How to remove bots from the lobby. How to add bots to CS: GO - basic console commands and settings. How to remove bots from the CS GO game

From this article you will learn how to add or remove bots in CS:GO, as well as many more useful and entertaining console commands for bots. Well, let's not waste time and start looking at the main aspects of this topic.

How to add more bots to CS:GO

I know of two ways to play with bots in CS GO. First– You just go into the game, click “Play” - “ Single player game against bots." Next, select the game mode and map and click the “Start” button, then select the difficulty of the bots and click “Start” again.

Voila, the game has started.

Second way— we open the developer console, to do this, press the “~” key. Then in the console we write the command “map *****” (without quotes), where “***” is the name of the map, for example, map de_dust2 or map aim_map.

If after this your map does not load, this means that specified card You simply don't have it and you need to download it. To do this, simply go to the server where this moment The card you need is played and it will automatically download to your computer. If after entering the above command the map loaded perfectly, let's figure out how to add several bots.

First, write the command mp_autoteambalance 0 and mp_limitteams 0 in the console to remove the player limit, and then write the command bot_add_*, where “*” is t or ct, to add a bot. So I managed to add 10 bots in the opposite side and 9 for yours. You can add five bots against yourself and 1 for yourself, as you wish, but the game limit is 10 players on both sides. You can bypass this limit; to do this, go to the game folder and look for the “csgo” folder in it, which contains the “gamemodes.txt” file. This file contains the characteristics of all game modes; we need the “classic” mode. We open this file with notepad, the characteristic responsible for the number of bots in the mode is called “maxplayers”, change its value to “32” and restart the game if it was running at that time.

Now we do the same thing, launch the card through the console, and write the commands we already know in this order: mp_autoteambalance 0, mp_limitteams 0, bot_add_*, where “*” is t or ct. Voila, now we can add 14 bots for our side and 15 for the opposing side. Unfortunately, it is unknown how to make endless bots.

How to kick bots in CS:GO

If you want to remove bots, enter bot_kick in the console. After this, the bots will be kicked immediately and they will disappear from the map.

How to increase/decrease the difficulty of bots in CS:GO

The console command bot_difficulty will help you with this, which takes values ​​from 0 to 3, the higher the number, the higher the complexity of the bots. If you are a beginner, training with bots with difficulty 0 or 1 will be the best solution for you. But don’t forget to kick bots and add them again after you change the difficulty. Difficulty can also be specified only for one of the bots when adding it to the map, it looks like this: bot_add_ct 2.

Console commands for bots in CS:GO

Above we have already looked at various commands for bots, such as adding, removing bots, changing the difficulty of bots, now let's look at some useful commands for training fights with knives and pistols. To practice knife fighting, the bot_knives_only team will help you without any doubt. After you enter this command, the bots will run exclusively with knives.

In order for bots to use only pistols, you need to enter the command bot_pistols_only. To allow bots to use any weapon, enter the command bot_all_weapons.

A couple more interesting commands are “bot_stop” and “bot_dont_shoot”. To stop the bots, you need to enter the command bot_stop 1, all the bots are frozen, now you can try some shots, but the value “0” allows the bots to move again (bot_stop 0). For the bot_ stop command to work, you need to enter the sv_cheats 1 command before entering it. If you want the bots to stop shooting, but still move, enter the bot_dont_shoot 1 command. The bot_dont_shoot 0 command will allow the bots to shoot. Before entering the command, you must enter the sv_cheats command.

Maps for training aim with bots in CS:GO

Any aim cards are good for aim training. It’s impossible to single out which is better and which is worse, because some players like some maps, and some completely different, but pay attention to the following maps: aim_map, aim_redline, csgo_aim_head2k.

Multi-user computer games very often they provide gamers with the opportunity to fight not with real opponents, but with bots. If you don't really want competition or you want to practice before engaging in real combat, then you need to take the opportunity to add bots - game characters that will be controlled by artificial intelligence. However, not all gamers know how to add bots to CS GO, as well as how to remove them after that. In this article, you will learn all the necessary commands that may be useful to you in the process of adding and removing bots.

