How to run games on a weak computer. A gamer helps others run modern games on a weak computer. Removing clothing physics

Everyone knows that PUBG is very demanding on PC, but today we will talk about what needs to be done to run PUBG on weak computer.

One of the main problems when launching PUBG is the long loading time of the game, approximately 5 - 10 minutes. Your screen is still black, but you can already hear the sound of an airplane and gunfire around you. There is a high probability that by the time you boot up you will already be dead.

  • To fix this problem or at least somehow reduce the loading time, it is worth lowering the graphics level. If you have very little RAM, objects will still load slowly, regardless of reduced graphics settings.

The most important thing is to lower the resolution. Post-processing blurs the background, it loads the computer very heavily - it’s better to immediately set this item to minimal settings. We also set the shadows to the most low settings. You can leave the textures on high level. Turn off the effects altogether, even at minimum settings they load the hardware just as much as at high settings. We also set the foliage to a minimum. There is no need to check the boxes against blur and vertical sync This will put a lot of stress on your PC.

Should I buy or not an SSD?

If you have an old SSD drive, the game will of course run faster, but the SSD will die sooooo quickly. Within a month you will most likely kill him. With modern SSDs you won't have this problem. but remember that a good SSD costs from 5 thousand rubles.

What to do if you don't have enough RAM?

If your RAM is less than 4 gigs, then it sucks. You can try using a swap file but then you will have to wait until the card is fully loaded. Also, if you have USB 3.0, you can use a large flash drive. If you have a weak video card and does not support DirectX 11, then nothing will help you here and I, reader, sincerely feel sorry for you. Watch streams of the game on YouTube and cry.

If you have 8 gigs of RAM and the game does not load

Before starting the game, make sure your antivirus and Windows firewall are disabled. Check to update your video card. Update Windows to latest version, update DirectX and Microsoft Visual C++ 2015. Sometimes a situation occurs when a game purchased through Steam is minimized upon launch. Then open the Steam library, select properties (RMB) and go to launch options. Set the launch parameters: -USEALLAVAILABLECORES –MALLOC=SYSTEM –SM4. Confirm the action. After this, the client should start automatically with minimal graphics settings.

What if nothing helps?

First, close PUBG.

Secondly, go to:

  • C:\Users(UserID)\AppData\Local\TslGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor.

Delete the GameUserSettings.ini file.

Check yours game files using Steam and restart PUBG.

Many people still have old computers that still had 2 gigs of RAM and at one time they bought another 2 or 4 gigs of memory in the hope that their computer would become more powerful, stronger and would carry everything modern games. With 1 gig of video memory? Unfortunately, this time has already passed and 1 gig of video memory is very little for modern games and RAM also needs at least 8 gigs - I repeat, at least. And you need at least 2 gigs of video memory - and that’s also not enough. Many people launch and play modern games on such outdated PCs. Even upgrading them is not really an option, because standards, connectors, slots, chipsets and other words change - the only thing that will remain useful from the old PC is the case and the hard drive, and the rest is only for an office PC. The power supply may work fine, but you need to look at its power and efficiency.

So, now let’s look at what harm gaming on weak computers or laptops can cause. The main point is the negative impact on your vision due to slow graphics - freezes, lags, freezes, flickers, etc. - will have a very bad effect on your vision and mood. This is the effect of a weak PC on your health. And the second point of playing on weak PCs is the impact on the durability of this PC - in particular, the hard drive. That is, you will definitely have to increase the paging file and, due to the lack of RAM, data will be loaded and unloaded into the paging file - which will lead to increased heating of the hard drive and a reduction in its operation due to frequent access and read-write operations. Whether you want to play modern games on weak PCs or not is up to you, but my opinion is definitely no. It’s better to let your office PC serve its intended purpose for a long time.

But there will still be those who will play even at 15 fps - just to play. And for them it is important - how to run the game on a weak computer with 4-6 gigs of RAM and 1 gig of video memory, and even with a non-gaming video card. The bottom line is that to compensate for the lack of RAM, you need to increase the swap file to about 10-16 gigs. All necessary libraries and game components must be installed on the system and the video card drivers must be updated. In most cases, games will run on such weak hardware, even with 2 core processors. I already said about the amount of FPS, naturally, to increase it, you need to set the minimum settings of almost everything possible in the game settings. And then you get 10-20 fps and play a slide show. As I already said, I do not recommend playing in this mode - it is harmful to your eyesight and the hard drive.

A major upgrade or purchase of a powerful gaming computer at today's ruble is comparable to purchasing a used car.

  • A budget GeForce GTX 1060 + mid-range Core i5 will cost about 40 thousand rubles.
  • The average GeForce GTX 1070 + older Core i5K or younger Core i7K cost around 60 thousand rubles.
  • The top-end GeForce GTX 1080 + the older Core i7K that reveals it will lighten the wallet by 80 thousand rubles or more.

We add a motherboard, cooling, RAM, SSD, case, power supply, monitor (in the case of the GTX 1080, take a 4K screen, otherwise the point is lost), accessories, and the price of an initial configuration of current components with a good reserve for the future reaches 80 thousand rubles . The average price exceeds 100–120 thousand. It’s scary to even calculate the cost of a top-end gaming build.

System requirements for games are growing, people don’t have money for new computers or upgrades, and we get the following statistics:

  • Over the past three years, the share of eligible gaming computers and laptops among the population decreased from 23 to 5%.
  • 76% of gamers are not satisfied with the power of their computers.
  • 48% of gamers are deprived of the opportunity to invest money in upgrading their computer, and only 6% of game fans can afford an upgrade costing more than 20 thousand rubles.

What to do? Credit? The toad will strangle you, the wife will not understand. It takes a long time to save, but I want to play now. Should I just accept it and play whatever my current computer can handle? No. Modern technologies come to the rescue.

Gaming computer as a service

You use cloud storage, mail, instant messengers, social networks, and so on. Their work is provided by data centers. You send and receive data, and remote servers handle processing and storage.
