What equipment to put on art 155 55. Detailed main characteristics

In the last post, I wrote about whether it’s worth upgrading the FV215B, a tier 10 heavy tank. Today I will describe the art of the French.

I have one level 10 self-propelled gun in my hangar - this is the Bat.-Châtillon 155 58. It logically continues the whole series of French art - low one-time damage, high rate of fire, high mobility. I will immediately describe the advantages of this device, then the disadvantages.

Why is it worth downloading BC 155 58

  1. Tower. I love artillery with a turret. Firstly, you can quickly move the sight by turning the turret + hull. But, more importantly, when the tower turns, the camouflage net does not fly off - accordingly, when a firefly is traveling, there is a much greater chance of catching it in the sights and not being exposed.
  2. Mobility. You can escape from danger to the other flank, just quickly change your position.
  3. Drum. Allows you to quickly discharge 4 shells - especially important when there is good light. During the break to charge the drum, you can change your position to a more comfortable one or look for enemy artillery using tracers.

Why you shouldn't download Bat.-Châtillon 155 58

  1. Small one-time damage. The biggest disadvantage. It feels like an average of 300-450 HP.
  2. The gun doesn't go down. If a firefly approaches you closely, hitting it will be problematic.
  3. Drum. Oddly enough, there are also disadvantages. During shooting, you have to choose - either move after each shot, and in this case the aiming is lost, thus negating the advantages of the drum, or stand still so as not to lose the aiming, and this significantly increases the likelihood that you will be tracked using the tracer.
  4. Minus for money. Although all tens are unprofitable, but BC 155 58 especially. If you were killed, repairs will cost more than 30 k.

BC 155 58 compare BC 155 55

Having played BC 155 58, I remember BC 155 55 with nostalgia. It was a little more enjoyable to play. Shot - moving, short reload. But for the sake of fairness, it is worth mentioning the advantages of the 58th. He's much faster. I got the impression that penetrations happen more often, although the guns have the same characteristics.

What perks are worth downloading for BC 155 58

At the end I will write which perks are worth downloading, in my opinion, for the crew of Bat.-Châtillon 155 58.

  1. The Brotherhood of War. Definitely necessary, especially noticeable when recharging the drum - 70 seconds instead of 80.
  2. Disguise. For this art it is especially important - its small size, the tower with the camouflage net turned on - all this makes the art very invisible.
  3. Commander's Light. Again, very relevant specifically for this art. The lamp lights up - there is a very good chance that you will be able to escape to a safe place. On clumsy art, I don’t swing the light bulb first - if you are noticed, most likely - into the hangar.
  4. Smooth rotation of the turret to the gunner. There is a tower, so let’s download!

Other skills and abilities are less relevant, repair, rotation or soil resistance - yes, not bad, but not essential, in my opinion.

French artillery level 9. The project began to be developed in 1955.

Detailed Main Features:

One-time average damage - 445 units.

Rate of fire - 4.29 rounds per minute.

Mixing time - 5 seconds.

Accuracy spread - 0.69 m.

Optional equipment:

Gun rammer.

Reinforced aiming drives.

Camouflage network.

We must install the rammer and drives, just like on any other artillery piece. Since improving the characteristics of the gun is paramount. The best third piece of equipment is a camouflage net. Given that our turret miraculously rotates a full 360 degrees, the reticle will be activated for most of the fight. And this is undoubtedly a significant advantage.


Since the armor penetration of cumulative shells is quite low (185 millimeters), you should not take them with you. If you don’t mind silver, you can additionally carry premium land mines with you, but this will not provide a noticeable increase in splash and damage.


Repair kit.

First aid kit.

Manual fire extinguisher. It should be noted that any artillerymen will gladly exchange their fire extinguisher for a cup of good strong coffee. Of course, this option is more costly, but a hot, invigorating drink will make the entire crew work better.


The combination of skills is quite common. First, let's study the military brotherhood for everyone. As the second perks, we take a light bulb for the commander and a smooth turn for the gunner. These are really important skills. For all the other guys, we are pumping up disguise, as it will be more necessary than personal unique skills. Especially in combination with the grid. As a third skill, we choose something that can be useful in battle, and for those who have not learned camouflage, we upgrade it. By the way, if you cannot imagine the game without the 6th sense, then you can swap the first and second lines of skills. This way we will get the light bulb sooner, but we will delay the unification of our tank crews into the brotherhood.

Commander - military brotherhood, sixth sense, camouflage.

Gunner - combat brotherhood, smooth rotation of the turret, camouflage.

Driver - brotherhood, camouflage, smooth ride.

Radio operator - military brotherhood, camouflage, radio interception.

Loader - military brotherhood, camouflage, intuition.

Weak sides.

There are not many disadvantages. The only thing that can be emphasized is the rather weak one-time damage, as for a ninth-level art. By the way, he is the weakest among his classmates. It’s also a shame that ventilation cannot be installed due to the fact that the tower is open.


Fortunately, there are much more advantages than disadvantages. An accurate, rapid-fire weapon greatly compensates for the weak one-time damage. The excellent speed and dynamics of the artillery also provide a significant advantage. You can borrow good position or simply leave the broken flank. The rotating tower is also not to be missed. You will not see the picture of a circle breaking, which is familiar to many artillerymen.

Battle tactics on Bat.-Chatillon 155 55.

Quite an interesting ART SPG, but with the most usual game tactics. As usual, you shoot at someone else's light. Deal damage to the most armored, thick targets. It is very important to maintain the advantage of your position. Move more often and surprise the enemy's relaxed heavies. And excellent driving performance, a rotating turret and an accurate rapid-fire gun allow fans to play in the PT mode and realize their potential on city maps.

