How to assemble a square of 4 shapes. Do-it-yourself tangram (game schemes, figures). Schemes and figures of the game tangram

Fold Nikitin's square with your own hands in 10 minutes.

How to do.
We take the Nikitin basis, i.e. not a mode as you like, draw squares and cut them out =)

Can be used cardboard, sponges or like mine foam rubber sheets.
If you use sponges, then such (I don’t know what this type of sponges is called correctly, I wipe them off the table)

A bit of theory.

For squares of 3 levels, you need to make a whole square at the first level, not a split one. You should not skip levels, thinking that for a child of 3 years old the first level is too easy, if you carefully look at how Nikitin cut the squares, a constant complication almost immediately catches your eye, i.e. an easy square is a warm-up / preparation for a more complex / cunningly cut.

It is important not to push, not to suggest and attention - do not assemble in a frame if you have squares from oksava for example.
Assembly in a frame is half an easy task, i.e. The efficiency of this benefit is reduced due to illiterate operation.

Why can't you tell?
The fact is that children have an excellent memory, and having collected a square a couple of times with the help of their mother, the child will simply remember how it develops.
You need to be aware of the fact that sooner or later the child will be able to add up all the squares, and the joy of the fact that he himself could be worth it.

A couple more moments - with squares it is forbidden allowed to play against the rules, they should be kept separately from the general mass of toys.

Why I paid so much attention to the rules of the game.
Very often there are statements on the Internet that at the age of 1.5 my child adds up the first two levels =) and advice from all kinds of "developers".
Girls, be reasonable, do not spoil the amazing benefit of this pursuit.

“In the first lesson, we show two or three folding options, and then we offer the child to do it. But do not give all the inserts at once, at first you can get by with two or six. You can start with simple shapes: two rectangles or triangles.
If it’s hard for the baby to figure out how to put these figures in after all, you can tell him by lowering one figure into the frame, and when taking it out, tap with your finger: “Put the triangle right here!”.
Don't forget to describe all the pieces that you use in the game that can be called: "Here's a trapezoid, let's put it in!".

Rubber squares.

You will need 24 identical colored squares, each of which is cut as shown in the pictures.

According to Nikitin's idea, the squares are colored only on one side, if you make them two-sided, the task is seriously complicated.

It all starts with a fairy tale main character- Your child, who will be able to independently build, for example, a road for a car or a doll.

If all parts of the squares are mixed in a box or poured onto the table, then the child will, firstly, sort by color all the available elements, resulting in 23 conditional squares (not yet collected). So the child learns to distinguish not only colors, but also their shades, while developing color vision. Second, fold the scattered parts into a square the same size as the uncut sample to make 24 whole squares. This means solving 23 problems of gradually increasing complexity. After all, the first 3 squares are cut only into 2 parts, then 8 squares are made up of 3 parts, then 4 and finally 5. In the game "Fold the Square" there are no strictly limited and completed tasks, as in other games. The main task of adults is to proceed from the level of development of the child. It is imperative to start with obviously easy and feasible tasks so that the baby can be praised and approved. If we want games to captivate the child, it is necessary that the beginning new game associated with pleasant experiences. Complications in the game are introduced as follows:

1. First, the child receives a whole square as a sample and an envelope with a square to assemble from 2 or 3 parts. Will the baby be able to get them out of the envelopes and put them close together? If he distinguishes colors, then you can give 4 envelopes at once. The child can independently take out pieces of the square from the envelopes, independently turn them face up, pick up elements of the same color (tone), independently lay out the square. At the end of the game, teach your baby to put the pieces of squares in envelopes or bags so that they are not lost.

2. You can increase the number of envelopes with squares, adding 1-2 new ones each time (but you can offer 8-10 new ones at once, if you are sure that the baby will cope with the majority). Invite the child to lay these squares on the plane in the form of a path, a large square (of 4, 9 or 16 pieces) or in the form of a rectangle (of 6, 8, 10, 12 pieces).

3. You can pre-mix pieces of several squares and place them in one bag so that the baby has the need to sort them first by color into separate groups, and then sequentially fold the squares.

4. The process of laying out squares can be accompanied by a fairy tale plot. For example, "The Magician" mixed 5-10 and even 15 squares in one package, and they must be decomposed not only into groups by color, but also in numerical order. Such a task can be done by kids as early as 2.5-3 years old, when they begin to count and recognize numbers.

They also come across numbers in other games, and if adults have no fear that it is “overwhelming”, that knowledge of numbers “exceeds age capabilities”, then kids easily remember and use numbers early (on a ruler, on a clock, on a thermometer, etc.). P.).

