Card of luck poker prizes win tickets. Luck Card – promotion from PokerStarter. Special conditions of participation

Even in poker, where, as we know, mathematics prevails, there will be a certain percentage of users who want to try pure luck without the need for analysis and mental stress. And, of course, make money from it. School Poker Starter is no exception, there is "Luck Card" lottery, created specifically for gambling clients who, after training, want to relax and test their luck.

What game is this?

As part of the lottery, the user is given a special ticket with nine playing fields, which need to be washed one at a time. The client can become the owner of the following prizes:

  • passes to competitions with entry fees of $0.10, $0.50, $1.10;
  • School Pass tournament for beginners with a small amount of prize money;
  • the opportunity to become the owner of a progressive jackpot;
  • right to participate in Monthly Freeroll tournament, which has a prize fund of $500.

You should not celebrate your victory if one of the prizes appears under the first field, according to the terms of the lottery you need to find three identical elements to receive the corresponding gift.

How to get the “Luck Card”?

Lottery tickets are distributed completely free of charge. Every week, all PokerStarter school clients receive 10 cards; those who were able to score 150 VPP points through the loyalty program become the owners of an additional 6 tickets. That is, really the user can count on 16 scratch cards weekly.

An important point: unused tickets within one week are not saved, but are canceled, so it is better to use them immediately after receipt.

Lottery tickets are credited within 24 hours. In the old client program they can be found in the section "Requests", in the updated application you need to go to “Service” and “My games and tickets”. Here you will find not only the “Cards of Fortune”, but also all passes to PokerStars tournaments.


The “Card of Luck” lottery is very simple in meaning, but very gambling and exciting game, designed for PokerStarter “students”. With its help, beginners can provide themselves with inexpensive tournaments for practice, as well as take part in the jackpot draw.

You shouldn’t count on being able to snag good gifts every week; the promotion is still created for the interest and attraction of new users, and not for their direct benefit.

In addition to the regular lottery, the poker school regularly hosts other promotions and special lucrative offers. You need to keep an eye on them so as not to miss out on interesting gifts.

The largest online room in the world has its own training base - a school poker PokerStars, which has a name similar to the poker room - PokerStarter. The PokerStars school offers players free training, the opportunity to participate in promotions and play in poker leagues.

Unlike PokerStrategy, the PokerStars poker school offers mainly basic training. The starting capital for her students is also small and is limited to $20, and it can only be obtained by making a deposit. Most of the advantages of the PokerStars school are offered only to players who have registered in the online room through it, however, for those who already play at PokerStars, there are also many interesting offers.

What bonus does PokerStars poker school provide?

PokerStars poker school regularly provides bonuses to new poker players - those who register in the online room for the first time using its bonus code. There are two bonus offers from the school, to receive each of which you must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Bonus package – is a package of tickets-tokens worth $10. These tickets can only be used in the events for which they are intended - these are Big Bang tournaments and events in which participation is possible through School Pass tickets. You can receive a package of token tickets by entering the bonus code “STARTER” when registering in the online room.
  • Cash bonus of $20 - a free increase to the first deposit (at least $20), when making which the bonus code “SCHOOL” was specified. They do not need to be wagered and can be spent on any type of games: cash tables with any limit and tournament play. Poker Stars School issues a bonus only for the first deposit; however, you will no longer be able to take advantage of the online room’s welcome bonus, which applies to the first three deposits into your account.

From time to time, the Poker Stars school conducts alternative bonus promotions for first depositors, such as Beginners Bankroll Challenge, during which you need to complete missions to receive bonus prizes.

PokerStars Leagues are a school for everyone!

PokerStars School hosts a series of private events in which both all poker players and a limited number of players can take part. Such freerolls take place within three poker leagues:

Participation in events does not require registration in the online room through the school, however there are other conditions! Thus, absolutely all poker players can take part in freerolls of open and qualifying leagues. You can become a member of the Premier League only by invitation from the school, and for this you need to show good results in the other two leagues. Poker players taking part in league events automatically get into the ranking tables, where $44,000 is up for grabs every month!

PokerStars school holds freerolls within poker leagues every day! They can be found in the lobby tabs: “Private Tournaments” and “Freerolls”.

PokerStarter luck card

One of the most interesting promotions held by the PokerStars poker school is the Lucky Card! Take part in the promotion PokerStarter Lucky Card All poker players who have registered at the school can. The card of luck is an instant lottery! In it you can win tickets to closed school tournaments and cash events. The more PokerStars bonus points a player collects in a week, the more cards available to him.

