Kane lynch dead men walkthrough. Walkthrough for the game Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. Just keep an eye on the car


Spotlight on Kane and Lynch: dead men - two typical characters (Lynch and Kane) with complicated characters and complex fates. According to rumors, grandfather Hannibal will envy their cruelty, although they are not cannibals at all, and Greenpeace can sleep peacefully, they are not going to pull cats at the barrel of a gun. Cruelty is only a means, all attention is on the plot.
Lynch is a creepy psycho, on drugs, frostbitten all over his head, and that's putting it mildly. It seems that, while under the influence of psychotropic substances, he cut his own wife into thin slices, but remembers absolutely nothing. Kane still seems to have retained the remnants of his sanity, but from a moral point of view, he has also sunk nowhere further. In the past he worked as a mercenary, then he got tired of his work and disappeared with the money of the mysterious organization for which he worked. And then - family drama and a death sentence.
Intriguing, isn't it? Well then, launch the game and start delving into the narrative, and we will help you with this.

After the crash

Blurred colors - you will see this at the very beginning. You will be given orders from all sides, so try to do as much as possible what is asked of you. First of all, go to the alley. As soon as you stand firmly on your feet, the image will become clearer and it will be easier to move on. Follow the masked men down the alley. Having walked a little forward, they will ask you to climb over the fence; to do this, use the car standing nearby. Climb onto the car, and from it through the fence. Go into the garage. Here you will acquire your first weapon - a pistol. Don't worry, in the first couple of times this weapon works quite satisfactorily. 2 - 3 shots are enough to destroy enemies. Now you need to get a shelter, from which you begin to destroy all the police that catch your eye. Your accomplices will take care of most of the enemies, so just practice shooting and reloading. You can take machine guns from killed police officers, this will significantly simplify the process.
After you deal with the police, go outside and follow your accomplices to the next alley. When the accomplices head into the building, follow them up the stairs and around the superstructure. An excellent position has opened before you to further destroy the police. The main thing is not to forget to take cover from a position under fire, just sit down. All that is now required of you is to periodically get up and kill the enemies below.
When you deal with the police, you can leave the building. Follow the team to the diner.

Let's keep shooting

When you enter the diner, immediately find cover. Hide either behind the columns or behind the racks. The enemies will be dressed all in black, so it won’t be difficult to shoot them. Do not forget to pick up more powerful weapons if one falls from the dead.
When you are ordered to go outside, use extreme caution. Pay attention to the right side of the street, where police cars with reinforcements will arrive. I don’t recommend going to Lobova, they’ll tear it down and won’t notice. It is best to hide behind a red minibus and shoot back from there. As soon as you clear the area, run to the other side to the donut shop. Stay in the store, while actively moving from window to window, trying to stay in cover. If you do get shot, your partners will be able to heal you, but only if they are nearby, so try to stick together.


Consider this chapter as a bit of an overdue education. And although you already know how to shoot, there are still a couple of things you need to learn to become a successful criminal. First, give Lynch a weapon, great, now you can move towards the red Coca-Cola machine. Hide behind it as a shelter. Follow the directions and shoot at the mannequins. Then they will tell you how to use grenades (for those who don't know how). Then take the escalator to the third level. Once you get there, the police will arrive. Use the escalators until you succeed, the police are not asleep. However, you have an advantage - you hold a position above the police. Using a special command, call Lynch and order him to stay close to you. Order Lynch to attack the police, you can go down. When you find yourself at the bottom, using the columns as cover, finish off the remaining enemies. Now you can leave, the level is completed.

Just keep an eye on the car

Go downstairs and go to the van. Climb onto the dumpster behind the van, and from there through the wall into the bank parking lot. Sneak up to the guard standing on the ramp to your right. Don't forget to order your people to wait for you at the van so that they don't get in the way. As soon as the guard turns the other way, move to the right. Attack an unsuspecting person from behind, but don't make any noise. Please note that it is better not to attract attention to yourself. Once inside, you will see another guard. Quickly approach and knock him out hand-to-hand so that the siren does not turn on. The siren turns on automatically if you use firearms. Go up the stairs, but another guard will be waiting for you on it. Deal with it the same way as with the previous two. The path to the roof is now clear.

In the blink of an eye

Climb on top part roofs. On the right you will find an industrial air conditioner. Let the gas out of it. Wait until the armored cars drive into the garage, then climb down the rope from the edge of the building. There will be a security room to your right. Hurry there and knock out the first guard you come across in hand-to-hand combat. From now on, if something goes wrong, you can safely use a firearm, it won’t get any worse. There will be two more guards between you and the keypad for entering the password; we treat them the same way as we do with all other living creatures. While the cracker is working with the password, cover him by shooting through the glass. As soon as the doors open, shoot as hard as you can.

We need everything

The vault is located at the bottom of the red-carpeted stairs. Stop and shoot the four guards below. It is best to move down the stairs while crouching to gain additional protection. The burglar will ask you to cover him, but you can do better - go to the stairs and shoot all the suitable guards. Go back up the stairs and destroy the remaining guards. After you've dealt with the last remaining enemies, head back to the vault. But the cops have arrived, so when you're done with the vault, another brawl awaits you on the stairs. Now you can go upstairs, and then through the hall and into the vestibule on the right.

The old man will take care of everything

Lynch cannot do anything without you, so before you do anything, pick up his bag, located to the right of the atrium where he stood. The easiest way to stop the first wave of attacking police is with grenades, so go ahead and don't skimp. When you've had enough of playing with grenades, hide behind a column and systematically shoot everything that moves towards you through the front entrance. Please note that there are also police on the balcony. Change the disposition and kill the restless law enforcement officers. After the cleanup, the driver will appear, call your accomplices and get away.

There is nothing tricky here. Your van is multifunctional; apparently, when purchasing, you did not forget to make sure that you have such an important thing as grenades. You have as many as 10 of them, which is quite enough to turn your escape into easy fun. When the police cars get close to you, throw a grenade at them. If the cars are far away, it will be much more difficult to hit them - be patient.

Cleaning the paths

Once in the tunnel, you will have to work a little more to escape. Ignore the police behind you, the main task is to get to the blocked section of the road. Use cars as cover and shoot the police from the maximum possible distance. Use grenades to clear the way from their cars. That's it, you can go back to the van.

Escape, part next

You again run away from the cars pursuing you. Oddly enough, all ten grenades returned to their place again (apparently, they are made of tachyons and can exist in different places in space-time at the same time). You can guess what to do - we wait for the car, abandon it, look at the explosions. You can, of course, shoot, but why waste time and effort if the same result is achieved at a lower cost.

The situation has become more complicated

The driver, it turns out, doesn’t slurp cabbage soup either; he’s also a mechanic. You need to buy him some time, and to do this you will have to shoot back from the police on the embankment, behind the van. See old cars stacked on top of each other? Now reinforcements will arrive there. If you are at a sufficient distance, you can kill them without even hiding behind cover. Look carefully, you cannot leave enemies alive. Get back into the van. Throw a grenade at your pursuers and watch the chain reaction of explosions. The scene will be very beautiful.

Let's throw them

It's just you and Lynch left. Order him to follow you. Go through the turnstiles to the metro. Turn back and hide behind a pillar for cover. Shoot back from advancing enemies. Use the remaining grenades to knock the police out of their hiding places. Down on the platform, all you have to do is hold out long enough for the train to arrive. Let Lynch cover one side and you take the other. When the train arrives, run to its doors.

Night club

We arrived at the nightclub, but not to relax. Yes, the fate of the bandit is hard. Make your way through the crowd to the stairs. Get up and immediately kill the three guards. Please note that this must be done hand-to-hand. Then shoot the guard high above the door. Now two more will appear. You can hide in the doorway and kill them. Now head towards the stairs to your left. On the first floor, look for security guards; finding them in the crowd is not difficult, because... They have flashlights with them. Stay close to the walls and kill them from a distance. There will be several more guards on the stairs. Go around the stairs and shoot them in the legs. Once you get to the top, move to the left. Move past the bar to the far left corner, and from there again up to the fire exit, this is the door above which there is a light with a red arrow.

We are suicide bombers

Your hostage has escaped, although she is not destined to go far. Go out onto the roof and move to the window into her office. Shoot the bodyguard, after which you can safely enter the room. Lynch will pick up a hostage. Now go to the stairs. A guard will climb up it.
You will have to follow the same path as before. With one exception - the guards had firearms, and the crowd of visitors disappeared. Take the stairs to the left, killing the guard along the way. Now hide behind the column and shoot the next guard. On the stairs, behind the bar, there will be two more guards, you can guess what to do - kill them. There may be more guards on the stairs, so just wait for them to come down and shoot. You can ignore the guards on the upper level; head towards the bar.
As soon as you enter the bar area, there will be another guard to your right, and another will be opposite you. Go to the fire exit, killing three more guards along the way. Once on the roof, hide behind some structures and shoot at the guys behind the ventilation. Kill another guard high on the left. There should be a few more people at the windows; after killing them, you can leave, the mission is completed.


Head to the pagoda, where there will be mobile phone. Pick it up. After talking on the phone, you'll have to shoot a little. First of all, take out the enemies on the bridge. Next you will have to face two snipers, all of whose attention is focused exclusively on you. The easiest way to deal with them is to order your people to attack them, and hide in cover. An overview of snipers will be shown in the lower left corner, so it’s very easy to understand whether you are in a shooting position. Don't forget to move, because... snipers will be looking for you.
One of them is located at the top left, on the highway, the other is on the other side of the bridge on the same highway. Order your accomplices to deal with them. After it's all over with the snipers, help your friends deal with the regular enemies on the bridge. Now you can move back to the starting position. Along the way you will, of course, meet enemies. You can detect them using flashlights. Order people to attack, this will make it easier to identify enemy positions. You yourself can focus on the enemies on the ground, and your accomplices will take care of those going down the stairs.

It's not my fault

Destroy the police on the stairs in hand-to-hand combat. When you get up, immediately sit down to get cover. Blow up police cars with grenades and, hiding behind the cars, make your way forward. Don't be afraid of the police you meet, they are weak, just a couple of bullets are enough. Once you reach the van, call your partners to complete the level.

Let's protect Jenny

We bring down the first thug we come across in hand-to-hand combat and pick up his pistol. Jenny is safe in the pit, but you still have to protect her. Enemies will attack in waves from four different directions. For convenience, we will designate the first side from which they attack as northern. The rising sun is on the right, i.e. there's the east. Fight off the attack from the north, using the van as cover. Order Lynch to stay close to you.
The second wave will come from the east. Try to kill them right at their car. The third wave will move towards you from the direction of the construction site to the west. Order Lynch to attack these attackers, while you yourself turn your attention to the south. Hide, not forgetting to pick up the machine gun that one of the bandits dropped, if, of course, you succeed. After you deal with your problems, return to the pit. Please note that Lynch may have missed some bandits, so be careful.

You can't stay with me

Destroying a truck is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to know his route. The truck makes two passes around the pit with Jenny, on the third pass Jenny will die. Your task is to kill the driver by first breaking - shooting through - the side window of the truck. The main thing is to immediately order Lynch to attack the truck, pointing at the window. Of course, we also don’t forget to shoot at the window. We run after the truck and continue to shoot, if you do everything correctly, then after the first circle the glass will break. Now you just need to shoot the driver. Then Chapter 7 ends.

We're breaking into prison

Go through the entrance, through the hall past the visiting area. There you will meet several guards, who will not be difficult to deal with. Break the glass next to the lemonade machine and make your way through it.

There's no turning back

Take Lynch's shotgun, it is useful in quick close combats in which you will have to take part in the prison premises. When you approach a long corridor covered with a steel net, on the other side you will see two snipers. Don't worry about them, send Lynch to attack. Cross the corridor. Follow the green line to the control area. When you reach the corner, hide. First, kill the guards on the same floor as you, then shoot through the grated ceiling to kill the guards above. Your shotgun is ideal for this task. Open the prison block and proceed inside.
As you move, keep an eye on the ceiling, more guards may appear there. Along the way, you will meet two guards; you decide what to do with them. You can either take them down yourself, or send Lynch to sort it out. After entering the large room, take a pistol; a shotgun is not effective here.
Go up the stairs. There will be guards at the top, kill them. Use the control panel to open the chamber, and then go there. It will be on the lower level next to where you entered from.

I'll try to do it

Order your people to clear the prison block, at this moment you yourself can sit in cover. Let's go to the dining room. There will be a staircase on the right, and at the top there will be two more guards, we kill them. There are several more guards in the room below; we do the same with them as with the previous ones. Now look around and find the orange line, follow it to the laundry room. Here, of course, we will again come across several guards, or rather two. When you reach the end of the room, you will find a new member of your team.
Most of the guards are sitting in shelters, but you can cover them simply by throwing a grenade. Kill the remaining ones, staying in cover behind the wall. Attention, a guard with a shotgun will be waiting for you on the stairs, so wait until he comes down, or go around the stairs and shoot him in the legs.
Security in the kitchen will try to use tear gas against you. My advice to you is to hurry up and throw the grenade back to the guards; if you don’t have time, you’ll have to wait until the gas dissipates. The guards will be in cover in the center of the kitchen, so when entering, try to stay to the left, into the cover. Order your accomplices to follow next to you, thereby you will have reliable fire cover.

Let's just find Shelley

Right behind the red doors, as many as three snipers will be waiting for you. The first two will sit in the watchtower. You can kill them with a magnum, without forgetting to set your people on them for additional fire support. The third sniper will be high on the roof to your right. Order your people to attack him, and you yourself can hide behind the trash cans. It’s better not to try to knock him down - he’s a good shot, he’s a pest.
Using the trash cans, climb onto the roof. There will be plenty of targets for you in the prison yard, but don’t worry, dealing with them is very easy - you have a very convenient firing point. Don't forget to take down the guards at the bottom right, against the wall. After which you can jump into the courtyard and move to the next prison block.

Everything is out

Climb the stairs up three flights to the main level. Several guards will be in the control room, just throw a grenade there. Open the prisoners' cells and exit through the opened door. You will meet guards along the way, but you can kill them from a great distance without risk. Go around the circle to the stairs. Prepare to meet the guards upstairs. You can shoot one guard directly in the back, and then go down a little lower and throw a grenade up.
Once you get to the top of the guard tower, you can shoot the guards in the lower towers. Open the front gate and immediately sit down and remain in this position while the helicopter flies around. Periodically get up and open fire on the helicopter until you destroy it. Get down from your tower on a rope. Kill the guards on the walls and in the other watchtower.
Move forward slowly, using any available cover, destroying the arriving police along the way. If you have grenades left, you can blow up police cars. To finish this chapter, you need to get to the big red armored car.

I don't like heights

At the stairs leading to the helipad, crouch down and open fire on nearby enemies, then step back a little and order your people to deal with the remaining enemies. Now return to the stairs and continue moving on your haunches.
Use the rope to get down from the building and immediately run to the window before the explosion occurs. After that, hide in cover. Giant supports located on the outside of the building are best suited for this role. Now you can start cleaning the room, it won’t be difficult. When the room is clear, pick up the suitcase and go to the column located on the left side of the room to protect yourself from advancing enemies. Throw a grenade at them, and then, in the old fashioned way, start shooting them. Then take down the nearest guard in hand-to-hand combat. After that, move towards the table, hide and destroy the remaining enemies. That's it, now call your people to you.

