How to log into a blocked warface account. How to unban an account in Warface: step-by-step instructions. How to block accounts in Warface

Warface cheats give you an advantage in the game over your opponent and take first place in the rankings. Download working WarFace cheats directly from the site without viruses and SMS. It is on this portal of the game cheats on WarFace that you can find out more about the newest applications for the game you are playing. You will have the opportunity to review and download the most working and current cheats for warface, injectors for warface, and know all the possible bugs in warface.

Cheat for warface - works by introducing its function into the game process, and gives you some advantage, for example, with wallhack'kom you can see your opponents through walls, this will give big advantage over your opponents, and with aimbot’om your aim will automatically be aimed at the head of the player of the opposing team and you only need to pull the trigger.

Injector for warface - more than one warface cheater cannot do without this application, since almost all cheats have the .dll extension and it is impossible to run it, but an injector comes to the rescue with the help of which you implement this .dll cheat into the game process and charge game.

Bugs in warface are mistakes of programmers (the creators of the game). Loopholes you can crawl into and no one will see you. Using the videos that are on the site, you will see all the places on the maps where you can climb, where you can fall under the map, etc.

This cheat can earn any number of credits completely free of charge (but sometimes there are restrictions). It was created specifically for players who cannot constantly buy credits.

This cheat can easily bypass the game algorithms, but you should not use it during happy hours, and in Warface the Warbucks cheat can be used.

The cheat is very easy to use. Warface cheat for crowns everything works 100%. Crowns are the special game currency of Warface, crowns are very necessary in the game, no matter how.

MultiHack without recoil and spread - this cheat has not only aim but also many other useful functions such as shooting without recoil in warface, shooting without spread and many more powerful functions.

Hi all! And so, if you are reading this post, then your account has been blocked and most likely it’s for cheating! We are engaged in unblocking accounts from the game Warface. You can unblock your game account for any point of the ban, and we can also help you remove the hardware ban and others! And so we read all the details below and also write to Skype here is the login traglodit25 or to the group in contact here is the link There are also tournament and private cheats for warface, which you can also buy! How to unban an account from the warface game, how to remove a hardware ban, and much more you can learn from our intermediaries, we are waiting for you!


Deputy Administrator:
You can also write to the group WhatsApp:
Link to our group in contact:
Our contact mail [email protected]
Our Skype login: traglodit25

And so write our contacts and we will unban your account from the game Crossfire ru. World of Tanks, Warface, Stalker. And not only check everything with our intermediaries.


How to Unblock your account in the game Warface, Warface, For any point of the ban And even for cheats.

First, you need to add our intermediary to Skype, he will tell you everything in detail,

You can find out more about PRICES on Skype from our intermediary, here is your Skype login:For the Unblocking process and for details, write to Skype: traglodit25 (Click on the Skype nickname and the seller’s real page will open in your Skype.) Guarantee of quality and transfer of unbanned account 100% Or we write in a community message. here is the link: click

Skype login.

If the method of communication via Skype does not suit you, you can write to us in the contact group and you will always receive a response from our intermediaries. We will also help you unblock your account in contact, just as it would be in Skype with our intermediaries. Here is a link to our group in contact:

Everyone is well aware of the multiplayer game Warface - this team shooter is extremely popular on the Internet, and many gamers are already choosing it over the classic counterpart Counter Strike. However, it is worth noting that there is strict monitoring of compliance with the rules prescribed by the developers and administration. Accordingly, if you violate them, use cheats or other third party programs, then you may be excluded from the game for a long time - and maybe forever. And here the question arises for users - how to get their account back? After all, many gamers invest real money in developing their character, so you should familiarize yourself with all the methods. This article will describe all the ways to unban an account in Warface.


If you want to know how to unban an account in Warface, then first of all you need to familiarize yourself with the reasons for blocking, and most importantly, with its timing. The fact is that if you realize your guilt, but at the same time you were banned for a short period of time, then the best solution is to wait. You can play other projects for several days until your account is unblocked - this is the most reliable and calm way that will not require absolutely any action from you, legal or not. Thus, the easiest way to get rid of blocking is to take no action. However, many gamers are not happy with this. Either they want to be able to play immediately, or their account is blocked for a very long period, or even forever. And then you need to think about how to unban your Warface account yourself, forcing events.

Contacting support

Many people think that there are only illegal ways to get rid of blocking, but this is not true. If you are interested in the question of how to unban an account in Warface, then you should pay attention to the fact that this game has a technical support service, where you can contact with any question, including the problem of banning your account. but first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the game, study in detail the point at which the blocking was made, and prepare a cultural appeal to the administration. If you were banned for a reason, but at the same time a very long ban period was set, then you will need to repent - admit to using cheats, third-party software or any other illegal actions that you committed that are contrary to the rules of the game. And then, perhaps, the administration will remove the block from you, but rest assured that in the future you will be closely monitored. And if you break the rules again, then unbanning your Warface account again will be impossible.