5. From about 4 years of age and older, you can already give the most difficult option- disassemble by color and put in the order of numbers all 23 squares, the elements of which some "slob" spilled and mixed. Here you will need a box, for example, from under sweets, where they will fold assembled squares one to another. The order of folding can sometimes be changed: once start from No. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., and the next time start from the end, i.e. No. 24, 23, 22, etc., so that at the top turned out to be a whole square number 1. If by this time there will still be “difficult squares” that are not amenable to the baby, then they can be put aside in a separate envelope.

6. In those cases when it is necessary, for example, to help the baby learn the numbering of numbers from 1 to 24, the task can be changed and, turning all the pieces on the table upside down, arrange them not by color, but by numbers on each piece of the square. The color can then only serve as a control.

7. When the baby will cope with the most difficult squares, you can give the task "for a while". To do this, agree on the rules. For example, before starting the game, the child prepares a table for himself, puts a box on it, opens the lid and removes it from the table, but does not pour out the pieces from the box. Only at the command of the judge “To the start! Attention! Started!” you can pour the pieces out of the box onto the table and start sorting and stacking into squares. At the same time, the stopwatch starts or the time is recorded on the clock with a second hand. Each time improving his “record”, that is, reducing the time for disassembly and installation, the baby learns to find rational methods of work, save time and gradually becomes fast and efficient from slow. And if there are several sets of the game, then you can arrange real competitions with all sports attributes.

8. And, finally, the pinnacle of the complication of the game and its unlimited expansion - inventing and making new squares to the existing standard 24

Puzzle Nikitin incredible useful games aimed at developing intelligence, spatial imagination, logical thinking, mathematical and creative abilities. For a long time I wanted to make a magnetic game, fold the square with your own hands. The other day I bought a magnetic vinyl with an adhesive layer. Before that, I always bought without an adhesive layer and printed all the game materials on self-adhesive. And then I found velvet colored paper and decided to make a game of folding a square out of it. To be honest, I don’t remember where I got this velvet paper from, probably inherited from my mother, she is my teacher and I probably have a craving for all kinds of games and crafts for children with my own hands.

So, I decided to make Nikitin's magnetic puzzle with my own hands, for this I needed:

  1. Magnetic vinyl with an adhesive layer 0.5 mm thick;
  2. Velvet colored paper;
  3. Scissors;
  4. Pencil;
  5. Ruler;
  6. Stationery knife;
  7. Wooden board as a support for cutting out details.

From colored paper, I cut out multi-colored squares with a side of 5 cm. In the original, the side of the squares is 6 cm.

DIY square fold game

I removed the protective paper from the magnetic vinyl and glued all the squares to the side with the adhesive layer.

DIY square fold game

DIY square fold game

I cut out the squares, and then focusing on the diagrams ( diagrams can be found at the end of this post.) cut them all into pieces with a clerical knife. Since my child is already 4 years old, I decided to immediately make the puzzle more difficult by cutting the squares into 3, 4 and 5 parts.

The result is such a “velvet” game, fold the square with your own hands. To be honest, it’s quite difficult to assemble squares from parts, even though I cut them myself, after a while I forgot how to assemble them again, and by the evening I completely forgot how to fold squares from 4-5 parts.

You can fold these squares on any magnetic surface: on the refrigerator as in the photo or on the children's magnetic board as shown below.

Puzzle Nikitin - fold the square with your own hands

Puzzle Nikitin - fold the square with your own hands

Puzzle Nikitin - fold the square with your own hands

Puzzle Nikitin - fold the square with your own hands

Puzzle Nikitin - fold the square with your own hands

DIY square fold game

DIY square fold game

Puzzle Nikitin - fold the square with your own hands

The whole evening we were solving puzzles with the whole family and collecting these squares on a magnetic board. We started with 3-part squares and gradually moved on to more complex 4- and 5-part squares. Our dad was so carried away that even when everyone was already tired, he selflessly collected all the squares.

So we can safely say that this game is a puzzle game for the whole family, we recommend it!

Puzzle Nikitin - fold the square with your own hands

DIY square fold game

DIY square fold game

DIY square fold game

Puzzle Nikitin - fold the square with your own hands

Do-it-yourself Nikitin puzzle

DIY square fold game

I took the diagrams of how to cut the squares for the sample from the official website

1 level

2 level

Buy the game Nikitins FILL SQUARE3 level

Game Description

This game originated from a puzzle in which it was required to fold a square from several pieces of various shapes. The puzzle was difficult even for adults, but children also took it on, and the failure of their attempts prompted us to make a series of simpler tasks that would gradually lead to the solution of a complex one.

