What is the coolest version of Minecraft. Which Minecraft is the best on different platforms? How to buy a licensed Minecraft


If you are no longer new to Minecraft, you have probably tried the gameplay in more than one version of this game. You probably have your own preferences among them. When you just have to master the intricacies of “minecraft”, since you have never personally played this “game” before, follow the advice of many more experienced gamers and try to download and install version 1.7.3 Beta on your computer. According to the recognition of a considerable number of players, it is still considered, if not the best, then one of the obvious contenders for such an honorable title.

Be sure to install a special program - Minecraft Forge - along with the game itself. Without it, you will not be able to then add various interesting mods to the game if you want to try them out. After launching the gameplay, enjoy its capabilities. In Minecraft 1.7.3 Beta they are truly wide. The main thing is that one of the most frequently used mechanisms in this game has been added here - the piston. With its help, create secret doors, traps (they will be useful to you when participating in a multiplayer game - to counteract its participants who are griefing) and other useful devices.

Try this piston - to do this, add cobblestones, any boards you like to your inventory (the type of wood from which they will be made does not even affect the color of the finished product), redstone dust and iron ingots. You will receive the latter if you burn (using coal) the ore of the corresponding metal in a furnace. Place one such ingot in the central cell of your workbench, place a unit of red dust under it, place four cobblestones on the sides of them, and completely occupy the top row with three blocks of boards. By adding green slime to such a mechanism, you get sticky piston. He can not only move blocks, but also then return them to their place.

Take full advantage of the fact that many piston bugs have been fixed in 1.7.3 Beta. For example, the fact that when ice blocks are shifted using such mechanisms, they no longer cause the occurrence of turbulent water flows. In addition, you will probably notice (if you are familiar with previous versions of the game): pistons in all positions of any chain now turn on normally. However, in connection with the correction of individual bugs, you will also find several reasons for disappointment. For example, the fact that now you won’t be able to meet the legendary Herobrine without adding special mods (he was removed by the creators in 1.7.3 Beta).

Try to get wool without having to destroy your sheep. Just take out the scissors, with which you can easily cut the fleece from the above animals. If you don’t yet have such a useful item in your inventory, craft them. To do this you only need two iron ingot. Place one of them in the central slot of the workbench, and the second in its lower left corner. These scissors are designed for almost 240 uses - and after they break, make yourself new ones.

The Minecraft game has been in development for a long time, it has undergone many changes. That's why developers use a version system. Exit new version Minecraft is a significant event for us, some people are a little annoyed by it, because versions may be released that only contain bug fixes, which is not very interesting. Because of this, you have to wait until the mods for them are updated, which is not good. But if you want you always want to have latest version, on this page you can download the latest version of Minecraft.

What awaits us in the new Minecraft

Everyone is waiting for a version that will add a lot of interesting things, and we will get it very soon. Namely, many changes for the better, new blocks and much more.

Mobs with terrible abilities that terrify all players!
Many bug fixes and improvements.

In the meantime you can

Before this version, it was relevant, which of course will remain available on our website.

There are even such versions: and

Minecraft – virtual world which has no boundaries, with unlimited possibilities. In the land of Minecraft, the main character is a character named Steve. He lives in a world full various adventures, dangers and all sorts of difficulties await him at every corner, making his existence difficult. He constantly has to fight these obstacles in order to obtain the necessary resources for the further implementation of his plans to bring his ideas and desires to life. Among other things, while extracting food and valuable resources, he needs to fight zombies, dragons and other enemies in order to survive.

Minecraft includes a huge collection of mini-games, which implement various gameplay and set specific tasks. In addition, the player has unlimited possibilities and means to achieve his goals. With a variety of game modes, it can satisfy the needs, desires and preferences of every gamer.

History of creation

Minecraft is the prototype for another cubic world game called Infiniminer. The creator and developer of Minecraft is the famous Swedish-born programmer Markus Person. Colleagues and gamers around him call him “Noth” (from English “Notch”). But the development of “Notch”, unlike its ancestor, which did not receive its continuation, has gained worldwide popularity since Switzerland. But, despite this, it was constantly refined and was under testing from the moment of its debut in 2009 until 2011. Since 2015, you can buy a licensed version of the game on PC, iPad running any OS, as well as for PlayStation, Xbox of all models.

Game Mode

In Minecraft you can play online mini-games separately for girls and boys with a 3D or 2D interface. Game Mode full release has several options. Each of them is aimed at achieving a specific goal. On this moment the game has five modes:

  1. survival;
  2. creativity or creativity;
  3. adventure;
  4. hardcore;
  5. observation.


