on how they are located relative to each other: next to or opposite.

1) Adjacent edges

2) Opposite edges are white

3) Not a single white square is placed correctly

If there are not a single white square in the top layer, do one of the two options described above and you will get 2 white squares in the top layer. After this, perform the necessary sequence of actions, depending on the situation.

Thus, we folded the second cross.

Step 5. How to place the second cross

At the previous stage, we folded the second cross. At this stage, we will make the side parts of the cross match the color of the central elements of the corresponding faces. We will focus our attention only on the white edges of the cube, not paying attention to the corners.

  1. Rotate the top layer of the Rubik's Cube until two edges match the color of the center of their respective faces. If only one edge matches, continue rotating.
  2. Use one of the examples given, depending on what position the side edges will take - sequentially or oppositely relative to each other.

a) adjacent edges

b) opposite edges

This way we have placed the second cross of the Rubik's Cube correctly.

Step 6: Place Corners

We have already put all the elements of the Rubik's Cube in place, except for the corner parts of the last layer.

The goal of the penultimate step is to place the corners correctly, without paying attention to their orientation. This way you need to know exactly when the corner is in the correct position.

So, the corner is placed correctly if the nearby central elements match the color of the 3 parts of the corner.

Let's look at a few examples of when the corners are placed incorrectly and when they are in the right position to solve a Rubik's Cube.

It is quite possible that all 4 corners will be in place from the very beginning (feel free to skip to next step), or only 1 corner is placed correctly, or none. If only one corner occupies its place, follow one of the examples below, choosing the one that will allow you to place all the elements in their place.

1) 3 corners are not in their position (a)

2) 3 corners are out of position (b)

3-4) None of the corners are placed correctly

If none of the 4 corners is in its “right” place, do one of the examples described above - this way you will be able to put one of them in place. Next, follow the steps depending on what you got.

Thus, we solved a 3x3 Rubik's cube, putting the corners in their positions. Last step– by rotating the corners of the last layer, we will solve the puzzle completely.

Step 7. How to assemble

At the previous stage, we put all the elements in their places. All that remains is to rotate the corners to solve the Rubik's cube and solve it completely. At this point there may be two, three or four misdirected corners left in the final layer.

If there are 2 incorrectly oriented corners, follow one of the examples below depending on the situation that arises.

Be sure to read this before rotating the faces of the cube.

Very important! This step is not as easy as the others, but it is also much more difficult. There are a few things to know before you get started. Option 1 has several sub-options, so first of all you need to understand which one is right for you. To solve this step, follow the first sequence of actions. After that, take the necessary steps depending on the red table option you have received.

Option 1. Two corners are not oriented correctly. Please note that the “neighboring” corner needs to be rotated clockwise.

Option 2-3. Three corners are oriented incorrectly.

If 2 corners are not oriented correctly, solve the Rubik's Cube following the first example - this way you will get only 2 incorrectly oriented corners. Finally, perform a sequence of actions, depending on the situation you have.

Option 4. All corners are not oriented correctly.

If none of the 4 corners are oriented correctly, follow the first example given. Then choose a solution that suits your situation.

If you did everything correctly and followed our instructions so far, then congratulations! You solved the Rubik's cube yourself!

And other logic games.

And here, by the way, there is something to prove yourself in:

  • You can become the fastest. The current record is 5.5 seconds. People who do high-speed assembly are called speedcubers.
  • Maybe you want to become the most original? Rubik's cube solved with eyes closed, kicks, etc. There are also records here and you can beat them.
  • And the most creative and inventive ones draw with the help of a Rubik's cube and, by the way, create real masterpieces of incredible beauty.

We hope we inspired you and helped you understand how to solve a Rubik's cube. If you are interested in thinking games and puzzles, you will probably be interested in learning the secrets of playing dominoes. A mixture of options 1 and 2 is suitable for us, option 2 as a last resort.
If you lubricate it very thinly, its sides will begin to fit together too tightly. The thick one takes away the rotation speed. If you mix two types of lubricant, this is the optimal consistency.

I can't solve a Rubik's cube...

Many people ask the question: “How to solve a Rubik’s cube, if I took it apart, I can’t put it back together?” Most often this happens on the last layer. You may not be following the algorithms exactly. But if you follow the diagrams exactly, you should get it together. If not, the problem may be the following - Chinese manufacturers make cubes of varying quality - from professional to those that fall apart in your hands at the very first rotations. If the cube falls apart, it must be assembled correctly.
On a cube with two layers assembled, use a flat screwdriver or a knife to pry up the lid of the central cube of the third layer, remove it, and use a small Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the screw (do not lose the spring attached to the screw). Carefully pull out the corner and side cubes of the third layer and insert them correctly color to color. At the end, insert and screw the previously unscrewed central cube (do not tighten too much). Twist the third layer. If it turns tightly, loosen the screw; if it turns too easily, tighten it. It is necessary that all faces rotate with the same force. After this, close the lid on the central cube.

The puzzle, invented as a visual aid to algebraic theory, unexpectedly captivated the whole world. For decades now, people who are far from higher mathematics have been passionately struggling with a complex and exciting problem. The Magic Cube is an excellent tool for developing logical thinking and memory. For those who first wondered how to solve a Rubik's cube, diagrams and comments will help maintain enthusiasm, and perhaps discover the world of speedcubing.

