What is the maximum number of battles in here. World of Tanks - player achievements. Win percentage records

→ World of tanks - game records

Have you already entered the wot Hall of Fame, in which the records were set by the most patient players? Why patient? Hmm, for example, one user has 71 thousand fights. This is how much it takes to play to achieve such a result, the brain simply refuses to understand. In wot, almost all players strive to set records - someone goes to the game store, buys ammunition and goes to conquer the random in search of the cherished medals, someone just fills the number of battles, and someone increases the percentage of victories in the company to the maximum possible level. In this article we will talk about the most outstanding world players of tanks, which are featured in the Hall of Fame.

And we'll start with a player named Valetta. 71 thousand fights, a person probably plays constantly. In the game world of tanks, the records of this person (team of players?) Can hardly be overestimated. The largest number of battles, the largest number of victories, total experience, enemies detected, enemies destroyed - in all these charts Valetta is in the first place. This top wot player will enjoy the championship for a long time to come.

The second will be the famous 0X0. Just imagine, he fought as many as 9,000 battles on the MS-1, the youngest tank. Well, and then I probably found out that there are other cars in the game. Probably offended. 0X0 did not conquer a single TOP, but nevertheless took the third place (under the heading “base defense”). In the game world of tanks, no one will repeat his records, it seems to me. Who in their right mind would ride one tank 9,000 times? Unless some ardent fan we are probably dealing with.

Win percentage records

It is impossible to score 100% of wins in randomness, this is an axiom. And 90%. And 80%. Whatever the straight arms, it will not work. But in the world of tanks everyone wants to break records, and therefore a solution has been found. Registered new account and goes on a ride with a TOP company, which does not lose 95% of the time. A small tank can freely hide behind any ally, for example, behind Mouse's brother e100. Thus, it turns out that there are not very many fights, but the percentage of victories is huge. So it happened with the player under the nickname Rikku - 103 fights, all ended in victory. This tanker graces the top players in wot.

The notorious Major_Major is in the lead in capturing the base. In wot, this person's record is that he has the most base capture points. He is the commander of a very interesting company, which is 50% fireflies and 50% artillery. A very interesting stage, fighting under the command of the Major is really interesting. If you are looking for a company, pay attention to this top player wot - he

The Ultimate Fighting Championship is the leader in mixed martial arts, and those who stepped into the famous Octagon put on some of the most incredible performances you'll ever see. Spectacular knockouts, awesome submissions and incredible bone-to-bone wars have captivated us since 1993.

During this time, many records have been set. Despite the fact that there were many great events outside the UFC, nevertheless, a more thorough accounting of statistics was carried out precisely inside the octagon. The lack of reliable timing, fighting records and statistics generally makes it difficult to verify potential records in other organizations. Therefore, we are fully focused on the elite. At the UFC. Here are 12 of the most notable records in UFC history.

Most MMA fights: 317

While this record list is entirely UFC-centric, it would be wrong not to mention Travis Fulton's name. Nicknamed Fulton " iron Man"has an official record of 253-53-10 (1 NC) with a total of 317 fights! The last time he fought was a month ago. If you've been an MMA fan for a long time, then you've no doubt heard his name."

The 40-year-old fighter managed to light up in the UFC during his eventful career. He lost his debut fight in the Octagon against Pete Williams, but then returned to fight David Dodd. After playing at UFC 21, he never returned to the leading organization in the world of MMA.

While there is no blindingly long run on Fulton's record in UFC, PRIDE or Strikeforce, there is no denying that 317 fights against anyone is simply incredible. Iron Man has consistently fought in MMA since its debut in 1996.

Most UFC fights: 27

Staying in the UFC is not an easy task, and playing here for over a decade testifies to first-class skills, form, and even a little luck. The four fighters are at the top of this record with the most fights in the UFC: Michael Bisping, Jim Miller, Frank Mir, and Tito Ortiz. Each of these men stepped into the octagon 27 times.

All of them deserve praise, but Bisping and Miller, unlike Ortiz and Mira, still have jobs in the UFC and a few guys from the roster are stepping on their heels. Glayson Tibau and Diego Sanchez have 26 fights each, Demian Maia, Vitor Belfort, BJ Penn and Jeremy Stevens have 25 each.

Bisping also has the most wins, of which he has 20. The most memorable and important is the # 19 win.