School Passes

PokerStars poker school issues special School Pass tickets to poker players under various conditions:

  • During the actions;
  • In the PokerStarter Card of Fortune promotion;
  • In the form of a no deposit bonus;
  • In addition to the deposit bonus;
  • For completing courses and tests upon completion;
  • For inviting friends by retweeting;
  • In the games Master of Bluff and Master of Prank.

School Pass tickets, provided by PokerStars poker school, allow you to take part in the following games:

Disadvantages of the PokerStars poker school

Despite the fact that the PokerStars school belongs to the largest online room, we can state serious shortcomings in its work:

  • Small no deposit bonus, which can also be obtained without registering at school, directly from PokerStars;
  • Low prizes in school freerolls! To receive worthy prizes, you need to actively play to move up in the ranking table. On active game In free poker league tournaments, you have to spend a lot of time, which a poker player could spend on training, playing at regular cash tables and in cash tournaments.

PokerStars School provides several attractive opportunities for poker players that are unwise to refuse. For training, it is more suitable for those players who cannot contribute a starting bankroll or are severely limited in their capabilities in this regard.

For poker players who want to get through the initial stage of getting to know the game as quickly as possible, get a high chance of success and move on to real game, Poker Schools have been created.

Poker schools are unique projects designed to dispel the belief that understanding poker is very difficult, and that it is completely impossible to win regularly.

To understand all the intricacies on your own, you need to spend a lot of effort and time. It is not clear to a beginner where to start learning poker and what to do next. In this case, the best solution is outside help. This could be either the Internet or a mentor who really understands the issue. Unfortunately, Internet sites are often cluttered with unnecessary information, of which only 20% can be found useful tips, and not everyone has a familiar expert.

In this case, it is best to turn to professionals from poker schools, of which there are a lot on the Internet. A good poker school will help you get acquainted with the game and learn its main aspects in the shortest possible time. Some schools also offer free education. Of course, it is better to take lessons from well-known and proven schools in their segment. The leader among poker schools is PokerStarter.

PokerStarter is a famous school owned by Amaya. Poker School prepares players for real challenges in the Poker Stars poker room. Here they learn the basics of cash games in Omaha and Texas Hold'em, and also get acquainted with best strategies MTT games and Sit and Go tournaments. The course consists of 4 stages. After each stage you need to pass a test, and if you pass it successfully, you will be given an excellent prize.

Stages of mastering poker

In the First Basic Stage, beginners are taught the basics of the game, combinations and stages. After passing the test, you will be issued a tournament participant ticket with a prize fund of 1000 USD. The second main stage explores the gameplay and key strategies in more detail. After passing the test, a gift is expected - 2 tickets to the tournament; registration $1.20. In the first two stages, prizes are also available to those who have not yet replenished their deposit account.

The next two stages are to get acquainted with FL Hold'em and Sit and Go tournaments. Completion of training for the Sit`n`Go tournament will give you 3 tickets, registration is $3.40. Completing the fourth stage - an additional 20 dollars to increase your deposit in PokerStars school. The third and fourth stages are created for players who have previously registered at a poker school.

Each test can only be taken one week after registering with PokerStars School. According to the administration, this is the most optimal period during which users will be able to familiarize themselves with all the materials on the site.

In addition to training programs, the PokerStarter school offers tournaments between users and various promotions, as well as useful materials that can be found in the school library and on its own forum.

Is in high demand Poker League with a monthly fund of $35,000.

A registered user scores points for each hand played. An overall rating is compiled from the results. At the end of the month, the participants who occupy the first lines of the rating divide the prize leagues among themselves.

“Luck Card” and other promotions

Poker school Poker Starter offers various promotional programs; promotions can be valid at the same time. The most popular promotions are “Progressive Jackpot”, “Invite a Friend” and of course “Card of Fortune”.

Every user can try their luck on PokerStarter. The “Card of Fortune” promotion acts like the well-known lottery tickets, in which the protective layer is erased and the winnings are received. The same principle applies to the luck card from the PokerStarter school. The participant of the action receives a special card, which has a field with a protective layer. Winning is determined by matching 3 symbols from this field. Among the prizes you can find tickets to paid tournaments and freerolls, as well as School Pass or even a progressive Jackpot.

Each participant can use no more than 10 tickets per week, that is, order up to 3 tickets per day. According to the rules of the “Card of Fortune” promotion, the user receives an additional 6 tickets within a week if he already has a deposit with PokerStarter.