The six sides of the puzzle have specific colors and their order, patented by the inventor. Numerous fakes often give themselves away precisely because of their unusual colors or their position relative to each other. Educational diagrams and descriptions always use standard color schemes. It is quite easy for beginners to get confused in the explanations if they use a die with a different color scheme.

Colors of opposite faces: white - yellow, green - blue, red - orange.

Each side consists of several square elements. Based on their number, the types of Rubik's cubes are distinguished: 3*3*3 (the first classic version), 4*4*4 (the so-called “Rubik's Revenge”), 5*5*5 and so on.

The first model assembled by Ernő Rubik consisted of 27 wooden cubes, identically painted in six colors and stacked on top of each other. The inventor spent a month trying to group them so that the faces of a large cube were made up of squares of the same color. It took even more time to develop the mechanism that held all the elements together.

A modern Rubik's cube of a classic design consists of the following elements:

  • Centers are parts that are motionless relative to each other, fixed on the axes of rotation of the cube. They face the user with only one colored side. Actually, the six centers form mirror pairs in the color scheme.
  • Ribs are moving elements. The user sees two colored sides of each edge. The color combinations here are also standard.
  • Corners are eight movable elements located at the vertices of the cube. Each of them has three colored sides.
  • The fastening mechanism is a cross of three rigidly fixed axes. There is an alternative mechanism that looks like a sphere. It is used in speed or multi-element cubes. The design of cubes with an even number of elements on the faces is especially complex - it is a system of interconnected click mechanisms, sometimes combined with a cross. There are magnetic mechanisms for professional speed cubes.

The game with a Rubik's cube is that, using a moving mechanism, the colored elements on the faces are rearranged and try to be assembled in the original order.

Puzzle fans compete to solve it against the clock. In addition to manual dexterity, this requires learning, memorizing and bringing to automaticity hundreds of combinations of colored elements and actions with them. This unusual sport is called speedcubing.

Speedcuber tournaments are held regularly and records are updated. New horizons for achievements are constantly opening up. As part of the tournaments, competitions are held in assembling blindly, with one hand, with legs, and so on.

The newest hobby is playing solitaire games (patterns) on cubes.

The structure of the Rubik's cube and the names of rotations

In order to describe manipulations with a puzzle, record solution patterns, movements of elements relative to each other, and simply for ease of communication, a rotation language was created. It provides letter designations for each face and how it can be rotated.

The sides of the puzzle are indicated in capital letters.

In Russian-language manuals for solving a Rubik's cube, the initial letters of Russian names are used:

  • F – from “facade”;
  • T – from “rear”;
  • P – from “right”;
  • L – from “left”;
  • B – from “top”;
  • N – from “bottom”.

In the world community, the initial letters of the names of faces in English are used.

Designations accepted by the WCA (World Cube Association):

  • R – from right;
  • L – from left;
  • U – from up;
  • D – from down;
  • F – from front;
  • B – from back.

The central element is named the same as the face (R, D, F, and so on).

The edge is adjacent to two faces, its name consists of two letters (FR, UL, and so on).

The angle is accordingly described by three letters (for example, FRU).

The groups of elements that make up the middle layers between the faces also have their own names:

  • M (from middle) – between R and L.
  • S (from standing) – between F and B.
  • E (from equatorial) – between U and D.

The rotation of faces is described by letters that name the faces and additional icons.

  • The apostrophe "'" indicates that the face or layer is rotated counterclockwise.
  • The number 2 indicates a repetition of the movement.

Possible actions with a face, for example, with the right one:

  • R – clockwise rotation;
  • R’ – counterclockwise rotation.
  • R2 – double rotation, no matter in which direction, since the edge has only four possible positions.

To determine which direction to turn the face, you need to imagine a watch dial on it and be guided by the movement of an imaginary hand.

Rotation of opposite faces “clockwise” is counter-rotating.

The movements of the middle layers are tied to the outer edges:

  • Layer M rotates in the same directions as L.
  • Layer S – like F.
  • Layer E - like D.

Another important designation of "w" is the simultaneous rotation of two adjacent layers. For example, Rw – simultaneous rotation of R and M.

Rotations of the entire cube are called interceptions. They are performed in three planes, that is, along three coordinate axes: X, Y, Z.

  • x and x’ are rotations along the X axis of the entire cube. The movements coincide with the rotations of the right side.
  • y and y’ – rotations of the cube along the Y axis. The movements coincide with the rotations of the top face.
  • z and z’ – rotation of the cube along the Z axis. The movement coincides with the rotation of the front face.
  • x2, y2, z2 – designations of double intercepts along the specified axis.

In addition to generally accepted designations, assembly manuals are full of slang, names of techniques, techniques, algorithms, patterns and figures on the cube, popular among speedcubers, and so on. No less in demand are schematic descriptions of algorithms that use only arrows. The more experience you gain in solving a puzzle, the easier it is to understand the descriptions and explanations; many things begin to be perceived intuitively.

  • The cap is colored elements collected on one side of the cube. Assembling a puzzle is the same as assembling all six hats.
  • Belt - colored elements adjacent to the hat. The hat can be assembled in such a way that the belt consists of scattered colored fragments, that is, the corner and rib elements are not in their places.
  • A cross is a figure on a hat made of five fragments of the same color. Assembly often begins with the construction of a cross. There are no clear guidelines here. This step allows the most flexibility and requires some thought. When the cross is ready, all that remains is to follow the memorized algorithms.
  • Flip - turning a corner or edge in one place relative to the center; this action requires the use of special algorithms.