Bat chat 155 55 guide French self-propelled gun of the ninth level. A very interesting and specific machine, which in capable hands can seriously annoy the enemy.

How to play on it in order to inflict maximum damage on the enemy and what to drain the crew first, as well as what equipment is most useful, you can learn from this short article.

Bat chat 155 55 game tactics guide.

The car has a low silhouette and good dynamics, like all French cars high levels. Due to this, she can move quickly, remaining invisible to the enemy, attack from the most unexpected places and be a difficult target at long distances.

But it wasn't without its drawbacks.

  1. Let's start with the gun - the gun, which is on Bat chat 155 55 guide, has very low penetration and one-time damage, which makes the self-propelled gun one of the least damaging at this level.
  2. In addition, the self-propelled gun has cardboard armor on the back and sides.
  3. The very shape of the vehicle - a large, wide parallelepiped with a flat roof - is vulnerable to enemy artillery.
  4. Land mines will hit her with full damage, which often leads to a one-shot.

Therefore, you should especially be afraid of artillery and flank attacks.
But strong frontal armor allows you to butt heads even with heavies of the same level, targeting their weak spots.

The tactics of playing on this machine are presented in the only correct version. For the first half of the battle, you need to play the role of a sniper, following the lights of your allies in important and difficult directions. If the advantage is in favor of the allies, you need to go on the offensive, playing the role of a support weapon for heavy tanks, destroying lightly armored targets and finishing off heavy tanks.
It is worth noting that it is quite easy to play on bat chat 155 55 immediately after purchase. It has only one weapon, so after acquisition it can be considered that the machine is at the top. Additional modules will improve maneuverability, which is one of the advantages of this tank.

Crew and equipment bat chat 155 55 guide

The crew should focus on repairs and maneuverability in order to reduce the impact of weaknesses and make strengths even more useful.

  • In any case, we will upgrade the military brotherhood with the second perk.
  • Next, the specialized perks of the crew are important to us, we’ll download them.
  • In fact, the vehicle is a checkpoint in front of the French level X PT, so we will transfer the crew.

Standard modules.

  • Rammer improves rate of fire, Ventilation will improve crew skills.
  • To converge faster, select Reinforced aiming drives.

Bat chat 155 55 good, but specific fighting machine. Its playstyle is very similar to other French tanks: maneuverability and rate of fire are the main features. But thin armor is the main drawback. Use your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses and you will come out on top. Watch the video on Bat chat 155 55 guide below for those who don’t particularly like to read.

French artillery level 9. The project began to be developed in 1955.

Detailed Main Features:

One-time average damage - 445 units.

Rate of fire - 4.29 rounds per minute.

Mixing time - 5 seconds.

Accuracy spread - 0.69 m.

Optional equipment:

Gun rammer.

Reinforced aiming drives.

Camouflage network.

We must install the rammer and drives, just like on any other artillery piece. Since improving the characteristics of the gun is paramount. The best third piece of equipment is a camouflage net. Given that our turret miraculously rotates a full 360 degrees, the reticle will be activated for most of the fight. And this is undoubtedly a significant advantage.


Since the armor penetration of cumulative shells is quite low (185 millimeters), you should not take them with you. If you don’t mind silver, you can additionally carry premium land mines with you, but this will not provide a noticeable increase in splash and damage.


Repair kit.

First aid kit.

Manual fire extinguisher. It should be noted that any artillerymen will gladly exchange their fire extinguisher for a cup of good strong coffee. Of course, this option is more costly, but a hot, invigorating drink will make the entire crew work better.


The combination of skills is quite common. First, let's study the military brotherhood for everyone. As the second perks, we take a light bulb for the commander and a smooth turn for the gunner. These are really important skills. For all the other guys, we are pumping up disguise, as it will be more necessary than personal unique skills. Especially in combination with the grid. As a third skill, we choose something that can be useful in battle, and for those who have not learned camouflage, we upgrade it. By the way, if you cannot imagine the game without the 6th sense, then you can swap the first and second lines of skills. This way we will get the light bulb sooner, but we will delay the unification of our tank crews into the brotherhood.

Commander - military brotherhood, sixth sense, camouflage.

Gunner - combat brotherhood, smooth rotation of the turret, camouflage.

Driver - brotherhood, camouflage, smooth ride.

Radio operator - military brotherhood, camouflage, radio interception.

Loader - military brotherhood, camouflage, intuition.

Weak sides.

There are not many disadvantages. The only thing that can be emphasized is the rather weak one-time damage, as for a ninth-level art. By the way, he is the weakest among his classmates. It’s also a shame that ventilation cannot be installed due to the fact that the tower is open.


Fortunately, there are much more advantages than disadvantages. An accurate, rapid-fire weapon greatly compensates for the weak one-time damage. The excellent speed and dynamics of the artillery also provide a significant advantage. You can take a good position or simply leave the broken flank. The rotating tower is also not to be missed. You will not see the picture of a circle breaking, which is familiar to many artillerymen.

Battle tactics on Bat.-Chatillon 155 55.

Quite an interesting ART SPG, but with the most usual game tactics. As usual, you shoot at someone else's light. Deal damage to the most armored, thick targets. It is very important to maintain the advantage of your position. Move more often and surprise the enemy's relaxed heavies. And excellent driving performance, a rotating turret and an accurate rapid-fire gun allow fans to play in the PT mode and realize their potential on city maps.
