What perks to download for Guards Panther. G.W. Panther is a German Tier VII self-propelled gun. Equipment, equipment and ammunition

Review of video guide tank Gw Panther World of Tanks

In World of Tanks Gw Panther, perhaps the most fan art, no one will call us a “pedobear” (this is for fans of the Su-26), but we will also have a lot of fun. This guide will help novice Gw Panther art enthusiasts understand the intricacies of this machine. Even with STOKE, Givi influences the outcome of the battle and can even delay it. You can install all the equipment and modules on the stock chassis, so first we download the TOP gun (penetration 88/240/88, damage 1200/900/1200, dispersion 0.43m/100m, reduction 6.3s; it will bring us credits and experience. We inherited a walkie-talkie (710m) from Hummel. After upgrading the gun and installing the walkie-talkie, it makes sense to think about developing our driving characteristics. The base from a medium tank allows you to move around the map perfectly, at a speed of 48 km/h, and powerful engines allow you to quickly reach this speed and spin in place.In the TOP configuration, the Gw Panther poses a huge threat to the enemy.


  • Excellent dynamics, allows you to quickly take key positions and move as needed
  • Fast aiming and accuracy of the gun
  • Fast recharge
  • Best UGN
  • Although we are large in size, surprisingly Givi is perfectly camouflaged
  • Large ammunition allows you to distribute “suitcases” throughout the battle


  • Just like Bumblebee has a small splash
  • Small one-time damage

Crew and additional skills I

Because Many people leave the Gw Panther in their hangar, so you need to have an appropriate crew for it. Actually, if you transferred the crew from Hummel, then there is no difference in leveling up your skills, the sequence is still the same. We are trying to make our artillery “invisible” and squeeze all the “juices” out of the crew with the help of the Combat Brotherhood

  • Commander: “The Sixth Sense”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Disguise”
  • Gunner: “Smooth turn of the tower”, “Combat brotherhood”, “Camouflage”
  • Driver-mechanic: “Disguise”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Virtuoso”
  • Loader 1: “Disguise”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Repair”
  • Loader 2: “Disguise”, “BB”, “Repair”

Additional modules

If you decide to sell your Hum, then remove the Rammer and Aiming Drives from it, these are the modules we will need on the Gw Panther. And of course, don’t forget to wear a “net” to hide from prying eyes.


GwPanther is essentially a continuation of Hummel's ideas and tactics. Therefore, the same tactics apply as on Huma.

  1. Classic - even before the start of the battle, we decide where we will stand, quickly take a position and begin to converge in the area where the enemy is expected to appear. After each shot, I recommend changing your position. Also, when the situation on the map changes, move depending on the need. Use your agility and dynamics. If there is a possibility that the enemy will appear in the field of view of direct fire, feel free to switch the art mode to normal, Gw Panther hits perfectly with direct fire.
  2. If you find yourself in city maps, don’t worry, our mobility, the presence of a turret and the flatness of the TOP gun allows us to serve as a tank tank, and after firing, quickly move away from our pursuers. Of course, we are not a full-fledged tank destroyer, but planting a landmine with 800 HP is quite possible, especially against the Germans.

Bottom line

If you liked the Bumblebee, then the Gw Panther will take pride of place in your hangar. On my own behalf I will say that for me this is the most fun car and this moment, although the art has been shamelessly cut since version 7.0, it pulls, and will always be feared. On this unit, I took my first 10 frags in a battle, and there are players much more experienced than me. In terms of profitability, you can play on a basic account and even go into profit; with straight hands (50% wins on average) you will receive +10k in net credits.

gw panther World guide of Tanks

G.W. Panther is a German Tier 7 self-propelled artillery unit. It has a large horizontal guidance angle, good rate of fire and excellent mobility. Disadvantages include the low-power weapon and small radius of damage when a shell explodes.

Research and leveling

Self-propelled gun G.W. Panther can be researched on Hummel for 61,000 experience. The standard research procedure is as follows:

  • Gun 15 cm s.F.H. 43;
  • Chassis G.W. Panther verstärkteketten;
  • Engines Maybach HL 110 P30 and Maybach HL 130 P50;
  • The FuG 12 radio must be studied on a Hummel self-propelled gun.