Schemes and stages of assembling a puzzle for beginners

Schemes for beginners will help you learn and save your nerves while solving a hopelessly confused cube, feel the logic of movements and work out the simplest algorithms.

Before performing any action, you need to inspect the cube. At competitions, 15 seconds are allotted for “pre-inspection”. During this time, you need to find elements of the same color that will be assembled into a “head” at the first stage. Traditionally, one starts with the white side, meaning most manuals assume that the U is white. “Multicolor” speedcubers can start the assembly from any side, mentally rebuilding all the ready-made algorithms.

Rubik's Cube 2x2

"Mini cube" consists of 8 corner elements. At the first stage, one layer of four corners is assembled. At the second stage, the remaining corners are placed in their places, and they can be turned upside down, that is, the colored elements will not be on their edges. All that remains is to turn them the right way.

  • The “bang-bang” algorithm allows you to move the corner element and orient it correctly. If you do this sequence of actions six times in a row, the cube will return to its original position. Thus, if a cube is mixed, you need to apply it 1 to 5 times to place the element correctly. Algorithm entry: RUR’U’.
  • When one layer is assembled, you need to turn the cube with the second layer up. Moving this layer in any direction, set one of the corners in its place. Next, an algorithm is applied that allows you to swap two adjacent elements - the right and left corners of the front face. The sequence of actions is as follows: URU’L’UR’U’LU.
  • When all the corners are in place, they are turned over (flip) using the “bang-bang” algorithm. At this stage it is important not to intercept the cube.

How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube

  1. Construct a “white cross” by gathering 4 edges with white stickers around a white center.
  2. Combine the colored centers of the sides R, L, U, D with the corresponding edges of the “white cross”.
  3. Place the corners with white stickers in their places. Using the R'D'RD algorithm, repeated up to five times, the corners will be flipped into the correct position.
  4. To place the edges of the middle layer in their places, you need to intercept the cube - y2. Select the rib without the yellow sticker. Align it with a center that matches the color of one of the sides. Using formulas, shift the edge to the middle layer: The edge is lowered with a shift to the left: U’L’ULUFU’F’. The edge descends with a shift to the right: URU’R’U’F’UF. If an element is in place but not rotated correctly, these algorithms are used again to move it to the third layer and reinstall it.
  5. Without intercepting the cube, collect a yellow cross on the cap of the third layer, repeating the algorithm: FRUR’U’F’.
  6. Align the edges of the last layer with the side centers correctly, as was done for the first cross. The two ribs will easily snap into place. The other two will have to be swapped. If they are opposite each other: RUR’URU2R’. If on adjacent sides: RUR’URU2R’U.
  7. Place the corners of the last face in the correct positions. If none of them is in the correct place, apply the formula URU’L’UR’U’L. One of the elements will fit correctly. Grab the cube at this angle towards you; it will be the top right one on the front edge. Move the remaining corners counterclockwise URU'L'UR'U'L or, conversely, U'L'URU'LUR'. At this stage, all the collected areas will be rebuilt, it will seem that something has gone wrong. It is important to ensure that the cube does not turn over and the center of F does not move relative to the user. The combination of moves must be repeated up to 5 times.
  8. The corner elements may need to be rotated, aligning the colored pieces with the rest of the edges correctly. To unfold (flip) them, the first formula is used: R’D’RD. It is important not to intercept the cube so that F and U do not change.

Rubik's Cube 4x4

Puzzles with more than three elements on an edge offer a much larger number of combinations.

The “even” options are especially difficult, since they do not have a rigidly fixed center, which helps to navigate the classic puzzle.

For 4*4*4, about 7.4*1045 element positions are possible. That's why it was called "Rubik's revenge" or Master Cube.

Additional designations for internal layers:

  • f – internal frontal;
  • b – internal rear;
  • r – inner right;
  • l – inner left.

Assembly options: layer by layer, from corners or reduction to the form 3*3*3. The last method is the most popular. First, four central elements are assembled on each face. Then the rib pairs are adjusted and, finally, the angles are set.

  • When assembling central elements, you need to remember which colors are opposed in pairs. Algorithm to swap elements from the middle quad: (Rr) U (Rr)’ U (Rr) U2 (Rr)’ U2.
  • When assembling the ribs, only the outer edges rotate. Algorithms: (Ll)’ U’ R U (Ll); (Ll)’ U’ R2 U (Ll); (Ll)' U' R' U (Ll); (Rr) U L U’ (Rr)’; (Rr) U L2 U’ (Rr)’; (Rr) U L’ U’ (Rr)’. In most cases, the ribs can be assembled intuitively. When there are only two edge elements left: (Dd) R F’ U R’ F (Dd)’ – to install them side by side, U F’ L F’ L’ F U’ – to swap them.
  • Next, the 3*3*3 cube formulas are used to rearrange and rotate the corners.

Complex cases that require a special solution are parities. Their formulas do not solve the problem, but knock elements out of a dead-end situation, bringing the puzzle into a form that can be solved by standard algorithms.