Adding bots via the console

If you want to learn how to add bots to CS GO, then you will need to figure out how to use the game console. In most cases, this step can be skipped, since gamers use the console for a variety of purposes, so this information is no longer relevant for them. If you haven’t done anything like this before, then you just need to press the ~ button so that a command line appears on the screen, into which you can enter various commands - this is the console. If you want to add a bot, then you have to use the simplest command bot_add - after its introduction, a bot will appear in the game, which will randomly take a place in one of the teams. Want to avoid accidents? Then you need to add the letters t or ct through to the command to determine which of the two commands the newly created bot will be assigned to. That's all, now you know how to add bots to CS GO. There is another method, which, unfortunately, is not so reliable.

Alternative way to add bots

You should definitely know about how to add bots to CS GO using an alternative method. You may not use it, but it's definitely worth knowing about its existence. If you want to add a bot, then you need to hold down the H key, which will open a menu for you from which you can select the option to add bots. This is much easier than typing commands into the console, but what's the catch? The fact is that this method does not always work, while the console command is guaranteed to add the specified bot to you. So you can try to use this function, but it will be easier to use the console in CS GO. You now know how to add bots, but sometimes some difficulties arise with them, which you also need to be able to deal with.

Problem solving

One of the most common problems associated with bots in this game is auto-balancing. If you want to play with one artificial partner against twenty, the game will not allow you to do this, distributing the participants equally between the teams. This problem can be solved quite simply - using the combination mp_autoteambalance 0, which disables the auto-balance of teams, and all the bots that you send to one team will remain there. As you can see, it’s not enough just to know how to add bots to CS GO in the lobby; you need to understand certain subtleties, including how to then remove bots.

Removing bots

Naturally, no one wants to play only with bots forever, moreover, sometimes you may want to adjust the number of computer players. Then you need to be able to not only add, but also remove bots. To do this, use the bot_kick command, but note that in this form it will immediately remove all bots that you have added. If you want to delete not everyone, but only one or several, then you will need to add a nickname after the command the right bot, which should be removed. Naturally, for a more comfortable process you can use third party programs, such as PodBot, but the native console will always be more reliable.

Hi all. The Gamebizclub team is in touch with you, and we continue to talk about the game that people from all over the world have been playing for more than sixteen years - about Counter Strike. Its peculiarity is that immediately after launch you will find yourself in a battle where you will be confronted by other players, often much more experienced. Because of this, many new players find the game too difficult. Of course, not everyone will like it when he is taken out in every round.

To win you need to train a lot, and you can start training in a game with bots. Therefore, today we will tell you how to add bots to CS GO and set the basic settings to learn how to win battles.

From this article you will learn:

Difficulty levels

A bot is simply a program that represents artificial intelligence, which is designed to educate, train and entertain players. In fact, the program replaces real players in special forces and terrorist teams, which makes it possible to play against the computer without an Internet connection.

Bots have different difficulty levels, from very easy to the most difficult. On easy level difficulty, fighting with them will be like a walk in the park - you will calmly walk, look at the sights of the maps and shoot at the enemy at will. At the highest level, the fight will be difficult - you will even feel helpless when a shotgun blast comes to your head from half a distance away.

The main purpose of bots is to give a novice player the opportunity to learn the gameplay features, study maps, select optimal control settings and prepare for battles with real players.

But first you need to create a game and add bots - now we will tell you how to do this.

Why do you need a console?

Almost all settings are entered through the console. The console "~" button is located in the upper left corner of the keyboard under the Esc (Escape) button. If you press it and the console does not open, then go to the game parameters and enable console mode in the general settings - everything should work.

After this, you need to create a single server using the search bar available games. Select single mode, map, number of participants and click “Create game”.

Adding bots

After launch, activate the console and enter the first command, which no cheater can do without. Enter the command “sv_cheats 1”, which allows the use of prohibited commands - codes that change the basic settings of the game. For example, you can use it to fly or pass through walls. But we need it so that all the commands for setting up AI opponents will work.

So, type sv_cheats 1 through the console, then add bots. This is done using the console command “bot_add”, and if you want to add them to only one command, then for special forces you need to enter “bot_add_ct”, and for terror “bot_add_t”.

If you want teams to have different numbers of participants, then enter the following commands: “mp_autoteambalance 0” to cancel the limit on the advantage of one of the parties, and “mp_limitteams 0” to cancel the limit maximum quantity participants. Then again “bot_add_ct” or “bot_add_t” until the desired result is achieved.

If you want to add a specific number of bots, then “bot_add_ct” + number or “bot_add_t” + number. For example, the command “bot_add_ct 5” will add 5 AI to the special forces side.

How to remove bots?