Receiving parts of the square and the task “fold the square”, the baby performs several types of work, unequal in content and degree of complexity. The youngest begin to understand that parts, sometimes even very strange shapes, can be folded into a square. They remind you to turn all the pieces on the front side and select the pieces by color or by shades of colors. Thus, there is a training in the development of color perception and ingenuity in solving the problem of parts of the whole, their possible relationships and mutual arrangements. Gradual complication of tasks allows the kid to advance independently, and the “icebreaker” methods must be applied each time from familiar and simpler tasks, as in other games. This makes hint and explanation redundant.

How to make a game

Prepare 24 multi-colored paper squares 80x80 mm. Stick them on thick cardboard 1-2 mm thick and put them under the press. When the glue is dry, mark the squares as shown in fig. 28. Carefully cut the squares into pieces along the lines marked on each square. After cutting one square into pieces, be sure to put the number of the square on each part of it on the back. And only then cut the next square into pieces. Do not cut the sample - square No. 1 (SK-1).

Rice. 28

Rice. 29

The squares shown in fig. 28–29, serve as the key to the solution, allow you to restore the lost parts of the square and give an idea of ​​​​all the tasks of the game at the same time. The numbering of each part helps adults control the task.

You can take colored plastic as a material for squares. Appearance the game becomes more attractive, and it will last longer, but you need to pick up 23 different shades of colors, which is difficult, or paint in 23 colors, and plastic is more difficult to process.

For the game, you need to make or pick up a suitable box, and for kids 2–4 years old, it is advisable to store pieces from each square in a separate bag or envelope under the same number as the square.

Thus, you will get 85 pieces of multi-colored cardboard, from which 24 squares can be folded. At the same time, choose the shades of colors so different from each other that all the squares can be easily distinguished by color.

How to play

If all parts of the squares are mixed in a box or poured onto the table, then the child will, firstly, sort all the pieces of cardboard by color and arrange them into 23 piles in numerical order. Here the child learns to distinguish not only colors, but also their shades, and, therefore, develops color vision. Second, fold each pile of pieces into one square the same size as the uncut sample CK-1 to make 24 whole squares. This means solving 23 problems of gradually increasing complexity. After all, the first 3 squares are cut only into 2 parts, then 8 squares are made up of 3 parts, then 4 and, finally, even 5. Only schoolchildren or adults can do such a task, and not everyone will be able to complete it if you are not familiar with the sample solution. Kids, on the other hand, solve these “problems” for several years, starting with simple ones and then getting to more and more complex ones.

Lyubochka was 1.5 years old when I took the first packages with squares for her and began to tell a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a girl Lyubochka. She was such a craftswoman, she knew how to do everything and even cut paper and cardboard with large scissors. And she made different colored squares for the path for her dolls, beautiful, beautiful. I did it all day, and in the evening I put these squares in such gray bags and went to bed ... The night passed, and in the morning Lyubochka took the bags and began to take out her squares ... ”Here I give Lyuba the first bag, and she takes out a black square from there. Heard a fairy tale and 4-year-old brother Vanya. He settled down next to me and watches me and Anyone.

- From such good squares Lyubochka will make a path for Yulia's doll. Let's put a square next to the doll.

And Lyuba diligently moves the first square closer to the doll. But in the second package there is not a square, but 2 rectangles, and Lyubochka looks at them in bewilderment. I'm "surprised" too.

“Someone cut the square, and it turned out two rectangles. What are we to do now, Lyubochka?

Lyuba shifts her gaze from the rectangles to me, and then takes them and presses one half to the other; they, fortunately, are turned with the painted side towards us. I can't help but smile and in a joyful tone I say to Lyuba: “That's good! Now put them next to the black square!” And she carefully places the pieces of cardboard on the table. The first piece lies next to the whole square, and the second one has moved forward, and Lyuba is trying to move it close. She does not succeed immediately: either the piece is in front, or behind. Vanya and I, no less than Luba herself, want him to lie down well, and we are carefully watching her. But now, finally, he is in place, Lyuba looks at us, and we both smile, say: “Good job!”, And Vanya even claps his hands and happily adds “Ulya, ulya!” (Hooray!)

But the next square, cut diagonally, does not add up for Lyuba in any way - the halves move forward and backward, they do not stop where they need to. We silently watch with Vanya, and after 30 seconds Lyuba left her naughty halves and turned to the cat that jumped onto the bench. We did not call Lyuba, and then Vanya took out the pieces of squares from the bags, carefully putting them one on top of the other, eliminating even millimeter gaps, and made a colored path for the doll almost across the entire table. He did not get a square only from the SK-10 package.