Elimination of consequences

Sometimes unbanning an account in Warface can be done much easier - this happens if you are banned for something other than business. This happens - don't be surprised. When the next update to the game is released, the administration carries out a fairly thorough check for violations, and innocent people can also fall under the hot hand. Moreover, the account can be hacked, and all illegal actions can be carried out without your participation. If you can provide evidence that you are innocent, then the administration will unban your account without any problems, but you will have to monitor what is happening very carefully in the future, because unbanning it again will be much more problematic.

Using special programs

On this legal methods end, now it’s worth moving on to illegal options, such as auto-unban in Warface. The fact is that all legal methods do not have the highest success rate - plus, the administration does not respond to requests immediately, so in any case you will have to wait, do a lot of work and try to persuade other people. If you don’t want all this, then it’s better for you to use a special program that can remove the block from your account instantly and painlessly, and you can play this way again? This will be discussed further.

The ban removal process

First of all, you will need to download the program that interests you. There are quite a lot of them on the network, since a huge number of people are trying to unban their Warface account as soon as possible, so such software is in great demand. And here you need to act carefully, since there are many scammers who can infect your computer with viruses, require some kind of confirmation from you, and then debit money from your account, and so on. Therefore, choose only proven programs. Some of them are free, however, they do not have the highest chance of success - besides, they only shorten the ban period and do not remove the ban completely. Therefore, if you are going to use a program for unbanning, then it is better to take one that works reliably and efficiently. For example, there is a cheat that allows you to unban your account instantly - only you need to purchase the professional version, which costs real money. And you can only use it once - after that you will have to buy a license again. But it operates completely unnoticed, that is, the administration has virtually no chance of detecting its action. And the developers guarantee a 90% chance that account unlocking will be successful.


As you already understood, if you legally get rid of the block, you will eventually be able to continue the game without any problems, except that you will be monitored more closely. But what benefits does using third-party software for unlocking bring to you? You will be able to continue the game without any problems, but only if the administration does not recognize any traces of the cheat being used. If you are caught unblocking your account illegally, you may not even hope that you will be pardoned. Such accounts are blocked forever without the possibility of appealing the blocking. So use third-party software only as a last resort, carefully and carefully to avoid dire consequences.

The large company is the owner of a large game project Warface. And carefully monitors compliance with the rules user agreement from the players. There are both positive and negative aspects to this moment. On the one hand, the company is fighting malicious violators who deliberately use cheats and break the rules. On the other hand, users who are under attack are subject to permanent account blocking for minor violations.

Losing an undeveloped account in which no money was invested is not so scary. It's worse than losing an account with high level character when a lot of time and money have been invested in the game. Below you will learn how to unlock Warface.

How to block accounts in Warface

If the rules are violated, the player must first be sent a warning. If a player ignores him, he will be banned. This system works in most online games. But this system does not apply to Warface. Users are banned without warning.

Getting banned from a game is an unpleasant event. Especially if you unintentionally made a mistake, as a result of which your account was permanently blocked. There are several ways to solve this problem:

  • Contact technical support.
  • Take advantage of security vulnerabilities.

Unlocking Warface with technical support

If you are banned, the first thing to do is change all passwords for your email accounts and social networks. Then write a letter to the game administration asking to restore access to your account. This way you can try to convince the administration that you were hacked by scammers and they were the ones who violated the rules of the game. This method may work if the administration believes it and sends you a response containing information about the possibilities of restoring access to the game.

If technical support did not help, then proceed to the next method, which involves exploiting Warface security system vulnerabilities.

Security system in Warface

The security system of this online shooter is the game's biggest vulnerability. After all, all files that are associated with game account, are downloaded along with the client to the user’s computer. Typically, developers protect files by preventing players from modifying them. In the case of Warface, there is no such protection; you can do whatever you want with important files. The main thing is to know the approach so as not to break the game. Thus, if your account is blocked, then with a certain approach this problem can be solved in an instant.

File substitution

As mentioned above, absolutely all files, including those that store account information, are downloaded along with the client and are not protected in any way. In case of ban account, information about the number of days remaining until the end of the blocking is stored on the computer. Accordingly, in order for you to be allowed into the game, this information must be changed. To make the task easier, you can download the already modified file and simply replace the old one with it. As a result, you will be allowed back into the game.

When using this method, it is important to remember that updating the game and checking game files will restore information about the number of days you were blocked. And you will again lose the opportunity to enter the game.

Be careful

Of the two methods for unlocking an account, only the first is considered legal. It involves coordinating actions with official representatives of the game. The second method is used at your responsibility, all manipulations with game files will be done at your own risk.

No matter how much you want, do not try to find programs to unlock Warface. There is no third party software. All programs available on the Internet that supposedly remove blocking are created by scammers. Instead of solving the problem, you will get many new misfortunes in the form of viruses. Viruses can damage data on your computer and even render it inoperable. In addition, scammers can take over your personal data. Therefore, under no circumstances download, much less run, such suspicious files.