The promotion is not always valid. The administration of the PokerStarter school can remove it and return it at absolutely any time.

Thus, one of the best ways To quickly and efficiently learn all the basics of playing poker and test the acquired skills in real conditions - this is an appeal to poker schools. Here you can get not only information about the game, but also useful tips.

The leading position is occupied by the PokerStarter school. The training takes place in four stages, where they become familiar with the basics of the game, strategies and combinations, and then participate in tournaments among school users. All users can take part in real games and tournaments with prize pools of up to $3,500.

Various promotions and special offers are offered to registered users. Among the promotions, the most popular are “Invite a Friend”, “Progressive Jackpot” and “Card of Fortune”, which operates on the principle of a lottery. Take part in promotions and win tickets to tournaments!

No one game project or a platform for gambling cannot do without the presence of various types of promotions that allow you to get additional motivation for further game. It’s nice to know that each site plans individual promotions and offers newcomers, as well as poker veterans, to receive nice prizes.

Today we will look at the PokerStars platform - the largest and most actively developing poker platform. It continues to grow in popularity and offers a range of new promotions almost every week. But today we won’t talk about all of them, but will try to deal with the most interesting one – “Map of Luck”.

What is this promotion?

“Card of Fortune” is a special promotion from the PokerStars portal, which is designed to motivate new players to play actively and simply provide new experiences for fans of gambling entertainment. This promotion is labeled “permanent” and serves as a starting point for the start of the game.

Its essence is that players, using data account, can easily receive a batch of special cards that have disguised cells. It’s enough just to erase them and see what results you got, and then carefully study the availability of information and understand whether there is a win or not.

Is it necessary to use it?

The question immediately arises: is there any point in using this promotion? In fact, any such activity is voluntary, therefore, only you decide whether to take advantage of the conditions of the promotion or not waste time.

But it’s worth thinking about the fact that participation in the promotion will bring you additional income, nice prizes, or even access to major tournaments, participation in which costs a lot of money. Just a few minutes and the willingness to erase the cells on the luck card separate you from victory, so why not take advantage of such a tempting offer?

Participation process

“Poker School – Card of Luck” is a modern, interesting and popular promotion, which is used by every second poker fan. Don't waste your time, better take advantage of this opportunity as soon as possible! To receive a card, just follow these steps:

  1. First, let's go to the main gaming resource
  2. If you have already actively played poker before, then simply log into your profile.
  3. If this is your first time on the site, you should register. All you need to do is download the game client, launch it and go through the registration process.
  4. Once you have received your profile, we return to home page website and go to the “Promotions” item.
  5. In it, select the “Luck Card” item and use the special footnote “Get a Luck Card.”
  6. Enter your details again and receive a batch of lucky cards.

As you can see, the obtaining process is not that complicated, so you can safely use it and win. The main thing is to believe in luck and strive for the best result.

Special conditions of participation

Like any similar promotion, “Card of Fortune” has its own characteristics in terms of participation. It's no secret that for players just starting to understand the delights of poker and for professionals who are actively replenishing their deposit account, the conditions are slightly different.

To be prepared for this, we will indicate the features of this moment:

  1. Card issuance is calculated weekly.
  2. Players who have just started playing and have not yet replenished their account receive a maximum of 10 cards per week.
  3. Players who conduct active financial transactions receive an additional 6 cards every week. In total they receive 16 cards.
  4. Issues occur in the equivalent of up to 3 cards per day, so it is not uncommon for players to open all the cards in the middle of the week. There is no need to be upset about this, since at 00:00 on Monday you will begin a new cycle of receiving cards.

Don’t forget about the process of using the card itself, which looks like this:

  1. You have received an electronic card.
  2. You must erase the masked cells in any order.
  3. Under each cell there is its own designation and name of the prize.
  4. To receive a reward, you must collect at least 3 repetitions of one item.
  5. If the above condition is not met, the prize will not be awarded.

Range of possible prizes

We have looked at how to use the promotion and what it is, all that remains is to look at the possible prizes that will definitely please any poker fan. Already, millions of players are actively receiving prizes and using them for their pleasure:

  1. Electronic ticket “School Pass”, which allows you to take part in any tournament in this area. On this moment Over 100 Poker School tournaments have been announced. The ticket allows you to take part in any of them.
  2. The Monthly Freeroll electronic ticket gives you the opportunity to take part in the largest online tournament with a prize fund exceeding $100,000. Note: participation in such a tournament costs at least $500, so receiving such a prize is already a small victory.
  3. Tickets to daily tournaments with buy-ins: $0.10, $0.50, $1.10. This ticket allows you to participate in frequent, but not such large tournaments for free.
  4. “Progressive Jackpot” is the largest possible win, representing a large amount that has accumulated as a result of player contributions. A small percentage is deducted from each player and as a result a substantial amount is formed. But you should understand that only those players who have deposited money at least once and a minimum of $5 can win the Jackpot.