According to the playing style of G.W. Panther is similar to Hummel. Excellent mobility allows you to frequently change position, fire at the enemy from unexpected places, and retreat in a timely manner in case of danger. Large horizontal aiming angles allow you to keep a significant part of the map in the firing sector.

However, the paramount importance for self-propelled guns is the indicators of damage and radius of fragmentation, and these are the G.W. Panthers are comparatively weak. Among the disadvantages, one can also highlight the high silhouette, which negatively affects the camouflage of the vehicle.

Having a turret gives the G.W. Panther is a huge bonus. Since when choosing a target, sometimes you can not tighten the body, and this makes it possible to maintain camouflage and remain unnoticed.

One of the most famous tanks of the Second World War, comparable only to the legendary T-34 and Tiger, the Pz.V Panther was designed not just as a “Teutonic answer” to our “thirty-four”, but as a Wunderwaffe capable of turning the tide of the war. However, the miracle did not happen again. Despite the powerful frontal armor, rational angles of inclination of the armor plates (low bow to the T-34!) and an excellent gun capable of hitting any enemy tanks at a distance of up to one and a half kilometers, the first experience combat use"Panther" came out lumpy - on Kursk Bulge they suffered heavy losses, finding themselves vulnerable in the lateral projection not only to 76-mm anti-tank guns, but even to “forty-fives”. The situation only worsened in 1944, when new T-34-85 and even more powerful anti-tank systems began to enter service with the Red Army, and the quality of German armor fell sharply due to a shortage of alloying additives. If we take into account the exceptional technical complexity and high cost of the Panther, all its advantages seem completely dubious. Nevertheless, many Western historians continue to call Pz.V " best tank Second World War." What is this myth based on? Why, unlike the Allies, who considered the “Panther” a terrible enemy, did our tankers not only not notice it at all, but put it much lower than the formidable “Tiger”? Was it a “miracle weapon” - or an unsuccessful, unbalanced and simply superfluous machine that undermined the combat power of the Panzerwaffe? In the unique encyclopedia of the leading historian of armored vehicles, illustrated with hundreds of exclusive drawings and photographs, you will find answers to all these questions.



The Ausf.G Panther tank was, so to speak, the “bastard child” of the unrealized Panther II project. As mentioned above, back in May 1943, it was decided to introduce a number of changes to the design of serial “Panthers”, developed within the framework of the “Panther II” project. However, due to the fact that the companies producing the Panthers were in no hurry to introduce new elements into the series, the matter dragged on until the beginning of 1944.

First of all, this concerned the tank’s hull - it was decided to abandon the “pockets” at the rear of the sides of the hull (gas tanks were placed in them). Now the top side plate of the tank hull has become flat, but in order to maintain the required internal volume, its angle of inclination was reduced from 40 to 29 degrees. Such a vehicle received the unofficial name "Panther" with a "straightened" hull - this name was used before the official designation Ausf.G appeared. In order to maintain equivalent armor protection, the thickness of the upper side plates was increased from 40 to 50 mm, which in turn increased the tank's weight by approximately 305 kg. And since the Panther was already overloaded, it was necessary to somehow remove the excess load.

To compensate for the increased mass of the hull, the thickness of the lower frontal hull sheet was reduced from 60 to 50 mm and the front bottom sheet was reduced from 30 to 25 mm. This measure allowed us to “save” 250 kg. The remaining 55 kg was eliminated by changing the design of the fuel tanks and a number of other parts of the internal equipment. As a result of the measures taken, increasing the thickness of the Ausf.G Panther's side plates did not lead to an increase in the tank's weight.

Another change in the new modification of the tank was an increase in the ammunition load for the cannon by three shots - up to 82 - due to a decrease in the number of machine gun cartridges from 5100 to 4800 pieces.

On the Ausf.G Panther, the hatch covers for the driver and radio operator were changed - now they hinged to the side. This reduced the likelihood of the covers getting jammed by shell fragments when shelling the tank, which often caused the death of crew members (this happened on the Ausf.D and Ausf.A “Panthers”).

