How to launch a game bar on Windows 10. Game wall modules

Microsoft has paid special attention to games in the Windows 10 operating system. On computers running Windows 10, a special Xbox application has appeared, which is an aggregator gaming activity user. This application is installed and runs on the system by default, which may cause some discomfort.

When launching almost any productivity application or game on a computer, Windows 10 users are faced with the Game Bar automatically loading. You need it to take screenshots in games, record videos, and share them with friends in the Xbox app's activity feed. Not all users need the Game Bar, and you can disable it from automatically launching with games and applications. Below we will look at how to do this.

How to disable Game Bar in the Xbox app on Windows 10

To disable Game Bar on Windows 10, just use the default Xbox app. You can find it in the Start menu or through search. By launching the Xbox app and logging in to it account Microsoft, please do the following:

After disabling in the application settings Xbox gaming Windows 10 panel, it will no longer launch when opening games. It is worth noting that it will not be possible to launch the application using the Windows + G hotkey combination installed on the system by default.

How to disable Game Bar in Windows 10 through the registry

The second way to disable the Game Bar in Windows 10 is to deactivate the setting responsible for it through the registry. To do this you need to do the following:

This will disable the Xbox Game Bar on your computer. If you need it, it will be enough to return the unit to the changed parameter values ​​or perform a registry restore.

How to Customize Game Bar on Windows 10

Disabling the Game Bar completely is not the best solution if you need it from time to time to perform certain tasks. In this case, it is better to configure it, for example, disable the notification window about its activation when launching games and applications. To do this, when the information message about launching the game panel appears, you need to click on the gear icon on it to open the parameters.

Set the necessary parameters - you can configure sound alerts, keyboard shortcuts for quickly starting and stopping recording, and general settings.

Child development is closely intertwined with games. In the process of organizing such leisure time, it is necessary to take into account that entertainment should be exciting and educational. The optimal solution to the issue of equipping children's rooms would be to purchase modern gaming panels (modules) of various types:

  • “drawing games”;
  • “training”;
  • labyrinths;
  • Nike stickers, etc.

Educational play wall modules for children's rooms should be easily and reliably mounted on the surface of the walls, without taking up the main usable space. It is advisable to purchase educational panels for home, kindergartens, training centers, etc.
High-quality wall modules: buy in the online store

The offers in the section of the website of the online store “” will help you buy educational modules from well-known brands Stem, DKGmbH, Beleduc, Dusyma, etc. The catalog contains several groups of products:

  • wall sensor modules;
  • educational panels;
  • additional accessories (racks, shelves, fastenings).

Fascinating panels for children's playrooms will help your child practice logic, develop fine motor skills and memory, gain new knowledge and cheer up. Unique design solutions in bright colors will be a real boon for decorating play areas. Each children's wall module is made of high-quality materials (non-toxic and hypoallergenic), therefore completely safe for the child's health.

Selection priorities for kindergarten

When choosing a wall-mounted game module, you need to pay attention to the child’s age, his preferences, the thematic focus of the model and the size of the canvas. When ordering development panels for kindergarten, it is recommended to focus on conducting group training lessons using these structures. Models of magnetic posters (the “Harry and Sally” series, “Learning to Write”, etc.) and wall panels (“Calendar”, “Apple Tree”, “Garden”, etc.) are suitable for these purposes. The ideal choice would be tactile panels for kindergarten and wall elements for a play wall ("Sunflower", "Pisces", "Color Wheel", "Arch", "Pockets", "Round Tunnel", etc.).

The gaming wall module is exciting, educational, and lively interesting! These are exactly the toys that the kids of the new generation are waiting for!

You can take screenshots and video in apps and games in Windows 10. The recorded video, after filming, is available in MP4 format, and screenshots are available in PNG format. All the videos you've made and the screenshots you've taken are stored in %UserProfile%\Videos\Clips.

How to launch the Game Bar in Windows 10?

To do this, you need to perform a few simple steps.

Launch the Xbox application, then click “Settings” and select the DVR subsection for games.