“Card of Fortune” is the loudest and most successful promotion from the PokerStars poker room. Users respond positively to this idea, and the creators themselves do not intend to stop and are ready to please with pleasant changes regarding this promotion in the future. Play, win and enjoy the process.

Poker schools are special projects for those players who want to get through the initial stage of getting to know poker as quickly as possible and move on to a serious game with good chances of success. When you first deal in a poker room, it seems that it is almost impossible to understand poker, and learning to win regularly is absolutely unrealistic.

It is very difficult to comprehend all the intricacies of the game on your own. It is even difficult for a beginner to determine where to start learning poker, and what goes after what. It is best to use outside help in this situation. If you know an experienced player, you can ask him to take you under his patronage. If this option is not available, then you need to look for something else. There are a large number of resources on the Internet that are dedicated to poker topics. They publish articles for beginners. You can take some information from there, but usually 80% of them are water, and only 20% are important tips.

To comprehensively study poker, it is best to turn to poker schools for help; fortunately, there are now plenty of them everywhere on the Internet. A good poker school will be able to help you get through the period of getting to know the game and learning its basic aspects in the shortest possible time. Many even offer free courses.. And if you already cooperate with someone, then it is better to choose the best brands that have already been tested several times. The leader in this segment is the PokerStarter school.

Getting to know PokerStarter

PokerStarter is another powerful brand under Amaya. This school prepares poker players for the serious challenges of the PokerStars poker room. Here users will be able to learn the basics of cash games in Texas Hold'em and Omaha, as well as familiarize themselves with with strategies for playing MTT and Sit-and-Go tournaments. The entire training course is divided into four stages. Upon completion of each stage, a test is expected. Successfully passing the test gives you the opportunity to receive a good prize.

First stage - base. Here, beginners get a basic understanding of the game, combinations, and stages of the game. After passing the test, the student receives a ticket to participate in a tournament with a prize fund of $1,000. The next stage involves a more detailed study gameplay and strategies. It is called basic. Passing the test will give the player 2 tickets to the tournament with a $1.20 registration fee.

The third and fourth stages are an introduction to Sit and Go tournaments and FL Hold'em. Completing the Sit`n`Go tournament training course will bring the user more 3 tickets with registration $3.40, after the fourth stage - $20 on top to replenish your deposit at the PokerStars poker school.

The first two stages offer prizes for participants who have not yet made a deposit into their account. The third and fourth stages are designed for players who have already registered at the poker school and deposited money into their account. Tests can be taken no earlier than a week after registering at the poker school. The administration believes that in less time, participants simply will not have time to familiarize themselves with the complex of materials that is on the site.

In addition to poker training courses, PokerStarter also offers internal tournaments, promotions, and has its own library and forum. In great demand among users poker school Poker League uses. Registered users on PokerStarter earn points for the hands they play, which is used to create an overall ranking. At the end of each month, the players who are at the top of the rankings share the prize leagues among themselves. The total prize fund of the league every month is 35,000 USD.


PokerStarter poker school has several promotional programs that periodically change each other, and sometimes operate simultaneously. Among the most popular promotions are the progressive Jackpot and the Refer a Friend promotion. But don't forget about "Card of Luck" from the school of poker.

PokerStarter gives its users the opportunity to try their luck. This promotion operates on the principle of the well-known lottery tickets when it is necessary to erase the protection in special place and there will be your winnings. Likewise, a player can receive a lucky card from a poker school. In it you will need to erase the protection in a special field. If 3 symbols match, then a prize awaits you. Most often these are tickets to freerolls or paid tournaments, but sometimes these can be tickets to the School Pass or progressive Jackpot.

Every day one user can order up to 3 tickets, so that no more than 10 in one week.

If the user has already made his first deposit to Poker Stars, then under the terms of the “Card of Fortune” promotion from the poker school, he will receive additional 6 tickets per week.

This promotion is not valid all the time. Sometimes the administration of the poker school removes it, but after some time it returns again.