We pay the bills

Once in a round room, you need to realize that all the floors are just as round, so move to the left, simultaneously destroying enemy personnel, until you return to the center. Now hide behind the statues and start shooting back at the enemies walking up the stairs. The top floor you are on contains only 5 or 6 enemies, incl. bypassing full circle, you will destroy everyone. Then try to kill all the enemies on the lower levels that are in your field of vision.
Go down and repeat the above circle again. Then kill all the enemies located below, around the stones.
On the lower floor, use the pilaster as cover to deal with the enemies at the other end of the room. They will come from the elevator. This area is your goal, move towards the elevator, at the end use a grenade to kill the last enemies. Take the elevator down.


The Tokyo police escorting people are careless enough to allow you to hide behind a column and begin its destruction. Once the building is cleared, you can move to the main exit. The police continue to arrive, so you need to stay. Try throwing a couple of grenades under the cars in the center of everything that's happening.
Keep moving forward. It is best to constantly change the angle of fire, fortunately, this is not difficult to do due to the abundance of columns behind which you can hide. The most difficult thing will be to get to the police at the bottom of the stairs. Therefore, send your companions to attack, and concentrate your fire on the easiest targets. Whatever happens, don’t take risks, don’t chase the police, wait until the danger has passed. Let the minions lead the way.

Almost there

Go out into the street and move in the indicated direction. Here, cars generously placed by level designers can provide excellent cover. If you sit behind the car you will be almost impossible to reach. Why almost? Because there are snipers at the level. You will have to use the sniper's view window (bottom left) to avoid the areas under fire. Snipers are located on pedestrian bridges, but you will hardly have to shoot at them. Send your accomplices to attack the snipers, and hide yourself.
Cross the street and use the bus as cover, because... On the next pedestrian bridge another sniper will be waiting for you. Order your team to deal with him, after which you can help them destroy ordinary police officers. The path to the control point will be blocked by a SWAT squad, so hide behind the pillar to the left of the road and throw a couple of grenades at them.

SWAT (riot police) everywhere

There will be a lot of riot police here, but there will also be no less columns behind which you can hide. Just methodically shoot all the people dressed in black camouflage. Several people will be on the bridge, several on the ground, and one more will try to get around you from the rear along the stairs located on the right. Kill him as soon as he comes into your field of vision.
Go down to the bus stop and turn right. Order your people to attack all the enemies they encounter, and in the meantime, turn around and hide behind the black column to kill the three policemen who appear. Now head to the checkpoint. She will again be separated from you by a line of heavily armed riot police. Hide behind the bus and send them grenades as a gift. When they begin to regroup, open fire. That's all, go outside the gate, where a van and a new driver are waiting for you.


We continue the passage of Kane and Lynch: dead men (Kane & Lynch: Suicide Squad). Gentlemen, we are in Havana. This is, after all, a war zone, and therefore the tactics here will differ from previous missions. Enemies, as a rule, come from three sides, and you won’t be able to hold out here alone. From your position, shoot everyone below. Give Lynch a machine gun (his shotgun is useless here) and send him to the position to your left. Don't forget to destroy the two soldiers far to your left. In the next task you will have to fight in the same location, incl. try to cause maximum damage to the enemy.
Turn around and go down the stairs to meet your team. One of your team members' name is Thapa, go up to him. Give him your weapon, and take the grenade launcher from him yourself - he doesn’t know how to use it. Set it aside or use it right away - it's not important at this level, but it will be very useful later, so don't throw it away. As soon as you enter the church square, dive for cover. Kill all the soldiers running towards you. All enemies will be on the other side of the square, to calculate their disposition, send your people to attack.
Go to the store located on the square on the left. Keep your eyes on the soldier on top of the church. Now quickly run around the church on the right and kill the soldier from behind.
While in cover, destroy two soldiers at the main entrance to the church. Now call your team over. When walking around the church, be careful, there will be soldiers there. Then at the top, on the left on the balcony, you will see another soldier, you can shoot at the red barrel so that he dies beautifully. Now order your people to go forward, destroying the remaining enemies along the way.
Pick up a grenade launcher and send your men to attack the armored personnel carrier so that it concentrates its fire on them. The main thing is to quickly deal with the armored personnel carrier, then your people will not get hurt. One grenade launcher has only one charge, but they are scattered almost everywhere. Two shots should be enough. After you destroy it, you can calmly meet with your people.

Helicopter from hell

This area may seem difficult, but it is not. The main thing is to stay in cover and have a roof over your head, otherwise the helicopter will quickly deal with you. Together with the team, go to the nearest building located on the right. There will be two soldiers there, it's easy to deal with them. Go up the stairs. There will be another soldier at the top on the right; he can be killed in hand-to-hand combat. This zone will become your temporary base. Order your people to stay here. From here they will be able to shoot through most positions and remain safe from the helicopter. Put one of your people behind the machine gun. Give Lynch something killer.
Start destroying your enemies. As soon as you hear a helicopter, take cover. Don't order your people to attack, otherwise they will go outside and die. With the help of two grenade launchers you can destroy the trucks.
Go through the squares, keep in mind that enemies will attack in waves as you move. Do not try to enter fortified areas, it will kill you. Make a short excursion while the helicopter flies away, and then immediately return to the base where your people are waiting for you. When running away from enemies, keep in mind that your companions shoot not only at enemies, but also at the helicopter. If you're lucky, they'll even shoot him down. After the wave of attackers has been repulsed, it’s time to move on. Take one of your people with you, let the rest stay at the base and cover you. The side of the square where your base is located has two more areas with a roof. The first such shelter is located near a burning tank. This is not the same the best place to hide, but that’s why we grabbed an ally. Point it at your enemies so that they concentrate on it, and throw grenades at them yourself.
After this wave ends, move through the barricades to the next shelter. Now it’s pretty good and you can call your people. Enemies will land on both sides of the street and hide behind a small wall and a car. Use grenades or smoke bombs to close your position.
Together with the whole team, move towards the monument with spiers. On the left side of the street, in the building on the second floor, there will be two soldiers. Send your people to attack, they will handle it themselves.


Use the columns as shelter to destroy enemies on the other side and those located a little higher. Go to the doors where the soldiers entered. Give Lynch one of the machine guns. Hide and kill the soldiers on the stairs. The soldiers will also hide behind bags of sand, patience will help you here. Sooner or later you will fill them up. Move on, there will be another soldier in the hall, so be careful.

Ready your weapons

There will be several soldiers on the roof, hide in the doors and kill them. To knock them out of cover, use grenades. On opposite side There are plenty of grenade launchers lying around the roofs, they will come in handy. Sit on the edge of the roof to gain cover and use grenade launchers to destroy the armored personnel carriers that are located below. Order Lynch to deal with the enemies to the right of the armored personnel carriers, and concentrate your fire on the helicopter. Shoot him when he comes down to attack. At a greater distance you may miss. Three missiles will be enough.
Ride the rope down and immediately hide behind one of the statues. Quickly shoot the nearest enemies, you can use grenades. Now order your people to attack the enemies to the left of the Capitol. Please note that there will also be enemies upstairs, at the main entrance.
On the first floor you will be met by an enemy and four more things on the stairs. You can throw a grenade there or just send your people. At the end of the long hall on the second floor there will be an enemy with a grenade launcher, but he is a poor shooter, you can easily deal with him. Immediately behind him there will be two broken pillars and two more soldiers. Before you go inside, take a grenade launcher with you.

Good old days

Use a grenade launcher to knock out enemies from a fortified point made of sacks. Hide behind a huge piece of stone in the center of the hall. Throw a couple of grenades at your enemies or just shoot them, which of course takes longer. Turn left and go down. Send your people forward, because... There will be several enemies ahead.


Go down the path and stop at the gorge. Order your people to attack. As soon as you notice the movement of enemies, immediately open fire. Hide behind the tree on the right, and then immediately run to the stone to your left. Climb onto it and open fire on the enemies behind the sandbags. Keep moving.

I'm too old for this

Go down and order your people to stay at the base of the waterfall. The guard will walk towards you with a flashlight, but he will not see your command. Hide behind the tree behind the guard, and when he turns away, take him down in hand-to-hand combat. Call one of your people with you and go with him to the edge of the cliff. Go to the stream and sit down there. Tell the rest of the people to move to the area between two trees on the other side of the poppy field.
After that, they will launch an attack on the hut. Order them to attack the corner of the building, and at that moment kill the soldier on your side. Now it's time to team up with the team and break into the hut to destroy the remaining enemies. After that, send your people to check if anyone has survived.

Rope Bridge

The enemies in your path have flares, so if you get into an open confrontation, the enemies will fire a flare and sound the alarm. Attack your enemies hand-to-hand so that they don't notice you. Send your troops forward to the edge. As soon as they start shooting, join them. Crouch to get out of the fire zone. Carefully monitor the destruction of enemies, do not let anyone escape the checkpoint. Most likely, the enemies will try to move to the right of him, kill them. Enemies will arrive at the checkpoint in waves, there will be two waves in total. When the second wave approaches, open fire on the fuel barrel to cover everyone at once. Now cross the bridge and go deeper into the jungle.

We are cleaning up

Get closer to the hut and throw a grenade there to clear it from the inside. Take a position inside the hut and start shooting at the enemies located below. There will be a small truck to your right, throw a grenade at it. Pay attention to the jeep with a machine gun, throw a smoke bomb to hide from enemy fire. Sneak up to and shoot enemies. Go down on the rope and shoot the enemies high on the rope bridge.

Carlos happens to have a sniper rifle, take it from him. Use it to kill the enemies below. Don't forget to order your men to move away from the edge so they don't catch too many bullets.
Go down the cliff using the rope and hide behind the tree in the center of the village. There will be more enemies in the building and behind the sandbags. Dealing with them from your hiding place using a pistol will not be difficult. To destroy enemies in the distance, use a sniper rifle. Go to the checkpoint, at this point the level is over.

The first sniper in the village

As soon as the level starts, run to the shelter and kill the guard with a flashlight with a sniper rifle. Carlos needs to get to the gate, so if you take care of all the guards, Carlos will be pleased. If one of the guards returns to the gate, you will have to shoot back a lot. In this case, call Carlos back.
The most difficult part of this mission is dealing with the three guards around the fire. Here the solution is - throw a grenade at them, in this case you will kill at least two of them. Now you will have time to calmly kill the remaining one before he reaches the gate, and if you are lucky, the grenade will cover all three. If this fails, it is better to restart the mission.
Then shoot the guard in the watchtower. Go to the main gate and kill another guard in the tower. Then deal with the enemies at the gate. Send Carlos to the gate and go past the entrance to the mansion to meet your team.

What did he say to Jenny?

Sit down and shoot the enemies below. First of all, focus on those that are closer to you, make sure that no one gets on the machine guns in the vehicles, if someone does, kill them immediately. Behind the wall, the truck has two enemies, make sure to kill them before going down.
When you go down, go to the wall where you just killed two enemies. Move along the wall to the boxes, in front of the open space. Hide behind him. There are several groups of enemies here, but your sniper rifle will not be useful. Give it to one of your people (you will still need it), and take the assault rifle yourself. Shoot those sitting behind the sandbags. Some will try to get closer, just focus your fire on them. Now send your men to attack and they will slaughter everything that remains. Before moving on, make sure to kill the sniper on the balcony.
Try to keep your people behind the gate leading to the square, otherwise they will die. Shoot enemies in jeeps, and blow up the one closest to you with a grenade. There will be a staircase to your right. If there are no enemies left on it, get up and shoot the enemies in the truck from above. The easiest way is to throw a grenade there if they are still left.
Before you go to the next area, call your people and order them to stay close to you. Take your sniper rifle back.
Using a sniper rifle, kill the enemies in the dark area in front of the tunnel you are going through. It’s quite difficult to see them, so you can send your people ahead and let them lure the enemy out. Just don’t let your people get carried away with the attack; as soon as they stir up the enemy, immediately call them back. Now kill the enemies on the far left side of the location, which will allow you to move forward while maintaining a decent distance from the mansion.
Send your team to deal with all the enemies in front of the main staircase. Stay in place yourself and kill 4 enemies in the windows of the estate. There may be an enemy with a shotgun at the door, so it’s best not to go forward yourself, go behind your accomplices. Enter the mansion.

You should have listened to Kane

Approach Jenny to start a game cutscene. When control returns to you, shoot at the anti-personnel mine on the right, next to Carlos's corpse. Hide behind the column and shoot the enemies at the top. Moving from cover to cover, destroy enemies. They will be on three sides of the fountain, on the upper level. Don't run out into the open, otherwise they will get you. When a jeep with another driver arrives, run towards it.

Hurricane fire

In a jeep, you are breaking through somewhere, I won’t say where. Your task is to kill enemies from a stationary machine gun. It will gradually overheat and after ten seconds it will begin to shoot more slowly, and then stop altogether. Therefore, if there are no goals, give him a break so that he has time to cool down. Try to shoot in short bursts, otherwise it will be very disappointing if it stalls at the most crucial moment.
Your first goal is a checkpoint with a jeep and three soldiers. First, kill the enemy behind the machine gun, and then switch to regular enemies. Please note that if you leave at least one enemy alive, he will most likely kill you. Immediately after this, a truck will appear to your left. Shoot at the engine until an explosion occurs. Make sure that an enemy with a grenade launcher does not appear, otherwise your blitzkrieg will end before it even begins. When you reach a dead end, you will see a truck on the right, blow it up, but you can ignore the soldiers.
Kill the soldier in the cave, then shoot the guard tower (shoot in the center until it collapses). There will be several such towers, keep in mind that in each of them there is a soldier with a grenade launcher. The first enemy shot usually goes down in smoke, but still you will only have a few seconds to deal with the tower. There are four such towers in total, so my advice to you is to start shooting from afar as soon as you notice the tower. Lynch himself will cope perfectly with the trucks to your right. Once you get to the runway, deal with the lone soldier and the truck.

I can't go faster anymore

In this location there will be a whole series of targets, but they are all located in the same places, and the level is short, incl. you won't have any problems. First, a truck will approach you and pass by you, try to put as many bullets into it as possible.
Your next target should be the tower to your left, and when you deal with it, immediately turn to the right and destroy the truck. If you don't do this, he will destroy you when he gets to his destination, behind the plane. There will be another tower on the left, which will also have to be destroyed.
That's it, now you can concentrate on the aircraft engines. Focus on the engine closest to you and try to put as much lead into it on your first pass. Then open fire on the other engine. When the first engine returns into view, switch to it. Shoot until it lights up, then do the same for the second one.

You killer

Get out of the jeep and run to its bow. Turn around and order Lynch to stand behind the machine gun on the jeep. Deal with your enemies from a safe distance. Then get close to the cargo compartment of the plane and shoot three enemies at the legs. The fourth one will be a little further into the plane, next to Jenny, but you can kill him without any problems without going inside. After the happy family reunion, go to the helipad on the hill.
Now attention - the game has two endings. To get the first one you must decide to get on the plane, to get the second one you need to go down the stairs. In the second case, you will have to go through one more level (see chapter 16). It's up to you to decide. If you chose the first ending, then that’s it, I say goodbye to you, we finished the game. If not, then we’ll meet in the sixteenth chapter of our epic.