- A very good, even path turned out for the chrysalis! - Vanya encouraged. - Will you be able to run your fingers along such a path? Like this! - I put my index and middle fingers on the path and carefully "step" along it. Vanya copies my movements, and after the “walk” we return to SK-10 again.

- And let's put these difficult pieces in the tenth package for now. And we will write in your diary that you have folded the ninth square today. Well done Vanya!

Lyuba came back to us from the cat when Vanya and I were packing the squares into our bags. Vanya laid out the empty packages in a row “in order”, i.e. so that the large numbers on each envelope were visible and went in the order of numbers (this is also a kind of task - “arrange the packages by numbers”). And now he took the package SK-3 and, having checked that the number 3 is on the pieces of the square on the back side, he put it in the package. Lyuba also wanted to do this, and Vanya, giving her another package, explained: “Put the green pieces here!” So Lyuba helped us put the rest of the squares into packages, having apparently learned at the same time that only one-color pieces are put into each package.

Two days later, when we began to fold the “parquet floor” out of the squares, Lyuba already got 3 squares: SK-2, SK-4 and SK-5.

So gradually the kids solve these “problems”: today they managed to add up only the square SK-2, and two days later SK-3 and SK-4. And then, several times in a row, not a single new square could be added, and the game was “forgotten” for a week or even more. Returning to it, the baby will be able not only to cope with the first tasks he once solved, but also to step much further.

There are no strictly limited and completed tasks in the game "Fold the Square" as in other games. The main task of adults is to proceed from the level of development of the child. It is necessary to start with obviously easy and feasible tasks so that the baby can be praised and approved. The beginning of a new game must necessarily be associated with pleasant experiences for the child, if we want the games to fascinate him.

Complications of heating are introduced in the following order:

1. First give only sample CK-1 and envelope with square CK-2. Will the baby be able to get them out of the envelopes and put them close together? If he distinguishes colors, then you can give 4 envelopes at once. Let the child himself take out pieces of the square from the envelopes, turn them face up, pick up pieces of the same color (tone), put the square in himself. After the game, he himself can put the pieces of squares into envelopes or bags.

2. You can increase the number of envelopes with squares, adding 1-2 new ones each time (but you can offer 8-10 new ones at once, if you are sure that the baby will cope with the majority) and laying it in the form of a path, a large square (out of 4, 9 or 16 pieces) or in the form of a rectangle (of 6, 8, 10, 12 pieces).

3. You can pre-mix pieces from several squares and put them in one bag so that the baby has to sort them first by color into piles; and add the squares as usual, sequentially sorting out each pile.

4. The “Evil Fairy” mixed 5–10 and even 15 squares in one package, and they must be arranged not only in piles by color, but also in numerical order. Such a task can be done by developed kids from the age of 2.5–3, that is, from the time when they begin to count and recognize numbers. They also come across numbers in other games, and if adults have no fear that it is “overwhelming”, that knowledge of numbers “exceeds age capabilities”, and adults will treat numbers like all other words and concepts, then kids easily remember and they use numbers early (on a ruler, on a clock, on a thermometer, etc.).

5. From about 4 years old and older, you can already give the most difficult option - to disassemble by color and put in the order of numbers all 23 squares, the pieces of which some kind of “slob” piled up and mixed up. Then you will need a box measuring 85x85 mm, where they are stacked one on top of the other. The order of folding can sometimes be changed: once start from No. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., and the next time start from the end, i.e., from No. 24, 23, 22, etc., so that at the top was a whole square of SK-1. If by this time there will still be “difficult squares” that are not amenable to the baby, then they can be put aside in a separate envelope or, judging by the situation, added to those that lie together.

6. In those cases when it is necessary, for example, to help the baby learn the numbering of numbers from 1 to 24, the task can be changed and, turning all the pieces on the table upside down, arrange them not by color, but by numbers on each piece of the square. The color can then only serve as a control or “not play” at all. They can even be folded into squares with numbers up.

7. When the baby will cope with the most difficult squares, you can give the task “for a while”. To do this, agree on the rules. For example, before starting, the child prepares a table for himself, puts a box on it, opens the lid and removes it from the table, but does not pour out the pieces from the box. Only at the command of the judge “On the start! Attention! Started!” you can pour the pieces out of the box onto the table and start sorting and stacking into squares. At the same time, the stopwatch starts or the time is recorded on the clock with a second hand. Improving his “record” each time, that is, reducing the time for disassembly and installation, the baby learns to find rational methods of work, save time and gradually becomes fast and efficient from slow. And if there are several sets of the game, then you can arrange real competitions with all sports attributes.