On the created server you can do almost anything you want. If you don’t like a player, or there are too many bots, the problem can be easily solved through the console. On gaming slang this is called "kick", from the English kick, which means to throw out or kick.

Using certain commands, you can easily and quickly get rid of unnecessary team members. You need to enter the following in the console:

  • “kick” + nickname (name) of the player, for example, “kick Nagibator” - to disable a person.
  • “bot _kick” – to disable all bots.
  • “bot _kick” + nickname, for example, “bot_kick Chris” - to disable a specific bot.


We've sorted out adding and disabling, now let's move on to the settings. By this time, you should have created a server with bots that run, shoot and periodically do something. You need to take control of this entire process and manage it using the console.

First you need to select the enemy difficulty level. To do this, use the command “bot_difficulty” + parameter from 1 to 4, for example, “bot_difficulty 2”.

  1. The easiest level is Easy.
  2. A little more difficult - Normal.
  3. A bit heavy - Hard.
  4. This is too much, return it to how it was – Expert.

After selecting the difficulty level, you can use detailed settings. To practice shooting like in a shooting range, the following commands are used:

  • “Bot_dont_shoot” + (1 or 0) – when using parameter 1, the bot stops firing.
  • “Bot_stops” + (1 or 0)> – with a value of 1, all characters will freeze, stand still and stop shooting.
  • “Bot_freeze” + (1 or 0) – with a value of 1, the bot instantly stops, but does not stop firing.
  • “b ot_mimic” + (1 or 0) – a value of 1 causes the AI ​​to repeat your actions.
  • "b ot_crouch" + (1 or 0) – a value of 1 causes the AI ​​to crouch.
  • “Mp_death_drop_gun” + (1 or 0) – set the value to 1, and after losing your weapon will not disappear.

There are many other settings for managing bots, but we have indicated those that will help in training. Use them together to improve your shooting and tactics skills, create maps and experiment. To get started, you can try the following combination:

  • sv_cheats 1
  • b ot_kick
  • mp_autoteambalance 0
  • mp_limitteams 0
  • bot_difficulty 1
  • bot_add_t 4
  • bot_freeze 1

Start training with these settings, and if everything seems too easy to you, then increase the difficulty and cancel freeze using the command bot _freeze 0. In order not to enter commands every time, you can write everything down in a notepad (notepad program on your PC) or create a config.

Several life hacks

There are a lot of counters for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. We will give a few of them that apply only to bots; most likely they will be useful to you during the training process.

  1. Bots can also be used for entertainment. Place high level difficulty (Hard or Expert) and enter the following commands: “b ot_knives_only 1” – so that opponents can only use knives; “b ot_pistols_only 1” – bots use only pistols; “b ot_awp_only 1” – bots use only the sniper AWP.
  2. To avoid constantly recharging, you can use the “sv_infiniti_ammo_1” setting. Although we do not recommend doing this - once you get used to it, it will be difficult to get out of the habit. You can cancel the setting by setting 0 instead of 1.
  3. Many people are annoyed by the constant conversations of bots on the radio. If you don’t want to hear “Roger that” and “Taking fire, need assistance” and others every 10-20 seconds, then use “bot_chatter 1”.
  4. While playing on another server, bots may appear automatically instead of disconnected people. As a rule, they do not pose a threat to the other team, so you need to give him the command “Hold position” using the Z key. If you die during the battle, but the bot remains alive, then you can take control of it. To do this, press the E key and use the second chance. We have indicated the basic values ​​of the keys that you could change - check the control settings just in case.

It remains to add that in the beginning you need to train a lot. Use the game mode with bots, gradually increase the difficulty and in a week you will be ready to play with real opponents.

At least you will definitely learn to shoot, move and navigate on maps. And then just practice and fight as many battles with other players as possible.

Let’s take a break here and start preparing an article on cases in CS: GO. Stay in touch, come back tomorrow and learn a lot more new things. Did you like the article? Share the link with your friends and like it - it's easy! And with this we say goodbye to you and wish you success. Bye everyone.

Fans of playing Counter have often encountered such a situation as numerous games with bots. Indeed, when you are bored, this is a cool way to spend time in the game, because a crowd of bots chasing you around the map, or a full-fledged battle with a bunch of bots is really cool!

Who are bots, and how to add them to the game?