Let's go to the church

Now Jenny is part of your team, she can shoot, but she won’t listen to you - her nature is too independent. To save it, you will have to go ahead, because... if she is wounded, she can be resurrected only once, after which she will die irrevocably. However, strangely, her death does not affect the ending, incl. in the event of her death, there is no need to replay.
In the village, throw a grenade at the car parked behind the tree. Hide behind a tree and send Lynch to the front line (don't forget to give him something instead of a shotgun). Shoot the enemies yourself from cover. Walk through the village to the church and stop at the gate. Use them as cover to kill enemies, and use a grenade to blow up a jeep located some distance away. From the same shelter, please the soldiers located a little higher in the cemetery with your excellent shooting. Their silhouettes are difficult to distinguish, but then you will have to worry less. Go up the stairs and sit down at the top. Make sure Lynch and Jenny are near you, if not, call them over.
Before going to the church, kill two soldiers on the stairs on the other side of the hill, then go back.

Now to the boat

Tell your fellow travelers to stay upstairs. They have useful weapons - a grenade launcher and a sniper rifle. First we take a grenade launcher. Use it to blow up the jeep at the base of the stairs. We switch to conventional weapons and kill the remaining enemies, some of them will try to climb the stairs, be prepared for this.
We return to the grenade launcher and with its help we send the jeep standing far below by the fire to the landfill. Take a sniper rifle and kill the remaining soldiers below. Go back to the cemetery and use a sniper rifle to kill the remaining soldiers below. Or you can throw a grenade at them; if you do everything correctly, you can cover them all at once.
And now we need to make our way to the fire. Send Lynch to the left of the fire so that he attracts the attention of the soldiers, and kill them yourself. Go ahead of Jenny, otherwise she might get hurt. Having safely passed the fire, turn right towards the docks. They are separated from you by stone gates, send your people there and let them deal with the enemies, while you and Jenny stay away. There will be another soldier at the pier, but you won’t be able to do anything with him; his task is to launch the game video. After the cutscene, drag Jenny to the end of the pier to see an alternative ending.

Among the action films, there are many games of various types - fantasy with dwarves, elves and orcs sorting things out with the help of axes and swords; science fiction, where lasers, robots and other nanotechnologies from the distant future are in use; or war games where we play the role of soldiers in real or imagined conflicts. But none of them are real crime thrillers. Really serious, honest, dramatic bad guy stories - something like Martin Scorsese's The Departed or Michael Mann's Heat. But this is a whole layer in cinema that is extremely popular. May the fans forgive me... but GTA is difficult to take seriously, and the writers whitewash the main character of Mafia too much, sometimes showing him as almost an innocent lamb who turned out to be a victim of circumstances.

However, I’m lying a little - now such a game exists. This is Kane & Lynch: Dead Men.

Traitor and psychopath

Kane is rescued from certain death to face a new sentence.

Kane was an ordinary man who lived happily with his family. But suddenly something changed - he left his wife and daughter and became a soldier of fortune, or, in simple terms, a bandit who kills for money. Apparently, his new career turned out quite well, because at some point the powerful criminal group The7 approached him and offered him a job.

During a diamond theft in Venezuela, Kane's business partners died, and he shamelessly took the jewelry for himself and left for the United States, but fell into the hands of the police and was sentenced to death for numerous crimes. I advise you to visit the official page of the game if you want to find out interesting details about this matter. There is a detailed dossier and even something like a transcript of the interrogation.

When it gets hot, you can hand the reins to your comrades and try to sit out in a secluded place.

On death row, awaiting execution, Kane begins to be tormented by remorse for his abandoned family, which, however, fourteen years later is not at all eager to see his dissolute father and husband. In prison, Kane meets Lynch, who is also a completely ordinary person, only suffering from a mental disorder. During one of his unmotivated outbursts of anger, he killed his wife. The court decided that Lynch was sane, and instead of a mental hospital, he should be sent to the electric chair.

And so the life of the unlucky heroes would have ended if not for the surviving members of the The7 group. They learned that Kane was in prison and decided to force the traitor to return the stolen goods. For this purpose, during the transport of suicide bombers, a police car was attacked. The rescued prisoners are taken to powerful patrons, who clearly explain that debts need to be repaid.

In order for Kane to cast aside his doubts and act more quickly, his former business partners report that his family is being held hostage and if he does not repay the debt or starts his own game, they will be shot and buried in a nearby vacant lot. After Kane completes the task, he will still be expelled for betrayal, but his loved ones will remain alive.

Lynch must report all of Kane's actions, as well as control his actions and provide all possible assistance. It is, of course, unreasonable to entrust such a delicate matter to a psychopath who shot his wife. But, apparently, The7 do not know about the peculiarities of his psyche, otherwise they would hardly have recruited Lynch while he was in prison.

The newly-minted partners do not feel sympathy for each other, but there is nowhere to go. On the one hand - the electric chair, on the other - a powerful gang that will not forgive both of them for the failure of the operation.

Dirty stories

Kane and Lynch are clear anti-heroes, but not exactly typical for games where villains are mostly shown one-sidedly. If the developers try to show the player that the villains also have human feelings, or justify their actions, it often looks forced. The motives for the actions of negative characters are also not simple. Of course, saving the world, a country or an individual city is wonderful, but it smacks of unnecessary pathos.

Our anti-heroes have complete order with their motivation. Their actions and goals may not inspire approval, but they are extremely understandable. It’s worth, of course, making allowances for the conventions of the game, but robbing a bank or office looks much more realistic than storming the monastery of evil with a small squad of daredevils. Kane and Lynch make money the only way they can and try to stay alive at the same time.

In Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, perhaps for the first time, anti-heroes are shown without embellishment and are not turned into cardboard villains. Kane and Lynch are thugs without the slightest remorse. Kane kidnaps and takes his ex-girlfriend hostage to get his case from her father, uses old acquaintances and calmly betrays them in order to achieve his goal. There are no friends for him in this world. Lynch finishes off wounded police officers so as not to leave witnesses or simply indulging his sadistic tendencies. Due to the instability of his psyche, many plans go to hell. During the shootings, which often take place in busy places, innocent citizens who find themselves in the line of fire are killed. Stray bullets, we note, fly not only from your side, but also from the police.

No one is trying to justify the actions of Kane and Lynch. The narration is conducted in a neutral tone. Cruelty is not an end in itself, but only a means to enhance the image. The main characters are criminals and behave as such, sparing no one and never feeling sorry... And yet Kane and Lynch are not without charm. But for all their attractiveness - and it undoubtedly is - you will not sympathize with them. Everything that happens to them is understandable and deserved. And at the same time, no moralizing.

One of the shortcomings is that although the characters are well developed, the relationship between Kane and Lynch is not revealed as well as we would like. There are conflicts and clashes - but there are too few of them, especially in the second half of the game. The other comrades whom Kane rescues from prison practically do not participate in the plot at all.

From "Fight" to "Accomplice"

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men boasts more than just strong characters and an extremely honest narrative. Scenes from the first half of the game look especially impressive - the designers and writers did a titanic job.

Assault on the Retomoto skyscraper. We shoot the guards on the roof of the skyscraper, fasten the ropes and begin to descend to the floor where the authorities meet. While the president of the corporation looks in surprise at the strange washer, Kane sets a charge on the window. The explosion blows out the glass, stunning the guards and board members.

Team members led by Lynch descend from above, and we begin to shoot the surviving guards. Having repelled the attack, Kane takes the case he needs and returns the old debt to Retomoto with interest... After a couple of swings with a knife, the businessman loses his right eye, acquires a scar across his entire face and something else. The scene is brutal but impressive. Now it’s clear who decorated Kane like that...

Or take a bank robbery. Lynch goes into the operation room to take hostages to distract the police while Kane and the burglar open the safe. We frantically shoot back at the police trying to recapture the vault, and upon returning to the hall, we see that Lynch, in a fit of madness, is killing the hostages. The plan, of course, goes to hell. Kane would gladly shoot the “assistant” if it weren’t for his family. Of course, there is no question of any pity. The matter concerns one’s own safety, because nothing prevents the police from launching an assault.

There were also movie quotes. For some reason they come exclusively from the work of director Michael Mann. The level in the nightclub makes you remember the movie " Partner in crime": in the same way, to the deafening music, we break the hands of the guards, so that we can then fire into the crowd. And the mission with the retreat after the attack on Retomoto through the streets of Tokyo is an almost complete copy of a similar scene from the film “ Fight».

All this madness happens to great music and amazing sounds of gunfire. Dynamic melodies set the right mood. The actors are also not far behind. True, the same cannot be said about the graphics. Dynamically, it is quite attractive and pulls off a solid “B”, but when you see the face of Kane’s daughter in close-up, it becomes clear that soon the game engine will not be helped by any high resolutions, nor modern effects led by pixel shaders.

The first ten levels in Kane & Lynch: Dead Men surprise with strong scenes and design. Happiness ends in the Freedom Fighters mission. Cityscapes give way to civil war-torn Havana and gradually flow into the jungles of Venezuela. From now on, you can forget about daring robberies and kidnappings. The crime story gradually turns into something like a special forces action movie.

It's not that the missions are made disgustingly, but compared to the first ten levels they look pale. There are practically no spectacular scenes here, except for the mine explosion in the mansion and the attack on the plane. But the endings, of which there were suddenly two, smooth out the negative impression. For obvious reasons, don't expect a happy ending.

Gears of Lynch

Combat system in Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a prime example of how new ideas don't play well with old technology. Taking a heavily redesigned engine from Hitman, which, let me remind you, was released back in 2000, the developers tried to attach a combat system from Gears of War to it. It turned out, to put it mildly, ambiguous.

The point of this system is that the player is forced to shoot from cover. They pressed themselves against the wall, leaned around the corner, fired an accurate burst or fired at random, then ran to the next shelter, and so on; open spaces are deadly. Now a similar system is used in a dozen games - just remember Rainbow Six Vegas.

The character presses against the walls on his own, you just need to come close. The disadvantages of this approach become apparent very quickly. Main character periodically “sticks” and “unsticks” from the wall when this is not required at all. But it's not too annoying, and after an hour of playing you will learn to cope with the character. Much more serious are the problems with the artificial intelligence of enemies. Not only do they not know how to work as a team, but they are also very reluctant to react to fire in the back, and when sitting in cover, they sometimes carelessly stick out their leg or arm to make it easier for you to finish them off.

If you have ever completed any part of Hitman in an aggressive way, killing everyone on the level, you will immediately recognize all the classic flaws that migrated to Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. But the technology for simulating crowd behavior, which debuted in Hitman: Blood Money, does not fail. It is thanks to her that civilians realistically run and scream during firefights, which creates a powerful effect of presence.

We play exclusively as Kane. A comrade can take control of Lynch if you choose shared passage(by the way, it’s much more interesting this way). Partners are controlled using three keys - attack, go, return. Colleagues are quite smart, and you are unlikely to experience difficulties with them. True, there were some minor flaws. For example, a partner can take a grenade launcher, but is catastrophically unable to shoot from it.

In the eleventh mission, the game takes an amazing turn not only in terms of entertainment, but also in complexity. If before this it was possible not to give orders at all, having said “follow me” at the beginning of the level, then starting from Havana you have to plan your actions. Who should I send and where? Should I go around alone or try to pin the enemy in pincers? Kane & Lynch: Dead Men introduces tactics - they're not too complicated, but game process becomes more interesting.

Despite its many advantages, it is impossible to recommend Kane & Lynch: Dead Men to everyone without exception, and this is not due to technical mistakes. The combat system is not as inconvenient as it seems at first, and the graphics are quite nice, especially if you set the resolution higher. And the advantages of the game are not at all in technology. But not everyone will like such characters and such a story. Despite their charm, Kane and Lynch are truly criminals without the slightest remorse. They will not hesitate for a second to kill hostages if circumstances require it; they don't care about moral values ​​or society as a whole. Their dramatic story is told in a neutral tone; the developers do not draw conclusions or judge the characters.

But nevertheless, there is too much blood, violence, swearing and melancholy. The 18+ rating speaks for itself. But if the names Michael Mann, Brian De Palma and Martin Scorsese mean anything to you, be sure to give Kane & Lynch: Dead Men a try. This is a small masterpiece in the crime action genre.

interesting levels, situations unfinished combat system
Graphic arts
models of the main characters, level design animation, some models, old engine
sounds, music No
Game world
characters, story weak last levels
control flaws artificial intelligence, Windows Live service errors

Shelter system and replenishment of losses

As already mentioned, Kane & Lynch uses the now popular cover system. You just need to approach a wall or column, and the character will press his back against it. Shelters other than cars cannot be destroyed, and you don’t have to worry about seeing chunks of cement fly off the column. If the cover is low, you first need to crouch down so that the character presses his back. The process occurs automatically, which sometimes causes inconvenience.

From cover, which has already become a tradition, you can shoot blindly - just aim the sight and press the left mouse button. But there is practically no accuracy, you can only get there with great luck, and, to be honest, there is no benefit from this method. For accurate shooting, press the right button: the hero will lean out of cover, press the weapon to his shoulder - and become vulnerable. The same is true for shooting on the move. The right mouse button is precise, the left mouse button is normal. But it’s rare to run and shoot without cover - it’s dangerous. If you get close to the enemy and press the E key, Kane will finish him off with one blow. Sometimes this is justified, especially if you can approach from behind.

If the main character is seriously injured, he will fall to the ground. The partners will run up and give an injection so that Kane will come to his senses. Just don't overuse it, otherwise your character will die from an adrenaline overdose. You also treat wounded comrades - those shot down are marked on the radar with a red cross. A colleague can lie unconscious for quite a long time, but sooner or later he will pass on to another world.

Your comrades will also supply you with ammo when you run out. But seize the moment and quickly run to your partner, above whom the corresponding icon is lit. If you are late, you will not receive ammo. You shouldn’t ask for ammunition too often, otherwise you will be refused in a rather rude manner.

Don't forget that you can exchange weapons with your partners. This will come in handy when you need to steal some valuable gun - for example, Lynch's Magnum - or give your comrades a useful weapon. Lynch's shotgun becomes useless towards the end of the game, but he continues to carry it with him.

If you get into the sniper's scope, a crosshair will appear in the lower left corner, in which the character's figure flashes. This means it's time to do your legs. By the way, the sniper can penetrate some covers. Therefore, hiding behind a thin plank, do not be surprised to find a huge hole in Kane's chest. However, the sight allows you to understand not only when to run away, but also where the fire is coming from. If you see the character's face in the optics, it means you are looking directly at the shooter.

Teammate management

Managing your teammates is quite simple. There are three commands: attack, follow the character and move to the specified location. It’s not enough, but it helps that the comrades are smart enough and don’t expose themselves to bullets. They usually save Kane if you miss.

Attack the enemy. The partner attacks the nearest enemy in the indicated direction. The benefit of the command is twofold: firstly, enemies die, and secondly, a “lightning bolt” icon appears above them, by which you can determine who is hiding where. This is useful when planning your route.

Comrades are also great for taking out snipers. For some reason, they don’t shoot at their partners at all and die ingloriously. The main thing is that no one covers the sniper. While your comrades are exchanging fire with the enemy, you can take advantage of the bustle, go around the flank and quickly finish everyone off.

Go there. Companions go to the indicated area. It’s not a lot, but it’s quite possible to surround the enemy: one is sent from the right, the other from the left, and you and Lynch attack head-on. The more difficult the level, the more often you will have to use this command.

To me. This team forces the partners to return to Kane. They are quite smart, but sometimes they still do stupid things - for example, they exchange fire with a machine gunner while standing in an open space. Voice the same order if your comrades fled during the battle and need to be brought together.


Machine guns and assault rifles

Assault rifles have high recoil, which makes it impossible to shoot in long bursts - the scope rises too high. However, this is usually not required. The enemy only needs a few bullets, especially if you hit him in the head. I advise you to opt for assault rifles; these weapons are universal and will help out in almost any situation.