Nevertheless, it was not possible to completely solve the problem, and in August 1944, so-called detachable hatches began to be introduced on the Ausf.G modification. If the crew needed to quickly leave the vehicle in case of danger, and the covers could not be opened for some reason, by unlocking the hinges, the hatches were released and they could be pushed up or to the side.

The driver's inspection hatch in the front hull, which was present on the Ausf.D and Ausf.A "Panthers", was abolished on the Ausf.G series vehicles. Instead, a rotating periscope (KFF) was installed in the roof of the hull. Its objective and ocular lenses were positioned horizontally, as in a turret sight.

The first version of the periscope, developed by Askania, had a horizontal field of view of 70 degrees, but due to an unsuccessful design it had a significant loss of aperture, in some conditions reaching 85%. In addition, the image quality, especially when the tank was moving, left much to be desired. Despite the fact that Askania produced a large batch of its periscopes, they decided to abandon their use.

For installation on the Panther, Ausf.G adopted a similar design designed by Meyer in the city of Görlitz. In this periscope, the field of view was reduced to 50 degrees, but due to the use of improved optical elements and simplified prisms, image quality was improved and the aperture ratio was increased.

Initially, the driver's periscope had only a U-shaped protection on top. However, already at the beginning of the operation of the Ausf.G Panthers, the troops began to receive complaints that in rainy weather water got into the optics and made it difficult for the driver to see. Therefore, from August 1944, a protective casing made of sheet metal began to be installed on top of the periscope.

After replacing the inspection hatch with a periscope, tankers began to receive proposals to install a lift-up driver's seat on the Panther, allowing the vehicle to be driven with the hatch open. However, the introduction of such a seat into the series began only in October 1944 at the factories of MAN and Daimler-Benz, and from the first days of December at MNH. The new seat also required a change in the placement of instruments on the dashboard, as well as lengthening the control levers.

On the Ausf.G Panther tanks, they refused to install additional pipes for cooling the left exhaust pipe. And in May 1944, armored exhaust pipe casings, which until that time had been cast, began to be made welded. In June, heat shields made of thin metal began to be installed over the exhaust pipes. This was done both to improve cooling and to camouflage the tanks at night - the pipes often heated up to such an extent that they became hot, as a result of which the Panthers were visible from afar in the dark or in fog.

However, this measure did not completely help - often incompletely burned fuel from the carburetors entered the exhaust manifolds, and as a result, flames burst out of the exhaust pipes. In October 1944, in order to get rid of this “unmasking” factor, it was decided to install special flame arresters (Flammenvernichter) on the pipes. As happened more than once in the production of Panther, the introduction of this change into the series was delayed. MNH was the first to master the installation of new flame arresters - on December 8, 1944, it delivered the first Panther with such devices.

In January 1945, Flammenvernichter began to be equipped with additional curved casings, which were mounted on top of the flame arresters.

In December 1944, Ausf.G Panthers began to be equipped with a crew compartment heater (Kampfraumheizung). Moreover, unlike the system available on tanks of the Ausf.A modification, the new heater used air exhausted outside from the radiators. To do this, an additional casing with a cover was installed on the outside of the left fan grille. When the latter was closed, warm air from the radiator was supplied through special channels to the fire partition between the combat and engine compartments, and from there through pipelines to the driver's, radio operator's and batteries' positions. To regulate the air flow in the channels there were special dampers.

Despite the fact that the road wheels with a steel band and internal shock absorption, developed for the Panther II, turned out to be too heavy for a regular Panther, they still found use on some vehicles of the Ausf.G modification.

In September 1944, MAN produced a batch of 24 Ausf.G Panthers with steel rollers (with the exception of the hub, these 800 mm rollers were exactly the same as the rollers installed on regular and Royal Tigers at that time).

As expected, the “Panthers” on the new rollers “gained” weight, and the wear of their caterpillar tracks also increased.

Nevertheless, in March - April 1945, MAN produced some Panthers with steel rollers mounted on the last balancers on both sides. It is not known why this was done - due to a lack of rollers with rubber tires or in order to reduce wear on the most loaded rollers.