8. And, finally, the pinnacle of the complication of the game and its unlimited expansion is inventing and making new squares to the existing ones 24. In the game, squares are cut only along straight lines, but you can cut using a circle and its parts or other curves, otherwise arrange the lines cut, change the number of parts into which the square is divided, etc., etc. Here opens up an immense field of activity for the creative imagination of both children and adults. How many new “puzzle squares” can still be created!

Lyubov Dzhumagaziev


“FOLD THE SQUARE” is one of the developing games according to the system of the Nikitin spouses, known in our country and abroad as the authors of an unconventional system of raising children.

Difficulty level 1, quantity constituent parts square 2-3, recommended age 2-4 years

Difficulty level 3, number of components of the square 4-7, recommended age 4-7 years

“Toys, games are one of the most educational means in the hands of society. The game is usually called the main activity of the child. It is in the game that they manifest and develop different sides his personality, many intellectual and emotional needs are satisfied, character is formed "B. P. Nikitin

The game "Fold the square" - introduces children:

With sensory standards of color and shape, the ratio of the whole and the part;

Develops intelligence, spatial imagination, logical thinking, mathematical and creative abilities;

Teaches how to break a complex task into several simple ones, creating an action algorithm in the game;

It promotes the development of such character traits as concentration, attentiveness, resourcefulness, perseverance in achieving the goal.

Activity progress:

1. Pour out the contents of the box and arrange all the pieces by color (wooden base on the bottom;

2. Take the frame and put it in front of you on the table.

3. Choose any pile and try to make a square in a frame.

Game options:

1. fold the squares in frames by color, name their color and the shape of the parts they consist of;

2. fold the squares into frames, following the order of colors in the solar spectrum (rainbow): red, orange, yellow, etc.;

3. fold the squares into two columns: separately “warm”, separately “cold”;

4. fold the squares not in frames, but on the table, on the floor. Deprived of a degree of freedom, they add up worse;

5. fold the squares for speed, as fast as possible, competing with each other;

6. having previously selected the necessary details, fold a square or several with your eyes closed;

7. fold the squares from parts of different colors;

8. fold the squares from various parts of the "Fold the Square" games of different difficulty levels;

9. make a figure-picture according to a dissected scheme, picking up the necessary parts of the squares, name the resulting figure;

10. make a figure-picture according to the scheme (without making internal lines), picking up the necessary parts of the squares;

11. each square is a small puzzle. From its pieces it is possible to model various items and images. Invent and assemble, for example, an airplane, a house, a car, etc.

12. come up with your own schemes of figure-pictures, for this, put them into a picture from parts of a square and circle them.


Find and add separately all triangles, quadrangles, pentagons, etc.

Arrange the figures by size: in order of decreasing or increasing.

Make other shapes from the parts of the squares: a rectangle, a triangle, a rhombus, etc.

You can make this game yourself from cardboard or buy ready-made.

Size: px

Start impression from page:


2. GAME 1 "FOLD A SQUARE" The task of the player is to fold a square from its parts

3 GAME 2. GAME "FOLD A SQUARE" The game develops memory, attention, thinking. Game set The set includes a set of drawings - 3 PCs. The task of the player is to fold the square using its details

4 GAME 3. "ADD SQUARE AND TRIANGLE" 4 tasks are arranged depending on the age of the player. The game develops memory, attention, thinking. The kit includes: 1. A set of drawings - 4 pieces. The task of the player consists of two tasks. Task 1. Add a square from these figures. Task 2. Add a triangle from these figures.

5 GAME 4. "ARROW THE CHAIRS" The game consists of three tasks. Develops memory, attention, logic. Set A set of drawings - 10 PCs. Game progress Task 1. The room has the shape of a square. Arrange seven chairs along the walls so that the number of chairs along each wall is the same. Task 2. The room has the shape of a square. Arrange ten chairs along the walls so that the number of chairs along each wall is the same. Task 3. The room has the shape of a square. Arrange six chairs along the walls so that the number of chairs along each wall is the same.

6 GAME 5 TACTICS. The game contributes to the development of memory, attention, logic. The set includes a set of chips and a playing field for the game.

7 Playing field PROGRESS OF THE GAME Two players play. Each player is given a set of chips of different colors. Players take turns betting 4 chips on free fields playing field. The winner is the one who first places 5 of his chips so that they form a continuous row in any direction.