Machine guns shoot much more accurately and have less recoil, which is useful when you have to fight the enemy at close ranges. But they do less damage and are inferior to assault rifles in range. In general, I tried not to use them; the only exception was levels where there are no rifles.

Machine guns

The machine gun is somewhat reminiscent of assault rifles: the same insane recoil and powerful cartridges. You won't be able to shoot in bursts; the barrel lifts up too high, so the benefit of the machine gun is questionable. True, it does not need to be reloaded often, but in terms of accuracy it is inferior to an assault rifle. But if you hand a machine gun to your partners, they start shooting so desperately that it becomes scary.

After the tenth mission, stationary machine guns appear in the game, and they are used mainly by opponents. A stationary machine gun has endless ammunition, but after about ten minutes of continuous shooting, the barrel overheats and the rate of fire drops, and then the weapon jams. You will rarely need to use them, and besides, you are not covered during shooting.


The shotgun is Lynch's weapon of choice; It is with him that he begins each level. The Kane & Lynch shotgun pleasantly surprises with its firing range. It can be used not only closely, but also at medium distances, which is important, although it is less effective than a machine gun. It makes sense to use a shotgun only at the prison level, but it’s probably not worth taking it away from Lynch, let him run around with it for the first half of the game. Only throw it away in Havana.

The shotgun is quite effective at medium distances.


The pistols are not very powerful, but they are very accurate weapons at medium distances. Thanks to the pistol, you can shoot accurately in the head if the enemy stubbornly refuses to come out of cover. However, it is better at the beginning of the level to exchange a regular pistol for a powerful magnum, which Lynch constantly carries. He won’t need it anyway, but it doesn’t fit you at all.


The rifle is of little use; It shoots accurately, but indecently slowly. Only use it to kill snipers. Another thing is a rifle with an optical sight. It can be used to kill enemies from a great distance. True, the sniper rifle is issued in strictly designated places, which is very offensive.

Grenade launchers

There are two types of grenade launchers here. The first is the Soviet RPG-7, which serves exclusively for the destruction of equipment and was not used against infantry (except for an isolated case of the destruction of a machine gun nest) due to its rarity and lack of necessity. Usually lies where it is necessary to undermine some equipment.

The second grenade launcher fires charges along a parabolic trajectory, which, combined with the peculiarities of the combat system, makes it practically useless. The most interesting thing is that in one of the missions a grenade launcher will be given to your friend - but the programmers forgot to write the algorithm, and the colleague does not even know how to use it.

Explosive and smoke grenades

Smoke grenades, accurately thrown into the line of fire, force the enemy to stop firing. At all. It’s as if the intellect suddenly turns off at the sight of smoke. This is especially useful if the machine gunner has you pinned down and you can't escape anywhere. However, you will not use them often and mainly towards the end of the game.

Explosive grenades will be more useful. They are convenient for killing opponents in shelters, as well as blowing up special forces with bulletproof shields, destroying machine gunners and blowing up equipment. True, an armored personnel carrier cannot be blown up, but a car can easily be. But don't waste grenades on every little thing.

1 2 All


Escape with the bandits to a safe place. After the first video, run after Lynch into the alley and watch a small but very interesting video. Follow Lynch further and pick up a pistol along the way, and at the same time shoot the first policeman. Jump on the bus, from it onto a small bridge and jump down. Then run to the right and wait for the garage door to open. When the gate opens, take your time, because... Now a police car will fly into the garage and smash the gate at the other end of the garage. The first serious shootout will begin here. When all the bad cops are dead, run out of the garage and run to the right.

Along the street, follow the masked guys into the house on the left. Run through this room and run to the opposite building and immediately turn left and go up the stairs. Run across the room and run to the left along the bridge to the other end of the room. The police will appear here, but you can ignore them. Jump up the boxes and jump out of the window. Shoot all the police and run to the cafe after Lynch and the other guys. After one bandit talks on the phone with the bus driver who is supposed to pick you up, run up to the door and watch how one of your assistants is killed. When the door opens, run out into the street and, shooting back, run to the cafe with a large donut on the roof on the opposite side of the street. When you reach your goal, all you have to do is wait for the bus. Fire back and fire back. When the bus finally arrives, run out of the cafe through the back door and run to the bus. Watch one short video. Congratulations, you've completed the first chapter.

Chapter 2


Here you will learn the basic techniques. The chapter will begin with watching a video. There we will get acquainted with the “Seven” or what is left of it. So, let's begin. Go to the trunk of the car and take the shotgun. Follow the directions and give it to Lynch. Then take yourself a machine gun, and then take a revolver and give it to Lynch, and Kane, like a noble gentleman, left himself a decrepit pistol, but it has a much higher rate of fire. Well, go to the drink dispenser and lean against it. Follow the directions, shoot and run back to the car. This time take the grenades and leave. Run upstairs to the stand on which the ropes lie. The video will start, as soon as Kane and Lynch are about to go down, the cops will appear, apparently, they heard the shots. We learned that Lynch is afraid of heights, and it's time to shoot some people. Go down (you can shoot right away, or later). There will be cops on the second floor, engage in a shootout. Get down, run to the gate. Chapter completed.

Chapter 3

In this chapter, you need to steal a case from the bank, which must be returned to the “seven”.

After the conversation between our two heroes, go downstairs and go to the bus. There, Kane will say hello to an old friend, and you will be shown how to give commands to various assistants. Climb onto the dumpster behind the van, and from there, climb through the wall into the bank parking lot. Sneak up to the guard standing on the ramp to your right. You can order your people to wait for you at the van so that they don’t get in the way. Attack an unsuspecting lawman from behind, i.e. bank, just don't make any noise. Once inside, you will see another guard. Get close and take him out melee so the siren doesn't sound. The siren turns on automatically if you use a firearm. Go up the stairs, but another guard will be waiting for you on it. Deal with it the same way as with the previous two. Now calmly climb to the roof. Run to the ventilation pipe and throw a grenade inside. "Now they will sleep for a very long time" Go to the edge of the roof and wait until the bus starts to drive into the garage. Once this happens, start climbing down the rope and this is where the gunfights will begin. Kill everyone in police uniform and move forward. When you approach the large glass gate, Kane will order his friend to break it. Come inside. Lynch will go on his mission to guard the bank lobby from his uncle's policemen (in the co-op playthrough you can play as Lynch, but the task is not difficult. You just need to shoot at the guards, then at the policemen, and then at the special forces). With your partner, go down to the safe and shoot the guards along the way. When you approach the huge safe, you will need to guard your partner while he cracks it. Once inside, Kane will find that one suitcase is missing and will order all the cells to be blown up. When your partner sets the bombs, run up and to the right. Then go back and you will find that the case is gone. Return upstairs and go to where Lynch went recently. Watch a funny video and start shooting special forces and all other servants of the law. Be careful, there are snipers on the roofs of neighboring houses. The bus will arrive soon (be careful when it arrives, do not stand near the entrance), hop on and leave. Chapter completed.

Chapter 4

Cracking Up

This chapter is quite easy, so I won't go into detail. Main task - escape from the crime scene.

Just a few points:

Once you are in the tunnel, you will need to clear a path ahead for the bus. To do this, carefully, running from one cover to another, make your way forward, throw a couple of grenades, and when everyone is dead, the “Mikrik” will drive up to you, climb up and move on.

When you fall down the slope, you will need to guard the bus. This is also quite easy. When the driver gets the bus under control, go back inside, remembering to take your bag from the crash site.

And finally, when your bus finally crashes in the subway, I suggest you act like this: move away from the bus, because it’s about to explode and wait until the police come from the street. Kill them, then don't go far, in this area wait for the guards to come from both sides. Kill them and only then go down. Now it will be easy there. Shoot the last servants of the law and jump on the train.

Chapter 5

The Mizuki

In this chapter you need to kidnap the daughter of the Yakuza.

After a short security check, go forward to the club. People are dancing there. Walk through the crowd until you see the stairs. Go to her and go up. There will be 2 guards there, you will need to kill them melee. When they go on a long journey, pick up the pistol and go to the room on the left, where there are 2 more guards. Kill them and go into the next room, where a girl in a white suit is sitting. Watch the video, Lynch will take her on his shoulder. Exit the room the same way, but be careful, because now there will be 2 guards. Kill them, go down the stairs and go forward. There may be security in the crowd; it is easy to spot them, because... she always walks with flashlights. In the corridor, turn left, where the bar counter is. There is a ladder to the left of it - go up. There will be security there. Take your time, because if you get killed, Lynch will not be able to heal you in this case. Kill the guards and go right into a small hall where there is a staircase on the left. Get up and go towards the guard. Kill them and go through the small corridor to the site. Go to the door on the left with the "EXIT" sign. Come inside. Lynch was unable to cope with the girl. Go through the door, run along the roof to the right to the large window. Do not kill the girl under any circumstances. Jump down, hit her, Lynch will grab her and return to the roof the same way. Run to the right, past the window and onto the glass floor, the guards will now run there. Kill them and go to the evacuation point. A short video, the chapter is completed.

Chapter 6


Carry out a failed exchange with Retomoto.

After listening to Kane's conversation with Lynch, follow the path to the pagoda. There you will find a ringing phone. Talk (the conversation, by the way, will be funny), and then Yakuza in helmets will appear. Well, let's get started. Destroy several yakuza that appeared in front of you, turn 180 degrees, but do not rush out, because... There are snipers on the roads above. Give instructions to Lynch to shoot them (the first one is on the right at the very top, the second one is on the left on the road above). Now you can run further to the van, shooting the Yakuza along the way. Run up to the ladder on the pillar and run up. There you will meet Lynch. Go out onto the road, but carefully, immediately hide behind a stone barricade, because... a lot of cops came. In general, shooting them is not difficult. When everyone is lying dead asleep, run up to the bus and leave. Chapter completed.

Chapter 7


Protect Jenny.

After watching the sad video, get out of the hole and brutally deal with one person from the “Seven”, pick up a pistol and shoot the masked Yakuza. Now you need to protect Jenny (Kane's daughter) from attack. First, the Yakuza will arrive from the construction site on the right, then on the left above, where the tractors are, and the last ones will arrive behind the fence. Don't forget to pick up the machine gun from the killed yakuza. After shooting everyone, go up to Jenny and talk. What a truck! You need to shoot the driver of a huge truck. It’s very easy to do this - when the truck passes over you, you need to crouch, and as soon as the truck passes over the pit, immediately stand up, aim your pistol and shoot at the guys on the truck. As soon as the truck turns around, immediately change your weapon to a machine gun and shoot at the glass until the truck stops and the chapter is completed.

Chapter 8


Free old friends.

How cool they flew into the wall, and the guard standing on the tower in the background didn’t even react that a huge truck was approaching. Break the huge glass behind which the guards are sitting, hit the guards on the head and go past the visiting hall to the meeting room (at the end of the corridor, on the right). Break one window and climb through it. Move on. There will be a corridor covered with a net, and outside on both sides there will be one sniper. You can kill them or not, I personally ran on. Shoot the guards on the way to the control room (follow the green line), run inside, press the button - the gate to the prison hall will open. There is a ladder on the right, go up, kill the guard (better take the shotgun from Lynch) and run left to the control room. Find one friend for now and go down the same way. Approach the room with a green light above it and free Rifik. Follow the green line and go through the opened gate. Watch how the prisoner disarms the guards and opens the gate for you, it’s a pity you won’t be able to save him. Go into this room, and through it into the dining room. Further along the orange line, go to the laundry room, kill the guards there and open the doors - a new fighter, whose name is the strange name Tapa. Special forces will appear. You can throw grenades, or you can just kill him. Run back upstairs and go into the kitchen. Kill all the guards and go outside. Carefully! The snipers are on the tower and on the roof to the right. After you neutralize them, climb up the trash can and run to the smoking part of the prison. There is a guard downstairs. Destroy the evil spirits and run inside, where everything is burning, and approach the gate. Meet Shelley, the oldest and last member of the squad. But to get him out, you need to open the gate. Climb the stairs to the very top, clearing your way with well-aimed shots along the way, go to the control room and open all the cameras. Follow the sign and talk to Shelley. Now it's time to go to the main tower. While you are running into it, Shelley will say that Lynch killed his wife. Run around the fence and run inside the tower (don't forget to shoot the guards). Go upstairs, but don't rush, because... You won't be able to cope there alone. Send all the people there, and then run in yourself. Press the button and open the main gate. A helicopter will appear here, but don't be afraid. Wait for him to fly away and climb down the rope. Now there is another squad member with you. Follow the crowd to the left and wait until they break the fence. When everything is ready, run to the end of the parking lot to the fire truck, having first shot the remaining guards. Chapter completed.

Chapter 9

Retomoto Tower

Steal the case from Retomoto

After listening to the conversation between your partners and dealing with the guards on the roof, run through the helipad to the other side of the roof. The guys will decide how they will act. Now go down the rope to the very bottom. Negotiations are taking place outside the large window. Place a bomb on the window and run right or left to the very edge. When the bomb goes off, your buddies will fly in and the shooting will begin. Having cleared the room, approach the “narrow-eyed” man, who is sitting on a chair facing the blown-up window. Look interesting video. It's time to move on. Go to the large doors, the guards will fall from there. Shoot the people and go out into a large round hall of several floors. You need to go through three such floors. The tactics are very simple. Hiding behind the columns, kill all the guards on the top (where you are now standing) floor. Let some people attack the right flank, and some the left. When the floor is clear, start attacking the floor below you from above and, when almost everyone has thrown away their skates, go down, and from there even lower, where you will meet people. Kill the remaining guards and follow the sign to the elevator. Chapter completed.

Chapter 10

Tokyo streets

Steal a crime scene once again.

We changed in the elevator, the doors open and we get out. We are greeted by a kind Tokyo policeman who informs us that there has been some kind of leak. Run down. Kane will say that they just need to get to the van. But don't relax! As soon as you go outside, they will immediately start shooting at you. Hide behind the nearest column. Look out from there and shoot. Clear the area until the driver contacts Kane. Follow the sign. Approach the corner of the building. The cops will trample on you in front and behind. Turn around and shoot the three cops behind you. Turn back and, leaning around the corner, shoot those you see. But don’t rush to run out from behind the saving corner! There will be a sniper on the bridge. Look around the corner, shoot more accurately, hide, and repeat until the sniper dies. Come out from behind cover and finish off those you see. Go up to the bridge, you will see another sniper, and there will be a lot of police officers, while your hot guys are dealing with the cops, kill the sniper. You have two options. Either quickly run, grab the sniper rifle of a dead sniper or take aim, go up the stairs, shoot, go down the stairs, go up, shoot (when I went through the second time, I managed to hit this adversary in the head the first time). The sniper is finished. Finish off the cops. Look a little further. Do you see there are red posts on the road? THESE ARE NOT COLUMN! This is Japanese S.W.A.T. with shields. Get down and run along the right side of the road, hide behind the bus. Peeking around the corner, shoot either at the legs or heads of the special forces. When you kill them. Run forward along the alley. Lynch will start freaking out again. Run to the steps. Immediately go down them and hide behind the buses. There will be a lot of people there, but you must survive! This is the last battle of this level. The main thing is to remember that you cannot stand in one place, constantly move. Keep an eye on your teammates. Watch where they shoot. Kill all the matchmakers and run down the alley. Three special forces with shields will appear. The last obstacle. They won't be complicated. Hide behind the bus, looking out from behind it, shoot in the heads, the special forces will fall. Run to the van. Watch the video. Congratulations, chapter completed!