In addition to the hull, some improvements were made to the design of individual elements of the turret. In September 1944, a modified gun mask, unofficially called the “chinned” mask, went into production. The fact is that when armor-piercing shells hit the lower part of the serial mantlet, they often “went” down, piercing the roof of the hull or deforming and jamming the hatches above the head of the driver and radio operator. To avoid this, the shape of the mask was changed so that the projectiles would ricochet upward. However, the Germans were never able to completely switch to producing improved masks, and until the end of production, “Panthers” were produced with masks of both types.

To protect against the entry of fragments and foreign objects into the gap between the turret and the gun mantlet from above and to prevent it from jamming, a sheet metal shield began to be welded in August 1944.

In addition, three slots appeared on the roof of the tower for installing a 2-ton crane - with the help of the latter it was possible to dismantle the roof armor plates, the gearbox unit and a number of other units.

By order of the Army Armament Directorate, from the second half of August 1944, a new standardized camouflage (the so-called “ambush”) began to be applied to all Ausf.G “Panthers” directly at the manufacturing plants. It consisted of patches of olive green (Olivgr?n RAL 6003) and red-brown paint (Rotbraun RAL 8017), “superimposed” on top of the main dark yellow color (Dunkelgelb RAL 7028). Until this point, all “Panthers” sent to the front had only a basic dark yellow color, and the camouflage was applied directly to the troops, with each unit using its own scheme.

On September 7, 1944, an order was issued by the Inspector General of Tank Forces to stop using zimmerit coating on tanks. The reason for this is said to be... rumors that “if a shell hits a car, this coating can cause it to catch fire.” Not a very clear explanation, is it? It seems that the refusal to use Zimmerit may serve as some confirmation of the version about its introduction in order to artificially increase the cost of manufacturing a tank. From about mid-September 1944, “Panthers” began to leave the factory floors without Zimmerit.

Almost simultaneously with this, there was an order to cancel the painting of tanks with the basic dark yellow Dunkelgelb color. This was due to interruptions in the supply of the specified dye - this was a consequence of Allied air strikes on the industrial enterprises of the Reich. As a result, the “panthers” had a red-brown primer as a base color, over which red-brown (Rotbraun), olive-green (Olivgr?n) or dark yellow (Dunkelgelb) spots were applied, often quite sparingly. As a replacement for dark yellow paint, it was allowed to use dark gray paint (Dunkelgrau RAL 7021). And from October 31, 1944, by order of the Army Armament Directorate, the interior painting of the Panthers was abolished. Now they only had a coating of primer on the inside. True, the factories of some companies (for example, MAN) had paint reserves, and some of the “Panthers” were painted from the inside even after October 31, 1944.

The transition to the production of a new modification of the Panther did not occur simultaneously at the factories of all companies, as was the case during the transition from Ausf.D to Ausf.A, but gradually. The entire preparatory period was divided into two-month intervals - in March 1944, MAN began production of the Ausf.G, from May - Daimler-Benz and from July - MNH. As for the DEMAG company, it stopped producing Panthers back in January 1944, having assembled only 50 Ausf.A vehicles in five months.

The first two Ausf.G “Panthers” were manufactured at the end of March 1944, and on April 3, MAN announced that the run tests of tanks with a “straightened” hull were completed successfully.

The production of the Ausf.G Panther encountered a large number of problems of various kinds, no different in this matter from the production of the Ausf.D and Ausf.A modifications. Despite the involvement of significant resources, both human and material, in the assembly of this tank, the planned production volumes could not be achieved. For example, the program for September 1944 for the MAN company was 150 vehicles. In reality, the company delivered 140 units this month, and with great difficulties - during the month the assembly line stopped six times due to interruptions in the supply of housings, engines and torsion bars.

There were serious problems with the quality of a number of components and parts - for example, in September 1944, it turned out that some of the torsion bars supplied by Rochling were too weak. Therefore, we had to send some of the finished cars to training ground Grafenwohr, where the torsion bars had to be replaced with new ones. As a result, this additional work required 350 man-hours per machine.