Fastest knockout: 7 seconds

You expected to see Dwayne Ludwig, didn't you? He knocked out an opponent in 6 seconds and the UFC agrees with this, but this is an unofficial record in the eyes of sports commissions. The official time of 11 seconds as recorded by the Nevada State Athletic Commission cannot be changed.

Thus, three fighters with a 7-second knockout at once are officially UFC champions, although it is generally accepted that all the laurels should go to Ludwig.

Who are these three record holders? Todd Duffy (UFC 102 vs Tim Haig), Chan Sung Jung (UFC 140 vs Mark Hominik) and Ryan Jimmo (UFC 149 vs Anthony Perosh).

As long as someone does not knock out an opponent in 5 seconds, this section of UFC records will be open for discussion.

Fastest submission: 9 seconds

In order to reveal the fastest surrender in the history of the UFC, you will have to go back in time, namely in 1995 at UFC 6. Then, in a one-day tournament, Oleg Taktarov won his first fight of the evening, strangling an opponent in 57 seconds. He won his second victory 48 seconds faster. Anthony Macias became a victim of Taktarov, whom he sabbed in 9 seconds - the second guillotine performed by the Russian at the tournament.

In the final, Taktarov faced one of the most memorable fights of the early UFC. A grueling 17-minute duel with "Tank" Abbott ended in a victory for Oleg with a rear naked choke. Largely due to his quick victories, Taktarov managed to retain more strength than Abbott.

Most defenses: 10

If we count victories in title fights, fights for the interim championship, then Georges Saint-Pierre will be in the first place with 12 such victories. However, the old saying goes that it is easier to win the title than to keep it. Saint-Pierre temporarily retired with 9 consecutive title defenses, but he stopped just one step away from the record.

The longest-running champion is Anderson Silva with 10 straight title defenses. Silva's reign at the top of the middle division has been impressive. The title fight win in his only second appearance in the UFC created a mystical halo around him that was not dispelled until a new era of middleweights dawned.

However, in 2017, Silva's achievement was repeated by Demetrius Johnson. The victory over Wilson Reis was his 10th defense of the flyweight title, and in the next fight Mighty Mouse could break away from the Spider.

Johnson and Silva's feat seems utterly incredible when looked at in the history books. Many new champions have failed to defend their title at least several times. The heavyweight record is generally two title defenses. A light weight? Only three.

Perhaps more impressive is Johnson and Silva's accomplishment that makes them unceasing reigns. These are not two different championship races like the GSP.

Most significant hits per battle: 238

Earlier this year, Joanna Ecejczyk put on an amazing standing performance. The champion in the minimum weight in the fight against Jessica Andrade, a total of 225 accurate significant hits. However, she lacked 13 hits to reach a record level.

She delivered these 225 blows in a 25-minute confrontation. However, at UFC 141, Nate Diaz took 15 minutes to hit Donald Cerrone with 238 shots. Just think about these numbers! This brought Diaz a unanimous decision, with Cerrone having 6 straight wins and looking like the next contender for the belt. Nate dashed those hopes and beat “Cowboy” with his own weapon in a record breaking performance.

Among the tens of millions of tankers, there are those players who are most interested in setting some kind of records and achievements. In this article, we'll talk about outstanding records set by players around the world.

0X0 - fan of MC-1

A true lover of MC-1. This tanker has not one or two thousand battles, but over nine thousand! What a fan of a tank you need to have 9,000 sandbox battles on it ...

SIMURQ - not a day without a fight

But this tanker fought a total of 96,908 battles. It turns out that for two and a half years, SIMURQ fought about 105 times a day. A gigantic figure that is amazing. In the World of Tanks achievements other players pale in comparison to this tanker.

Rikku - Highest Win Rate

If other tankers, setting records in World of Tanks, take quantity, then Rikku takes quality. His win rate is ... 100%! Yes, you heard right, the player has never lost. Of course, it is worth making allowances for the fact that he has only 103 fights, but this is also enough to get into the Hall of Fame. Amazing.

How did he do it? I tend to think about TOP companies, where purples fight red-greens (XVM rating).

miniBegemot1 - Highest experience in a battle

This tanker has a record that he is in first place in the table "the most experience per battle". Of course, there are some nuances - in the hangar he has only two tanks - VK3601 and Lev. Thanks to this, he did not receive experience from tanks of small levels. However, miniBegemot1 still took the first place and this made me add it to this list.