Chapter 11

Freedom Fighters

Find "Seven"

Well? Havana! We went for the "Seven". There is a civil war going on. So let's get started. Don’t go anywhere yet, shoot all the people you see and only then go down. Your partners will be waiting for you there. Shooting back and running from cover to cover, move towards the church. When you approach it, soldiers will run out, but I think you can easily deal with them. Run along the street to the right, where the armored personnel carrier is shooting. Grenade launchers are scattered throughout the street, so it won’t be difficult for you to find them. Remember, 1 grenade launcher = 1 shot. Two missiles will be enough to send an armored personnel carrier into the air (though it won’t even move when it explodes). Go further, and local (good) soldiers will come to your aid, however, they are of little use. Each of your fighters will be given 4 soldiers. It will be hot in the square now. I'll describe my tactics to you. Enemy troops will attack in waves, so first, when you enter the square, do not fuss, but kill the machine gunners on the left and run for cover. The helicopter will arrive now. At this time, send your partners to clear the house on the right, because... you are going there now. When you go up, don’t immediately sit behind the machine gun, but, standing behind the walls, slowly fire back. When there are no people in sight, don’t be too happy and don’t rush. Send someone to the square as bait. When you see enemy soldiers, immediately call your partner back. There will be even more enemy troops than last time, and therefore they will even break into the house, fools! Shoot everyone. Leave the house and run to the center of the square. The soldiers will appear here again. Hide behind cover and have a few people attack the left flank, and you and a few others attack the right flank, or vice versa. When everything is ready, with a pure soul, follow the sign to the end of the street. Send a few people to the house near the collapsed wall so you can rest. The guys will talk, and the chapter will be completed! Congratulations.

Chapter 12

El Capitol

Attack the Capitol where the Seven are located

So, we start in a small corridor. We run out through the doorway right in front of us and see two soldiers on the other side talking. Shoot one of them. Run behind the wall. Let Lynch shoot at the remaining soldier, then the rest will run up to him. One more on the second floor (where you are) and two on the third floor. There will also be one soldier on the first floor. It’s best while Lynch deals with the soldiers opposite, and at this time you kill the two soldiers who will approach you on the second floor. Shoot everyone on the second floor. Run to the doorway and immediately take aim. A soldier with a machine gun will be sitting immediately opposite you. Kill him and carefully go upstairs, there will be two more enemies there. Get rid of them and run to the door to the roof. Run out of the doorway, three or four soldiers are waiting for you there. Destroy them. Approach the end of the roof, there are several rocket launchers next to the machine gun. Grab one, run up to the machine gun, take aim, shoot at the APC, pick up another rocket launcher, shoot at the APC, it's over, but there are two of them. Do the same with the other armored personnel carrier, but you may have to shoot three times if the hits are inaccurate. The armored personnel carriers are finished, throw away the machine gun and grab another rocket launcher. A helicopter will fly by, fire missiles, it will make another maneuver, when it makes a third maneuver, it is better to hide, it fires machine guns, and you may feel bad if you fall under them. There is also a ragged martinet on the next roof. Order Lynch to kill him (button 2, in case anyone forgot). Now the real fight begins. The helicopter will fly over El Capitolio twice, the first time it will fire rockets, the second time it will fire machine guns. Of course, everyone has their own tactics, here's mine: I, along with Lynch, hid behind a single stone building. And when the helicopter stops and starts firing machine guns at us, quietly come out from behind the wall and fire a shot. Then hide behind the wall again, when the helicopter flies away, grab another rocket launcher and do the same. Three accurate hits will be enough. Then my advice to you: grab the same machine gun with which you started the level, because it is lethal and quite accurate. See that guy with a flare gun standing at the main entrance to the Capitol? Take aim and take him down, it is possible that then a machine gunner will run up instead of him, shoot him too. Ride the rope down. Immediately run to the hole and jump into it. Take a breath, think. Have you thought about it? Then jump out of it and hide behind the armored personnel carrier. Look around one corner, then around another and kill enemies. My advice to you: it is best to force all your accomplices to sit behind an armored personnel carrier, otherwise they will run away from the bullets, and then you will have to inject them with adrenaline. The main thing is to kill two machine gunners. One will be to the left of the armored personnel carrier, the other to the right. Shoot everyone you see. Then go up the stairs. There will be four soldiers sitting there, kill them, go upstairs, there are two or three more soldiers there. You know what to do with them. Walk forward along the corridor, a guy with a rocket launcher will run out, shoot him, although you shouldn’t be afraid, he still shoots past. Run to the main entrance, kill all the terrorists, enter the building. Immediately hide behind a piece of the roof. There are a lot of them there, hide behind the nearest one. You will hear the voice of the one who broke your nose. But don't run to him. There are two machine gunners sitting at the entrance, look out from behind the cover and shoot as accurately as possible (this is where the usefulness of your machine gun will affect). When these scumbags are finished, the door will explode. Enter it, there you will see bloody trail, shoot the terrorist and enter the blown door. Here you will see the corpse of this freak who ruined your nose. Run further. The last test of the level! Don't run into the room, you can order all your guys to go in there, there are two enemies sitting there, they are all amazingly durable (at least for me), kill them and watch the video. That's it, the chapter is over!

Chapter 13

Bird's eye view

"Carlos said this is the most safe way". Go forward along the path to the man at the cliff. Don't be afraid, he doesn't bite. Talk to Carlos. Do you see that house far, far away? We're there. Go down from the left edge of the cliff and hide behind the logs, because enemies will appear now . When you kill everyone, there will be a machine gunner nearby. Deal with him and go down the rope. Here you need to make your way forward, without letting the enemies notice you - this is inevitable, but the main thing is not to let them signal the "seven". "about danger. So, first of all, kill the soldier who is walking on the right with a flashlight. For some reason, he is the only one in the squad who knows how to fire a signal flare. Then those who are in the house will start jumping out and going into the house. Hide behind the big one tree and shoot back. The enemies are hiding in the grass and you can’t see them, so throw a few grenades. When you’re done with the enemies here, go behind the house, but it’s okay, then move between the rocks to the wooden bridge. . There is a red barrel under the tower. Shoot it and it will boom. Surviving enemies will have to be killed on their own. Well, with the help of partners. When you kill everyone, cross the bridge. You will come to a small camp where the bad guys are walking around and pouring gasoline on everything. Well, let's help them. Shoot an enemy with a canister - BOOM! Then sit down at the machine gun (next to the car) and start shooting at everything that moves. Blow up the car opposite, thereby depriving your enemies of a machine gun. Then go to the huge bridge. Climb down the rope and immediately (you can do this from the bridge) kill the guard on the adjacent bridge. Otherwise, if he spots you, he will fire a flare and the mission will fail. Move on. Now you need to clear the camp below in order to get to the bridge and thereby complete the chapter. Well, let's try. I don’t advise you to go down, because... your teammates may rush forward and get hurt, and it will be very difficult to heal them in such a situation. Therefore, from the cliff, first shoot at the machine gunners (one is on the roof of the building, the other is behind the building, and the third can sit behind the machine gun, which is on the jeep next to the house). Then the rest of the soldiers and go down the rope. Follow the sign to the bridge, but be careful, because... some adversaries hid in houses. Approaching the bridge, you will meet with assistants, and the chapter will end. Congratulations! There's just a little time left until the final.

Chapter 14

Within The Walls

Get to "Seven"

We start with a sniper rifle in our hands. Don't change it for anything. Now you will need to use it to clear the road for Carlos, he will run around with a mine. Don't wait for the war of words between Krlos and Lynch to end. Run forward. You will see a watchtower with a searchlight. Aim there and you will see a soldier. Remember that the rifle has a zoom. You can zoom in on the sight. After the first warrior is dealt with, run up the slope, you will see another enemy walking around alone. Kill him. Go a little further. Three people are standing and warming themselves by the fire. Kill one, the second will hide behind a stone, and the third will run away. When the second one is finished, run further. You will see a gate, one guard at the gate and one guard on the watchtower. Surely the soldier had already managed to run to the guard and tell him about what had happened. More wars will run out from behind the gates. Do you see those two with flashlights on their machine guns? Shoot at them, you will probably only have time to kill one, the second will run to Carlos. You also run to Carlos. Once the soldier is near Carlos, it will be much easier to take him out, although, of course, if you are an excellent shot, you can take out two and not run to Carlos. Finish off everyone who is at the gate. In total you will have to kill 13 enemies. Don't forget to kill the two enemies that are standing near the windows in the building to your right. When the enemies are finished, place the sight on the gate and press 3, Carlos will run to set a mine. He will be captured. Run further with your team. Having learned that the "Seven" has your daughter, run up to the ledge. You will need to climb down using a rope. But first, pay attention to the fact that there is one person walking underneath you. Kill him and everyone else who is within your sight. Then, when the enemies are finished, order your partners to go down, then go down yourself. Run up to any partner and exchange your weapon. Run out to where you just killed the enemies. Hiding behind all possible cover, turn to face the garage. There will be 4 people there. Kill them. Don't stick your head out any further, there should be more enemies behind the wall. Order any team member to look out, use him as bait. Kill all the villains. Come out from behind the cover and go in the direction of the arrow on the map. There will be a sniper directly opposite you, but I think that you already have experience and will easily kill the reptile. Approach the gate. But don't go in there. Run to the other part of the gate to the building where the sniper was sitting. Order your partners to do the same. You start a shootout. There will be about 18 people sitting behind the gates. Kill them all. Enter under the arch. There will be another mess on the other side. 16 people will be against you, some will be hiding on your left, some on your right. First, kill those who will be hiding behind the bushes almost opposite you. After that, shoot at those on the left, there are few of them. Then, if you are clever, you can run to where the enemies were hiding. From there you have a great view of those enemies who are still shooting at you. Kill them, don't forget about those standing in the windows. When the enemies are finished, go through the large door to meet the brothers.

You will hear Carlos being killed, get out, run up to Jenny. Watch the video. Once the game starts, shoot the mine next to Carlos' corpse. Watch the video and hide behind the wall. Lean out from behind the column and shoot at the soldiers. There will only be 4 of them there. Further, as soon as you kill them, I advise you to simply run at speed into the arch where your daughter was taken. Of course, if you are a hero, you can stay and finish off more soldiers, but I don’t recommend it. If you decide to kill everyone, then after you kill the people opposite, 4 more people will appear to your right, then another, but on another balcony. When you decide to move on, run under the arch. There you will be met by a “black brother” in a jeep. Congratulations, chapter completed!

Chapter 15


Decide your fate.

In this chapter you need to be accurate and fast, because if you slow down, you will be killed immediately.

After driving a little, there will be two jeeps standing around the bend. First of all, shoot at the machine gunners, and then at the soldiers who are standing on the ground. If you are killed, then no one will be able to cure you, and you will have to start all over again. Further on, the road will be blocked by another jeep, and soldiers will be standing nearby. One even has an RPG. First, kill the RPG guy, and then deal with the rest. Drive on.

Oops! If you take the wrong path, after you take the right road, you will see a large fence and a tower. If you want to quickly deal with the guys, then shoot at the large barrel next to the tower. If you turn left, you can see another tower. Shoot it and it will fall apart. Also shoot back at the enemies who are behind the fence. Drive further and at the same time destroy several (or rather 5) towers. When you turn onto the runway, blow up the car on the left.

Turn around and drive down the runway. Shoot at the soldiers on the right and at the car that will come towards you. A little further and to the left there will be a tower. Destroy it. You will see how the plane with Jenny in it begins to enter the runway. When you get closer, shoot the people on the tower on the left, in the hangar (from which the plane left) and behind the plane. Now that no one is bothering you, shoot at the plane's engines. When they light up, you can stop shooting at them.

Don't get out of the car right away, because... Now enemies will arrive in jeeps, and a machine gun is much more effective than a machine gun. When you shoot everyone, get out of the car. Throw a couple of grenades at the plane. Don't worry, Jenny won't be harmed by this. After that, kill the bad guy next to your daughter and watch the video.

She swears wildly, all the way to daddy. Approach the helipad. Now you have to choose between betrayal and honor. Between life and death. You can go to the helicopter and fly away, leaving Lynch and his dying friends behind. Or you can go down the stairs to the right and go save your partners. If you choose the second option, read below. In any case, the chapter is completed! Or a game, depending on which option you choose.

Chapter 16

Save the remaining team members and escape.

Your daughter not only swears wildly, but also shoots wildly. But he doesn’t want to listen to you. Do you see the church at the top? You should go there! So, there's a small staircase on the right. Get down and follow the road towards the church. Around the corner is a car. Throw a grenade, when you kill everyone, more enemies will appear on the left. There will be enough of them to sit in cover and shoot. When you're done with them, go through the gate, between the two houses. There will be a couple of soldiers ahead. Deal with them and blow up the car on the right (so as not to suffer later). Look, there will be soldiers to the right of the stairs. Kill them and only then go to the stairs. You may still encounter enemies along the way. When you get up, throw the grenade into the bushes (where the graves are. Poor dead people, they will probably wake up from explosions), because there is an ambush there. Deal with them and go up to the church.

It's a pity, but only Shelley survived. Now it will be fun - a lot of soldiers will come up the stairs towards you. Shoot back, throw grenades, whatever it takes to survive. When everything calms down, don't rejoice. Approach the dead man who lies opposite the entrance to the church, take a sniper rifle from him and shoot EVERYONE you see in the camp from above. Only after this go down and follow the sign to the boat. If your daughter is wounded along the way and she does not survive, do not panic, pick her up and drag her to the evacuation site. Watch the final video. CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the game!!!

Among the action films, there are many games of various types - fantasy with dwarves, elves and orcs sorting things out with the help of axes and swords; science fiction, where lasers, robots and other nanotechnologies from the distant future are in use; or war games where we are given the role of soldiers in real or imagined conflicts. But none of them are real crime thrillers. Really serious, honest, dramatic bad guy stories - something like Martin Scorsese's The Departed or Michael Mann's Heat. But this is a whole layer in cinema that is extremely popular. May the fans forgive me... but GTA is difficult to take seriously, and the scriptwriters whitewash the main character of Mafia too much, sometimes showing him as almost an innocent lamb who turned out to be a victim of circumstances.

However, I’m lying a little - now such a game exists. This is Kane & Lynch: Dead Men.

Traitor and psychopath

Kane was an ordinary man who lived happily with his family. But suddenly something changed - he left his wife and daughter and became a soldier of fortune, or, in simple terms, a bandit who kills for money. Apparently he new career turned out quite successfully, because at some point the powerful criminal group The7 approached him and offered him a job.

Kane is rescued from certain death to face a new sentence.

During a diamond theft in Venezuela, Kane's business partners died, and he shamelessly took the jewelry for himself and left for the United States, but fell into the hands of the police and was sentenced to death for numerous crimes. I advise you to visit the official page of the game if you want to find out interesting details about this matter. There is a detailed dossier and even something like a transcript of the interrogation.

On death row, awaiting execution, Kane begins to be tormented by remorse for his abandoned family, which, however, fourteen years later is not at all eager to see his dissolute father and husband. In prison, Kane meets Lynch, who is also a completely ordinary person, only suffering from a mental disorder. During one of his unmotivated outbursts of anger, he killed his wife. The court decided that Lynch was sane, and instead of a mental hospital, he should be sent to the electric chair.