Many at one time were faced with the question of how to add bots to the game; the answer to the question can be found in the excellent article “How to create bots in cs?”. This same article will describe a couple of ways to remove bots from the CS server. Many people know about this, but still there have been cases when a method that has long been familiar to us and handed over for careful storage by an older brother or a faithful friend does not work. That is why here I will describe working options that will answer the question of how to remove bots. This will no longer be a problem for you, just read on and follow the instructions.

Removing bots

How to remove bots in CS? In order to remove bots in CS, a very old method with the console is mainly used. To remove a bot that bothers you, all you have to do is press the “tilde”, type the treasured “sv_cheats_1”, and then just enter the command “bot_kick”, and all the bots will fly out of your game at the speed of a bullet. In the game, each player had moments when only one bot began to be an eyesore, or this bot often stood out for its “atypical” thinking among its comrades and often simply enraged, killing its own. In such a case, there is one interesting command; it allows you to easily remove the bot from the game. To do this, you need to enter “bot_kick_123”, where “123” is the name of the bot in the game. You can also manage the balance in the game in a similar way.

Bot extension

Sometimes it’s worth considering that most players install special extensions for their games for bots, which are subsequently much smarter and more active.

But most players are faced with the problem of deleting bots on the server. There is a special menu for this called PodBot. This utility allows you to more clearly configure the number of bots in the game and teams.

Removal using PodBot

How to remove bots from the server using the PodBot menu? Yes, it’s very simple! To do this, you simply need to enter the amx_pbmenu command, which brings up a list of commands for managing bots. Among them, there are teams that can kick all bots out of the game, and there are those that kick out just one.

This utility is useful for those who do not want to waste extra time entering commands into the console. It is also worth noting that the program allows you to customize the level of professionalism of the bot’s game and its habits, in turn, they can be configured not only in the game itself, but also by simply editing the “podbot.cfg” file, where the parameters of the bots and their skills are also saved.

In this article I will try to talk in as much detail as possible about a very underrated element in CS GO - bots. Their importance is very underestimated, which is not entirely deserved. Using bots, you can significantly improve your gaming skill. But to unlock the full potential of bots, you need to be able to manage them. This is what we will talk about in this article. But before we start, I’ll say right away that we will need a console. For those who have not activated it yet, we have written a special article -.

How to add bots to CS GO

urple">The console command is responsible for adding bots to CS GO" bot_add".
You can add difficulty (1-3) and the bot's name to this command. For example, bot_add 2 Alex).
If you need to add a bot for a specific side, add _t/ct to the command. For example, bot_add_t)

To remove the bot limit, enter the commands one by one:
sv_cheats 1(allows you to use non-standard game commands)
mp_limitteams 0(removes player limit)

How to remove bots in CS GO

If you need to play in the lobby with a friend without bots, you can remove them using the console command urple">bot_kick.

Commands for bots in CS GO

For more detailed control of bots, you can use various console commands, they are under the spoiler.

urple">bot_add- a command that adds a bot to the game.

Urple"> bot_kick- deletes all bots.

Urple"> bot_kill- kills all bots in the current round.

Urple"> bot_knives_only - turns on knives for bots and they cannot shoot.

urple">bot_defer_to_human_goals - with a value of "1", the bots will do what they are supposed to do on the map according to the scenario - plant a bomb, defend a plant, rescue or protect hostages. At "0" they will not do this.

urple">bot_defer_to_human_items - whether the bot should pick up a bomb (1 - yes | 0 - no)

urple">bot_difficulty- complexity. Value from 1 to 3.

urple">bot_dont_shoot- with a value of "1", the bots become vegetables that simply stand rooted to the spot at the sight of you, but do not shoot.

urple">bot_freeze- at “1” the bots instantly freeze where they are. Convenient to check for lumbago, etc.

urple">bot_quota- the total number of bots that can be added.

urple">bot_knives_only- at "1" bots run with knives. At 0 with any other weapon.

urple">bot_pistols_only- if the value is "1", bots use only pistols.

urple">bot_stop- value "1" instantly stops bots and prohibits them from shooting.

urple">bot_show_battlefront- We set “1” and see where the bots will meet according to the game’s calculations. Again, it is very convenient, especially if you are training to take different points - you can always know in advance where they will come at you.

urple">bot_crouch- moving bots while squatting (1 - enable | 0 - disable).

urple">bot_chatter- a command that prohibits bots from using radio chat.

Urple"> For search:
How to remove/kick/disable/turn off/delete bots
How to make/add/enable/spawn/register bots
How to play with bots / How to play against bots
How to increase bots / How to kill bots