The difficult relationship between the military and industry representatives also had a negative impact on the production of tanks. For example, in 1944, MAN demanded compensation of three million Reichsmarks from the Army Armament Directorate for the design of the Panther, pre-production work, the organization of serial production of the tank, as well as for future developments to improve the design of this vehicle. Naturally, the arms department refused to pay such money, considering this demand unreasonable, and the requested amount was completely beyond the possible amount of compensation that was usually paid to companies in similar situations.

Despite the fact that German engineers and designers constantly tried to make some changes and improvements to the Panther design, everything was completely resolved technical problems(and there were quite a few of them) it was never possible. Thus, final drives, which were weak point from the very beginning of production, in the second half of 1944, they began to break down in ever-increasing numbers. The troops required spare parts, and the Reich industry was no longer able to provide them in full.

The peak of Panther production occurred in July 1944 - in that month, the factories of the three companies produced 379 tanks. Subsequently, a gradual decline in production began, despite attempts by the Reich Ministry of Armaments to somehow improve the situation.

And by the end of the year, an ever-increasing shortage of raw materials, the lack of the required number of machines, equipment and qualified personnel, as well as damage to production facilities due to air raids, led to significant difficulties in producing tanks.

The disruption of industrial connections led to interruptions in the supply of various units from related factories. For example, in October 1944, the issue of a shortage of ball and roller bearings became acute. To overcome this situation, Henschel developed a variant of a planetary gearbox with plain bearings for the rotation mechanism, which it transferred to MAN.

By the end of the year, the problem with bearings was so acute that on November 22, a special meeting of representatives of the Reich Ministry of Armament, manufacturing companies and the military was held dedicated to this issue. As a result, companies have been tasked with using plain bearings instead of ball and roller bearings whenever possible. The bulk of the work in this area was carried out by the MAN and Krupp factories, and already in January 1945, without waiting for the end of the tests, plain bearings began to be installed in the Panther track tensioning mechanism, and in early February - in a number of chassis units. In the future, similar replacements were planned for more critical units. For example, 20 of the 45 rolling bearings (ball and roller) in the AK 7-200 gearbox were planned to be replaced with plain bearings. And the Braunschweiger Huttenwerke company received a contract to develop Babbitt bearings for 1200 Panthers. However, these works could not be completed before the end of the war.

It is curious that despite the problems with the production of the Panthers, the Germans did not follow the path of simplifying and reducing the cost of the vehicle, but, on the contrary, introduced new additional “improvements” into the design of the tank. Moreover, those that could have been completely avoided.

So, in January 1945, special brackets (five on each side) began to be welded onto the tower to attach camouflage, for example, tree branches (this is, of course, very important in winter!). It is clear that welding ten staples is not God knows what a difficult job. But, I think, in January 1945 it was necessary to think about how to increase the production of tanks, and not about how to camouflage them with branches next spring and summer.

Or a cleaner for the external glass of a gun sight (in other words, a “windshield wiper”) - the issue of installing it was considered back in November 1944. Well, in January 1945, the Army Weapons Directorate demanded that manufacturing companies immediately install it on Panthers. Of course, it would be more convenient with a purifier in rainy or snowy weather, but, probably, in the conditions of January 1945 German tanks They could easily get by without them. By the way, sight cleaners never appeared on the Panthers.

To be fair, it must be said that some simplifications did appear on the Panthers - for example, on MNH tanks manufactured at the very end of February - March 1945, there were no limiters for the vertical travel of the track roller balancers and shock absorbers, and instead of a guide roller (behind the drive wheels) a cast metal “shoe” was installed. This was due to the fact that these parts were no longer supplied by related factories.

On October 26, 1944, the so-called crisis program for the production of the Panther was adopted. It provided for the production of the Ausf.G modification until the production of a new modification of the tank - Ausf.F with the so-called narrow turret. According to this program, it was planned to produce another 2,650 Ausf.G Panthers by May 1945 (930 by MAN, 830 by Daimler-Benz and 890 by MNH). But for obvious reasons this could not be accomplished. In total, from the beginning of production until the end of the war, 1,143 Ausf.G Panther tanks were produced at all factories.