Meetings with old business partners take place in a far from joyful atmosphere.

And this is how the life of the unlucky heroes would have ended, if not for the surviving members of the The7 group. They learned that Kane was in prison and decided to force the traitor to return the stolen goods. For this purpose, during the transport of suicide bombers, a police car was attacked. The rescued prisoners are taken to powerful patrons, who clearly explain that debts need to be repaid.

In order for Kane to cast aside his doubts and act more quickly, his former business partners report that his family is being held hostage and if he does not repay the debt or starts his own game, they will be shot and buried in a nearby vacant lot. After Kane completes the task, he will still be expelled for betrayal, but his loved ones will remain alive.

Lynch must report all of Kane's actions, as well as control his actions and provide all possible assistance. It is, of course, unreasonable to entrust such a delicate matter to a psychopath who shot his wife. But, apparently, The7 do not know about the peculiarities of his psyche, otherwise they would hardly have recruited Lynch while he was in prison.

The newly-minted partners do not feel sympathy for each other, but there is nowhere to go. On the one hand there is the electric chair, on the other there is a powerful gang that will not forgive both of them for the failure of the operation.

Dirty stories

The bank guards must be killed with your hands before they raise the alarm.

Kane and Lynch are clear anti-heroes, but not exactly typical for games where villains are mostly shown one-dimensionally. If the developers try to show the player that the villains also have human feelings, or justify their actions, it often looks forced. The motives for the actions of negative characters are also not simple. Of course, saving the world, a country or an individual city is wonderful, but it smacks of unnecessary pathos.

Our anti-heroes have complete order with their motivation. Their actions and goals may not inspire approval, but they are extremely understandable. It’s worth, of course, making allowances for the conventions of the game, but robbing a bank or office looks much more realistic than storming the monastery of evil with a small squad of daredevils. Kane and Lynch make money the only way they can and try to stay alive at the same time.

In Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, perhaps for the first time, anti-heroes are shown without embellishment and are not turned into cardboard villains. Kane and Lynch are thugs without the slightest remorse. Kane kidnaps and takes his ex-girlfriend hostage to get his case from her father, uses old acquaintances and calmly betrays them in order to achieve his goal. There are no friends for him in this world. Lynch finishes off wounded police officers so as not to leave witnesses or simply indulging his sadistic tendencies. Due to the instability of his psyche, many plans go to hell. During the shootings, which often take place in busy places, innocent citizens who find themselves in the line of fire are killed. Stray bullets, we note, fly not only from your side, but also from the police.

Kidnapping ex-girlfriends for ransom is a common occurrence for Kane.

No one is trying to justify the actions of Kane and Lynch. The narration is conducted in a neutral tone. Cruelty is not an end in itself, but only a means to enhance the image. The main characters are criminals and behave as such, sparing no one and never feeling sorry... And yet Kane and Lynch are not without charm. But for all their attractiveness - and they undoubtedly are - you will not sympathize with them. Everything that happens to them is understandable and deserved. And at the same time, no moralizing.

One of the shortcomings is that although the characters are well developed, the relationship between Kane and Lynch is not revealed as well as we would like. There are conflicts and clashes - but there are too few of them, especially in the second half of the game. The other comrades whom Kane rescues from prison practically do not participate in the plot at all.

From "Fight" to "Accomplice"

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men boasts more than just strong characters and an extremely honest narrative. Scenes from the first half of the game look especially impressive - the designers and writers did a titanic job.

The board members look at the crazy window cleaner in surprise. It’s okay, soon they will just get scared.

Assault on the Retomoto skyscraper. We shoot the guards on the roof of the skyscraper, fasten the ropes and begin to descend to the floor where the authorities meet. While the president of the corporation looks in surprise at the strange washer, Kane sets a charge on the window. The explosion blows out the glass, stunning the guards and board members.

Team members led by Lynch descend from above, and we begin to shoot the surviving guards. Having repelled the attack, Kane takes the case he needs and returns the old debt to Retomoto with interest... After a couple of swings with a knife, the businessman loses his right eye, acquires a scar across his entire face and something else. The scene is brutal but impressive. Now it’s clear who decorated Kane like that...

Or take a bank robbery. Lynch goes into the operation room to take hostages to distract the police while Kane and the burglar open the safe. We frantically shoot back at the police trying to recapture the vault, and upon returning to the hall, we see that Lynch, in a fit of madness, is killing the hostages. The plan, of course, goes to hell. Kane would gladly shoot the “assistant” if it weren’t for his family. Of course, there is no question of any pity. The matter concerns one’s own safety, because nothing prevents the police from launching an assault.

There were also movie quotes. For some reason they come exclusively from the work of director Michael Mann. The level in the nightclub makes you remember the movie " Partner in crime": in the same way, to the deafening music, we break the hands of the guards, so that we can then fire into the crowd. And the mission with the retreat after the attack on Retomoto through the streets of Tokyo is an almost complete copy of a similar scene from the film “ Fight».

The disco immediately makes you remember the movie “Collateral”.

All this madness happens to great music and amazing sounds of gunfire. Dynamic melodies set the right mood. The actors are also not far behind. True, the same cannot be said about the graphics. In terms of dynamics, it is quite attractive and achieves a solid “B”, but when you see the face of Kane’s daughter in close-up, it becomes clear that soon the game engine will not be helped by either high resolutions or modern effects led by pixel shaders.

The first ten levels in Kane & Lynch: Dead Men surprise with strong scenes and design. Happiness ends in the Freedom Fighters mission. Cityscapes give way to civil war-torn Havana and gradually flow into the jungles of Venezuela. From now on, you can forget about daring robberies and kidnappings. The crime story gradually turns into something like a special forces action movie.

It's not that the missions are made disgustingly, but compared to the first ten levels they look pale. There are practically no spectacular scenes here, except for the mine explosion in the mansion and the attack on the plane. But the endings, of which there were suddenly two, smooth out the negative impression. For obvious reasons, don't expect a happy ending.

Film quotes at Kane & Lynch

Quoting famous scenes and movies is a common practice for games. So, we saw Omaha Beach from " Saving Private Rhine"in Medal of Honor, and the recent Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare periodically makes you remember the movie " Black Hawk Down" Kane & Lynch: Dead Men was no exception.

The first episode is a shootout in a nightclub. The scene copies with amazing accuracy a similar moment from the film " Partner in crime"directed by Michael Mann. Tom Cruise, playing a hitman, strides across the dance floor while snapping the necks and breaking arms and legs of the local boss' security guards. People intoxicated by the music don't even really understand what's happening until the shooting starts. At the first shot, panic sets in. Random bullets hit innocent people, and the assassin still stubbornly makes his way through the crowd to his target.

The similarity is amazing. In Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, we also break the necks of security guards and start a shootout on the dance floor that results in the death of innocents. The guards do not care too much about accuracy and actively use machine guns. Not only the situation matches, but also some of the decorations - for example, glass with the effect of flowing water.

The second episode is the departure from a skyscraper in Tokyo after capturing the case. Going out into the street, we come under police fire and are forced to make our way to the bus parking lot, where the driver is waiting for us. Civilians who find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time run around screaming wildly and accidentally die at the hands of both bandits and police. The situation and terrain are almost exactly the same as the scene with the departure from the bank in the film " Fight" Sometimes it even seems that Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are about to appear.

At all, " Fight"is remembered more than once and not only thanks to this scene. The general style is very similar. But Kane and Lynch: Dead Men should not be accused of plagiarism. The game has many original moments that just beg to be seen on the screen. By the way, the latter is quite possible. There are rumors that the film version of the action film will be produced by Michael Bay, and Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thorton will play the main roles.

Gears of Lynch

When it gets hot, you can hand the reins to your comrades and try to sit out in a secluded place.

The combat system in Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a prime example of how new ideas don't mesh well with old technology. Taking a heavily redesigned engine from Hitman, which, let me remind you, was released back in 2000, the developers tried to attach a combat system from Gears of War to it. It turned out, to put it mildly, ambiguous.

The point of this system is that the player is forced to shoot from cover. They pressed themselves against the wall, leaned around the corner, fired an accurate burst or fired at random, then ran to the next shelter, and so on; open spaces are deadly. Now a similar system is used in a dozen games - just remember Rainbow Six Vegas.

The character presses against the walls on his own, you just need to come close. The disadvantages of this approach become apparent very quickly. The main character periodically “sticks” and “unsticks” from the wall when this is not at all required. But it's not too annoying, and after an hour of playing you will learn to cope with the character. Much more serious are the problems with the artificial intelligence of enemies. Not only do they not know how to work as a team, but they are also very reluctant to react to fire in the back, and while sitting in cover, they sometimes carelessly stick out their leg or arm to make it easier for you to finish them off.

Enemies love to come in a crowd and freeze like idols, awaiting reprisals.

If you have ever completed any part of Hitman in an aggressive way, killing everyone on the level, you will immediately recognize all the classic flaws that migrated to Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. But the technology for simulating crowd behavior, which debuted in Hitman: Blood Money, does not fail. It is thanks to her that civilians realistically run and scream during firefights, which creates a powerful effect of presence.

We play exclusively as Kane. A friend can take control of Lynch if you choose to play together (by the way, this is much more interesting). Your partners are controlled using three keys - attack, go, return. Colleagues are quite smart, and you are unlikely to experience difficulties with them. True, there were some minor flaws. For example, a partner can take a grenade launcher, but is catastrophically unable to shoot from it.

In the eleventh mission, the game takes an amazing turn not only in terms of entertainment, but also in complexity. If before this it was possible not to give orders at all, having said “follow me” at the beginning of the level, then starting from Havana you have to plan your actions. Who should I send and where? Should I go around alone or try to pin the enemy in pincers? In Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, tactics appear - they are not too complex, but the gameplay becomes more interesting.

Despite its many advantages, it is impossible to recommend Kane & Lynch: Dead Men to everyone without exception, and this is not due to technical mistakes. The combat system is not as inconvenient as it seems at first, and the graphics are quite nice, especially if you set the resolution higher. And the advantages of the game are not at all in technology. But not everyone will like such characters and such a story. Despite their charm, Kane and Lynch are truly criminals without the slightest remorse. They will not hesitate for a second to kill hostages if circumstances require it; they don't care about moral values ​​or society as a whole. Their dramatic story is told in a neutral tone; the developers do not draw conclusions or judge the characters.

But nevertheless, there is too much blood, violence, swearing and melancholy. The 18+ rating speaks for itself. But if the names Michael Mann, Brian De Palma and Martin Scorsese mean anything to you, be sure to give Kane & Lynch: Dead Men a try. This is a small masterpiece in the crime action genre.

interesting levels, situationsunfinished combat system
Graphic arts
models of the main characters, level designanimation, some models, old engine
sounds, musicNo
Game world
characters, storyweak last levels
controlartificial intelligence flaws, Windows Live service errors

Shelter system and replenishment of losses

As already mentioned, Kane & Lynch uses the now popular cover system. All you have to do is approach a wall or column, and the character will press his back against it. Shelters other than cars cannot be destroyed, and you don’t have to worry about seeing chunks of cement fly off the column. If the cover is low, you first need to crouch down so that the character presses his back. The process occurs automatically, which sometimes causes inconvenience.

Although pieces are flying off the column, do not be afraid of anything. The character is safe.

From cover, which has already become a tradition, you can shoot blindly - just aim the sight and press the left mouse button. But there is practically no accuracy, you can only get there with great luck, and, to be honest, there is no benefit from this method. For accurate shooting, press the right button: the hero will lean out of cover, press the weapon to his shoulder - and become vulnerable. The same is true for shooting on the move. The right mouse button is precise, the left mouse button is normal. But it’s rare to run and shoot without cover—it’s dangerous. If you get close to the enemy and press the E key, Kane will finish him off with one blow. Sometimes this is justified, especially if you can approach from behind.

If the main character is seriously injured, he will fall to the ground. The partners will run up and give an injection so that Kane will come to his senses. Just don't overuse it, otherwise your character will die from an adrenaline overdose. You also treat wounded comrades - those shot down are marked on the radar with a red cross. A colleague can lie unconscious for quite a long time, but sooner or later he will pass on to another world.

Your comrades will also supply you with ammo when you run out. But seize the moment and quickly run to your partner, above whom the corresponding icon is lit. If you are late, you will not receive ammo. You shouldn’t ask for ammunition too often, otherwise you will be refused in a rather rude manner.

Don't forget that you can exchange weapons with your partners. This will come in handy when you need to steal some valuable gun - for example, Lynch's Magnum - or give your comrades a useful weapon. Lynch's shotgun becomes useless towards the end of the game, but he continues to carry it with him.

If you get into the sniper's scope, a crosshair will appear in the lower left corner, in which the character's figure flashes. This means it's time to do your legs. By the way, the sniper can penetrate some covers. Therefore, hiding behind a thin plank, do not be surprised to find a huge hole in Kane's chest. However, the sight allows you to understand not only when to run away, but also where the fire is coming from. If you see the character's face in the optics, it means you are looking directly at the shooter.

Teammate management

Managing your teammates is quite simple. There are three commands: attack, follow the character and move to the specified location. It’s not enough, but it helps that the comrades are smart enough and don’t expose themselves to bullets. They usually save Kane if you miss.

When you run out of ammo, call your teammates to replenish your ammo.

Attack the enemy. The companions attack the nearest enemy in the indicated direction. The benefit of the command is twofold: firstly, enemies die, and secondly, a “lightning bolt” icon appears above them, by which you can determine who is hiding where. This is useful when planning your route.

Comrades are also great for taking out snipers. For some reason, they don’t shoot at their partners at all and die ingloriously. The main thing is that no one covers the sniper. While your comrades are exchanging fire with the enemy, you can take advantage of the bustle, go around the flank and quickly finish everyone off.

Go there. Companions go to the indicated area. It’s not a lot, but it’s quite possible to surround the enemy: one is sent from the right, the other from the left, and you and Lynch attack head-on. The more difficult the level, the more often you will have to use this command.

To me. This team forces the partners to return to Kane. They are quite smart, but sometimes they still do stupid things - for example, they exchange fire with a machine gunner while standing in an open space. Voice the same order if your comrades fled during the battle and need to be brought together.


Machine guns and assault rifles

Assault rifles have high recoil, which makes it impossible to shoot in long bursts - the scope rises too high. However, this is usually not required. The enemy only needs a few bullets, especially if you hit him in the head. I advise you to opt for assault rifles; these weapons are universal and will help out in almost any situation.

Machine guns shoot much more accurately and have less recoil, which is useful when you have to fight the enemy at close ranges. But they do less damage and are inferior to assault rifles in range. In general, I tried not to use them; the only exceptions were levels where there were no rifles.

Machine guns

The shotgun is quite effective at medium distances.

The machine gun is somewhat reminiscent of assault rifles: the same insane recoil and powerful cartridges. You won't be able to shoot in bursts; the barrel lifts up too high, so the benefit of the machine gun is questionable. True, it does not need to be reloaded often, but in terms of accuracy it is inferior to an assault rifle. But if you hand a machine gun to your partners, they start shooting so desperately that it becomes scary.

After the tenth mission, stationary machine guns appear in the game, and they are used mainly by opponents. A stationary machine gun has endless ammunition, but after about ten minutes of continuous shooting, the barrel overheats and the rate of fire drops, and then the weapon jams. You will rarely need to use them, and besides, you are not covered during shooting.