8 GAME 6 "JUMPING SPARROWS 1" The game develops memory, attention, thinking. The kit includes a set of drawings. 1. Chips with drawings of sparrows 5 pcs. 5 pieces. 2. Playing field for the first task 3. Playing field for the second task PROCEDURE OF THE GAME 1. We put chips on the fields of the playing field, as indicated in the figures. 2. Change the location of the sparrows if each of them can: 1) only move forward one cell; 2) jump over only one sparrow. Task 1. Task 2.

9 GAME 7 "JUMPING SPARROWS 2" The game develops memory, attention, thinking. The kit includes a set of drawings. 1. Chips with drawings of sparrows for tasks 1 and 2 - 9 pcs. - 9 pcs 2. Magnetic field for the first task - 1 pc 2. Magnetic field for the second task - 1 pc GAME PROCEDURE 1. Put chips on the fields of the playing field, as shown in the pictures. 2. Change the location of the sparrows if each of them can: 1) only move forward one cell; 2) jump over only one sparrow. Task 1. Task 2.

10 GAME 8 "MOVE THE PYRAMID" Tasks are arranged depending on the age of the player. The game develops memory, attention, logic. The kit includes a set of drawings. 1. Discs of the pyramid. 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc 2. The base for the pyramid - 1 pc C A IN THE ORDER OF WORK Task 1. We put discs on the base of the pyramid, as shown in the figure. C A B We built a pyramid of 3 discs. It is necessary to transfer all disks from point A to point B, using an intermediate auxiliary point C, guided by 2 rules: 1) only one disk can be transferred in one move 2) you cannot put a larger disk on a smaller disk How many minimum moves do you need to make to solve it? Task 2. We put disks on the field of the magnetic board, as shown in the figure. C A B We built a pyramid of 4 discs. It is necessary to transfer all disks from point A to point B using an intermediate auxiliary point C, guided by 2 rules: 1) only one disk can be transferred in one move 2) you cannot put a larger disk on a smaller disk How many minimum moves do you need to make to solve it?

11 Task 3. We put disks on the field of the magnetic board, as shown in the figure. C A B We built a pyramid of 5 disks. It is necessary to transfer all disks from point A to point B using an intermediate auxiliary point C, guided by 2 rules: 1) only one disk can be transferred in one move 2) you cannot put a larger disk on a smaller disk How many minimum moves do you need to make to solve it? Task 4. We put disks on the field of the magnetic board, as shown in the figure. C A B We built a pyramid of 6 disks. It is necessary to transfer all disks from point A to point B using an intermediate auxiliary point C, guided by 2 rules: 1) only one disk can be transferred in one move 2) you cannot put a larger disk on a smaller disk How many minimum moves do you need to make to solve it?

12 GAME 9 "PUZZLE SCHOOL" Tasks develop logic, attention, memory. The kit includes a set of dominoes for three tasks - 8 pcs. Sample task. From the given dominoes, make a square so that the sum of the points on each side of the square is the same Solution. Game progress. For all three tasks, the condition is the same: From these dominoes it is necessary to make a square so that the sum of the points on each side of the square is the same Task 1. Task 2. Task 3.

13 GAME 10. GAMES WITH STICKS Depending on age, it can be used both for preparing for school and for compiling tasks that contribute not only to the development of computational skills, but also to attention, develop thinking. On the electronic clock in the metro, the numbers are made up of sticks. A set of sticks of 40 pieces is included in the package. Tasks using these numbers Make up these numbers from sticks

15 \ \ \

17 Tasks with clues Find a new number from the given one by rearranging one stick. The picture is a hint

18 Find a new number from the given one by rearranging one stick. The picture is a hint

19 Find a new number from the given one by rearranging one stick. The picture is a hint

20 Find a new number from the given one by rearranging one stick. The picture is a hint

21 ASSIGNMENTS WITHOUT HINTS Numerical equality is incorrect. Which wand should be shifted to make it true?

GAME 11 "PUZZLE LOVERS 1" 1. A set of numbers - 6 pcs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Each of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 is not repeated. In circles, arrange the numbers from 1 to 6 so that their sum, on each side, is equal to

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FOR SOLUTIONS IN THE CLASS E AND HOME Problems and puzzles with matches 2. ARITHMETIC PROBLEMS 2.1. Move two matches so that the equality becomes true. VII II = II 2.2. Swap those two

7.1. In the expression (+)(+) = insert numbers instead of asterisks so that the correct equality is obtained and no more than 4 different numbers are used. (The number cannot start from zero). Solution. For example,