  • Two adjacent edge elements in the wrong orientation: r2 B2 U2 l U2 r’ U2 r U2 F2 r F2 l’ B2 r2.
  • Opposing pairs of edge elements in the wrong orientation: r2 U2 r2 (Uu)2 r2 u2.
  • Pairs of edge elements at an angle to each other, in the wrong orientation: F’ U’ F r2 U2 r2 (Uu)2 r2 u2 F’ U F.
  • The corners of the last layer are out of place: r2 U2 r2 (Uu)2 r2 u2.

Quick assembly of a 5x5 puzzle

Assembly consists of bringing it to a classic look. First, 9 central fragments on each cap and three rib elements are assembled. The last stage is the placement of corners.

Additional designations:

  • u – inner upper edge;
  • d – inner bottom edge;
  • e – inner edge between the top and bottom;
  • (two faces in brackets) – simultaneous rotation.

The assembly of the central elements is simpler than in the previous case, since there are rigidly fixed color pairs.

  • At the first stage, difficulties may arise if you need to swap elements on adjacent faces. If they are separated by one edge element: (Rr) U (Rr)’ U (Rr) U2 (Rr)’. If they are on the inner central layers: (Rr)’ F’ (Ll)’ (Rr) U (Rr) U’ (Ll) (Rr)’.
  • The combination of edge elements is intuitive, it does not affect the assembled centers: (Ll)’ U L’ U’ (Ll); (Ll)’ U L2 U’ (Ll); (Rr) U' R U (Rr)'; (Rr) U' R2 U (Rr)'. The only difficulty is assembling the last two ribs.

Formulas for parities:

  • swap elements in layers u and d on the edges of one face: (Dd) R F’ U R’ F (Dd)’;
  • swap the edge elements located in the middle layer on one face: (Uu)2 (Rr)2 F2 u2 F2 (Rr)2 (Uu)2;
  • unfold these elements in their places, that is, flip: e R F’ U R’ F e’;
  • unfold the rib element of the middle layer in place: (Rr)2 B2 U2 (Ll) U2 (Rr)’ U2 (Rr) U2 F2 (Rr) F2 (Ll)’ B2 (Rr)2;
  • swap elements in the side layer on one face: (Ll)’ U2 (Ll)’ U2 F2 (Ll)’ F2 (Rr) U2 (Rr)’ U2 (Ll)2;
  • flip three edge elements simultaneously into place: F’ L’ F U’ or U F’ L.

The last task is to arrange the corners according to the principle of a classic cube.

Special techniques have been developed to facilitate this task. One of the popular methods among speedcubers is the old Pochmann method.

The assembly is not done layer by layer, but by groups of elements: first all the edges, then the corners.

Edge RU is a buffer edge. Using special algorithms, the cube occupying this position is moved to its place. The element that replaced it in the RU position is moved again, and so on, until all the edges are in their places. The same is done with the corners. The peculiarity of blind assembly algorithms is that they allow you to move an element without mixing the rest.

During the blind assembly process, the cube is not turned over to avoid confusion.

Before starting to assemble, the cube is “remembered”. A chain is mentally created along which the elements will move. Each sticker is assigned its own letter of the alphabet. Speedcuber makes separate alphabets for edges and corners. A jumbled Rubik's cube is remembered as a sequence of letters. The top sticker on the buffer cube is the first letter, the sticker that occupies its rightful place is the second, and so on. For simplicity, sequences of letters form words, and words form sentences.

The 22-year-old athlete holds several other current records from 2015 to 2017:

  • 4x4x4 – 19.36 seconds;
  • 5x5x5 – 38.52 seconds;
  • 6x6x6 – 1:20.03 minutes;
  • 7x7x7 – 2:06.73 minutes;
  • Megaminx – 34.60 seconds;
  • one hand - 6.88 seconds.

The robot's record, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, is 0.637 seconds. There is already a working model that can solve a cube in 0.38 seconds. Its developers are Americans Ben Katz and Jared Di Carlo.

The human intellect needs constant training no less than the body needs physical activity. The best way develop and expand the abilities of this mental quality - to solve crosswords and solve puzzles, the most famous of which, of course, is the Rubik's cube. However, not everyone manages to collect it. Knowledge of diagrams and formulas for solving the assembly of this intricate toy will help you cope with this task.

What is a puzzle toy

A mechanical cube made of plastic, the outer edges of which consist of small cubes. The size of the toy is determined by the number of small elements:

  • 2 x 2;
  • 3 x 3 (the original version of the Rubik's cube was exactly 3 x 3);
  • 4 x 4;
  • 5 x 5;
  • 6 x 6;
  • 7 x 7;
  • 8 x 8;
  • 9 x 9;
  • 10 x 10;
  • 11 x 11;
  • 13 x 13;
  • 17 x 17.

Any of the small cubes can rotate in three directions along axes represented in the form of protrusions of a fragment of one of the three cylinders of the large cube. This way the structure can rotate freely, but small parts do not fall out, but hold on to each other.

Each face of the toy includes 9 elements, painted in one of six colors, located opposite each other in pairs. The classic combination of shades is:

  • red opposite orange;
  • white opposite yellow;
  • blue is opposite green.

However, modern versions can be painted in other combinations.

Today you can find Rubik's cubes of different colors and shapes.

This is interesting. The Rubik's cube even exists in a version for the blind. There, instead of color squares, there is a relief surface.