Using the switch located there, we activate “Create game clips and screenshots using DVR for games.”

How to change the settings in the “Game Recording” mode?

It's simple, when you are in any application or game, you need to open the game panel. To do this, press the key combination Win + G.

Click the “Settings” button and in the window that opens, make the necessary values ​​and changes. (To view additional settings, you need to go to the Xbox app).

Then in the application " Xbox One“You need to click on the “Settings” icon and select the “Game DVR” subsection.

How can you use the Game Bar to automatically record the last 30 seconds of gameplay?

When you are in the game panel settings, you need to select the “Record game in the background” option.

When you're in an app or game, press Win + Alt + G (or in the Game bar, press Win + G, then press Burn). Click on the notification about the recording that appears to later view it in the Xbox application.

How do I manually record clips using the Game Bar?

In the game panel settings, check the “Record game in the background” option.

When we are in an application or game, press Win + Alt + G (or open the games panel by pressing Win + G, and then “Start Recording”).

In order to stop recording, you need to press the Win + Alt + R keys, or the button on the panel itself.

Accordingly, click on the recording notification that appears to view it in the Xbox application.

How to take screenshots using the Game Bar?

When you are in an application or game, press Win + Alt + PrtScn (or open the games panel by pressing Win + G and click “Screenshot”).

Now click on the notification that appears about saving the screenshot to view it in the Xbox application.

Recording gameplay in Windows 10

Built-in system capabilities

Windows 10 has introduced a standard feature for capturing video of the game process. The system allows you to upload a video to a video service (YouTube and others), save the file locally or forward it to friends.

The Game Bar, a game panel that is part of the more multifunctional Game DVR component, is responsible for recording the game. He, in turn, is only part of the Xbox program. To record the game process, you can use customized keyboard shortcuts - Windows 10 provides the ability to create “hot keys” for taking screenshots of games and recording videos.

Launching the Game Bar

You can call the games panel using the Win keys (the button with the Windows logo) + G. The panel will be deployed on top of the game screen if the game is running. If in this moment open games no or the system was unable to identify the toy, Windows will display a confirmation window and ask if you really want to launch the Game Bar.

Sometimes the panel only works when windowed mode games. If you call the panel in full screen mode If you encounter difficulties, try switching the game to windowed mode.

On the games panel itself there are buttons for controlling video recording in the background, starting the Xbox program, creating a screenshot, recording gaming video and go to settings.

Recording the game process

To record a video game, launch the games panel (Win + G), in it click on the record button (indicated in red). An indicator will appear at the top right showing the time elapsed since the start of recording.

To stop video recording, call up the games panel again and click on the red button again - now this is the button to stop video recording.

To start and stop recording, the standard key combination Win + Alt + R is provided. If the time indicator on the screen is in the way, you can also remove it by holding Win + Alt + T. The same actions can be applied to other key combinations. This is done in the Xbox program settings. The given combinations are standard and work by default.

Taking screenshots

You can take a screenshot with the central button on the game panel. There are also “hot keys” for this purpose. A screenshot of the game screen will be saved if you press Win + Alt + PrtSc at the same time.

Play videos and view screenshots

All recordings made (videos and screenshots) are saved in the system folder under the current user account - “Video/Clips”. Videos are converted to .mp4 format, screenshots are recorded with the .png extension. The file name is formed from the game name and the date/time the file was created.

You can also play back the recorded data in the Xbox app. Expand the “Start” menu, click on the icon to launch the “Game DVR” program. You will see a list of all saved screenshots and videos, displayed under the title “On this PC” (in the English version - On this PC). No need to open files third party program, you can start viewing directly in the application.

Configuring Game DVR App Options

You can configure the DVR for games and the Game Bar itself through the Xbox program. Open the appropriate application, select “Settings” (or Settings), then go to the “Game DVR” section.

You can disable this component and all its functions, change the hotkeys for creating videos or screenshots, reconfigure the combinations for opening the panel, change the parameters for starting and stopping the timing, and improve the operation of the “Record that” function.