This lesson of our circle is dedicated to games. Only not computer shooters, not chess, and not even football or tennis, but mathematical games. All games will be for two players. We have chosen names for them:

Didactic games that can be applied in the lesson: By height ”Invite the children to arrange six different chess pieces of the same color, naming these shapes. "Catchers" One of the whites is selected

Karo Strategy game for 2 players from 9 years Idea and design: Steffen Mühlhäuser Graphics: Steffen Mühlhäuser, Bernhard Kümmelmann Production: Ludofact German translation: Boris Turovskiy 24 black

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN MATHEMATICS. 2016 2017 academic year SCHOOL STAGE. GRADE 8 Tasks, answers and evaluation criteria 1. (7 points) There are 48 cells in total in the frame 8 8 2 cells wide (see figure).

GAME TROLLEY Details: 02-9900125 [email protected] Rules big games: 1. Snakes and ladders The set includes: a game board, 2 dice, 5 pieces (you can make your own pieces with the children,

MATHEMATICAL QUIZ GRADE 7 Goals: development of mathematical abilities, ingenuity, curiosity, logical thinking; strengthening the memory of students; development of cognitive activity; development

I.G. Dichenko Omsk State Pedagogical University Strategic objectives as a goal and means of education 13.00.02 theory and methods of teaching and education (mathematics) A This article defines

The material environment of mathematics lessons in primary school It's no secret that children of primary school age learn best those patterns that they "discovered" in activity or in the game.

1 1. (7 points 5 points 4 points) Put the numbers from 0 to 9 in the squares so that the equality is true. Each digit must be used exactly once. 567 = + + + + + 2. For each number, a

Developing game "Kuizener's Sticks" Acquaintance with the world of numbers through Kuizener's sticks Kuizener's counting sticks are interesting because they can be used both in horizontal and vertical

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosov Faculty of Pre-university Education and Career Guidance of NEFU Additional general developmental program Educational program of the module

School level I 2.2.1 Learning objectives at level 1 The purpose of teaching mathematics at level 1 is that the student can: 1) understand the learned rules and be able to apply them; 2) read, understand

Synopsis of OD on the development of mathematical representations in preparatory group"Journey through the country of Mathematics" Purpose: Formation of elementary mathematical representations in children of senior preschool

Round 3, November 6, 2016, 4th class of the expression turned out to be 2016. Will she be able to do it? 2. Two knights and several knaves stood in a circle so that each of them could say the phrase "Both of my

Lesson 1. Chessboard. Arrangement of pieces 11 Lesson 1. Chessboard. Arrangement of figures by the Arena for chess game serves as a chessboard. It is a square consisting of 64 small

Development of mathematical abilities in children preschool age The concept of "development of mathematical abilities" is quite complex, complex and multifaceted. It is made up of interconnected

APPENDIX 19 GAME SITUATIONS RELAY RACE Examples in two (three) columns are prewritten on the board. Students are divided into two (three) teams. The first participants of the game from each team approach the board at the same time,

Grade 4 Task 1. Several penguins lined up in a column in height and moved towards the sea. Each next penguin is 2 cm lower than the previous one, and the smallest penguin is 3 dm lower than the highest one.

Pakru Series 302 Game Pack Languages ​​and Additional Information If this information is not in the language you would like, you can go to the www.pacru website. com, select the language that suits you and print

Tensor TM CHESS Rules Tensor TM Chess LLC 2008 Patent Pending Tensor TM Chess Rules Unless otherwise stated, the rules of traditional chess apply. Figures used in traditional

Spring tour of the XXV Tournament of Archimedes. class .. Make up numbers from eight fours using signs arithmetic operations and brackets: a) (points points points); b) (points points points); c) (points points

We play, learn, develop PART I Preparing for school developmental exercises "COLOR THE FIGURES" Purpose: to develop the ability to listen and accurately follow the instructions of an adult, navigate in space. colorize

Mathematical chess, grade 5, cellular problems Cell 1. Find any one solution to the rebus SH A K H M A T Y = 2016 where the same numbers were replaced by the same letters, and different ones by different ones. Cell 2. Find

Logical games and exercises in teaching a child mathematics What is “logic” and do our children need it? One of the most important tasks of raising a small child is the development of his mind, the formation of such mental

Card file of games “Developing memory” CARD 1 “What has changed?” Option 1. Purpose: teaching the skills of remembering an image, a situation. Didactic material: one picture depicting, for example, a bathroom.