This self-propelled gun has a unique set of characteristics. The widest horizontal aiming angle, the highest accuracy, range and projectile speed. The relatively low damage is compensated by the high rate of fire, and the chances of escaping enemy fire are very high thanks to excellent mobility.

Predecessor of the German self-propelled gun Gw-Tiger


Compatible Equipment

Compatible Equipment

GW Panther in game

Research and leveling

Modules GW Panther

GW Panther can be researched after Hummel for 116,580.

Combat effectiveness

Possibly the best artillery in the game. And definitely the most profitable. Fast leveling, cheap repairs, the highest speed among artillery self-propelled guns, fast reloading and aiming - all this allows you to make good money. Minimal differences from Hummel, which will allow you to use the same style of play.

Equipment, equipment and ammunition


  • 150 mm HE SprG31 - regular HE shell
  • 150 mm KS Gr 39H2A G is a cumulative projectile with increased armor penetration. Does not cause damage from fragments, i.e. requires a direct hit.
  • 150 mm HE SprGr36 - HE projectile with an increased radius of fragmentation
  • The rate of fire of the 15 cm sFH 18 L/30 gun is set at 3.24 rounds per minute.
  • The gun's rate of fire is 15 cm sFH 36 L/30 Ausf. 1943 is set at 2.92 rounds per minute.
  • Damage from 15 cm gun shells sFH 36 L/30 Ausf. 1943 increased to 1200/900/1200.
    • projectile cost increased from 12 to 13 gold
    • explosion radius reduced from 5.38 to 5.11
    • damage increased from 950 to 1200

    Screenshot gallery

    GW Panther rating

    • - the characteristics of this self-propelled gun as a whole often make it possible to make a decisive contribution to the team’s victory
    • - for the high accuracy of the top gun.
    • - for the gun’s rate of fire and large horizontal guidance angle, which allows you to quickly transfer fire from one target to another

    27-01-2017, 16:35

    Hello to all fans of powerful explosions and big numbers, the site is here! Today we will talk about a very dangerous vehicle that is hated by many tankers, the German Tier 7 Artillery Self-propelled Gun - this G.W. Panther guide.

    Without a twinge of conscience, we can say that this is one of the most comfortable self-propelled guns at its level, play on G.W. Panther World of Tanks it’s a pleasure and this is evidenced by most of the parameters of our car, but first things first.

    TTX G.W. Panther

    Let's start with the fact that we have at our disposal a typically low safety margin for our class of equipment, but at the same time the best among the self-propelled guns-7, as well as a very mediocre basic visibility of 275 meters.

    There is no need to talk much about the survivability of our machine, because it is quite obvious that G.W. Panther characteristics reservations are very weak. In most cases, we are easily penetrated by absolutely all opponents encountered in battle. However, it is worth noting that our VLD is located at a very good angle, due to the given armor values ​​here reaching 87 millimeters. This figure suggests that under a successful combination of circumstances sau G.W. Panther may catch a ricochet from some firefly, but it will really be luck.

    In addition, the car in our hands, although not the largest, is also far from the most compact, which means the camouflage coefficient at our disposal is not as good as we would like. I note, disguise tank G.W. Panther WoT still has good, but could be better.

    As for the driving characteristics of this car, everything is not so bad. First of all, this German self-propelled gun has a good maximum speed, but the specific power of the engine is weak, which is why it accelerates reluctantly, and the turning speed of the chassis is also low.


    It is the weapons that are main part each artillery installation and our case will not be an exception, since a powerful 150-mm howitzer is installed on board.

    It is immediately worth noting that G.W. Panther gun has not a top-end, but very serious alpha strike, and in terms of rate of fire we occupy an honorable third place among our classmates, right after the French and British art.