The goal of the puzzle is to arrange the small squares so that they form the edge of a large cube of the same color.

History of appearance

The idea of ​​the creation belongs to the Hungarian architect Erna Rubik, who, in fact, did not create a toy, but a visual aid for his students. The resourceful teacher planned to explain the theory of mathematical groups (algebraic structures) in such an interesting way. This happened in 1974, and a year later the invention was patented as a puzzle toy - future architects (and not only them) became so attached to the intricate and colorful manual.

The release of the first series of the puzzle was timed to coincide with the new year of 1978, but the toy came into the world thanks to entrepreneurs Tibor Lakzi and Tom Kremer.

This is interesting. Since its introduction, the Rubik's cube ("magic cube", "magic cube") has sold about 350 million copies worldwide, making the puzzle the number one most popular toy. Not to mention dozens computer games, based on this assembly principle.

The Rubik's Cube is an iconic toy for many generations

In the 80s, residents of the USSR became acquainted with the Rubik's cube, and in 1982, the first world championship in speed puzzle assembly - speedcubing - was organized in Hungary. Then the best result was 22.95 seconds (for comparison: a new world record was set in 2017: 4.69 seconds).

This is interesting. Fans of solving multi-colored puzzles are so attached to the toy that speed-assembling competitions alone are not enough for them. Therefore, in recent years, championships have appeared in solving puzzles with closed eyes, one hand, and feet.

What are the formulas for the Rubik's cube

To assemble a magic cube means to arrange all the small parts so that you get a whole face of the same color, you need to use God's algorithm. This term refers to a set of minimum actions that will solve a puzzle that has a finite number of moves and combinations.

This is interesting. In addition to the Rubik's cube, God's algorithm is applied to such puzzles as Meffert's pyramid, Taken, Tower of Hanoi, etc.

Since the magic Rubik's cube was created as a mathematical tool, its assembly is laid out according to formulas.

Solving a Rubik's cube is based on the use of special formulas

Important Definitions

In order to learn to understand the schemes for solving a puzzle, you need to become familiar with the names of its parts.

  1. An angle is a combination of three colors. In the 3 x 3 cube there will be 3 of them, in the 4 x 4 version there will be 4, etc. The toy has 12 corners.
  2. An edge represents two colors. There are 8 of them in a cube.
  3. The center contains one color. There are 6 of them in total.
  4. The faces, as already mentioned, are simultaneously rotating puzzle elements. They are also called “layers” or “slices”.

Values ​​in formulas

It should be noted that the assembly formulas are written in Latin - these are the diagrams that are widely presented in various manuals for working with the puzzle. But there are also Russified versions. The list below contains both options.

  1. The front edge (front or façade) is the front edge, which is the color facing us [F] (or F - front).
  2. The back face is the face that is centered away from us [B] (or B - back).
  3. Right Face - the face that is on the right [P] (or R - right).
  4. Left Face - the face that is on the left [L] (or L - left).
  5. Bottom Face - the face that is at the bottom [H] (or D - down).
  6. Top Face - the face that is at the top [B] (or U - up).

Photo gallery: parts of the Rubik's cube and their definitions

To explain the notations in the formulas, we use the Russian version - it will be clearer for beginners, but for those who want to move to the professional level of speedcubing without the international notation system English language not enough.

This is interesting. The international notation system is adopted by the World Cube Association (WCA).

  1. The central cubes are indicated in the formulas of one lowercase letter- f, t, p, l, v, n.
  2. Angular - three letters according to the name of the edges, for example, fpv, flni, etc.
  3. Capital letters F, T, P, L, V, N indicate the elementary operations of rotating the corresponding face (layer, slice) of a cube 90° clockwise.
  4. The designations F", T", P", L", V", N" correspond to the rotation of the faces by 90° counterclockwise.
  5. The designations Ф 2, П 2, etc. indicate a double rotation of the corresponding face (Ф 2 = ФФ).
  6. The letter C indicates the rotation of the middle layer. The subscript indicates which face should be viewed from in order to make this turn. For example, C P - from the right side, C N - from the bottom side, C "L - from the left side, counterclockwise, etc. It is clear that C N = C " B, C P = C " L and etc.
  7. The letter O is a rotation (turn) of the entire cube around its axis. O F - from the side of the front edge clockwise, etc.

Recording the process (Ф "П") Н 2 (ПФ) means: rotate the front face counterclockwise by 90°, the same - the right edge, rotate the bottom edge twice (that is, 180°), rotate the right edge 90° along clockwise, rotate the front edge 90° clockwise.


It is important for beginners to learn to understand formulas

As a rule, the instructions for assembling a puzzle in classic colors recommend holding the puzzle with the yellow center facing up. This advice is especially important for beginners.

This is interesting. There are sites that visualize formulas. Moreover, the speed of the assembly process can be set independently. For example,

How to solve a Rubik's puzzle

There are two types of schemes:

  • for newbies;
  • for professionals.

Their difference is in the complexity of the formulas, as well as the speed of assembly. For beginners, of course, instructions appropriate to their level of puzzle proficiency will be more useful. But after practice, they too will be able to fold the toy in 2–3 minutes.

How to solve a standard 3 x 3 cube

Let's start by solving the classic 3 x 3 Rubik's cube using a 7-step diagram.