You find yourself in game world, and there are no items in your inventory. First of all, you need to get a certain amount of wood to create wooden tools: a pickaxe, an axe. You will need them for subsequent extraction of stone and forest, respectively. From the extracted resources you can make stronger and more reliable equipment. Thanks to this, you can provide yourself with food and shelter before dark. Time one of key points who is playing against you. If you do not have time to build yourself a shelter and collect enough food, then night is the time for zombies and other enemies with whom you will have to fight.

Advice. Start building your first shelter by cutting a small hole in the rock. This way you will save construction time and resources.

For lighting you will need coal, which can be found when mining stone. Building a bed or sleeping place that requires sheep wool will help you rest at night, otherwise you will not be able to sleep and will hear the heartbreaking cries of animals and other monsters.

Creativity or creativity

This is a mode of unlimited flight of the player's imagination. You are provided with an unlimited supply of resources and opportunities. Here you do not experience thirst, hunger, and cannot become a victim of predatory animals or your other opponents. The only way to die is to fly off the map or type “kill” on the console. The gamer can build buildings of any shape and from any blocks.


This mode similar to Survival, but has its own limitations. For example, some objects can be broken or destroyed only with tools specific for these purposes, there are red blocks that cannot be broken and they serve as a kind of limiters on your movement and actions. The Adventure mode was created for maps to complete or complete a specific mission.


This version of the game is almost identical to the "Survival" mode, except that you are given only one life, and zombies are given the ability to knock down doors made of wood.

Attention! If you die during the game, then the entire game world is destroyed along with you.


The game mode speaks for itself. The only thing you can do here is fly and watch the gameplay from the perspective of other players or monsters. In general, there is no contact with the game that other modes provide.

Basic inventory items

During gameplay you can make or find the following inventory items yourself that you need to survive and complete the game:

  • Pick. Used to extract resources: stone, gold, diamonds, etc.
  • Axe. Necessary for harvesting wood.
  • Sword. Weapons designed for fighting monsters and obtaining food.
  • Box. Used to store things and resources.
  • Bake. Used for melting precious metal.
  • Shovel. With its help you can dig useful items from the ground.

How to buy and where to download Minecraft

To play Minecraft you need to buy a license. You can purchase it on PC on the official website, where you need to click on the “Get Minecraft” button and fill out a special registration form. Next, in the next form, you are required to provide your payment details to purchase a licensed version of the game. After which you are provided with a link to download your product. You can buy the release for the console (PSX or Xbox) in any specialized store or online store in accordance with the version of your console.

Minecraft is very exciting game, designed for any age, and satisfying almost all the needs and desires of the player. Despite its simple cubic interface, it is able to lure you into its game world and give you a lot of unforgettable impressions.

How to download minecraft - video

For those who are not in the know, I’ll tell you that at the moment there are more than 40 versions of Minecraft, and this is not counting various transitional builds, pre-releases and patches. The beginning was made and it was released back in 2012. But today we will not list all this variety, but will consider only the popular and most downloaded versions today.

The most popular versions of Minecraft

Minecraft 1.5.2

It still holds the bar as one of the most popular versions, which in Russia alone is downloaded by more than 4,000 people daily. It was released in May 2013 and was essentially a bug fix and refinement of Minecraft 1.5 “Redstone Update”. With him, redstone appeared in the game and the game, one might say, was transformed. Everything spun and spun. This is the first global update of the game.

Minecraft 1.6.2

And again corrects the mistakes of the previous one global update numbered 1.6.1 and called “Horse Update”. Horses have appeared, they can be tamed and saddled. There were also a bunch of noticeable and not so noticeable fixes. In terms of popularity, only about 100 people download 1.6.2 every day. The next version is gaining all the popularity.

Minecraft 1.6.4

Apparently the guys from Mojang didn’t have enough 1.6.2 to solve all the problems with the “Horse Update” and they decided to release it and, as it turned out, not in vain. From 1000 to 1500 people daily search for where to download it. But, as such, you will not see any innovations here compared to the previous version. On 1.6.4 the developers tested some technical solutions, which were planned to be implemented in subsequent updates.

Minecraft 1.7.2

But this is the version that is still very popular among both players and modders. It also has a sonorous name - The Update that Changed the World (The update that changed the world). A lot of things have been redone and added - these include several new types of biomes, new blocks and plants. There was an opportunity to use it, which raised the beauty of the Minecraft world to new heights. And if you connect some kind of high-quality one, the picture will be just “candy”.

Minecraft 1.7.10

This version still holds the bar as the most popular. More than 10 thousand people want to download it every day in various variations. And this despite the fact that he did not bring any more or less significant changes or additions to the game. But the developers brought their brainchild to perfection (at that time). So if you are new to the cube world and want to join our ranks, then you can safely start by installing this version. You can't go wrong.

Minecraft 1.8

We waited and waited and waited for the version with the new number. And it was not in vain that they waited. More than 10 new blocks and items, three new mobs, various improvements, adjustments and improvements have been added. It turned out to be a good update from , and in terms of downloads it competes with popular oldies - about 1000 people daily press the download button on Russian sites.