Chess 7 in 1 1. Nine men Maurice 2. Chinese checkers 3. Playing cards 4. Dominoes 5. Checkers 6. Chess 7. Ludo Attention! This toy comes with small parts. For children over 3 years old. Chinese

Grade 4 Total time to complete the work 2 lessons, 90 minutes The total maximum number of points is 28 (7 points for each task). The area of ​​a rectangle is 24 square meters. see. The lengths of its sides are expressed as integers.

Consultation for parents "Help your child become successful" Prepared by the teacher of the MBDOU kindergarten 1 Ershova Nadezhda Nikolaevna You love your child. Are you very concerned about his success in the environment?

Consultations for educators Didactic games on physical education preschoolers Playing is not only a source of positive emotions, it is also an opportunity to develop the qualities necessary for further

Math Week. Goals and objectives: increasing interest in mathematics; application of mathematical knowledge in practice; expanding the mathematical horizons of students; development of logical thinking. Implementation plan

The game "Mathematician-Businessman" Rules of the game 1. 2-3 teams participate in the game, each of which represents the board of the bank. The players of each team choose their bank president (team captain). 2. President

Picnic in the Forest 8708 Game Rules Kesha, Cloud Cloud, Chanterelle and Little Chicken met and decided to have a picnic in nature. But for this you need to prepare. Everyone immediately went to his home in order to capture

6th grade 6.1. Kolya had two wooden cubes. On the first cube, on one side, he wrote the letter A, on the other, on three sides, he wrote the letters E, Yu, Y. Show him how to add letters on the sides of the cubes

Rules of the game 7 composition of the game 1. Playing field 2. "Purchase" cards 16 pcs. 3. Coin tokens 21 pcs. 4. Letter tokens 10 pcs. 5. Item tokens 8 pcs. 6. Chips 4 pcs. 7. Rules 1 6 5 PURPOSE OF THE GAME Attention training,

"Mathematics" A first-grader will learn: an object located to the left (to the right), above (below) a given object, above (under, behind) a given object, between two objects; natural numbers from 1 to 20 in direct and

Materials for conducting oral counting for students in grades 5-6 in mathematics lessons Numerical triangle Task 1. In the circles of this triangle, arrange all nine significant figures so that their sum is

MATHEMATICS Option 2 School Grade 4 "_" Last name, first name last name, first name of the student INSTRUCTION FOR STUDENTS 45 minutes are allotted to complete the work. At work, you will meet different tasks. In some assignments

Rules board game"Haunted Mirrors" (Spiegel Spukschloss) Author: Thomas Daum, Violetta Leitner Game for 2-4 players over 6 years old Translation of the rules into Russian: Lyubov Belova, Igroved LLC

Problem A. Stones a.out There are N stones in a pile. The two take turns making moves. On each turn, the player can take from up to K sweets. The one who fails to take the stone on his turn loses. (counts,

Educational games for children 4-5 years old kindergarten. Camera game. Games for the development of memory in children 4-5 years old Purpose: to develop associative thinking, voluntary attention, memory, speech. game material

M A 4 1 8 Diagnostic work in MATHEMATICS Grade 4 Demo version Instructions for performing the work 60 minutes are given to complete the work in mathematics. The work consists of two parts and includes

Round 2, November 5, 26, 4th grade. Are there three triangles such that the first cannot be placed in the second, the second cannot be placed in the third, but the first can be placed in the third? 2. The number A is written

PREPARATION OF STUDENTS OF GRADES 5-6 FOR OLYMPIADS IN MATHEMATICS 1. REVIEW OF LITERATURE AND TOPICS OF CLASSES. Most of the books published by the MTsNMO publishing house in the School Mathematical Circles series offer

Author Aleksandrova Olga Sergeevna, teacher of mathematics and informatics, Kristallik gymnasium, Saratov e-mail: [email protected] Games with pentominoes (Lesson of a mathematical circle) Type of lesson: research.

Logics. The project of a student of the 7th "D" class of the Secondary School 1315 Fighting Elizaveta Poll "What is logic?" gee! is to act smart. Batyr, 14 years old. This is something that cannot be explained in words, you just need to know it.

RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF EDUCATION Experimental materials for students of grade 4 MATHEMATICS (1) Option 2 School Class 4 Last name, first name last name, first name of the student INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS To do the work

Task completion time: 240 minutes Maximum amount points - 100 1. (10 points) One of the simplest ways to encode is to swap certain bits in a number representation. Suppose

1 Mathematics 0 Homework 0 Task 1 In each picture, find the extra element. Why is he redundant? Find some answers. Task 2 We repeat the composition of the number 7. Break the circles in each oval into red

Different games