The shotgun is Lynch's weapon of choice; It is with him that he begins each level. The Kane & Lynch shotgun pleasantly surprises with its firing range. It can be used not only closely, but also at medium distances, which is important, although it is less effective than a machine gun. It makes sense to use a shotgun only at the prison level, but it’s probably not worth taking it away from Lynch, let him run around with it for the first half of the game. Only throw it away in Havana.


The pistols are not very powerful, but they are very accurate weapons at medium distances. Thanks to the pistol, you can shoot accurately in the head if the enemy stubbornly refuses to come out of cover. However, it is better at the beginning of the level to exchange a regular pistol for a powerful magnum, which Lynch constantly carries. He won’t need it anyway, but it doesn’t fit you at all.


The rifle is of little use; It shoots accurately, but indecently slowly. Only use it to kill snipers. Another thing is a rifle with an optical sight. It can be used to kill enemies from a great distance. True, the sniper rifle is issued in strictly designated places, which is very offensive.

Grenade launchers

Usually a sniper's bullet will knock you down immediately, especially if it hits you in the head.

There are two types of grenade launchers here. The first is the Soviet RPG-7, which serves exclusively for the destruction of equipment and was not used against infantry (except for an isolated case of the destruction of a machine gun nest) due to its rarity and lack of necessity. Usually lies where it is necessary to undermine some equipment.

The second grenade launcher fires charges along a parabolic trajectory, which, combined with the peculiarities of the combat system, makes it practically useless. The most interesting thing is that in one of the missions a grenade launcher will be given to your friend - but the programmers forgot to write the algorithm, and your colleague doesn’t even know how to use it.

Explosive and smoke grenades

Smoke grenades, accurately thrown into the line of fire, force the enemy to stop firing. At all. It’s as if the intellect suddenly turns off at the sight of smoke. This is especially useful if the machine gunner has you pinned down and you can't escape anywhere. However, you will not use them often and mainly towards the end of the game.

Explosive grenades will be more useful. They are convenient for killing opponents in shelters, as well as blowing up special forces with bulletproof shields, destroying machine gunners and blowing up equipment. True, an armored personnel carrier cannot be blown up, but a car can easily be. But don't waste grenades on every little thing.

Scandalous Kane & Lynch



After the accident, wait until Kane comes to his senses and run after Lynch. Try to keep up, because bullets are whistling around and you might get shot by accident. Once you find yourself in an alley and hit the nose with a butt, pick up a pistol and run after the criminals. Climb the car over the fence and step into the courtyard. Hide under the decking and watch your comrades exchange fire with the helicopter.

The police attack failed due to an imperfect behavior control algorithm.

If someone dies, you can get a machine gun, which will come in handy soon. When the gate opens, go into the garage and hide behind the column. Soon the police will try to break through. If you have a machine gun, take an active part in the shootout; if you only have a pistol, finish off those who broke through.

This is interesting: if you try to go in the wrong direction, Kane will soon run into an invisible wall and, with the words: “I don’t need to go there at all,” he will turn 180 degrees and slowly back away.

Then exit through the gap in the wall, cross the street and enter the building. Go up the stairs to the third floor, finish off the police who passed through the gate, and run to the open window. Jump out into the courtyard, shoot the enemies and go into the cafeteria. Here you have to repel a special forces attack, so don’t rush to run out into the street.

Having destroyed the enemy, you will receive an order to occupy the building opposite. Go outside and quickly run to the house with the donut on the roof. Here again you will have to hold the defense, only the enemy will attack much more aggressively, so it is better to stay close to your comrades so that there is someone to heal. Finally a car arrives. Go outside, finish off the last commandos and get into the van.


This level is a kind of belated learning. You need to pick up the weapon from the trunk, give it to Lynch and pick up the barrel again. Now you know how to exchange items with your partners. Then they will tell you how to hide behind covers and shoot, and send you to the third floor to show you how to rappel. True, this trick will not work, because the police will come.

It is important: the enemy does not notice you yet; take the chance to find a better position and get closer.

Spit on the rope and open fire. Hold the defense together with Lynch, shooting at the police officers running along the escalator. They will explain to you how to lead your partners. Remember, this will be needed soon. Then carefully go down, finish off the survivors and run to the exit.


After talking with Lynch, go down the stairs and run to the minibus that has arrived. Chat with the safecracker, climb onto the trash can and climb over the fence. Hide behind the flowerbed and wait until the guard turns away. Then run up close and break the neck (E key). Go into the corridor and finish off the second guard. This must be done quickly and without shooting, otherwise the alarm will be raised and the mission will fail.

Remember to cover the burglar while he is fiddling with the locks.

Go up the stairs and neutralize the third guard. Now you can get a weapon, fortunately you will need it soon. Go out onto the roof, go to the ventilation and throw it into the shaft smoke bomb. Then wait until the cash-in-transit vehicle enters the building, and go down the rope into the courtyard. Go through the gate and open fire on the guards. When the burglar takes care of the lock on the door, cover it and shoot the police running out of the room opposite the window.

When the door is opened, Lynch will go into the hall to take hostages, and you will have to go down to the basement and break into the vault. There are four guards waiting for you on the stairs, so be careful. Once you reach the vault, cover the burglar while he fiddles with the lock. It is convenient to shoot policemen when they run from cover to cover. When the door is open, go into the storage room. Damn, we don't have the case we need! We need to open all the cells, so we'll blow them up.

It is important: your partner, despite being busy, still supplies you with ammunition, so if you run out of ammunition, don’t hesitate to run for more.

Return to the stairs again and get ready to fight off the police attack. This time the opponents are armed with machine guns and throw gas grenades. When the burglar says that he is about to explode, run behind him for cover and wait out the explosion. Go down to the vault, and after the cutscene, go up the stairs, finish off the survivors and go to the main hall.

Cracking Up

In the hall, everything is not going at all as we would like. Lynch suddenly lost his mind and shot the hostages. This means that nothing prevents the police from launching an assault. Grab your bag, stand near the column and start shooting at the police who are trying to break through the main entrance. Don't forget to keep an eye on the second floor, opponents sometimes appear there too.

If there is an opportunity and there is only one enemy, it is better and faster to break his neck.

Don't get too close to the exit, otherwise you'll catch a sniper's bullet. It's better to stand behind the column and calmly shoot enemies. When the car arrives, run inside through the back door and get ready to shoot back at the police again. It’s convenient to blow up patrol cars with grenades, but don’t forget to also fire at the enemy with a machine gun. When the minibus enters the tunnel and stops, get out of the car. You need to destroy the police who set up an ambush ahead. Use cars as cover to avoid sniper fire and throw grenades at the enemy.

This is interesting: police cars seem to selectively react to grenades. Some flatly refuse to explode even after three hits.

Having destroyed the cordon, get back into the car and fight off the enemy. The grenades have been restored, so you can safely throw them at police cars. True, the trip will not be long, and soon you will fly off the bridge. When you come to your senses, pick up the bag and shoot the police attacking from the bridge. Now you need to take the minibus to the highway. Go to the left of the car and shoot the attacking enemies.

Once on the road, climb into the car and enjoy the chase again. True, it will not be long, because the car will fly into the metro tunnel. Get out of the back, order Lynch to follow you and run down the escalator. Once on the platform, take up defensive positions and fire back from the special forces until the train arrives. Enter the carriage, wave goodbye to the police and wait for the level to load.

The Mizuki

Once in the club, remember the movie “Collateral” and go through the dance floor to the office on the second floor. Quickly finish off three guards in hand-to-hand combat, pick up a weapon and go into the office. While Lynch is picking up the girl, shoot the guard on the roof who notices you through the glass, and go back to the disco.

Shoot the two guards and wait until the others try to climb the stairs. Your task is to escort Lynch to the exit, ensuring his safety. The guards are easy to spot in the crowd by the light of their flashlights. Moreover, most can be sneaked up on unnoticed and their necks snapped. But the unit will still have to be shot with pistols, which leads to civilian casualties.

Entrusting anything to Lynch is dangerous for your own health. This psycho will do the opposite.

Having reached the bar, go up to the second floor and make your way to the emergency exit. It is not necessary to kill everyone, just run out the door. Lynch will miss the girl in the corridor, and she will have to be caught again. Go out onto the roof, pick up a machine gun and shoot at the guard who is talking to the girl who has already returned to the office. Then jump into the room and knock the weapon out of Mizuki's hands.

This is interesting: The most surprising thing is that although the crowd is running around in panic, no one is seriously trying to get out of the club. Therefore, you should not carefully look around, so as not to spoil the overall impression.

Now you need to return to the roof through the dance floor and stairs. There are no more crowds and the guards are armed with machine guns. It's a little more difficult than last time, but you're better armed. It’s just a shame that you won’t be able to gracefully break your arms and legs. The most dangerous moment, as before, is climbing the stairs. Try to get into the feet of enemies who have already ambushed you while they don't see you.

Another squad of guards awaits you on the roof, two of them firing from the top roof. There is no way to get there; you will have to learn to hit the head accurately from a long distance. However, you can just run through, not caring about the fire. Having reached the glass roof, wait until the enemies come running and shoot the glass so that they fall down. Then carefully walk between the broken glass and go to the exit of the level.


If you see a sniper's sight, it's time to run away, now they will shoot at you.

Kane goes to negotiate, and Lynch keeps an eye on the hostage. The plan, in general, is not bad, but, given the incident at the bank, it is not the most successful. Go down the stairs and go to the bridge. Pick up the phone and talk to the businessman. After the cutscene they will open fire on you. Shoot the three bandits trying to break through to the bridge and carefully look out from cover.

You'll almost immediately be in the sniper's crosshairs. Hide back, accurately determine the shooter's position, lean out again and order Lynch to destroy the enemy (key 2). Then neutralize the second sniper in the same way.

It is important: When the sniper takes aim at Kane, a crosshair image appears in the lower left corner, revealing the character. Do you see this one? Begetey.

Now you need to make your way to the beginning of the level. This is quite simple, fortunately there are two assistants, and not too many opponents, and the light from the flashlights on the weapon makes it easier to find enemies. The most dangerous moment will be on the stairs. There is another sniper sitting there, and you will have to destroy him on your own.

After clearing the area, go up the stairs - be careful, the enemy may be hiding around the corner! — and find Lynch. I want to shoot this beast, but I can’t. Get out onto the highway and deal with the arriving police. Then get on the minibus to head off.


There are many memorable scenes in Kane & Lynch, but the construction site is perhaps the best.

After the terrible scene of massacre, get out of the hole and attack the nearest bandit. After hammering it with a shovel, take the pistol and get ready to repel the attack. While Jenny is sitting in the hole, she is relatively safe, but the bandits cannot be allowed to come close, otherwise she will be finished. By the way, when they are nearby, this is also shown in the lower left corner, as is the case with the sniper.

The enemy will take turns attacking from four directions. You can find out where it will appear from if you periodically look at the map. You can repel attacks by standing near the pit. Or first run up to the car, quickly kill two or three bandits while they are getting out of the car, and run back to their original positions.

To quickly destroy the driver, order Lynch to open fire.

The fourth attack will be the most serious. The enemy is armed with machine guns, so be sure to immediately run to one of the cars. Finish off the enemies before they run away, pick up the machine gun and return to the pit. Destroy the remaining enemies and talk to your daughter. The conversation will be interrupted by the arriving Belaz. When he passes over you, finish off the shooter in the back (the second one will fall down on his own).

Now wait for the Belaz to turn around and shoot at the driver’s window. You won't be able to break through the first time, so don't forget to sit down to avoid getting run over. When the truck makes its second pass, continue shooting through the window to finish off the driver. This is where the level ends.

It is important: if you can't break the glass, order Lynch to open fire as well. If he is armed with a machine gun, the help will be significant.


Kane finds his partners in an extreme way - by attacking the prison and starting a riot.

Before they begin to take revenge on the gangster group The7, Kane and Lynch need to rescue familiar repeat offenders from prison. After the colorful video in which the truck breaks through the wall, enter the prison and run to the visiting hall. There are very few guards here, and the firefight will not be long. By the way, you can take Lynch's shotgun. Now you will mainly have to fight in confined space, where it is more useful than a machine gun.

Break the glass, climb through the window and go to the tunnel. There are snipers shooting at him, so quickly run through the area to avoid getting shot in the head.

This is interesting: It seems that the snipers only hate Kane because they flatly refuse to shoot Lynch. Our nervous friend can be sent into the tunnel to deal with the guards in the courtyard.

Continue along the corridor, shooting the guards, until you get to the control room. Use the remote control to open the doors and run into the block with the prisoners. The shotgun is useless here, so temporarily take the machine gun from Lynch or use the pistol. Then go up to the second tier and clear the security room. Look at the lists of prisoners and run to the only cell with the light on.

The whole gang is assembled. Tellingly, everyone is an escaped prisoner.

Now there are three of you, and life becomes wonderful. Keep moving forward until you reach the hall. Here the guards are shooting from above, so leave your comrades below while you climb the stairs and finish off the enemy from the flank. Then return to your accomplices and run to the laundry room. There are two enemies who are cunningly hiding around the corner. After finishing them off, go to the door and get a third fighter on your team.

While you were talking, the guards came running, so use grenades to destroy them. Then carefully climb the stairs, shooting at the protruding legs. Once in the kitchen, throw gas grenades back and, using joint efforts, attacking from both sides, finish off the guards.

When you go out into the courtyard, you will come under sniper fire. Give Lynch the shotgun and take the machine gun. Then order to open fire and help your comrades destroy the shooters. This may take some time. The enemy is in a good position, and you have to hide in shelters, from where it is inconvenient to fire.

You can shoot down a helicopter, but it’s better to just hide and drive them away with machine gun fire.

Use the trash cans to climb onto the wall and destroy the guards below. Jump into the courtyard and run to the adjacent prison block. Turn right and talk to the prisoner at the door. He's Kane's comrade and needs to be rescued. Climb the stairs to the third tier. But before entering the control room, throw a grenade there to finish off the hidden guards. Use the remote control to open the doors and exit through the side passage.

Run along the outer corridor, shooting at the guards. Then go up to the tower. There are many enemies on the stairs and inside the tower, and they often have the advantage of the first shot. Therefore, it is advisable to send comrades ahead, let them do the dirty work. From the control room, shoot the guards on the towers and use the remote control.

After this, a helicopter will fly in and open fire. Hide behind the tables and shoot back together. Even if you don’t knock him down, you’ll definitely scare him away, which is also not bad. Then climb down the rope into the courtyard, finish off the guards on the tower and wait for the prisoners to bring down the fence. Running from car to car, shooting back from enemies, break through to the armored red car to finish the level.

Retomoto Tower

Immediately after loading the level, walk forward a little and open fire on the guards on the helipad. To prevent them from running away, involve your comrades. Then have a short conversation with your partners and climb down the rope. When Kane places the bomb on the glass, run to the side so as not to be hit by the explosion.

While rappelling, you can see the everyday life of office workers. Looks funny.

Then enter the room, hide behind the column and destroy the guards. If the fire is too dense, you can take a position near the window on the street side. After destroying the enemy, approach the businessman to pick up the briefcase and return the old favor. Then stand by the column and wait until the guard breaks down the door. A big guy with a machine gun will be walking ahead, so you can throw a grenade.

This is interesting: It is after this episode that it will become clear where Kane got the terrible scar across his face and where his eye went.

The machine gun, by the way, can be picked up and handed to Lynch. He handles it much better than a shotgun. Then exit through the door. You will find yourself in a round hall with three floors. You can hide behind the columns. Let your comrades distract the enemy with fire, but you go around the hall along the right wall and shoot the guards in the back.