Minecraft 1.8.9

Version number 1.8.9 is something like bug fixing. Its main feature was local, personal Minecraft servers Realms, when every player, for a small fee, can open a server and invite their close friends and acquaintances to play there. So to speak, not big, family get-togethers.

Minecraft 1.9

With came the war, or rather a new one combat system was introduced into the game. Now it’s not enough to just click on your opponent. In this version, you can use both hands in battle, either put a weapon in them, or use a sword and shield, for example. Attacks can be blocked and parried. Such concepts as attack strength and speed appeared. You can kill your enemy with one blow or wear him down with frequent and sharp attacks, here you choose your battle tactics depending on your preferences or the availability of one or another suitable weapon.

Minecraft 1.9.4

Another polishing of existing achievements. There are no special differences from the previous version, or rather there are no visible changes. But the developers have worked on the stability and speed of the game.

Are you choosing what to play Minecraft on? Our article is designed to help you with your choice. We have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each version in separate sections. In addition, at the end of the article we also indicated our favorite versions of the game to make it easier for you to make your choice. We hope our text will be useful to you.

Minecraft PC version


    The most common version of the game today. It's been around for what seems like forever, and the support from the game's online community is overwhelming;

    Works on any PC (well, except those on DOS);

    Supports a huge number of mods and additional features;

    Convenient keyboard and mouse controls.


    Cannot play in handheld mode.

The main advantage of the PC version is the huge virtual world

Minecraft version for phones (Pocket Edition)


    The most popular Minecraft version, i.e. developers always monitor bug fixes and timely updates;

    The most portable version of the game. If you have a tablet or phone, you already have Minecraft;

    The worlds in the game are truly endless;

    Supports mods, although installing them is not always easy (especially on iOS);

    You can play for several players online;

    Low price (and often on sale).


    Control via the touch screen takes some getting used to at first;

    Game performance depends on your device (especially if you have an Android phone).

There are secret places in every version of the game

Minecraft version for consoles (Xbox One, PlayStation 4)


    The size of the worlds is not as large as in other versions, but at the beginning you can choose from three pre-made templates;

    Local multiplayer mode for four players (split screen);

    Possibilities network game;

    Add-on support.


    Control on a controller instead of a mouse and keyboard. Not the worst option if you are a console player. However, those who are upgrading to this version from a PC may find the controls a bit overwhelming at first;

    Not all mods are supported. On Xbox One You can still do magic to gain access to most add-ons, but not on PS4.

    Cannot play in handheld mode.

Minecraft version for Nintendo Switch


    The game features special additional content based on the Mario universe;

    Support for other add-ons;

    Opportunity cooperative game split screen (up to four participants);

    You can select items in your inventory using the touch screen (if playing in handheld mode).

    If you use the controller in handheld mode instead of the touchscreen, it opens best view to what is happening.

    You can play both on TV and in portable format. The game looks great in both cases.


    Multiplayer options are pretty poor;

    Add-ons are not supported;

    There is only one "medium" sized world (3072 x 3072 cubes);

    Each player in local play mode requires their own pair of Joy-Cons (or Pro Controller). You cannot play on just one Joy-Con;

    The price is more expensive than other console versions of the game.

The Nintendo Switch version has unique Mario-themed content

It’s worth saying in more detail about the version of the game for Nintendo Switch. The launch of the Nintendo console was the opposite of the launch of the Wii U in terms of success. The company invested a lot of money and effort into the marketing campaign for the console, and at the start of sales, games from hit developers hit the shelves along with the console. This gaming system also has a simple but practical feature (you can switch between TV and portable game modes).

Nintendo also wanted Minecraft to be released on their console as early as possible. The game is extremely popular, and its release on the Japanese giant's console contributed to sales growth. Playing on the console is easy and convenient: you will spend countless hours mining ore, working in the fields and gardens, or simply going on adventures. If you haven't decided which version of Minecraft is best to play, then try this option.

Which version of Minecraft is better to play? Final verdict

For a complete gaming experience- full access to add-ons, constant updates, rich customization options, as well as online community support - choose the PC version.

Good news: the basic gameplay of Minecraft is the same in all versions of the game

In second place, in our opinion, is the version for Nintendo Switch. One could say that this is best version, if not a couple of shortcomings. First of all, playing split screen in the game is very fun and cool, however you will need an additional controller for this. Secondly, the networking capabilities of the Nintendo Switch are not that wide. This may change in the future, but no one knows when. On the other hand, if for you Minecraft is more of an adventure game that you can play at your own pace, then better version you won’t find (and the Switch also supports touchscreen control).

Versions for the PS4 and Xbox One consoles are firmly in third place. They're a great way to play everyone's favorite game, but they lack the features of a handheld mode.

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