The classic version of the puzzle is the 3 x 3 Rubik's Cube

This is interesting. The reverse process used to solve certain misplaced cubes is the reverse sequence of the action described by the formula. That is, the formula must be read from right to left, and the layers must be rotated counterclockwise if direct movement was specified, and vice versa: direct if the opposite is described.

Step-by-step assembly instructions

  1. We start by assembling the cross on the top edge. We lower the desired cube down by rotating the corresponding side face (P, T, L) and bring it to the front face using the operation H, N" or H 2. We finish the removal stage with a mirror rotation (reverse) of the same side face, restoring the original position of the affected rib cube of the upper layer. After this, we carry out operation a) or b) of the first stage. In case a) the cube has reached the front face so that the color of its front face coincides with the color of the front. In case b) the cube must not only be moved up, but also rotated. , so that it is correctly oriented, falling into place.

    Collecting the top line cross

  2. The required corner cube is found (having the colors of the faces F, B, L) and, using the same technique described for the first stage, is brought to the left corner of the selected front face (or yellow). There are three possible orientations for this cube. We compare our case with the figure and apply one of the operations of the second stage a, beat c. The dots on the diagram mark the place where the desired cube should go. We find the remaining three corner cubes on the cube and repeat the described technique to move them to their places on the top face. Result: the top layer has been selected. The first two stages cause almost no difficulties for anyone: you can quite easily monitor your actions, since all attention is paid to one layer, and what is done in the remaining two is not at all important.

    Selecting the top layer

  3. Our goal: to find the desired cube and first bring it down to the front face. If it is at the bottom, simply turn the bottom edge until it matches the color of the facade, and if it is in the middle layer, then you must first lower it down using any of operations a) or b), and then match it in color with the color of the facade edge and perform the third stage operation a) or b). Result: two layers are collected. The formulas given here are mirror ones in the full sense of the word. You can clearly see this if you place a mirror to the right or left of the cube (edge ​​facing you) and do any of the formulas in the mirror: we will see the second formula. That is, operations with the front, bottom, top (not involved here), and back (also not involved) faces change their sign to the opposite: it was clockwise, it became counterclockwise, and vice versa. And the left side changes from the right, and, accordingly, changes the direction of rotation to the opposite.

    We find the desired cube and bring it down to the front face

  4. The goal is achieved by operations that move the side cubes of one face without ultimately disturbing the order in collected layers. One of the processes that allows you to select all the side faces is shown in the figure. It also shows what happens to the other cubes of the face. By repeating the process, choosing another front face, you can put all four cubes in place. Result: The rib pieces are in place, but two of them, or even all four, may be oriented incorrectly. Important: before you start executing this formula, look at which cubes are already in place - they may be oriented incorrectly. If there is none or one, then we try to rotate the top face so that the two located on two adjacent side faces (fv+pv, pv+tv, tv+lv, lv+fv) fall into place, after which we orient the cube like this , as shown in the figure, and execute the formula given at this stage. If it is not possible to combine the parts belonging to adjacent faces by rotating the top face, then we perform the formula for any position of the cubes of the top face once and try again by rotating the top face to put in place 2 parts located on two adjacent side faces.

    It is important to check the orientation of the cubes at this stage

  5. We take into account that the unfolded cube must be on the right side; in the figure it is marked with arrows (pv cube). Figures a, b, and c show possible cases of arrangement of incorrectly oriented cubes (marked with dots). Using the formula in case a), we perform an intermediate rotation B" to bring the second cube to the right side, and a final rotation B, which will return the top face to its original position, in case b) an intermediate rotation B 2 and the final one also B 2, and in case c) intermediate rotation B must be performed three times, after turning over each cube, and also completed with rotation B. Many people are confused by the fact that after the first part of the process (PS N) 4, the desired cube unfolds as it should, but the order in the assembled layers is disrupted. confusing and makes some people quit almost halfway assembled cube. Having performed an intermediate turn, not paying attention to the “breakage” of the lower layers, we perform operations (PS N) 4 with the second cube (the second part of the process), and everything falls into place. Result: the cross is assembled.

    The result of this stage will be an assembled cross

  6. We put the corners of the last face in place using an 8-step process that is easy to remember - forward, rearranging the three corner pieces in a clockwise direction, and reverse, rearranging the three cubes in a counterclockwise direction. After the fifth stage, as a rule, at least one cube will sit in its place, albeit in the wrong direction. (If after the fifth stage none of the corner cubes are in their place, then we apply any of the two processes for any three cubes, after which exactly one cube will be in its place.). Result: All corner cubes are in place, but two (or maybe four) of them may be oriented incorrectly.

    Corner cubes sit in place

  7. We repeat the sequence of turns PF"P"F many times. We rotate the cube so that the cube we want to expand is in the upper right corner of the facade. An 8-turn process (2 x 4 turns) will turn it 1/3 turn clockwise. If the cube has not yet oriented itself, we repeat the 8-move move again (in the formula this is reflected by the index “N”). We do not pay attention to the fact that the lower layers will become disordered. The figure shows four cases of incorrectly oriented cubes (they are marked with dots). In case a) an intermediate turn B and a final turn B are required, in case b) - an intermediate and final turn B 2, in case c) - turn B is performed after turning each cube to the correct orientation, and the final turn B 2, in case d) - intermediate rotation B is also performed after turning each cube to the correct orientation, and the final one in this case will also be rotation B. Result: the last face is assembled.