    Separately, I would like to talk about the penetrating ability of the gun and the types of shells, of which we are offered two:
    1. Land mines are a standard option for any artillery, we will shoot with these cartridges most of the time, but their penetration ability is G.W. Panther WoT is small, as is the radius of scattering of fragments.
    2. Gold landmines - this is the second type of “golden” shells for Art-SAU G.W. Panther World of Tanks, which differ from ordinary ones only in the increased radius of scattering of fragments. You can buy up to 10 pieces, it all depends on your reserves of silver and gold, but you shouldn’t travel without them after the release of update 0.9.18, because the larger your splash, the higher the chance of stunning enemy vehicles, temporarily reducing their performance.

    As for accuracy, in the case of artillery this parameter is always high. However, in our case, this parameter is worthy of respect, since in terms of speed of mixing G.W. Panther art again takes third place, and our spread is far from the greatest.

    But the most important advantage of our self-propelled gun is its excellent horizontal aiming angles. The total degree of rotation of the cabin is 52 millimeters (26 in each direction). Thereby sau G.W. Panther can fire in a very wide sector without additional rotation of the hull; accordingly, we spend less time on aiming.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    We have already said earlier that this self-propelled gun can be considered very comfortable and strong. However, for a more complete picture of the capabilities of this machine, it would be nice to highlight the main strengths and weaknesses Art-SAU G.W. Panther WoT.
    Powerful alphastrike;
    good maximum speed movements;
    Good accuracy indicators;
    The presence of a rotating cabin;
    Decent rate of fire;
    Flat trajectory of the projectile.
    Quite a large silhouette;
    Weak armor;
    Small radius of scattering of fragments;
    Poor dynamics and maneuverability;
    Small review and safety margin.

    Equipment for G.W. Panther

    To make your stay in battle more comfortable and effective, you need to choose the right additional modules. But in the case of artillery, this point is often standard, and given the fact that our conning tower is open, tank G.W. Panther equipment set the following:
    1. – even with a relatively good rate of fire, we still have a long reload time, and it’s very important to shoot more often.
    2. – information on art is also never too fast, that is, speeding it up is a mandatory task.
    3. is an obvious choice that will increase the survivability of the vehicle by improving the quality of camouflage, which is especially important in this case.

    Crew training

    The specifics of leveling up skills and consistency in this matter, as always, require special attention. For artillery, this nuance is no less important, and first of all, it is better to give preference to stealth and everything that affects the process of causing damage, that is, for sau G.W. Panther perks download the following:
    Commander (radio operator) – , , , .
    Gunner – , , , .
    Driver mechanic - , , , .
    Loader – , , , .
    Loader – , , , .

    Equipment for G.W. Panther

    Another standard completely concerns the purchase of consumables before the battle, and I would immediately like to say that the most optimal solution, albeit expensive, would be to take , , , where the last option, for obvious reasons, can be replaced with . But this choice is distinguished by its high cost, so in order to save on G.W. Panther equipment It’s better to buy in the form , , . This will be much cheaper and in the case of art it is practically not critical.

    Tactics for playing G.W. Panther

    In our hands we found a really very strong and comfortable car, but as in the case of other self-propelled artillery installations, on G.W. Panther tactics combat is initially based on occupying an advantageous position.

    You should stand as far away from enemy forces as possible, ideally cover yourself with bushes and provide cover or escape routes in case you are discovered. At the same time, playing on German Art-SPG G.W. Panther It is important to position ourselves so that nothing interferes with the free flow of fire, but in this regard we have a significant advantage in the form of a partially rotating cabin.

    As soon as you take a position, you need to start moving towards the place where the enemy should appear or to where your fireflies have already detected enemy tanks. Of course G.W. Panther art must select the most dangerous or armored targets that would be difficult for conventional equipment to deal with.

    But we take such actions throughout the battle, and at the very beginning, if you know well the location of troops on the map and the main key points, you can try to find enemy artillerymen using tracers. Here you need to understand that tank G.W. Panther WoT has a small radius of scattering of fragments and for greater effect it is better to initially charge a gold mine.

    Otherwise, I would like to remind you that when playing art, you should not constantly stand in one place, after a shot you should move at least a little, and if the position has lost its relevance, you need to change it. Besides, sau G.W. Panther World of Tanks It has weak armor and a small margin of safety, which means getting caught in light is extremely dangerous, as is letting opponents get close to you.