The settings will also allow you to set your own folder for saving videos and screenshots, and set parameters responsible for the resolution and quality level of the videos. With out-of-the-box settings, sound is also included in the video. You can turn this feature off or set the audio track recording quality to suit your needs.

Fixation in background

On PlayStation 4 and Xbox One game automatically recorded in background mode. You can quickly save interesting fragments.

A DVR for games in Windows 10 can work in the same way. To configure this behavior, you need to activate the “Record in the background” option in the settings. However, enabling this parameter may affect performance and reduce response speed, about which the system additionally warns.

If this option is active, recording the game constantly consumes a certain amount of system resources. On weaker machines this can be very noticeable. It is better not to keep the function enabled all the time, but to activate it when necessary.

With default settings, the last 30 seconds of the game process are recorded. To save such a video, go to the game panel, click on the second button on the left side of the screen, or use the combination Win + Alt + G. The name of the function is Record that. Similar to the same option on Xbox One, it saves the last half-minute video from the game to disk.

At the moment, Game DVR can only record the process and send the video to the network. Online broadcasting of the game through services like is not implemented. To go live, you will have to use additional applications.

Game Bar keyboard shortcut to record gameplay

Windows 10 has a so-called recording feature gameplay, which is part of the Xbox application. Starting with Windows 10 Creators Update version 1703, gameplay recording is directly integrated into the operating system. Below is a list of keyboard shortcuts that you can use to control Game Bar features.

Game Bar, part of the built-in Xbox app in Windows 10. Starting with Windows 10 build 15019, it is a separate option in Windows Settings.

The feature provides a special graphical user interface that can be used to record screen content, capture gameplay and save it as videos, screenshots, etc. Captured videos are saved with .mp4 extension, and screenshots are saved as images with .png extension. in folder


Keyboard shortcut for Windows 10 Game Bar

  • Win+ G - Open the game's Game bar (during the game).
  • Win+ Alt+ R ​​- Start or stop recording.
  • Win+ Alt+ G - Record last 30 seconds.
  • Win+ Alt+ Print Screen - Take a screenshot of the current game.
  • Win+ Alt+ T - Show or hide the recording timer.

To open the Game Bar, press the Windows key + G on your keyboard or press the Xbox button on your controller.

To see all your videos and screenshots, find Game DVR in the left menu of the Xbox app, tap and open the appropriate section. An alternative solution is to go through Explorer to the folder C:\Users\...\Videos\Captures. Console users will no doubt be pleased that all videos appear on PC, where they can be edited and shared with anyone.

With Gold membership, it's easy to download through the Xbox app free games, conduct a team chat with friends on Xbox One and Windows 10 at the same time, compare achievements, launch PC games and stream from Xbox One when the console is left without a TV.

We are all waiting for the November app update, which will diversify the capabilities of Clubs and the Xbox Looking for Group search functions in the section Xbox Live, which will allow you to find people with similar goals with whom you can play.

If you haven't tried the Xbox app yet, you can download it here. Read our previous Windows 10 tips, such as Four Microsoft Edge Tricks. Have a great time!

Updated October 25, 2016 11:13 am

How to enable Game Mode in Windows 10

Game Mode represents a new feature operating system Windows 10, which redistributes resources in favor running games. Below we'll show you how to enable it. Testing shows that Game Mode doesn't have much of an impact on high-end PCs, but if you prefer to multitask or have a lot of processes running in the background, it may be useful. Microsoft plans to improve the feature in future updates, so it's worth checking out where it is located. The feature can be turned on in the Settings app. Games that have been optimized and certified to support Game Mode, such as universal apps from the Windows Store, will run in Game Mode by default.
You can enable game mode in certain games separately, even if Microsoft hasn't tested them. To do this, you need to use the Windows 10 Game Bar.
Although Game Mode doesn't provide a huge performance boost, if you have a lot of background tasks open or if your computer's performance is slow, it can be useful.

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