    Possible errors are shown by dots

Formulas for correcting the placement of cubes can be shown as follows.

Formulas for correcting incorrectly oriented cubes on last stage

The essence of the Jessica Friedrich method

There are several ways to assemble the puzzle, but one of the most memorable is the one developed by Jessica Friedrich, a professor at the University of Binghamton (New York), who is developing techniques for hiding data in digital images. While still a teenager, Jessica became so interested in the cube that in 1982 she became the world champion in speedcubing and subsequently did not abandon her hobby, developing formulas for quickly assembling a “magic cube.” One of the most popular cube folding options is called CFOP - according to the first letters of four assembly steps.


  1. We assemble a cross on the top face, which is made up of cubes on the edges of the bottom face. This stage is called Cross.
  2. We assemble the bottom and middle layers, that is, the face on which the cross is located, and the intermediate layer, consisting of four side parts. The name of this step is F2L (First two layers).
  3. We assemble the remaining edge, not paying attention to the fact that not all the parts are in place. The stage is called OLL (Orient the last layer), which translates to “the orientation of the last layer.”
  4. The last level - PLL (Permute the last layer) - consists of the correct placement of the cubes of the top layer.

Video instructions for the Friedrich method

The method that was proposed by Jessica Friedrich was so liked by speedcubers that the most advanced amateurs are developing their own methods to speed up the assembly of each of the stages proposed by the author.

Video: speeding up the assembly of the cross

Video: assembling the first two layers

Video: working with the last layer

Video: last level of assembly by Friedrich

2 x 2

A 2 x 2 Rubik's cube or mini Rubik's cube is also folded in layers, starting from the bottom level.

Mini cube is a light version of the classic puzzle

Beginner's instructions for easy assembly

  1. We assemble the bottom layer so that the colors of the last four cubes match, and the remaining two colors are the same as the colors of the adjacent parts.
  2. Let's start organizing the top layer. Please note that at this stage the goal is not to match the colors, but to put the cubes in their places. We start by determining the color of the top. Everything is simple here: this will be the color that did not appear in the bottom layer. Rotate any of top cubes so that it gets to the position where the three colors of the element intersect. Having fixed the angle, we arrange the remaining elements. For this we use two formulas: one for changing diagonal cubes, the other for neighboring ones.
  3. We complete the top layer. We carry out all operations in pairs: we rotate one corner and then the other, but in the opposite direction (for example, the first one clockwise, the second one counterclockwise). You can work with three angles at once, but in this case there will be only one combination: either clockwise or counterclockwise. Between rotations of the corners, rotate the top edge so that the corner being worked is in the upper right corner. If we are working with three corners, then place the correctly oriented one at the back left.

Formulas for rotating angles:

  • (VFPV · P"V"F")² (5);
  • V²F·V²F"·V"F·V"F"(6);
  • VVF² · LFL² · VLV² (7).

To rotate three corners at once:

  • (FVPV"P"F"V")² (8);
  • FV·F"V·FV²·F"V² (9);
  • V²L"V"L²F"L"F²V"F" (10).

Photo gallery: 2 x 2 cube assembly

Video: Friedrich method for 2 x 2 cube

Collecting the most difficult versions of the cube

These include toys with a number of parts from 4 x 4 and up to 17 x 17.

Cube models with many elements usually have rounded corners for ease of manipulation with the toy

Before you start studying the algorithm for assembling the Rubik's Cube game, you need to know the history of its origin. The cube was invented by the Hungarian professor and sculptor Erno Rubik in order to explain the basics of mathematics to his students.

However, the mathematics of the Rubik's cube soon captured the minds of other people, including Tibor Lakzi, who began promoting the game. By the end of the 20th century, solving the Rubik's cube had become a new hobby for many, and the game's circulation exceeded one hundred million copies. The world record was set by Mats Wolf. He solves the Rubik's cube the best in 5.55 seconds.

How to disassemble a Rubik's cube if it is already assembled and why is this necessary? The structure should be disassembled to ensure that all parts are arranged correctly. To do this, you need to mechanically arrange the parts in their places and only then proceed to the initial stage.

What types of Rubik's cubes are there? It should be said that the varieties of Rubik's cube vary from 2x2 to 7x7 inclusive.

The types of Rubik's cube are also varied. For example, there is a very original Rubik’s cube - in the form of a 3D pyramid, munks, mirror cube rubik. However, the 3x3 Rubik's cube puzzle is most often used.

Before you learn how to assemble a disassembled game, it's worth learning a little theory for beginners. For starters, this is the device of a Rubik's cube. The entire cube consists of 6 edges and 12 faces, as well as fasteners that hold all parts of the structure.

There are three positions of small elements:

  • Central. There are only 6 such positions, the element is located in the center of the face. One side position contains 1 part.

  • Lateral. Such elements form a cross of 4 pieces on one side. One side position contains 2 elements.

  • Corner. They are located in the corners of the structure. There are 3 cubes per corner.
    It is also necessary to study the language in which any formula for solving a Rubik's cube is written. Rubik's cube notation diagram.

After the basic designations have been studied, you can begin to assemble the structure itself.

How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube - quickly and easily. The best technique for beginners.

Stages of solving a Rubik's cube

There are simple instructions that prove better than anyone that even a child can fold an ordinary figure, as well as a mirror Rubik's cube. How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube diagram for children - Friedrich's method.