In this way, clear two floors. The most dangerous moment is going down the stairs to the floor below. First, make sure that no one is guarding below (the architecture of the building allows you to destroy the enemy). Send your comrades ahead and only then go down yourself. Once on the first floor, destroy the guards in the rock garden and quickly take a position from where the elevator will be shot.

This is important, because soon a machine gunner will arrive on the elevator, who will have to be smoked out for a long time if he manages to hide behind the table. In this case, it will only be possible to get it with grenades. Having finally cleared the hall, run to the left elevator and watch the video. A great movie quote awaits us with a retreat through the city streets.

Tokyo Street

The police evacuate people from the building and at first do not notice that criminals with weapons have arrived in the elevator. You need to take advantage of this. Quickly go down to the hall, stand behind the column and open fire. First, the police will try to storm the building, but when the first squad is killed, they will wisely decide to throw gas grenades.

Throw the grenades back and gradually make your way to the exit. Do not go outside until you are sure that you have destroyed all the enemies. And then it is advisable to send partners ahead so that if something happens, they take the fire themselves. Then slowly start moving to the right.

This is interesting: The moment almost verbatim copies a famous scene from the movie Heat. If you have watched this film, the impressions will be much stronger.

Soon you will come across a police cordon. You can hide behind cars, but remember that they can explode and do not protect you from snipers. There are especially many of the latter in this area, so you need to quickly find their positions and destroy them with massive fire (it’s better to set the whole squad on fire). By the way, I do not recommend using pedestrian crossings. From them, of course, the entire area is perfectly covered, but you are also in full view, and tin shields do not protect well from bullets.

When you reach the turn to the bus stop, you will meet special forces with shields. You can’t break through them, throw grenades or shoot at their legs. You can also try to flank, but this is dangerous. Then go down the stairs. Special forces are also already running around here, though without shields.

The parking lot is quite large, so kill the shooters on the top tier first. Then leave your comrades to exchange fire with the enemy and go around. This way you can kill almost all enemies, some in hand-to-hand combat. At the exit from the parking lot you will meet more armored commandos. Throw them all the remaining grenades, since they will no longer be needed, and run to the minibus.

Criminal origins

Movie " Fight”, which Kane and Lynch: Dead Men so ably quotes, owes its success in no small part to Edward Bunker. This is a talented writer and screenwriter, a mediocre actor and a repeat offender who spent eighteen years behind bars. His list of crimes is extensive and includes drug trafficking, armed robbery and bank robbery. At one time, Bunker was even listed on the FBI's list of the ten most dangerous criminals (with an IQ of 160, this is not surprising).

While serving his next sentence, Edward Bunker begins to write, and from his pen his first novel comes out - No Beast So Fierce, which is soon made into a film Straight Time(1978) starring Dustin Hoffman. Banker himself was invited as a technical consultant. Then he writes the script for the famous film " Runaway Train"(1985) by Andrei Konchalovsky and appears in episodic roles in many famous films (" Bloody sport», « Tango and Cash», « running Man" and so on.).

But Edward Bunker's best known work is as a technical consultant and actor in " Reservoir Dogs » Quentin Tarantino, consultant at « Scramble"Michael Mann and screenwriter" Animal factories" From his books, the novel “ And the dog will devour the dog", which can be safely recommended to all fans of the genre.

Freedom Fighters

At the eleventh level, the game makes a sudden feint with its ears and miraculously turns from a crime thriller into something resembling Rambo. Goodbye to dashing bank robberies and shootouts on the city streets. Until the end of the game we have to play the role of a sabotage detachment operating in third world countries.

Starting from Havana, the game will lose its entertainment value, but the level of difficulty will increase.

From this moment on, the difficulty of the game will increase significantly. You will have to use your partners wisely so as not to die. First of all, take the shotgun from Lynch and hand over the machine gun lying nearby. At this level, the shotgun is not useful at all, as, indeed, in all the others. From the second floor, shoot the soldiers and go down to the team. Now that there are many of us, the fight will become much easier.

It is important: one of the partners has a grenade launcher in his hands. Take it away immediately and throw it away. The friend will not use it at all. I also don’t recommend using it yourself; it has very little benefit.

Once you enter the square in front of the church, use the attack command to determine where the opponents are shooting from (a small lightning bolt will appear above their heads), and begin to slowly clear the area. Keep an eye on the church, there's a nasty soldier sitting there. Let your comrades exchange fire with the enemy. Go around the church on the right and finish off the machine gunner. Then clear the central entrance with the balcony and call your partners.

Look outside. There is an evil armored personnel carrier there. Order your partners to find shelter on the street and let them distract the equipment. Pick up the RPG-7 from the box yourself and shoot at the armored personnel carrier. Two charges should be enough. Then slowly walk down the street, shooting the soldiers who jump out. When you reach a point on the radar, you will receive a small squad of soldiers as a gift.

Each member of the squad received four soldiers. The benefits of them are true... This area is perhaps the most difficult moment in the game. There are a lot of enemies, there are four or five machine gunners and no save points. Give your opponent a good beating before moving forward. To do this you will have to take a comfortable position.

Hitman's "ears" are visible almost everywhere. Take, for example, the bloody stains from the shot.

Having received the soldiers, run into the building on the right and go up to the second floor (there are few opponents there, you will quickly retake the position). Have one person stand behind the machine gun to shoot enemies in the area. The main thing is not to make a fatal mistake and not order which target to attack. Otherwise, the rebels fighting on your side will rush into battle and die together. It's better to let them shoot like that.

In addition to the infantry, you will be harassed by a helicopter. But nothing can be done about it; All you can do is hide when he flies past. It can be accidentally shot down by soldiers, but this does not always happen. But with two jeeps with machine guns mounted on their roofs, you can do a lot of things. For example, blow it up with an RPG-7, which is in a box on the second floor. There are two more in the square, but they are difficult to reach.

The enemy has a bad habit of respawning when you step on an invisible trigger. Therefore, after destroying the next detachment, go down to the square alone and go forward. When the trigger goes off and a squad of soldiers appears, run back to cover. You should move the whole team towards the marker only when you are absolutely sure that you will not run into an ambush. If the enemy takes the machine guns, your squad will be destroyed in a matter of seconds.

When the area is more or less cleared, begin to carefully move forward. Let two comrades cover you, and a third accompany you. Shoot at the survivors, and throw grenades at the stubborn ones. If you do come under fire from a machine gun, sit in cover and wait for it to overheat. Then quickly shoot the machine gunner. However, you can try to sneak under the smoke screen. Once you reach the point on the radar, you will complete this long level.

El Capitel

First, shoot the two soldiers in the room and hand Lynch the machine gun. He again dug up a shotgun somewhere, which was no longer useful at all. Then finish off the sentry on the stairs and go up to the roof. There are three soldiers sitting there, who can be strangled with your hands if desired. The main thing is to distract them with Lynch.

Pick up a grenade launcher - there are plenty of them scattered around - and destroy two armored personnel carriers below. Then help Lynch deal with the soldiers on the roof and pick up the grenade launcher again. Your task is to destroy the helicopter, which has decided to finally deal with you. Sit in cover and wait for the “spinner” to make a U-turn and slow down. At this moment, shoot at her with a grenade launcher. Three charges should be enough.

It is important: You don't need to be afraid of rockets, but only of a machine gun. The helicopter fires more charges for show, to annoy Lynch and collapse part of the roof.

After that, go down the rope and run to the statue on the left. Hide behind it and throw grenades at the machine gunners. Then order your comrades, who have again been subordinated to the rebels, to storm the left position. Knock out the enemy from the main entrance and run into the Capitol. Go up to the second floor and shoot the grenade launcher, who, however, will have time to fire a shot, but will miss.

Take the grenade launcher and go to the courtyard. Blow up the machine gunner behind the sandbags, find a machine gun and begin the assault. There will be few soldiers, you will cope quickly. Then run into the room where the unnecessary dictator will commit suicide in a fit of pride, and talk to Kane’s old friend. This will end the level.

Bird's eye view

It is important: When you see the first detachment, do not rush to shoot. These are your allies. By killing them, you will lose additional fighters.

Instead of dusty Havana - wet jungle. Go forward, shooting squads of soldiers wandering in the dark until you reach the cliff. Go down the rope and order your partners to wait at the waterfall itself. Kill the lone sentry yourself and carefully inspect the area.

The picture in Kane & Lynch, of course, is not that great, but overall it is very nice.

You need to destroy the enemy squad in such a way that he does not have time to fire a signal fire. If this happens, the mission will be lost and you will have to start from the last save point. Therefore, stand behind the log opposite the house, call your comrades and open fire. Make sure that no one has time to reach the right edge, where the signal lights lie. Make sure no one survives and move on.

Then go to the bridge. Wait until the sentry crosses the bridge and quietly kill him. Call your partners and open fire on the checkpoint on the other side. First, shoot the fuel barrel to destroy most of the enemies. True, reinforcements will soon arrive and the work will increase again. Make sure that no one reaches the signal lights that lie on the cliff.

When you reach the hut, throw a grenade inside to finish off the sentries, then a second grenade into the truck and open fire on the soldiers near the jeep. The latter, by the way, is equipped with a machine gun. Therefore, prepare a smoke bomb to get closer and finish off the shooter. Then climb down the rope and finish off the sentry on the bridge.

When you reach the cliff, take the sniper rifle from Carlos and shoot at the soldiers below. Don't forget to also order your comrades to attack so they don't sit idle. Make sure that no one has time to escape in the car, otherwise the mission will be lost. When the enemy stops running through the streets, go down the rope. Perhaps some of the soldiers are sitting in houses, but you can deal with them by setting up your partners or shooting with a pistol. Then go forward until the level ends.

Within the walls

Carlos is ready to lay a mine, but we must cover him, fortunately we have a sniper rifle with a silencer that will help clear the road. The task is quite simple: you must destroy all enemies on the way and make sure that no one has time to reach the base. Otherwise you will have to deal with a lot of soldiers.

It is important: look for the enemy by the light of the flashlights. They are visible from a great distance.

There are many opponents - patrol officers, sentries on towers - but they are easily killed. The three around the fire will cause the most problems. Take down one soldier. There will be two of them left. One will run to the base, the other will open fire. You need to quickly shoot the fugitive, and then finish off his comrade. This may take a few tries until you determine who stays and who runs away and which route. Then all that remains is to finish off the sentries at the gate and, if desired, the soldiers in the building behind the fence, although this is not necessary. Order Carlos to go to the gate when you are sure that no one has survived.

But something will still go wrong. Call your comrades and run along the path. Having reached the cliff, go down the rope and enter the base. There are a lot of enemies here, but you have a sniper rifle and the battle won't be difficult. The main thing is not to let the soldiers near the jeeps that have machine guns. Don't forget about the sniper on the balcony. He shoots very accurately.

Now there is a dangerous assault on the courtyard. First from sniper rifle shoot the soldiers at the far end, paying special attention to the jeeps with machine guns. They seem to be smeared with honey, and the enemy constantly tries to stand behind them, even if he knows that in the next second he will receive a bullet between the eyes. Use jeeps as bait. After clearing the area a little, go into the courtyard and climb the stairs on the right. Call your partners and work together to finish off the enemy.

Now we need to break through to the house. There is a large detachment of soldiers and several machine guns. Find yourself a place to the left of the passage - it’s better to entrust this to your comrades - sit down behind a flowerbed and shoot persistently with a sniper rifle. Don't forget about the windows, there are plenty of shooters there too. Then approach the house, searching every corner for enemies.

Before going inside, change the sniper rifle to a machine gun. Once in the courtyard, watch the video and shoot at the mine. After the explosion, run for cover and shoot back from enemies. Make your way to the jeep, which will take you to the next level. In it, by the way, you have to make a choice on which the ending of the game depends.


Having dashingly jumped into the jeep, we set off in pursuit of Jenny. You will be the shooter, so you won't have to watch the road. Soon you will encounter your first obstacle. First destroy the jeep, then the soldier and immediately turn left. There will be another jeep standing there, which you need to quickly destroy if you don't want to get a line in the back.

It is important: remember that if you constantly fire, the machine gun will overheat and begin to fire more slowly, and then completely jam. Therefore, you need to shoot rarely, but accurately.

Then look to the right. Another jeep will appear that needs to be blown up. A little later you will see another jeep, and then you will drive into a cave where soldiers are running. Shoot them and wait for the driver to taxi to the airfield. Now you need to shoot down the towers where the grenade launchers are sitting. They can be seen from afar by the light of the spotlights. But do not rush to open fire so that the machine gun does not overheat. Still, the first salvo from a grenade launcher always misses. But the second one will almost always hit the target.

Don't forget to blow up the jeep at the fence and the soldier at the entrance to the airfield. Once on the runway, destroy the jeep taxiing to the right. This needs to be done Necessarily, otherwise he will most likely finish off Kane later. The next target is the tower on the left, on which the grenade launcher is sitting. You can destroy it without any problems.

Open fire on the left engine of the plane. When it explodes, switch to the soldiers directly ahead. Then the car will turn around, and it will be possible to fire at the second engine. If you don't destroy the jeep, it will shoot you in the back, which is quite dangerous.

When the car stops, get out of the cab and order Lynch to stand behind the machine gun. He will immediately finish off all enemies nearby. You can begin to storm the plane. First, shoot at the legs of the soldiers at the exit. Then look inside and, carefully, so as not to hurt your daughter, kill the remaining bandits.

Go up and talk to Jenny and Lynch. Then run to the helipad. Now there is a choice to be made. If you go to the helicopter, Kane will fly away with his daughter. If you go to Lynch, go save your comrades. Both endings are frankly bad, so you need to watch the first one, but then replay the level and try another option. It is much more impressive and logical.


Jenny is now on your team. She, however, does not listen to orders and always runs after Kane, but she knows how to shoot a pistol. If a girl is injured, she can be healed once - but only once! In general, it’s not worth taking unnecessary risks, so give Lynch a machine gun and send him forward. Let him exchange fire with numerous opponents, and you will help from afar.

Active intervention will be required when you reach the jeep. Lynch can't handle him alone, so help with grenades. When you reach the cemetery, you will come across a large detachment of soldiers. They are difficult to spot and some may attack from behind as you pass by. Again, send Lynch to reconnaissance in force. When you reach the church, go inside and talk to your partner. Things are not at all important, and we need to get out of here.

Despite the fact that the main characters are rare scum, nothing human is alien to them.

Search the bodies in the church. You will find a sniper rifle and a grenade launcher. Grab the last one, leave the church and shoot at the arriving jeep. Then throw grenades at the soldiers crawling through the cemetery. Go back for the sniper rifle and head towards the pier. Most enemies can be killed from afar with impunity, but be careful when turning. There are soldiers on both sides, and you can get caught in the crossfire.

This is interesting: It is impossible to avoid the next scene, despite existing rumors. You can verify this if, while near the church, you inspect the bridge with a sniper rifle. From a certain point you can take aim at a soldier's head and even shoot. It won't have any effect on him.

Having reached the pier, walk along the bridge... Well, you could have guessed that sooner or later this would happen. Quite a logical ending. Pick up your daughter, call Lynch and get on the boat. All that remains is to watch the sad video.

The game is completed, but the story of Kane and Lynch is not over yet - it is already known that the developers are making a sequel. We only hope that by the second part they will write off the old engine, inherited from Hitman, as scrap. There's no point in ruining such a great story with less than stellar execution.

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