First stage. Solving a Rubik's cube always starts with a cross. Assembling a regular cross on one of the faces is quite simple, you just need to decide on the color: yellow is most often used. At this stage, you can ignore the position of the flowers on the other sides.

Second phase. The most important thing is to learn how to assemble the correct cross. This means that the top elements of the mating sides must have the same color as the central elements of the same faces. If this does not happen, that is, at most two sides do not match, you should use one of the following algorithms.

In this case, an important criterion is that the cross is always at the top.

Third stage. You need to completely assemble one of the sides, that is, put the corners in place. If you turn the cross over and make it the bottom side, you will notice that the upper corners of the adjacent sides contain the one you chose as the basis. Accordingly, there are three options for the position of the yellow element: on top, on the left or on the right, and for each of them there are their own combinations to combine them with the bottom side.

The end result should be that one side is completely finished, and the top layer of each adjacent side and the center are the same color.

Fourth stage. Before you start solving the speed cube, you should remember some more formulas.

First you need to turn the finished side up again. Then scroll the bottom edge so that one of the colors of the side element matches the color of any side and forms the letter “T”. Thus, you will need to move the side cube from the bottom layer to the middle one so that its two colors match the colors of the adjacent sides. In this case, two situations may result.

Fifth stage. Now you need to deal with layer 3. First, you need to turn the cube over so that the “raw” side is on top. If you chose yellow as the main color, then the diametrically located color should be white. It is necessary to apply the following algorithm for a certain position of the cube(s) with white color.

Sixth stage. Assembling a correct cross, in which the colors of the top edge must match the adjacent ones, involves two cases, but if none of the cases is suitable, you can take any algorithm.

Seventh stage. It will be quite difficult to place the angles in your position at this stage. There may be confusion between the layers, but if assembled correctly, everything will easily fall into place.

Eighth stage. To rotate the corners correctly, you need to consider two cases, again related to moving in a circle.

If you need to change the angles crosswise or opposite angles, you can use any of the algorithms.

The same method can be used to solve a mirror Rubik's cube. Small cube Rubik's cube will be much easier to solve, but the Rubik's cube record will only count for the 3x3 version.

Secret technology

If your goal is to solve a Rubik's cube in a minute, or even less, and become the best at this, you need to know some assembly secrets.

  1. It is best to start assembling by choosing white or yellow as a base color.
  2. The correct Rubik's Cube technique means that you need to spend as little time as possible turning the cube over. Even if done quickly, the difference will be precious seconds or milliseconds, which could change the world record. Therefore, many begin assembling the initial cross on the bottom edge.
  3. A good result is always shown by those who know how to look one step ahead - at stages where strong mental stress is not required, you need to already think through the next move.
  4. The 3x3 speed Rubik's cube is of high quality and has the ability to rotate, but for this you can use a special lubricant even for not very expensive structures.
  5. A professional Rubik's Cube requires the ability to use all fingers when solving, and this often helps set a new world record.

How to assemble using an algorithm with your eyes closed

How to solve a Rubik's cube with your eyes closed? You just need to remember a few rules.

  1. Pictures of a Rubik's cube should always be in your memory as before your eyes. To do this, you need to start assembling each time with one color and remember that the centers of the sides are always motionless relative to each other.
  2. The invented method of assembling with your eyes closed is the best way to quickly begin to amaze others. The algorithm assumes that you first need to correctly orient the corner elements using the formula “P V P’ V P B2 P’ L’ V’ L V’ L’V2 L”, since each corner contains either white or yellow.
  3. Then you need to orient the side elements. We need to determine whether the element is in the correct orientation. If it is correct, then the color of the element matches the color of sides B and H and does not coincide with the other sides. If the element belongs to the middle layer, then the orientation is correct if the color of the element of the same sides is also on the F or W sides.

Thus, by repeating these algorithms, one can arrive at the original position of all elements. In the same way, you can learn how to solve another unusual type - a mirror Rubik's cube.

How to solve a Rubik's Cube - the simplest instructions

In the penultimate step you will have to correctly place the corner elements on the top layer!

At this stage you will need to learn one or two formulas, a very quick and easy step in solving a Rubik's cube.

Step 6: Assembling corners on top layer

In this step, your task is to place the four corner pieces in the top layer into place. Hold your Rubik's Cube with the yellow side facing up and rotate the top layer (do B or B' a couple of times), looking at the corner pieces of the last layer. You need to choose the position of the last layer when maximum amount corner elements are in place.

A very common situation is when all four side elements are in place - this assembly stage is completed.

At this stage, you don't pay attention to the side elements of the last layer. There are only 2 cases possible:

View from above Algorithm Explanation
P B2 P’ B’ P B2
L' V P' V' L
Option 1: This algorithm swaps 2 corner elements located on the same, right side. This algorithm also changes two side elements, but at this stage this is not important.
L’ V P V’ L V L’ V P’ V’
L B2 P B2 P’
Option 2: This algorithm changes 2 corner elements located diagonally. The formula is long, but not complicated - but you can complete it in 3 seconds.
If you are not in a hurry and don’t want to memorize two formulas, you can do it differently: “Follow the first algorithm - the elements will change places and you will have to perform the first algorithm 2-3 times, but you won’t have to learn an extra long formula.”
